University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


"Brother Frederick and his faithful assistants are kept busy painting, graining, and otherwise decorating the new building." SCHOLASTIC, October 18, 1879

"Brother Frederick is doing excellent work on the fresco painting in the chapels of the new estension to the church. Theornamentations will be similar in design and finish to those in the nave, and, like them, will form the framework of the beautiful series of paintings by Greogovi." SCHOLASTIC, April 16, 1887

"Brother Frederick and a capable assistant have been actively engaged for the past weeks in the work of gilding the grand Dome on the Main Building. More than one half is at the present writing completed, and a few days more will see the whole work accomplished. Even as it is, the glistening Dome in the sunlight presents a most brilliant spectacle to the travelers of our Railroads as they draw near South Bend, and to the observer everywhere for miles around. The design was indeed happily conceived and is being most artistically executed." SCHOLASTIC, August 14, 1886

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›