University of Notre Dame


1871 Dec. 1
Keiley, Benj(amin) I.:
American College, Rome, (Italy)
 to (Father ):

He received from Mr. James A(lphonsus) Mc Master, of the New York Freeman's Journal, the sum of 1305 lire and 50 centesimi as an offering from the students of ( ) college to the Holy Father. The Pope granted an audience to Keiley on Nov. 4 and received this testimonial of affection from His American children and blessed them all. The Holy Father signed a prepared petition asking his benediction to be sent to the college. The Pope was gratified at the outspoken condemnation of the present state of things and spoke of the attachment to the Holy See manifested in America and commended the union of Laity and clergy as tending to produce most beneficial results. P.S. He has delayed writing this in hopes of finding some way of sending the "petition" by hand, but will now forward it at the first opportunity.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 1
Keiley, (Father) Benj(amin) I.:
American College, Rome, (Italy)
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

He was informed by Father (Silas M.) Chatard yesterday that he was not to write to the Freeman any longer, since it was not proper in a student. He regrets having to do so, but is assured that the Journal will not lose by it as Miss Edes' letters give ample and reliable news of Rome. He must also forego receiving the Journal, and should not retain the last remittance sent by McMaster, but does not know how to return it. He thanks McMaster for his kindness and will be glad to hear from him in his spare time. P.S. Father ( ) Metcalf desires to be remembered to McMaster. Keiley sent a note to Miss Edes the other day and she called at the College the next day, but Keiley was out. He asks that the enclosure be forwarded to the President of Santa Clara College, San Francisco, (California).

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 1
Lancaster, Miss ( ):
Convent of the Good Shepherd, Boston, Mass(achusetts)
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): New York, (New York)

She takes a deep interest in all news of Catholicity and thinks highly of the Journal. She asks that McMaster send his Journal gratis to the sisters of this convent, since their means will not permit an expenditure of this nature. In return she will send McMaster any news of Boston she may have. She has done this at times for their (Boston) Pilot, and the editor of the Tablet sends his paper to the sisters free. If McMaster is willing, she asks for the back number containing the account of the month's mind of the later Father Charles L. Donahue, C.SS.R. She has tried without success to get it in Boston.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16to. - {1}

1871 Dec. 1
Letourneau, (C.S.C., Father) L(ouis) J.: Notre Dame, Indiana
 to James F. Edwards: (Toledo, Ohio)

Edwards must not get discouraged. It would be useless for him to try to study hard now. He is always welcome at Notre Dame. All here love him. Letourneau shall not fail to pray for him. He has kept Edwards' room locked, and asks if he will send him his books, etc.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 2
Gabriels, Father H(enry): Troy, (New York)
 to Bishop F(rancis) P. McFarland of: Hartford, (Connecticut)

Enclosed McFarland will find (no enclosure) a bulletin concerning his students in the Provincial seminary. Of the students, the faculty proposes for Christmas ordination T. Mulcahy for minor orders, Th. Clinton for tonsure and minor orders. He is very grateful to McFarland for his kind remarks on the printing of the rule. They will try to adapt their actions to the need of those entrusted to them. He hopes for an answer about those proposed for ordination.

I-1-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1871 Dec. 4
McElroy, Sister M. Bernardine: Parkersburg, W(est) V(irgini)a
 to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

She sends fourteen dollars to add to the contributions for the Pope. She is sorry that their means are so limited, that it is impossible to send more. The fourteen menbers of their little community will have to supply by the fervor of prayers for the scantiness of their means. She tells McMaster that his untiring efforts have won for him a great share of their prayers, their most earnest petition being that McMaster be granted a long life and protection for himself and his children. P.S. She encloses check for $14 on Third Nat(ional) Bank of New York.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 5
Benoit, Father J(ulian): Fort Wayne, (Indiana)
 to Archbishop John B(aptist) Purcell: (of Cincinnati, Ohio)

After working hard to build the Cathedral of Fort Wayne and to clear it of debt, he was surprised to receive a letter from Purcell's secretary telling him that Bishop (John H.) Luers had borrowed $8000 from St. Alcysisus Orphan Asylum and had given a mortgage on his Cathedral to secure the amount. The money obtained was not used for the Cathedral, but was spent for private speculations. Now the orphanage has notified him that the $8000 with interest to date must be refunded three months hence or they will foreclose the mortgage. If he had the money he would promptly and cheerfully pay the loan, but Luers' personal property has not been found so far and there is nothing left to pay the debts except real property. It will take time to dispose of that real property and if the creditors will wait, they will not lose anything as there is an abundance of real estate. He wishes therefore that Purcell would speak to the trustees of the orphanage and persuade them not to institute court proceedings, for if they do, Benoit will be a demurrer. Although a bishop is the legal owner of church property, he is in reality only owner in trust. As such a trustee, he cannot mortgage or sell the property without the consent of interested parties, much less when the proceeds are used for his own benefit. Therefore, Benoit wrote to the secretary of the trustees, telling him that the mortgage was worth no more than waste paper. A law suit will advise the trustees to be patient, Benoit will see them paid as soon as possible. He hopes Purcell will be successful in his mission of peace.

II-5-e - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1871 Dec. 5
Blanchet, F(rancis) N., Archbishop of Oregon City,: Portland, Oregon
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

He encloses a circular addressed to all the Bishops of the United States, which he had intended to give to the public, but thought it too soon. However, he was afraid it would be published by others and sends it to McMaster, leaving its publication up to him, with the hope that it may have a good effect at Washington and elsewhere. He was bound to ask for the approbation and support of all the Bishops and has already received that from Archbishop (Martin John) Spalding of Baltimore. The approbations and proofs for rights to Indian Catholic reservation will be sent to (Father) P(eter) J. DeSmet for publication and for evidence. The copies of the pamphlet were sent to the President, which his secretary acknowledged. Copies were also sent to Hon. ( ) Delano, Hon. Felix R. Branet, but no acknowledgements have been received. He asks God's help for success. McMaster has the whole history of the fact and may act as he thinks best. He wrote non imprimatur in many of his pamphlets, but did not in others. Bishop (Eugene) O'Connell of Marysville, Cal(fornia) will have his printed. P. S. He was pleased with McMaster's remarks on the Episcopal House of Baltimore and suggests that some remarks be made concerning the poor mothers who believe their children cleared from sin, when they were not?

- A.L.S. (Writing not clear) - 2pp. - 12mo. -

 The following is inclosed 

1871 Nov. 6
Blanchet, F(rancis) N., Archbishop of Oregon City: Portland, Oregon
 to Circular Letter to American Bishops:

He supposes that his first letter of Jan. 27 to General (Ely) Parker, Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Washington, has been read by all the Bishops. The letter concerned his rights to certain Indian Reservations in his Diocese. He supposes they read also Parker's answer, and the letter of Bishop A.M.A. Blanchet of Nesqualy to Hon. C( ) Delano, Secretary of the Interior. He encloses his second letter of July 8 to Parker, the answer of the Secretary of Interior to the same, and Blanchet's reply of Sept. 12 in a pamphlet. He renewed his protest in his name and in the names of all the Bishops of the country. He made it and now wants approbation for the step. He would like two copies, one for himself and the other for the Secretary of the Interior. He thinks that this is the time for all the Bishops to make their claims and send them to Washington and to Father (Peter J.) DeSmet for further publication. Now is the time to resist the taking away of their privileges to labor among the Indians, and not to submit to have men appointed agents for the Indians, who, professing Catholicity, will not allow a priest upon their reservations. This has happened in Washington Territory, New Mexico and Arizona. They must reclaim their rights and make proper remonstrances against the unjust distribution of agencies and the hostile conduct of many Protestants in the Catholic Indian reservations. P.S. He desires to know what action the Bishops have taken.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {8}

1871 Dec. 5
(Pace-Forno), F.C(ajetan) Archbishop-Bishop of Malta: Malta
 to Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell:

In response to Purcell's letter, the Archbishop-Bishop of Malta has looked in the baptismal registers for the name of the child born in Malta of Henrice Harbery and Mary O'Bonte but has not found it.

II-5-e - L.S. - (Latin) - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 6
Hecker, Father I(saac) Th(omas): (New York, New York)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Elizabeth, New Jersey

Hecker sends (Robert Dale) Owen's book (on Spiritism) in advance sheets to be noticed as Brownson pleases, giving it a long or short article or possibly two articles. He also sends a book by Bishop (Alonzo?) Potter to be noticed as Brownson deems best.

I-4-e - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1871 Dec. 6
Lemonnier, C.S.C., Father A(ugustus): Notre Dame, Indiana
 to James F. Edwards: (Toledo, Ohio)

All Edwards needs now is plenty of friends and air to be cured. Lemonnier advises him to approach the Sacraments often. Lemonnier is putting on a play and asks Edwards to get him some cheap tinsel in Toledo.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 7
Brownson, O(restes) A.: Eliz(abeth, N. J.)
 to H(enry) F. Brownson: Detroit, Michigan

Brownson was much pleased to receive a letter from Fifine. He has suffered a good deal from his eyes and from the rheumatic gout enlarging and stiffening the joints of the fingers of his right hand, mainly due to writing too much. But a little rest will make them to recover. He is to continue his connection with the Tablet and to be paid $20, an income of $5 a week, still too little. Father (Isaac T.) Hecker and he have come to a good understanding, though he is inclined to think (Hecker) has already forgotten it. The thought of reviving the Review is wholly abandoned, and he was revived his original purpose of putting the substance of what he has published into a series of four or five volume, "The American Republic" making the concluding volume. The first is "A Refutation of Atheism and Palse Theism," about one third written. He hopes to have it completed by the spring. The subjects of the others Brownson had told Henry. They will be the Mysteries, the Church, and Ethics, natural and revealed. The materials are in what he has already published, but they have to be moulded into shape and rewritten. Together, they will be a Summa Theologica. Brownson has sent to the Catholic World an article on ontologosm and ontology or true and pseudo-ontology which, if Father Augustine Hewit does not have the migraine and suffers to be published, Henry will read with interest satisfaction, as it shous the agreement of (Brownson's) philosophy with that of St. Thomas, and the exact point of divergence of Liberatore and Tongiorgi and the Jesuits generally from St. Thomas, whom they profess to follow, but do not. He has also sent to the C. W., and it is in type and the proof read. A revied of the Cosmic Philososphy, or Herbert Spencer's "First Principles of a New System of Philosophy" which Brownson commends to Henry's notice. He is not quite intellectually superannuated, if old and infirm, still determined to do his best to finish the work which was given him to do, and which he ought to have completed years ago. Brownson does not like the political outlook at all. Grant will be renominated and reelected and the protection policy will be continued, the old Whig policy, "Take care of the rich, and the rich will take care of the poor", heavy taxation, large and extravagant expenditures, and consequent public and private corruption. No statesman seems to be aware that all taxes for the benefit of capital are necessarily borne, not by capital, but by labor, in the shape of increased cost of living. The true policy of the country is light taxation and free trade. The great fault of our statesmen has been to make what should be a great agricultural and commercial people prematurely a great manufacturing people. This was a necessary policy for England, with a dense population and a limited territory. It was a blunder for us, with a sparse population and a territory embraoing a continent. But the great industrial corporations have got the control, and the government is simply their factor. The outlook in Europe is gloomy. The French Republic is a farce. Thiers is no statesman, and the old Catholic populations are afraid to say their souls are their own, and meekly suffer themselves to be governed by the enemies of God and man—sheep who submit to be devoured by wolves. The Holy Father holds on to the civil powers for protection, when they spurn him and seek only to enslave the Church, and secures for religion all the odium in the minds of the people attached to the governments they detest and seek to overthrow. He hopes still to see his temporal sovereignty reestablished, apparently not seeing that the restoration of the status quo would settle nothing, and that the events we deplore would in a brief period occur anew. Christendom will be reestablished on a republican, not a feudal or a monarchical basis. The Church should let go the arm of flesh, and trust to her resources as the spiritual kingdom of God on earth. There is a rumor that Fordham is to be given up and that the Jesuits are forbidden by the General to found any more pensionnates. Can anything so good be true! Love to all.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1871 Dec. 7
Cusack, Sister Mary Stanislaus,:
Sisters of the Good Shepherd School of Reform, (Cincinnati, Ohio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): (of Cincinnati, Ohio)

She has been delaying writing for several weeks, disliking to bother Purcell with her troubles. In the 9 years they have lived here, she has endeavored in vain to find a person willing to serve in the capacity of out-door sister. She has asked and begged assistance, but to no avail, since the work is so laborious. The bearer, Sister M. Joseph has laboured without intermission those years and is beginning to feel its fatigue. She goes every morning to market through cold and wet, endeavoring to make all their commissions during that time. Their community is increasing and it is impossible for one to do all the work. She has found one willing and ready to help. If she could find anything in her to condemn, she would be the last to place confidence in her, but because she was in the Magdalen house is not a sufficient reason to brand her. There are others in those institutions who might be trusted and have been. Since she does not wish to do anything without Purcell's sanction, she asks that he permit her to assist the Sisters by making our commissions and collecting, etc, unless Purcell has reasons for doing otherwise.

P.S.—She sends their gratitude to Father Edward Purcell for paying the insurance on the Brann St. property for them.

II-5-e - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 7
Emory, C. D.: Philadelphia, (Pa.)
 to (Henry F.) Brownson: (Detroit, Michigan)

Philadelphia has been excited over the visit of Grand Duke Alexis. The Duke is interesting on the ground of being a novelty, is quite attractive. He was accompanied by 8 or 10 fleet captains with whom our officers compare favorably. A citizen's committee, of which Gen. Meade was in charge as a citizen of Philadelphia, entertained him. Very many tried to be presented to him. Gen. Gorloff believes Russian an easy language to acquire and proved it with an illustration. He is surprised that a Board of officers of our army has recommended the Remington over the Springfield B. L. (Emory) has always thought the Springfield B. L. superior. The Russians inspected the Baldwin locomotives, 100 of which are going to Russia. Gen. Barston has been sick for about two weeks. No one has seen Wildrick. When (Emory) left Detroit he stayed two days at Capt. E.P. Doar's The Emorys are living in a quiet and genteel suburb of Philadelphia, but are having an awful time with costs, and especially with servants. The old feeling of mutual dependence between employers and employees is gone and its place is the philosophy of "get all you can" on both sides. Emory cites a humorous incident in dismissing his cook who then abused his house generally. Mrs. Emory sends her love to Mrs. Brownson and wishes to know all about her children. Both Mr. and Mrs. Emory are gratified at the generous reception Emory received from (Henry). (Emory) was taken ill in Buffalo and grew well only through abstaining from food and drinks. He sends his congratulations to (Henry's) sister upon her marriage and asks to be remembered to Mr. Philip Van Dyke and his brother. He asks Henry to call on him for a visit and to write soon.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 7pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 8
O'Connor, S.J., Father M(ichael): Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Bishop (Francis P.) McFarland of: (Hartford, Connecticut)

Since writing from Ireland, the doctors a advised him to come back. He arrived last evening and received his mail from Dublin and the letter of McFarland of November 3. He is sorry he is not in Ireland to close the matter. He encloses his letter to Dr. Kenny, the Dean of Killaloe which he asks McFarland to send on with explanations. He thinks there will be no difficulty unless there is a delay at Middletown. He supposes the good ladies can come as soon as the season permits. He has alluded in his letter to the points of McFarland's letter. He has not alluded to the possibility of a fusion. If they come they will be the leading community of the order in the diocese of Hartford if there is a separation and that would be desirable. A fusion can take place only with the consent of all parties. It will rest with McFarland and the Sisters (of Mercy) to effect it. He has come back with the conviction that he has little time to spend in any work. Dean Kenny said the sisters would extend their good work through their relations through additional members they will be able to obtain.

I-1-c - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 9
Excel, (Father) Ch(arles): Augusta, Kentucky
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

He sends the amount of his subscription by registered letter. He asks if "Jus" is dead and if he shall be heard from again. There should be a meeting of two or three priests of every diocese of the world before Pius IX. They could give Him better information than could the Bishops.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 10
Bond, Tho(mas) E.:
Fausten, Harford Co., M(arylan)d
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

McMaster is right in supposing him a son of Dr. Bond of the New York Advocate. He is a local preacher and the title "Reverend" may or may not be used. His title is that of a doctor of medicine for which he studied. He merged his Baltimore Advocate with the St. Louis paper for economical reasons, and retains the post of one of the editors. He occasionally writes editorials, but his work is finished there. The make-up of the paper is done by Dr. Timney in St. Louis. He hopes, as does McMaster, that they may get through their discussion like gentlemen, but fears is impossible to avoid offense. The difference between them is a great as between the Crusader and the Turk. What they consider the true religion of the soul, McMaster denounces as the work of the devil, and what McMaster worships as God, they look upon as a wafer. He does not know how they are to avoid shocking the sensitive sensibilities of one another. He has no doubts as to McMaster's sincerity and believes McMaster does not doubt Bond's, but McMaster abhorrs Bond's religion and the latter reciprocates. He notices McMaster's language in speaking on anti-Catholics and knows McMaster will appreciate Bond's use of the same terms in upholding his cause. He sent an article on this matter to the paper last week and Dr. Timney will probably print it this week.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1871 Dec. 12
McCloskey, W(illia)m, Bishop of: Louisville, (Kentucky)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

He cannot find the copy of his faculties, but presumes that he has the power to confer all the orders, including priesthood, regardless of the document from Rome of April 27, 1871. He wishes to be informed as he wishes to ordain some young men very soon. Father George (McCloskey) is with him but was too lame to change care and so came to Louisville in a sleeping car. Otherwise, he would have been delighted to spend a day with Purcell in Cincinnati. Purcell would be surprised at the change this constant suffering has caused. They are in the midst of a fair for the orphans which is like going into battle.

II-5-e - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 15
Lacey, Charles: New York, New York
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): New York, New York

The Council of the Catholic Union has accepted an invitation from Father (Thomas) Preston to attend a lecture on the Temporal Power at St Ann's Church on Dec. 17.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 15
Vaughn Father Herbert: Baltimore, M(arylan)d
 to James (Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Vaughn writer to thank McMaster for his publication of the Archbishop of Westminster's sermon on the occasion of the departure of the missioners, and to thank him for a previous reference to their work. He deeply appreciates the great mission of the Catholic Press and is gratified to find the American journals on the whole have favorably noticed the mission which he represents. He was amused by the description of their undertaking by some as "the conversion by London of the negroes of America", as though London as such had a pretention to any so holy a mission. St. Joseph's Society for Foreigh Missions is purely Catholic, and was originally suggested by a "venerable Servant of God" whose process of beatification is going on in Rome. The Irish Catholics of California founded its first burses and the missioners are natives of England, Ireland, Germany, France and Holland. Any local idea in the work is that of enlisting the English speaking races of the world into the purely apostolic bond of the Church. This can be done by the missioners giving themselves and others giving of their substance so that the vocations which are going to waste may saved and utilized. He would like to visit McMaster when he is in New York, and will send him a pamphlet on their duty to the heathen and an appeal he is just publishing, together with a letter from Archbishop (Martin John Spalding) of Baltimore.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1871 Dec. 16
Spalding, M(artin) J(ohn), Archbishop of: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Bishop (Francis P. McFarland) of: Hartford, (Connecticut)

The intelligence in (McFarland)'s letter has saddened Spalding. He had heard that Father (John) De Neve was ill but had no hint that his malady would terminate so sadly. The rector should be a Belgian so that he may have influence with the Belgian Bishops and clergy. If Father F. Dumont is still there Spalding would vote for him. He thinks he was vice-president when he visited the college a year ago. He is acceptable and is on the ground. He has been a missionary to Michigan and was selected by Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere. Spalding's second choice would be Father (P.) Defraine whom the Bishop of Louisville would be loath to part with. If McFarland agrees about Dumont he should let him know and he will write to the Archbishop of Mechlin in their names. The appointment might be provisional during the illness of the rector who would naturally be replaced by the vice-rector. He asks if McFarland has heard anything of Father H. Spruyt. The letter he wrote him to Willimantic was returned. He fears that he is worse than dead. McFarland wrote about him, he having followed McFarland from the (American College) in Louvain.

I-1-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {7}

1871 December 17
Hammer, Dominick: Wooster, Ohio
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, New York

Hammer sends McMaster a list of twelve members and subscribers and some names of those to be dropped from the Journal mailing list.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 17
Hughes, P. J.: Lafargeville, New York
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, New York

Hughes requests McMaster to send him information concerning the procuring of a reliable history of the Catholic religion published in English from Christ's time to the present day.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 18
Freitag, C.SS.R., Father Aug(ustus) M.:
St. Mary's College, Annapolis, (Maryland)
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Freitag writes in a hurry for they have many things to do in preparation for the coming holidays. He remembers with great pleasure his visit with McMaster and asks when he will visit him. He would be most welcome during the holidays. He asks about McMaster's children, whom he loves very much, and remembers every day in Mass. He asks if McMaster has seen Father (M ) Oates (C.SS.R.) as yet. Oates is at St. James' Church. Midnight Mass on Christmas will be offered up for McMaster, his children and for his departed wife Gertrude, whose name he mentions every day in his Memento. It will be her first Christmas in Heaven but she will still be near to McMaster. He asks to be remembered to McMaster's children.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 19
Janssens, Father F( ), St. Peter's Cathedral: Richmond, (Virginia)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Purcell's letter of Dec. 16 was received. Bishop (John McGill) has used the power of attorney by converting the registered bonds into coupon bonds, the latter capable of being sold without the power of attorney. The Virginia bonds sell at 60; the West Virginia bonds sell between 23 and 35. The Bishop would like to know whether to sell or retain them. The Bishop had improved for a few days after he wrote Purcell last, but has fallen back again. They live between fear and hope, but there is truthfully more to fear than to hope for.

II-5-e - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 19
Perché. N(apoleon) J(oseph), Archbishop of: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Sixty days after date Perché promises to pay Father Francis Ceuppens $2,000. (Endorsed on reverse by) Ceuppens, February 20, (18)72.

VI-2-o - D.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 21
Hewit, Father Aug(ustine) F.:
St. Paul's Church, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Greetings of the season are extended to Brownson and his family. Dr. (Thomas William) Marshall wanted to see Brownson but was obliged to go on another lecturing tour. Marshall related of the strong effect in England of Brownson's articles on the Holy See and of the American Catholic attitude in general. The article in answer to the objections of the Infallibility of the Holy See did good, particularly in reference to liberty. Hewit is now engaged in a series of history lectures. He prefers to keep on the ground of philosophy and contend with the philosophical opponents of the faith. Hewit hopes God will spare Brownson for some time to come so that he can continue his good work.

I-4-e - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1871 Dec. 21
Marshall, T. W. M.: (New York, New York)
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

He thanks McMaster for forwarding his letters. He hopes McMaster's indisposition is only temporary. He calls McMaster's attention to the letter of Tyrwhitt Drake in the London Tablet of Dec. 2 on the subject of the recent remarkable conversions in Syria. McMaster's readers will be glad to have information about this event.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 23
Benoit, Father J(ulian), Administrator: Fort Wayne, (Indiana)
 to Archbishop John B(aptist) Purcell: (of Cincinnati, Ohio)

John Grogan, a student of the diocese of Fort Wayne, has completed his course of studies. If he is ready for ordination, Benoit wishes Purcell would ordain the young man as soon as convenient, as he needs help. He is Administrator, pastor of the cathedral and assistant. All proper dispensations are granted.

II-5-e - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 23
Dahlgren, M(adeleine) V(inton): Washington, (D. C.)
 to O(restes) (A.) Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jers y)

Thanks are extended for Brownson's letter, but she hopes he will come to Washington soon. She hopes Brownson does not forget his promise about the photos. She sent Brownson an advance copy of "Memoir of Ulric Dahlgren". She would like to have a notice of it. There is a counter memoir which will be published by Scribner to prove that the forged papers were not forged. Mrs. Dahlgren believes if such a thing does happen, she is sure the loyal press of the country will administer a just rebuke. There is excessive cold weather in Washington. Mrs. Dahlgren had a glimpse of Sarah (Brownson) at Cape May. She is anxious for her children to see their godparents.

I-4-e - ALS - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 23
Easly, C( ) W.: Johnstown, P(ennsylvani)a
 to Ja(me)s A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

He thanks McMaster for sending him the package of Maj(or) Lane's small-pox remedy and describes the wonderful rapidity with which the cure worked on him. Within a week from the time he took sick he was allowed to leave his bed by his physician. Members of his family who nursed him took the remedy as a precautionary measure and did not contract the illness. McMaster may use this testimonial in any way he wishes.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 6to. - {1}

1871 Dec. 26
McNeirny, Francis, Bishop-elect of Albany: New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: (of Cincinnati, Ohio)

He sent to Purcell today, by express, a package containing five "Medals of the Council" sent to Purcell and his suffragan Bishops by the Holy Father. He hopes that they reach Purcell safely, and wishes him the compliments of the season.

II-5-e - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 26
Sestini, S. J., Father B( ): Woodstock, (Maryland)
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

He is sending McMaster the first Number of Volume VII of their bulletin, The Messanger of the S(acred) H(eart). He asks McMaster's advice and help regarding their problem of obtaining subscribers. At the present rate they will be unable to continue to the end of 1872. The devotional character of the work has little attraction and they cannot obtain the cooperation of the clergy, besides being poor managers with no agents. He asks if it would be practical for McMaster's agents to handle the Messenger.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16to. - {1}

1871 Dec. 27
(New York, New York)
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

The writer enclosed money to be applied to his subscription and to pay for the enclosed notice. He desires to know when Miss Elizabeth Nolan's subscription ends and also the charge for the notice. Miss Nolan's last request was that he would not forget McMaster's counsel and would pray for her soul.

Last Wednesday she dictated the final chapters of an article for the Ave Maria, to she is a contributor. McMaster may alter the enclosed notice in any way he wishes.

I-1-o - A.L.S. (torn, incomplete) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 27
Perche, N(apoleon), J(oseph), Archbishop of New Orleans: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Several trips out of New Orleans and many urgent affairs have delayed his answer to Purcell's letter of November. He submits his opinion on the phrase "utraque solemnitate" in the rubrics of the Pontificale about the Apostolic Benediction. The Apostolic Benediction can be given only at the end of a mass pontifically celebrated and therefore not at Vespers or in several churches on the same day. The "utraque" refers to the two great feasts of the year, Christmas and Easter, when the benediction may be given, although in this country it may be given 4 times. As to the nominations for the see of Fort Wayne, he had not received any notification from Rome or from Purcell. Perche does not know the names presented, but he and the priests around him did not suppose that any other than Father (Julian) Benoit would be appointed. He will write this week to Cardinal Barnabo and give him his opinion on the subject. He did not know that Benoit had been calumniated but this does not change his opinion of Benoit, whom he has known for the last 30 years. As to the narrow feeling of nationalists, Perche regrets that low feeling is prevailing among Catholics, especially clergy. For Cleveland, he does not know Father (Richard) Gilmour, nor Father (Stephen) Ryan, As to Father (Silas) Chatard, he feels that it would be an injury to the American College to take him out of it. Perche admits that he could never see why the opinion of the archbishops of the country was sought on the nomination of bishops, since it should be left entirely to the archbishop and bishops of the province, although he would admit that the other process is suitable for the choice of an archbishop. He had heard that there were complaints against Bishop (William) McCloskey), but not that they had been carried to Rome. He is pleased that he has been cleared. As to Albany, he knows nothing and does not know why the bishop wants a coadjutor. About the 5,000 francs left for the orphan asylum, Perche had received the letter and had directed Father (Gilbert) Raymond to answer it but he must have forgot. The legacy was handed to Perche when he was in France.

II-5-e - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {9}

1871 Dec. 28
Brownson, Orestes A.: Elizabeth, New Jersey
 to (Father) A(ugust) F. Hewit: (New York, (New York)

Brownson is glad to hear that our old friends, the presbyterians, shall be no longer deprived of their "portion of the bread". It is a great defect that the enemies are Episcopalians rather than with the Calvinistic sects. Calvinism in its various forms is the only living form of protestantism. He is glad (Father Augustine F.) Hewit liked his article on Dr. (Charles) Hodge. Brownson likes Hewit's castigation of Scribner in the previous number, although he is not the admirer of Dr. (John H.) Newman that Hewit is. Brownson has a prejudice against (Joseph) Butler's analogy. Newman's "Grammer of Assent," Brownson holds in horror because it undermines all reason. Newman holds with Kant, that the intelligible is in the soul. Brownson would like to know what criterion Newman has for determining what notion is real and what are simply formal. Since his real notions are only of sensible things, he is unable by reason to arrive at the existence of God. With him all knowledge is purely relative. It is probable there is a God and that is enough for all practical purposes. The law does not bind unless promulgated. This is why Brownson criticized in the New York Tablet on expression of Hewits. The crticism will show why Brownson cannot like Newman's philosophy or Butler's Ontology. He would like to have Hewit's opinion on "Ontologism and Ontology".

I-4-g - A.L.S. (Photostat, Paulist Archives) - 4pp - 12mo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 29
Corrigan, Father M(ichael) A.:
Seton Hall College South Orange, N(ew) J(ersey)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Elizabeth, N(ew) J(ersey)

Brownson had requested of Corrigan to ask Bishop (Bernard) McQuaid how much money was spent on the Public Schools in New York State from the school fund and Corrigan has sent the desired information. Greetings of the season are extended.

I-4-e - A.L.S. - 1pg. - 12mo. - {2}

1871 Dec. 29
Kehoe, L(awrence): New York (City), (New York)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Kehoe enclosed a check to the amount of $456.00 for Brownson's eight articles. Regards are extended to the family as was the greetings of the season.

I-4-e - A.L.S. - 1pg. - 8vo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 29
Lamy, John B., Bishop of Santa Fe: Santa Fe, New Mexico
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): (of Cincinnati, Ohio)

He left Baltimore on Oct. 29 and stayed at Mt. Vernon, (Ohio) a few days. He and Father (J.A.) Brent went to Danville and the following Sunday kept church in Mt. Vernon. It was Lamy's first experience with the Ohio missions, where he collected over $400. He also had a collection in St. Louis. He was furtunate in securing reduced railroad fares to Santa Fe. Three Sisters of Loretto and his young deacon Joseph R. Rivera went from St. Louis with him. They were blocked eight days in Denver with a snowfall. (Bishop Joseph P.) Machebeuf is as lively as ever. He is building a fine addition to his church in Denver. Denver is a booming town. 400 houses have been built there this year and the population is about 10,000. Last Saturday, Dec. 23, Father J.R. Rivera was ordained and will be sent on missions. Lamy has no doubt he will make a demanded as yet. He will pay all if Hally will but have patience with him. If Purcell knew the difficulties, he would not be surprised at the delay. He wishes Purcell a Happy New Year.

II-5-e - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1871 Dec. 29
Mallon, Father Hugh (F.): Vera Cruz, (Ohio)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: of Cin(cinnati, Ohio)

He delayed so long in answering Purcell's letters of Dec. 19 and 26 until he could go around and see the men who belonged to the old committee, and hear their sentiments concerning Mr. Bley's claim. They felt that the company should have been sued for damages because the way the work was done was an outrage. He could do nothing but recommend patience and justice. It looks suspicious that the bill should be due for 12 years without being presented for payment. Frey never comes to Church, does not pretend to be a Catholic, and is a Free Mason. Mr. Gauche died several years ago. They are the first two subscribers. He had to pay $150 to each of them this year, Gauche's share going to his sons. It was money they lent when the work was going on. Father (T.) Hally makes a mistake if he informs Purcell that Mallon does not pay the cathedraticum. He owes only for last year and the present year and this has not been good and useful priest. The Sisters of Charity have a good school at Trinidad, Colorado Territory. Their now house is almost completed and the house of the Sisters of Charity in Santa Fe was improved during Lamy's absence. They are slowly working at their new Cathedral. He wishes Purcell a Happy New Year.

P.S.—He asks to be remembered to Father E(dward) Purcell and to Father (J.J.) Slevin.

II-5-e - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {6}

1871 Dec. 30
Finnerty, John: Keokuk, Iowa
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, New York

Finnerty encloses $7.50 for three subscriptions to Freeman's Journal. He expresses regret at his small club, but states that he hopes to enlarge it shortly. Finnerty feels the Freeman's Journal should be in every Catholic home. He wishes McMaster a long life to carry out his good work.

I-1-o - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}