University of Notre Dame


1843 Oct.
De Barboralanais and M(?). Conde(?) de(?) Redondo Secretaries: Lisbon, (Portugal)
 to Bishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The Catholic protective society in Portugal, whose aims can be read in Articles 1 and 2 of its statutes on page 275 of the second issue of Le Monde Catholique, was installed in Lisbon on January 29 and dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on February 4 in the church of the Royal Monastery of the Military Order of St. Benedict of Aviz. The Society has chosen three of its associate missionaries and they have begun the first mission in St. Roch Church here. The Portuguese have great hopes but the misfortunes through which they have passed, have left hardly enough to sustain life. However, they could send workers wherever they are wanted. Therefore, they ask (Blanc) to interest himself and his faithful so that the Society can obtain aid. The Director of the Society has recommended that alms not be accepted unless the donors can give to both their society and to the Propagation of the Faith. It is by a resolve of the Council Director and by a special order of the titular Bishop of Cap Vert(?), its president, that they are writing.

V-4-e - L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1843 Oct.
(Blanc), Bishop Ant(hony): N(ew) Orl(eans, Louisiana)
 to The President and Trustees of St. Louis Church: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

(Blanc) received their letter of the 16th accompanying a copy of the resolutions adopted in their meeting on the same day. In spite of the authorities referred to, (Blanc) asks himself why the council denounces the propositions contained in (Blanc)'s letter. 1. Why does the council refuse to turn over to the pastor the registers of baptism, burials, and marriages? No doubt because using Article 7 of the charter as a basis they consider these registers as belonging to the fabrique. Church law makes it the duty of the pastor to record these actions and to show them to the Bishop on his pastoral visit. In the case of marriages the obligation is even greater as the pastor is also accountable to the civil authorities. 2. (Blanc) demands the free and independent use of the presbytery by the pastor such as the last pastor enjoyed except that the use of a neighbor's door opening on the small court of the presbytery prevented him from being master of his own house. 3. (Blanc) asks that the tariff which the priests are to follow be approved by the bishop. The council, relying on Article 16 of the charter, believes that it alone has the right to provide the tariff. But in that article (Blanc) finds nothing about the formation of the rates (he quotes part of the article). For several years the clergy have had hardly half of the part assigned to them by the tariff while the public believes that they have received their entire part; this brings an odium on the priests which they do not deserve. When Father (Constantine) Maenhaut, as pastor, was appointed to a committee charged with setting up a new table of rates, the cry went up that they wanted to interfere in the administration of temporal affairs. Today, as for the 10 years (Blanc) has had charge of the diocese, he has never dreamed of interfering. 4. (Blanc) asks that the pastor have the choice of and control over the people employed in the Cathedral from the altar boys to the organist. If the trustees say that since they pay the salaries they have a right to choose them, it would follow that they also have the right to choose the pastor and the other priests. Canon law guarantees this right to the bishops. (Blanc) has to add to this the Instructions sent him from Rome. He invites the council to appoint a committee to come to his house to see the Brief of the Holy Father which regulates (Blanc)'s conduct.

V-4-o - A. Draft S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {2}

1843 Oct. 1
(Hailandière), Bishop Cél(estin de la): Vincennes, (Indiana)
 to Bishop Ant(hony) Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana

(Hailandière) received Blanc's letter of August 3 while on his trip and the one of the 12th on his return to Vincennes. He regrets that he did not meet Mr. Poincy. He thanks Blanc for reducing his request; if he had known the prices were so high he would not have bought the red wine. He learned in a letter from Father Rousselon that Blanc's troubles had begun again. He suspected that all was not over as he knew too well the bad leaven working for a long time in New Orleans. At Vincennes Father (Roman) Weinz(oepfel)'s trial has been postponed six months. Their school is going into other hands. (Hailandière) wrote to St. Joseph about withdrawing the Sisters (of Charity). The superior's last letter did not seem to be one that he could submit to. All this is secret. At St. Louis they do not know the truth about the schools. The College (of St. Gabriel) seems to want to confuse itself more; (Hailandière) has yet to receive a visit from Father (Stanislaus) Buteux although he is the "fac totum" of the house. They are expecting 2 or 3 Eudists from Trinidad; they are to go through New Orleans. Blanc is to advise them to get in touch with the bishop, otherwise the College will not last. The long trip (Hailandière) just made in the south of his diocese was full of consolation. He visited 9 new churches which were not there 3 years ago. At Indianapolis 3 years ago there were only 15 Catholics and one person to be confirmed. This year 25 are to be confirmed and there are more than 300 Catholics. He does not doubt that in a few years the episcopal see will be moved there. It is already almost twice the size of Vincennes. (Hailandière) has not built a seminary; he is going to leave his house to the young people; he will live in a wooden house until the money comes in. May the good Lazarists never fail Blanc. P.S. Archbishop (Samuel Eccleston) and Father (Louis Regis) Deluol crossed Indiana without going through Vincennes. Their avowed aim is the Archbishop's health which they say is better for the trip; the real aim, in (Hailandière)'s opinion was the affair about the Sisters (of Providence?). Will the novitiate be at St. Louis? (Hailandière)'s private correspondence tells him that nothing has been decided. Blanc's chances are becoming brighter; (Hailandière) is not a competitor.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {11}

1843 Oct. 1
(Odin, C.M.), Bishop John Mary: Assumption, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

(Odin) has been at the seminary since yesterday. If he had known that Blanc was at St. Michael he would have gone with Father (P.J.) Doutreluingne, (C.M.). (Odin) has learned with much sorrow of Blanc's new troubles about the Freemasons. And perhaps Father (Ferdinand Dominic) Bach's death will expose him to new persecutions. How could Blanc hesitate an instant in believing that he had full jurisdiction for the Texas mission? When Blanc gave him faculties for Louisiana, (Odin) asked him to accept all the faculties with which he was invested. The arrangements Blanc made have had excellent results. Father (J.P.) Ogé, on receipt of Blanc's letter set himself to the task and greatly pleased the Catholics. He preaches every Sunday in French and German, has catechism every day and has formed a little choir. They say he is learning English easily. (Odin) wrote them, confirming all that Blanc had done; he even authorized Father Schneider to exercise his ministry, having him visit Houston and places where there were several German families. Even the Irish are satisfied with these priests. They will have a little apprenticeship and when (Odin) returns to Texas he can admit them with greater assurance after this trial. If Father Meloy has not left for Victoria, (Odin) would like to see him; he believes Meloy will be more useful at Houston. He has always heard him spoken of as zealous and exemplary. Father (Jean-Baptiste) Etienne, (C.M.) in a letter of April 22 wanted (Odin) to go to Paris for the general assembly, promising subjects and money. (Odin) thinks he would have gone if he had received this letter while he was in the East. Blanc is to let (Odin) know when he can safely go down to New Orleans. He wants to see Blanc and get back to Texas.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {11}

1843 Oct. 1
(Odin, C.M.) Bishop John Mary: Assumption, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

(Odin) arrived last night, a little weak but on the way to recovery. He learned with much sorrow of the death of Father (Ferdinand Dominic) Bach. Workers are so scarce and the appointment of his successor may bring new difficulties. (Odin) is sending a letter of exchange for $300 sent to him from Paris in payment of a sum advanced to agents of (Henri) Castro; Rousselon is to ask Mr. Daron to have it accepted. Father (Hector) Figari, (C.M.) received Rousselon's letter of September 3 the day (Odin) left the Barrens. (Odin) gave him the $200 and Figari gave him an order on Rousselon; (Odin) asks Rousselon to hold this sum until his arrival. P.S. Rousselon is to let (Odin) know if the letter of exchange has been accepted and to give him the first name of (Philip) Ro(t)chford, the Irishman who goes to see Bishop Blanc sometimes.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {6}

1843 Oct. 3
Brownson, O(restes) A.: Chelsea, (Massachusetts)
 to Isaac (T. Hecker): (New York, New York)

Brownson asks Hecker to desist in any efforts he may be making to get Brownson the editorship of the paper. Brownson does not want it because he has decided to revive the (Brownson's) Quarterly (Review). Brownson is now preparing the first number of the first number of the new series. He is waiting to hear from O'Sullivan before he begins to print. Brownson will come out boldly for the church on the principle which he and Hecker have discussed. Then Brownson will labor for the organism, and rally all the forces he can around fraternity and Christian Communism. Brownson asks for lecture appointments for the coming winter. He will stay at home to write, and go abroad to make proselytes and get subscriptions. (P.S.) Young Orestes (A. Brownson, Jr.) goes to sea the middle of this month. Brownson got him a berth to Calcutta.

I-4-g - A.L.S. (Photostat, Paulist Archives) - 2pp. - 8v. - {3}

1843 Oct. 4
Troné, P.: Thibodaux-ville, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

Troné writes for a friend. He also takes this opportunity to thank Blanc for the kindness with which he received Troné on his arrival at New Orleans. He recommends a young man he knew in France at St. Martin's School in Rennes, directed by Father Louis, Superior of the Eudists. In this boarding school he was distinguished for his piety and at college for his talents. Mr. Tumoine came to America with Father (J.Peter) Bellier, president of Vincennes college, on November 9, 1841. Tumoine has a certificate from the president of the College but nothing written from Bishop (Celestin) de la Hailandière who said he would send a letter to the Bishop to whom he applied. Tumoine has only a dimissory letter which can be changed into an exeat by the Bishop of Rennes. Tumoine is 25, Blanc is to let Troné know if Tumoine can be admitted to his diocese.

v-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {5}

1843 Oct. 5
(Fenwick), Bishop Benedict: Boston, (Massachusetts)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The bearer who is about to reside in New Orleans, is a young man of good character. (Fenwick) asks Blanc to take him under his protection. (On the letter is written in pencil): Michael Cooke.

v-4-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1843 Oct. 5
Saint-Marc, Bishop Godefroy (Brossais): Rennes, (France)

A dimissorial letter for Francis Xavier Constantine Marie Leray, layman, allowing him to receive tonsure and all orders minor and major. Also signed by Desnoi, Secretary.

v-4-o - D.S. - (Latin) - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}

1843 Oct. 6
Sturgis, William: Boston, Massachusetts
 to O(restes) A.Brownson: Boston, Massachusetts

He has taken the liberty to inclose a check for forty dollars as a loan to Brownson's son, thinking it may at present not be convenient for Brownson to advance his so the sum. It can be repaid when the son is in command of a good ship. A memorandum of the things required is also inclosed. They can be got cheap at the "Seaman's Aid Society". Any old clothes the boy has will suffice if they fit him. He cautions Brownson to warn his son against leaving his clothes about the deck, drinking, and the use of tobacco. He urges that he submit to authority and obey orders even when they appear unreasonable.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1843 Oct. 7
Stem, Leander:
Mt.St.Mary's College (Emmitsburg, Maryland)
 to  Francis (P.) McFarland: (Emmitsburg, Maryland)

This is a printed form of acceptance into the Philalethian society of the college signed by the officers and sent with an apology for differences between McFarland and the members of the society.

I-1-a - D. and L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1843 Oct. 7
Weare, Sam(ue)l: Havre, (France)

Bill of lading for two packages on board the Mary Kingsland received from J(ohn) B(aptist) Le Cros for Father (Stephen) Rousselon. The freight is $2.

v-4-o - Bill S. - (French) - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1843 Oct. 9
O'Sullivan, J(ohn) L.: New York, (New York)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Boston, (Massachusetts)

He expressed to Mr. Langley his entire willingness that Brownson should retrieve the old name of his Review as its proposed continuation. Langley objects strenously to it, on the ground of having paid $200 for its suppression and the transfer of its subscribers. Those who consented to the transfer would probably go back to Brownson's Review. O'Sullivan suggests that a new name would be more to Brownson's interest than the old one. The manner in which those (John) Tyler people play Brownson false is characteristic - but if Brownson can get along comfortably without office from them, O'Sullivan will be glad.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1843 Oct. 10
Brassac, Father H(ercul)e: Paris, (France)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana

Brassac received Blanc's letter of September 2 two days ago. He thanks Blanc for his solicitude in his affair with Mr. Ducros. He has received nothing from Mr.Seghers and Brassac would be obliged if Blanc would urge Seghers not to lose sight of Brassac's interests. Brassac would gratefully receive any funds Seghers could send this fall and hopes it will amount to 2 or 3,000 piastres. Bishop (Joseph) Rosati died in Rome on the 29th of last month; it is a great loss for the American Church. God continues to test Blanc with trials. Brassac understands what Blanc experienced in the article by (Father Matthew Bernard) A(nduze?). It would be good if he would decide to leave Louisiana but with his ideas and habits he would fare badly in Europe where ecclesiastical discipline is more severe. There has been no more connection between Brassac and him since Brassac left Ascension and even before that they were very cool. Now Brassac can tell Blanc that at the time Blanc was elevated to the episcopacy some said that Brassac and A. were together in certain plans and wrote together to Rome and other Bishops of the United States. All this was a lie. They sounded him out but after the first try they found they had nothing to gain and left him alone. So if the person wants to return to Europe, Blanc can be sure he will not consult Brassac. This man, with his talents, could be so useful to the Church and society. Bishop (John Baptist) Purcell was to leave yesterday or today from Havre as was Father (John) Timon, (C.M.) and 10 of his confreres (Vincentians). Brassac wrote Blanc several days ago recommending the son of a friend, Dr. Née(?) and Sent him a prospectus of an establishment that some friends and Brassac are setting up in Paris. Blanc will notice that Brassac has changed his address.

v-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {8}

1843 Oct. 11
Bissell, John: New York, New York

Bissell, a commissioner appointed by the governor of Louisiana, certifies that Charles O'Hara and his wife Hannah Maria O'Hara appeared before him and desired that the annexed instrument be recorded according to law. (Attached is the bill of sale) of Pew 25 in St. Patrick's Church in New Orleans by the O'Haras, late of New Orleans and now of New York, to George Pardow, Jr. for $400. The witnesses were John M. Burnett and James Curry. All sign.

v-4-o - D.S. - 4pp. - Folio & 12mo. - {6}

1843 Oct. 12
Anduze, Father M(atthew) B(ernard): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

After his interview with Blanc yesterday, Anduze resolved to tell Blanc some of his considerations. He knows everything "Their Lordships" have written to Rome to counterbalance the communications Anduze may have sent. He is the victim of persecution. He has suffered patiently for 15 months; he has never received the least overture for a reconciliation. Yesterday he was received in a most humiliating way. In the interview Blanc said that Anduze could use his talents to more advantage elsewhere. Anduze knows public opinion better that those who have just arrived. The priests, by their defamations, scandals and lawsuits, have done a terrible evil to religion. Anduze, a citizen of the country where he has lived and been a priest for almost 25 years, has been forbidden to say Mass. He demands the faculty as his right; he will demand it for 15 years, if necessary, as he has for 15 months. 1. The diocese of Louisiana was separated from that of St. Christopher of Havana at the request of Charles IV with the consent of the titular bishop. 2. It was constituted canonically like those of Europe and Mexico and was never considered as a mission see. 3. Bishop (William Louis Dubourg kept these privileges and was answerable only to Rome. 4. Bishop (Ambrose) Maréchal, on receiving the pallium in 1817, received no power over the diocese of New Orleans. 5. When in 1824, Maréchal obtained the separation of Alabama from Louisiana, and the appointment of Bishop (Michael) Portier, then President of a school at Lancaster, DuBourg, indignant at this violation of the canons and the infraction of his rights, wrote to Rome and abandoned the diocese. Bishop (Joseph) Rosati, attending the Provincial Council of Baltimore in 1827, did not give up his rights; he registered his protests. This brings about the questions as to whether a bishop has a right to give up the rights of his diocese to the prejudice of his clergy. (Anduze lists 5 points under this subject). A priest must make his defense with dignity. (Anduze itemizes his debts which amount to) 7586.66 piastres. There is only one way to end this fight and that is a sincere reconciliation. The public considers him a victim. If Anduze does not receive a favorable reply from Blanc, he will establish himself here. A resolution of the fabrique having put his old apartments at the presbytery at his disposal, Anduze's financial position forces him to accept them.

v-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 7pp. - 4to. - {6}

1843 Oct. 15
Brogard, Father J(oseph) N(icolas): Baton Rouge, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop Ant(hony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

A marriage will keep him at Baton Rouge until the end of this month. He had told Blanc he would be down a little sooner. Blanc forbade Brogard last year to take part in any procession in which secret societies figured in uniform. Several weeks ago when Brogard was in New Orleans, his confrère from Iberville acted otherwise. This diversity of conduct is very embarrassing.

v-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}

1843 Oct. 15
Kinsella, Father J.J.: Killeigh, Ireland
 to Bishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A parishioner, Bernard Brien, had a brother Mich(ae)l Brien, who leaving the country, sold his land to George Patterson for 13 years which will expire next March. Bernard is persuaded that Michael died in New Orleans about 1834 and that he left no child living. Bernard being the only surviving brother, is heir to the property. A friend of Brien, Thomas Conly in New Orleans to whom Brien wrote today, will write immediately either to Brien or to Blanc. The law of Ireland will require an affidavit which if corraborated by Blanc's letter would place Bernard in the enjoyment of his rights.

v-4-o - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {5}

1843 Oct. 15
Sautois, S.J., Father F(lorian) J.: Grand Coteau, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

In a distant mission Sautois has just made he blessed several marriages and validated some. Two had impediments of relationship: Paulin Watkin and Amélie David; and Michael Roy and Desirée Marcantel. Following instructions formerly received from Father (Victor) Jamey, Sautois proceeded immediately with the performing of these marriages before receiving the dispensations for which he now asks. (P.S.) H.Goudchaux will bring back the reply.

v-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {7}

1843(?) Oct. 16
(Hecker), Isaac: N(ew) Y(ork, New York)
 to O(restes) A.Brownson: Chelsea, Mass(achusetts)

They have agreed to start the paper without an exclusive editor, but under the supervision of one of the many contributors, McCracken, who wrote the address. The material for publication has been approved, and is expected to be out next week. He is very pleased to hear that the "Review" is to be recommenced with the purpose Brownson mentioned. He had grown lukewarm about the religious revolution. But now it seems to him that Church movement seems infinitely more important than the personal, social and political reform. The realization of the Catholic Church, foreshadowed in the past, and lost to Luther and his coadjutors in his movement, is renewed in our day by the inspired men active in a counter movement, though this movement is more than merely a counter movement. If he and his friends can help with the "Review" it will be a labor of love for them. He wants to know if Brownson will come to give a series of lectures. They will prepare for them if he is. William Channing praised Brownson's last three articles on Government, and spoke of Brownson in the highest terms. Greely has noticed Brownson's address, and promises a re-notice of it. Mackensie has started an opposition paper against the renunciation of Martin. He will send a copy if Brownson did not get one. He hopes Orestes will find his trial increasing his strength and virtue.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1843 Oct. 17
Kelley, W(illia)m D.: Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson: Boston, Massachusetts)

He would have replied sooner to Brownson's letter if he could have got for him the required information. The committee of the Hist. Association had their winter program ready without Brownson's name on it. They thought from his silence that he would not come. They proposed to reconsider, however, and would address him again. He thinks Brownson's course will succeed as neither the Mercantile nor Athenian Institute were having courses this year. Brownson is known there and has received many favorable notices in the Whig presses. He expects Brownson to stay at his home while in the city. He asks Brownson to draw no conclusions about their recent election, as it was considered throughout the state as a fit occasion for the settlement of local difficulties.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1843 Oct. 17
Smith, Persifor F. Judge: Parish of Jefferson, Louisiana

Gavino Ledda has applied for a license to marry Clementine Alberty; Smith duly grants it. (On the back of the license is written) Margarit Smith, widow of Mathew McCann.

V-4-o - A.D.S - 2pp. - folio - {4}

1843 Oct. 18
(Chanche), Bishop JOhn Joseph: Natchez, (Mississippi)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

What has been done about the curé? Have any advances been made by the trustees and has Blanc given them any notice of his wish on the subject? They have had no sickness of any kind in their city this year. (Chanche) received a letter from Paris enclosing a diploma by which he was nominated honorary Vice President of the Institut d'Afrique. Has he received this in common with the other Bishops of the United States? He also has a letter from Mr. Choiselat announcing his allocation of the very trifling sum of about $2000. Choiselat wrote when (Chanche) was in Baltimore dissuading him from going to Europe and assuring him that his diocese would be taken care of. Suppose (Chanche) and Blanc go to Europe together; Blanc has many things to lay before His Holiness about his trustees, etc., and (Chanche) will go on a begging expedition.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1843 Oct. 19
Scott, J. Parkin Jenkins, M. Courtney: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Boston, Massachusetts

The members of the Calvert Institute are highly favored at Brownson's acceptance of their invitation to lecture. They suggest as the date for the lecture, the last day in January next, which is on a Wednesday. They hope it suits his convenience. He asks Brownson to notify them ten days in advance before he starts for Baltimore, so that they can provide his expenses. They would also like to be informed at that time as to his subject for the lecture.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1843 Oct. 19
Stores, J. P. B.: Syracuse
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Boston, Massachusetts

Brownson has so ably and eloquently described the scholar's mission, that he wishes every scholar would read it and be led to better efforts and loftier aspirations. He has seen nothing worthier of praise than his oration, and asks Brownson to have the publisher send him 12 copies. There was no opportunity, he says, to meet Brownson after naming the subject of autographs. He asks Brownson not to forget to spare him all he can from his files, foreign and domestic.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1843 Oct. 20
Gourdin, H.: Charleston, (South Carolina)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Boston, (Massachusetts)

He asks Brownson if he would render his views and opinions upon the questions stated in regard to the establishment of Mr. (John C.) Calhoun as a candidate of the Democratic party for President of the United States. He would like to know whether the proposed convention would be well represented from the Eastern States. (The printed circular concerning the proposed Young Men's Convention of Calhoun's supporters is enclosed.)

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1843 Oct. 20
Davis, H.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Father (James Lesne?) Laine is authorized to marry Augustin to Annette belonging to the estate of J.H.(Field) and V. Field. Samuel B. Davis signs for Davis.

V-4-o - Note S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {4}

1843 Oct. 20
Leonard, J.(?): Plaquemines, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The pastor Blanc had given them, Father (Baron D'Aurange?) D'Auragne died October 18. He was buried yesterday by Father (John) Caretta, pastor of St. Bernard. He was buried where he had told them he wished to be, on a mound supposed to have been made by the Indians. He is sincerely regretted by all. They hope soon to have a church built in their parish and a pastor.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1843 Oct. 20
Manning, W.: Boston, (Massachusetts)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: (Boston, Massachusetts)

He says he owes Brownson so much for his persevering and grand works for humanity, that he is willing to take any occasion to express his obligations. The public turn of this address gives him one. He has written from his own mind, moved as it daily is by this grand theme. He wishes him all success and reward in his labors.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1843 Oct. 21
Bonseigneur, J. B.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

He asks the pastor to baptize his little mulatto.

V-4-o - A. Note S. - (French) - 1p. - 32mo. - {0}

1843 Oct. 22
(Blanc), Bishop Ant(hony): N(ew) Orleans, (Louisiana)
The President and Trustees of St. Louis ChurchNew Orleans, (Louisiana)

(Blanc) received their letter of the 16th accompanying a copy of the resolutions adopted at their meeting the same day. He was this far in his letter when he learned that his first communication to the Council as well as their reply and resolutions had just been made public by the press. He has no right to complain as it was only through delicacy that he himself put off publicity. Since the public has the first correspondence they know why the appointment of a pastor has been deferred; that it is because the Council does not think it can give the priests of this church independent use of the presbytery, possession of the registers, approbation of the tariff by the Bishop, and choice of the employees of the Church. 1. During the too short administration of the last pastor, a constraint was put on the independent use of the presbytery by having a neighbor's door opening into the narrow court of the presbytery. 2. The registers exist, not by civil law but by Church law, and belong to the parish, handed down from pastor to pastor. The pastors must produce the records at each pastoral visit of the Bishop for his approval or disapproval. For the marriage records, the pastor is also accountable to the civil authorities. The Council, in pointing out, with so little reason, the negligence with which they declare the registers are kept, does not reflect on the censure it casts on the administration of the two venerable priests who had for more than 50 years, the sole responsibility for these registers. The fact that there has never been a serious complaint up to now proves they have been exact. 3. The tariff is the order established in all Catholic dioceses. In Article 16 of the Charter, (Blanc) sees nothing of the formation of a tariff. On the third Monday of each January the council is to meet to pass on the budget for the year; the tariff serves as the basis. This explanation should dispel the impression in the mind of the public that (Blanc) wishes to interfere in the temporal affairs of the Church. 4. (Blanc) demands for the pastor, the choice and control of church officials from altar boys to organist. Who can better judge these employees? If the council wishes to say that because they pay the salaries they also have the right of choice; it would probably follow that they also had the right to choose the pastor. He warns the council that on this point, to the right bishops have to appoint pastors and other ecclesiastics, (Blanc) can today add particular instructions sent him from Rome. He invites the Council to come to see the Apostolic Brief which His Holiness has sent to regulate his conduct.

V-4-o - A. Draft S. - (French) - 5pp. - 4to. - {1}

1843 Oct. 22
Bröring, Clemens: Cincinnati, Ohio
 to Bishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

This is the second letter Broring has written; he would like to know how the trial stands which they had in the U.S. court on February 11. When Broring left Blanc to go to Cincinnati, those two men sent a letter on board the boat that he had to suffer for it. Last summer the two men tried to get him out of the way and so he does not like to go to New Orleans again. He wishes Blanc would write him, or once more go to court for him. It is now over 14 months and he does not know what to do to end the case. (Written by) Joseph Schwegman.

V-4-o - L. - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1843 Oct. 23
Healy, Jesse: Ithaca, (New York)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Boston, Mass(achusetts)

He informs Brownson that he is out on $500 bail, which he secured from friends in Indianapolis of the editor of "The Tompkins Democrat" in Ithaca. His trial will now come up in the spring instead of the fall. One Hon. R. P. Spalding of Ohio has invited him to come to Ohio where he will be safe, where a friend of Spalding, Shannon, will protect him If, when he employed (W. W.) Wick (as defense counsel) he had secured an honest, or partly honest man, he ould have been free much sooner. He asks Brownson to advise him in case things look unfavorable, and to address the letter to J. Hunt, Jr. because he does not want letters to come to his name at present. He has got acquainted with one of Brownson's friends in the place, a Mr. Frur. It would take two sheets to relate the particulars of his case, and says only that he is innocent. He sends his regards to Sister Sally, Orestes, John Channing, and the 4 or 5 others he does not recollect.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1843 Oct. 24
Auriac, Father: New York, (New York)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Auriac is deeply touched by the trouble Rousselon has taken for him and for his friends. He has written to Father de Rauzan and Father St. Yves as Rousselon suggested. While waiting for St. Yves' power of attorney, Auriac sent his to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc. The inheritance will not equal his sorrow; they have all lost much. Their church is going well considering the circumstances. He hopes the troubles with the trustees will not be renewed. P.S. Father (Annet?) Lafont sends his respects.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 16mo. - {3}

1843 Oct. 24
Pierz, Father Francois: Mackinac, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere: of Detroit, Michigan

Father Pierz received Bishop Lefevere's letter of Sept.2, and came to Mackinac at the first opportunity to accept whatever the Bishop sent him and to obey the Bishop's command. But he got the Bishop's letter too late, and Father (Otto) Skolla had already engaged the services of Miss Taner for his school at Mackinac, and accepted also the services of Hamlin, a young man for the school at La Pointe de St. Ignace. By mistake, Skolla took both furnaces to his schools. Pierz took the one from the school at Mackinac and keft the other one. But he begs Lefevere to send 2 furnaces; one for himself and one for Father Skolla. This furnace should have at least 15 popes, since the ceilings of the schools are high and the one he has, has only 3. He received also glasses and 3 locks. He still needed bells for the savages. Lately Pierz baptized the chief and a dozen other Indians at Beaver Island (formerly Castor Island). Others are preparing themselves to be baptized. Coming from this island, Pierz was nearly lost in the storm. On this island he established a catechism school for children and adults. He has now 6 assistants in the schools whom he must direct and visit from time to time. Under him there are many orphans, of whom Pierz would like to take care if he had the means. Trips to the schools cost him much money. Consequently, he asks Lefevere to let him know how much of the government funds he can let him have for the education of the savages. He wishes to obtain the money ahead of time to pay the assistants $1 per lesson and Madame Fisher $10 per month. Because the navigation will be closed for a long time he asks Lefevere to send Father Skolla and him a 8 months's allowance for their different expenses. The money should be addressed to Skolla. In his last letter to Lefevere Pierz mentioned the possibility of a loan from the government to the young savages to enable them to learn a trade at Detroit. But Lefevere did not like to see these young savages go away to the big City; he was afraid that the big City would spoil them. Pierz, however, believes that once the savages would learn a trade they would be able to work together for the good of the whole Indians tribe. These savages would be at Detroit under the direction of a priest. But Pierz does not want to do anything without the consent of the Bishop.

III-2-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1843 Oct. 25
Field, Eliza: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

She gives permission on the negress Annette to marry; Annette belongs to the estate of Mrs. James H. Field.

V-4-o - A. Note S. - (French) - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}

1843 Oct. 25
(Odin, C.M.), Bishop John Mary: (Assumption, Louisiana)
 to Bishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

(Odin) has just received Blanc's letter of the 20th. He will leave tomorrow for St. Michael. He had promised Father (J.M.) Masnou, (C.M.) to preach at Donaldson on All Saints Day and the next day. As Masnou is counting on him, (Odin) has asked Father (P.J.) Doutre luingne, (C.M.) to come and spend the feast days at St. Michael and Tuesday evening after hearing the confessions of the Ladies (Odin) will go to Donaldson. Thursday evening (Odin) will return to the convent. (Odin) has learned with sorrow of the continuation of the worry Blanc is experiencing. But to give in to these blind and evil men would be to gain nothing. Doutreluingne has been ill; he seems well enough now. Everything is going as well as can be desired. (On the back of the letter is written): Mr. Gifford.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {4}

1843 Oct. 26
Anduze, Father A(ristide?) M.: N(ew) Orl(eans, Louisiana)
 to Father: (New Orleans, Louisiana?)

(This letter is difficult to read because of the handwriting and the use of abbreviations. It seems to be reply to the letter of a confrere and concerns the calumnies circulated about Anduze). Anduze has shown this letter to Dr. Labatut.

V-4-O - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - folio - {1}

1843 Oct. 28
Casserly, Patrick S.: New York, (New York)
 to Bishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Casserly asks (Blanc) to ascertain from the executors of Father Robert Doogan, whose death is announced in the Catholic Herald, if they can discharge a small claim on their books to Doogan's debit. The account has been going on since November, 1841; a balance remains of $28.51, a statement of which had been forwarded on October 2, the very day of his death. Where it not for Casserly's large family and heavy expenses he would probably not trouble (Blanc) but he is compelled to apply to the only source whence he could expect redress. He sings for Casserly and Sons.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1843 Oct. 28
LeVasseur, Father: Paris, (France)
 to Bishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

LeVasseur was about to answer a letter from Father (Ferdinand Dominic) Bach when he learned of the death from yellow fever of Bach, pastor of the Cathedral. The Society of the Fathers of Mercy while sorrowing at the death of one of their members, nevertheless rejoice that God called him under circumstances so favorable for heaven. LeVasseur asks (Blanc) to send them all the details of his last days. Bach must have left letters and papers concerning the Society and books marked with his stamp and seals of the Society. LeVasseur asks (Blanc) to give these to a captain who could bring them to LeHavre. He could give them to Victor Marziou. (P.S.) As LeVasseur was closing his letter, a letter from a confrere in New York confirmed the sad news. Bach had a brother, a Jesuit, in Belgium and a sister in Paris. LeVasseur is affixing the stamp (not present) of the seal of the Society. The letters will be found to be signed by Father (Jean Baptist) Rauzan, or Father Du Messildor(?) or LeVasseur.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {6}

(1843) Oct. 29
Dalgarins, J.D.: Oxford, (England)
 to (Benjamin B.J. McMaster): (New York, New York)

Dalgarins has been long in replying to McMaster's letters, but many things press upon him, and he had no time to write. He did not forget McMaster, however, whose position across the Atlantic is like that of many (in England), and even like that of Dalgarins himself. Since Dalgarins' last letter a decided break has been formed between the more moderate party and those like McMaster) who think nothing worth anything unless there is a union with Rome. (William) Palmer's pamphlet started the division, but lately, in the election of the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, a more important rupture has taken place. The Catholic party objected to the Vice-Chancellor's being one of the six doctors who condemned Dr. (Edward B.) Pusey. However just before the election Dr. (William) Hook (?), who is a fair representative of Anglo-Catholicism, published a violent letter against (William G.) Ward's book ("The Ideal of a Christian Church"), and refused to come to Oxford to vote with his former friends against the Vice-Chancellor because they were the "Romanizing party". Hook(?) carried many with him so the minority vote was smaller than it would otherwise have been. But this affair is of little consequence compared to the break-up of the Catholic party, or what Dalgarins thinks is a break-up. The party was composed of heterogeneous elements--(1) the high and dry dean, prefect, and rector, (2) the evangelical and Lutheran, (3) the political or Conservative, (4) the liberal or German religionist. How the divided Catholics can stand against the mixed mass is a mystery, but the issue is in God's hands, and the best thing to do is to await the outcome patiently. Dalgarin's opinion is that years must elapse before the issue is settled. The "Lives of the Saints" about which McMaster asks, are being written by young men who are unknown to fame. The life of St. Augustine is by (Frederick) Oakeley. The volume containing the lives of SS. Bega, Oswald, Paulinus, etc., is by (Frederick W.) Faber, who is known through his poems, and is the nephew of the old evangelical writer, Stanley Faber. A few of the shortest lives of the hermit saints are by (John Henry) Newman. St. Stephen was not written by Newman as was supposed, and St. Gilbert is by the same author (Dalgarins himself). St. Walstein is by (Richard William) Church, who is also the author of the articles on St. Anselm in the British Critic. These are all that are important. Regarding McMaster's inquires about a manual for confessors, Dalgarins recommends the works of St. Alphonsus Ligouri "Homo Apostolicus", or the six volume work, "Theologica Moralis". The book "Le Manuel des Confesseurs" by L'Abbe Gaume is useful, but not so systematic, and Rodriguez's "Christian Perfection" has recently been translated. Dalgarins doubts whether Oakeley will go on with the "Life of St. Bernard", for he is much better in the original Latin (untranslated). (Edward B.) P(usey) is the translator of St. Bonaventure. (William G.) Ward's book ("The Ideal of a Christian Church") has come to a second edition, revised, and in two volumes. It is influencing many quiet, earnest people, and is doing away with prejudices. The book is that of a highly intellectual, religious man, and influences in some way all who read it. Ward, apart from his views on Rome, has some peculiar views of his own, which are, however, on the surface, and the generality of readers are not affected by them. They are philosophical rather than theological questions, and the book is read only in a theological point of view. In this point of view it has enraged many persons in authority, who would punish Ward if they could, but Ward is a fellow of a college, and the Archbishop of Canterbury is an old man who likes to leave his problems to his successor. So Ward is rather hard to get at. Dalgarins and his friends are in a strange position, much like that of McMaster in America. He is not at Littlemore at the time of this writing, having gone to Oxford for a change of air, but he will be returning in a few days. If Newman were with him he would send McMaster his regards.

I-1-m - A.L.S. - 6pp. - 16mo. - {6}

1843 Oct. 30
Rupell, Ida: Milton Hill, (Massachusetts)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Chelsea, Mass(achusetts)

She asks if there is any need of showing more clearly than the fact speaks for itself that she is writing to Brownson and expects a reply. Brownson may recollect that when he accompanied her to Franklin place, she held a volume of Barry Cornwall's poems. She is delighted with the poems. She hopes Brownson's Review prospers.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1843 Oct. 31
(Kenrick), Bishop Peter Richard: St. Louis, (Missouri)
 to Father E(tienne) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

(Kenrick) has received Rousselon's two letters. He thanks him for sending the ordo for next year and for the 50 Mass intentions to pay the expenses. He regrets the difficulties surrounding Rousselon and sends his sympathy to the Bishop.

V-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {1}

1843 Oct. 31
Olivier, J(ean?) B(aptiste?): Orleans Parish, (Louisiana)
 to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans), Louisiana

The Duverje family asks Blanc to send them a priest on November 1 to hold a ceremony in their (Algiers) Cemetery on the other side of the stream; a carriage will be at the ferry. If there is no objection they would like to have Father (James) Lesne.

V-4-o - A. Note S. - (French) - 2pp. - 16mo. - {3}