University of Notre Dame

Calendar (1800/05/19)

1800 (May 19)

Brusard, Eloy

Dispensation asked by Eloy Brusard in order to marry Margarita Thibaudau.

1800 Apr. 21

Brusard, Eloy
( )

to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas
(New Orleans), Louisiana

Brusard of St. Martin parish, Atakapas, the son of Josef Brusard and Marg(ari)ta Savoye and Margarita Thibaudau of the same parish, daughter of Anselme Thibaudau and Margarita Melanson desire to marry but are related in the third degree. Carlos Thibaudau and A(g)nes Thibaudau were brother and sister. Carlos is the father of Anselme Thibaudau and Anes [Agnes] is the mother of Josef Brusard, father of Eloy Duga. The families of Brusard and Thibaudau are so large in the parish that almost all are related.

D. (Spanish)

On the same paper:

1800 May 17

(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis)
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Juan Bautista Verar of Atacapas, who is in New Orleans, is to appear and testify.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1800 Apr. 21

Barriere, Father Mig(ue)l Bern(ar)do
Atakapas, Louisiana

to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas)
(New Orleans), Louisiana

Eloy Brousard cannot appear in person because he is the only support of his 61 year old mother and Josef Brusard his brother went down to the city two years ago for a dispensation and died on the return trip. Now the mother says if Eloy goes down the same thing will happen to him. They are related to Brunete's majordomo J(uan) B(autis)ta Brusard. This family ought to follow in line with Alexandre Brusard to whom (Penalver) granted a dispensation from the third degree.

A.L.S. (Spanish)

1800 May 19

Quintero, Father Isidro
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Verar appeared and testified that Eloy Brusard is the son of J(ose)ph Brusard, son of Ignes Tibaudau, daughter of N. Tibaudeau. Margarita Tibaudau is the daughter of Anselmo Tibaudau, son of Carlos Tibaudau, son of the above N. Tibaudau, the common stock. Margarita's mother is dead and her father has many children so that Margarita and another son of his first marriage could only find another home by marrying. Verar signs as Jean Berard.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1800 May 19

Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis
New Orleans, Louisiana

Penalver grants the dispensation under certain conditions of prayer and penance.

D.S. (Spanish)

V-2-i D., A.D.S., A.L.S., D.S. (Spanish) 9pp. 4to.