University of Notre Dame


1866 Sep. 1
Callaert, Father D(esiderius): Athlone, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

Callaert informs Lefevere of the discouraging outlook for a Catholic school. Very few Catholics are in favor of it; some who subscribe refuse to pay. Of the 200 Catholic families, about 45 have paid something; most of these are poor and have no children; those most able and with children refuse to pay. The Committee has resigned because of insults; they are called "the constables of the bishop." Callaert is in poor health and is thinking of returning home. Catholics are meeting to raise funds for a district-schoolhouse, a mile and a half from the church. He requests Lefevere to visit the parish and to confirm fifty persons.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Sep. 1
Smyth, Father Lawrence: Fort Smith, Arkansas
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Smyth saw (Odin) once in All Hallows College, Dublin, while Dr. Moriarty was its president. Today Smyth received a letter from his brother in Ohio stating that Father (Edward) Fitzgerald had received the bulls from the Holy See but refused to take this see on the score of delicate health. Fitzgerald is a priest of Columbus, Ohio; Smyth regrets his refusal. This diocese continues to suffer daily for want of a Bishop. Is it possible to have the name of the present administrator (Father Patrick Reilly) forwarded to the Holy See at once? He has served as vicar general for many years; he has the confidence of the people, Protestant and Catholic, priests and laity. Smyth has labored under his jurisdiction for 9 years and can testify to his sterling worth as a priest of unblemished character, a scholar, theologian, and perfect gentleman. Perhaps his appointment would be better than to have a stranger from some state against which a deep political prejudice exists. The Catholics are Irish with a few Americans and about a dozen French at Post Arkansas. Now is the time to take advantage of the favorable reaction of the American people towards the Church which has made its mark during the late war. Smyth has a large congregation but no church, waiting for a Bishop.

VI-2-1 - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Sep. 10
O'Reilly, Father Bernard: Boston, Mass(achusetts)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

O'Reilly would willingly go to Baltimore during the Council to see (Odin) if he thought his visit would in no way interfere.

VI-2-1 - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Sep. 10
St. Ambrose, R.G.S., Sister Marie de: (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She has learned of (Odin)'s return to the city and asks him to visit them (Sisters of the Good Shepherd) as soon as possible. (Odin) has no doubt learned of the death of their superioress, Sister Marie de Ste. Théresè, (R.G.S.) during his absence.

VI-2-1 - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Sep. 10
Spalding, M(artin) J(ohn), Archbishop of: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Spalding has decided that one preliminary sesion of the Archbishops to be held on October 4 will be sufficient. (Odin)'s room will be ready not only during the council but always. They are now printing (Odin)'s titulus which they have divided into three chapters. It will be one of the best in the series. He would be pleased to know whom (Odin) expects to bring with him. Spalding has learned of the departure for the Council (of 1866) of the Archbishops of Oregon and San Francisco.

VI-2-1 - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {2}

1866 Sep. 11
Jacobs, (C.SS.R., Father James): Lafayette, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

The Roman Cath(olic) St. Mary's Assumption Mutual Beneficial Society had been in existence since 1857 without much interference from the priests until last spring when a picnic was held for the purpose of purchasing a society vault in the cemetery. They resolved that every member must be present under a penalty of $2.50. Anth(ony) Schmucker and Geo(rge) Brion(?) chose to be absent. For this they were expelled by the president without ballot. Since both men are very much beloved in the congregation, this has caused a great deal of dissatisfaction and the priests were censured for not preventing it. Some even took their children from the school and relinquished their seats in the church. The (Redemptorists) exhorted the people to reconciliation but in vain. Jacobs endeavored to use his influence through the Holy Family Society and suggested three points: that the expelled members be readmitted, that the resolution empowering the president to expel be repealed, that their resolutions be submitted to the pastor. Jacobs asked the president Mr. Facher to put these points to ballot. He and Mr. Lutzenberger came but Facher declared he would not do so. When the members understood that the priests were going to keep the society from the church and hall they induced the president to convene a meeting to put the points to vote. All agreed that Jacobs should take the chair and propose the points.

VI-2-1 - A.L. (Incomplete) - 4pp. - 4to. - {5}

1866 Sep. 11
McManus, Father P(atrick) J.: Erin, Mich(igan)
 to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) Lefevere: Detroit, Mich(igan)

In the last two weeks, he has been visiting the missions; he preached every day. Catholics at Grattan are united. The church there owes $323 to Father (Henry) Rievers as part of his salary, and $150 for his house furniture. Pew rent due the end of the month will be $300 which would leave a debt of about $200. However, a diocesan rule requires Lefevere's permission to purchase the furniture. He thanks Lefevere for sending him the catechisms. He asks faculties to absolve four persons who were married by a Protestant squire. Two of them are from Canada, and McManus inquires whether or not this is a reserve case in Canada? He refused to baptize a child of seven years, as the mother is Lutheran, and the father a nominal Catholic, and no hope of raising it Catholic. The priests at Grand Rapids (Father Bernard Wermers and Henry Beerhorst) agree with his action. He left with the father a catechism with which to instruct the child who is attending Protestant Sunday School in Greenville. He will attend to admonitions of Lefevere's Circular which he received on Saturday; he read it at both Masses, and spoke about prayer for the assembled prelates and said the Litanies of the Saints as ordered. He encloses $2 for dispensation from third publication of banns.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Sept. 11
(Rappe), A(madeus), Bishop of: Cleveland, (Ohio)
 to (Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): of (Cincinnati, Ohio)

He is happy to think that in Purcell's opinion Rappe is innocent of the accusations which were brought against him in Rome. It never occured to him that Purcell knew of the plot against his administration, much less that Purcell had a hand in it. Rappe had no intention of implying such a thing in his letter. Purcell's words and acts have always shown him more in favor of the French than of the Irish. He prays God to pardon his enemies.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1866 Sept. 12
Kehoe, L(awrence): New York(City)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Kehoe enclosed a check for sixty-six dollars in payment for "The Founders of French Unity" and the "Independence of the Church". He wishes Brownson to acknowledge the receipt of the check.

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 1pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1866 Sep. 12
(Martin), Aug(uste) M(ar)ie, Bishop of: Natchitoches, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He intends to leave on the 16th or 17th to arrive the following Friday and go to Baltimore with (Odin). Father (Joseph) Roduit is here with young Father (H.) Begley, Ordained last Sunday.

VI-2-1 - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Sep. 12
Schlatre, Michael, Jr.: Plaquemine, L(ouisian)a
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): N(ew) Or(leans, Louisiana)

It is necessary to call Odin's attention to the business affairs of their church before Odin leaves for Baltimore to have their cause represented in the Supreme Court to which they have appealed to save the lot on which the church stands. Schlatre is personally responsible for $200 for the expenses in this case and has some money belonging to the church but today he was ordered by B(elfort) Marionneaux to state what he had and undoubtedly he will soon attach all. Since Marionneaux got only $4750 from the sale of the church, only a little more than half his claim, he will undoubtedly continue to sieze all properties of the church until his claim is satisfied, some $4000. He may realize $1500 on the 2 or 3 lots belonging to the church and the altars, bells, etc. He says he will attach Odin's Property in the city. He will find it difficult to obtain a judgment confirming his right to the lot donated by John Dutton, himself an able lawyer. Their people are very poor; the rains are causing wide destruction to their cotton crops. It was Marionneaux's business to know there was a clause that would forbid him the possession of the lot in case he was never paid for his work.

VI-2-1 - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {4}

1866 Sept. 13
O'Callaghan, Rev. E.M.: Youngstown, Ohio
 to (Orestes A.) Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

O'Callaghan explains why he has not answered Brownson's letter of August 2. He had a fever. He wishes Brownson's comments on the question of mortal sin and re-conciliation with God through acts of virtue. O'Callaghan elaborates the question. In brief the question is whether there could be a gradual return of the mortal sinner to God by a partial remission of his guilt. O'Callaghan feels that Brownson did not well understand the question in dispute.

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1866 Sep. 18
Andrieu, C.M., Father A(nthony): Donaldsonville, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He asks for permission for their ailing Father (M.) Kelly, (C.M.) to say Mass at the home of Widow LeColomb during the rolling season. The sugar vapor will do him much good. As they plan to hold a Mass for persons of color every Sunday at 11, they ask permission to binate as they must always have the three Masses necessary. He has just seen young Mumford whom Odin asked for information about that fine building at Bayou Sara so suitable for a college or convent. The train goes past a quarter of a mile from there 3 times a week in summer and every day in winter.

VI-2-1 - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1866 Sep. 18
(Elder), William Henry, Bishop of: Natchez, (Mississippi)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Odin's favor of the 12th reached (Elder) this morning. If he can finish tomorrow he will start Thursday for Vicksburgh. He will also stop at Jackson, Canton and Holly Springs. If Odin telegraphs him at Canton, care of Franklin Smith, (Elder) will try to join him either at New Orleans of Holly Springs. At Jackson he will stop with Mr. McLaughlin, at Holly Springs with Jos(eph) Farrell. Brother Isaiah's explanations have modified (Elder)'s judgment of his conduct though they do not take away all blame. Father (Richard) Kane's explanations have caused him to withdraw faculties leaving him free to receive from local pastors such powers as they are allowed to give.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {6}

1866 Sept. 18
Navarron, Father Louis: Stone Lick, O(hio)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Mr. Fraschord read Purcell's letter; no one denied it to him. It is not true that Navarron put his hand on the shoulders of some people at the door of the church. Long before Purcell's visit last year, he informed the trustees of the congregation of the miserable state of the roof of the church. They replied that they wanted a new church. Several times his housekeeper refused to talk of the affairs of the congregation when pressed to do so by certain ladies. All were glad when he announced that he was remaining at Stone Lick with Purcell's approbation. He has $27 for the seminary from St. Louis Church, New Boston and from St. Philomena Church. He wants Mass intentions.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1866 Sept. 18
(Rappe), A(madeus), Bishop of Cleveland: Erie, (Pennsylvania)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell: of (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Purcell will learn with sorrow of the death of Bishop (Josue M. Young) of Erie. He was able to receive absolution and Extreme Unction before he died. Providence brought Rappe there at that moment. The funeral will be Friday. The Archbishop of Baltimore was also notified.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Sept. 19
Cooke, John Esten: Millwood near Winchester, Virginia
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, New York

He thanks McMaster for copies of the Freeman's Journal. He has had Dr. Dabney's life of Jackson for some time, but has not read it. From McMaster's notices it seems to be strongly sectarian and anti-Catholic which is certainly "Travelling out of the record", Jackson's life being nothing if not military. He feels that Dr. Dabney was not the author of a card attacking Cooke in a Richmond paper (The Central Presbyterian) in 1863. That attack was credited to Dr. Brown, the editor, an aged clergyman, who took the article around and tried to get various papers to publish it. The editors indignantly refused. The affair caused ridicule to be heaped on the Presbyterian church, for the evident desire to monopolize Jackson was universally laughed at. He, the anonymous author of the intended work (though his name was not used) was accused of being a vulture, hack, catchpenny, etc. He apologizes for writing such a long letter. He holds no grudge against Dr. Dabney, and thinks that possibly Dabney's work is much fuller and more valuable than the writer's own.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Sep. 20
Chatard, Father S(ilas) M(arean): Rome, (Italy)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: (Cincinnati, Ohio)

The papers which Purcell forwarded to Rome relating to the Bishop (Edward Fitzgerald) of Little Rock, were received and placed in the hands of Cardinal Barnabo. Acknowledgement of Purcell's letter is late due to Chatard's being well occupied and the state of M(iste)r Cusack's health, who suffers from hypertrophy of the heart. The doctor says that the palpitation has sensibly diminished. Still Mr. Cusack has no abatement of the nervous symptoms. Mr. Cusack thinks it best for him to try a change of climate and life, as he feels best when actively employed. He wishes to visit Ireland for a time. Chatard judged it fitter to hear first from Purcell, on this point. Here all kinds of apprehensions, yet nothing untoward happening. The Banca Romana is in a bad shape, but the government is not responsible. The Franco-Roman Legion arrived on Sunday at Rome, and was blessed by the Holy Father on Monday at the Villa Maccao. His Holiness is well and cheerful. Chatard sends his respects to Archbishop (Martin John) Spalding.

II-5-h - A.L.S. (Photostatic copy from the Archives of the College of Mt. St. Joseph, Delhi, Ohio.) - 3pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1866 Sep. 21
Baasen, John F.: Milwaukee, (Wisconsin)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Up to now Baasen had been surprised that the clergy had not proposed to take up a collection for the Pope as they hastened to do everywhere in Europe. To do his part he sent in 1862 through the Nuncio of Munich, 1000 francs from money in the hands of Bishop Nilles, Regent at Innsbruck in the Tyrol. In 1864 Bishop Adames of Luxembourg sent 200 piastres and in 1865, 500 francs. Baasen is pleased to see (Odin)'s name among the collecters for His Holiness in America. He sends 100 piastres as a pure gift, as the others were. He would do more but for several years he has experienced some reverses(?) which inconvenience him greatly at present.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Sep. 21
Bellanger, S.M., Father F.: (St. James, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Since he received (Odin's) letter he has been so busy because of the cholera, that he could not see Father (Leon) Denis, (S.M.) again. He knows that Denis is to talk with (Odin) about the Council. The cholera and church duties keep Bellanger at his post. He regrets not being able to accompany (Odin). The resuming of (Jefferson) College had been set for the first Tuesday in October before the appearance of the cholera. It seems to be concentrated in one or two places. Yesterday they buried four members of one family at one time.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Sept. 21
Cooke, John Esten: Millwood near Winchester, Virginia
 to Ja(me)s A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, New York

He thanks McMaster for a letter. He did not think that anything hostile to him had appeared in the Journal. What he meant was that the notice of "Jackson" was critical and discriminating, as he wished it to be, and not a more "puff". He points out that his knowledge of military science is limited, but the aim was to draw a portrait of Jackson. He appreciates McMaster's notice of the moderate tone of the book, and says he has little sympathy for writers of the North and South who reproduce the violence engendered by the late war. He feels that these violent swordsmen with the goose-quill were not as active with the "carnal weapon". He himself served from an honest sense of duty and from principle, but is not disposed to accept the issue as the fair result of a fair fight. It is lawful to narrate the events of the war, but not to stir up strife when the war is done. He thanks McMaster again for his obliging terms in remarking on his biography of Jackson.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Sept. 23
Fitzgerald, Father Edward: Columbus, (Ohio)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: (of Cincinnati, Ohio)

He asks that Purcell publish in the Telegraph that Purcell will lay the corner stone of their new church of St. Joseph's on the 28th of October. Father (William J.) Hally wrote that Purcell wished Fitzgerald to accompany him to Baltimore. He would like to know when.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Sep. 23
Perché, Father N(apoleon) J(oseph): N(ew) O(rleans, Louisiana)
 to Father L(ouis) Gergaud: Monroe, L(ouisia)na

Leaving tommorrow for the Council, Perché writes in haste. He is not the agent of the Ave Maria but he sent Gergaud's money to a Salvatorian priest at the orphan asylum who is constantly in touch with Notre Dame du Lac who gave him a receipt. The subscription is $3 a year so Gergaud's $5 entitles him to two years. Bishop (Auguste Marie) Martin arrived yesterday; Perché waited to see if Gergaud was with him. (A note on the back) "What answer shall I give Father Gergaud?"

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Sep. 24
Morard, J.J.: St. Louis, (Missouri)
 to Archbishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

He regretted leaving New Orleans after he found out that Odin had been named Archbishop. He has established himself here and prospered for 3 or 4 years but for 2 years his health has been very poor. The oculist tells him that his eyes are difficult to cure because of his bad health. So he has had to give up a good position as an accountant and become a collector for several firms. He asks Odin to help him in getting a position where he will need to write or read hardly at all. He has a large family to support. Odin can get information about him from the St. Vincent de Paul Society and from Father Burke and Bishop Feehan of Nashville, Tennessee who was pastor of their parish.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {1}

1866 Sept. 24
(Rappe), A(madeus) Bishop of Cleveland: Cleveland, Ohio
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

Their good neighbor, (Bishop Josue M. Young) has left a precious remembrance among his flock, and even among non-Catholics who filled the Cathedral for his burial services. Bishop (Michael Domenec) executes the last will. As to Father (G.) Behrans, (Rappe) is not willing to give him his exeat because he does not conduct himself well. Further he has a philosophic idea that is contrary to the spirit of faith. He suggest that Purcell would do best to remain silent in the matter. He wishes that Purcell or the old congregation would indemnify Mr. Ditrey (?) for the expenses he has incurred for the good of religion, for he has really depleted his fortune in the good work. He will see Purcell in Baltimore. (Part of the letter illegible)

II-5-c - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {4}

1866 Sep. 26
Bulman, (V.H.M.), Sister Mary Johanna: Mobile, (Alabama)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Having suffered for some time from their Bishop (John Quinlan) they (Visitation Sisters) apply to (Odin) for a remedy. 1. (Quinlan) has withdrawn their authority from the Academy almost entirely and given full charge to the Directress. 2. He has interfered with domestic arrangements; they cannot regulate the sum requisite for the entrance of pupils into the Academy. 3. After votes of the Chapter had been taken for a postulant to be received as Associate Sister, the Bishop compelled them to vote a second time to receive her as a lay novice. Several times permission has not been obtained to receive some members. Their Community numbers 17 of the choir and associated; some professed are old and infirm. (The letter is also signed by) Sister Mary Rosalia Jenkins, (V.H.M.) and Sister Mary Margaret Marshall (V.H.M.).

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1866 Sept. 26
(Weis), Nicholas Bishop of Speyer: Speyer, Germany
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Bishop (Weis) thanks Purcell for his photograph sent by D. H. and encloses a small photograph of himself. His friend, Rocess (?), whose jubilee they celebrated recently desires to be remembered to Purcell. He recommended to Purcell's great patience all who, from his diocese and from Germany, have emigrated and continue to emigrate to America. Christ will be the reward for such service.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - (LATIN) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Sep. 28
Rivoallan, Father Yves (C.): New Iberia, L(ouisian)a
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Yesterday Rivoallan visited St. John and St. Martin. He was much surprised at the evasive reply given him by Father (Francis M.) Marion when he asked for (Odin)'s order. Marion said his word should suffice. He has been told, among others by Father (Ange Marie Jan?) Jean that the presbytery had certain furnishings when Marion arrived; today it is entirely bare and the few necessities there Rivoallan had to pay for himself as Marion gave him not one cent for the 4 months he was his assistant. All Marion left was a note that Rivoallan would receive the 100 piastres due him from the pews at the Chapel of St. Nicolas by order of the Archbishop. Rivoallan lists the things said to belong to the presbytery and which Marion sold, in a word, everything. Father Jean told Rivoallan to write to (Odin).

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Sep. 29(?)
Letilly, Father P(eter) M.F.: Lockport, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Last Sunday, September 23(?), J. Claudet, O(ctave?) Harang, T(oussaint) Leblanc, and J. D'Alfarez, trustees of St. Andrew's, and Letilly had a meeting and resolved to get up a subscription for the building of a church. Letilly asks (Odin) to fix the limits of St. Mary's Church and St. Andrew's as Father (J.B. Héran) Herang, pastor of St. Mary's, extends his limits within 3 miles of St. Andrew's. When on June 1, (Odin) assigned Letilly to Lockport, he asked Father (Charles M.) Ménard what the boundaries were but he said he did not know. P.S. Mr. Thiberge, the architect of St. Charles Church, came to see Letilly and showed him different plans.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {9}