University of Notre Dame


1843 Aug. 1
Whitney, S. and J.P.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Ro(u)sselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipt for $11.58 for freight from Havre on the ship Deucallion. Signed by A. Converse(?).

V-4-o - Receipt S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {2}

1843 Aug. 2
(Chanche), Bishop John Joseph: Natchez, (Mississippi)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

(Chanche) wishes he could spend a few days with Blanc at his seminary and with Bishop (John Mary) Odin. But he cannot leave Natchez; Father (Claude) Francois has good will but is not efficient. He hopes Odin will stop on his way down. What Blanc writes about Father (Guillaume) Labbé is disturbing; (Chanche) feared he was addicted to drinking. He is uneasy too about Father (Ghislain) Bohème. (Chanche) is glad Blanc has sent Father Conway to the Seminary; he is in a bad way. Odin, under whom Conway studied can give all the information Blanc may desire. (Chanche) does not think Conway would do for Milliken's Bend; it is a very promising settlement. When (Chanche) was there last year he saw Mr. Moranci who would be the one to correspond with, in case Blanc had any one to send there.

V-4-n - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {8}

1843 Aug. 3
Moth, E.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Received on board the West Wind, R. Phillips, master, from Mr. Vezian for Messrs. T(h)urston and Company, Evansville, Indiana, 1 cask claret wine, 2 half casks white wine.

V-4-o - A.D.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {3}

1843 Aug. 5
Canonge, (J.J.) Judge: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Constantine) Ma(e)nhaut: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Timothy Daily and Mary Nolan have applied to Canonge in the absence of Judge C(harles) Maurian to obtain a license to marry. Ma(e)nhaut is authorised to celebrate their marriage.

V-4-o - A.D.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {4}

1843 Aug. 7
McAllister, James: La Fourche Interior, Louisiana

McAllister, Parish Judge, certifies that Jean Webre, Francois Bernard, Victor Richard, Eduard Bergeron, Alexis Ledet and Pierre Lagarde are duly elected wardens of St. Joseph's Church.

V-4-o - A. Note S. - 1p. - folio - {7}

1843 Aug. 8
Gardwell, Godek: New York, (New York)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Boston, Mass(achusetts)

With this letter he sends Brownson a document upon Usury: The Evil and The Remedy. The principles therein are new and at variance with the popular opinions of the day. He wishes Brownson to give them his earnest consideration and then forward his opinions.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1843 Aug. 9
Beauprez, Father P. F(rancis): Pointe Coupée, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop Ant(hony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Louis Francis Chenevert and Jeanne Eulodie Samson, first cousins, ask for a dispensation from relationship. P.S. In the distressing state in which non-naturalized pastors find themselves since the latest law on marriages, and Beauprez among them in a parish where civil marriage is almost unknown, he asks Blanc to give him the faculty to dispense from second degree relationship in an urgent case.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1843 Aug. 11
Armengol, (C.M.), Father B(onaventure): Paris, (France)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Armengol, Father (John) Timon, (C.M.), and Father (John) Boullier, (C.M.) arrived in Paris the last of July after twice being saved from grave danger. They are in the midst of their assembly of 31 members all animated by the (Vincentian) spirit. They elected almost unanimously Father (Jean-Baptiste) Etienne, (C.M.) to replace Father (Jean-Baptiste) Nozo, (C.M.) who has renounced the generalship. At the end of the assembly Boullier will go to Lyons to see his relatives; Timon plans to go to Ireland; Armengol will stay in Paris. They expect to leave for America at the beginning of October.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {6}

1843 Aug. 11
(Chanche), Bishop John Joseph: Natchez, (Mississippi)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

(Chanche) is grieved at the occurrence in the graveyard. It is calculated to create more and very serious trouble. He is glad Blanc did not publish anything in the newspapers. It is evident that those entitled to Christian burial cannot be put in that vault. If Blanc could get a cemetery of his own many evils would be remedied. His predecessors have left Blanc a very troublesome inheritance. When (Chanche) was in Balt(imore) he learned that Father (Guillaume) Labbé was given to drinking; if there were stages between Natchez and the bay (Chanche) would go down immediately. Should Labbé come to New Orleans Blanc is not to spare him. (Chanche) is glad that Blanc's clergy visit the Bay (St. Louis). If the air is good for Father (Peter Vincent) Plunket(t), he might do a great deal of good there this summer. (Chanche) is glad to learn that Blanc has less fears of the epidemic. At Natchez they are on tiptoe dreading that they should follow his example. Has Bishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.) come down yet? (P.S.) (Chanche) learns that Archbishop (Samuel) Eccleston and Father (Louis Regis) Deluol are travelling in Canada.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {7}

1843 Aug. 12
Thompson, Zadock: Burlington, Vermont
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Boston, Massachusetts

As he proposed he will give a brief account of his "Vermont". He published a "Gazetteer" of the state of Vermont, 1824, a "Civil History" of the state in 1832, and a work in the zoology of the state. The legislature of Vermont has awarded him $500 for the volume on the Geology of Vermont. He encloses a review of his work published in "The New York Tribune" and requests that an article respecting his work be written by Brownson and published in the "Democratic Review".

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1843 Aug. 14
Dumartrait, A(drien): St. Martinville, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop Ant(hon)y Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Dumartrait encloses a copy of the resolutions of the trustees of St. Martin's Church in reply to Blanc's letter of July 17. Father (Jean) Martin, on Blanc's recommendation, resumed his duties. The assistant said Mass yesterday in the Chapel at Pont Br(e)aux; Blanc is to decide what his salary will be. The trustees believe that the pastor should receive only $400 a year in fixed fees, as they did before Father (John Francis) Brasseur. (Dumartrait then lists the various fees and their allocation according to the trustees' proposals.) Blanc is to send Dumartrait a certified copy of the tax for marriage banns and the expenditures of the pastors for which the pastors must render an account to Blanc. Since Father (Marcel) Borella, Dumartrait has had no information on this subject. The trustees regret that they cannot agree with all Blanc's views and must deliberate on what to do. (P.S.) Blanc is to tell Father Rousselon that Dumartrait received his letter of (July) 20 and that the need for a cantor no longer exists since the former one has made sufficient excuses to the family he offended and has been reinstated.

- A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp.


1843 Aug. 12
Dumartrait, A. Secretary: St. Martin's Church

An extract of the resolutions of the trustees. After Blanc's letter of July 17 had been taken under consideration at the meeting on August 5 and after a second reading of it at the meeting today, the Council of the fabrique make the following reply: (Their difficulties are stated here.) Considering that by these resolutions the trustees did not intend to lessen in any way the powers which they recognize as belonging to ecclesiastical authority; that the Bishop has the right to appoint the pastors and assistants, the fabrique can only address themselves to him to complain of abuses and to ask for the replacement of anyone who neglects his duties; and considering that the recommendations made by Blanc to Martin be faithfully carried out, the trustees hope that there will be no other discussion and that Blanc will let them know his views on the salary of the assistant.

- A.D.S. - (French) - 2pp.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 6pp. - folio - {6}

1843 Aug. 15
(Bourget), Ig(natius), Bishop of: Montreal, Canada
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Bourget asks for information concerning Jean Baptiste Brousseau who left Montréal for Louisiana about 30 years ago. His wife, who is in Montréal, has had no news from him for 28 years. She believes her husband is dead and wishes to marry. Bourget wants to be sure the husband is dead. He asks Blanc for information so that he can act. He congratulates Blanc on the settlement of the trouble in his church.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {2}

1843 Aug. 16
Lesesne, Jos. W.: Mobile, Alabama
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Boston, Massachusetts

Lesesne lifts a "heavy weight of gratitude" from his conscience by writing this letter acknowledging the value of Brownson's Essays On the Principles of Government in the Democratic Review. He saw that there was one man who valued the liberty of his own mind above all price. The pride of consistency is the devil's worship. It is the worst slavery to self. He trusts that Brownson will not abandon the great work he has so well commenced, and that he will touch on every topic of government, which pertain to the practical administration and particularly upon the truths of unrestricted national intercourse, which lie buried in Christendom beneath a great mass of barbarous maxims. Suggests that Brownson must have perceived that a section of the Democratic Party is timidly reluctant to speak upon the subject, and wishes to compromise the great principle without which our Republican institution stands disgraced. The war on this subject has brought the government to the verge of dissolution and is evidently to be waged over again. He has no sectional feeling in the matter of restricted commerce, and states that until the fetter is struck from the arms of Commerce, and Christian points of view restored, there can be little human progress in the world, there can be little hope of peace and good will between nations.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1843 Aug. 16
Mégret, Father A(nthony) D(ésiré): Lafayette, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Mégret received (Blanc)'s letter of the 8th last night. 1. Mégret has never been despotic towards anyone. People may have taken as tyrannical a firm character which he has sometimes shown. 2. He does not think he has shown anger in his life. 3. He has never exeeded the fees; he has a listing posted in the church; many times he has accepted less even from the Mouton family. Charles (Mouton) had a $35 funeral for $25; Sosthène (Mouton) paid $50 instead of $60. (Other instances came up with) Mr. Césaire and Edm(mund?) Mouton. For a year he did not ask a cent from anyone, then he asked them from the pulpit to come to him to make arrangements without going to the constable; in a month he had his accounts settled. 4. Mégret asks Blanc to read his correspondence with A. Latiolais where he will find the ridiculous attack they accuse him of against Edm. Mouton related in Number 5. 6. He did not start a religious controversy but he believed it his duty to reestablish the honor of a family vilified by the dominant party. Edm. Mouton got Professor L.V. Mouton to write absurd things about Mégret. In his behalf a young French watchmaker struck the professor who challenged him to a duel. Mégret brought them together at a dinner where they were reconciled. Edm. Mouton used all his influence to keep the professor from going to the dinner. Then Mouton got Guégnon to pour out the obscenities against the priesthood. 7. Mégret would like to have the impious newspaper out of his diocese. Blanc can read in L'Union No. 5 the article against the trustees; Mégret did not tell all. 8. Although president of the meeting it was not Mégret who put the tickets in the drawer; he was seated at the deskonly to take them out. Besides more than a hundred eyes were on him and any fraud would have been discovered at once. 9. The election of the trustees took place on May 30; on June 3 a member of the Mouton family said that before 3 days Mégret would receive a beating. On Sunday, June 4, another member of the family came into the church with a stick to make Mégret come down from the pulpit. On the 5th, the anniversary of Mégret's ordination, Mégret got the beating. Mégret immediately told the president of the trustees he would be gone for two weeks on mission as he hoped during this time to receive from Father (Stephen) Rousselon letters which would advise him how to act. On Sunday, the 11th, he stopped saying Mass at Vermillionville to make the people understand the inconsistency of their behaviour. Finally some good people urged him to go at once, warning him that his life was in danger. 10. He did not strike a child in anger but during the retreat for First Communion he put a boy out of class because he deserved it; Mégret made a semblance of touching him. Several minutes later he came back to ask pardon and Mégret put him back in the class. 11. Mégret yielded to the pleas of people at Vermillionville who told him that if the evil-intentioned ones knew that he was armed they would not come near him. He also was informed that Edm. Mouton was going to send Mégret on a sick call and carry out a plan more hideous than than the beating. 12. Mégret's accounts were handed in and approved; the fabrique acknowledges that around $551 is due him. 13. He did so purposely in order to catch them short. Since Mégret's letter of the 2nd, he has sent one which (Blanc) has no doubt read by now. Since that, three persons, Mr. Béraud, a rich business man, Martin Valérien, a former member of the legislature, and Moise Hébert, of recognized merit, came as a delegation in the name of a large number, to bring about a reconciliation between Mégret and the fabrique and asking him to say Mass at Vermillionville. They know the trustees had written to (Blanc) asking that he be changed and said something about the uneasiness (Blanc)'s silence had caused. These men, in case (Blanc) replies to the trustees, want to resolve the question by telling them that they will get no other pastor and that they must adopt the proposals made to them if they wish to keep a pastor at Vermillionville. From then on the 7 other members who had less votes will be the trustees. Mégret refused to have any petition made to counterbalance that of the trustees. The trustees knowing of the proceedings in the parish in Mégret's behalf are very much puzzled because they see that no one is on their side and that 7/8 of the people are against them. Mégret thanks (Blanc) for his confidence in him. He will do his best to merit it. He believes everything is going well at St. Martin; he hopes to see their pastor tomorrow.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 6pp. - 4to. - {14}

1843 Aug. 17
Bach, Father F(erdinand) D(ominic): (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Father (Napoleon Joseph Perché: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Bach has just had a long conference with someone well versed in affairs from whom Bach gathered that these men had in their hands a letter of Bishop (John) Dubois asking the Pope how to act toward Freemasons, and the Pope's reply that they must bury them with all the ordinary ceremonies even when they have all the insignia of Freemasonry, etc. This paper was given them by someone whom Bach guesses although they did not wish to name him. They are preparing to reply to (Perché), this document in hand. As they cannot prove the falsity of this paper at once it seems that until there is a formal decision on this point for Louisiana they can only remain silent. Also (Perché) is not to insert in his next number, Bach's note of yesterday; it could only cause bitterness and irritation. He is going to find out all he can about this bull and will let (Perché) know. He already knows several things he will find Father Rousselon and tell him.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1843 Aug. 17
Holcomb, Cha(rle)s N.: St. Louis, (Missouri)
 to Bishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

Holcomb would be pleased to receive an occasional communication for the Catholic Cabinet as also local news of Blanc's diocese. His object is to make the Cabinet of value and interest to all and consequently wishes to embrace as much of the talent of the west as possible in the periodical.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1843 Aug. 17
St. Patrick: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

(The letter is headed): "Failure of the Mission above Canal Street to meet the expectation of its founders." Nine-tenths of Blanc's Catholic flock connected with St. Patrick's Church are without a spiritual advisor to whom could with confidence entrust themselves. They are under the necessity of going to Father (Constantine) Ma(e)nhaut to hear confessions. The Irish Catholic wants something more than a frothy display of high flowing language. The present incumbent is not to be seen at all times. The Catholics of the congregation call on Blanc to send them one or two priests. They are now obliged to go to the Ursuline Street Church for the sacraments and to the Cathedral for Confession.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - folio - {3}

1843 Aug. 18
Giustiniani, (C.M.), Father J(oseph): Natchitoches, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen Rousselon: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Giustiniani received the reply Rousselon wrote in the name of Bishop (Anthony Blanc) about the burial of Freemasons. He will go to see them in their sicknesses and point out their duty. He is sure that if they still wish to be buried according to the rites of the Church there will be no trouble in conforming. If he cannot see them, he will make the supposition, as they do in New Orleans, and proceed according to the request of the relatives. Another case for which he would like a solution is that of a free woman of color who, a few years ago married a slave, before a lawyer. The slave was not baptized. They lived together several years and the slave was baptized. Finally the slave was sent to a different state. The free woman, a Catholic, wishes to remarry. She said she always doubts if it is legitimate. She is disposed to abide by (Rousselon's) decision. Another favor a merchant, Mr. Hart has asked Giustiniani to ask (Blanc) to let him have an orphan. He will bring him up as a Christian and give him a place. All goes well at Natchitoches. Father Pascal, (C.M.) was indisposed for several weeks but is now in perfect health. On the feast of the Assumption there were 80 communions. He would like to have the faculty to say 2 Masses some Sundays and holidays; he is alone almost every Sunday.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {5}

1843 Aug. 19
Mina, Father Ve. M(odest)e: St. John B(aptis)t, (Louisiana)
 to Father E(tienne) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The bearer of this letter wishes to marry his first cousin; he will tell Rousselon the names. He is a very quiet young man, very industrious. (On the letter is written in another hand): Dominique Berthelot, Adeline Berthelot.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1843 Aug. 20
Figari, (C.M.), Father H(ector):
St. Mary's College The Barrens, (Missouri)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

On leaving, Father (Bonaventure) Armengol told Figari that he left 200 piastres with Rousselon for Figari. Figari could never get a reply from the seminary; if he is to pay some money to it he asks Rousselon to keep this sum for him. Armengol had already received this money ant Figari has need of it.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1843 Aug. 20
Hecker, John: New York, (New York)
 to (Orestes A.) Brownson: (Boston, Massachusetts)

He writes Brownson to tell him that he has mentioned to a few friends that Brownson would be willing to write an address for a meeting to be called by the citizens of New York in favor of John C. Calhoun for President of the United States. They want to oppose (Martin) Van Buren, and want to send delegates to the Baltimore Convention from this city. They are going to call a meeting before the convention, so he is asking Brownson if he is willing to write the address. He says his brother Isaac (Hecker) is home and ready again to take hold of business; his health is better. He believes that the Boston Transcendentalists have had too much influence upon his brother. He hopes it will wear off.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {4}

1843 Aug. 20
Ladavière, Father A. P(ierre): St. Michael, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop Ant(hony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

George Mather wishes to marry Josephine Trudeau, daughter of Zenon Trudeau, brother of Mrs. Aurora Trudeau, a widow of G. Mather. They ask for a dispensation.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {5}

1843 Aug. 20
Sorin, C.S.C. Father Edward: Notre Dame, Indiana
 to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere: Detroit, Michigan

(Withdrawn to Provincial Archives).


1843 Aug. 20
White, Father Cha(rle)s I.: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

As the time is approaching for the publication of the United States Catholic Directory Blanc is to forward before September 20 a statement of particulars relative to his diocese. (17 items are listed). F(ielding) Lucas, Jr. (adds a handwritten note saying that) the publisher of the Catholic Almanac would be thankful for an early attention to the editor's requirements.

V-4-o - Printed Circular S. - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1843 Aug. 20
Wood, Father James Frederick: Rome, Italy
 to Bishop John Baptist Purcell, Cincinnati: St. Sulpice, Paris, France

He is pleased to hear from Purcell and to know of his movements. The letter solved of his doubts. The Rector also was not displeased that Purcell did not come to Rome, because he feared that he would take Wood with him. He has written to Purcell in care of Bishop Hughes at New York of the decision of the Cardinal prefect. Bishop (Michael) O'Connor of Pittsburgh was consecrated on Aug. 15, with Dr. Sharles whom he believes destined as coadjutor to the Bishop of Liverpool. He tells Purcell of the ceremony and attendant celebration. Father (Peter) DeSmedt is in Rome but will soon go on to Belgium. The Sacred Congregation is insisting that students return by a direct route to their missions. He has hád some correspondence with Mr. Whelan at St. Sulpice, particularly about repairing a watch. Father O'Mealy has written but the news is old. Wood has recovered his health and will begin his vacation next month. James O'Connor the bishop's brother says the new bishop will leave within a fortnight.

II-4-h - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {5}

1843 Aug. 21
Lesne, Father J(ames): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Lesne has a marriage to perform this evening between a Protestant and a Catholic. When they spoke to him last week, Lesne told them that such marriages were not performed with the exterior ceremonies of the Church. This reply greatly displeased them; they said Father (Louis) Moni had always performed these marriages like the others. Lesne replied that this rule was nothing new; that he himself during all the time he was at Mobile had seen this practice in force and that it was followed in all other states. They asked him to investigate and he said nothing but thought it wise to write Rousselon since if he performed the marriage according to the rules of the Council of Baltimore he would go counter to long standing usage. Rousselon knows how stirred up everyone is and the family is large and influential. Perhaps it would be prudent to stop such abuse gradually.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {2}

1843 Aug. 22
Kimball, P.J.:
Steamboat Cote Joyeuse New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Kimball's Big Ben has requested permission to get married. Kimball has no objection so that he has the permission of the master or mistress of the woman he wishes to marry.

V-4-o - A. Note S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {0}

1843 Aug. 22
Le Couteur: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

A receipt for 28 piastres for repairs to the Ursulines Street Convent.

V-4-o - A. Receipt S. - (French) - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}

1843 Aug. 23
Paine, Chas.: Montpelier, (Vermont)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: (Boston, Massachusetts)

Before he left Burlington he told his friends that they must determine how many copies of Brownson's address they would take. He supposed they had done so.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1843 Aug. 23
St. Patrick: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The writer addresses Blanc about the many grievances attached to St. Patrick's Church through the outrages committed by the present incumbent, the last of which would in the writer's native country cause him to be suspended. At a meeting held some time ago when the question of reducing Father (James Ignatius) Mullon's salary was brought forward, Mullon declared he was not worth a dollar, and that he had not wherewith to carry him out of the city. Later when he voluntarily reduced his salary $500 he declared that what he received was little enough for his support. But only a few days ago Mullon was offered by Dr. Snowden as security before one of the city courts on an appeal bond for from $200 to $400. The plaintiff objected on the ground of Mullon's insolvency. Mullon solemnly swore that he owns 3 slaves and valuable household furniture and is a solvent individual. Two Irish priests told the writer that Mullon told them the furniture belonged to his brother-in-law. The writer trusts that Blanc will see the necessity of sending one or two priests to attend St. Patrick's large congregation and so restore a number of lukewarm Catholics made so by the anti-priest and anti-Catholic conduct of the present incumbent.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {4}

1843 Aug. 24
Fay, Zélie: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

She gives permission for her servant Eleanora to have her child baptized.

V-4-o - A. Note S. - (French) - 2pp. - 32mo. - {0}

1843 Aug. 24
Tablade, M.A.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Tablado gives permission to-baptize his little mulatress Louise Marie aged 2 years. Godmother Marie Aline Manceau; g(odfather) A(n)toine Lafferranderie.

V-4-o - A. Note S. - (French) - 2pp. - 16mo. - {2}

1843 Aug. 24
(Loras), Bishop Mathias: Dubuque, (Iowa)
 to Bishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Loras) would like to have 18 copies of the ordo by January 1. If it is not already printed he would like to supply an omission. They consecrated their Cathedral on August 15. Therefore a memento should be made that day or during the octave. Father Rousselon is to put (Loras)'s name down as a subscriber to the Propagateur Catholique. (Loras) is asking through Father (John) Bazin to let (Blanc) have $24 due (Loras) at Mobile for the customs charges on a package he is expecting from France. As he can scarcely do anything else except to instruct the poor and ignorant (Loras) needs an excellent catechism. He asks (Blanc) to examine the translation of Belley's which (Loras) has just published so that he can make all the corrections necessary in the addition he wishes to make to the first part during 1844. If the embellished copy he is mailing today does not reach (Blanc) he presumes that Bishop Odin will let him have some of the 200 addressed to him. (Loras) would like a letter from (Blanc) telling about his trustees and other affairs. He has two priests among the Sioux; they take almost all the aid he gets from Lyons. A novena in honor of Mary produced great fruit at Dubuque.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1843 Aug. 25
Blanc, E(varis)te: N(ew) O(rleans, Louisiana)

Blanc authorizes his servant girl Mehaly to have her boy Valery baptized. Signed by J.A. Blanc.

V-4-o - Note S. - 2pp. - 32mo. - {1}

1843 Aug. 25
Clark, William S.: Union County, P(ennsylvani)a
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Boston, Massachusetts

He incloses a pamphlet which he considers worth a moments passing notice from Brownson. The views in the pamphlet represent those of a man who holds a prominent station and is making use of his influence to vilify and misrepresent the opinions of those who do not agree with his opinions as to the regeneration of society. Though not important as the views of the Rev. George Junkin, yet, as the views of the president of the Miami University they are worth notice.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {3}

1843 Aug. 25
Pierz, Father Francis: Mackinac, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere: Detroit, (Michigan)

Pierz takes this occasion to tell Lefevere that his is at Mackinac and in good health and sends at the same time the records of the pupils at Lacroix and Middletown. He should establish another school at Castor's island and at Grand Traverse if he had the means. He received a letter from the Archbishop of Vienin and one from Lefevere with the news of some money coming soon. This is a providence of God at the right time. The Archbishop wrote Pierz that he will send 272 florins given for him in 1842, and to Lefevere 4000 florins from the Leopoldine association with the purpose that Lefevere help the German missionaries. Bishop (Frederick) Rese has been receiving yearly great amounts of money for the same purpose, and Father (Francois Vincent) Badin several thousand florins. But never has a single German missionary received a cent. Even the money sent by some friends has never reached the right destination. But he never did complain in any way against his superiors. He hopes that God's Providence has given them a just superior. Now he hopes that Lefevere will send him some funds from Leopoldine Foundation, because he needs them for his mission. Trips are expensive, as also were the presents he had to give to the newly baptized. This year he has been doing a lot of good with the help of God. He hopes to do more if he has the means. But he is still in debt to the company and he has to pay them next fall. Pierz begs Lefevere to help him as much as possible. There is a good chance to send the money immediately since the merchant Berchard is there until the savages leave the town. He could give Pierz the money before leaving Mackinac if Lefevere would send the money to Mr. Berchard's shop #112 under the supervision of Mr. Pherney of Detroit. Mr. Pherney will write to Mr. Berchard to make the payment. There are a great number of savages at Mackinac and Pierz preaches to them twice every day. But the church is too small for the pagans listened to him very carefully. After the savages leave Mackinac, Pierz expects to go to Sault Ste. Marie. He had to travel 500 miles before the winter set in. The savages will be paid on the 29th of August. Pierz has not seen Stewart and he did not write his report. He will do so as soon as possible following Lefevere's advice, and will send him a copy. Pierz wrote a letter to the President of the United States pleading for his Indians. There is no fear of the Indian schools being taken from the Catholics by the Protestants. On the contrary, Pierz would have taken the school at Grand Traverse from the Presbyterians, but he fears if he would do so the Protestants would mistreat the Indians. He is so surprised to find Father Santeli still there asking for back payments, but he thinks he will leave soon. Pierz asks Lefevere to warn him in a few weeks in advance before coming to the mission next fall. P.S. If Badin has any goods at Detroit or at the house of Lefevere, Pierz claims $150 for his effects retained in Badin's hands. And if Lefevere draws the money from the New York banks addressed to Rese during the years 1838-9 which was sent for Pierz and Father (Frederick) Baraga, Pierz asks him to search for these letters which contain news of his fatherland. Pierz encloses a statement of the condition of the schools at Arbre Croche, Lacroix, and Middletown dated August 22, 1843.

III-2-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 5pp. - 8vo. - {7}

1843 Aug. 25
Raviol, Father (John F.): Opelousas, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Father (Edward) d'Ha(u)w in his letter which Father (John?) Barry brought, tells Raviol that Blanc is back at New Orleans. He should have written to express his joy but he believes that Father (Victor) Jamey who, during Blanc's absence came to make his visitation, will tell what Raviol cannot put in a letter. All is not yet ended but it is not Raviol's fault. When Jamey's affairs were settled, they spoke of Raviol's. He had prepared his little speech but Jamey said, "As vicar-general I oppose Father Raviol's making any arrangement with you gentlemen; a new constitution will come out and then the law… if you want a priest, here are the conditions." Blanc can imagine the effect these words had on Raviol. He left the meeting which was adjourned for a week. He was sad, nothing was going as he wished. That evening Jamey told him that the new constitution would make them think; that he would get the $1000 he asked for. The week went by, the dinner was prepared and eaten and then the four members, five is a quorum, went home. Raviol told his thoughts to General Garrigue who was not at the meeting; he replied coldly that they were waiting for Jamey's constitution. Fever is widespread and Raviol is busy. Of the trustees, one, Poiret, has lost his mind, Sitting lost his mother, and Kennisson lost his wife. A quorum will be difficult to obtain. It is the new constitution which makes Raviol fearful. Everything goes on the same; at Easter 20 persons received Holy Communion who had not done so for 15 to 20 years. Today he had a dozen Communions, among them 3 men. He has validated 14 marriages in six months.

- A.L.S. - (French) -


1843 Aug. 25
(Raviol, Father John F.): Opelousas, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Francois Bouté, son of Jean Leon Bouté, and Louise Chasserai; and Elisida Bouté, daughter of Adélard. Bouté and Alexandrine Richard, wish to be married and are related in the second and third degree. They ask for a dispensation. Not being able to pay twice now, Raviol would rather bless the marriage and put himself at their service.

- A. Note - (French) -

V-4-o - A.L.S., A. Note - (French) - 6pp. - 4to. - {15}

1843 Aug. 26
Bach, Father F(erdinand) D(ominic): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Extract from the baptismal record of St. Louis Cathedral: On April 20, 1828 Father L(ouis) Moni baptized Rose (Petit), born October 15, daughter of Mathieu Petit and Caroline Hermant. Godfather, Nicolas Bertolli; godmother: Rose Mordella Bertolli.

V-4-o - D.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {6}

1843 Aug. 26
Blanc, Lise: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father (James Lesne) Laine: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Laine is to baptize the bearer and unite her in matrimony. (On the back is written in another hand) Permission for the marriage of Ben, a slave of Mr. Kimball(?) and Marie Anne, slave of Miss Blanc.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1843 Aug. 26
Cleary, Jo(h)n D.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Cleary has been ill for one year with a cold which settled on his lungs; all his means are expended. He would gladly go to the Charity Hospital but a French nurse, Madame Vernié positively asserts that she can cure him. Clearly has property that in 4 or 5 years will come in market; the property is 18,000 acres of land in Texas acquired under the Mexican government. The sum Cleary asks of Blanc is $20. In 60 days he is to receive three or four hundred dollars which cannot fail unless the vessel is lost.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {2}

1843 Aug. 28
Choiselat Gallien, J.: Paris, (France)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The Central Council of Paris of the Propagation of the Faith judges that it is in the general interest to explain its administration. The administration is composed of two Councils, one in Paris, the other at Lyons. Both are Central Councils, entirely equal, except that the Annales are published at Lyons. The funds are distributed by the vote of the two Councils. Therefore they ask that the heads of the missions annually send a report on the state of their churches and that they send a copy to each Council. It is these letters which inspire interest and consequently, donations. Collelu de Baudevière(? this name is difficult to decipher) signs for the president, Choiselat Gallien as treasurer. (P.S.) Blanc's diocese has not been forgotten for 1843. The funds will not be in the treasury until the first part of next year.

V-4-o - Printed Form L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {3}

1843 Aug. 28
Doutreluingne, (C.M.) Father P.J.: Assumption, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

Doutreluingne has just received a letter from T.S. Elder and Company for a balance due since June 30 for purchases made by Father (Bonaventure) Armengol who told Elder that when he went to Europe the seminary would pay this balance of $72.77. Being too short of money to pay it Doutreluingne told them to present it to Rousselon whom he asks to pay it and charge it to the account of the Seminary. All are well; the seminarians left this morning for the lake to fish and have some recreation.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1843 Aug. 29
Jouanneault, Father V(ictor): Cov(ington, Louisiana)
 to Bishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

About six weeks ago Jouanneault wrote (Blanc) to ask him to come to make a visit. He repeats it today; he is more and more convinced that it would be very advantageous to examine the state of things here and to take measures for the directing of the parish and Academy. The sacristy is finished; he hopes to build another room toward autumn where he could withdraw if they do not have the academy or establish a school for girls if he stays. The sad state of things in (New Orleans?) makes him glad to be in the country where his work keeps him busy.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1843 Aug. 30
(Hecker), Isaac: New York, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Chelsea, Mass(achusetts)

His brother addressed Brownson with regard to his writing an address for the mass meeting under the impression that it was to be held at a later date than is the fact. To show the country the great number of (John C.) Calhoun's friends they have resolved to hold the meeting on the day previous to the Syracuse convention. He asks if Brownson can send his address in time. When there has been a reballoting on account of the irregularity of procedure or a tie Calhoun has on the whole come off conqueror. This was all done without any preconcerted action on the part of Calhoun's friends, while all the party machinery was in the hands of (Martin) Van Buren's friends.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1843 Aug. 31
Jesse, (A. de): Lyons, (France)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): Detroit, Michigan

The Council of the Association of the Propagation informs Lefevere that the Treasurer of the central Council of Paris is charged with turning over to him the allocation unanimously granted by the two Councils for 1843 to the Diocese of Detroit. The treasurer will contact Lefevere on the way and times in which he will be able to make these payments. The Council sends its customary annual report blank with the request that he fill out its columns as much, at least, as the matter allows, and send it back to them. It is desirable that this and other reports of every kind sent to them reach them before the first of next March. The Council of Lyons to which belongs the initiative of making the distribution will begin from the date stated below to concern itself with this work. The council asks for all correspondence suitable for its Annals. Lefevere knows how much interest this collection, drawn up and printed at Lyons, attracts.

III-2-h - L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}