University of Notre Dame

Calendar (1797/04/01)

1797 Apr. 1

Valdes, Father Juan de Dios

Proceedings in the advancement of Valdes to subdeaconship. deaconship and priesthood

(1796) (Dec. 9)

Valdes, Juan de Dios
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas
New Orleans, Louisiana)

Valdes appears and states that he wishes to receive the subdeaconship, therefore he has assumed clerical clothes and has come to the colony into the bishop's family. He presents the documents of his baptism, confirmation and four minor orders and his dimissory letters from the prelate of his native country. He has a benefice in the Diocese of Havana, of 2500 pesos. He was baptized March 14, (17)73.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 9

Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of
(New Orleans), Louisiana

The documents are to be presented as testimony and three witnesses, Father Ubaldo Delgado, (O.F.M.), Father Agustin Lamare, (O.F.M.), and Jose Lopez are to depose. Father Isidro Quintero, as pro-secretary, notarizes this and adds in four notes that he notified Valdes, Delgado and Lopez of the above decree.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1794 Jun. 13

(Sieni de Barcelona) Barcinome, Cirilo de, Bishop of Tricali
Havana, (Cuba)

On June 13, 1794, Sieni de Barcelona conferred minor orders on Valdes in the city of Havana. Estephan Emmanuel de Elosua as secretary signs with the bishop.

D.S. Copy (Latin)

1796 Dec. 9

Quintero, Father Isidro
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Quintero certifies that the above is a copy of the original document which he returned to the person who gave them to him.

D.S. (Spanish)

1795 Dec. 14

Duenas, Man(uel) de
Havana, (Cuba)

Duenas, as notary, certifies that Valdes, a cleric in minor orders, has been granted the chaplaincy of Mrs. Barbara Hernandez of 500 pesos and also of another lay chaplaincy of Mrs. Maria Josefa de la Luz Cambon of 1000 pesos.

D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 9

Quintero, Father Isidro
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Quintero certifies that Valdes has been granted a chaplaincy of 1000 pesos established by Penalver on this same date.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1795 Jun. 11

Trespalacios, Bishop Phelipe J(ose)ph
Havana, (Cuba)

Valdes having declared that he wishes to receive sacred orders and having arranged to go to Penalver, Trespalacios gives him his dimissory letters. Valdes is a foundling, of good life and habits, with no canonical impediments. This is notarized by Francisco Fontes, secretary. There is a seal.

D.S. (Spanish)

1795 Sep. 8

Payba, Father Estevan de
(Havana, Cuba)

Payba, chaplain of the foundling home, certifies that in the baptismal register of the home there is the following: On March 11, 1773 a baby was placed in St. Joseph's Foundling Home and on the following day Father Jose Solano, chaplain, baptized him as Juan de Dios. His godfather was Ignacio Arroyo. A marginal note stated that Juan de Dios Celedonio Jose brought a paper which said that he had been born March 3. By order of Vicar-General Luis de Penalver issued March 22, 1787, Duenas, the notary, informed him of this addition to the case of Juan de Dios. (This transcript) is signed by Payba. He also certifies that in another register of the foundlings and their nurses is found the following: On March 11, 1773 the baby was entrusted to Maria Fran(cis)ca Chamendia. (These transcripts conform to the original entries).

D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 9

(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

A questionnaire of 9 items for the examining of Delgado, Lamare and Lopez in the case of Valdes. This is signed with the bishop's flourish.

D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 9

Delgado, (O.F.M.), Father Ubaldo
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Delgado appears and in answer to the preceding questionnaire, swears that: Valdes is a foundling of the Home in Havana, attends church daily and receives the Sacraments, is not a gambler nor quarrelsome nor does he frequent suspicious houses, Delgado does not believe that Valdes has contracted any betrothal or contract, Valdes dresses ad a cleric and does not carry weapons nor assist in profane government, he leads a good life and is inclined toward the priesthood, he has no disease and no physical nor spiritual defect, has never been an attorney or held an office that could have led to any irregularities, there is no obstacle to the receiving of the order of subdeacon. This is signed by Delgado and with the bishop's flourish, before Quintero as Pro-Secretary.

D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 9

Lamare, (O.F.M.), Father Augustin
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Lamare appears and in answer to the questionnaire, swears to (essentially the same statements as given above by Delgado). This is signed by Lamare and with the bishop's flourish before Quintero.

D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 9

Lopez, Josef Perez
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Lopez appears and swears to (essentially the same statements as given above). He signs as Josef Lopez Perez, the bishop signs with his flourish, Quintero is the notary.

D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 10

Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of
(New Orleans), Louisiana

Delgado is to examine Valdes in Latin and ethics. Quintero certifies this and adds in two notes that he notified Delgado and Valdes of the decree.

D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 10

Delgado, (O.F.M.), Father Ubaldo
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Having examined Valdes in Latin and Moral Theology, Delgado found him fit to receive sacred orders.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 10

Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bihsop of
(New Orleans), Louisiana

In view of having been informed that Valdes deserves to be admitted to the subdiaconate and in consideration of the fact that his chaplaincies are only enough for residence outside the city of Havana, he is to make his oath and to make spiritual exercises under the direction of Father Tirzo de (Peleagonzalo) Pelea Gonzalo, O.M.Cap. for seven days to be completed after the reception of orders on December 17 at 7:30 in the morning in the church of the Ursulines. Quintero certifies this and adds in two notes that he notified Valdes and Pelea Gonzalo of the decree.

D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 10

Quintero, Father Isidro
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Valdes appeared and swore that he will not establish residence within the city of Havana, on his return. This is signed by Valdes.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 22

Peleagonzalo, (O.M.Cap.), Father Tirso
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Peleagonzalo certifies that Valdes has completed ten days of spiritual exercise, seven before and three after receiving the subdiaconate, has confessed and received Communion and has done other Christian acts which precede the reception of sacred orders.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1796 Dec. 22

Quintero, Father Isidro
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Quintero certifies that Penalver conferred the subdeaconship on Valdes on December 17, 1796.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

(1797) (Feb. 25)

Valdes, Juan de Dios
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Valdes desires to receive the order of deacon. Since he was born March 7, (17)73, he will be more than 24 years old on the 11th of next month.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Feb. 25

Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of
(New Orleans), Louisiana

The witnesses already examined in the case are to declare again in case they should have any changes to make in their statements. Quintero certifies this and adds in a note that he notified Valdes of the decree.

D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Feb. 27

(Quintero, Father Isidro)
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Delgado appears before Penalver and swears to the (same statements given on December 9, 1796). Delgado signs and the bishop signs with his flourish.

A.L.S. (Spanish)

1797 Feb. 27

(Quintero, Father Isidro)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Lamare appears and swears to the (same statements he made on December 9, 1796). Lamare signs and the bishop signs with his flourish.

A.D. (Spanish)

1797 Feb. 27

(Quintero, Father Isidro)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Jose Lopez Perez appears and swears to the (same statements he made on December 9, 1796). Lopez signs as Josef Lopez y Perez and the bishop signs with his flourish.

A.D. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 1

Sedella, O.M.Cap., Father Antonio de
New Orleans, Louisiana

Sedella, pastor of the Cathedral of New Orleans certifies that since he has known him, Valdes has led a life of good habits corresponding to his vocation as a minister of the Church, and has carried out the functions of subdeacon with modesty and edification.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 1

(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Delgado is to examine Valdes for his fitness for the order of deacon. Quintero certifies this.

D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 1

Delgado, (O.F.M.), Father Ubaldo
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Delgado has examined Valdes in Latin and Moral Theology and found him prepared.

D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 2

Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of
(New Orleans), Louisiana

Penalver accepts the petition of Valdes for the order of deacon and dispensing him from the requirements of age, orders that he make a retreat for 9 days under the direction of Pelea Gonzalo and that he present himself for the reception of the order on March 11 at 7 in the morning in the church of the Ursulines. Quintero certifies this decree and adds in notes that he notified Valdes and Peleagonzalo.

D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 10

Peleagonzalo, (O.M.Cap.), Father Tirso
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Peleagonzalo certifies that Valdes has made the 9 day retreat and is prepared to receive the deaconship.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 11

Quintero, Father Isidro
New Orleans, Louisiana

Quintero certifies that on March 11, 1797, Penalver conferred the order of deacon on Valdes, there being present Father Thomas Hasset(t), Father Fran(cis)co Perez Guerrero, canons, and many ecclesiastics and other people.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

(1797) (Mar. 21)

Valdes, Juan de Dios
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Valdes petitions to receive the sacred order of the priesthood. He began his twenty-fifth year on (March) 7.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 21

Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of
(New Orleans), Louisiana

Father Luis de Quintanilla, (O.M.Cap.), Delgado and Lamare are to testify if they find any impediments to the reception of the order of priesthood in this case. Quintero certifies this decree and adds in notes that he notified Valdes, Quintanilla, Delgado, and Lamare of it.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 21

(Quintero, Father Isidro)
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Quintanilla appeared and testified that he found no impediments. Quintanilla signs and the bishop signs with his flourish.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 21

(Quintero, Father Isidro)
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Delgado appeared and testified that he found no impediments. Delgado signs and the bishop signs with his flourish.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 21

(Quintero, Father Isidro)
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Lamare appeared and testified that he found no impediments. Lamare signs and the bishop signs with his flourish.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 22

(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Delgado is to examine Valdes as to his fitness to receive sacred order; the secretary is to certify as to his exercise of the order of deacon. Quintero is the notary for this decree and adds in a note that he notified Delgado of it.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 22

Delgado, (O.F.M.), Father Ubaldo
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Delgado certified that he examined that he examined Valdes in Latin and Moral Theology and found him sufficiently prepared to receive sacred orders.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 22

Quintero, Father Isidro
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Quintero certifies that Valdes has exercised his ministry as deacon in the Convent of the Ursulines.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 22

Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of
(New Orleans), Louisiana

Penalver accepts the petition of Valdes for the priesthood and dispensing him from the interval for the completion of the year because of the necessity for workers, he orders that Valdes make a retreat under the direction of Pelea Gonzalo for 9 days, and present himself on the first Saturday of April in the Church of the Ursulines at 7 in the morning to receive the priesthood. Quintero certifies this decree and adds in notes that he notified Valdes and Peleagonzalo of it.

D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Mar. 23

Peleagonzalo, (O.M.Cap.), Father Tirso
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Peleagonzalo testifies that Valdes completed the 9 day retreat and is disposed for the reception of the order of priesthood.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1797 Apr. 1

Quintero, Father Isidro
New Orleans, Louisiana

Quintero certifies that on April 1, 1797, Penalver conferred the sacred order of the priesthood on Valdes in the Church of the Ursulines of New Orleans, there being present Hassett and Guerrero, canons with many other ecclesiastics and people of the town.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

Iv-5-n D.S., A.D.S. (Spanish) 38pp. 4to.