University of Notre Dame


1843 Jun. 1
Duhart, L.A.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipt for $125 for 5 months house rent. Signed for Duhart by Jos(eph) Bazanac.

V-4-n - Receipt - (French) - 1p. - 32mo. - {2}

1843 Jun. 2
Armengol, C.M., Father B(onaventure): (Assumption, Louisiana)
 to Father E(tienne) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Mr. Lagarde, administrator of the estate of the late Father (John B.) Audizio, said that in regard to Father (John) Caretta, (C.M.)'s interest, it was necessary for Caretta to send him a certified paper cancelling the note to Father (Charles Henry de Boutelou) St. Aubin. Rousselon is to notify Caretta. They are not receiving the Propagateur. If it is because their subscription is not paid Rousselon is to pay it and charge it to their account. Their seminarians are on retreat for Pentecost.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {5}

1843 Jun. 2
Beauprez, Father Pierre F.: Pointe Coupée, Louisiana

Marriage certificate of Jean Laurans and Melanie Labry. On March 28, 1837, Father (Jean) Martin, pastor, married Laurans, a native of France, son of the late Guillaume Laurans and Anne Cortez and Melanie, the daughter of Alexandre Labry and Melanie Vignes. The witnesses were Alexandre Labry, William Laurans, Jules Tanaret, and Hy(acin)te Decou. Beauprez states that this is a true copy.

V-4-n - A.D.S. - (French) - 2pp. - folio - {8}

1843 Jun. 2
Communy, J(ea)n: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Father (Stephen) Rousselon wishes to re-roof the church on Ursulines Street between Conde and Levee and to cover the inside courtyard with slate. Since these repairs will not add to the danger of fire, they can be granted by the mayor. Communy signs as overseer of the First M(unicipalit)y. W(illia)m(?) Freret signs as mayor and grants the petition.

V-4-n - A.D.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1843 Jun. 6
Derepo: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipt for $3 for repair of the lock and other repairs of the tabernacle.

V-4-n - Receipt S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}

1843 June 7
McKenzie, William L.: New York, (New York)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: (B oston, Massachusetts)

He has been for more than a twelvemonth preparing a Biographical Dictionary containing sketches of the lives of Irishmen. As Brownson had informed him that his parents were from Ireland, he wants Brownson to send particulars of his life for publication. Ireland seems to be on the eve of a great movement, unless the English government yields to (Daniel) O'Connell.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1843 Jun. 7
Martin, Father G(iles) F.: St. Martinville, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, Louisiana

Since Martin's return he has not had a minute to tell about his health or his difficulties. He found Father (Peter) Lucas taken with the idea of a salary which the fabrique ought to pay him although a follow up proved that the fallacious language on which it was based was only pure deception to prevent Martin from imposing a tax for him and his congregation. On may 15 Martin wrote the trustees a letter expressing his wish for a salary for the assistant. Their negative reply was motivated by their displeasure toward the Bishop who had not consulted them about a need for an assistant. They even talk of demanding other arrangements since the last ones made for Father (Charles Henry de Boutelou) St. Aubin with the Bishop are very injurious to the fabrique. Rousselon may have already seen the communications from the Director General of the fabriques of Opelousas and Attakapas, Mr. Dumartrait. Rousselon can see what their situation is. Martin's health will always be bad here; it makes him turn his eyes toward his dear St. Lo.; he needs a little time of quiet. Those are the reasons for returning to France. The laws of this young country are too changeable. The trustees deserve to be abandoned to their impiety. Martin will not pay rent to the trustees for a church belonging to the congregation. Otherwise he would leave and consider himself a missionary. To fear them is pusillanimity. Poor Louisiana! The faithful are dismayed and expect that the Bishop will withdraw both of them and they will be abandoned. Martin does not dare to say anything as he does not know the Bishop's plans but if the Bishop yields, all is lost. Martin asks Rousselon to give him advice about his return to France. If he did not fear they would take his going for cowardice he would already be on the way and be prepared to see Rousselon again on his return to their mother country.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - folio - {5}

1843 Jun. 7
Riggs, Cha(rle)s: (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipt for $75 for premium on renewal of Policy No. 3791 from June 10, 1843 to June 10, 1844. Riggs signs as secretary of the Ocean Insurance Office.

V-4-n - A. Receipt S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {2}

1843 Jun. 9
Calot, A.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father E(tienne) Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipt for $12 for materials and labor at St. Augustine's Church.

V-4-n - A. Receipt S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1843 Jun. 10
Margret, Father A.D.: Vermillionville, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The election of the trustees did not have the result Megret expected. The party, recruited by Sheriff Mouton and his constable got together all the most evil of the parish and the candidates of the opposition won the majority. Rousselon can judge of their will when he knows that one of them charged at Megret in the street with a stick. He started suit against the man in order to stop these evil ones. The people Lafayette are excellent. The good groan but the country is in fear of the anti-curé party. Megret intends to use the assault on his person to open the eyes of the trustees and commit themselves to placing the temporal administration of their church in the hands of authority or Megret will have another one built. All the good Catholics want it. The fabrique of Vermillionville was set up on February 28, 1824 only for a period of 10 years, to since 1834 this corporation has no longer existed. At the present time it would be subject to the Bishop. If Rousselon thinks the same he is to tell Megret what to do. In his last letter the Bishop told Megret that he left him free to act in circumstances where he did not have time to consult him; however Megret wants Rousselon to reply by the next post and tell him what to do. Megret is leaving for the mission for two weeks and will not say Mass for two Sundays at Lafayette. On his return, if the trustees do not agree with him, he will go back to their church, if Rousselon will permit this. He has at the entrance of the town, a fine large house which could serve at a parish house and a piece of land adjoining where he could have a church built. In his opinion this is the only way to establish peace for the pastor.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {3}

1843 Jun 15
Kellon, John H.: Eatonton, G(eorgia)
 to Mr. and Mrs. O(restes) A. Brownson: Chelsea, Mass(achusetts)

Kellom has a friend going north so he is having him carry this letter. Kellom got a good and profitable position when he arrived in town last November, The weather is quite warm. The corn is over his head. The negroes work hard from daybreak to twilight. They seem so happy. Yet the must be discontented because so many of them run away, only to come back starving or be returned by captors to receive a flogging. Brownson is well known in the South from his writings in the "Democratic Review". Kellom hears that Brownson is publishing a paper himself. He asks to be entered on the list of subscribers. Kellom then describes the political fervor in the South over the coming Presidential election. He condludes asking about the health of all the Brownsons and says that his is excellent.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1843 Jun. 16
Armengol, C.M., Father B(onaventure): Cape Gérardeau, (Missouri)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: St. Louis, M(issour)i

Armengol must go to Paris with Father (John) Timon, (C.M.) and Father (John) Boullier, (C.M.) for the election of the Superior General of the (Vincentians). Bishop (John Mary) Odin (C.M.) will replace him. Armengol has left the seminary in as good a state as possible. Father (John Francis) Llebaria, (C.M.) is at present the president, and he has Fathers (Joachim) Alabau, (C.M.) and (Anthony) Andrieux. Father (J.M.) Masnou, (C.M.) is alone at Donaldson. Father (P.J.) Doutreluingne, who has been there as deputy of the seminary, will return at once. Father (Stephen) Rousselon is awaiting Blanc impatiently. He, all the priests at Blanc's house and the Cathedral, Fathers Perché and Fort were all in good health the 8th of the month when Armengol left New Orleans.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {11}

1843 Jun. 16
Armengol, (C.M.), Father B(onaventure): Cape Girardeau, (Missouri)
 To Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Armengol is leaving for Paris with Father (John) Timon, (C.M.) and Father (John) Boullier, (C.M.). He hopes to return to St. Vincent Seminary as soon as possible. He has learned that Bishop (Anthony) Blanc will not be New Orleans until the last of the month. Bishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.) will take Armengol's place at the Seminary during his absence. Rousselon is to send $200 at the end of July to Father (Hector) Figari, (C.M.) Superior of St. Mary of the Barrens. Figari says to send it by the steamboat Ben Franklin, Captain Casey or Pilot Corry Watson.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - folio - {8}

1843 Jun. 16
Frenaye, M(ark) A.: Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Frenaye sends Blanc a letter written by Pierre Bousquet … (For complete calendar see original of 9 cards).

Cross references:

1. Bishop Anthony Blanc
2. Pierre Bousquet
3. Margueritte Bouret
4. Emile J. Brasier
5. Albert Bousquet
6. Adrien Bousquet
7. Fréderic Bousquet
8. A.D. Doriocourt
9. Mr. Lezaire
10. Hermogine Brown

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 10pp. - 4to. - {10}

1843 Jun. 16
Giustiniani, C.M., Father J(oseph): Natchitoches, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

Two persons presented themselves to Father (Roman) Pasc(u)al(?) at Bayou Pierre, where he has been for almost two months, to be married in the Church, having already been married before a judge. They are cousins, J.B. Baudin and Marie Babé. They ask for the necessary dispensation. Colonel E.O. Blanchard wants the Bishop to procure a place at the Asylum for an orphan he has brought up in his house. He will pay the necessary board. The Colonel is a Protestant but he wants the orphan brought up in the Catholic Church. Giustiniani received the leaflets of the Propagation of the Faith and hopes to send 7 or 8 groups soon. They complain of not having the numbers in sequence. He has not begun the Archconfraternity of the Holy Heart of Mary; he is waiting for Pasc(u)al to return from his long mission where he has been much blessed according to the letters he has written to Giustiniani.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {6}

1843 June 16
Greeley, Horace: Boston, Massachusetts
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Boston, Massachusetts

He sends Brownson's a copy of Atkinson's "Political Economy" which they are publishing to-day in New York, and he asks Brownson to overthrow, if possible, its main position. He promises to do the same for any work on Brownson's side of the question. He would like Brownson to give them a reading and then demolish them in the Democratic (Review?). They of the Protective school contend that they are misrepresented as advocative of local as against universal interests. He regards Mr. Atkinson as deficient in his constructive or affirmative positions, but as complete in his negative position, or the overthrow of Free Trade Economists. He is sure that the doctrines of the schools — the fundamental ideas of capital, labor, profits, etc. — are vicious and unsound.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1843 June 17
Baraga, (Father) Frederick: Lapointe, (Wisconsin)
 to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere: Detroit, Michigan

Baraga who was in L'Anse on a mission during Spring, on returning June 16 found among many letters which arrived on the first boat on May 30, 4 letters from the Bishop written on Oct. 17, 1842-Feb. 10, 1843- April 10 and 20, 1843. Sault Ste. Marie had no postoffice last winter, therefore the delay. Letter of Oct. 17 contains the rights and powers which the Bishop conceded to his priests. Baraga promises to observe them strictly. He asks the Bishop's advice in one matter. He had been told by experienced missionaries at the beginning of his own missionary career to baptize all those who were converted to the Catholic faith from another Christian religion "conditionally" except those from the Anglican church. That practice was recommended, because generally the converts were baptized before, and, as it was said, the ministers had baptized with rosewater, or baptized only "in the name of the Lord Jesus" without naming the three persons of the Holy Trinity. He also regards these baptisms as private baptisms. Baraga has always baptized "conditionally" all Indian and half-breeds whom he converted. But it worries him, because in the controversy which St. Cyprian had with the Holy See (Pope Stephen), Rome had decided that it is not necessary to rebaptize the heretics. Baraga thinks if they were not baptized with natural water or in the name of the Holy Trinity, the first baptism is void. Concerning persons or children who have been baptized privately, he rebaptized them in full form, because he could never be sure if the baptism was done according to all the rules of the Catholic Church. In the second letter, the Bishop had sent him the rules for Lent, but these came too late. The Bishop also asked him several questions which Baraga will answer on a separate sheet of paper. In the third letter the Bishop instructs Baraga to say a prayer to the Holy Ghost every day at Mass and to continue to do so until the meeting of the Council is over. But though the Council may be over, Baraga will say the prayer nevertheless. In the fourth letter the Bishop invites Baraga to assist at the dedication of the new German Church at Detroit under the invocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on June 29, and to give the sermon. He would accept with great joy, partly because he would love to assist at such a great solemnity after the monotony of his mission, partly because of his desire to see the Bishop, partly also because the 29th of June is very dear to him. It is the day on which he was born in 1797 and baptized. But it is absolutely impossible for him to be there, for there is no ship here which he could take. Even if a ship would come today or tomorrow as it is expected, he could not get away before June 22. The time would be too short to arrive in Detroit in time. Baraga is quite disappointed that the Bishop may not be able to visit Lapointe this year. He thanks him for paying his order to Mr. Crooks and he hopes that contributions from Austria will soon settle that amount. He intends to spend next winter at another place in his mission because he thinks his duty towards the mission demands this of him. But he does not like to leave Lapointe without a priest during his absence. He asks the Bishop to send Father (Otto) Skolla whether he knows French or not. Baraga hopes that he can spare him as Father George Godez from Austria may have arrived already in Detroit according to letters which he received from Europe. Father Godez could stay with the Germans in Detroit and Father Skolla could come to Lapointe. All the Bishop would have to pay is for the trip, everything else will be taken care of by Father Baraga. Father Skola is to be in Lapointe only while Baraga is absent, when he returns, Skola will go to some other part of the mission. Baraga asks the Bishop to keep the mission of Lake Superior in mind. It is very large and has some thirty false prophets. He is all alone in that vast district. The poor Catholic Indians desire greatly to have a priest and a confessor more often. He regards himself as made anathema for the brethern.

III-2-h - A.L.S. - French and Latin - 5pp. {3}

1843 Jun. 17
Llebaria, C.M., Father John Francis: Assumption, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Telesphorus Michel and Helena Theriot, related in the second degree, ask for a dispensation. Llebaria received a letter from the fathers of the couple asking him to publish the banns without telling him of the impediment. They live in the bayous, very far from the church. There was trouble between the families and to make peace it could be that the parents contributed to this union. Their affection might lead them to be married before a judge; they have a judge who tells them they are very much married before a judge without anything else. All are well at the Seminary.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1843 Jun. 17
Lucas, Fielding, Jr.: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Bishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

A bill of lading on the Barque Mary, Captain Jos(eph) Myrick (who signs) and a bill for $18.93 for books bought from Lucas. (On the same paper in Blanc's hand, a list of books with their prices and the words): Paid to Father (Gilbert?) Raymond.

V-4-n - Bill - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1843 Jun. 18
Soller, S.J., Father J(oseph): Grand Coteau, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Soller received Rousselon's letter of June 6 and the admittance diploma. Father Joset(?) said he was sending the formula for establishment, a manual and a copy of the Annals of the Archconfraternity; they are probably at the bishop's house.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}

1843 Jun(?.) 21
Ladavière, S.J., Father A. P(ierre): St. Michael, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Bishop (Anthony) Blanc left so hurriedly that Ladavière did not even think of giving him a receipt for the Propagation of the Faith. (He lists the items which) he took on his last trip. Mr. Vezian is to change the bank notes if more money is needed. Rousselon is to ask Vezian the amount needed for the Bishop and the amount of the above note. Ladavière is no longer confined to bed but up in a chair. His foot seems as if it might heal. P.S. He asked Vezian for a pound of incense but it has not arrived. Mr. De Brieux(?), bearer of this letter, can bring back the incense. Ladavière includes $20 which he had on hand.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1843 June 23
Rupell, Ida:
 to (Orestes A.) Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

(Mr. John G. Whittier) gave Miss Rupell a pamphlet to be handed to Brownson; she delayed doing so in the hope she would have time to read the work but now she transmits it to Brownson with the hope he will later loan it to her. She shall probably see Brownson at Chelsea and hopes he will be in better health.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1843 Jun. 24
Frenaye, M(ark) A.: Philad(elphi)a, (Pennsylvania)
 to Father Stephen Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Frenaye has consigned to Captain May at Pittsburg a box of books for Bishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.).

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1843 Jun. 25
Mina, Father Ve. M(odest)e: St. John Baptist, (Louisiana)
 to Father E(tienne) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Ursin Rodrigues, widower of the late Delphine Desnoyers, wishes to marry Angela Becnel. They ask for a dispensation from relationship. P.S. Mina awaits the Bishop's arrival for any changes in the ordo for 1844.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {4}

1843 Jun. 25
Ortis, Eulalie: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

She gives permission to her negress, Isabelle Ortis to have her son baptized who was born March 20, 1843.

V-4-n - A. Note S. - (French) - 2pp. - 32mo. - {1}

1843 Jun. 26
Blanc, Bishop Anthony: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father C(onstantine) Maenhaut:
St. Mary's Church(New Orleans, Louisiana)

A dispensation from the three banns is granted to Peter Soler and Dolores Sanchez. Father E(tienne) Rousselon signs as vicar general. (On the back is written): At Campeche, Yucatan.

V-4-n - D. - (Latin) - 2pp. - folio - {4}

1843 Jun. 27
Nash, James P.: Galveston, (Texas)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

In the event of Bishop (John Mary) Odin, C.M. not having reached New Orleans yet, Nash informs Rousselon that 3 priests arrived from France on the 14th, 2 of whom came to offer their services to the Bishop of Texas. The other, chaplain to one of the Royal Palaces in Paris, is gone on to San Antonio with a party of immigrants and intends returning to France by the next opportunity. The two awaiting the Bishop are Germans. Nash asks Rousselon to extend them the faculty of administering Extreme Unction.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1843 Jun. 28
Gardner, P.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

A receipt for $2.00 for hauling the organ from St. Patrick's Church to St. Augustine's Church.

V-4-n - A. Receipt S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {2}

1843 Jun. 29
Henry, E.M.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
The pastor of St. Louis or St. Augustine Church(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Henry gives his negress Charlotte permission to have her little girl baptized who was born May 5, 1842.

V-4-n - A.Note S. - (French) - 2pp. - 16mo. - {0}

1843 Jun. 29
Pike, William F.: Havre, (France)

Bill of lading for one box on board the Shannon received from Messrs. Perquer and Sons for Bishop (Anthony) Blanc.

V-4-n - Bill S. - (French) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

(18)43 Jun. 30

Mount Vernon Steamboat Company New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father Stephen Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipt for $8.10 signed by W.E. Fitch, clerk.

V-4-n - Receipt - 1p. - 32mo. - {2}