University of Notre Dame


1911 Aug. 3
Metcalf, Father Theo(dore) A.: Brookline, Mass(achusetts)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Metcalf is glad Hudson prays for Dr. (Reverend William) Croswell. Metcalf urges the Ave Maria to give a prominent notice to Dr. Thomas Dwight's "Thoughts of a Catholic Anatomist". He rejoices at the fearless Catholic stand of Harvard's Parkman Professor of Anatomy. Dwight's views of evolution will not fail to enlighten many Catholics as well as non-Catholics. Dwight is one of the intimate friends and companions of Metcalf's boyhood. He has striven to make the position of Catholics one to be honored and respected. It will probably be his last work for the seems for advanced in an incurable malady. Metcalf thanks Hudson for the books sent.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 5pp. - 16mo. - {3}

1911 Aug. 4
State Historical Society of Madison, Wisconsin
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

On behalf of the Society they acknowledge the receipt of Robert Louis Stevenson's open letter to Reverend Dr. Hyde (in reference to) Father Damien. Signed by R.G. Thwaites and I.S. Bradley.

X-4-g - Printed and T.L. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1911 Aug. 10
Seawell, Molly Elliott: Brookline, Mass(achusetts)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Seawell's story deals with the salient facts of Columbus's life. In her juvenile stories she has the boy hero engaged in great historical events, and having intimate relations with important persons. She will be glad to have the book of "Diego" appear in the Ave Maria in 1912. She has no objection to serial publication. She can sell the serial rights in England after two or three years.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 5pp. - 16mo. - {1}

1911 Aug. 12
O'Callaghan, Bishop T(homas) A(lphonsus): Cork, (Ireland)
 to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He begs Hudson to accept the enclosed as a token of his appreciation of Ave Maria.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}

1911 Aug. 14
Seton, Abp. Robert: Interlaken, Switzerland
 to  (Father John Cavanaugh): Notre Dame, Indiana)

As regards the Seton Family heirlooms, despite the admirable disposition of them by Mr. W(illia)m Seton, there is no intention, he presumes, to obey (Notre Dame's) right to them, but rather a wish to expose motives why it would be generous, equitable and beneficial to Bishops' Memorial Hall, that the heirlooms should be returned to the family which is now represented by him. His nephew and heir, Thomas Seton Jevons belongs not to the vulgar Four Hundred but to the Aristocratic Forty or Old Family set of New York. Jevons would find it very much to his social prestige if he could exhibit the tangible proofs of his ancient and historical descent. He lists the best of the collection. He gave Mr. (James F.) Edwards many letters, papers, diaries and has no desire to get them back but would rather increase them; and he suggests and interchange which may recommend itself to consideration. The heirlooms are of no use to Notre Dame and in no way illustrating the Catholic Church in the United States, but they would be valuable to his descendants. He has many things Notre Dame would want, among them journals from 1902 among which something of interest from an intelligent, an origi nal minded and high-placed American observer in home can be found by the future historian. He has vestments, rings, crosses (and others which he describes) which would be worth more to Memorial Hall than the Seton heirlooms. He would like to hear from them on the matter. He has been an Innerlaken for a month. He talks of his trips. He is 72 and regrets that a man of his social position and education and talents and successful parish work is not an Archbishop in his won country.

XI-2-m - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1911 Aug. 16
Fraser, Mary C(rawford): Winthrop, Wash(ington)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Fraser was very ill for some time. They have so much love and happiness in their little family they ought not to grumble. Her son Hugh and his Kitty are married at last. Except for their anxiety about his health they are entirely happy. The crippled girl she asked Hudson to pray for is now a Catholic and in much better health. Their church has prospered well. The Church Extension Society gave them a donation which paid off the debt. Some Benedictine Nuns in England have been praying for their church. Her friend in the Benedictine Convent, Sister Teresa Gertrude died recently. Fraser is glad Hudson liked the old Japanese book. She is preparing a third volume of her memoirs, and hopes to bring some of it out in articles. She would be honored if Hudson wanted any of them for the Ave Maria.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1911 Aug. 16
Hinkson, Katharine Tynan: Greystones, (Ireland)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Hinkson made the correction in the poems which she is glad Hudson liked. Pamela will thank Hudson for the book herself. They are here for summer holidays. It is Bunny's and Pamela's first knowledge of Ireland and they are enchanted with it.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}

1911 Aug. 19
Riordan, Archbishop P(atrick) W(illiam): San Francisco, California
 to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.: Notre Dame, Indiana

Riordan received Hudson's letter enclosing the one from Father (Philip Richard McDevitt) McDavitt of Philadelphia. McDavitt's letter is negative, and he would like a positive one. There are contradictory reports about Bishop (Denis Joseph) Dougherty. Riordan hopes to go East some time after the middle of September. Father Dan(iel Riordan) is away in Europe. Riordan would not care to go to Chicago if Father Dan was not there to meet him. One of the Riordan's nephews is going to be married about the first of November.

X-4-g - T.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {4}

1911 Aug. 22
Seawell, Molly Elliot: Brookline, Mass(achusetts)
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Seawell wants to know about her story "Diego, the Son of Columbus". She will be going to New York soon and the publishers will be after her. It is historical romance, not history.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 32mo. - {1}

1911 Aug. 23
Onahan, William J.: Chicago, Ill(inois)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Onahan knows his sister's anniversary, August 16, was remembered. Hudson's note on Sir William Butler interested him, and he shares Hudson's enthusiasm for the autobiography. Archbishop (John) Ireland was talking to Onahan last week about Butler especially the episode of Butler's Canadian experience. Kerens, the American Ambassador to Vienna, came to meet Ireland. Onahan is alone with "Jerry" and the housekeeper. His daughter and family are at Fox Lake until the middle of September.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {3}

1911 Aug. 31
(Bickerstaffe-Drew, Father Francis Browning D.) John Ayscough: Winterbourne Gunner, (England)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Ayscough thanks Hudson for the letter, check and magazine. He does not think W. Salia knows much about literature. Ayscough remembers him in Malta where he does much for religion. As to Marotz it was not written for Catholic boys and girls but for outside men and women. He never cared for the Papal idea till he read Hudson's pages about Leo XIII. He sends a paper to Hudson. (P.S.) Ayscough gave Lord Alfred Douglas Hudson's message.

X-4-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}

(1911) (Sep.)
(Robinson?, O.F.M., Father Paschal): (Washington, District of Columbia)
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

A picture of the body of St. Clare as seen in her church.

X-4-g - Card - (Italian) - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}

1911 Sep. 15
Russell, S.J., Father M(atthew): Dublin, (Ireland)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Editor of the Ave Maria is a responsible post. Russell would have offered many things, but he was afraid Hudson would feel obliged to make room for them. He knows how careful the Ave Maria is in the choice of its literature. Cardinal Logue reads every line each month.

X-4-g - A. Card S. - 2pp. - 32mo. - {1}