University of Notre Dame


1905 June 1
S(tuer) Father Ch(arles): Bruges, (Belgium)
 to Father St(anislaus F.) Fitte: Notre Dame, (Indiana)

He sends a postcard showing a specimen of the people of Bruges.

XI-2-h - Postcard, signed - (French) - {0}

1905 June 4
Brunner, A.(Joseph): Trinidad, Colo(rado)
 to Adeline L. Horgan: Boston, Mass(achusetts)

He received the package she so kindly sent to him. He repeats the contents. He will give them to one of their poor mission chapels. They will have a visit from Bishop N(icholas) C.(hrysostome) Matz and he will have him sign an application for the things they need. (In James F. Edwards' Collection)

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1905 June 4
Kiefer, Herbert: Terre Haute, Indiana
 to (James F.) Edwards:

He was glad to receive a number of postals from Edwards. He has never forgotten the pleasant time they had a few years ago. His connection with Rose Polytechnic Institute ends with commencement next Thursday. Edwards will be able to find him at the Baldwin Locomotive Works.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16to. - {1}

1905 Jun. 5
Tiernan, F(rances) C(hristine Fisher): Salisbury, N(orth) C(arolina)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Tiernan has had so much difficulty in starting the story. She is sure Hudson will like it and asks him to trust her judgment and to be kind enough to make her an advance on the price of it.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1905 Jun. 10
Herbert, M(ary Elizabeth Lady Herbert of Lea): Rome, (Italy)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Herbert does not leave Rome until July. Has Hudson seen in the Baltimore American the account of the death of Father (Denis) MacCormick and the horror of the editor at MacCormick's request to be buried in the colored portion of the Catholic cemetery? Every American and even a Bishop that Herbert spoke to seem to have and aversion to the Negro.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 32mo. - {3}

1905 June 12
Dwyer, T. Augustine: Rome, (Italy)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Rome, Italy)

The enclosed booklet may be of some use to Edwards. When Edwards returns to Notre Dame, he must not fail to remember him to Father Hudson. He hopes Edwards will always consider him a friend of the University; had he the qualifications he would apply for a place at Notre Dame, If Edwards ever hears of a vacancy, he asks not to forget Dwyer.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16to. - {1}

1905 June 12
Hazinski, Jos(eph) R.: South Bend, Ind(iana)
 to Ja(me)s F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

They picture has been delivered to Edwards and a bill enclosed for the same in a sealed envelope. A statement was sent afterwards, but they have no reply for either. He would be pleased to hear from Edwards.

XI-2-h - L.S. (Typed) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1905 June 14
Frenguelli, Pasquali: Rome, (Italy)
 to James F. Edwards: (Rome, Italy)

He announces that last evening he brought to Edwards address in Rome the photographs and some of his work. This morning he went to visit Cardinal Satolli to take the measurements for the portrait he is to make of him. They are to be: 120x90. These are the measurements of the 3 portraits ordered by Edwards: 1) Leo XIII in Trava and Pluviale; 2) Pius X in white robes; 3) Card. Satolli in purple. These are to be painted in oil. He speaks of the payment agreed upon.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - (Italian) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1905 June 17
Fitte, C.S.C., Father S(tanislaus F.): Notre Dame, Indiana
 to (James F. Edwards:

He is glad of the distinguished and cordial welcome Edwards received at Monteclair and Angers; it will do away with bad impressions of previous occasions. Prof. (John G.) Ewing went with Mr. Breen to attend the knights of Columbus Convention at Los Angeles. Their commencement was brilliant; Bishops (Herman J.) Alerding and (Maurice F.) Burke were present. Mr. Charles Schwab, some of his family and Galletzin Farabaugh spent two days there. He heard that the Golden Jubilee of St. Mary's was a great success. The bishops were there and the Apostolical Delegate. He did not go, he received no invitation. Their retreat begins the 25th of the month, to be preached by Father (Moses) McGarry, C.S.C. He gives the news from the diocese of Fort Wayne; Father (John H.) Bathe replaced Father Duehmig at Avilla; Father (William C.) Miller formerly of Michigan City became the private secretary of the bishop. He is still acting Pastor at St. Bavo's at Mishawaka. Father (Charles L.) Stuer is expected back from Belgium the last of June. He understands that Father ( ) Lawton from St. Joseph's Farm leaves for France the 25th and does not intend to return. They had the visit of DeHerinx, cousin of De Lunded and Professor of political science in the University of Louvain.

XI-3-h - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {6}

1905 Jun. 18
Taunton, Father Ethelred (L.): (London, England)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Taunton has come back only to start his new work "The Law of the Church". Then he will return to Rome by order of the Pope probably for good. He hopes to leave England at the end of September. Hudson can expect a sheet from him for the Ave Maria as soon as he gets the time. Rome is suitable to him. He has received many invitations to go to the United States and has wanted to accept them, but now this Roman business puts it off perhaps for all time.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1905 June 19
Albeus, C.S.C., Brother: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards:

There was an account of Edwards' Reception by the Holy Father in the Herald that day. He saw Father (Andrew) Morrissey, (C.S.C.) with regard to Edwards' wish for $100 or $200 to purchase books for the library but he would not allow it. Mr. C(harles) Schwab was at Notre Dame to see his brother graduate. He was the guest of the Provincial while there. All well at N.D.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1905 June 24
(Seton, E)liz(abeth): Huntington, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to Msgr. Robert (Seton): (Rome, Italy)

She received the letter telling her that (James F.) Edwards was with him. She would like to apologize to him for the boy that drove him to the train. She describes the weather and the season. Ray sailed up in his boat and recalled to her Will(iam Seton). She went to see Sister Catherine and Ferdinand.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16to. - {2}

1905 June 26
Frenguelli, Pasquali: Rome, (Italy)
 to James F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Receipt for Bill of $10 paid by Edwards.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - (Italian) - 1p. - 16to. - {2}

1905 Jun. 26
McQuaid, Bishop B(ernard) J(oseph): Corning, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

McQuaid is at Corning on a Confirmation tour. He has not forgiven Hudson and those nuns for Hudson not coming to Bishop Hickey's consecration. He has been reading "A Story of Fifty Years" every spare minute. Now he seems to know St. Mary's of Notre Dame. These school-sisters are to be the saving of the Church in America.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {1}