University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


Article 7: "The Brothers Directors of the schools are explicitly urged to organize a solemn distribution of prizes for their pupils, either at the end of the school year, or after First Communion ceremonies" MOREAU LETTER 23

Exhibition Hall: 1857: "A wood shed, 100' x 25' should be built by Mr. Hudson in such manner as to be used for the public exhibition, $60.00 in cash, the rest in trade. The lumber requisite be got from Mishawaka also by trading" LOCAL COUNCIL, Nov. 30, 1857

" . . . .that exhibitions, musical entertainments, debates and lectures together with the time employed in their preparation, are no more than so much wasted time to the college student . . . Now this opinion is a mistake. The development of the intellect is always to be subservient, not only to the religious and moral, but even to the social virtues . . . So that the cultivation of the social virtues should go hand in hand with the intellectual progress, and intellectual virtues should be made to contribute their quota to the social virtues." 1867

"Exhibitions are always a source of amusement, pleasant and instructional at Notre Dame. Indeed, it would be strange if they were otherwise. They are so to those who take part in them, as well as to the audience: for everyone feels a pleasure in endeavoring to please his neighbor. Many are they who take part, each one contributing his little to the common stock, and in the collection of these littles we have an exhibition." Portrayed Shylock, the Band, Songs, Dialogs, Batthle of Fontenouy, Scene from 'Cataline', 1872

(France) "The most brilliant of the sessions of the literary society was always that which preceeded the distribution of prizes. Then the President of the Academy gave an account in a printed report of the work of the whole year." 1867

(School Exhibition, 1877) "I have a good deal to do with schools of all sorts: public, private, parochial, religious and secular; and I find that regular public exams is one method that always tells on one class of schools, these exams, given by a board authorized to decide upon the standing of each pupil, and upon the fitness of the instruction given. LIttle account is to be given to the so-called exhibitions, at which the parents or perhaps some distinguished visitors are present. The exhibition may be very gratifying to those who take the principal parts in it, but has nothing to do with the real excellence of the school..The modern fashion of exhibitions belongs to private schools, where, indeed, they should only follow examinations, as public as the circumstances will admit; but they cannot be said to have any place, save those of a pastime, in such schools as we have now under consideration. The working man, the man of limited means, who counts upon his children to help him to carry the burden of life, at least so far as to take care of themselves, must have quite a different style of education from that which closes with the music and drama of an academy or college education . . . ." (From a letter of a Chicagoan) SCHOLASTIC, 11:248, 1877

" . . . . the number of invitations to the Annual Commencement must be limited to a few, as it was injurious to the order and discipline of the Community of NOtre Dame, to have such a concourse or people here for such a lengh of time." Local Council, Sept. 12

"The Musicians' Boards (Bands) of S. Bend, Mishawaka, and Niles shall be invited for our next monthly exhibition, and a supper shall be prepared for them" Local Council, Dec. 18, 1848

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