University of Notre Dame


1918 Nov. 4
Emmet, Thomas Addis, M.D.: New York, (New York)

Last will and testament dated May 5, 1917 with a first codicil dated August 10, 1918 and a second codicil dated November 4, 1918. George W. Harper, Jr. is executor.

I-1-e - Printed booklet - 15pp. - 4to. - {1}

1918 Nov. 7
Leslie, Shane:
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Leslie wonders if Hudson would like this sketch which he scribbled the last time he was in Spain. Hudson is not to send payment for it as Leslie is soon leaving the country. He has one good historical point to make. Motley and all the Protestant gang have made the Church shoulder the wicked Duke of Alba, who in truth was really obnoxious to the Pope and far from being an exemplary son.

X-4-i - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1918 Nov. 7
Leslie, Shane: St. Johnsbury, V(ermon)t
 to (Father John Talbot Smith: Dobbs Ferry, New York)

Smith's review is far too kind. The book was a desperate effort to do justice to everybody and to deduce Irish freedom out of Anglo-American association or whatever relation may now exist. But in agony of heart he has often said that he had betrayed the trust of Irishmen. Logically he should have stood with (Padraic) Pearce. Others must use his failure and improve his words. He does not know why he must unburden to Smith the grief which will accompany him to the grave. Only the Church has kept him from suicide once or twice and he knows that Smith as a priest will forgive and forget.

I-1-h - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1918 Nov. 8
Rognom, Sister Clare Colombe: Assisi, (Italy)
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

The terrible war has ended in victory for the allies, but the evil effects continue and the nuns are feeling the most pressing vicissitudes. The five years of war stopped much of their alms. Anything Hudson can do for them will be appreciated. Hudson helped them in 1912 when they were commemorating the seventh centenary of the foundation of their order.

X-4-i - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16mo. - {1}

1918 Nov. 18
Leslie, Shane: St. Johnsbury, V(ermon)t
 to Father (John Talbot) Smith: (Dobbs Ferry, New York)

Leslie thanks Smith for his very charitable letter which came at a dark moment which Lloyd George's Irish pronouncement did not lighten. He feels that he has sacrificed his honor and good repute in a foolish attempt to set right the Irish question. It is humiliating to have hunted with the hounds and run with the hare to no purpose. He awaits a chance to right himself but has now been ordered to a long rest.

I-1-h - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1918 Nov. 21
Boeres, C.S.C., Father Francis J.: Vigan, P(hilippine) I(slands)
 to Father (John) Scheier, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Boeres knows Scheier has been in continual correspondence with Bishop (Peter Joseph Hurth, C.S.C.) Scheier knows his troubles, but did he tell Scheier about his state of health. He came back from the States an apparently healthy man. The political troubles caused by the War led him to be accused of intrigue, of disloyalty, and of being at the head of German propaganda. Scheier knows the falsity of such charges, but all this trouble has told most severely upon his health. The Apostolic Delegate has advised him to go back to the States for his health. It seems he cannot come to a final decision about leaving. Spanish influenza reigns all over the Islands. Boeres quotes an item from the Manila Bulletin of Nov. 8 about a bill which has come up in the Philippine Senate which would bar all religious ministers who are not United States citizens from performing marriage ceremonies in the Islands. If such a bill became law, it would bar thousands of Spanish priests and ministers of other nationalities other than Filipinos and Americans.

X-4-i - T.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

 (In the Hudson papers) 

1918 Nov. 22
Logue, Cardinal Michael: Armagh, (Ireland)
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Hudson's article, "An Incident in the Life of Cardinal (Ferdinand-Francoise-Auguste) Donnet" reminded him of another incident, the record of which is buried in the files of "Le Monde". The debate took place probably in 1867 or 1868, a couple of years after Logue was sent to teach theology in the Irish College of Paris. Donnet was a senator at the time. Napoleon III had made all French Cardinals Senators. A bill was under discussion in the Senate about extending the time between death and burial to guard against the danger of anyone being buried alive. The bill had a hostile reception. Donnet spoke for it and told how he was nearly buried alive as a young priest. The bill was carried unanimously.

X-4-i - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

(1918) Nov. 23
Madeleva, C.S.C., Sister M.: Notre Dame, Indiana
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Sister tells Hudson of the virtue that went out from his sermon last Sunday. All appreciated his reference to Sister Teresina. It strikes her that God sometimes chooses a frail little body for a peculiar concentrated form of His charity. Hudson was Christ-bearer to Teresina for the last two years. Father Vagnier is the possessor of two copies of his poem. She knows Isabel Clarke's "Dire Clay" and "By the Blue River", but not "The Secret Citadel". The girls like her books. It was good to see Father O'Donnell's name in the Ave Maria this week. She had hoped for something to submit to Hudson.

X-4-i - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}