University of Notre Dame


1903 Mar. 1

Freyermuth's Art Store South Bend, Ind(iana)

Statement to (James F.) Edwards.

XI-2-f - Printed form, A. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 1
Seton, Msgr. Robert: Rome, (Italy)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

His brother William (Seton) writes him a cheerful letter every week. Seton has fits of melancholy. He sees that Edwards does not know his character. He is not ambitious in the vulgar sense. He likes his ease and comfort. He admits that it is a keen disappointment that his merits have never been recognized because he believes he could have done more good in a wider sphere. He is too proud to seek honors as such; the name of Seton is sufficient. A canonry of St. Peter's or even a cardinalate in Rome would tie him down too much. But he would like a titular Archbishopric as it would give him the necessary prestige among his friends and increase his influence with the Vatican. Besides it is a little embarrassing to one merely in priest's orders playing host to the American hierarchy.

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

(190)3 Mar. 2
Taunton, Father Ethelred L.: London, (England)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Taunton has been very ill. There has been another delay about the publication of his "Little Office". The book came out with Cardinal (Herbert) Vaughan's imprimatur; Taunton feels like such a good boy. He hopes next month go to to Spain. He has an article on the oath of allegiance which should give satisfaction to the Tablet's challenge about heresy and tyrannicide. Taunton thinks the revolt from Rome there is fizzling out ignominiously. It was a game of bluff throughout; with a man like () O'Halloran as a leader.

X-4-d - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1903 Mar. 2
Delaney J.:
American Shipping Co., Chicago, Ill.)
LibraryNotre Dame, Ind(iana)

They understand they are going to bring a large shipment of books from Rome and they would like to take care of the shipping.

XI-2-f - L.S.(Typed) - 1p. - 8vo. - {10}

1903 Mar. 3
Meehan, Eleanor: Covington, K(entuck)y
 to (James F.) Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

She is writing some travel sketches and wants to know if Attila was ever converted to Christianity. Her son was an old pupil of Notre Dame.

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 3
(Huffer), Mary: Paris, (France)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

She is the most horrible girl to leave Edwards so long without writing a word. That little broach is simply too pretty. Herman is working hard in Bremen but finds time in the evenings to amuse himself. Her friend Alice de Montholon was married.

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 7pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 3
Koch, Theodore W.:
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

He is writing an article for the press concerning their exhibit of a collection of early Italian books loaned by George A. Plimpton of New York and has occasion to speak of other collections. A report has come to him that Notre Dame has just received a gift of a very large Italian collection. He asks for information about the gift.

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 3
Pahls, S.J., Father John: Detroit, Mich(igan)
 to H(enry) F. Brownson: (Detroit, Michigan)

After diligent search Father Pohls cannot find the works of Tanquerry in their library. However, one of the fathers informed him that a set of the works was to be found at the W. A. Fuchs & Co. In Detroit.

III-3-f - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 6
O'Sullivan, Father Timothy D.: (Chicago, Illinois)
 to Father S(tanislaus) F. F(itte, C.S.C.: Notre Dame, Indiana)

A Frenchman has devised an apparatus which enables the blind to see through their arania; his name is Steins. Hurrah for France though she is expelling the religious orders. Father (John A.) Zahm is ever calm. The faculty of Notre Dame will be strengthened. Strangers will come from afar to hear the French language on academic grounds. Then too he is investing in Dante. 4000 volumes to come to Notre Dame! 'Hurrah for N.D. and its library!

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1903 Mar. 7
Beshelany, Father Stephen: Kenaisy, Lebanon
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Beshelany thanks Hudson for his magazine. He translated a story from the Ave Maria for the folk of the village. He asks permission to translate some of the stories into Arabic.

X-4-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {1}

1903 Mar. 9
Nester, Marie M.: Chicago, (Illinois)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana

She is sending a sofa pillow to add to Edwards' numerous ones. They found John in Chicago on his way to Hot Springs.

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 12
(Nester), Arthur: Chicago, (Illinois)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

He thinks Edwards had better come to Mexico with him. No colds will bother him there. If he doesn't get the crozier and mitre of Bishop (John) Vertin it will be because no one can get them.

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1903 Mar. 14
Brownson, H(enry) F.: Detroit, Mich(igan)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

The data for the advertisement are contained in the enclosed prospectus. The advertised price of his father's work is $3 and $5 per volume according to binding. What Hudson says about worthless papers is true enough, but haven't they as good Catholic papers as Catholics want? It requires a special vocation or character to fit one to conduct a review properly. Once Brownson asked Father (Ignatius F.) Horstmann why he inserted a certain article in the A(merican) C(atholic) Q(uarterly) Rev(iew); he said he was short of copy. He suspects they have no other reason for much they insert.

X-4-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {2}

1903 Mar. 15
Messmann, Father A(nthony): (LaPorte, Indiana)
 to (James F,) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He finally sends the picture with crucifix, the property of James Coleman, student at Notre Dame, in 1866 and later a student in theology for the Fort Wayne diocese.

XI-2-F - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 16
Lindesmith, Father E.W.J. Chaplain USA: Rootstown, Ohio
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

Herewith he sends the memorial President McKinley button which he wore at the funeral and also the invitation card to the funeral. His other button is at the St. Igantius College Museum at Cleveland. (Note: the card and button are attached.)

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 16
(Rhodius,) George: New York, (New York)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

Edwards probably came to the conclusion that he did not care to hear from him on account of his long silence. This is the case. Since the first of the year he has been near worried to death. He is not drinking and is doing the theatres nightly.

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 17
Matir(?), Hamilton W.: New York, (New York)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He was sorry not to see Hudson during his visit to St. Mary's last week. He read the story of Prince Gallitzin with interest.

X-4-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 18
Finch, Roy B.:
 to (James F.) Edwards: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

He asks the price of the one-half Morocco and the one-half sheep binding. He desires to know this in order to get the bill in before April 1st.

XI-2-f - L.S.(Typed) - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 18
Kachapully, Father Anthony: Palayur, Chowghat
 to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Kachapully thanks Hudson for the donation.

X-4-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 18
Randall, Father W(illia)m E.: Columbia, M(issouri)
 to (Henry F.) Brownson: Detroit, Mich(igan)

Father Randall believes he is a debtor to Brownson for a small sum and asks him to state it. Father Randall would like Brownson to send him a list of about twenty parochial books, preferably historical books, for students of grammar and high school age and of the state university. He has been shocked by some of the books recommended to him by friends but feels that he will not be disappointed in Brownson's choice. He is amazed at the avidity that the children show for Catholic books and wishes to give them the best. He hopes Brownson is enjoying good health but he has suddenly realized that Brownson is growing old.

III-3-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 19
Abell, P.M.:
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Her son writes heroften of Edwards' kindness. She wants to thanks him for his goodness. It was so hard to give Walter up.

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 19
(Maler) O.S.B., Father Bede: St. Meinrad, Indiana
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Being sick nearly all the time and unable to do anything of importance, he arranged the pictures he collected during the last ten years. He has some of Notre Dame and would like the Scholastics that contain pictures.

Xi-2-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 19
American Library Agency, London, (England)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

They solicit his business for new and out-of-print English books.

XI-2-f - L.S.(Typed) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 20
Benedicta, Sister: Island, L(ouisian)a
 to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

Sister thanks Hudson for his interest in their lepers. She expresses gratitude to the donor of $150. It is not the disease but the separation from their loved ones which renders life most harrowing to the lepers.

X-4-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}

1903 Mar. 20
D( ), J.: Notre Dame, Indiana
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Detroit, Michigan

He greets Edwards in verse.

XI-2-f - Postcard, signed - {1}

1903 Mar. 20
Reidy, Father William T.: Hartford, C(onnecticu)t
 to Henry F. Brownson: (Detroit, Michigan)

Father Reidy encloses a money order for $15.00 in payment for his last three monthly installments.

III-3-f - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 21
Gasson, S.J. Father Thomas J.: Boston, Mass(achusetts)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He sends the Brownson and Catholic Directory to both of which Edwards is welcome. He will be grateful if Edwards can get him certain numbers of the Catholic Reading Circle Review.

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 21
Lee, Guy Carleton: Baltimore, Maryland
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

He is preparing a twenty volume history of North America and the matter of illustration is now before him. He inquires concerning the availability of any material that Edwards may have.

XI-2-f - PRINTED - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 25
Lobo, Father R. M.: Fajir, India
 to Father Daniel E. Hudson, (C.S.C.): Notre Dame, (Indiana)

Lobo thanks Hudson for the $50. The contributions he referred to were intended for the abandoned mission at Ullal. He thought the contributions would be sent through him for the Gowdie Missionary. Father Cyprian Coelho, the pastor of Ullal, was quite new to the place at the time he wrote that letter to Hudson. Some of the Jesuits there take ill when the indigenous clergy write to their Catholic brethren across the sea for help. The seacoast towns are occupied by them, whereas the interior rural places are assigned to the indigenous clergy. They have hardly any experience of the difficulties which the secular clergy undergo.

X-4-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1903 Mar. 26
Foley, Jessie: St. Mary's, (Notre Dame, Indiana)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

She wants to thank him for the box of candy. Itwas thoroughly enjoyed. They expect Papa and Mama down about a week from Saturday.

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1903 Mar. 27
Seton, Msgr. Robert: Rome, (Italy)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Mrs. Connor of Rock Island called. The mere fact that she was introduced by Edwards was enough to commend her to him. Although he once did know more of Rome than any other living American, things have changed a great deal in 36 years. The American College is not under the present rector a welcome trysting-place for American Catholics. Msgr. (Thomas F.) Kennedy is not popular; he is never at such receptiona as was given by Mr. Macnutt the other day or by Father Whitmee. If Seton were Rector he would make it the headquarters for American Catholics with confessions, sermons, retreats, etc. He will leave his books to Notre Dame if they will bear the expense of packing and forwarding them. He has lost all respect for Cardinal (Francisco) Satolli who is not a man of his word and very much attached to money. Edwards writes of a baptismal font which the Methodists of South Bend have purchased. Church things are being sold all over Italy to anyone who will buy them. His friend Stoner sent him the enclosed note and photograph the other day.. Seton did not remember that he ever was such an ugly brute.

1903 Mar. 24
Stoner, Archbishop Edmund: (Rome, Italy
 to Msgr. Robert Seton:

He is sending the portrait of a most distinguished American citizen. (Note: the photo of Seton is enclosed.)

XI-2-f - A.L.S. - 9pp. - 12mo. - {5}

(19)03 Mar. 30
S(toddard), C(harles) W(arren): Washington, D(istrict of) C(olumbia)
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

When the last of the household goods from the bungalow were borne from him Stoddard collapsed. Now he is homeless. His friend, Mrs. Cushman K. Davis, has had him there for some days to keep him from brooding over those empty rooms. As soon as he is well enough Stoddard will leave Washington, perhaps forever.

X-4-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {2}

1903 Mar. 30
(White), S.A., Sister Lurana Mary Francis: Garrison, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Sister failed to see the card with Benziger's notification that they have not the Holy Father's Encyclical. A protest should be made against allowing such a thing to go out of print. Dark shadows of suffering are gathering about them. The other day a Catholic priest whom Father Paul (Reverend Lewis Thomas Wattson) knows, asked to meet Sister - to convert her, she knows. She begged Father not to make her see him. Two of their tertiaries who years ago left the Holy Roman Church have come to believe that which they once rejected. Father Paul told them that it is their duty at once to return.

X-4-d - A.L.S. - 5pp. - 12mo. - {3}