University of Notre Dame


(18)59 Sep. 1
Blanc, Archbishop Anthony: N(ew) Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father(Francis) X(avier) Leray: Vicksburg, Mississippi

Blanc answers Leray's letter of August 26. He sends the dispensation on the back of this letter. Leray may go to Huntsville, Alabama and marry Angelo Steeland Kate L. Murphy.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French and Latin) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1859 Sep. 1
Clerouin, Father (Victor): Salem, (Massachusetts)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Clerouin, a Vendean priest from Lucon, offers his services. He has been in the United States for five years, four of which he spent with French-speaking populations, but the climate was bad for him. For the past year he has been in the Boston diocese, where he is learning some English. He can now hear confessions and teach catechism in English, but he believes he would be of more service where French is spoken. He spoke to Father Rocofort, S.J., who used to reside in the New Orleans diocese, about this, and now he asks Blanc to accept him for New Orleans.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1859 Sept. 1
Juncker, Henry D. Bishop of Alton: Alton, (Illinois)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

Juncker is lonesome for Ohio and is kept too busy and has such miserable health at times that he cannot leave. He had two retreats-one at Cape Girardeau for the English priests, and one ending yesterday at Alton for the Germans. Juncker believes the retreat had its merits. He tried to establish uniformity in the Divine ceremonies, the instructions of youth and schools, and to have the churches keep the services better. He has also proposed a plan for the support of old and infirm priests, and made arrangements to finance a house for himself by taxing each church. Three institutes will commence this fall. Ursulinesat Springfield, (Illinois), which is doing very well. He asks how the young lady with Mrs. Carr is, and whether she is coming this fall. They need some help. The Ursulines at Alton are doing very well. Juncker says that the Sisters of Notre Dame of Milwaukee will open their boarding school at Belleville. He says he now has nearly all the young men whom he got from the seminaries of Munster, Boderborn, and Nancy ordained. He has nearly fifty engaged in the missions and about fifteen more would satisfy his wants. Juncker says a convert in the southern part, near Carmi will give him his fine farm of 240 acres, with stock, new house, etc. for the education of youth and religious purposes. Juncker asks Purcell what religious order is the best. The greatest want is good teachers. Juncker wrote to Father Edward Sorin and asked him if he could establish a house for that purpose, also a female school near Shawneetown. Juncker feels sure these would succeed since there are no such institutions in the south. He asks Purcell how he should arrange it, Mr. and Mrs. Hout of Shawneetown, and other acquaintances send their compliments. Juncker must be in Mattoon, Illinois next Sunday to dedicate a church. He sends his regards to Father Edward Purcell, Father, and all.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {7}

1859 Sept. 1
(Priests of the Archdiocese of ): Cincinnati, (Ohio)
 to (Cardinal Alexander Barnabo): Prefect of the Propaganda, Rome

The undersigned priests of the archdiocese of Cincinnati declare the following charges sent in by persons from Columbus, Ohio,June 20, 1859 as most impudent lies. 1. That any nun of the third order of St. Francis was permitted to go to Columbus to act as school mistress. 2. That she lived in the home of Father Caspar Borgess. 3. That he sinned with her. 4. That because of this he was suspended from his pastoral functions; since he is known for his integrity of life and zeal. (This is a first draft in Latin in Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell's) handwriting. Purcell adds that he had sent the petition signed by the priests to the Cardinal and asked that it be shown to the Holy Father. He also thanked the Cardinal for having made him write about (Father J.B.) Merl at Richmond, (Indiana) to Bishop(Maurice De St. Palais)of Vincennes.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - (Latin) - 1p. - 4to. - {8}

1859 Sep. 1
Vignonet, Father E(leazar): St. Michael, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen Rousselon: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Vignonet recalls that it is in September that (Rousselon) closes the accounts for the (Association of ) the Propagation of the Faith. (Rousselon) is to put down $45 for St. Michael and Vignonet will send it at the first opportunity. There is nothing new there; no illness nor fear of it in the months to come. Jefferson College will open under the direction of (Oscar) Dugué, but the property is no longer owned by Valcour Aimé, having passed to his four sons-in-law. Vignonet sends news, the plan of a new society, although he supposes (Blanc) has received it from others.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1859 Sept. 2
Spalding, M(artin) J. Bishop of Louisville: Louisville, (Kentucky)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

Spalding is sorry he cannot go as far as Albany (New York) with Purcell but he has to leave Cincinnati (Ohio) for Philadelphia on the 8th. Bishop (Richard P.) Miles of (Nashville, Tennessee) will accompany him. Bishop Miles will probably stop in Cincinnati a day to see Purcell. Spalding gave Father F. Chambige of (Bardstown, Kentucky) Purcell's message because of the uncertainty of his departure, which depends upon the arrival of Father (Edward) Driscoll of (St. Thomas, Kentucky), who is expected daily. Spalding wonders who received a letter from Mobile by Father Chalon to Father (F.) Chambige saying that Father (C.A.) Walworth of (Troy, New York) is first on the list and he is followed by Father Benjamin Spalding) He desires Father Chambige to ask the general of the Christian Brothers to inform him promptly of the result. He would have sent more students to Purcell's Seminary but Fischer and another left, and he thought it best to retain the one who is to be sent to France with Chambige at St. Thomas. Spalding is sending his nephew. J(ohn) Lancaster Spalding of Louvain. Gleinitz has not received his application. Spalding refers to a paragraph "How it felt" as being put in by the publisher of one of the L(ouisville) papers.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1859 Sep. 3
Dewees, D.S.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop(Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

2 receipted bills for coal bought April 28 and August 10; the receipts are signed by A. Jehlen. Attached is a receipt for coal delivered to St. Mary's Church signed by Father S(tephen) Rousselon.

VI-2-a - Receipts S. - 5pp. - 16mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 3
Duplantier, G.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

License for Father (Angelo) Mascaroni to marry Giovanni Rafaelli and Maria Dominica Siguri. (Witnesses?): Dominique Rafaelli, Maria Dominica, Manuel Siguri, Maria Theresia Rulanderi.

VI-2-a - D.S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {4}

1859 Sep. 3
Elder, Tho(ma)s S( ): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Blanc will receive two boxes from the Ladies of the Sacred Heart at Grand Coteau containing clothing. The one marked "orphelines" is for the boys, that marked "orphelins" for the girls. There was a mistake in marking.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {1}

1859 Sep. 3
Harley, John J.:
St. Thomas Seminary
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Harley, whose father died recently, fears he can not continue his studies for the priesthood because of the expenses and asks Purcell for aid.

- A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

 (Father Chambige adds a note before sending the letter as follows:) 

1859 Sept. 3
Chambige, F.:
St. Thomas Seminary
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Chambige testifies that Harley is a pious young man and deserving of any possible aid Purcell might give him. Chambige plans to leave for Europe on the 15th or 16th and will call on Purcell before he leaves.

P.S.—Harley does not know that Chambige added this note.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1859 Sep. 3
Ryckaert, Father C(harles): Hillsdale, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

(The following seems to be the gist of this letter in the Dutch language): Ryckaert bought a house at White Pigeonwith three-quarters of an acre of land for a church, paying $200 in his own name. A committee has been named. There is no house to sleep in; the covers(?) were stolen from his bed; he must sleep in the straw. On the 14th they had a supper to pay off the debt. He wonders why he has not had the money from Belgium which has been in the hands of the Vicar General Father (Peter) Kindekens since last May.

III-2-i - A.L.S. - (Dutch) - 3pp. - 16mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 3
Siewerssen and Kavanagh: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop(Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

5 receipts for oats, corn and hay for the horse from January 29 through September 3. Signed by E. Fagot.

VI-2-a - Receipts S. - 6pp. - 16mo. - {2}

1859 Sep. 4
Guerard, Father P( ): Lons le Saulnier, (France)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

Sadly Guerard must asks Blanc to release him from the promise he made when he left New Orleans. Circumstances force his remaining in France. The considerable wealth of his mother, and the poor health of his venerable father are the reasons. Bishop Coeur of Troyes has received him kindly and told him to tell Blanc that it is he, not Guerard, who wants him to remain there. He will never forget all Blanc's kindnesses. He is really needed at Troyes. His friend, Father (J. B.) Jobert, pastor of St. Augustine's, can give Blanc details of Guerard's new position.

(The envelope is attached.)

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1859 Sep. 4
Laprairie, Le(opol)d(?): Baton Rouge, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

LaPrairie is unable to adequately express his gratitude to (Blanc). He will write to O(scar) Dugué; the success of his request depends on intervention. If he is not admitted to Jefferson College, he will provide for himself elsewhere.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 4
Mittelbronn, Father (Francis): Pointe Coupee, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop Ant(hony) Blanc: N(ew) Orleans, (Louisiana)

Mittelbronn had warned Blanc three weeks ago that the article in L'Echo de Pointe Coupee was the prelude to great trouble which continues, despite the publication of Blanc's letter in the church. If the authors of the articles were not six of seven young bandits that would be very significant. If Blanc asked them to state their complaints, would it not be better than silence? They claim that nine-tenths of the families do not want Mittelbronn as pastor. He is sorry that Blanc has been attacked. These are libertines. Mittelbronn does not send the articles as he believes Blanc has read them. Pointe Coupee wants to change pastors as if they were changing shirts.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 4
Seton, Robert: (Rome, Italy)
 to (William Seton 3: Clairvaux, Maryland)

They have been at the College villa in the Tusculum hills since September 1. He excepts to return to Rome improved in soul and body. Father (Bernard) Smith will go to Paris this summer. Robert is happy here and studies very little. He knows that (William) and Will(iam 4) will be glad to hear again that Robert has no intention of giving up his vocation.(Francis Silas) Chatard is well and stands Frank's loss with Christian resignation. Robert and Chatard had a long talk with John Knight who looks as usual. Robert looks forward to seeing (William 3) in November. Robert would like to have $200 by the beginning of November. He and Reuben Parsons, a mountaineer, picked blackberries this afternoon and Robert had the usual apprehension of snakes. He and Parsons have frequent talks of America and the Mountain; Robert loves to think of his days there.

II-1-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {5}

(18)59 Sep. 5
(Blanc), Archbishop Ant(hony), Administrator of Mobile: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father(Francis Xavier Leray: Vicksbirg, Mississippi)

(Leray) should have received his answer by now regarding the invitation to the mixed wedding in Huntsville, (Alabama) in the diocese of Mobile. Permission was granted but (Blanc) said nothing about the extension of (Leray)'s ministry to any of the Catholics who might apply to him. (Blanc) did not notice that (Leray) had asked for it but he authorized to do so.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

(18)59 Sep. 5
Denis, Pat: Ascension, (Louisiana)
 to (Archbishop Anthony Blanc?: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A short time ago St. Anne's was repaired with the understanding that Father (Charles) Boglioli would say Mass there twice a month, but someone must have insulted him, for he does not come. Many suffer for the fault of one, Denis fears the loss of religious feeling among the people of Ascension if this state of affairs continues. He asks Blanc to send a priest.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1859 Sep. 5
Lamy, Father George: Covington, L(ouisian)a
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Lamy is going to Bonfouca tomorrow to prepare the people for (Blanc)'s visit. In case Lamy cannot go to the city, he will send one of the Messrs. Cousin to accompany (Blanc) aboard the schooner "Mathilde," belonging to Anatole (Cousin). Lamy regrets that he cannot get things in order in Covington where he intended to have First Communion on the 18th, but the people are too busy at that time, and he would be unable to prepare them properly. He had wanted to combine the First Communion and Confirmation for Bonfouca, Chapopila, and Covington, but cannot arrange that. Lamy would be grateful to have (Blanc)'s assistance for a while at Covington, where it it is needed. He likes the area he is now working in, and has as many moments of exhilaration as of discouragement. He asks for about 50 certificates of First Communion and Confirmation to be used at Bonfouca, since he does not dare to use the ones Mr. O'Donnell sent. P.S. Could Father Stephen Rousselon please get him some Mass stipends?

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1859 Sep. 5
La Prairie, Le(opol)d(?): Baton Rouge, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana

LaPrairie wrote to O(scar) Dugué. The information which Blanc gives LaPrairie changes nothing about LaPrairie's request. He came to America for a matter which did not work out well; he wants to begin teaching. He obtained a classical education and a course in law in France, so he can teach French and several other subjects. His law and accounting studies would enable him to be treasurer of an institution. Blanc's recommendation would obviate producing documents from important people in France. Since the requests are submitted to a council of the administration. Dugué's opinion and Blanc's will have great weight. He asks Blanc to write to the committee members and to Valcour (Aimé) if Blanc thinks (Aimé) has influence. LaPrairie has just seen Mr. Bonnecaze who sends respects.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 6
(Elder), Bishop William Henry: Natchez, (Mississippi)
 to Father (Francis Xavier) Leray: (Jackson, Mississippi)

Leray's letter was received in the midst of much business to start his visitation; it is indeed a grief to (Elder). Leray does not seem to be aware that Father (James) B(Lake?) had already made the pledge to (Elder); he has broken a serious promise. The result is mortal sin and horrible scandal in the place where it would seem that there was a conspiracy to persuade people that religion is all violence and hypocrisy. Can (Blake?) not enter some severe religious house for his own good and the good of others? (Elder) leaves things to Leray's discretion; he is to inform (Elder) the moment anything goes wrong. He expects to be at Bay St. Louis the 11th, Pass Christian the 18th, and Biloxi the 25th. After that letters should go to Mobile. (P.S.) He encloses (no enclosure) a tract; it shows what is meant by a true manly pledge.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1859 Sep. 6
Meyer, (S.M.), Father L(eo): Nazareth,(Dayton, Ohio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio)

Father Maria Anthony Meyer has just arrived to begin his novitiate with the permission of the Bishop of Cleveland and his exeat from Father (Francis de) Sal(es) Brunner, (C.PP.S.). Meyer asks (Purcell) to give the necessary faculties for his diocese.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 6
Wilson, David G.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Receipt for $5.00 for one oak box barrow. Signed by S.E. Martin.

VI-2-a - Receipt S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1859 Sept. 7
Elder, William Henry Bishop of Natchez (Miss.): Baton Rouge (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop John B(aptist) Purcell: Cincinnati, (Ohio)

General B. B. Simmes of Louisiana is inquiring for a governess for his children. Purcell formerly recommended such a person and now Elder desires to know her whereabouts in order to aid Simmes, who, though a Catholic, fears his children are not receiving enough Catholic influence. Mrs. Simmes is an Episcopalian. When three of the daughters left St. Joseph's at Emmittsburg Mrs. Simmes sent the two eldest to Mrs. Philips' near Baltimore. They have now returned home. Simmes wants the governess to take care of the youngest daughter and two young sons, one of which will go to Georgetown next year. Should Purcell decide to write to Simmes, Elder gives his address as Gen'l. B.B. Simmes, Simmesport, Parish of Avoyelles, Louisiana. Elder will not regret having (Bishop John) Quinlan appointed to Mobile.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 7
Lamy, Father George: Bonfouca, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The bearer is charged by Anatole Cousin to take Blanc on board his schooner (Mathilde) which will deposit him two steps from his house. Lamy wanted to guide Blanc himself, but he will probably be kept in the confessional, and Cousin is indisposed. Blanc is to be careful of the evening dew if he travels at night.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

(1859) Sep. 8
Hagan, Edward:
St. Vincent's College (Donaldsonville, Louisiana)
 to (Archbishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Hagan writes about the money he loaned (Blanc) for the church of St. Ann until called for. As (Blanc) thought proper to keep it and send it to Hagan's brother, Michael, as the banks were closed at the time, Hagan told Mr. O'Keefe to get the money. As (Blanc) was gone O'Keefe spoke to Father (Stephen Rousselon), who said Hagan should write (Blanc). Hagan hopes that (Blanc) will send the same. Father (J. Hayden, C.M. ?) Headon, their superior, will send it home for him.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {4}

1859 Sep. 8
Mury, Martin: St. James, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, L(ousiana)

Mury wrote several days ago, but he cannot do otherwise as he always sick. When Father (Ennemond) Dupuy was at Iberville, Mury spent several days with him. Mury wants to go to New Orleans to see Dupuy; if Blanc could send him a few sous he would go. Mury's wife and children send regards.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1859 Sep. 8
Rousselon, Father S(tephen): (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Louis Falc and Josephine Felicite Pitt were married on this date. Annette Lanata and Constance Larche were witnesses.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {4}

(18)59 Sep. 8
Seton, (Emily) Emilia: Bach Ems, Nassau, (Germany)
 to (Robert Seton: Rome, Italy)

Emily would have written long since had she not been so preoccupied with the new arrangements consequent on her not being received "en chambre" at the Rue de Varenne. Their time in Paris was taken up in going from convent to convent, but Willie (William Seton 4) at last decided on going to Germany to Ems where Emily is to take the waters for three weeks. She really feels quite well again. Willie left them on the 22nd and started homeward in the "Arage" on the 24th. He is the most unselfish person in the world. Emily had a letter from their father (William Seton 3) dated August 15, Norfolk, in which he says his face has proved more stubborn than expected and his stay may be prolonged; he has great faith in the treatment Captain Armstrong persuaded him to try. Emily can hardly say when precisely they will be in Rome as their father may delay leaving America till November. The time of Emily's visit to Ireland has also been changed, Mrs. Lalor, her old school friend now asking her for the middle of November. When they leave Ems in two weeks, they will go to Carlsruhe with Harry (Seton). To see Father (Bernard) Smith, Emily must be in Paris at the end of October. Mme. Davidoff told her of Mrs. Murray, a convert of excellent family where she could take rooms. She has not received the letter from Smith which (Robert) mentions. (Robert)'s note given her by M. de Beffroy, rejoiced Emily's heart. Emily has Isabella (Seton) entirely with her and has to be careful of her as she is too fond of the world. Their passage in the "Ariel" lasted 13 days. Dr. Metcalf insisted on her going early in July but at last she had to go without their father. Emily keeps Harry in "leaders" and makes him go to early Mass. Ems is a beautiful place, their days are very regular. Their father mentioned the death of poor Frank which gave them all pain. He was a favorite with them all. Emily feels so for Aunt Eliza. A loss in that family seems almost like one in their own. Emily thought Father Smith might wish to speak to her of the girls; perhaps it might be too late to receive them at the Trinità. She should put Isabel at Paris October 15 when the school commences at the Rue de Varennes. Isabel and Harry send love and kind remembrance to (Francis) Silas (Chatard).

II-1-a - A.L.S. - 8pp. - 12mo. - {7}

1859 Sept. 8
Wood, James F (Bishop of Antigonia): Phila(delphia), (Pennsylvania)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Wood learning of Purcell's proposed visit to Boston invites him to Philadelphia for the Vigil of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Tuesday, Sept. 13. Father (Chs. J. H.) Carter expects Bishop (Martin J.) Spalding for the vigil. Archbishop (Frances P.)Kenrick will not be there nor will Archbishop (John) Hughes because of some important engagements.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1859 Sept. 9
(Blanc), Ant(hony) Archbishop of N(ew) Orleans: N(ew) Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

As(Blanc) has no secretes from Purcell he communicates to him the contents of the letter from the Cardinal prefect. Father John Quinlan is named bishop of Mobile and letters will be sent to him, but the Sacred Congregation did not agree about (Blanc's) coadjutor and decided that the decree of the Council of March 18, 1834 concerning the consultation with other bishops and archbishops should be carried out. (Blanc) is happy that Mobile is provided for. He hopes that this will be an occasion on which he and (Purcell) can get together. He says it is the right of the metropolitan of the place where the diocese is to consecrate the new bishop but if Quinlan wants to be consecrated in Cincinnati surrounded by his seminarians, he will yield his right provided that (Purcell) accompnay Quinlan to New Orleans and go with (Blanc) to the installation. He could send the apostolic letters by mail but Bishop(William Henry)Elder who was with him at the time of receiving the letters would not object to bearing the letters, as he desires to attend the consecration. As to himself (Blanc) says that he feels too weak and fearful to make the journey to Cincinnati alone. He will be 67 years old by that time, 40 of which were spent in the debilitating climate of Louisiana. He has to leave for a parochial visitation now.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 9
Delacroix, Father C(yril): Iberville, (Louisiana)
 to (Archbishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Delacroix asks for a dispensation for disparity of cult for Thomas Whaly and Mary Amanda Rivet. Everything is fine with Delacroix. Last Sunday they celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin and 30 people went to Communion, several of them men. About 200 were at the Mass. On the other side of the river (Bayou Goula) the parishioners are cleaning the cemetery and building a new fence around the church and cemetery.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French and Latin) - 1p. - 4to - {5}

(18)59 Sep. 9
Marechaux, Father (L ) A(ugustine): (Plattenville, Louisiana)
 to (Father Stephen Rousselon: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Marechaux has been asked to marry a Frenchman and a girl of Ascension parish at Donaldsonville. The girl lives no more than three miles from the church; her family is in mourning, her sister is ill, and as she is persistent in the request that the marriage take place in her home, Father (Anthony)Andrieux and Marechaux ask for a dispensation. The family is angry with Andrieux, taking his refusal as an affront; if Marechaux can show them a dispensation it will straighten the matter out. There are grave enough reasons to grant the dispensation. The wedding date is set for September 15.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1859 Sep. 9
Steckel, L( ): Detroit, Michigan
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

It is urgent that Steckel communicate with Father J( ) A( ) Koenig, former pastor of the German Church of St. Joseph in Detroit. Steckel encloses a note for Koenig and asks Blanc to forward it.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1859 Sep. 10
Cooley, Tho(ma)s J.: Pointe Coupee, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop Ant(hony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Cooley writes as a Catholic who needs clarification of some matters regarding the Church. Is there an impediment of a marriage between a widower and his wife's niece? Does it matter if the man has children by the first marriage who are still alive? Is such an impediment part of Church rules, or is it dogma? Can the Church grant dispensation, and to whom should application for dispensation be made? If the couple marries with a dispensation, are they in sin? Is the marriage wrong in essence? Their pastor, Father (Francis) Mittelbronn, has been consulted, but they feel the need of consulting higher authority. Many of the townspeople consider such marriage a sin.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

(18)59 Sep. 10
Duplantier, G.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

License for Father (Stephen) Rousselon to marry W(illia)m St. James Beauvois and Rosa Leontine Henriette Lisbony. (Notation:) September 24.

VI-2-a - D.S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 10
(Elder), Bishop William Henry: Bay St. Louis, (Mississippi)
 to Father (Francis Xavier) Leray: (Jackson, Mississippi)

Leray's letter of September 2 followed (Elder) to Bay St. Louis along with a letter from the Sisters of Mercy saying they could not supply Vicksburg, and another came from Nazareth which said that they could not for a year or two. Since writing to Nazareth Elder thought of the Sisters of Loretto in Kentucky, and asks Leray to write them or the Bishop of Louisville. (Elder) is willing that Leray rent out the house for another year, but he should consult with his parishioners to raise their interest. The rent only brings in $480 per year minus taxes and expenses, which is a poor return on $8000. The house should bring at least 8% after expenses. Maybe he could use it for a boys' school. Leray must have received (Elder)'s letter of September 6, and he hopes (Father James Blake?) is worthy of forbearance. (Elder) would rather that (Blake?) retire to a monastery.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1859 Sept. 10
Elder, William Henry, Bishop of Natchez: Bay St. Louis, (Mississippi)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Elder passed through New Orleans yesterday on his way to visit here. Father (John) Quinlan has been appointed to Mobile, and his bulls are expected shortly. Archbishop (Anthony Blanc) said that (Purcell) had been inviting him to Cincinnati. He is loath to go but might on such an occasion as Wuinlan's consecration if (Purcell) invited him. Elder had been promising his visitation since May and how does not expect to finish before November. They have a smart, good girl of 12 in Natchez who has some negro blood. Elder did not notice it in talking with her. Her sister is married and living in a southern state without suspicion. He asks if (Purcell) could find her a place in a Catholic boarding school in Ohio without betraying her. Elder has expressed to Bishop (Martin John) Spalding his thoughts about (Orestes A.) Brownson. Elder thinks that he is mistaken and that his arguments can be answered. Elder has been told that Bishop (Clement) Smyth encourages the public schools although the protestant bible is read in them. He mentions this so that (Purcell) may inquire about it. He cannot give any authority.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {7}

1859 Sept. 11
Dwenger, Father Joseph: Himmelgarten, O(hio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Dwenger sends a list of the names of the Fathers of the Precious Blood, giving their names and their missions as requested by Father (John) Wittmer in case it should be required for the Catholic Almanac.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 11
Langlois, Father A( ) B( ): (Plaquemine, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Langlois recalls that (Blanc) granted him permission to marry a couple with second degree consanquinity if there was extreme necessity. He used the permission in the following case which he discussed with (Blanc) the last time they met. He was making a mission at Cheiniere Caminadad (Cheniere Caminada) in Jefferson Parish when a couple was presented to him who wanted to marry but were related in second degree consanquinity collaterally. It was impossible to get in touch with (Blanc) immediately, and he consented and married them. Now he asks (Blanc) to ratify what he has done. The couple are Charles Lafond and Emelina Terrebonne.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 12
Crenan, M. R.: Jackson, L(ouisian)a
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana

Crenan received (Blanc)'s letter of September 1, but delayed his answer to figure out what could be done with their pastor, Father (James Blake). Blanc's letter was delivered to (Blake). Crenan succeeded in getting (Blake) to Bayou Sara on the 10th and paid his boat fare to New Orleans. Crenan hopes that Blake will overcome his frailties before he kills himself by them. They hope if (Blanc) sends another priest to Jackson, he may be one of different habits to Father (George) McMahon or Cooper.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {4}

1859 Sep. 12
Picherit, Father H(enry) A( ): (?, Louisiana)

On this date Giovanni Rafaelli and Maria Dominica Liguri, with the permission of Judge Duplantier, were wed before the witnesses required by law. Signed by Picherit, Rafaelli, Liguri, Caesar Rafaelli, Antonio Conperica, and Domenicho Rafaelli.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1859 Sep. 13
Langlois, Father A( ) B( ): Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Langlois asks Blanc for a dispensation for the marriage of Prosper Drisnet and Odile St. Aune.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {4}

1859 Sep. 13
(Smyth), Bishop Clement of: Dubuque, (Iowa)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

The accompanying (no enclosure) is Father Alex(ander) Longfils' exeat to (Blanc). During (Smyth)'s absence in the east Longfils insisted on getting his exeat and obtained a letter from the Redemptorists consenting to receive him. Since his departure two men have approached Smyth asking Longfils' whereabouts. One held a note for money lent personally. Longfils involved some poor German farmers in difficulties, whose farms are mortgaged for the building of a church. This debt was contracted contrary to (Smyth)'s express prohibition. Longfils is pious but has no judgment.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {3}

(18)59 Sep. 14
Follot, Father Francis C( ): Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen Rousselon: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Follot sends $55 from Michel Hebert toward the fund for the American College (at Louvain). The people of Plaquemine have much to do. Perhaps Follot will be in New Orleans soon.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 14
Kilroy, Father L(awrence): Port Huron, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere: Detroit, Michigan)

Kilroy has secured two lots for the church in Port Huron. They are 100 feet square. The third lot cannot be sold at present but Mr. Wells says there is no doubt but that they can get it. Mr. Delude had failed in making two payments and had paid $150. Kilroy agreed to give Delude $185.83 to sign his bond back to Wells, who gave Kilroy a new bond dated September 10, 1859. After payments to Wells and Delude, Kilroy will have two payments of $150 to make on September 10, 1860 and September 10, 1861. The price of the lots is $675 with interest. He would have answered Lefevere's letter about the $20 some friends left for him but was waiting to get the third lot. A total of $12.80 was paid for the (Association for the) Propagation of the Faith by Emmet and Brockway, Columbus, Burchville, Port Huron, Williamsburgh and Bark Shantee. Lefevere is to take $13 of the $20 and leave the rest until Kilroy goes down on October 4 according to directions.

III-2-i - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {8}

(18)59 Sep. 15
(Charbonnel, S.S.,) Bishop Armand Fr(ancis): Toronto, (Ontario)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Blanc)'s affair has upset (Charbonnel)'s. (Charbonnel) will have a Coadjutor without the request that (Blanc) made for one, too. (Charbonnel) has not heard from Rome though his request reached there the beginning of June; (Blanc)'s has stopped everything. It occurred to (Charbonnel) that (Blanc)'s colleague archbishops had been consulted by the Holy See concerning (Blanc)'s wish and it was not approved. There is reason to fear (Charbonnel as a choice for Coadjutor of New Orleans). He knows the difficulties of the city and diocese of New Orleans. He does not see himself living with the Capuchins, missionaries throughout the diocese, working under (Blanc)'s direction as his successor. (Charbonnel) is 57 years old and not as strong as he appears. He asks (Blanc) to send him any news on the subject that he might obtain. Father Charles (Chambost?) Chambon, who has been in the New Orleans diocese for 12 years wants to go to Toronto and help (Charbonnel). He asked (Charbonnel) to write (Blanc) asking information about Chambon and to grant him an exeat. Father ( ) Corayon has received the most important mission in the diocese of Hamilton, after that of the see itself. Father (L ) Bissey has left Paris, (Ontario) for St. Thomas in the Sandwich, (West Canada) diocese. Bissey is never satisfied anywhere. (Blanc) has done a very good job and his successor will carry on. They will both get Coadjutors.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1859 Sep. 15
de Luynes, Father H( ): New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

De Luynes is interceding for a woman to whom (Blanc) loaned $25 several years ago to pay her travel expenses from N(ew) O(rleans) to N(ew) Y(ork). Her name was Ann Murphy, and she married a man named Kavanaugh in New York. (Blanc) had told her that $15 would suffice as payment of the debt, and she was to turn it over to Father W(illiam) Starrs of St. Francis Church, New York. She was unable to do so, and and now her husband has died, leaving her no estate and two children to support. De Luynes fears that her morbid preoccupation with the terms of the debt might be dangerous. He asks (Blanc) to release her from the debt. He is sure she is sincere in her grief and fear of the suffering hereafter for not paying the debt.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1859 Sep. 16
Asquinius, F. Cardinal Prefect:
Sacred Congregation of Indulgences Rome, (Italy)
 to All the World:

(This printed document) quotes the grant of the indulgence to those not able to go to the stations for the Way of the Cross, granted on January 26, 1773, and asks whether there are required 14 Paters and Aves and also 5 Paters and Aves according to the usual form or whether there should be 20 as the Sacred Congregation requires, 5 for the Wounds and one for the intention of the Holy Father, and whether brass is the only material for the crucifix to be held during the prayers. Pope Pius IX through the Sacred Congregation answers: 1. That the custom of the Congregation is to be followed, and 2. That the cruficix should be of permanent material. Aloysius Colombo signs as secretary.

VI-2-b - D. Printed - (Latin and Italian) - 1p. - folio - {1}

1859 Sep. 16
Elder, William Henry, Bishop of Natchez: Pass Christian, (Mississippi)
 to Father E(tienne) Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Elder had intended to pay Rousselon the $100 which Rousselon had loaned Father (M. F.) Grignon last winter to pay Father (Symphorian) Guinand. Elder finds that Father M( ) Georget had placed a sum of money in a bank for Elder, with which he is to pay the debts of the house at Biloxi. He can pay Rousselon, but forgot to do so when he saw him. Rousselon is to keep the $40 which Mr. Dufilho gave him, and Elder encloses a check for $60. Elder asks Rousselon to forward the enclosed note to Dufilho. Elder sends his respects to Archbishop (Blanc).

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1859 Sep. 16
Joos, Father Ed(ward): Monroe, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere: Detroit, Michigan)

Joos received Lefevere's letter with the article of Father (James) Hennessy who, he hopes, will bring that sad affair to a happy end. Joos will pray that others may be prevented from taking part in that abominable schism. Joos asks about the boundaries of his missions towards Huron River. It was always understood that the Huron mission included both sides of the river and that Swancreek had been added to Monroe until Father (Desiderius) Callaert told him that nothing but Brownstown had been added to Wyandotte and that all who live on this side of the river belong to Monroe. This might create difficulties as soon as the bridge is fixed. Should the 25 or 30 families living on this side of the Huron be annexed to Swancreek or be regarded as belonging to Huron and consequently depend on Father (Charles L ) DePreitre. At the convent all seems very well but Sister Gerard is in danger of dying through bilious fever.

III-2-i - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {8}

1859 Sep. 16
Kenrick, Archbishop Francis Patrick of: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc): N(ew) Orleans, (Louisiana)

The S(acred) Cong(regation of the Propaganda) instructed Kenrick to have the Metropolitans send their views regarding the choice of a Rector of the Roman College to the Cardinal Prefect. Father Thomas Foley refuses to be considered, leaving only two candidates, Father George McCloskey and Father Sylvester H( ) Rosecranz, though others may be recommended. The opening of the college is delayed until there is a rector, who must be American.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {5}

1859 Sept. 16
Kenrick, Francis Patrick, Archbishop of Balt(imore): Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): Cincinnati, (Ohio)

His Eminence, the Cardinal Prefect acknowledged Kenrick's list for the office of Rector of the American College (in Rome) and requests him to urge other archbishops to express their views on the subject to the S(acred) Cong(regation). Father Thomas Foley requested his name to be withdrawn. The S(acred) Cong(regation) wants the College to have a national character as well as a Catholic character. The opening is delayed for want of a Rector.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 17
Marechaux, Father A(ugustine): Assumption, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Marechaux received (Blanc)'s letter of September 7 only Monday. Tomorrow he will announce Confirmation. He will have 19 First Communicants also. Father (J. M.) Bertail is better lately and is instructing the children. Since (Blanc) is to confirm the slaves of Narcisse Landry on October 3, Bertail will ask him to confirm on Tuesday, October 4 at Paincourt and (Blanc) could then confirm at Assumption on Wednesday. If he wishes to leave for Thidobaux, Marechaux will accompany him there.

VI-2-b- - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {3}

1859 Sep. 17
Menard, Father Charles M( ): Thibodaux, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Menard has just received word from Father (F.) Tasset on the date of the Confirmation. (Blanc) could go on October 7 to Father (Cyprian) Venissat at Assumption for Confirmation on the 8th. The same day they would receive him at St. Joseph's presbytery and he could confirm there on the 9th. Tasset is preparing to have him for October 11 at Houma and on the 12th at his new chapel. Menard has no reply nor visit from Father (Amadée) Beccard. There will not be many confirmations; most of the children are busy harvesting.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1859 Sep. 18
Cooley, Tho(ma)s J.: Pointe Coupee, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop Ant(hony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Cooley has Blanc's letter of September 15, in answer to Cooley's letter requesting advice on a matter of consicence and religion. Blanc's answers are just as Cooley expected, except that the engagement could not be contracted prior to reception of the dispensation. He asks for the necessary dispensation. Cooley was married young and lived with his wife for over 25 years, until she died 3 years ago. He is unhappy as a widower, and his 3 young children, two of whom are daughters, need a mother's care, since his oldest daughter does not superintend them, and she may marry soon herself. He believes someone who has some interest in his children would be best suited to care for them. The woman's father is agreeable if the marriage can be arranged according to Church law. The woman is Armantine Ledoux, daughter of Zenon Ledoux, whom Blanc Knows. She has no fortune and is 28 years old. Her father is old and infirm and has three other unmarried daughters, whose mother is dead. For all these reasons Cooley should like the dispensation as soon as possible.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

(18)59 Sep. 18
Friend to Religion: Bayou Teche, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

This is a request for a priest. There is a great need in the new and developing settlements. Many people would like to hear an English-language sermon—even people of other faiths. Many of the priests in such areas disgrace themselves and give scandal by their behavior. The writer decries such clergymen, saying that dignity is important to any clergyman, especially Catholic. The writer advises the abolition of parish trustees, for they turn out a priest at will if he should not happen to be a Frenchman. Father (James) Blake, the last priest at Pattersonville, was a good man unjustly driven away. Some people are forced, for lack of a priest, to go to other places of worship.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 19
(Purcell), Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist): Cincinnati, (Ohio)
 to Archbishop Ant(hony) Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Purcell received Blanc's letter of the 9th on his return from Boston last night. He also received two letters from Bishop (William Henry Elder) of Natchez, one of which informed him of the confirmation of Father (John) Quinlan's nomination in Rome. Father (Francis) Chambige, passing through yesterday on the way to France, had the same news, but it will not be published until authorization is received. Quinlan will be a great loss to Purcell. Regarding Blanc's coadjutor, Bishop (Armand Francis) Charbonnel would not suit Blanc. Purcell prizes charbonnel and Bishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.), but Charbonnel is in a very uncomfortable position in Toronto; it is feared he would be so anywhere. Does Odin know that Purcell advised against his election? Odin did not visit Purcell when he was in the East. Father (John) Corbe and Bishop (John Henry) Luers have written to Rome against Father (Julian) Benoit, making grave charges. If Quinlan is appointed Bishop of Mobile, Purcell asks Blanc to consecrate him in Cincinnati. Elder can travel with Blanc. If Blanc accepts this invitation, Purcell will invite Father (Gabriel) Chalon and Father (James) McGarahan, Bishop (Martin John) Spalding, Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere, Bishop (Louis Amadeus) Rappe, and others. One of the New York McCloskeys will be the first rector of the (American) College in Rome. Father George (McCloskey) is pastor of the Nativity; Father William (McCloskey) is a professor at Emmitsburg. Purcell wrote a letter to Rome signed by many priests in answer to an anonymous libel addressed to Pope (Pius IX) by a bad priest of Indiana against (Purcell) and (Luers) and a priest of the Cincinnati diocese. Bishop (James Frederick) Wood received a letter from Rome requesting him to stay in Philadelphia.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 6pp. - 12mo. - {19}

1859 Sep. 20
Joos, Father Ed(ward): Monroe, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere: Detroit, Michigan)

Joos will keep Lefevere's letter just received as a final settlement of the Huron question. They had a very fine service for Sister Gerard this morning. Joos lists the church goods he received September 19.

III-2-i - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1859 Sep. 20
Creevy and Farwell: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Receipt for $1.10 freight from Havre on Dec.17, 1859 on the ship Bethiah Thayer of the Eagle Line Havre Packets. (Signed) by W.S. Crawford.

VI-2-a - Receipt S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {2}

(18)59 Sep. 20
(Martin), Aug(uste) M(ar(ie, Bishop of: Natchitoches, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Martin) received (Blanc)'s letter of September 15 and answers by return mail. (Martin) sent a dimissorial letter to Father (Simon) D'Angles testifying to his practicing his ministry in (Martin)'s diocese since 1854, and of (Martin)'s permission for him to go elsewhere. (Martin) hopes his unhappy experience will be a lesson.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1859 Sep. 20
Ste. Marie, (O.S.U.), Sister de: San Antonio, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Sister de Ste. Marie asks Blanc's prayers for Sister St. Julie, (O.S.U.), who died September 15 after an illness of 8 months. She was 21½ years old, but faced death well. She was the second one to die at that age. Bishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.) left on his visitation September 15 and will be back in Galveston in several weeks. Sister de Ste. Marie is glad Blanc is well—she is not, though they are the same age. Mother Superior is well, and sends regards.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 21
Bonnabel, N( ): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Bonnabel is sorry to bother Blanc again about the interment of his father, but it is necessary. The order Blanc gave Bonnabel about the erection of an additional tomb for the body has been labeled insufficient by Father (James Ignatius) Mullen, so the interment awaits further clarification. He asks that he may bury his father in the family plot.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1859 Sep. 22
Barnett, John P.: New Orleans, Louisiana

License for Father (Stephen) Rousselon to marry Adolphe Toumaroux and Maria Assevedo. (Notation): October 15 at 8 o'clock.

VI-2-a - D.S. - 2pp. - 32mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 22
McGarahan, James: New York, (New York)
 to (Archbishop John Baptist Purcell): (Cincinnati, Ohio)

McGarahan thanks Purcell for his letter of the 18th. He accepts an invitation Purcell formerly offered to him. McGarahan feels that everyone in Mobile will approve of Purcell's choice. He offers his congratulations to his Bishop to be.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1859 Sep. 22
Saucier, Arthur: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

License for any clergyman to marry Charles N. Haase and Rosalie Adeline Bernard.

VI-2-a - D.S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {2}

1859 Sep. 23
Chalon, Father G(abriel): Mobile, (Alabama)
 to (Father Stephen Rousselon: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Last night Chalon found (Rousselon)'s work on spiritual manifestations at the bottom of a packing-case of books. He will send it to (Rousselon) when he gets a chance. No news from Mobile except Father (James) McGarahan's telegram this morning announcing the nomination of Father J(ohn) Quinlan of Cincinnati as Bishop of Mobile. (P.S.) Chalon sends his regards to Archbishop (Blanc).

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 8vo. - {3}

1859 Sept. 24
Loughlin, J(ohn) Bishop of Brooklyn: Brooklyn, New York
 to Archbishop John B(aptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Father Thomas Walsh exercised the ministry in the Brooklyn diocese for two years. He became remiss upon the discharge of his duties, and after an admonition Loughlin requested him to leave the diocese. Later he acknowledged his errors and promised amendment in a note received from him. He denies that he was seen under the influence of liquor. Although he seems to have exalted notions of his abilities, the trials he has passed through will serve him for the future. Some Bishop should give him a trial for he is capable of doing much good. As he is free from all ecclesiastical censure Loughlin hopes that Purcell will give him this trial.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1859 Sep. 24
Berthaud, Father Francois: West Baton Rouge, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Berthaud takes advantage of Mr. Jean's return to the city to give news about Berthaud's health. Berthaud considers himself as almost incapable of fulfilling his ministry; especially if he cannot say Mass on Sunday. Almost every time he says Mass it redoubles his fever.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1859 Sept. 26
Clark, E. P.: Boston, (Massachusetts)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

His syrup, designed to relieve complaints arising from sedentary pursuits, has received much praise throughout the country. He sends a copy of the Boston Pilot in which there is an extended advertisement of the syrup. The expenses of the business have been so great that it has as yet produced no profit. He is beginning another advertisng campaign and would like to have a certificate of merit from Brownson, sent in care of Dunigan and Brother. He is also writing to Dr. Cummings and the Archbishop for their endorsement of his product..

I-3-o - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1859 Sept. 26
Gresselin, (S.J.), Father C(harles): Fordham, (New York)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Gresselin offers to read Brownson's Review and point out "the little inaccuracies therin." He praises the Review and relegates it to the realm of masterpieces. The writer has had recourse to F. Fournier and Father (Francois) Rothenflue, (S.J.) for his classes in Philosophy, but the writer finds that the students did not profit from them. He intends to write his own text for his classes. Gresselin accepts Brownson's calling him his "real friend." He wonders if the Church a right and a will to proceed against heretics and if the State has a right and even an obligation to do the same, if it can, without raising too much trouble. To the first, Theologians answer affirmatively, but must not abuse the right. He discusses at length the Church's rights in the Inquisition. The Sanctity, Chastity, Authority and Infallibility of the Church must be attested loudly. It is too late to pay Brownson a visit; he intends to do so in 1860 without fail.

I-3-o - A.L.S. - 8pp. - 4to. - {7}

1859 Sep. 27
Clerouin, Father (Victor): Salem, (Massachusetts)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Clerouin received Blanc's letter of the 17th, and sends information about himself. He was ordained in 1834 and spent the next five years in Lucon diocese. He was sent in 1854 by the Seminary of St. Spirit of Paris as apostolic missionary into the Island of St. Pierre and Miquelon. He went to New Brunswick, (Canada). He dislikes the weather and his duties there. He does not object to living in the bishop's home for awhile. He has to hear confessions in the absence of the pastor, and to speak English all the time. He can send recommendations but cannot be in New Orleans before Nov.15.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {1}

1859 Sep. 27
Gonellaz, Father (Hyacinth): Basse Terre, (Guadelupe?)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Gonellaz did not receive (Blanc)'s letter until September 20; he hopes to be able to repay (Blanc) some day. Gonellaz informed the vicar general of his project. Gonellaz was much surprised at the way it was received. In circumstances where the clergy is numerous and there is embarrassment in furnishing posts for priests arriving from the Colonial Seminary, Gonellaz expected no difficulty. But it was not thus. Reasons of health no longer hold as he is better now. However the vicar general has promised to let Gonellaz go and he hopes that in a month affairs will be arranged so that he can place himdelf at (Blanc)'s disposal.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}

1859 Sep. 27
Victor, Mathilde:
St. Mary's Academy Baton Rouge, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Mathilde cannot suppose that Blanc will permit an injustice. She alludes to the continued endeavors of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart to entice away her pupils. Since she came to Baton Rouge they have not ceased to detach pupils from the academy.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1859 Sep. 28
Brisard, Father C( ): L'Erable, Illinois
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

Brisard, who was ordained by Bishop (James O.) Van de Velde requests permission to be received into the Detroit Diocese. Bishop (Anthony) O'Regan appointed him to the L'Erable Mission, having a mixed population, mostly Canadians and Irish. Brisard speaks enough English to be able to serve these people. He has three poor missions, made difficult to administer because of the nearness of the apostate (Charles) Chiniquy. He has made an enemy, rendering his work partly ineffective, an unsurmountable burden to his poor existence. He plans soon to leave the diocese. He is in good agreement with his bishop. There is nothing against his priestly character.

III-2-i - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {5}

1859 Sep. 28
Claris, Father (Justin): Bayou Boeuf, L(ouisian)a
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Claris asks Rousselon to give him 15 or 20 Masses so that the honorarium could be applied against his wine bill from Mr. Cavaroc.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1859 Sep. 28
Georget, Father (Henry): Biloxi, (Mississippi)
 to Father (Stephen) Rousselon: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Georget would be much obliged if Rousselon would advise the bearer of this letter; she is the mother of a retarded child 16 years old. She would like to place the child in an institution. She could only afford $5.00 per month. Rousselon knows the New Orleans institutions so Georget asks his aid.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1859 Sept. 28
Lefevere, Peter Paul, Bishop of Zela: (Detroit, Michigan)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Father (Joseph) Koening was in Detroit at St. Joseph's Church and because of the scandal he caused, Lefevere withdrew his faculties. Koenig is now among the Franciscans, although he used false recomendations for admittance into the Detroit diocese Koenig had nothing to do with the Monroe (Michigan) affair nor with the anonymous letter which Purcell and Bishop (John H.) Luers of (Fort Wayne, Indiana) mentioned. Bishop (James) Duggan showed Lefevere an anonymous letter sent to Rome accusing Bishops (Maurice) De St. Palais, Duggan and (Martin J.) Henni, along with some priests. The writing compares with that of letters Lefevere received fromFather Hugh Quigley and although Quigley denies authorship, Lefevere believes he is the writer of the letters to Rome. Quigley was in Lefevere's diocese but he was soon dismissed. Lefevere accepts Purcell's invitation to the consecration of Quinlan. He is sorry that the suggestion of Bishop (John) Timon concerning the Rectorship of the American College at Rome being placed under some religious order rather than a Secular priest was not adopted. Father (Arnold) Damen of Chicago will conduct the Retreat which begins in Detroit next Tuesday.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {12}

1859 Sep. 28
Martinez, R.S.C., Mother Vict(orine?): Grand Coteau, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Blanc) must cherish Grand Coteau to send them news by his own hand. Several of the (Ladies of the Sacred Heart) have been ill during the summer. They will reopen the school on October 20 rather than the 3rd because of sickness. Father (Charles) Booker will bring (Blanc) their small offering for the Propagation of the Faith.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1859 Sep. 29
Bissey, Father L(ouis): London, (Ontario, Canada)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana

Bissey has been close to death but is getting better. The doctor told him that had he been in Louisiana the illness would have degenerated into yellow fever in the heat. He still wants to go to Louisiana, but that is physically impossible both because of his health and monetary situation. He will get there somehow. If Father (A.) Carayon failed him last May for peace('s) sake with the authorities Bissey does not despair of having it yet. Carayon's companionship would change Bissey's position entirely; he is expecting a letter from him today about it. (P.S.) Bishop (John Farrell) of Hamilton, gave Confirmation at Carayon's yesterday. Carayon is discontented and disgusted.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1859 Sept. 29
(Blanc), Ant(hony) Archbishop of New Orleans: New Orleans, Louisiana
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

(Blanc) acknowledges (Purcell's) letter of the 19th and as he is starting on a two weeks' visitation and wants to write to the Cardinal prefect he will not write at length. He had heard nothing from Rome and if the Pulls come Father (Stephen) Rousselon will forward them immediately. Despite the bad season, (Blanc) is so desirious of seeing Purcell that he will attend the consecration, if it does not interfere with the diocesan retreat. (Blanc) understands (Purcell) to say that he would occupy (Purcell's) throne. (Blanc) thinks this is contrary to the rubrics. He knows the objections of Bishop (Armand) de Charbonnell, but with the exception of the fact that he is not a citizen he will abide by the decision of Rome. He will write to the Cardinal that (Charbonnell) should not be elected unless he also accept the right of succession. As to the second on the list (Father Julian) Benoit, (Blanc) has given him up entirely. P.S. As he was about to seal the letter one came from Father(James)McGarahan from New York stating that hearing of Father(John) Quinlan's appointment he asks as a favor that the consecration take place in Mobile, which would suit (Blanc). The Cathedral is large enough and beautiful and the ceremony would have a beneficial effect. (Blanc) joins in the request of Father McGrahan al though his first intention was to have it in his or Purcell's cathedral.

II-4-o - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1859 Sep. 29
Gautrelet, S.J., Father F( ): Spring Hill, (Alabama)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Gautrelet received (Blanc)'s letter assigning him to preach the Ecclesiastical Retreat. He will be in New Orleans the day prior to the retreat.

VI-2-a - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1859 Sep. 30
Cooley, Tho(ma)s J.: Pointe Coupee, Louisiana
 to Archbishop Ant(hony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Cooley is afraid that Blanc did not get his letter written in answer to Blanc's letter of the 15th. Cooley had outlined his reasons for asking for a dispensation to marry Armantine Ledoux, daughter of Zenon Ledoux. He has received no answer. There appears to be great curiosity as to what is going on between Father (Francis) Mittelbronn and Father (H ) Thirion and the scandalous publications in the newspapers. Cooley is fearful that it may have fallen into evil hands so he makes his request again. He was married very young and has several young children of whom the youngest are daughters and who require the care of a mother, and another older daughter. All the family of the lady, as well as the lady herself are zealous members of the Church. Her father is willing. Cooley awaits Blanc's decision about an engagement. Zenon Ledoux is old and has been quite sick and the mother is dead.

VI-2-b - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {6}