University of Notre Dame

Calendar: Undated Documents: R

(______) (______)

Randall, Father W(illia)m E. St. Louis, M(iss)o(uri)

to H(enry) F. Brownson (Detroit, Michigan)

He encloses $3 for Brownson to send the Middle Life to his father, who is not a Catholic; he was a subscriber to the Review for some years though. He was advised to take it by a Captain James Monroe, whom Orestes A. Brownson probably influenced to become a Catholic. Monroe was an associate editor of the (New York) Freeman's Journal, about 1855, 6 and 7. Randall's mother, Miss Lange decided to enter the Church after a visit at the Monroe's then at Ft. Snelling, Minnesota. Monroe reentered the army at the beginning of the Civil War quitting his legal practice in Baltimore. He thinks that Mrs. Monroe and her children became Protestants after the death of Monroe in 1862. Randall's faith may be due entirely or in great measure to Orestes Brownson.

III-3-h A.L.S. 2pp. 8vo. 5

(______) March 25,

Raphel, Stephanie Fontenay, (Maryland)

to (James Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

She thanks McMaster for bringing about the fulfillment of her desires. She does not know Mrs. Cora Ives, but knows some of her relatives of the same name. Mrs. Maguerny is an old friend of one of her dearest friends, through whom the writer will obtain an introduction to her, so that she may ask the protection of Mrs. Maguerny's party. She asks McMaster to engage her stateroom of the first cabin. She will return to the city Friday and till then have remittances made to him.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Reilly, Owen Niles, Ohio

to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, New York)

(Referring the letter he includes for publication), Reilly requests that his name be withheld for many reasons. With this is included: A letter intended for publication, written by Reilly but signed "A subscriber", in which Reilly complains of the sad state of religious affairs at Niles. The catholic school there has been closed down and the Cath olics are sending their children to public schools. In addition, a salesman for the Toledo Review came lately and secured many subscribers.

I-2-h A.L.S. 4pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Rese, Frederick, Bishop of Detroit, Michigan

Biographical sketch of Rese (apparently in the handwriting of Richard Clarke and the basis of the article on Rese in the "Lives of the Deceased Bishops"). The sketch seems to have been based on the accounts of a nephew of Rese, a priest in the United States. It is not clear whether this is an original composition of (Clarke) based on other documents, or merely a transcription of another's account. Items from German newspapers about the Bishop's death are translated into the article. Included in the sketch is a brief account of the earlier mission of Detroit and a list of the priests stationed there before the arrival of Rese.

III-2-m Mss. 8pp. 4to. 2

(______) (______)

Rese, Bishop Fred(erick) (Detroit, Michigan)

to Mr. Hale(?) (______)

A receipt for $27 1/2 for 55 good orders of Father (Gabriel) Richard. The other orders are forged.

III-2-l A.D.S. 1p. 32mo. 2

1820 January 13

Richard (S.S., Father Gabriel) "Delegate from Michigan"

Manuscript Indian prayer book and catechism in which is inscribed the name of Marie Amable Biscornet Omasinaigan, January 13, 1820 (in French). Some of the titles written in French are in the handwriting of Richard. In pencil is a greeting from Richard to John Calhoun in Richard's hand.

III-2-m Bound ms. with leather binding (Indian dialect of text not determined.) 150pp. used 2

(______) (______)

Richard, Father Gabriel

A translation (including many copyist's errors) of parts of Chaper I of Dionne's life of Richard.

III-2-n Typed 7pp. 8vo. 0

(______) (______)

Richard, (S.S., Father Gabriel) (Detroit, Michigan)

Manuscript of Voltaire's "Merope Tragedie" in the handwriting of Richard.

III-2-m Ms. (French) 94pp. small 8vo. 1

(______) (______)

Richemont, V(icon)te de New York, (New York)

to (Henry F.) Brownson (Detroit, Michigan)

He thanks Brownson for the information sent about Lincoln's Life. He asks where the life of Father Gallitzin was published. He is studying the Emigration of French Priests (1790-1801) to America and Europe, using the secret archives of the Vatican and others in Europe. Brownson can help him by letting him know what has been published on this subject in the United States. He knows of Dr. Shea's books. He asks about Father (Gabriel) Richard whose statue, he was told, stands on the city hall in Detroit. Their talk together a few weeks ago was too short; He wants to know more about the Church in Brownson's grand country.

III-3-h A.L.S. 4pp. 16mo. 2

(______) (Jan. 6 )

Riordan, Bishop P(atrick) W(illiam) Chicago, (Illinois)

to Rich(ard) H(enry) Clarke (New York, New York)

Riordan's brother, Father D(aniel) J. Riordan. will be better able to give Clarke the information. He lived with the Bishop as his secretary for many years and enjoyed the Bishop's fullest confidence, and can give many details.

I-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 8vo. 2

(______) (______)

Ripley, Geo(rge) (______)

to (Orestes A.) Brownson (______)

Ripley has received Appleton's reply to his note. He would like Brownson to send him a portion of the manuscript before he commits himself. A brief description of the work by Brownson is requested.


(______) (Aug. 5 )

Appleton & Co., D. (New York, New York)

to Geo(rge) Ripley (______)

Appleton does not have sufficient knowledge of the philosophical work proposed to give a definite answer as to whether or not they would publish it. They asked to see a portion of the manuscript.

I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 16mo. 3

(______) (______)

Robot, O.S.B., D(om) Isidore (Atoka, Indian Territory)

to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, New York)

Dom Isidore encloses $3.00 for his year's subscription to the Freeman's Journal.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Roddan, (Father) John P. (______)

to (Orestes A. Brownson) (______)

As Brownson requested Roddan, he has rewritten the first part of his lecture. He has curtailed it in some places, and added a paragraph here and there to denote the agency of the Pope in the business treated. The lecture is at Brownson's disposal.

I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 8vo. 1

(______) (Dec. 8 )

Roddan, (s.J.), (Father) John F. Quincy, (Massachusetts)

to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

Roddan has received McMaster's note of (Nov.) 29, (______), and asks McMaster not to give the matter of his not being invited another thought. Roddan never even thought about it until Dr. (Jeremiah) Cummings told him what McMaster had commissioned him to say. He does not think anyone knew that he was not to lecture until the C(hristmas) visit, and does not feel that any such thing as McMaster mentioned was seriously said in Boston. The lecture course in Boston is sixteen years old, and lectures and lecturers there are not made so much of as they are in cities where the course is comparatively new. This circumstance, coupled with the fact that Roddan has many other engagements, probably made him forget to ask himself whether he should be lecturing in N(ew) Y(ork) or not. He knew nothing about it until Dr. Jerry came, and he did not really care. He does not intend to disparage the N(ew) Y(ork) audiences when he says this, it is simply that he thought the N(ew) Y(ork) institute was in the same situation as that of Boston, where financial straits prevent bringing in more than three lecturers from outside the city. Lecture courses are important because they are a cheap, easy, and expeditious means of instructing the people. Every man who can say a work for God's sake should do so, for the Devil has many devices to mislead men. Yet the worst speakers on their side compare favorably with the best on the other. Personal feelings and reputations should not enter into the matter at all, so Roddan does not care where he is spent to speak. He was happy to hear how McMaster scrubbed Chandler. Regarding the Boston "Pilot", he disagrees with McMaster. His purpose in making it a completely Catholic paper was (to combat evil, and do good in service to God). It had done much harm, but was capable of doing much good, being firmly rooted as the leading paper of his diocese. It penetrated everywhere, and he had felt that if it were made a teacher of sound principles in secular life, it would be listened to willingly. He does not think McMaster did it justice, and it appeared that McMaster knew the Boston priests had taken it over., which, perhaps, might be the reason for his forbearance. Roddan feels they should be satisfied with the first change, which altered the character of the paper totally, and should have minor faults to disappear gradually, as they are doing. He knows McMaster is not contending for a monster of faultlessness, but he seemed disposed to ignore or slight the good done or dwell upon it unreasonably and he taxed Donahue with downright dishonesty. But (Patrick) Donahue means well and always has meant well, he only needs the right kind of advisor; he does not wish to be the interpreter of error, and he wishes to save his soul. Roddan has read his letters and finds little anti-Catholic matter in them. McMaster's slaps have done only this: they have made Donahue more careful. McMaster's criticism of Roddan is rather unjust, although Roddan himself may have been partly to blame. It seems that McMaster cannot consider a joke otherwise than as an attack and does not know how terribly severe he is in his articles. Roddan was vexed only by McMaster's odd management of (Orestes A.) Brownson, when that might be McMaster's formal impeachment of Donahue's dishonesty. Roddan is sorry if he did McMaster wrong. He admits that, as his friend Dr. Monahan, who is sometimes as crotchety as McMaster, says, he seldom makes a big splash. It may be that he has identified himself too closely with the "Pilot", but he has acted always in the paper's best interests. He hopes to hear from Mc Master often.

I-2-h A.L.S. 6pp. 8vo. 5

(______) (______)

Rosecrans, S(ylvester H.) (______)

to Father Edward Purcell of Cincinnati, Ohio

He sends Purcell two bottles of Cognac in his trunk, which he wishes stored. The beads are sent by Mr. (______) De La Croix who wishes them given to Mr. (______) Roes, Treasurer of St. Xavier's College, with directions to give them to the lay brother to be fixed in silver, to have silver chains made for them. His captain's last appointment is this afternoon. Jan. 8 witnessed a blow out when Mr. (______) O'Reilly and a French gentleman had bottled themselves up for the occasion, but due to the inaction of the city Council, they did not uncork. There was no celebration although the people will not fail to get drunk, but being bound as under despotic governments to restrain their feelings. This gentleman's name is St. Omar.

II-4-d A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (Nov. 29 )

Rupell, Ida Milton, (Massachusetts)

to Orestes A. Brownson (Boston, Massachusetts)

Brownson is to give a lecture in the evening and Ida Rupell would like for Brownson to spend the night in their home. She would like to be remembered kindly to Mrs. Brownson. This letter was sent in care of Miss E.P.Peabody, Boston, Massachusetts.

I-3-d A.L.S. 2pp. 10mo. 1

(______) (Sep. 1 )

Russell, John A. Detroit, (Michigan)

to H(enry) F. Brownson Detroit, (Michigan)

The Catholic Club would feel honored if the committee on the preliminary work for the Catholic Congress would avail itself of the accommodations the Club has to offer on September 4, unless other arrangements have been made.

III-3-h A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (Nov. 22 )

Russell, S.J., Father Matthew Dublin, (Ireland)

to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.) (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Monsignor (Cajetan) Aloisi Masella, Nuncio at Lisbon, has been very kind to the Dominican Nuns there. An Irish Dominican Father brought a translation of a little memoir of the Nuncio's niece, composed by the Nuncio. All Russell could do was to make a lively summary for the "Irish Monthly." Hudson need not and must not send it back. The Nuncio may be Pope yet, and Hudson might like to have a friend in him by honoring the memory of his beloved niece. Russell sends the original "Life" also.

X-4-j A.L.S. 3pp. 16mo. 2

(______) (______)

Ruth, E.W. (Maysville, Kentucky?)

to (James Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

Ruth sends $11.00 for subscriptions, and gives four names. His little daughter has undertaken to send McMaster some items from Maysville. Ruth would like a few extra copies of the Freeman. He has been thinking of moving West with his family of eight children, and has asked McMaster's advice on the matter, but perhaps he is too busy to give it.

A.L.S. To this is added an incomplete letter:

(______) (______)

Ruth, Agnes N. (Maysville, Kentucky?)

to (James Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

She asks God's blessing for (Her teachers in convent school). The Parish school is in good hands also and the boys are well looked after. P.S. She asks McMaster to excuse her mistakes, since she is not yet thirteen years old and has been going to the Convent school.

I-2-h A.L.(incomplete)S. 2pp. 4to. 1