University of Notre Dame


1911 May 4
(Bickerstaffe-Drew, Father Francis Browning D.) John Ayscough: Winterbourne Gunner, (England)
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Ayscough encloses a little paper which may fill up a corner in the Ave Maria. The Catholic Times has just had a competition of the 100 best Catholic books. Ayscough is flattered to see among the 50 best Catholic novels "Marotz," "Mezzogiorno," "Tromina," and "San Celestino." (Clipping: a review of) "Hurdcott."

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {2}

1911 May 4
Schultz, Hertha A.: Rome, (Italy)
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Schultz forwards a copy of her translation into German of Bishop (John Stephen) Vaughan's "Dangers of the Day". Vaughan is very pleased with it.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {2}

1911 May 4
Tiernan, F(rances) C(hristine Fisher): Salisbury, N(orth) C(arolina)
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Tiernan asks Hudson to pardon the erasures and interlineations in her manuscript.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {1}

1911 May 11
Martin, Edward S(andford): New York, (New York)
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

In the Protestant colleges sectarian control is passing out, assisted to some extent by the Carnegie Foundation. Martin knows most about Yale and Harvard. There is more religious activity at Harvard than when the went there 34 years ago. There is a Catholic Club with probably 100 members. When he wants information about a Catholic or Protestant running for office he usually goes to a Catholic classmate of his. Their new Senator, O'Gorman, comes out of the College of the City of New York. Fitzgerald of Brooklyn comes from Manhattan College which is Catholic.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1911 May 13
Tiernan, F(rances) C(hristine Fisher): Salisbury, N(orth) C(arolina)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Tiernan is disappointed about the last chapter which she sends. There are only 4 more chapters to write in order to end by the end of June.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {1}

1911 May 20
Hughes, Katherine: Edmonton, Alberta
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Hughes wrote for the Ave Maria some years ago. She has just completed a short life of Father (A.) Lacombe with a preface by Sir William Van Horne which has been accepted by Moffatt, Yard Company. She has had to cut out several stories of his life and has decided to sell them to various magazines. Would Hudson care to take two or three of them? Lacombe in France and Canada has been famed as a raconteur. She expects a better reception for this book than for her last—and first—"The Life of Archbishop O'Brien".

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1911 May 21
Chambers, Mary D.: Rockford, Illinois
 to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

Bishop Muldoon told her that some mention of her collecting money for the nuns in Chiccoutimi had appeared in the Ave Maria. She now has received formal authorization of the Bishop of Chiccoutimi and encloses (no enclosure) a copy of it. She finds a curious apathy among Catholics concerning the work of nuns like this. The Catholic women of the Sherman Circle in Dubuque are responding with great enthusiasm.

X-4-h - T.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {1}

1911 May 22
Hill, J( ) Arthur: Thornton, England
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Hill thanks Hudson for the reference to James' remarks quoted in the Ave Maria. Hudson does not have to get the "Forum" itself. Hill's book has not yet been brought out by an American publisher, though negotiations are pending. Professor J(ames) H. Hyslop in New York City has a few copies of the English edition. Hudson may not like it because some parts are irreconcilable with Catholic theology. (Enclosed is a printed circular about his book), "New Evidences in Psychical Research".

X-4-g - A.L.S. and circular - 4pp. - 16mo. - {2}

1911 May 24
Chambers, Mary D.: Rockford, Illinois
 to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.: Notre Dame, Indiana

Hudson can make any alterations he wishes in the article she sent. Chambers is grateful for the opportunity to present the cause of her nuns of (Chioutimi, Quebec). The ladies of the Sherman Circle of Dubuque, Iowa, collected $350 which they sent to the monastery. This is one-half the amount needed to supply the monastery with water. She hopes to round the figure out to $1000. The apparent flippancy of those expressions in her article are due in part to her Protestant ignorance. She is not lacking in reverence for the Catholic Church.

X-4-g - T.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1911 May 24
Purdie, Father A(lbert) B.: Ware, (England)
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Last November Purdie's "Francis Thompson: his life and work" appeared in the Catholic World. Would Hudson be willing to publish it as a booklet? The series in which "Father Jim" is published has come before Purdie's notice. Father Jim (James Goggin) is a friend of his; they are living together. (John Godfrey) Raupertis also a friend of his. If Hudson accepts, Purdie will write to Father (Thomas) Burke and try to get the matter settled. Perhaps his friend, Wilfrid Meynell, Thompson's literary executor will provide an illustration.

X-4-g - T.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {4}

1911 May 25
Tiernan, F(rances) C(hristine Fisher): Salisbury, N(orth) C(arolina)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Tiernan thanks Hudson for his note acknowledging the last chapter sent to him. She is disappointed in not being able to send more. There are only two more to write.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16mo. - {1}

(1911) May 26
Jordan, Elizabeth: New York, (New York)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

The managers decided to put her play on for a preliminary run. They opened in Poughkeepsie on May 11 and have just finished a week in Atlantic City in a blaze of glory. They open in Chicago on the first of August. She will come to see Hudson, Mother General and Sister Edith. She read the book down by the sea, and lived over again those days in Ireland and on the Etruria. P.S. The Boston Herald says her play is epoch-making. (Enclosed is a clipping from) the Atlantic City Daily Press, reviewing "The Lady from Oklahoma".

X-4-g - A.L.S. and clipping - 4pp. - 16mo. - {1}

1911 May 28
Metcalf, Father Theodore A.: Brookline, Mass(achusetts)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

The plagiarism of the enclosed is too evident to need proof. Metcalf cannot see why it is called a morality play. Is this not a good argument for parish school training, as opposed to the godless teaching of the public schools? (Enclosed is a clipping) from the Boston Sunday Herald reviewing the play "Everychild" by Lena Dalkieth Burton illustrating an educational system devised by Marian K. Brown.

X-4-g - A.L.S. and clipping - 2pp. - 16mo. - {3}

1911 May 29
Seawell, Molly Elliot: Washington, D(istrict of) C(olumbia)
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Would Hudson be interested in the serial rights of a juvenile, "Diego, the Son of Columbus"? She refers him to D. Appleton and Company who are now selling the 70th thousand of 4 romances for boys which she has written. She was recommended to Hudson by Father J(ohn) A. Zahm and Professor Zahm.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {1}