University of Notre Dame


(1854) (Jul. ?)
(Brownson, Orestes A.: Boston, Massachusetts)
 to the Editor of the Southern Journal: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Brownson) thanks the editor for the independent manner in which he spoke of his late article on "Native Americanism." He is grateful that the editor understands how to differ in opinion with another without forgetting courtesy or charity. The editor has, however, misapprehended him on one or two points. He supposes Brownson to use the words Anglo-American and Anglo-Saxon as synonymous. Anglo-Saxon expresses rather a type than a race. Brownson calls himself Anglo-Saxon sometimes, and yet it would be impossible for him to prove that he has a drop of Anglo-Saxon blood. His family came from England in the earliest settlement of New England, but whether they were Norman, Saxon, or Celtic is more than he knows or cares. He can trace his (ancestry) on his father's side only to his ancestor who with Hooker and others founded the colony of Hartford. On his mother's side he can trace his descent from one of the border chieftians of Scotland, probably a famous robber in his day.

I-3-1 - A. Draft (Incomplete) - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1854 Jul.
Mullon, Father J(ames) I(gnatius): (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to (Father Stephen Rousselon: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Returns for July for (St. Patrick's Church. Items and amounts are given).

VI-1-h - A. Report S. - 1p. - folio - {2}

1854 Jul. 1
(Haughery), Margaret (Gaffney): (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipt for $10.70 for milk.

VI-1-h - Receipt - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}

1854 Jul. 1
Lambert, Rich(ar)d: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father E(tienne) Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipt for $20 for one month's services as organist.

VI-1-h - A. Receipt S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}

1854 July
Brummer, Father J(ohn) W.: (Beaver, Ohio)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Brummer has several children on his hands he would like to place in the Orphans institute. 1. a boy and girl whose mother died and whose father, a drunk, left them in a railroad shanty and left for parts unknown. 2. a boy whose father is dead and whose mother is a drunkard. 3. Four children whose mother is dead and whose father, a good man, but sick and unable to support them. 4. Three children whose mother and brothers support them with difficulty. Brummer has done what he could, but is unable to do more for them. If Purcell could get a deed from Father Charles McCallion for their two lots at Washington, Brummer will have a cemetery there. All they need here at Beaver is a good altar, confessional, and pulpit to finish them out. There is nothing yet at Washington. Will Purcell bet Brummer a teacher who can play the organ and keep house for him?

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16to. - {4}

1854 July 1
Blanc, Ant(hony) Abp. New Orleans: New Orleans, Louisiana
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Blanc had not heard from Purcell for so long about the project of the Ursuline Nuns, that he was surprised when he saw three of them land on June 28. They were pleased with the welcome they received from the Mother Superior of the Community here. The Superior told Blanc there would be no difficulty in the way of their admission here if they felt disposed to comply with the rules of the House. They appear to be very good Religious. Blanc suggests that Purcell send a letter of commendation to the Mother Superior. Blanc hopes the sad story respecting Trinity Church in Cincinnati is not true.

II-4-m - A.LS. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {4}

1854 July 2
Brunemann, Father J(oseph): Newark, Ohio
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

He hopes soon to receive a letter of justification from Purcell being so ill used for six years by the Germans of Newark, worse than his predecessor Father (Louis) Senez. In his last letter he told how it is impossible for a German priest to live there. A German priest Father (M.S.) Herzog came from Zanesville expecting to succeed Brunemann. He is staying at a house of a German and not with Brunemann. He did not show his papers to Brunemann. Brunemann will send a statement of church property tomorrow. What should he do? The Germans will not support him and the Irish have not been paid for months. His sickness and his horse cost him money. Hence he had to contract a few debts which he could pay if he could get his salary which is due him. He begs Purcell to send an English priest. Two- thirds of the Germans understand English. He expects to leave this week. He hopes to have justice done regarding all the slanders told against him.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo - {6}

1854 July 3
Brummer, Father J(ohn) W.:
Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

He asks for a dispensation for the son of John Butler to marry a sectarian. The girl promises to bring up the children Catholic. There is hope that she may become a Catholic. Dick Gray wishes to merry a girl who wants to become a Catholic, but Brummer cannot prepare her sufficiently in so short a time. He asks for a dispensation if one is needed. Some of the Irish on the railroad are marrying sectarian women before the squire. Brummer cannot sufficiently attend to his people because he has to roam about collecting on the railroad. He asks Purcell to find him a teacher. He asks a dispensation from saying his office on those days that he is out on the railroads. He has been neglecting parts of it thereby causing him the greatest torments of mind. P.S. He wrote to Mr. Table and to Father (Daniel) Hallinan to spend their vacation here.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {4}

(18)54 Jul. 3
Léonard, Louis: Ascension, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

He thinks Blanc knows that for some time St. Anne's Chapel has been the cause of discord among them. It was built where it is by the older people who went there without complaint until some meddlers complained and Blanc promised to try to move it provided the neighborhood consented. Father (Anthony) Ver(r)ina, (C.M.) found that three fourths were decidedly opposed. With the chapel moved, the land would be sold and ploughed up over the graves of their dead. Having refused they thought it was no longer a question. But Blanc ordered that it should be moved. He has the power but he owes them justice. The land where the chapel is to be moved is no more in the center than it is now. It is at the other extreme next to a saloon, gambling house, etc. However it must be moved because it is neglected! 4 years ago in May one of the windows was blown in by the wind and is still that way; 2 years ago in June another fell and is there on the ground; it has been 2 years in April since the pews were rented; pigeons nest in the altar. There is Mass there only every 2 or 3 months; no one goes there any longer. Does Blanc think that moving the chapel will remedy all that? If trustees were appointed and the power taken out of the hands of those who have neglected it, they believe money could be found to repair the chapel where it is, then Blanc could send them a priest who would preach the beauties of their religion and not one who turned people away for two years like Ver(r)ina and Company have done here. Blanc should send them a Father Amate, a Masnou, Bernier, a Burlandeau.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {3}

1854 Jul. 3
Foltier, Father S(tephen) J(ules): St. Martinville, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Foltier writes from St. Martin, where he has gone to help Father (Ange Marie) for First Communion, to inform (Blanc) of a decision taken last week and already announced to his parishioners last Sunday. Fatigue forces him to leave Abbeville. Making long trips to say Mass, building a church with his own money, living in a house hotter than the prairies, with no rest at night because of the drunken people, it is too much to bear. He will pay his debts and collect what is owed to him. Even the note which (Blanc) signed will no longer exist. He will not have finished but will have considerably advanced the construction of a new church. There is no house for the priest. The one Foltier bought, not being paid for, will go back to the owner unless (Blanc) makes some decision about it. He believes his affairs will be settled around the 20th(?) of this month. His plan is to go then to New Orleans to see (Blanc). He will say Mass every Sunday up to the time of his departure in order to force them to pay pew rent if (Blanc) sends a successor to Abbeville. But he cannot remain here. As the heir of Father (Anthony Désiré) Mègret, (Blanc) will have only disappointments if he accepts the rent of the land. There is no difficulty between Foltier and his parishioners. But he cannot remain here especially in complete isolation from his confreres. He hopes (Blanc) will not regard this as an act of disobedience and ingratitude.

VI-1-g - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 8vo. - {4}

1854 July 3
Brownson, O(restes) A.: Chelsea, (Massachusetts)
 to Archbishop (John Hughes): of New York, (New York)

Brownson received Hughes' letter dated Saturday. Brownson deliberately wrote the articles about which Hughes complained. Before printing the articles were submitted to the theologian appointed by Bishop (John Fitzpatrick) to examine during his absence. Brownson was not aware of anything in his article on Native Americanism that differs from what has been the unifrom doctrine of his Review. Brownson wrote as an American. If any one supposes that it is Brownson's purpose to stick with the Know Nothings or to desert the cause of his fellow citizens of foreign birth, they do him great injustice. In regard to education Brownson wished merely to point out to non-Catholics that their common school system would not rout out Catholicity. In general Brownson did not like the school system as it existed throughout the state but he had no particular argument against it. He expressed his preference for Catholic schools. The Bishop says to send out children to the public schools is the best we can do. It was Brownson's wish to give the Protestants no more prominence than necessary. Personal considerations must not a rise when the interests of religion are at stake. If Hughes thinks Brownson has sacrificed these interests, then it is Hughes duty to put an end to Brownson as a Reviewer. A word from Hughes at this time would utterly ruin Brownson. With the Archbishop of New York and the Bishop (Michael O(Connor) of Pittsburgh against him, Brownson could not and would not continue his Review. Brownson commenced his Review as a Catholic Review at the imitation of the Bishop (John Fitzpatrick) and when they think it ought to stop, stop it must and shall. If Hughes' confidence in Brownson is not wholly gone, his review is open to such an article criticizing the two articles. The criticism will be inserted along with such explanatary remarks as Hughes may think proper. Under the circumstances Brownson believes this suggestion is the best remedy. Hughes may do what he deems most advisable. If Hughes feels it necessary to excuse Brownson and to withdraw the confidence of Catholics from him, Brownson has no resistence to offer. Brownson would like to ask pardon for so long a letter and would rather see him personally but for sickness of his wife and his own poverty.

I-4-g - A.L.S.(Photostat, New York Archdiocesan Archives) - 8pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1854 Jul. 3
Thorne, R.J.: New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Thorne received Blanc's letter of June 24 on July 1. In regard to Blanc's enquiry of George Raymond, said to be a brother S. W. Raymond of New Orleans, Thorne finds there are two George Raymonds in the city directory. He went to see them both but they were out of the city. He will try to see them after the 5th and write to Blanc. Samuel Wilson Raymond, Thorne's brother-in-law, is a carpenter by trade. He was in Mobile in 1846 or 1847. He kept a hat and clothing store there. He burnt out there, had a son with him in the store. All corresponds to Blanc's letter but Thorne cannot think he is the man Blanc desires information about. Thorne thinks he would not disgrace himself by marrying when he has a wife and children. Raymond is about 48 or 49, rather good looking and well informed with rather an amiable disposition. The weather is extremely hot and they have some cholera.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1854 July 3
Spalding, M(artin) J. Bp. Douisville: Bardstown, Kentucky
 to ArchbishopJohn Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Spalding spent a day examining the seminarians at St. Thomas. Purcell's boys are doing well. Spalding was glad to see so much attention paid to English composition. There are about 30 in the seminary. Having just learned that one of his priests Father J. Quinn was in Cincinnati, Spalding deems it his duty to inform Purcell that Quinn is under sentence of suspension for repeated acts of insolence towards his bishop, and for formal disobedience in a grave matter. Spalding has no idea that Quinn intends to become a Jesuit. He is of a sour disposition and is fond of money. Quinn had as good a place as any priest in the diocese. A principle is involved which would wholly be at an end were priests allowed to insult their bishops with immunity. Quinn will probably apply to Purcell.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {5}

1854 Jul. 4
Chalon, Father G(abriel): Mobile, (Alabama)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

As soon as he received Blanc's letter, Chalon went to see Mr. Maguire to whom he told everything Blanc said. Maguire saw the man, knew him well, so the miserable fellow is disfigured(?) provided the young lady does not cross the Rubicon. Maguire wants only 10 piastres for the trip, which Chalon gave him with Blanc's thanks. Blanc can send Chalon the 10 piastres by mail or otherwise.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1854 Jul. 4
Chalon, Father G(abriel ): Mobile, (Alabama)
 to Father E(tienne) Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Chalon has placed an order for some statues for their Cathedral with Mr. Virebent of Toulouse, and has asked him to address it to Rousselon. (P.S.) There will be no duty on the statues at customs.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1854 Jul. 4
Hewit, C.SS.R.,Father Aug(ustine) F.: Philadelphia, P(ennsylvani)a
 to O(restes A.) Brownson: Boston, (Massachusetts)

Father (Louis) Coudenhove, (C.SS.R.), their late Superior in Philadelphia and now rector in Vienna, would like Brownson to exchange with a new Review under the auspices of the continuator of Holberg's History. This Review will contain critiques on all the learned works which appear in all parts of the world. Hewit read Brownson's article on the Temporal Power of the Pope with great interest and pleasure. He has lately read Count (Alexis-Francois) Artaud (de Montor's) "Lives of the Popes" with great pleasure. He asks Brownson if he has seen Father (Karl Joseph von) Hefele's "Life of Ximenes" (German.) If not Father (Isaac T.) Hecker, (C.SS.R.) can procure it for him. It is very interesting and a review of it would be splendid.

I-3-1 - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {5}

1854 Jul. 4
Tasset, Father F(ranci)s: Thibaudeaux, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Tasset writes today, not to ask for dispensations which he has received, but to present an excellent young man for the seminary. He finished his course at Tarbes two years ago and since he has been in Terrebonne parish. Tasset has always admired his conduct. Tasset believes that Jean Périgna(?), age 23, would make a good priest.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1854 Jul. 5
Poincy, D. and Co(mpany): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipted bill for $30 for bread from May 13 to June 28.

VI-1-h - A. Bill S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}

1854 Jul. 6
Delacroix, Father C(yril): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The receipts and expenditures for St. Patrick's Church show a balance of $32.93 for May and $199.85 for June. Collections by Father (James Ignatius) Mullon, Father (John) Flanagan and Delacroix are listed and the expenditures are itemized.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {4}

1854 Jul. 6
Thorne, R.J.: New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop Ant(hony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Thorne wrote on July 3. He finds but two George Raymonds in the city. One, a bookkeeper, has no brother in New Orleans nor a brother named Samuel Wilkenson Raymond; his only brother is Simeon (Raymond). The other George keeps a feed store and is distantly related to their Raymond family; his only brother is James (Raymond). If S.W. Raymond gives the address of his brother, Thorne will try to see him.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {5}

1854 Jul. 7
Andrieu, C.M,. Father A(nthony): Assumption, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

Andrieu is happy to join the trustees in asking Blanc to come to lay the corner stone of the church or to send the Vicar General. In case neither Blanc nor Father (Stephen) Rousselon can come, Andrieu asks authorization to perform the ceremony himself. Nothing new at the seminary, all send respects. P.S. He begs Blanc's pardon for not writing a separate latter to invite him to the feast of St. Vincent. As the corner stone laying could be the day after, he hopes the vicar general would come.

- A.L.S -


Hernandez, Manuel and others: (Assumption, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

They ask (Blanc) to come to lay the corner stone of their church or to send Father Rousselon. He asks (Blanc) to set the day toward the end of the month. (Signing with) Hernandez, Florentine Michel, Severin Landry, Alexandre Hebert, B.G. Ditto.

- L.S. -

VI-1-h - A.L.S., L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to - {8}

1854 Jul. 7
Brunemann, O.S.F., Father J(oseph): Newark, (Ohio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio)

The enclosed is the inventory of all church, house, and school articles. All debts on the church is $170.75. The inventory is signed by the oldest inhabitants of Newark. Father J(ames) Whelan could not come, being so near the exhibition. Brunemann invited Father J(ames) Meagher (but he?) did not come. As (Purcell) ordered, Brunemann elected a man to take care of the house, Patrick Laffan, who refused to take it unless (Purcell) in his own handwriting entitles him to live in it for six months. The men appointed to care for the property are Patrick Bergin, Daniel McCarthy, and John Tobin, the undersigned of the inventory. There is a man in Linfield willing to take the church for $125, it being greatly destroyed. Brunemann asks (Purcell) to send the deed and the faculty to sell it, in order to pay the carpenter $170.75. Enclosed is the inventory of the house, church, and schoolhouse of St. Francis de Sales, Newark. J. Brent also signs the inventory.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {9}

1854 July 7
Hughes, John Abp.: New York City, New York
 to Orestes A. Brownson: (Boston, Massachusetts)

He would not have written to Brownson had he felt he would injure him as much as Brownson's letter indicates. He doesn't think much can be gained by private correspondence, because the reader can easily misapprehend the words of the writer. He thinks that the two articles alluded to will cause much injurious speculation and will be detrimental to the Review. However, he didn't doubt Brownson's purity of intentions or uprightness of motives. He is sorry to state that several subscribers have spoken to him on the subject. He hopes the matter will be dropped. He is sorry that Brownson cannot come to visit him. The matter is closed and he hopes that Brownson is not discouraged. He assures him of continued friendship.

I-3-1 - L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {1}

1854 Jul. 7
Servil, Geo(rge) L.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to (Archbishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A commission of architects, composed of the city surveyor, and Messrs. Gallier, Turpin and Co(mpany), Allan D'Hémécourt, and Henry J. Conrad, having been appointed by Servil's predecessor, Mayor Crossman, to examine the public edifices of the city and report on their condition, havemade their report which Servil laid before the common council and referred to Servil by the council for the purpose of notifying the proprietors of the edifices reported as defective. Servil calls (Blanc)'s attention to the annexed extract from this report. The repairs are to be made within the shortest delay practicable.

- L.S. -


1854 Jul. 7
Théard, Tho(ma)s: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Extract from the report of the Committee on Architects: St. Joseph's Church, Common Street. They found the tower of this church to be perfectly safe but settled from its great weight and showing large cracks in the walls. They consider it more dangerous in appearance than in reality. They recommend that the plastering of the inside ceiling, badly cracked, be immediately taken down.

- A. Copy S. -

VI-1-h - L.S., A. Copy S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {8}

1854 July 8
Donelan, Rev. J(ames) B.: Washington, D. C.
 to Brownson, O(restes) A.: (Boston, Massachusetts)

He states it is a few days since he has written to him about an important subject. The information is for a 'stranger gentleman'. He wishes Brownson would find time to answer.

I-3-1 - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1854 Jul. 8
(Odin), Bishop J(ohn) M(ary): Galveston, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Father (Peter F.) Parisot, (O.M.I.) has just arrived and (Odin) has learned that (Blanc) is back in New Orleans. (Odin) did not write during (Blanc)'s pastoral visits. (Odin) thanks (Blanc) for the permission he gave to Parisot and to Father (Peter Marie) Lacour to make a little collection in Louisiana. Small though the help of these collections might be, they are precious in a country deprived of all resources. The seminary or (St. Mary's) college is about finished. The plasterers will begin in a few weeks. This building will cost over 15,000 piastres. The Oblates (of Mary Immaculate) do not want to be satisfied with anything less. Will they help (Odin) to pay a debt of 6000 piastres which they contracted in their name to finish the work? If they send an intelligent Superior, they will have many students. Next week they are going to begin building a new convent (Ursulines). Father (Louis C.M.) Chambodut's illness has forced (Odin) to defer his departure for the Rio Grande valley; he hopes to start out around the 20th. (Blanc) is to tell Father Rousselon that this morning he received news of the safe arrival of his young missionaries at New York. The telegram came four days before the steamer entered the harbor and Archbishop (John) Hughes was reading (Odin)'s letter when the young people presented themselves at his house. He put the 4 seminarians at Fordham and the two sisters with the Ladies of the Sacred Heart. (Odin) will have them come directly from New York to Galveston. Father (Anthony) Thèves is well and applying himself to the study of English. Last Sunday he gave a little instruction in that language to the girls at the convent. When he returns to Louisiana, (Blanc) can give him an American mission.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {9}

1854 Jul. 10
O'Brien, O.S.D., Father M(atthew) A.: Cincinnati, (Ohio)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

O'Brien received (Blanc)'s letter on the 2nd. He was in Kentucky when it arrived and it was detained at Somerset as they knew he would soon visit there. The Father General (of the Dominicans) has not written on the subject of the establishment in N(ew) Orleans. O'Brien has a deep interest in this establishment, but as his term of office expires in three months, the Fathers have determined not to make any new establishment until after the Provincial chapter in the last week in October. The matter will then be decided upon. P.S. O'Brien will not fail to advise (Blanc).

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1854 Jul. 11
(Brownson, Orestes A.): Boston, (Massachusetts)
 to the Editor of the Catholic Mirror: (Baltimore, Maryland)

(Brownson) has read with surprise and pain a communication in their paper of last week headed "Dr. Brownson on Nativism." They had a right to disagree with him but not to misrepresent him or to hold him up to public indignation. The policy of attacking him because he has expressed himself as an American citizen may be seriously questioned. The charge against their religion is that it is anti-national. Their correspondent supposes that (Brownson) in his article on Native Americanism has suffered his mind to be warped by the passing heat of know-Nothingism. Brownson has uniformly maintained these principles. There is no more reason for crying out against him now than there was in July 1845 or on a dozen ocasions since. The correspondent overlooks that (Brownson's) charges do not bear against the great body of the Catholicborn population, whether Irish or German, whom he expressly ranked as citizens among the very best in the country. He believes that God has made of one blood all nations. He wrote his article with the sincere intention of doing a real service to the Irish and all his Catholic brethren of foreign birth. Their correspondent thinks his alleged facts are not facts. Brownson has himself been sneered at as an Anglo-Saxon and Catholics of that race have been singled out and censured in a public lecture in (Boston). These things do not affect him personally but he cannot fail to mark their effect on his family and his American Catholic friends.

I-3-1 - A. Drafts (Incomplete) - 9pp. - 4to. - {4}

1854 Jul. 12
McGin, John F.: Jackson, L(ouisian)a
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: N(ew) Orleans, (Louisiana)

Some time ago, McGin wrote a letter to Father (R.?) O'Reilly, St. Joseph's Church, in care of Blanc, regarding the erection of a church at Bayou Sara, from which McGin has not as yet heard. McGin has, on the part of the Catholics of Bayou Sara, set about to build a church. He has got about $3000 subscribed, including Mr. Doherty's list and Mr. Labret's. McGin is confident that they can get 4 or 5000 in this and adjoining parishes. They contemplate a church worth about $10,000, including organ, bell, and town clock. For(?) the latter, the corporation of Bayou Sara will give 5 or $600. There is quite an inducing spirit of Catholic church building in this neighborhood. So much for the Know Nothings. When the church is completed, they will have the largest Catholic congregation out of Orleans. The Catholics pray Blanc will send them a good priest. Mrs. Bains says that the greater portion of the planters of this section were raised in the C(atholic) Church and will come back. McGin would like a letter of instructions regarding how to have the titles drawn and a letter of introduction to have money collected any place in the United States where they think they can get assistance. McGin is at present in Jackson and getting a good many subscriptions. He started the church this time and is determined to travel the States before he lets the matter drop as it has on 2 or 3 former occasions. McGin would be anxious for an interview if Blanc considers it safe, because of the cholera. P.S. He encloses one of their circulars they send out in their cause.

- A.L.S. -


1854 Jul. 12
McGin, Jo(h)n F.: Bayou Sara, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: N(ew) Orleans, (Louisiana)

On the part of the Catholics, McGin solicits kind consideration towards the erection of a Catholic house of worship in this town. They have themselves subscribed beyond their means; their subscriptions are inadequate to complete their design. They appeal to every denomination. P.S. The following gentlemen will receive any donation: Labret and Hearsy (?); D. Austin, P(ost?) M(aster?); P. Doherty; F.V. Leake and Co(mpany); James R. Marks, mayor; or McGin.

- Printed Circular -

VI-1-h - A.L.S., Printed Circular - 5pp. - 4to. - {12}

1854 July 12
Spalding, M(artin) J. Bp. Louisville: Louisville, Kentucky
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Spalding considers Purcell's suggestion a very timely one; but he doubts whether he could write such a paper and whether it would have much circulation if published in his Miscellanea. Spalding's book will not probably appear before the 1st of October. Why should not Purcell write the document himself? Spalding asks Purcell to send him an outline of the points to be covered, if he still desires him to write the address. Spalding fears that it will be hard to keep some of Purcell's neophytes (Orestes A.) Brownson included - in the juste mileu. That article of Brownson on Nativism is most ill timed and badly advised; as much as were his Lucubrations on the power of the popes. Bishop (John) Fitzpatrick is Brownson's chief adviser, and Spalding would suggest that Purcell would write to him stating their views on Brownson's course.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {5}

1854 Jul. 13
Lanata, Gandolfo and Co(mpany): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipted bill for $39 for wine and olive oil. Signed by B(ernar?)d Landumiey.

VI-1-h - Receipt S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {2}

1854 Jul. 13
Praz, R.S.C.J., Madame A(nnette): St. Michael, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Praz has just received (Blanc)'s letter and hastens to tell what she thinks of Malvira Hynes(?). She always behaved well at the boarding school; it was only the last year that she let it be seen that she did not wish to return to the world. Malvira has written to Praz since leaving here speaking of the inclination to leave the world forever. Praz encouraged her to pray. Praz believes, as (Blanc) does, that her character is not as firm as that of her sister, but fit for community life and that she would make a good religious. Their prizes will be given August 17. Can they count on Blanc presiding? The last news from Grand Coteau is quite good; Mother(Maria) Cutts, (R.S.C.J.) is a little better but there is still a long way to a cure. Everyone is well here for the season but it is time for vacation. Some parents have withdrawn their children; a dozen have already left.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1854 Jul. 13
(Purcell), Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist): Cincinnati, (Ohio)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Purcell) is sorry that he neglected any of the formalities necessary to the immediate reception of the three Sisters, Sister M. Augustine, niece of Bishop (John) England, Sister M. Angela, sister of the present Bishop Delany of Cork, and Sister Veronica, a lay Sister. (Purcell) begs (Blanc) to regard this as their obedience in due form. They did not break their enclosure, they did not act in any manner from their own will but only in obedience to the advice of their Confessor, Superior, and (Purcell). He begs (Blanc) to receive them as a father. In the case of Father (Peter) Kroeger, the jury c(oul)d not agree. There were 9 to 3 for his acquittal from every charge. He is a most virtuous priest but the Frei-Manners and bad editors of other papers got this concocted to stigmatise him if possible. They were pretty well exposed at the trial. Did (Blanc) receive the Nuncio's prospectus which (Purcell) sent him? (Purcell) sends respects to Father Rousselon. Does (Blanc) notice the two great somersets made by (Orestes A.) Brownson in his last Quarterly? That man is destined to be their own worst enemy in the United States. Was the Hitselberger who was stabbed by the woman in New Orleans, a brother of Father Alex (L.) Hitselberger? Has (Blanc) seen the Memoir of Archbishop (Francis Norbert Blanchet) of Oregon to the Propaganda written several years ago. (Purcell) has lately got a copy; it is a remarkable, instructive, outspoken document. (P.S.) (Blanc) is to tell (Purcell) what he thinks of Father Aylward and what he knows of him.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {10}

1854 Jul. 13
Tholomier, Father (Claude Anthony): St. Michael, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Constant Gravier and Marie Marine Melancon, both parishioners; ask for a dispensation. Tholomier is surprised that, having written twice to (T.E.) Giraud about repairs to the church, he has not replied. Last week Tholomier asked a man in the city to see Giraud. Tholomier believes that the sad state of Giraud's affairs makes him hide. He had promised to begin work at the beginning of this month and they have not yet even decided on the work to be done. If (Blanc) can talk with Giraud, he is to ask him to act differently or they will put him aside. Tholomier believes they would like to change something about the cupola, and thus effect an economy which they can use for other things. They say they should have Mr. Reiz come; he is the contractor who built the house for the Ladies of the Sacred Heart. They say he is very capable. If (Blanc) thinks it advantageous, they ask him to let Reiz know there is work to be done at St. Michael if he would do it reasonably. Tholomier would like to cherish the hope that they could have, next year, the Brother of Christian Doctrine. What makes him hope are two letters he received from Father (Auguste Simon) Paris who writes from St. Louis that the Brothers are perfectly disposed in favor of St. Michael; that they have only to set out the conditions and if they are acceptable there is all probability that they will shortly come. What a treasure for the parish! As for the resources, Providence will not fail them. They will have the Walham(?)

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {10}

1854 Jul. 13
Verrina, C.M., Father A(nthony): Donaldsonville, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Verrina received (Blanc)'s letter this morning about St. Anne's Chapel. He sees that the person wrote without knowledge of the cause. Father (Anthony) Andrieux, (C.M.), even before Verrina's arrival from Missouri, was to have had it moved because it was not in the center of the place. The people were divided pro and con, some not even wanting it to go across their land. Verrina is going to see them and obtain permission from each one. The land offered to Verrina is not only far from taverns but at the center of the congregation. It was to have been moved a year ago and if it is not, it is because since Father (Joseph) Giustiniani, (G.M.) left, Verrina had not been able to attend to it. So this year he took it up again but the person who offered the land has sold it and the buyer does not wish to give the same land; he offered another several arpents lower down. There is a tavern there and not long ago a man told Verrina that there is also something worse there. At this Verrina declared that the chapel would never be placed in a place like that; it would sooner stay where it is now. It must be moved or repaired, it is beginning to get rickety. Carpenters say repairs would cost at least $500. Verrina opened a subscription last week; he believes it will easily succeed. A great number are against moving it and he has told them that before deciding to move it or leave it, he must reflect seriously, for he thinks he should talk to Andrieux and after consulting (Blanc). The reasons for moving it are: 1. The advantage for the priest, for he must go almost 2 miles each time with all the inconveniences of being away from his dwelling. 2. The advantage to the faithful; those who live below, could come more easily if it was in the center. 3. The advantage to the negroes; Verrina could give them instructions on Sunday evening, which is impracticable now. 4. The chapel would be better kept. Nothing would prevent the continuance of burials in the cemetery. Perhaps even if the chapel were moved, there would be more zeal in keeping up the cemetery; at present it is no more than a pasture. Verrina has asked whether the title is in (Blanc)'s name; they cannot tell him positively. If (Blanc) thinks the chapel should be placed at the center, Verrina will see that the title is assured. P.S. When (Blanc) was here, Verrina forgot to ask permission to bless the bell in the chapel of Narcisse Landry. If (Blanc) wishes, Verrina will bless it.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {6}

1854 Jul. 14
Behan, Father Pat(ric)k: Pine Bluff, Ark(ansas)
 to Father N(apoleon) J(oseph) Pereché: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Behan asks for a intentions to enable him to pay for the balance due for the Messenger and Propagator. Behan sent Mr. Meridier $5 which is as much as he can spare as he has been obliged to make considerable outlay in building. Money scarce because of the decline in the price of cotton. Father Edw(ar)d Corcoran has just died very suddenly. They have but six priests in the diocese as Father john O'Reilly has gone out of the diocese.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {5}

1854 Jul. 14
(Martin), Bishop Aug(uste) M(ar)ie: Paris, (France)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The first and most important part of his mission in Europe has ended happily, beyond his hopes. He has found a sufficient number of young workers, almost all with talent. He drew principally from St. Brieuc and Nantes. At Rennes, the Bishop whose house is (Martin)'s headquarters, has been admirably generous. (Martin) has used discretion because of the Bishop's extreme need for his best subjects to keep up his College, founded at immense sacrifice and liable to succumb from its debts. (Martin) counts on 2 subjects from Rennes with 6 from St. Brieuc and 4 from Nantes. Of these 12, only one is a priest and will perhaps remain behind a short time, while waiting for the Bishop of Nantes to replace him. 4 are deacons, of whom 2 will be ordained by (Martin) at Nantes the last of September, the 2 others at Natchitoches at Christmas. One is a subdeacon and will be ordained a priest at Easter. The others are more or less advanced in their study of theology which they will continue under (Martin)'s direction and that of Father (Felix) Dicharry. Also, he is going to try to obtain at Marseilles, an establishment of the Oblates of Mary. 3 places weigh on his conscience: Shreveport, Monroe, and Avoyelles. How much he would like to have a permanent establishment of priests for Blanc and (Martin from which the two dioceses could cultivate this poor country. (Martin) would encourage it with all his means. Father (James Mary August) Bonniot came several times in vain to see (Martin) who went to see him thinking that he had something to communicate. Bonniot is dying of boredom; his only dream is to return to Louisiana. As he is a good priest, (Martin) offered to install him at Milliken's Bend. (Martin) would join with Bonniot a young priest who could learn English there more easily. Bonniot seemed delighted; he is to give the final word tomorrow. This evening there is to be a meeting of the Council of the Propagation of the Faith. (Martin) will attend it and has hope that they will come to his aid. (Charles) Choiselat repeated again yesterday that Blanc would not be neglected. Tomorrow (Martin) leaves for Lyons and Blanc is to tell Father (Stephen) Rousselon that he will not take anything away from him. There, (Martin) will also try to attend a meeting of the Council before going to Marseilles whence he will embark for Rome. He counts on leaving with all his group in the first two weeks of October. He would like to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at Natchitoches. Yesterday (Martin) saw Bishop (John Bernard Fitzpatrick) and Sister Regina (Smith, S.C.) who is rejuvenated and is going to return to New Orleans. Yesterday he also saw the Mother General of the Religious of the Sacred Heart who promised to strengthen the establishment at Natchitoches which is in great need. During the six weeks (Martin) has been in France, the weather has been cold and rainy. His health has suffered especially his stomach. Socialism acts here under cover, with more energy than ever, but France has never been more pious or had more works of zeal and piety. One thing is certain— that Catholic France today sees the necessity of bringing the faith to the United States. If Bishop (James Oliver) Vandevelde wants Bretons, he should come and the dioceses of Rennes, Nantes, St. Brieuc, and Quimper will give him free choice. What is more difficult are the Brothers and Sisters for the little elementary schools. (Martin) hopes to be in Brittany at the end of August or beginning of September to organize the departure for the first days of October.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {10}

1854 Jul. 15
Brands, C.M., Father: (Lafourche, Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen Rousselon: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Brands asks (Rousselon) to send by Mr. Linossier the annals of the Propagation of the Faith; they have not had any issues for a long time. All the (Vincentians) are preparing to spend the vacation in making missions so that Brands is condemned to keeping the house and will be able to visit (Rousselon).

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}

1854 Jul. 15
(Kenrick), Archbishop Peter Richard: St. Louis, (Missouri)
 to Archbishop(Anthony) Blanc: N(ew) Orleans, (Louisiana)

Agreeably to Blanc's telegram (Kenrick) paid the amount of the accompanying (no enclosure) receipt to Basso Giovanni. (Kenrick) will draw on Blanc adding whatever may be the exchange between St. Louis and New Orleans. (Kenrick) would prefer a letter by post to a telegram as this is least open to any improper use of Blanc's name. The identity of Giovanni was certified to (Kenrick) by a very worthy countryman of Giovanni's. Otherwise (Kenrick) would not have paid him until he received written direction.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {2}

1854 July 15
Meline, James A. Vice-Consulate of France: Cincinnati, (Ohio)
 to Brownson (Orestes A.): Boston, (assachusetts)

The writer has read with "painful surprise" some paragraphs in the currect week's Catholic Telegraph referring to Brownson. These articles cannot but excite every Catholic layman truly attached to the Church, and desirious of progress in this country. Attacks of sectaries and infidels are to be expected. The critic denied Brownson's presumption of innocence until proved guilty. Brownson no doubt feels in his faith and strength of purpose the proper refutation of the charges of that editor.

I-3-1 - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {2}

(18)54 Jul. 16
Maugin, Father C(harles J.): Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Father: (New Orleans, Louisiana?)

He wanted to wait to write until he knew a little more English but it will be too long to wait. gave Maugin 20 Mass intentions before he left, this help could not have come at a better time. It was the only intentions that he had and they are finished. It would be a great service if could save some for him. They could be sent by registered post. Today is the anniversary of a precious day for Maugin, the day of their tonsure, three years ago, when they consecrated themselves to God. This anniversary has inspired Maugin to write. The next he writes will be in English, he hopes. (In Father Rousselon's hand on the letter): Received $20 from Mr. Edouard(?); sent August 5, 1854.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1854 Jul. 16
Porthes, D.: Louisville, K(entuck)y
The Superior of the SeminaryNew Orleans, L(ouisian)a

The Superior will be surprised when he knows the motive. On arriving in New Orleans, May 20, Porthes decided to go to tell of his plan to enter the seminary if he could. But a combination of circumstances and his desire to tell some relatives that he was in New Orleans, made him wait until today. He has made the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st(?) classes at the little seminary of Aire, the other classes at St. Pé(?). He has a letter of admission from the Bishop of Aire to enter the seminary of Dax. But being without financial means, he came try his fortune here. Today he is in Kentucky simply to learn English. It would give him great joy if the Superior could take him. He will speak again to his relatives to whom he owes $250, convinced that they will not oppose his plan. The Vicar General must know them. Porthes is around 20 years of age. He has a birth certificate and several papers from local authorities of his town. He cannot furnish proof of his conduct in this country as he knows only a few French families.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {0}

1854 Jul. 16
Robillard, J.C.: New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana

A monastery in Europe has just sent Robillard some barrels of wine especially for Mass. Orders are solicited at once so that they may be sent on the same boat to lessen the cost. Robillard also has vestments, church silver, candles, etc.

VI-1-h - Printed Circular - (French) - 2pp. - folio - {1}

1854 July 17
Baraga, Frederic Bp. Am. V.A. Up. Mich.: New York
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

The bearer of the present is Mr. Barthelmi Pierz, a theologian, nephew to Father Francis Pierz, the old missionary among the northern Indians. Baraga has written twice to Purcell requesting him to tell him whether he would take pierz into his seminary. He presumes Purcell was not at home. Baraga will pay for Pierz whatever is required.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {4}

1854 Jul. 18
Cavailhez, B(aptis?)t: Abbeville, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Mr. Gastal, whom Cavailhez presented to Rousselon some time ago, is going to the city with the aim of completing with Rousselon or the Archbishop, the sale of the land in question. Cavilhez feels it his duty to warn Rousselon that he would do well to reject all of Castal's propositions until further notice. He withdraws his recommendation. Rousselon may want to consult Father (Stephen Jules) Foltier.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1854 Jul. 18
Gouesse, (C.S.C.), Father F(rancis): N(ew) O(rleans, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

According to the promise (Blanc) made them, they were to have for a chapel, the large room in the new building. Today they cannot have it. Gouesse is not surprised. Do they have to stay in the same place, or will (Blanc) point out the room they can use. No one wants to give the order for the use of the new place, will (Blanc) himself give it? They would need one person more at the (Male Orphan) Asylum to keep this new place properly, can Gouesse get one? Father (Peter) Salmon, (C.S.C.) not having had an understanding with (Blanc), under the circumstances, Gouesse must do it.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {3}

1854 Jul. 18
Logan, James: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

A few days ago, Blanc favored Logan's application with no inconsiderable notice. He hopes Blanc will do him a like honor again. Logan landed in New Orleans a fortnight ago with the hope of meeting his friends here. Prior to his coming, they have left the city. His object is to go to them but he has not the means. He has looked for employ here but cannot get any if he does not work on the levee and he finds himself getting ill. He hopes Blanc will consider his position.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}

1854 July 18
McGill, J(ohn) Bp. Richmond: Richmond, Virginia
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Purcell spoke to McGill about preaching a retreat for his clergy. In preparing to visit different points, McGill feels it proper to inquire if Purcell still has the design of said retreat and if he counts on McGill or if he has made other arrangements. McGill would have to shape his movements so as to redeem his promise if desired. He rejoices to see Purcell's judgment regarding Father (Peter) Kroeger. There are some strange folks among the Germans. The Heavenly Father will one day vindicate oppressed virtue and innocence. "Know-nothingism" is organizing itself in Richmond. They must pray for their persecutors. He sens his compliments to the clergy of Purcell's household.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {5}

1854 July 20
D'Arco, O.P., Father Manus: Rehoboth, Perry County, Ohio
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

It has always been a rule in his congregation to punish public scandal with public penance. All who trangress it are fully aware of the consequences. The penance is standing before the communion railing in time of mass. Recently some refused to do the penance. The Prior advised D'Arco not to admit to the Sacraments those who do not obey, but D'Arco thinks that is not enough now. He has done all he could to stop public scandal but without effect. He thinks that a word from Purcell will have some effect on them. They show poor gratitude for all he has done for them. The new church of St. Pius that he is buidling in Southfork will be under roof in a few months.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1854 Jul. 20
Lynch, C.M., Father J(ohn): Barrens, M(iss)o(uri)
 to (Archbishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A report on the class work of John Cheevers(?) at St. Mary's Seminary. (The letter head has a print of the buildings of the seminary).

VI-1-h - Report S. - 1p. - 4to. - {3}

1854 Jul. 21
Porter, E.G.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Mr. Guégnon of Vermillionville has no doubt sent Blanc a detailed statement of Father (Anthony Désiré) Mégret's account, which Porter sent him last May. Guégnon said that if some time after his arrival at home, Porter did not receive a draft from him, he was to write to Blanc. He asks Blanc whether he can hope to be paid soon. Having large payments to make in the first part of next month, he must ask Blanc. (Written for?) Widow O. Lelievre. Enclosed is a bill dated April 24, 1854 from J.F. Lelievre to Mégret for $103.80 with interest at 8 percent for 3 years and 9 months, $31.14.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to & 8vo. - {5}

1854 July 22
Cody, M.: Louisville, (kentucky)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: (Boston, Massachusetts)

The article on Native Americanism in the Review has produced general dissatisfaction in Louisville and tends to increase feeling against Catholics as shown from an enclosed extract from the "Louisville Democrat". Brownson's article on the Temporal Power of the Pope has met general disapproval from clergy and lately as Cody knows of no intelligent Irish Catholic who holds to the temporal powers of the Pope out of his own dominions. They hope to retain their religion even if they do lose the franchise and everything else. He writes because there is no Catholic paper in Louisville and he wished Brownson to know the impressions made there. The Boston Pilot is looked upon with disfavor there for the same reason.

I-3-l - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1854 Jul. 22
Layton, Tho(ma)s: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

In consequence of a visit today from Mr. Myers and his intimation that the (Catholic Male Orphan) Asylum was bound to pay him now the balance on the new building, Layton had an interview with Mr. Hebrard. Hebrard explained away the remarks he made yesterday and he says that he understood the contract in the light in which Blanc and the board generally viewed it. This has relieved Layton's mind not a little; he would regret remaining under the same impressions about Hebrard as those he entertained yesterday. Layton is disposed to do all they can for Myers. In speaking with Myers today, Layton told him that with Blanc's approval they might pay him as follows: Cash, $1500; orders for rent due in August $750, in Nov(embe)r $750; a total of $3000. Layton hopes this will answer Myer's necessities for the moment and when Dr. Mercer shall have paid his subscription for $5000 the total unpaid of the whole contract will be about $4000.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {5}

(18)54 Jul. 22
Sorin, (C.S.C.), Father E(dward F.): (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

In order to give a retreat for the Brothers (of Holy Cross) and the Sisters, (of the Holy Cross) at the Asylum, Sorin must put off his departure to Thursday night. He would be happy if (Blanc) could come Thursday morning to say Mass at the asylum for the closing exercises.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to - {3}

1854 Jul. 23
Prachensky, S.J., Father J(oseph): Baton Rouge, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen Rousselon: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A prisoner of the Penitentiary, Mario (Argurio) Argorio, asks Prachensky to write. He says (Rousselon) knows all about his case and his trial before court and that (Rousselon) Promised to intercede for his liberation as well as to provide for his family. Prachensky does not know how much credit to give this assertion, especially "that he is suffering for the sake of religion." Argorio wishes to know what has become of his wife and children and if there is any chance of having him liberated from prison at the next session of the Legislature. If Argorio is deserving of (Rousselon)'s confidence, Prachensky will assist him but as he has in this part of his flock "a few sheep and many goats", he needs to know to which class he is to assort him. P.S. As the letters addressed to the convicts are liable to inspection, they are always surer if directed to Prachensky.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

(18)54 Jul. 24
Paret, Father J(oseph) M(ichael): St. Charles, (German Coast, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Paret asks (Blanc) to accept the four partridges he sends, fearing he will be less fortunate August 6. St. Charles parish is looking forward to that day. All hope that Confirmation, postponed for 2 weeks, will remain set for the feast of the Transfiguration. Several instructions have already been given. Next week there will be a little retreat of 4 days. P.S. They still have no trustees; an election was announced for the 15th but everyone stayed away and did not want to vote.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to - {1}

1854 July 25
Belton, W. J.: Brooklyn, New York
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Boston, Mass(achusetts)

As Secretary of the Sunday School and Library Association of St. Charles Borromeo Church Brooklyn he subscribes for the Quarterly Review, to be sent in care of the pastor, Rev. C(onstantine) C. Pise D.D. He also says that the entire congregation, including the pastor, approves of Brownson's platform, as expressed in his Essay on Nativism.

I-3-l - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1854 Jul. 25
Coudreau: Bay St. Louis, Miss(issippi)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Having the titles which give him the right to make claims on the estate of Father (Anthony Désiré) Megre(t), of which Rousselon is the executor, he has had no news up to now. He would like to know the state of this affair. It seems there has been enough time for a decision. It is not improbable that Rousselon or the Archbishop have wound up this succession.

VI-1-h - A.L.S - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1854 Jul. 25
McCaffrey, Father John: Mount St. Mary's, (Emmitsburg, Maryland)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Richard?) Kane, formerly a student here and now a subdeacon and theological student in (Blanc)'s diocese, has intimated a desire to finish his studies here and at the same time to aid as a teacher. Having a very good opinion of Kane, McCaffrey would be very happy to receive him should (Blanc) consent. Their seminary and College have prospered beyond their expectations.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {3}

(1854 Jul. 25)
Notre Dame, University of: (Notre Dame, Indiana)
 to (Archbishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

The account of Patrick (James) conway from Aug(ust) 10, 1850 up to July 25, 1854, for travel expenses from N(ew) Orleans, board, tuition, books, clothing, amounting to $315.16. $165.16 was paid on June 10, 1854; the balance now due, $188.56.

VI-1-h - Bill - 3pp. - folio - {2}

1854 July 26
(Brownson, Orestes A.): Boston, (Massachusetts)
 to (George H.) Hilton: (Cincinnati, Ohio)

(Brownson) thanks him for his kind letter. The paragraphs in the Catholic Telegraph will no doubt make a matter of confession before long by the writer. He is surprised at the manner in which his article on Native Americanism has been understood. He has examined his motives and the essay itself but cannot find any justification for the charges against him. He maintains that he is not siding with the Know-Nothing Party, an anti-Catholic group which is also against foreigners, but he is trying to point out what are the actions of the foreigners that make for animosity against them, and cause native Americans to sympathize with the Know-Nothings. He denies he is anti-Irish. (On the back of one of the drafts of the first page is a partial draft of a note on the Martin Koszta case.)

I-3-l - A. Drafts (Incomplete) - 8pp. - 4to. - {6}

1854 Jul. 26
Delente, Olympe: St. Martinville, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Lousiana)

Olympe has just put her pupils to bed; it is now almost 10. Early tomorrow morning she will take this letter to Father Rousselon. (Blanc)'s letter could not have arrived at a better time. They had First Communion on July 6, it was not very numerous. Father (Ange Marie) Jan said it was the finest since he has been in the parish. Four priests came to assist Jan. During the retreat Father (Joseph Roduit, S.J.) Roduis heard confessions and Father (Stephen Jules Foltier) Foultier preached. Jan is an ingrate; Olympe was in the choir, singing herself hoarse to sing vespers and all the thanks she got from Jan was that he said he had heard her murdering the Latin. The two older priests were the pastors of Lafayette and New Iberia; the one a ghost, the other a canon-ball! Mrs. S(t.) L(aurent) informed Olympe that she was to instruct(?) her children for their general confession. At last Olympe has made the acquaintance of Father (Stephen) Rousselon and she is delighted with him; he told her that (Blanc) would come around the month of September. Rousselon has none of the grave air which repulses. Olympe being obliged to always appear reserved and cold, the opposite of her character, she compensates for it when she goes to see Jan. Olympe predicts that those ladies who cannot keep their teachers, they would not have any more, "if Miss Margaret and Miss Olympe, bad as she is, were take a good jumping out, they would have... trouble to fill their places." Olympe's friend, Margaret, whom Olympe obtained for Mrs. M(ongé?) and who has her for practically nothing, $200, was not receiving any money, She wrote to humbly ask for what was due her in order to relieve her poor mother. Mrs. M. agreed but treated her coldly. It is like death to live with such cataleptic people. (Blanc) will say that it is not Mrs. S.L. who acts like this but is she not linked with what her mother does? Mr. S(t.) L(aurent) is a successful painter.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 5pp. - folio - {10}

1854 Jul. 26
(Vandevelde), Bishop J(ames) O(liver): St. Louis, (Missouri)

Memorandum. Some time in April, 1854, Mrs. Anne L(ucas) Hunt deeded for charitable purposes of the Catholic Church, three lots in St. Louis to Vandevelde, Bishop of Chicago, Illinois and his successors. When (Vandevelde) was appointed to Natchez, he conveyed the property back to her. Archbishop (Peter Richard Kenrick) was of the opinion at the time that the grant of 3 lots was a personal gift to (Vandevelde) and that he could dispose of them as he deemed proper. Since his return to St. Louis, (Vandevelde) consulted Hunt and she confirmed the Archbishop's opinion and she now desires to deed one of the lots to (Vandevelde) for Natchez and the two others for Quincy. Bishop (Anthony) O'Regan, consecrated yesterday, tries to establish a claim to the lots as Bishop of Chicago. Hunt does not want the property to go to Chicago which has been well provided for. While (Vandevelde) was Bishop of Chicago, he laid out about $23,000 in the city of Chicago alone, but she desires to grant it to Quincy. Can she safely execute two deeds and have they any reason to fear a claim from O'Regan? The answer of lawyers consulted by (Vandevelde) was that she could safely execute the two deeds and that O'Regan can establish no claim. One remarked that the first deed, in case of (Vandevelde)'s death or removal, would be declared invalid because in M(iss)o(ori), where the property lies, no Bishop can be incorporated and any property would revert to the donor or be reclaimed by the state. But the two last deeds are valid. (On the back side of this memorandum): Consultation with (Alex) Garesché. (In the papers of Archbishop Anthony Blanc).

VI-1-h - A. Memo S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {7}

1854 July 28
Blanc, Ant(hony) Abp. New Orleans: New Orleans, Louisiana
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

There was no occasion for apology in regard to the informal introduction of the (Ursuline) nuns from Cincinnati. Blanc took Father Edward Purcell's letter as an equivalent to a real obedience. Sister Angela was indisposed for awhile after her arrival here. Blanc noticed the two articles in Brownson's Review and predicted that tempest that would fall on Orestes A. Brownson. He believes that the Religious Editors should be more moderate in their remarks about Brownson. Blanc does not agree with the Catholic Telegraph that Brownson may be found to be what he was once before. Such rebuke is throwing oil on the fire. Although Brownson may be destined to become their worst enemy, still it is their duty to avert scandal. They should wait until they have better evidence. Purcell is aware of the prejudices which have been existing against the Editor of the Telegraph. The course he has adopted toward the Review and the "Shepherd of the Valley" will not tend to do away with them. Blanc has never seen the Nuncio's (Abp. Catejan Bedini) Prospectus. Blanc wrote to Bishop (George Carrell S.J.) of Covington all he knew about Father M. Aylward; he has talent and some good qualities. Sister Angela has received a pressing letter from Cork for her return to Ireland. The heat has been bad on the Bishop (Michael Portier) of Mobile.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {14}

1854 Jul. 28
Curiel, Jos(eph): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father Et(ien)ne Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipt for 12 piastres for one month's hire of a servant.

VI-1-h - A. Receipt S. - (French) - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}

1854 Jul. 28
Lavay, S.J., Father J(oseph): Baton Rouge, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Douglas West, heretic, andMary Hannah Conrad, Catholic, wish to have a dispensation to marry.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1854 July 28
Whelan, Father D(avid): Baltimore, Maryland
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Whelan was delayed in his return to Cincinnati because of the uncertain condition of his internals. He will leave Baltimore next Monday. He has had the books Purcell named sent to Miss Dunn. Dysentry is prevalent in Baltimore. Whelan was rejoiced to see that no disturbance took place in Cincinnati on the 4th of July. Many persons think that the railroad collision prevented Baltimore from becoming a scene of riot on that night. These excitements are becoming so frequent that Whelan wishes a leave of absence. He cannot endure such trials; they destroy his nervous system. Mr. (Thomas J.) Coppinger could do his work. Whelan could continue on the compilation of the Ordo for another year or so. If he spends a few years at the Mountain, his health may improve.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {4}

1854 July 29
Keegan, M R.: Fort Winnebago, Wis(consin)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson,: (Boston, Massachusetts)

Encloses $10. for subscriptions to the "Review" for himself, Rev. J.D. Roche and Charles H. Moore. He has been subscribing to the "Review" since it became Catholic. He feels very indebted to Brownson for his article on the publication. He deplores the antagonism toward the Irish Catholics in this country. They need leaders. He also condemns the "common school system" in Wisconsin.

I-3-l - A.L.S. - 2pp. - folio— - {1}

1854 Jul. 29
Maher, Philip: Milliken's Bend, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Maher enclosed Blanc's note to Father (Thomas Langdon) Grace, (O.P.) and has just received his reply which he encloses. They desired to have a clergyman visit them once a month. Blanc will see by Grace's letter that he has construed Blanc's permission differently. If Blanc will write to Grace and give him the desired authority, he will greatly oblige the Catholics here.

- A.L.S. -


(18)54 Jul. 15
Grace, (O.P.), Father T(homas) L(angdon): Memphis, (Tennessee)
 to Philip Maher: (Milliken's Bend, Louisiana)

Grace is sorry not to have been at home in time to receive Maher's letter of the 4th of last month. Grace remembers the proposal made to him by Father (Matthew A.) O'Brien, (O.S.D.) and in assenting to it, Grace felt pleasure in an opportunity to oblige O'Brien and the Catholics at Milliken's Bend. On perusal of the Archbishop's letter which Maher had enclosed, Grace finds that the faculties are granted on the contingency of his being called by some circumstance to Maher's settlement and Lake Providence. Hence Grace would feel a difficulty in exercising faculties out of such a contingency. Maher will understand his hesitating until something more positive is obtained.

- A.L.S. -

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {5}

1854 Jul. 29
(Odin), Bishop J(ohn) M(ary): Galveston, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Odin) thanks (Blanc) for carrying out his little commissions. They have received the wine sent by Gandolfo and Company. (Odin) sends an order on (Philip?) Rotchford for $54.50, the amount of the bill. (Odin) could not set out last week for the Brazos, Santiago. The boat came during the night and left while they were asleep. The captain has promised to take (Odin) on his next trip. According to the advice (Blanc) gave, (Odin) would like to give up this trip but it is so urgent that he does not dare. By going by water to Pointe Isabelle, he will avoid the danger of Indians. He will be in the center of population and can always join travelers going from one point to the other. The Know Nothings have penetrated to their little town; they say they are already very numerous. They meet often. This association has a bad effect and divides the people. The Germans especially are furious against them. Father (Louis C.M.) Chambodut is beginning to recover; he can resume his duties but he walks with difficulty.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1854 Jul. 30
Dupré, Eug(ene) and others: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The undersigned, living in the third district ask (Blanc) to give them a priest to continue the work so happily begun and interrupted without any fault of theirs. Without a priest their position as Catholics is deplorable. (Signed by): Eug(ene) Dupré, Edouard Dupré, César Vinet(?), Numa Trémé, J. (?) L. Vinet, Joseph Vautrin(?), J. (?) L. Larraine(?), F. Finanel(?), G. Cooke, J.F. Bartheley, P. Marchal, A. Delseries, Casat, Luis Spotomo, Manuelle Basa, Pierre Braseur, Marie Pierre, Jose Morez(?), Zane(?) Saliuron (?), Dieuxonne Lenaux, Auguste Cousnel (?), Gruissegur (?), Ph. Cornet, D(omini)que Dumaine, A. Retif, C. (?) Leimbeaux(?), George Villemain, Joseph Thevenot, Matthieu Longuebeau, Jeanlaury(?) Borde, J. Mendiola, Ambroise Jannet.

VI-1-h - L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - folio - {32}

(18)54 Jul. 30
Massabuau, D.V.B., Sister C(onstan?)ce Aug(ustin?)e: (Marseilles, France)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She writes to put an end to the fears of a family of Marseilles, concerning a member of the family, living in New Orleans for many years. This young man is Alexandre Porry. Up to now, he had written regularly to his three sisters, one of whom is a religious in this convent. For more than a year they have not heard from him. His last letter was May, (18)53. They found in the annals of the Propagation of the Faith that an epidemic ravaged (Blanc)'s flock. Porry's silence has made his sisters fear that he succumbed. Sister asks (Blanc) to send some information. Porry's piety leaves no doubt that he would be known to the clergy, at least to the Jesuits or the Superior of the Ursulines in (Blanc)'s city.

VI-1-h - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1854 Jul. 31
Despouey, J.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc : New Orleans, Louisiana)

A receipted bill for $11.63 for oats, corn, and hay. Receipted by A. Dartigues.

VI-1-h - A. Bill - 1p. - 16mo. - {2}

1854 Jul. 31

New York Daily Times (New York, New York)

Editorial entitled "Trouble with the Catholic Bishops of the United States" in which the statement is made that Know-Nothingism has broken out among the Roman Catholic Bishops in the United States. The foreign-born bishops, it says, fear the move to control the temporalities of the church in the country but the American born Bishops see no threat to Catholicism in the American system of government. They do not accept the opinion that the Church is eminently monarchical. (Orestes A.) Brownson has espoused the cause of the Know-Nothing Bishops as opposed to the position of Thomas Francis Meagher.

I-3-d - Photostat of page 4 of the newspaper - {3}