University of Notre Dame


1870 June 1
Kaeder, M. W.: Raritan, N(ew) J(ersey)
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Kaeder congratulates McMaster on the stand he has taken in vindicating Catholic truth against all gainsayers, and he feels that all Catholics who have been imbued since childhood with Catholic principles and have not been mislead by Liberalism, recognize McMaster's worth.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 June 3
Knaresboro, O.S.F.C., Father J. P.: New York, (New York)
 to (James) A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Knaresboro has tried several times to see McMaster, and takes this opportunity to reach him. He wished merely to thank McMaster for his complimentary remarks concerning the Bishop Ignatius Persico's mission in the South, and of his recent appointment by the Holy See to the Diocese of Savannah, Georgia. Knaresboro learns from Rome that the Pope(Pius IX) has appointed Persico assistant to the Pontifical throne, and suggests that McMaster publish this information in the Journal.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1870 June 7,
Garesche, Alex(ander) J.P.: St. Louis, Mo.
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Referring to McMaster's last letter, Garesche assures him that there is no need to explain to him why his letters have not been published. He has omitted writing McMaster not through any feeling of his but because he has been too busy to write. McMaster should not think him indifferent, for their friendship of 24 years has proved him otherwise. Gareshce, however, has no vanity, he is but 47 years old, yet every aspiration of human distinction is crushed in him. He writes not because he thinks his letters may be published but because he thinks they may interest; he would write oftener but is afraid McMaster's friendship for him would cause him to publish them when there is more interesting matter to be printed. The translation of Father (Peter) De Smet's letter was the work of one Sunday afternoon. Garesche has inquired of the editor of the Catholic World if he would publish another De Smet letter, never before translated, and has referred him to McMaster. When De Smet returnes from his present journey Gareshce will have disposal of De Smet's report of the journey, which he will give the Freeman's Journal for first publication. McMaster is asked to request the prayers of children for De Smet's safe return. He is in no danger, but they feel uneasy about him in St. Louis, fearing that in the bitter war his party might be surprised and waylaid, before the Indians could recognize him. Garesche regrets McMaster's editorial on the two Archbishops, and thinks it would have been better had he written in same train as his reply to the Catholic Telegraph. He agrees wholly with McMaster that Dogma should be defined and among all his wide acquaintance only two Catholics doubt it. Protestant converts have taken it for granted that the Pope was infallible in matters of faith. The Archbishop (Peter Richard Kenrick, of St. Louis) has committed the same error he made before, in McMaster's regard. He has others write for him, for surely he himself would never have been so uncharitable as to say Archbishop (Martin John) Spalding (of Baltimore) has changed since he was elected to two deputations. Garesche asks McMaster to send him the numbers of the Freeman's Journal in which Father De Smet's letters appear. He also asks for any copies of the Freeman in which the lectures or discourses of Father Fred(erick Geresche) appear. He does not expect an answer to this letter, for he knows how busy McMaster is.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1870 Jun. 7

St. Elizabeth's Academy Pupils (Madison, New Jersey)
 to Monsignor (Robert) Seton: (Madison, New Jersey)

Best wishes to their chaplain on his feast day.

II-1-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 June 8
McManus, Frank E.: Brownsville, Texas
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, (New York)

McManus asks that the paper (Freeman's Journal) be discontinued to F. Cummings. He asks McMaster to suggest the name of a reliable, energetic and thoroughgoing lawyer in (New York). He has the names of several, but knows nothing about them personally, and as he has several heavy claims against parties in New York, he is anxious to get a lawyer who can handle the matter with diligence, tact and care.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1870 June 9,
Brownson, O(restes) A.: Eliz(abeth, New Jersey)
 to H(enry) F. Brownson: Fort Leavenworth, Kansas

Brownson has this moment received General Sherman's reply which is enclosed. It is respectful and kind, but perhaps Henry will not be perfectly satisfied with it. Henry undoubtedly can return to Detroit, but Brownson thinks there must be some mistake about Henry's been on recruiting service at Fort Leavenworth. Henry knows better what course to take. Brownson presumes the Army Bill will pass before the adjournment of Congress and at any rate Henry will do well to make his application to to be retired in official form. Brownson will be glad to do anything he can. Brownson will try to write Fifine. He has had an attack of the gout in his right hand occasioned by overwork. He is better now and has returned to his desk. He is as well as he expects to be, although he is unable to walk as far as to Church. The family is well as usual. He hopes to write Henry again soon and at length. When he hears from Henry. He gives his love to Fifine and Philip. P.S. Brownson asks Henry to give Bishop (John B.) Miege his grateful remembrance. (Henry's) new Bishop (Caspar H. Bourgess) at Detroit is the man who with G. H. Hilton's help cheated Brownson out of his judgment against Walsh, at least he presumes so.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1870 June 11
O'Reilly, (Father) J(oseph): Madison, Indiana
 to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Father O'Reilly refers McMaster to the book containing the Decrees of the Council of Baltimore, on p. 192, number 370, and asks for a translation and explanation of the meaning of the decree.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 June 12
Audran, Father E(rnest): Jeffersonville, (Indiana)
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

Audran states that he had no idea his letter would be singled out for publication before the the American Catholics. He is not used to publicity. He was not a friend of Bishop Simon Brute in the manner McMaster indicated, but only knew him through relatives, and as a boy, on the occasion of the Bishop's visit to France. When Audran came to Vincennes (Indiana) it was not in company with the Bishop, but with his Coadjutor and successor, (Bishop Celestine de la Hailandiere), the Bishop having been dead three months. He also states that he is not a Very Rev. Audran feels that the doctrine of the Infallibility of the Pope will soon be authoritatively defined by the Council. He feels that the two Archbishops who wrote a letter which McMaster had termed "scandalous", are not man who would not submit, but he feels that they are merely suffering from wounded pride. He feels that McMaster has done his duty in pointing out the letter, but wishes that he would now drop the matter, for fear of further and more grievous scandal. The opening of McMaster's subscription at this late time will be felt by the Bishops as a severe rebuke, and Audran feels that McMaster should remove too much significance from the incident. He thanks McMaster for the honor of being the first to assert his faith by heading the subscription list in the Journal. P.S. Audran suggests that if McMaster continue his subscription that he insert a remark concerning the fact that a lack of definition of infallibility has been a serious drawback since the Council of Trent. The clergy of Indiana plan to meet tomorrow (15th) and send a (cable) to the Pope advocating the necessity at this time of a definition of the Infallibility.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

(18)70 Jun. 13
Demers, Mod(este), Bishop of Vancouver: Rome, (Italy)
 to J(ames) A. McMaster: (New York, New York)

He is alone, having allowed his secretary to go to Belgium, and McMaster can see the difficulty he has writing because of an infirmity in his arm. He writes to tell McMaster how things are going. McMaster is one with him—who can sacrifice noble feelings towards persons in order to expose their wrongs. These "wrongs" have already brought sad and bitter friuts by destroying the prestige attached to the American Episcopacy in Europe, principally since the last Council of Baltimore. At first he felt proud that not one single American Bishop would go against the Pontifical infallibility, not even against the opportunity of proclaiming it as an article of Faith, but he was mistaken. He was astonished that one bishop (Peter Richard Kenrick) tried to prove that his brother, also a bishop (Francis Patrick Kenrick) was guilty of denying what there is no doubt he would willingly have subscribed to if he had been able to hear the arguments of the council. Bishop Demers sees that McMaster is well informed on these questions, getting information from the "Univers L'Union" and "Le Monde." He should not trust any other Paris journals. Some are liberal and others are downright infidel sheets. He hopes to stay until the great question of the infallibility of the Pope is defined and proclaimed. P.S. In the opinion of many, the liberal press does more harm than the infidel and Protestant presses. Still it sickens his heart to imagine what they must say about controversy in the Council. Where is the unity in the Catholic World? Are not the Catholics in America aware that addresses and petitions are pouring in from the clergy and Catholics to the Holy Father professing their faith in and praying for the definition of the infallibility? Nothing has come from America to bring consolation to the suffering heart of Pius IX who told Demers in 1850 that he had to look for consolation from a distance, meaning America. The Archbishop of Halifax wrote to a friend that he was against infallibility, but that once it was defined, he would submit. McMaster may comment as he likes on this.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 6pp. (not matched) - 12mo. - {3}

1870 June 13
Hoynes, William: La Crosse, Wisconsin
 to James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana

He had not heard a word of Edwards' debilitated condition of health or his temporary suspension of studies. He is confident that Edwards will graduate with honors next year. He admires the high character of Edwards' affection for Notre Dame. Notre Dame has few, if any, superiors in the United States. Were it not for the Michigan University, it would be second to none in the west. Dennis Tighe has exhibited good judgment in joining the order of Holy Cross. Since he left the College, Hoynes has not heard a word of the Archconfraternity which Edwards organized. He compares Edwards' success with that of St. Ignatius in founding his order. Hoynes is occupying himself closely to his studies. He intends to write a book on the Catholic Church in five or six years.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16to. - {2}

1870 June 15
Corrigan, (Father) M. A.:
(Seton Hall College), (East Orange, New Jersey)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Elizabeth, N(ew) J(ersey)

Since four of the Trustees are now in Europe and another next week, it is doubtful if a quorum can be had, so Father Corrigan has invited Brownson to be present so as to fix his signature to such resolutions as may be approved.

I-4-e - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 June 15
Seton, Monsignor Robert: Madison, N(ew) J(ersey)
 to Ja(me)s A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, (New York)

Seton states that McMaster's bold stand on the two vital points of Education and Papal Infallability have made him forget some disagreeable things McMaster wrote in the past on Politics, etc. He accuses McMaster of having made a blunder on p. 4, col. 3, of the last issue of the Freeman. In the article on Saint Alphonsus Ligouri, McMaster has translated the words S.R.C. Praefecto as meaning "Prefect of the Congregation of Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Seton feels it should be "Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Rites…S(acrae) R(ituum) C(ongregationi) Praefecto. He feels that the "excellent scholar" who told McMaster that Cardinal Patrizi was the "relator" in the text, actually knows nothing of official Latin (Stylus curiae romanae) though he may know Tacitus and Tully. Seton points out that "relator" is not exactly "promoter of the cause". Every congregation at Rome has a certain group of distinguished churchmen who compose it and when a question comes up, it is referred to one of these groups for a study and to be reported on. (Refero-retuli-relatum-referre) He asks that McMaster take this in good part.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1870 June 16
Shea, S.J., Father Joseph:
St. John's College, (New York)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Elizabeth, New Jersey

Father Shea wants Brownson to say a few words at the Commencement and that should not make any preparation. Shea has invited Dr. Henry Hewit for Brownson's sake and has refused others because he wants to confine the celebration to graduates. Since Brownson's room is ready, he may come by the 22nd.

I-4-e - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1870 June 17
Barnabo, Al(exander) Cardinal Prefect: Rome, (Papal States)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Barnabo acknowledges Purcell's letter of November 20, 1869 in which he inquired why the fruit of the legacy of Father (Joannes Baptista) Joffroy in 1829, which for many years was administered by the Apostolic nuntio to Austria under the direction of the Emperor, according to an agreement between the Sacred Congregation and Joffroy, had not been paid. At the same time Purcell demanded that the fruits again be paid regularly of that $1,000 be paid to him for his right in the matter. Barnabo sends the message of the nuntio in the matter. As to the last proposition Purcell cannot demand this with a safe conscience since there are no supporting reasons, and, besides this, the bishops of Detroit, which for many years received a portion of these fruits, and also of Cleveland and of Saute Ste. Marie would have to consent to this. Looking at the purpose which the priest had in mind, the last two bishops have an especial claim in the legacy. One sum of 5859 florins was left under this condition that it be used for the education of needy youths of the diocese of Cincinnati, the other, a sum of 5040 florins, was left for the evangelization of Indians in the diocese. Since the time of the making of the legacy the territory of the diocese of Cincinnati has become four dioceses. Thus to Detroit and to the other two diocese portions must be assigned. Purcell therefore is to deal with these bishops to determine what division of the legacy, looking at the good intended, especially, as to the number of faithful Indians, is to be made with the approval of the Sacred Congregation. Barnabo will tell the nuntio to make payments hereafter annually. As to the fruits that were not paid in the past, these the Sacred Congregation will not refuse to pay.

John Simeoni signs as secretary. No. 2.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - (Latin) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {5}

1870 June 17
Draper, Lyman C.: Madison, Wis(consi)n
 to Orestes A. Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Draper's mother was daughter of Ida Haisington (?). Since Brownson is a descendent of the Haisington line and since the writer's mother's name was the same: the latter wants all information which Brownson possesses because he is trying to collect the proper data for a family geneaology which will be distributed among the family for their preservation. If Brownson ever is in the writer's vicinity, he wants him to stop for a visit.

I-4-e - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 June 18
Edwards, Mrs. Eliza (Edwards' mother): Toledo, Ohio
 to James F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Edwards' father could not decide at present on the subject which Edwards has written on. He expects Edwards home as his health is not very good. His father will send money for Mary's schooling and there will be some to pay Edwards' fare home.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1870 June 19
Audran, (Father) Ernest: Jeffersonville, Indiana
 to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, New York

McMaster is acknowledged a great Christian, while the writer is a coward and poor priest, who has been offered the honor of heading McMaster's list. The archbishops have erred and the infallibility of the Pope is proclaimed.

I-1-n - (telegram, part of which is missing) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 June 19
Seton, Father Robert A.: Madison, (New Jersey)
 to Ja(mes) A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, (New York)

Seton agrees to drop in to see McMaster at his office on the 20th, before noon, at which time they can exchange words. Seton expresses himself as most happy to give his opinion on any subject of mutual interest, but feels that there are certain questions which he does not consider moot. He hopes they will agree as to which these are.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 June 22
Frieschbier, C.SS.R. Father Peter: Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Father Frieschbier, in remarking on McMaster's article on the declaration of St. Alphonsus as a Doctor Ecclesiae, states that he feels that the Pope's petition is the most powerful influence. He refers McMaster to a volume containing the signatures of 803 prelates who petitioned the cause under Gregory XVI, and points out that of the present pontiff. He remarks on several errors that McMaster had corrected in later issues of the Freeman, and suggests one or two mistakes that are apparent. He remarks also that bishops coming from the ranks of religious orders, while free from the rules of the order, should sign the initials of their order after their names. P.S. He did not write this for publication, but McMaster can use it if he wishes. As regards an article which recently appeared in the Philadelphia press he believes that it would be ignorance to try to twist the words of Archbishop (Peter Richard) Kenrick to be an argument against the Infallibility.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1870 June 22
Connolly, Martin: Milwaukee, Wis(consin)
 to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Connolly remarks that no notice has been made of his letter concerning "Jansenism in Maynooth", in the Freeman's Journal. He is satisfied if McMaster felt the article not worthy of notice, but would like to know if the letter reached him, or if it was intercepted here (the seminary). He wishes to know if the article has been received and if McMaster thinks it worthy of insertion.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 Jun. 25
B(rownson), O(restes) A.: Elizabeth, (New Jersey)
 to H(enry) F. Brownson: Fort Leavenworth (Kansas)

Brownson asks Henry if he received a letter from him enclosing one from General (William Tecumseh) Sherman. Not having heard from Henry he is afraid the letter has not reached him. The General says Henry is highly appreciated and that they found an old law which permitted them to retire 176 instead of 160, only that under it they had retired sixteen officers selected from the whole army with great care; that as soon as the Army Bill passes, he will appoint a retiring board. In the meantime, Sherman says Henry will do well to make his application officially. Sherman also thinks that Henry's relief and return to Detroit can be managed without difficulty, if Henry wishes it. Brownson saw Henry's brother-in-law Philip Van Dyke at Fordham yesterday and the day before. He says Fifine is not so strong as they wish her to be, but upon the whole, pretty well. The boy he says is a fine fellow, and quite well, and more attached to his grandmother than to his mother. Brownson did not get as many particulars as he wished, for Philip did not come last night as expected. He made a brilliant speech at the Silver Jubilee of St. John's College on Thursday, the 23rd. Henry's mother is well, only a little uneasy about not having heard from him. Brownson wrote to Fifine the dame day. The weather is intensely hot. The mercury was up yesterday to 94 in New York. It is hotter today and so hot that he can write no more.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1870 June 26
Hilton, Geo(rge) H.: Cincinnati, (Ohio)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Hilton is writing to Brownson in order to renew their correspondence. He informs Brownson that he never felt better, that he hopes he has many more years on earth to spread Catholicity in America. He again is in conflict with (Archbishop John Baptist) Purcell who like Iago destroys the victim without his suspecting it." According to Hilton, Purcell's letter is an outrage and is a scandal and also a rebellion against God. They have never let up on their attack on Hilton, so he claims Father Edward Purcell tried to alienate Hilton's children from him after the death of his wife but failed and then claimed to be one of Hilton's best friends. They hate Americans and converts and Hilton believes at the bottom of their conduct is a basis of doubt of this higher life. Hilton says he cannot get a regular copy of the Tablet, even though newspapers from Ireland are abundant so he encloses $2.00 which Hilton wishes Brownson to give to Sadlier for a six months' subscription.

I-4-e - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1870 June 27
Walsh, Father Thomas: Trout River, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

Father Walsh writes McMaster to assure him that his letter offering $50 toward the testimonial to the Archbishop of Tuam should not be considered as a standard of offering, as has been misinterpreted by some priests. Walsh made this offer because he has know and loved the Archbishop, who taught him as a child and later ordained him priest. He sends the names of other subscribers who have contributed, to show the wide diversity in the amounts pledged. He lauds the Archbishop (John McHale) as being representative of the best of all that is Irish, and for his defense of the natives of Tuam. In a post-script, he asks that his subscription to the Journal now be sent to the address listed at the head of the letter. He hopes that McMaster will continue to publicize the testimonial.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}