University of Notre Dame


1875 May

Xavier Alumni Society Monthly Bulletin (New York, New York)
 In papers of (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

This printed bulletin gives the routine business announcements for the month and also two and one half printed pages lauding Archbishop John McCloskey on his appointment as Cardinal. The article gives figures on the growth and percentage of Catholics in this country and compares the 100,000 Catholics and 68 priests of 1808, with the 7,000,000 Catholics of 1875.

I-2-a - printed bulletin - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1875 May 1
Berardi, Joseph, Cardinal: Rome, (Italy)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Some pious persons have obtained from the Holy Father permission to form a committee to propagate the memory of the decree of Infallibility and to explain its precise meaning. This double purpose will be accomplished by a lithograph in color representing the scene of the definition and a catechism in the form of a dialogue for instructing persons in the meaning of the definition. It is desirable that such a picture be in every home and that mothers use the catechism in instructing their children. The Holy Father in a brief of April 18 has approved of the project, placed it under the protection of Cardinal Berardi and permitted several prelated to participate. Berardi sends copies of the documents to Purcell and suggests that he urge the people and religious of the diocese to join in the work. The committee in charge is in Paris to which place inquiries are to be directed.

II-5-f - Printed L. Signed - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {1}

1875 May 1

Freeman's Journal and Catholic Register (New York, New York)

The conferring of the red berretta on Bishop (John) McCloskey in St. Patrick's Cathedral. The brief to Archbishop (James Roosevelt) Bayley; Ablegate Roncetti's speech on delivering the berretta; the brief of the Holy Father; Bayley's response; and McCloskey's response are all quoted in full in Latin.

I-1-e - Newspaper Clipping - 5 columns - folio - {2}

1875 May 2
De Vere, Aubrey: Currogh Chase, Adare, Ireland
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

DeVere thanks Hudson for sending him 2 numbers of the Ave Maria. He encloses a few poems that Hudson may use if he wishes, for he is always glad to aid in furthering the holy cause for which the Ave Maria has been established. But he has few poems with him, except such as have already appeared on his side of the Atlantic. Because he has found that mistakes invariably occur in the printing of poetry, he asks for three copies of each proof to be sent him. He will return the proofs immediately. He trusts that the religious community which has set up the Ave Maria will pray for him and for those in whose conversion he has a special interest. - (P.S.) Two of the enclosed poems are intended to appear in the future edition of his Irish Chronicle poem, "Treistail". DeVere will request Duffy, his Irish publisher, to send Hudson a copy as Hudson may not have heard of it. He is sure Hudson already has his "Poems", published by Burns Oates; otherwise he would send him a copy.

X-2-d - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 3
(Hailandiere, Bishop) Cel(estine) (de la): (Rome, Italy)
 to (James F. Edwards): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He sends Edwards some notes which he wished to put on paper. It was difficult for him to do on account of his eyes. He sends his respects to Father (Edward) Sorin (C.S.C.).

May 2
Rome, (Italy)

He has Edward's letter and was somewhat embarraseed in answering as they do not know each other. He was ignorant of the existence of Edward's library until he sent the few words of introduction from Father Sorin. He does not hesitate to send a photo. There is a striking portrait of him at Vincennes. He was born at Cansbourg, France, May 2, 1798, ordained at Paris, St. Salpice, May 28, 1825. After ten years of vicariat at Rennes, he volunteered for the mission of Vincennes, (Indiana) and left France with Bishop (Simon) Brute on July 1, 1836. He was given the title of honorary canon and Vicar-General of Vincennes. He was charged with the Parish of Vincennes and to replace the bishop during his absences. At the close of 1838 he was sent to France for money and priests. Brute died while he was still in France, June, 1839. De la Hailandiere had known of his nomination as co-adjutor to the Bishop of Vincennes and had written to express his refusal. But death changed all. Father Mollevaut advised him to accept since he knew the condition of the diocese. The consecration took place in Paris, August 18, 1839 with that of Msgr. Morlot who died Cardinal of Paris, celebrated by Msgr. Forbin de Jansons who accompanied de la Hailandiere to America. He sent on to America 20 new recruits under the guidance of Abbe (Augustine) Martin, later Bishop of Natchitoches. De la Hailandiere went to the diocese of Mans, (France) to secure some Sisters of Providenceof Ruille-sur-Loire, some priests, and to see Father (Basil Antoine) Moreau (C.S.C.)who promised some Brothers for Vincennes. He devoted himself to the administration of his diocese for 12 years and at last at the Council of Baltimore found a chance to rid himself of the burdens which he had found too heavy, he not having the talents necessary to a bishop. His resignation was accepted June, 1847. He intended to remain in the diocese but his health was impaired and after spending the winter in New Orleans, he sailed for France, June, 1848. As first Bishop of Vincennes it is around Brute that all researches center concerning the origin of Catholicity in the valley of the Mississippi. Brute was too great a man to be disposed of in a passing notice. Dom Jausions did not write from the heart when he wrote the life of Brute. De la Hailandiere loaned Jonson all Brute's letters and his own correspondence. He has since recovered them but does not know what became of them. Archbishop (John) Hughes of New York wished to write a life of Brute. De la Hailandiere sent him a trunk of manuscripts. Hughes died before writing anything. De la Hailandiere wonders what has become of these manuscripts. M. de Courcey, a correspondent of the Universe, writing under the name of De la Roche. Heron published some of de la Mennais' letters to Brute. The rest are at New York. The chevalier Morgan of Vinconnes, sent from France, belongs to a family of Picardy. In 1722 he was sent by Count de Frontenac to command the Miamies established on St. Joseph River near South Bend (Indiana) and at Chicago. After the defeat of the French in the war against the Chichawsas, May 26, 1736 he was made prisoner and burned alive. (Benedict) Joseph) Flaget came from Baltimore to Vinconnes in 1792 or 3. There were 700 or 800 inhabitants at Vincennes. Flaget told De la Hailandiere of a certain man of Vincennes married to a Potawatomis, who died in defense of two Jesuits. This is perhaps the chevalier (Morgan). Flaget arrived at Kaskakias five or six years after the death of the last Jesuit, Father Meurin. A Josuit, Father Vivien is buried under the sanctuary of the old church. (Note: There is a partial translation attached.)

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - (French) - 11pp. - 12mo. - {18}

1875 May 4
Carroll, (Father) M(artin) O.: Clermont, Iowa
 to (Orestes A.) Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Father Carroll read with interest Brownson's article on "Our Colleges". The tablet's criticism was unjust. Carroll wants Brownson to continue his Review because what opposition he receives comes from the narrow minded.

I-4-f - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16to. - {1}

1875 May 4
Stephens, Mrs. Linton: Sparta, Georgia
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Mrs. Stephens wishes to avail herself of the opportunity offered in the Freeman's Journal of April 24 to subscribe to the American Lamp at Paray-la-Monial? and encloses her subscription. She is happy to share in any offering made to the Sacred Heart.

I-2-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 4
De Roo, Father Peter: Baker City, Oregon
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

McMaster is to disregard the personal attacks on himself by the "Irish World." McMaster should show up the false Catholicity of those on that paper. Catholics will always prefer Charles VI to Garibaldi, despite statements of the "Irish World". Father Dieleman, pastor in Salem, Oregon will pay for his subscription. De Roo tells of a statement in (April) copy of the M. E. Church's "Missionary Advocate", on page 57. The Statement concerned a Catholic priest Alcerte Varma, pastor of the Church of Piazza Frevi, (in Italy) who adopted the Methodist religion. (Varma) is reputed to be intelligent and capable, and in addition to having been a professor at the "Appoliziano" school in Rome, and at the "Vatican College", has a doctorate in Theology and an L.L.D. De Roo asks McMaster to investigate Varma and send him any information he finds.

I-2-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1875 May 5
Kain, Father John J.: Harper's Ferry, W(est) V(irginia)
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

Kain invites McMaster to his consecration as Bishop of Wheeling (West Virginia) to be held in St. Joseph's Cathedral in Wheeling on Trinity Sunday, May 23rd.

I-2-a - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 5
Williams, John J., Archbishop of Boston: Boston, (Massachusetts)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Upon leaving New York he was told that Purcell intended coming to Boston for the celebration. He thought at once of asking Purcell as soon as the day was appointed, but thought it too much to ask, knowing that Purcell would come if it were at all possible. The visit of no other prelate would give him greater pleasure than would Purcell's. When he heard that he had thought of coming he was sorry he had not spoken to him in New York. If he had come he would have found out how much his presence was desired.

II-5-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 6
Fitz-Henry, Father T. W.: Bristol, Wis(consin)
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Fitz-Henry encloses a paper for publication, which paper, he has also sent to the Irish World. (The enclosed paper is missing).

I-2-a - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 6
Kircher, (Father) M. J.: Niagara County, New York
 to (Orestes A.) Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Father Kircher believes that anything written by Cardinal Manning would not escape Brownson's notice. It may be possible that Brownson over looked it due to the flood of answers to Mr. Gladstone's pamphlet. There is a passage in Manning's article which agrees with Brownson's views but supports them by the "modus pro cedendi" of the Vatican council. Brownson's views were expressed by Father Kircher to his theology class but some of the students would not agree.

I-4-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 7
Granger, C.S.C. Father A(lexis): Notre Dame, Indiana
 to James (Alphonsus) McMaster: New York, New York

As an acknowledgment for McMaster's untiring zeal in the Cause of Our Lady of Lourdes, he sends the enclosed photograph which he has just received from France.

I-2-a - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1875 May 8
Coleman, (Monsignor) William Vicar-General: Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand
 to (Orestes A.) Brownson: Elizabeth, New Jersey

Coleman is writing, at the request of Bishop Moran, Brownson to inform him that Bishop Moran has ordered the Review direct from New York. Coleman does not know where to send the subscription, to New York or to Bruns and Oates. Brownson is to inform Coleman what to do. Coleman would like to get the complete works of Brownson. Bishop Moran has read Brownson's article for 25 years. Coleman would like to have an autographed letter of Brownson.

I-4-f - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1875 May 8

Freeman's Journal New York, (New York)

"The Cardinalate" from Father X. Barbier De Montault; translated by Roman Correspondent "E".

I-1-e - Newspaper Clipping - 5 columns - folio - {1}

1875 May 9
(Brownson Jr.) Orestes (A.): Dubuque, Iowa
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Orestes describes the farming season and conditions he finds in Iowa. He spent the money his father sent, for chickens, cows, tools and seed. The family is well supplied with butter and milk. His family is terribly large yet he could not spare one of them. If he had $500 he could buy his farm house; that is $500 down, and the rest in installments. Dubugue still resounds with his father's last lecture in Boston. He wishes that his father could visit him.

I-4-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 10
McElroy, Daniel S.: New York, (New York)

They enclose an invitation to the reception to be given by the Xavier Union to Cardinal (John) McCloskey on May 17. The finance committee is composed of Wm. Lummis, Jos. Thoron, Stephen Farrelly, and H.J. Connell.

I-1-e - Printed L. and Invitation - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1875 May 11
Andrews, D. M.: Chicago, Illinois
 to James F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

His brother will attend Notre Dame next year. He sends his best respects to Father (Timothy) Maher, (C.S.C.). He invites Edwards to visit him.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 12
(Gillespie, C.S.C.) Sister Mary of (St.) Angela: (New York City, New York)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Elizabeth, (New Jersey)

Sister Angela did not leave New York as soon as she hoped. The Fathers of Holy Cross are contemplating on publishing a translation of Barbe's philosophy. Before publication is begun Father (Edward Sorin C.S.C.) would like Brownson's opinion of the work-A Translation from Batch. More will be sent Brownson if the latter cares to give his opinion.

I-4-f - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1875 May 13
Griffin, W. A.: Key West, Fl(orid)a
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, (New York)

Griffin sends a subscription for John Carroll of Key West, and asks McMaster to find out the religion of Gen(era)l Montgomery of revolutionary war fame. Even though the General's monument stands in an Episcopal cemetery in N(ew) Y(ork), he is fairly certain he was Irish Catholic.

I-2-a - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1875 May 15
Harrison, P. F.: Georgetown, Iowa
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Harrison tells McMaster of a priest of Oskolorsa who tended some small pox victims on the Valley R.R. near Fella south of Des Moines. The priest was refused admittance to the train on his return and was served notice by the Mayor of Oskalorsa to keep himself indoors. Harrison says the act was more out of fear of the disease than disdain for the priest and asks McMaster if infection is possible on mere contact like that.

I-2-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 17
De Pauw, Father Edmund M.: Chateaugay, New York
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: New York, New York

He sends the list of the club he got up for the Freeman's Journal with his check for the corresponding amount. The list is smaller than he wished because people would rather read some protestant weekly or the Irish World or the Pilot and they do not appreciate the Journal. From all he hears, the solemnities in New York, in honor of the new Cardinal were a great success. He fears that Msgr. Roncetti will leave the country before six months, thus carrying away a favorable impression of the vitality of the Catholics in the States, but if he resided here longer than six months he would become acquainted with their real needs, but ceremonies and receptions will prevent this result. He encloses a dollar for the lamp at Pardy-le-Monial. The Catholic Publishing Society wrote saying that the "Life of St. John" was half finished and when finished he will send McMaster 100 copies and two gilt copies to be forwarded to Miss Edes.

I-2-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 17
Kavanaugh, J. P.: Washington, D. C.
 to Ja(me)s A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, New York

He wrote Major Keiley last week asking him to secure employment for him in some wholesale house, or shipping office but as he has no reply he assumes that the letter went astray. He asks McMaster to see Keiley on the subject as he is without means and his large family needs support. Any help on their part will be considered by him one of the greatest favors of his life.

I-2-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 19
Carrick, (R.S.C.J.) Lou(Madame): Kenwood, (New York)
 to (Archbishop John Baptist Purcell): (Cincinnati, Ohio)

She rejoices over the great Golden Anniversary of Purcell's consecration. She can only offer prayer for Purcell for all he has done for her. Purcell's visit is still fresh in the minds of those at Kenwood. She asks Purcell's blessing for the novitiate and for herself.

II-5-f - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

(1875) May 20
Fowler, (R.S.C.J.) A Madame: Kenwood, (New York)
 to (Archbishop John Baptist Purcell): (Cincinnati, Ohio)

She cannot allow Mother Jenning's offering to leave without a word of gratitude for Purcell's kind visit. It afforded her much pleasure, not only at the time, but also will continue in the memory of Purcell's kindness in the days to come. She offers her prayers, sacrifices, and Communion as thankful remembrance of her grateful heart.

II-5-f - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 21
Williams, John S.: Iowa
 to (Archbishop) J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: (of Cincinnati, Ohio)

He learned from Father M(ichael) O'Neill that Purcell is still at his old post. He has written several unanswered letters, from which he concluded that Purcell had died or was unable to write. He is still a Catholic, wears his scapular that Purcell put on him, and says grace at meals. He encloses $30 which he kept, thinking the bill was too high. He asks Purcell to handle it to settle the bill the Catholic Telegraph has against him.

II-5-f - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1875 May 22
Harner (?), Nealy G.: Ebbers, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to (Orestes A.) Brownson: (Boston, Massachusetts)

He encloses $10 on the amount he owes Brownson. He will pay the rest if Brownson asks. The reason he has not paid before is because a friend who was to make the payment forgot. He hopes for free peace the remainder of his days, although he has not enjoyed the best of health during the past few years. He mentions several of the old men who continue active at ages of 83, 84, etc. He is still single. He is thankful for the money. Mother Healy and her son are as usual. He mentions the other members of the family in Trenton, N.Y., Michigan and Indianapolis. (The penmanship is very difficult to read). He asks to be remembered to Brownson's family.

I-4-f - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16to. - {1}

1875 May 23
Henni, John M. Archbishop of Milwaukee: Milwaukee, (Wisconsin)
 to (Archbishop John Baptist Purcell): (Cincinnati, Ohio)

He is honored at Purcell's visit next June 3. He hopes there will be no obstacle to prevent Purcell's being there. Bishop (Patrick John) Ryan will preach on the occasion. P.S. He sends respect to (Father) Edward (Purcell).

II-5-f - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1875 May 24
Koop, C.M., Father John H.: Medina, (New York)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Father Koop has been very busy in preparing 12 men for the overseas duties of the priesthood. He hopes his paper will not be too late. He has heard that the paper already has done a great deal of good. The notices by the papers of Brownson's Review and of Father Koop's article were favorable. The pastor where Koop is has obtained the back numbers of Brownson's Review. Koop would like Brownson to write to him and hopes to see Brownson in July.

I-4-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 25
Brownson, O(restes) A.: Eliz(abeth), N(ew) J(ersey)
 to H(enry) F. Brownson: Detroit, Mich(igan)

Brownson has received from Healy Harmon (?) $10 which he says Brownson loaned him in the fell of 1860. Brownson has no recollection of this and Sarah (M. Brownson Tenney)is pretty sure Henry did. Henry certainly was very kind to him and gave him far more than ten dollars' worth of clothes. Henry is entitled to the money and needs it more than Brownson does. Healy seems to have left off drink and to have become sober and rational: but the (Harmon) blood has insanity in it. Brownson has been very ill, has had the gout in both hands and for a long time was unable to hold a pen or Henry would have heard from him before this. Brownson is now convalescent. Dr. (Henry S.) Hewit'slast prescription is effectual though Brownson uses it only when driven to desperation. Sarah's baby, christened Mary Ruth Elizabeth, is a very fine and promising child and like Henry's Sally, a true Brownson. Poor Sarah finds her hands full in taking care of the baby. Brownson wants her to get a nurse and offers to pay the expense but Sarah is afraid a nurse will spoil the baby's temper. She is afraid to trust her with anyone but herself and is worn out. The nurse must come. Brownson's Review lives and he prints twelve hundred and fifty copies which considerably more than pay its expenses. He can afford to pay Henry for an article a number, say fifty dollars. Henry should give Brownson some articles. Gorini's Defense de l'Eglise, an article on Catholic Education, would not come amiss, relaxing the unexcused denunciation of the public schools without absolutely approving them. Brownson will send Henry (General W. T.) Sherman's memoirs. Brownson does not think Sherman a great general but thinks he has many of the elements of a great general. His chief defect, as Gen(eral) Ord said to him, is his despondency before battle. He never won a brilliant victory. Brownson hopes Henry's business prospers. If not he is to tell Brownson who cannot help him much but maybe a little in a strait. Brownson has been obliged to employ a woman to take care of his rooms, do his washing and mending and to take care of him in his illness. She is a married woman, an excellent nurse and has common sense. The Judge (William J. Tenney) and her majesty the Queen (Sarah) are grown quite complaisant since they find that Brownson is doing much more for them they are for him. He pays them $150 for his rooms, $8 a week for board and finds his own light and grog, hires in the season, a boy to bring up his wood and coal and make his fires. Neither of the Tenneys ever enter his room except the Judge when Brownson sends for him. Brownson pays the pew rent $42 a year and furnishes the family from May to November with 20 lbs of ice a day. Love to Fifine and the children, regrets to Mrs. Vandyke and Henry's brothers-in-law. P.S. Instead of sending bills, Brownson thinks it safer to send his check payable to Henry's order.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1875 May 24
Koop, C.M., Father John H.: Medina, (New York)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Father Koop has been very busy in preparing 12 men for the overseas duties of the priesthood. He hopes his paper will not be too late. He has heard that the paper already has done a great deal of good. The notices by the papers of Brownson's Review and of Father Koop's article were favorable. The pastor where Koop is has obtained the back numbers of Brownson's Review. Koop would like Brownson to write to him and hopes to see Brownson in July.

I-4-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 25
Reeve, Felix A.: Knoxville, Tenn(essee)
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

Reeve claims that some ecclesiastics are waging unwise war on public schools and that protestants misunderstand the motives. The Church objects to these schools because they are sectarianized and anti-Catholic, having sectarian teachers, bibles and even text books. Since the Constitution and government of the country are non-sectarian and neither Catholic nor Protestant, schools should also be impartial because they are state supported. Thus nothing should be taught which is in any way offensive to any creed or sect. Schools, just as the government should be non-sectarian but should be conducted entirely on good moral and reasonable principles. If nothing anti-Catholic were taught in public schools, Catholics would not be justified in asking for a share of school funds. It is best that the Church should pay taxes and support parochial schools in addition so that the Church will not become dependent on the state, nor have any entangling alliances with her.

I-2-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1875 May 29
Perché, N(apoleon) J(oseph), Archbishop of New Orleans: Paris, (France)

Called more than five years ago to govern the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Perché has tried to continue the work of his predecessors, Archbishop Blanc and Archbishop Odin. Their efforts have not been unfruitful. New Orleans which had only 4 churches thirty years ago now has 29 parish churches. Their only resources have been the charity of the faithful and the allocations of the Propagation of the Faith. Unfortunately, political and social disruptions which followed the war of secession and which continued under the pretended peace have plunged Louisiana into profound distress, and a terrible flood last year completed their ruin. Therefore, he solicits the aid of the French episcopacy. Alms can be sent to Cardinal (Joseph Hippolyte) Guibert, Archbishop of Paris, or to Cardinal (René Francis) Regnier, Archbishop of Cambra, who was Perché's professor sixty years ago.

VI-2-o - Printed Circular - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1875 May 31
Boyd, Kate: (New York City, New York)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Miss Boyd feels Brownson has been offended with her. Brownson's advice is being followed. She is working laboriously putting the different parts of the manuscript together. Mrs. Gerdes asked Miss Boyd to seek of Brownson his choice between a trip now or a trip a few days before the 4th of July. The new church will be dedicated on July 4 and several of Brownson's friends will be there, among them Bishop (William) O'Hara (of Scranton). Father Philip would like to add Brownson's name to the great list. Mrs. Boyd believes Brownson works too hard. She suggests Brownson rest because his laurels have been won. Regards are extended to Mrs. (Sarah H.) Tenney, (Brownson's daughter) and her husband.

I-4-f - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1875 May 31
Franchi, Alex(ander),Cardinal Prefect: Rome, (Italy)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

The Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda in council on May 3 considered Purcell's letter of Jan. 22 concerning the legacy of Father John Baptist (Jouffroy) Geoffroy, and came to the following decision. The Archbishop of Cincinnati is to the notified that he and his successor have the right to nominate one student for the Collegio Urbano. In so far as the other bishops of the province have renounced their claim so that the Bishop of Saulte St. Marie and Marquette may nominate the other student provided for, that bishop is to be notified that he should name the recipient of the scholarship before the beginning of the next term. In case no students come two masses are to be said for each student who does not come. The Holy Father approved this is an audience of May 23. no. 5. J.B. Agropio(?) signs as secretary.

II-5-f - L.S. - (Latin) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1875 May 31
Richards, H(enry) L.: (New York, New York)
 to Mrs. (James) Sadlier: (New York, New York)

Their Dr. (Thomas W.) Marshall is not the author of The Comedy of Convocation. (Lawrence) Kehoe says he is the author of "Christian Missions", "My Clerical Friends", "Church Defense", "Protestantism and Journalism". Young Marshall his brother is the author of "Comedy of Convocation". "Old Catholic Cologne", "Answer to Bp. of Ripon" and "Oxford Undergraduate". Richards has warned Kehoe that the fact that they have so long traded on the Doctor's reputation as the author of the "Comedy" is one of the mysteries of book publishing. If he has not given her a copy of Marshall's "Answer" he will do so. (In the Orestes A. Brownson collection).

I-4-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}