University of Notre Dame

Calendar (1798/12/31)

1798 Dec. 31

McKenna, Father Constantino
Mobile, (Alabama)

to (Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Report of the census of the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Mobile for 1798: 619 men, 412 women, 25 English, a total of 1056. There was an increase of 36 over the year before.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1798 Lennan, Father (Francis) Fran(cis)co
Bayou Sara, Louisiana

to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Lennan is established at Bayou Sara since he finds it almost impossible to care for the needs of the parish from Punta Cortada. Up to today he has said not more than two Masses for lack of a sacristan, it being impossible to secure a suitable one here, since all the Catholics he knows in this district do not come as stated in the enclosed census except 16 and these are very poor and illiterate. Lennan finds himself pastor of a very large parish with the obligation of maintaining a decent house and of gathering his flock, without even 20 pesos a year in fees and as a consequence he hopes that (Penalver) will present his situation to the king and procure an increase in his salary. If he does his duty as he did in Natches and as every other priest in the Province does, it seems just that he should not have it worse than the other priests who for the most part have good parishes and some fees. As in all his necessities he must have recouse to (Penalver) and the Governor General so he presents them now as he has done in person to the Governor so that (Penalver) may take into consideration that he is without a church, a house or fees.

A.L.S. (Spanish)


1798 Jul. 15

Lennan, Father Fran(cis)co
Bayou Sarah, Louisiana

to (Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Census of the parish of New Feliciana in the Diocese of Louisiana for 1798, including all of this district up to the dividing line between his Catholic Majesty and the United States: 238 men, 202 women, a total of 929 counting the slaves. None have fulfilled the Easter duty, the parish has neither church nor rectory. In this whole parish there are only 16 fathers of Catholic families.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1798 Aug. 5

(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of
New Orleans, Louisiana

to Father Fran(cis)co Lenan [Lennan]
Bayou Sara, Louisiana

On July 15, Lenan [Lennan] sent the census of Bayou Sara. Although this fulfills the instructions of '95 (Penalver) should know with more detail what kind of people comprise the 929 souls and what nationalities, how many heads of families and their names and religion. Lenan is to take time and consider if this is necessary for the recorder. As to the increase in salary, it is necessary to send a statement of Lenan's merits to the king and (Penalver) will do so and send another, if it will be helpful, to the Governor.

L.S. Draft (Spanish)

1798 Jun. 6

Colman, Father (James) Santiago
Pensacola, (Florida)

to Bishop Luis de Penalver
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Colman encloses the census of the parish and the list of those who have not made their Easter duty.

A.L.S. (Spanish)


1798 Jun. 6

Colman, Father Santiago
Pensacola, (Florida)

Census of St. Michael's parish at Pensacola for 1798: a total of 712 souls including 143 prisioners(?) and 90 non-Catholics. There are 43 less than last year. Many have failed to make their Easter Duty whose names Colman encloses. There is a fixed annual income of 50 pesos and incidental fees this year of 9 pesos 4 reales. Guillermo Panton and his dependents who number 71 and are included in the Protestants are British subjects permitted by the king for trade with the Indies.

D.S. (Spanish)


1798 Jun. 6

Colman, Father Santiago
Pensacola, (Florida)

A list of those who have not made their Easter Duty in 1798 in the parish of St. Michael.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1798 Aug. 4

Deva, (O.M. Cap.), Father Bern(ar)do de
La Fourche, (Louisiana)

to Bishop Luis de Penalver y Cardenas
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

On his arrival, Deva sends the census asked of all pastors in the Instructions, Article 48.

A.L.S. (Spanish)


1798 May 25

Deva, Father Bern(ar)do
Valenzuela, Louisiana

Census of the parish of the Assumption at Valenzuela for 1797; 1145 men, 930 women, a total of 2075, an increase of 24 over last year. 309 made their Easter duty. 11 pesos should be realized from the pew rent. This church needs everything and there is absolute need for more priests as the territory now occupies almost 25(?) leagues.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1798 ( )

Blace, O.F.M., Father (Jerome) Geronimo
First German Coast, Louisiana

to (Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

State of the Church of St. Charles, First German Coast, 1798: a total of 2419 persons. there were 22 baptisms, 29 deaths and 5 marriages of whites, 44 baptisms, 33 deaths and no marriages for colored. Blace certifies that having visited all the houses of the district he found a profound ignorance among all classes of people, due principally to the infrequency of attendance at church to hear instructions which the priest gives on the days prescribed by the Council of Trent; which difficulty arises from the poverty of the people on both sides of the river who do not have boats and to the ignorance, noted in the fathers of families so that, not having school teachers they can never overcome it. Blace could in part remedy this if (Penalver) will permit him to bring in catechists, giving him permission to say Mass on the other side of the river. This would bear much fruit and take away the complaints of those colonists who declare that they cannot practice their religion because of poverty. The church has no income. The people he has visited are Catholics. Blace does not know how many went to Holy Communion the year before; for that, Father Flavien (de Besancon), his predecessor, would have to be consulted. This is the state of the church at the beginning of the year 1798.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1798 Nov. 24

Lamare, Father Agustin
Balisa, (Louisiana)

to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Anselmo Ronquillo, son of the doctor at Balisa, wishes to marry a resident of this vicinity, and asks to have Lamare perform it at this fort: if (Penalver) will accede, by his example it may be there will be more who want the same. Lamare asks (Penalver) to give his rules governing the administration of matrimony and baptism to those who present themselves from this vicinity. As for the place to say Mass there is a lobby, which can accommodate the whole garrison and vicinity and a permanent altar could easily be put in it so Lamare thinks that even when it is decided to build a house for the priest outside the fort; it will not be convenient to say Mass outside it, especially on festival days because all can be accommodated in it.

A.L.S. (Spanish)

On the same paper:

1798 Nov. 28

(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of
New Orleans, Louisiana

to Father Agustin Lamare
(Balize, Louisiana)

(Penalver) has just received Lamare's letter of the 24th asking permission to perform the marriage of Ronquillo and for his opinion on others who might apply and for baptisms. (Penalver) grants Lamare faculties which he may exercise on both sides of the river from Gentilly to Valiza for any of the faithful living in this district who apply. Lamare is to make a notation which is to be entered, on his return, in the books of this parish so that there will be a signed paper for testimony.

L.S. Draft (Spanish)

V-2-a A.D.S., A.L.S., L.S. Draft, D.S. (Spanish) 19pp. 8vo. 4to. & folio