University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


"We know that throughout the country new schools and new staffs are answering the call of needs with an alacrity and a success which saves millions of dollars in taxation, and which constitutes in many respects the greatest achievement of Catholicism on this side of the ocean.

"But perhaps it is best to think of all their work in terms of quality. I do not mean intellectual quality. Anyone who has seen the zeal with which teaching Brothers labor through even the hottest summer to prepare themselves more fully for the work of the following year, who has had occasion to observe the interest taken in modern educational development and constantly changing theory, who has considered the scrupulousness with which new standards have been accepted -- this anyone will know perfectly well that so much patience and industry have been amassed by no other educational organization in the world."

-- Commonweal, Geo. N. Shuster 1928.

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›