CLCW - Subject Files
Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR)
20-034 $ Subject Files 1957-1981
20-022 | Projects 1957-1981
20/03-04F American Revolution Bicentennial Administration 1972-1976
20/05 F Anatomical Gifts 1977
20/06 F Canon Law Revision 1974/05
20/07-09F Cloistered Orders 1963-1970
20/10 F Convivencia 1978/04
20/11-12F CMSW - Applications 1957-1960
20/13 F CMSW Meetings 1975-1976
20/14 F Divestment of Property [Call to Action Recommendation] 1977-1979
20/15-16F Equal Rights Amendment [LCWR and NOW Boycott Suit] 1971-1980
20/17-18F Fundraising Principles and Guidelines [LCWR NCCB CMSW] 1968-1979
20/19 F Gabriel, Marie: Letter 1975-1976
20/20 F Global Ministry Commission 1976-1979
20/21-22F Health Committee - Health Project [Drs. Nix & Fecher] 1965-1976
21/01-06F Health Project [Dr. James Nix and Dr. Con Fecher] 1959-1975
21/07-09F IRS Issues [1976 Emplymnt of Religious Questionnaire] 1976-1979
21/10 F Institite for Local Superiors & Inst. of Spirituality 1952-1972
21/11 F Latin American Financial Requests 1977-1978
21/12 F LCWR Executive Director [Searches] 1962-1972
21/13 F LCWR Handbook Material 1971-1975
21/14 F LCWR Refugee Project 1971
21/15 F Major Superiors' Replies to Questionnaire 1956
21/16 F National Catholic Encyclopedia 1978
21/17 F Nicaragua 1978-1979
21/18 F Nobel Peace Prize 1973
21/19-20F Pro-Life [LCWR NCCB] - Choose Life 1976-1978
22/01 F Program Plan - Accounting Manual for Religious Comm. 1978
22/02 F Research of Personnel Serv. for Women Religious 1974
22/03 F _Survey of Objectives, Programs, Organizations_ [CMSW] 1969/08
22/04 F Theology in Americas 1975
22/05 F TV Project - Sisters of Mercy - Bicentennial 1974
22/06 F Unchurched American 1975
22/07 F Uruguary Crises - Prisoners 1975-1976
22/08-11F Vows 1971-1975
22/12-13F White House Conference on Aging, April, 1972 1970-1974
22/14 F Women [Project] nd
22/15 F Women in the Priesthood - Vatican & LCWR Responses 1977/01
22/16 F Women in Society and the Church - Task Force 1972-1976
22/17-18F World Conference on Religion and Peace II 1974-1975
22/19 F World Food Problem 1974-1976
22/20 F World Hunger Crises 1974-1976
22/21 F World Population Year 1969-1974
23-031 | Organizations 1963-1981
23/01 F Agrimissio 1972-1975
23/02 F American Jesuit Missions Conference 1974
23/03 F The American Jewish Committee 1972-1975
23/04 F Association for Life Development 1973-1980
23/05-06F Association of Contemplative Sisters [ACS] 1968-1978
23/07 F Assoc. of Women Aspiring to the Presbyteral Ministry 1974-1976
23/08 F Bergamo 1975
23/09 F Better World Movement - Movement for a Better World 1970s
23/10-16F Canadian Religious Conference 1970-1977
23/17 F Canon Law Society CLS 1972-1974
23/18 F Career Devel. Planning Comm. [Church Career Council] 1970-1973
23/19 F Catholic Campus Ministry Association 1972-1973
23/20-21F Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry CCUM 1973-1978
23/22-24F Catholic Hospital Association 1967-1981
24/01 F Catholic Relief Services 1973-1977
24/02 F Catholic Relief Services - U.N. Center 1974-1976
24/03 F Catholic University of America 1973-1974
24/04 F Catholic U. - Proposed Ctr. for Studies of Retirement 1977-1981
24/05 F Catholics Act for ERA 1978-1979
24/06-08F Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate CARA 1964-1978
24/09-10F Center for Concern 1971-1979
24/11 F Center for Concern - Report on Women Religious 1973-1979
24/12 F Christian Life Communities 1970?
24/13 F Church Women United 1972-1976
24/14 F Coalition for Human Needs and Budget Priorities 1974
24/15 F Comm. for Parental Rights & Public Assistance in Educ. 1972
24/16 F Common Cause 1971-1974
24/17 F Confederacion Latinoamericana de Religiiosos CLAR 1975-1980
24/18 F Conference of Religious Treasurers CORT 1974-1979
24/19 F Coordination in Development, Inc. 1972-1976
24/20 F Council for a Department of Peace, Inc. 1971-1976
24/21 F D.C. Council of Women Religious 1973-1976
24/22 F ERA America 1978
24/23 F Federation of Franciscan Sisters 1970-1974
24/24 F Federation of Organizations for Professional Women 1972-1976
24/25 F Foundation on Aging - Sisters of Mercy 1976
24/26 F Future of Religious Life - Conference 1970/09
24/27 F Impact 1973-1974
24/28 F Individual Development [ID] Center 1972-1973
24/29 F Institute of Women Today 1975-1978
24/30 F Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility 1974
24/31 F International Commission on English in the Liturgy 1975-1978
25/01 F International Documentation on the Congemporary Church 1972-1979
25/02 F International Educational Development, Inc. 1972-1973
25/03-04F International Federation of Family Life Promotion 1974-1978
25/05 F U.S. Cath. Coordinating Cntr for Lay Ministry 1977-1978
25/06 F Interreligious Coalition for Housing 1974-1976
25/07 F Jesuit Conference 1973-1980
25/08 F Joint Comm. of Orgnztns. - Status of Women in Church 1972-1973
25/09-10F Joint Strategy and Action Committee, Inc. [JSAC] 1973-1976
25/11 F Las Hermanas 1971-1979
25/12 F Liturgical Conference 1972-1977
25/13 F Lumen Vitae 1963
25/14 F Mexican American Cultural Center 1974-1975
25/15 F Ministries and Communities Pro Mundi Vita nd
25/16 F Minnesota Catholic Conference 1973-1974
25/17-23F National Assembly of Women Religious 1969-1979
25/24 F National Association of Church Personnel Admins. 1974-1979
25/25 F National Association of Religious Brothers 1972-1979
25/26-27F Nat'l Conference of Cath. Bps. NCCB - Call to Action 1977-1979
25/28 F NCCB - Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on Evangelization 1978
26/01 F NCCB - Committee on Women in Society and the Church 1973-1974
26/02 F NCCB - Ad Hoc Comm. for Women in Society & the Church 1972-1976
26/03-10F NCCB - Bishops' Commitee on the Bicentennial 1973-1976
26/11 F NCCB - Bishops' Committee on the Laity 1978
26/12 F NCCB - Bish. Comm. - Ecumenical & Interreligious Affrs 1972-1978
26/13 F NCCB - Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy 1975-1980
26/14 F NCCB - Committee on Pastoral Research and Practice 1972-1973
26/15-16F NCCB - Comm. on Pastoral Rsrch & Practice-Theological 1973,1977
26/17 F NCCB - Bishops' Committee on the Permanent Diaconate 1978
26/18 F NCCB - Bishops' Committee on Priestly Formation 1972-1978
26/19 F NCCB - Bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities 1975-1978
26/20 F NCCB - Bishops' Committee on Vocations 1975-1976
26/21-22F NCCB - Pastoral on Catholic Education 1969-1972
26/23 F NCCB - Permanent Diaconate; Women Deacons 1971
26/24 F NCCB - Report - "Women Priests?" 1972/1229
26/25 F NCCB - Bishops' Secretariat for the Spanish Speaking 1975
26/26 F NCCB - Spring Meeting Results of Questionnaire 1973
26/27 F National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice 1972-1978
26/28 F National Catholic Development Conference 1972-1978
26/29-31F National Catholic Education Association 1966-1980
26/32 F National Catholic Rural Life Conference 1977-1978
27/01 F National Catholic Stewardship Council 1974-1976
27/02-05F National Center for Church Vocations 1961-1975
27/06 F National Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs 1973-1975
27/07 F National Clergy Council on Alcoholism 1973
27/08-09F National Coalition of American Nuns NCAN 1970-1978
27/10 F National Committee on Household Employment 1974-1975
27/11 F National Conference of Black Sisters 1975
27/12 F National Conference of Catholic Charities 1971-1975
27/13 F National Conference of Religious - Miscellaneous 1972-1974
27/14 F Nat'l. Conference of Relig. - Vocation Directs. of Men 1977
27/15 F National Conference of Vicars for Religious 1970-1980
27/16 F National Council of Catholic Laity NCCL 1973-1977
27/17-18F National Council of Catholic Women NCCW 1974-1980
27/19 F National Council of Churches 1973-1977
27/20 F National Council on Aging 1974-1975
27/21-22F National Farm Worker Ministry 1972-1977
27/23-24F National Federation of Priests Council 1973-1980
28/01-02F National Housing and Human Development Alliance 1971-1975
28/03 F National Interreligious Task Force on Soviet Jewry 1975-1976
28/04 F National Office of Black Catholics NOBC 1971-1977
28/05 F National Organization of Women - NOW 1971-1978
28/06 F National Retired Teachers Association 1975-1976
28/07 F National Sisters Vocation Conference 1978
28/08 F National Voluntary Organizations 1973-1977
28/09 F National Women's Political Caucus 1972-1975
28/10 F New Movement for a New Community 1974
28/11-12F Ordination Conf. Task Force [Wmn in Future Priesthood] 1975-1981
28/13 F Organization Management, Inc. 1974
28/14 F Organiz. Mngmnt, Inc. - Conf. Federal Tax & Non-Profit 1975-1976
28/15 F Padres 1974-1978
28/16 F Pax Christi 1975
28/17 F Pontifical Commission: Peace and Justice 1973-1975
28/18 F Presbyterian Task Force on Women 1970-1973
28/19-20F Resource Kit for Task Forces on Women 1971-1972
28/21 F Priests for Equality 1975-1976
28/22 F Pro Mundi Vita 1976/01
28/23 F Project Equality 1977,1980
28/24 F Project on the Status and Education of Women 1972-1974
28/25 F Quixote Center 1976-1978
28/26 F Religious Committee for Integrity in Government 1974
28/27 F Research Center on Women - Alverno College 1971/06
28/28 F Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education 1975-1977
28/29 F Sacred Congregation for Religious SCR 1972-1974
28/30 F SCR - Statement on Study of Woman Prepared 1973-1974
28/31 F SCR - LCWR Recommendations to SCR for a Study on Woman 1974
28/32 F Salvatorians 1971-1974
28/33 F Serra International 1974
28/34 F Sisters Communication Center 1971-1972
28/35 F Sisters for Christian Community nd
28/36 F Sisters Uniting - LCWR Packet for Meeting 1975/09
29/01-04F Sisters Uniting 1971-1978
29/05 F Sisters Uniting - Recommendations to Bartoletti, Abp. 1974/02
29/06-08F Stewardship Services, Inc. 1974-1979
29/09 F Synod of Bishops 1974
29/10 F Theology in the Americas 1977-1978
29/11 F Union of Superior Generals USG 1972-1978
29/12-13F International Union of Superior Generals IUSG 1977/11
29/14 F Union of Superior Generals USG - Council of 18 1975-1977
29/15-16F Union of Superior Generals USG - Council of 16 1975-1979
29/17-18F IUSG - USG Questionnarie on Formation 1972
29/19-28F International Union of Superior Generals IUSG 1952-1973
30/01-04F International Union of Superior Generals IUSG 1976-1980
30/05 F United Nations, Non-Government Section 1974-1980
30/06-08F USCC - Campaign for Human Development 1971-1976
30/09-11F USCC - Division for Urban Affairs 1973-1976
30/12 F USCC - Illegal Alien Bill H.R. 1975
30/13 F USCC - Office of Finance and Administration 1979
30/14-19F USCC - Office of General Council 1970-1980
30/20 F USCC - Rural Life Division 1974-1976
30/21-24F USCC - Office of Migration [SE Asian Refugees] 1975-1979
30/25 F USCC - Responses to Vietnamese Request 1975
30/26 F USCC - Spanish Speaking Division 1971-1975
30/27 F USCC - Youth Division 1974-1976
30/28-30F United States Catholic Mission Council 1977-1980
31/01 F Vicars for Religions nd
31/02 F White House Fellowships 1975-1977
31/03-07F Women's Action Alliance - National Women's Agenda 1975-1979
31/08 F Women's Caucus - Religious Studies 1973
31/09-13F Women's Coalition for the Third Century 1972-1977
31/14-15F Women's Ecumenical Coordinating Group 1972-1975
31/16 F Word of God Institute 1976
31/17 F World Council of Churches - Women's Meetings 1974
31/18-21F World Action Hunger Coalition 1974-1976
31/22 F World Law Fund 1970-1972
31/23 F World Union of Catholic Women's Groups 1973-1975
31/24 F World Without War Council 1974/03
31/25-26F Abortion 1975-1976
31-033 | Topical Files 1962-1983
31/27 F Alcoholism 1976-1978
31/28 F _American Catholic Who's Who_ 1974
31/29 F American Indian Question 1973-1975
31/30-31F Amnesty 1973-1974
31/32 F Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Paul VI 1971
31/33 F Black Sisters 1962-1968
31/34-35F Cable Television 1973
31/36 F Consultation of Global Justice - Aspen 1974/06
31/37-38F Criteria for Evalua. Schools in the Light of Justice 1974
31/39 F Ecumenical Affairs 1974-1975
31/40 F Encyclopedia of the American Women 1973
31/41-42F Energy 1976
31/43-44F Energy and the Environment 1975
31/45-46F Energy Crisis 1975
32/01-10F Equality and the Role of Women in the Church EROWC 1972-1979
32/11-13F ERA - Miscellaneous Material 1972-1977
32/14-16F Evangelization 1974
32/17-20F Homosexuality 1975-1977
32/21-23F Insearch 1971-1973
32/24 F Integration 1976-1978
32/25 F International Women's Year IWY - Bishops' Statements 1975
32/26-27F International Women's Year IWY 1975/06
32/28-29F International Women's Year IWY U.N. Conf, Mexico City 1975/06
32/30-32F International Women's Year IWY 1975
33/01-03F International Women's Year IWY 1975
33/04 F Latin American Relations 1975-1977
33/05 F Legislative Witness Program [Diocese of Richmond] 1974
33/06 F Marxism 1976-1977
33/07 F National Catachetical Directory 1973-1974
33/08 F National Health Insurance 1970-1974
33/09 F National Pastoral Council 1970-1973
33/10 F Panama Council 1975
33/11-12F Peace & Justice Centers - Paulist Center 1973-1974
33/13 F Phillipines Movement 1974
33/14 F Pope Paul's Statement on Women 1975/04
33/15 F Population 1972-1974
33/16 F Prison Reform: Penal Issues 1974
33/17 F Recovering History of Women Religious - Project 1973-1974
33/18 F Social Security 1972-1973
33/19 F Soviet Jewry 1973-1974
33/20 F Sub-Sahara and Indian Famine 1973-1974
33/21 F Survey of Meaningful Ministries for Sisters 1973
33/22 F Synod 1974
33/23 F Vatican Study Comm: Role of Wmn in Church & Society 1974
33/24 F World Hunger Material 1974
33/25 F Women - American Revolution Bicentennial Commission 1974
33/26-27F Women - Miscellaneous Papers on Ministry 1970-1974
33/28-34F Women - Articles on Women's Issues c1970-1975
33/35-37F Women - Theological, Historical - Adrian, MI c1972
33/38-39F Women - Articles and Memos of Women in the Church 1899-1975
33/40 F Women - Miscellaneous Issues 1972-1976
34/01 F Women - Bibliography 1970-1975
34/02 F Women - Language Problem 1972-1975
34/03 F Women - Liturgical Ministry 1973/12
34/04 F Women - Women and the Ministry 1980
34/05 F Women - 10 Outstanding Young Wom of Amer. [Press Kits] 1973-1974
34/06 F Women Religious: Glenmary Sisters 1967
34/07 F Women Religious: Immaculate Heart Sisters [CA] 1967-1968
34/08 F Women Religious: Sisters - House of Prayer 1938-1973
34/09 F Women Religious: Daniel, Mary, Sister,SNDdeN 1964-1968
34/10 F Women Religious: Cerletty, Miriam, Sister,SDS 1967,1969
34/11 F Women Religious: Elizabeth, Rose, Sister,CSC 1963-1964
34/12 F Women Religious: Comms. Accepting Phys. Handicapped 1965-1969
34/13 F Women: Women's Rights 1975
39-045 $ Subject Files [addition] 1972-1984
39-045 | Projects [addition] 1972-1983
39/21-38F National Women in Ministry Study NWMS - Funding c1978-1980
40/01 F National Women in Ministry Study NWMS - Proj. Dir. 1978-1980
40/02 F NWMS - Ecclesial Role of Women Committee 1978-1980
40/03 F NWMS - Committee Correspondence 1980-1981
40/04 F NWMS - Correspondence re Gallup 1977-1981
40/05 F NWMS - Correspondence re CARA 1977-1979
40/06 F NWMS - Correspondence to Study 1978-1981
40/07-09F NWMS - Steering Committee 1978-1980
40/10 F NWMS - Responses to Study 1980-1981
40/11-12F NWMS - Financial Records 1979-1981
40/13 F NWMS - Progress Reports 1978-1980
40/14 F NWMS - Public Relations 1978-1979
40/15 F NWMS - Paulist Press 1980-1981
40/16 F NWMS - Literature Review 1978
40/17-19F Archives Study Project ASP - Executive Director 1976-1979
40/20 F ASP - Advisory Board 1980
40/21 F ASP - Boston/Archdiocese, James/O'Toole 1979-1980
40/22 F ASP - Contemplatives 1979
40/23 F ASP - Editing Data n.d.
40/24 F ASP - Miscellaneous 1979
40/25 F ASP - Bank Statements and Receipts 1979
40/26 F ASP - Catholic Library Association 1979
40/27-29F ASP - Correspondence 1976-1983
40/30-55F ASP - Field Consultants 1979-1980
40/56-62F ASP - Survey Questionnaires 1979
40/63 F ASP - Newark Archdiocese 1979
40/64 F ASP - News Release n.d.
40/65-68F ASP - Performance Reports 1979-1980
40/69 F ASP - California Privacy Act n.d.
41/01 F ASP - Wisconsin Mini-Directory 1980
41/02 F ASP - Inventory of Deposits [Forms] n.d.
41/03 F ASP - Questionnaires 1978
41/04 F ASP - Ass't Project Director, Applications 1978-1979
41/05-14F ASP - NEH Grant 1976-1979
41/15 F ASP - Manual for Records Survey, John Fleckner 1976
41/16 F ASP - Non-Participants 1979-1980
41/17 F ASP - Project Records 1976-1980
41/18 F ASP - Catholic Library Association 1977-1978
41/19-45F ASP - Archives Workshops 1977-1978
42/01-05F ASP - Workshops 1976-1980
42 F ASP - Responses to Survey, Alabama to Kentucky 1978-1979
43 F ASP - Responses to Survey, Lousiana to New York 1978-1979
44 F ASP - Responses to Survey, New York to Texas 1978-1979
45/01-44F ASP - Responses to Survey, Texas to Wisconsin 1978-1979
45/45-47F Project Evangelica/Testificatio - Papal Encyclical 1972-1974
45 | Organizations [addition] 1978-1984
45/48-49F Religious Committee for the ERA 1978-1984
45/50-51F Religious Network for Equality for Women 1979-1984
45 | Topical Files [addition] 1975-1983
45/52 F Agnes/Monsour Case [re Abortion] 1983
45/53-54F Central America - El Salvador 1980-1983
45/55 F Central America - Center for Development Policy 1982-1983
45/56-57F Women's Issues 1975-1983
57-70 $ Subject Files [addition] 1960-1986
57-70 | Projects [addition] 1962-1986
57-59 X Retirement Surveys, Studies, other material 1970-1986
57/01 F Retirement Study Questionnaire: NCEA, CMSM, LCWR 1976
57/02 F NCEA / LCWR / CMSM Retirement of Religious Survey 1976-1977
57/03 F LCWR Response to Retirement Report 1977
57/04 F Stipends and Retirement needs of Sisters serving the 1976
57/04 f Archdiocese of Baltimore 1976
57/05 F Diocesan Retirement Programs for Religious in the U.S. 1974-1975
57/06 F Task Force on Retirement: USCC, CMSM, LCWR 1972-1974
57/07 F Social Security: Senate Testimony 1981
57/08 F Retirement Concerns Talk at National Treasurers Mtg. 1982
57/09 F Retirement Concerns Task Force: Religious Institutes c1970s
57/10 F Retirement Plans, Studies, Actuarials c1970s
57/11 F Retirement Concerns Task Force: Religious Institutes c1970s
57/12 F Retirement Plans, Studies, Actuarials c1970s
57/13 F Region I Presentations 1983
57/14 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Reports 1981-1982
57/15 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Reports 1982
57/16 F Retirement of Religious Task Force 1980
57/17 F Retirement Survey: Consultations and Preparations 1980
57/18 F Religious Retirement Cost Task Force: Finalized Survey 1981
57/19 F Process [Religious Retirement Survey] 1981
57/20 F Retirement Cost Study: Diocese and Recipient 1981-1982
57/20 f Correspondence 1981-1982
57/21 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Correspondence, Follow-up 1982
57/21 f Letters 1.1, 2.1, and 3.1 1982
57/22 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Survey Report, expenses 1982
57/23 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Addresses, Labels, Lists 1981-1982
57/24 F Retirement Concerns Survey: letterhead, signatures nd
57/25 F Retirement Concerns: Articles, Studies, Resource 1980-1983
57/25 f materials 1980-1983
57/26 F Retirement Concern Survey: Analysis of Data 1981-1982
57/27 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Institutes seeking 1981
57/27 f Consultation, not in near term crisis 1981
57/28 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Institutes seeking 1981
57/28 f Consultation, not in near term crisis 1981
57/29 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Institutes seeking 1981
57/29 f Consultation, not in near term crisis 1981
57/30 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Institutes not computer 1981
57/30 f processed; not in imminent crisis, no Consultations 1981
57/30 f desired 1981
58/01 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Institutes currently in 1981
58/01 f crisis 1981
58/02 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Institutes currently in 1981
58/02 f crisis but not requesting Consultation 1981
58/03 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Institutes not computer 1981
58/03 f processed, in crisis, or desire Consultation or 1981
58/03 f follow-up 1981
58/04 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Institutes in crisis 1981
58/04 f within three years 1981
58/05 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Analysis, near term crisis 1981
58/05 f and wishing Consultation responses 1981
58/06 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Institutes included in 1981
58/06 f collective response or survey not applicable 1981
58/07 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Follow-up Questionnaire, 1982
58/07 f responses to letter 1.1 1982
58/08 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Follow-up Questionnaire, 1982
58/08 f responses to letter 2.1 1982
58/09 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Follow-up Questionnaire, 1982
58/09 f responses to letter 2.1 1982
58/10 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Follow-up Questionnaire, 1982
58/10 f responses to letter 3.1 [12 of 24 returned] 1982
58/11 F Religious Retirement Costs Task Force, Proposal V 1980-1981
58/12 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Responses 0001-0099 1981
58/13 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Responses 0109-0190 1981
58/14 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Responses 0204-0299 1981
58/15 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Responses 0300-0399 1981
58/16 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Responses 0400-0499 1981
58/17 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Responses 0500-0599 1981
58/18 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Responses 0600-0699 1981
58/19 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Responses 0700-0799 1981
58/20 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Responses 0800-0913 1981
59/01 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Coded Kenedy List 1981
59/02 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Follow-up Questionnaire 1982
59/03 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Output 1982
59/04 F Retirement Concerns Survey: Output 1982
59/05 F Study of Diocesan Retirement Programs for Sisters 1975
59/06 F Study of Diocesan Retirement Programs for Sisters 1975
59/07 F Social Security Survey: LCWR and CMSM 1981/05
59/08 F Guidelines for Participation in the Social Security nd
59/08 f Program by members of Religious Congregations with a nd
59/08 f Vow of Poverty nd
59/09 F Social Security: Reagan Proposals, Budget Cuts 1981
59/10 F Social Security: Reagan Proposals, Budget Cuts 1981
59/11 F Retirement Crisis Study / Project: Background Sheet nd
59/12 F Tri-Conference Retirement Concerns Consultation 1986/06
59/12 f Project, Phase One, Final Report 1986/06
59/13 F Retirement Needs Survey of U.S. Religious 1986/04
59/14 F Religious and Social Security, by William Quinn, FSC nd
60-70 X Health Study of Women Religious 1962-1976
60/01 F Correspondence, Reports, Clippings regarding 1962-1976
60/01 f Health Study 1962-1976
60/02 F Correspondence, Reports, Clippings regarding 1962-1976
60/02 f Health Study 1962-1976
60-67 X Numbered Health Files by Congregation 1966-1973
60/03 F Number One: Benedictine Sisters, Sacred Heart Convent, 1966-1973
60/03 f Cullman, Alabama 1966-1973
60/04 F Number Two: Benedictine Sisters, Fort Smith, Arkansas 1966-1973
60/05 F Number Three: Sisters of Mercy, Auburn, California 1966-1973
60/06 F Number Four: Sisters of Mercy, Burlingame, California 1966-1973
60/07 F Number Five: Sisters of Holy Name of Jesus and Mary, 1966-1973
60/07 f Los Gatos, California 1966-1973
60/08 F Number Six: Religious of the Sacred Heary of Mary, 1966-1973
60/08 f Palos Verdes, California 1966-1973
60/09 F Number Seven: Dominican Sisters, San Rafael, Califor. 1966-1973
60/10 F Number Eight: Poor Sisters of Saint Francis Seraph, 1966-1973
60/10 f Colorado Springs, Colorado 1966-1973
60/11 F Number Nine: Sisters of Mercy, 1966-1973
60/11 f West Hartford, Connecticut 1966-1973
60/12 F Number Ten: Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chambery, 1966-1973
60/12 f West Hartford, Connecticut 1966-1973
60/13 F Number Eleven: Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Third 1966-1973
60/13 f Order of Saint Francis, Bartlett, Illinois 1966-1973
60/14 F Number Twelve: Ursuline Sisters of Mount Calvary, 1966-1973
60/14 f Belleville, Illinois 1966-1973
60/15 F Number Thirteen: Dominican Mission Sisters, 1966-1973
60/15 f Chicago, Illinois 1966-1973
60/16 F Number Fourteen: Sisters of Mercy of the Union, 1966-1973
60/16 F Chicago, Illinois 1966-1973
60/17 F Number Fifteen: Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary, 1966-1973
60/17 f Kankakee, Illinois 1966-1973
60/18 F Number Sixteen: Sisters of Saint Joseph, 1966-1973
60/18 f LaGrange Park, Illinois 1966-1973
60/19 F Number Seventeen: Franciscan Sisters of Blessed 1966-1973
60/19 f Kunegunda, Lemont, Illinois 1966-1973
60/20 F Number Eighteen: Bendictine Sisters, Sacred Heart 1966-1973
60/20 f Convent, Lisle, Illinois 1966-1973
60/21 F Number Nineteen: Benedictine Sisters, Saint Mary 1966-1973
60/21 f Priory, Nauvoo, Illinois 1966-1973
60/22 F Number Twenty: Sisters Adorers of the Most Precious 1966-1973
60/22 f Blood, Red Bud, Illinois 1966-1973
60/23 F Number Twenty-one: Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred 1966-1973
60/23 f Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Wheaton, Illinois 1966-1973
60/24 F Number Twenty-two: Sisters of Christian Charity, 1966-1973
60/24 f Willmette, Illinois 1966-1973
60/25 F Number Twenty-three: Sisters of Saint Benedict, 1966-1973
60/25 f Beech Grove, Indiana 1966-1973
60/26 F Number Twenty-four: Our Lady of Victory Missionary 1966-1973
60/26 f Sisters, Huntington, Indiana 1966-1973
60/27 F Number Twenty-five: Poor Sisters of Saint Francis 1966-1973
60/27 f Seraph of the Perpetual Adoration, Mishawaka, Indiana 1966-1973
60/28 F Number Twenty-six: Sisters of Saint Joseph of Tipton, 1966-1973
60/28 f Tipton, Indiana 1966-1973
60/29 F Number Twenty-seven: Sisters of Mercy of Cedar Rapids, 1966-1973
60/29 f Cedar Rapids, Iowa 1966-1973
60/30 F Number Twenty-eight: Sisters of the Third Order of 1966-1973
60/30 f Saint Francis of the Immaculate Conception of the 1966-1973
60/30 f Blessed Virgin Mary, Clinton, Iowa 1966-1973
60/31 F Number Twenty-nine: Sisters of the Presentation, 1966-1973
60/31 f Dubuque, Iowa 1966-1973
60/32 F Number Thirty: Benedictine Sisters, Mount Saint 1966-1973
60/32 f Scholastica Motherhouse, Atchison, Kansas 1966-1973
60/33 F Number Thirty-one: Sisters of Saint Dominic, 1966-1973
60/33 f Great Bend, Kansas 1966-1973
61/01 F Number Thirty-two: Ursuline Nuns, Paolo, Kansas 1966-1973
61/02 F Number Thirty-three: Sisters of Saint Joseph, 1966-1973
61/02 f Wichita, Kansas 1966-1973
61/03 F Number Thirty-four: Sisters of Loretto, 1966-1973
61/03 f Nerinx, Kentucky 1966-1973
61/04 F Number Thirty-five: Dominican Sisters, Saint Catherine 1966-1973
61/04 f Motherhouse, Saint Catherine, Kentucky 1966-1973
61/05 F Number Thirty-six: Sisters of Saint Joseph of Bourg, 1966-1973
61/05 f New Orleans, Louisiana 1966-1973
61/06 F Number Thirty-seven: Congregations of Our Lady of 1966-1973
61/06 f Mount Carmel, New Orleans, Louisiana 1966-1973
61/07 F Number Thirty-eight: Sisters of the Holy Family, 1966-1973
61/07 f New Orleans, Louisiana 1966-1973
61/08 F Number Thirty-nine: Daughters of the Cross, 1966-1973
61/08 f Shreveport, Louisiana 1966-1973
61/09 F Number Forty: Sisters of Mercy, Portland, Maine 1966-1973
61/10 F Number Forty-one: School Sisters of Notre Dame, 1966-1973
61/10 f Baltimore, Maryland 1966-1973
61/11 F Number Forty-two: Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, 1966-1973
61/11 f Provincial House, Ilchester, Maryland 1966-1973
61/12 F Number Forty-three: Sisters of Saint Benedict, 1966-1973
61/12 f Saint Gertrude Convent, Ridgely, Maryland 1966-1973
61/13 F Number Forty-four: Sisters of Saint Joseph, 1966-1973
61/13 f Fall River, Massachusetts 1966-1973
61/14 F Number Forty-five: Dominican Sisters of the 1966-1973
61/14 f Congregation of Saint Catherine of Sienna, 1966-1973
61/14 f Fall River, Massachusetts 1966-1973
61/15 F Number Forty-six: Sisters of the Presentation of the 1966-1973
61/15 f Blessed Virgin Mary, Fitchburg, Massachusetts 1966-1973
61/16 F Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, 1966-1973
61/16 f Groton, Massachusetts 1966-1973
61/17 F Number Forty-eight: Sisters of Providence, Providence 1966-1973
61/17 f Motherhouse, Holyoke, Massachusetts 1966-1973
61/18 F Number Forty-nine: Sisters of Charity [Grey Nuns of 1966-1973
61/18 f Montreal], Lexington, Massachusetts 1966-1973
61/19 F Number Fifty: Sisters of Saint Dorothy, 1966-1973
61/19 f Taunton, Massachusetts 1966-1973
61/20 F Number Fifty-one: Sisters of Saint Joseph of Bourg, 1966-1973
61/20 f Saint Joseph's Provincial House, 1966-1973
61/20 f Crookstown, Massachusetts 1966-1973
61/21 F Number Fifty-two: Sisters of Saint Benedict, 1966-1973
61/21 f Saint Scholastica Priory, Duluth, Minnesota 1966-1973
61/22 F Number Fifty-three: School Sisters of Notre Dame, 1966-1973
61/22 f Convent of Our Lady of Good Counsel, 1966-1973
61/22 f Mankato, Minnesota 1966-1973
61/23 F Number Fifty-four: Sisters of Saint Benedict, 1966-1973
61/23 f Convent of Saint Benedict, Saint Joseph, Minnesota 1966-1973
61/24 F Number Fifty-five: Sisters of Saint Joseph of 1966-1973
61/24 f Carondelet, Saint Joseph Provincialate, 1966-1973
61/24 f Saint Paul, Minnesota 1966-1973
61/25 F Number Fifty-six: Sisters of Saint Benedict, 1966-1973
61/25 f Saint Paul, Minnesota 1966-1973
61/26 F Number Fifty-Seven: Sisters of Our Lady of the 1966-1973
61/26 f Good Shepherd, Saint Paul, Minnesota 1966-1973
61/27 F Number Fifty-eight: Ursuline Nuns, Kirkwood, Missouri 1966-1973
61/28 F Number Fifty-nine: Sisters of Saint Francis, 1966-1973
61/28 f Mount Alverno Convent, Maryville, Missouri 1966-1973
61/29 F Number Sixty [same as Number Two Hundred]: Daughters 1966-1973
61/29 f of Charity Saint Vincent de Paul, 1966-1973
61/29 f Saint Louis, Missouri 1966-1973
61/30 F Number Sixty-one: School Sisters of the Third Order 1966-1973
61/30 f of Saint Francis, Savannah, Missouri 1966-1973
61/31 F Number Sixty-two: Religious Sisters of Mercy of the 1966-1973
61/31 f Union, Saint Louis, Missouri 1966-1973
61/32 F Number Sixty-three: School Sisters of Notre Dame, 1966-1973
61/32 f Saint Louis, Missouri 1966-1973
61/33 F Number Sixty-four: School Sisters of Notre Dame, 1966-1973
61/33 f Omaha, Nebraska 1966-1973
61/34 F Number Sixty-five: Servants of Mary, Omaha, Nebraska 1966-1973
62/01 F Number Sixty-six: Sisters of Mercy of the Union, 1966-1973
62/01 f Omaha, Nebraska 1966-1973
62/02 F Number Sixty-seven: School Sisters of Saint Francis, 1966-1973
62/02 f Omaha, Nebraska 1966-1973
62/03 F Number Sixty-eight: Daughters of the Charity of the 1966-1973
62/03 f Sacred Heart of Jesus, Littleton, New Hampshire 1966-1973
62/04 F Number Sixty-nine: Sisters of Mercy, 1966-1973
62/04 f Windham, New Hampshire 1966-1973
62/05 F Number Seventy: Sisters of Mercy, 1966-1973
62/05 f North Plainfield, New Jersey 1966-1973
62/06 F Number Seventy-one: Missionary Sisters of the 1966-1973
62/06 f Immaculate Conception, West Paterson, New Jersey 1966-1973
62/07 F Number Seventy-two: Sisters of Saint Joseph of Newark, 1966-1973
62/07 f Spring Lake, New Jersey 1966-1973
62/08 F Number Seventy-three: Sisters of the Holy Names of 1966-1973
62/08 f Jesus and Mary, Albany, New York 1966-1973
62/09 F Number Seventy-four: Sisters of the Third Order of 1966-1973
62/09 f Saint Francis, Allegany, New York 1966-1973
62/10 F Number Seventy-five: Sisters of Saint Dominic, 1966-1973
62/10 f Blauvelt, New York 1966-1973
62/11 F Number Seventy-six: Sisters of Mercy, 1966-1973
62/11 f Buffalo, New York 1966-1973
62/12 F Number Seventy-seven: Sisters of Mercy, 1966-1973
62/12 f Dobbs Ferry, New York 1966-1973
62/13 F Number Seventy-eight: Franciscan Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
62/13 f Joseph, Hamburg, New York 1966-1973
62/14 F Number Seventy-nine: Sisters of Saint Joseph, 1966-1973
62/14 f Latham, New York 1966-1973
62/15 F Number Eighty: Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, 1966-1973
62/15 f Manchester, New Hampshire 1966-1973
62/16 F Number Eighty-one: Maryknoll Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
62/16 f Dominic, Inc., Maryknoll, New York 1966-1973
62/17 F Number Eighty-two: Society of the Daughters of Mary, 1966-1973
62/17 f New York, New York 1966-1969
62/18 F Number Eighty-three: Sisters of the Good Shepherd, 1966-1973
62/18 f Peekskill, New York 1966-1973
62/19 F Number Eighty-four: Franciscan Missionary Sisters of 1966-1973
62/19 f the Sacred Heart, Peekskill, New York 1966-1973
62/20 F Number Eighty-five: Sisters of Mercy, 1966-1973
62/20 f Rochester, New York 1966-1973
62/21 F Number Eighty-Six: Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, 1966-1973
62/21 f Rye, New York 1966-1973
62/22 F Number Eighty-seven: Sisters of Saint Francis of 1966-1973
62/22 f Penance and Christian Community, 1966-1973
62/22 f Stella Niagara, New York 1966-1973
62/23 F Number Eighty-eight: Sisters of Our Lady of Christian 1966-1973
62/23 f Doctrine, Suffern, New York 1966-1973
62/24 F Number Eighty-nine: Sisters of the Divine Compassion, 1966-1973
62/24 f White Plains, New York 1966-1973
62/25 F Number Ninety: Benedictine Sisters of the Annunciation,1966-1973
62/25 f Annunciation Priory, Bismarck, North Dakota 1966-1973
62/26 F Number Ninety-one: Sisters of Saint Dominic of the 1966-1973
62/26 f Immaculate Heart of Mary, Akron, Ohio 1966-1973
62/27 F Number Ninety-two: Sisters of Mercy of the Union, 1966-1973
62/27 f Cincinnati, Ohio 1966-1973
62/28 F Number Ninety-three: Sisters of Saint Joseph of Bourg, 1966-1973
62/28 f Cincinnati, Ohio 1966-1973
62/29 F Number Ninety-four: Home Mission Sisters of America, 1966-1973
62/29 f Cincinnati, Ohio 1966-1973
62/30 F Number Ninety-five: Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, 1966-1973
62/30 f Cincinnati, Ohio 1966-1973
62/31 F Number Ninety-six: Sisters of the Incarnate Word and 1966-1973
62/31 f Blessed Sacrament, Cleveland, Ohio 1966-1973
62/32 F Number Ninety-seven: Sisters of the Third Order of 1966-1973
62/32 f Saint Dominic, Saint Mary of the Springs Convent, 1966-1973
62/32 f Columbus, Ohio 1966-1973
62/33 F Number Ninety-eight: Ursulines of Brown County, 1966-1973
62/33 f Saint Martin, Ohio 1966-1973
62/34 F Number Ninety-nine: Sisters of Saint Francis of the 1966-1973
62/34 f Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Sylvania, Ohio 1966-1973
62/35 F Number One-Hundred: Sisters of Notre Dame, 1966-1973
62/35 f Toledo, Ohio 1966-1973
62/36 F Number One-Hundred-One: Sisters of Saint Mary, 1966-1973
62/36 f Beaverton, Oregon 1966-1973
62/37 F Number One-Hundred-Two: Sisters of the Holy Names of 1966-1973
62/37 f Jesus and Mary, Marylhurst, Oregon 1966-1973
62/38 F Number One-Hundred Three: Benedictine Sisters, 1966-1973
62/38 f Convent Queen of Angels, Mount Angel, Oregon 1966-1973
62/39 F Number One-Hundred Four: Sisters of Saint Joseph, 1966-1973
62/39 f Saint Joseph Convent, Baden, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/01 F Number One-Hundred Five: Felician Sisters, 1966-1973
63/01 f Coraopolis, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/02 F Number One-Hundred Six: Religious Sisters of Mercy of 1966-1973
63/02 f The Union, Provincial House, Dallas, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/03 F Number One-Hundred Seven: Sisters of Saints Cyril and 1966-1973
63/03 f Methodius, Danville, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/04 F Number One-Hundred Eight: Daughters of the Divine 1966-1973
63/04 f Redeemer, Elizabeth, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/05 F Number One-Hundred Nine: Sisters of Saint Francis, 1966-1973
63/05 f Glen Riddle, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/06 F Number One-Hundred Ten: Sisters of Charity of Seton 1966-1973
63/06 f Hall, Greensburg, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/07 F Number One-Hundred Eleven: Dominican Congregation of 1966-1973
63/07 f Saint Catherine de Ricci, Media, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/08 F Number One-Hundred Twelve: Medical Mission Sisters, 1966-1973
63/08 f Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/09 F Number One-Hundred Thirteen: Sisters of Saint Francis 1966-1973
63/09 f of the Providence of God, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/10 F Number One-Hundred Fourteen: Vincentian Sisters of 1966-1973
63/10 f Charity, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/11 F Number One-Hundred Fifteen: Benedictine Sisters, 1966-1973
63/11 f Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/12 F Number One-Hundred Sixteen: Sisters of Mercy, 1966-1973
63/12 f Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/13 F Number One-Hundred Seventeen: Sisters of the Third 1966-1973
63/13 f Order of Saint Francis of the Immaculate Virgin 1966-1973
63/13 f Mother of God, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/14 F Number One-Hundred Eighteen: Missionary Sisters of the 1966-1973
63/14 f Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Reading, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/15 F Number One-Hundred Nineteen: Sisters, Servants of the 1966-1973
63/15 f Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, Pennsylvaina 1966-1973
63/16 F Number One-Hundred Twenty: Sisters of the Humility of 1966-1973
63/16 f Mary, Villa Maria, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
63/17 F Number One-Hundred Twenty-one: Sisters of Mercy, 1966-1973
63/17 f Cumberland, Rhode Island 1966-1973
63/18 F Number One-Hundred Twenty-two: Dominican Sisters, 1966-1973
63/18 f Nashville, Tennessee 1966-1973
63/19 F Number One-Hundred Twenty-three: Sisters of the 1966-1973
63/19 f Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, Bellaire, Texas 1966-1973
63/20 F Number One-Hundred Twenty-four: Sisters of the 1966-1973
63/20 f Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, 1966-1973
63/20 f Corpus Christi, Texas 1966-1973
63/21 F Number One-Hundred Twenty-five: Sisters of Divine 1966-1973
63/21 f Providence, Helotes, Texas 1966-1973
63/22 F Number One-Hundred Twenty-six: School Sisters of 1966-1973
63/22 f Notre Dame, Irving, Texas 1966-1973
63/23 F Number One-Hundred Twenty-seven: Sister of Charity of 1966-1973
63/23 f the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas 1966-1973
63/24 F Number One-Hundred Twenty-eight: Sisters of the 1966-1973
63/24 f Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, Victoria, Texas 1966-1973
63/25 F Number One-Hundred Twenty-nine: Sisters of Mercy of 1966-1973
63/25 f the Diocese of Burlington, Burlington, Vermont 1966-1973
63/26 F Number One-Hundred Thirty: Sisters of Saint Joseph, 1966-1973
63/26 f Mount Saint Joseph, Rutland, Vermont 1966-1973
63/27 F Number One-Hundred Thirty-one: Dominican Sisters, 1966-1973
63/27 f Edmonds, Washington 1966-1973
63/28 F Number One-Hundred Thirty-two: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
63/28 f Benedict, Olympia, Washington 1966-1973
63/29 F Number One-Hundred Thirty-three: Sisters of Charity 1966-1973
63/29 f of Providence, Spokane, Washington 1966-1973
63/30 F Number One-Hundred Thirty-four: Sisters of the Holy 1966-1973
63/30 f Names of Jesus and Mary, Spokane, Washington 1966-1973
63/31 F Number One-Hundred Thirty-five: Dominican Sisters, 1966-1973
63/31 f Tacoma, Washington 1966-1973
63/32 F Number One-Hundred Thirty-six: Benedictine Sisters, 1966-1973
63/32 f Eau Claire, Wisconsin 1966-1973
63/33 F Number One-Hundred Thirty-seven: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
63/33 f Francis of the Holy Cross, Green Bay, Wisconsin 1966-1973
64/01 F Number One-Hundred Thirty-eight: Sisters of Perpetual 1966-1973
64/01 f Adoration, LaCrosse, Wisconsin 1966-1973
64/02 F Number One-Hundred Thirty-nine: Franciscan Sisters of 1966-1973
64/02 f Christian Charity, Manitowoc, Wisconsin 1966-1973
64/03 F Number One-Hundred Forty: School Sisters of Notre Dame,1966-1973
64/03 f Mequon, Wisconsin 1966-1973
64/04 F Number One-Hundred Forty: School Sisters of Notre Dame,1966-1973
64/04 f Mequon, Wisconsimn 1966-1973
64/05 F Number One-Hundred Forty-one: Sisters of Mercy of the 1966-1973
64/05 f Holy Cross, Merrill, Wisconsin 1966-1973
64/06 F Number One-Hundred Forty-two: Sisters of the Divine 1966-1973
64/06 f Savior, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1966-1973
64/07 F Number One-Hundred Forty-three: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
64/07 f Joseph of the Third Order of Saint Francis, 1966-1973
64/07 f Stevens Point, Wisconsin 1966-1973
64/08 F Number One-Hundred Forty-four: Sisters of Charity of 1966-1973
64/08 f Nazareth, Nazareth, Kentucky 1966-1973
64/09 F Number One-Hundred Forty-five: Sisters of Christian 1966-1973
64/09 f Charity, Mendham, New Jersey 1966-1973
64/10 F Number One-Hundred Forty-six: Sisters of the Third 1966-1973
64/10 f Order of Saint Francis of Penance and Charity, 1966-1973
64/10 f Tiffin, Ohio 1966-1973
64/11 F Number One-Hundred Forty-seven: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
64/11 f Dominic, Racine, Wisconsin 1966-1973
64/12 F Number One-Hundred Forty-eight: Sisters of the Holy 1966-1973
64/12 f Union of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River, Massachusetts 1966-1973
64/13 F Number One-Hundred Forty-nine: Sisters of Saint Joseph,1966-1973
64/13 f Milton, Massachusetts 1966-1973
64/14 F Number One-Hundred Fifty: Sisters, Servants of the 1966-1973
64/14 f Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monroe, Michigan 1966-1973
64/15 F Number One-Hundred Fifty-one: Sisters of the Most 1966-1973
64/15 f Precious Blood, O'Fallon, Missouri 1966-1973
64/16 F Number One-Hundred Fifty-two: Congregation of Saint 1966-1973
64/16 f Felix of Cantalice, Ponca City, Oklahoma 1966-1973
64/17 F Number One-Hundred Fifty-three: Sisters of the Poor 1966-1973
64/17 f Child Jesus, Columbus, Ohio 1966-1973
64/18 F Number One-Hundred Fifty-four: Benedictine Sisters, 1966-1973
64/18 f Saint Joseph's Convent, Tulsa, Oklahoma 1966-1973
64/19 F Number One-Hundred Fifty-five: Benedictine Sisters, 1966-1973
64/19 f Yankton, South Dakota 1966-1973
64/20 F Number One-Hundred Fifty-six: Sisters of Notre Dame, 1966-1973
64/20 f Covington, Kentucky 1966-1973
64/21 F Number One-Hundred Fifty-seven: Ursulines, 1966-1973
64/21 f Maple Mount, Kentucky 1966-1973
64/22 F Number One-Hundred Fifty-eight: Sisters of Divine 1966-1973
64/22 f Providence, Allison Park, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
64/23 F Number One-Hundred Fifty-nine: Grey Nuns of Sacred 1966-1973
64/23 f Heart, Yardley, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
64/24 F Number One-Hundred Sixty: Sisters of Charity of the 1966-1973
64/24 f Incarnate Word, Saint Louis, Missouri 1966-1973
64/25 F Number One-Hundred Sixty-one: Sisters of the Sacred 1966-1973
64/25 f Heart of Jesus, San Antonio, Texas 1966-1973
65/01 F Number One-Hundred Sixty-two: Hospital Sisters, Third 1966-1973
65/01 f Order of Saint Francis, Springfield, Illinois 1966-1973
65/02 F Number One-Hundred Sixty-three: Sisters of Providence 1966-1973
65/02 f of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, 1966-1973
65/02 f Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana 1966-1973
65/03 F Number One-Hundred Sixty-three: Sisters of Providence 1966-1973
65/03 f of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, 1966-1973
65/03 f Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana 1966-1973
65/04 F Number One-Hundred Sixty-four: Sisters of Charity, 1966-1973
65/04 f Mount Saint Joseph, Ohio 1966-1973
65/05 F Number One-Hundred Sixty-five: Sisters of Notre Dame 1966-1973
65/05 f de Namur, Cincinnatti, Ohio 1966-1973
65/06 F Number One-Hundred Sixty-six: Franciscan Sisters of 1966-1973
65/06 f the Poor, Warwick, New York 1966-1973
65/07 F Number One-Hundred Sixty-seven: Missionary Sisters 1966-1973
65/07 f Servants of the Holy Spirit, Techny, Illinois 1966-1973
65/08 F Number One-Hundred Sixty-eight: Daughters of Mary of 1966-1973
65/08 f the Immaculate Conception, New Britain, Connecticut 1966-1973
65/09 F Number One-Hundred Sixty-nine: Sisters of the Holy 1966-1973
65/09 f Ghost and Mary Immaculate, San Antonio, Texas 1966-1973
65/10 F Number One-Hundred Seventy: Sisters of Saint Joseph 1966-1973
65/10 f of the Third Order of Saint Francis, 1966-1973
65/10 f Garfield Heights, Ohio 1966-1973
65/11 F Number One-Hundred Seventy-one: School Sisters of 1966-1973
65/11 f Saint Francis, Rockford, Illinois 1966-1973
65/12 F Number One-Hundred Seventy-two: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
65/12 f Joseph of Rochester, Rochester, New York 1966-1973
65/13 F Number One-Hundred Seventy-three: Sisters of Charity 1966-1973
65/13 f of Saint Elizabeth, Convent Station, New Jersey 1966-1973
65/14 F Number One-Hundred Seventy-three: Sisters of Charity 1966-1973
65/14 f of Saint Elizabeth, Convent Station, New Jersey 1966-1973
65/15 F Number One-Hundred Seventy-four: Sisters of the 1966-1973
65/15 f Immaculate Heart of Mary, Los Angeles, California 1966-1973
65/16 F Number One-Hundred Seventy-five: Dominican Sisters of 1966-1973
65/16 f Mission San Jose, Mission San Jose, California 1966-1973
65/17 F Number One-Hundred Seventy-six: Sisters of Charity of 1966-1973
65/17 f Saint Vincent de Paul, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 1966-1973
65/18 F Number One-Hundred Seventy-seven: Sisters, Home 1966-1973
65/18 f Visitors of Mary, Detroit, Michigan 1966-1973
65/19 F Number One-Hundred Seventy-eight: Sisters of Charity, 1966-1973
65/19 f Halifax, Jamaica, New York 1966-1973
65/20 F Number One-Hundred Seventy-nine: Ursuline Nuns, 1966-1973
65/20 f Cincinnati, Ohio 1966-1973
65/21 F Number One-Hundred Eighty: Discalced Carmelite Nuns, 1966-1973
65/21 f Barrington, Rhode Island 1966-1973
65/22 F Number One-Hundred Eighty-one: Poor Clare Nuns, 1966-1973
65/22 f Greenville, South Carolina 1966-1973
65/23 F Number One-Hundred Eighty-two: Benedictine Sisters, 1966-1973
65/23 f Oak Forest, Illinois 1966-1973
65/24 F Number One-Hundred Eighty-three: Sisters of the Good 1966-1970
65/24 f Shepherd, Los Angeles, California 1966-1970
65/25 F Number One-Hundred Eighty-four: Sisters of Charity of 1966-1973
65/25 f Saint Vincent de Paul, Bronx, New York 1966-1973
65/26 F Number One-Hundred Eighty-four: Sisters of Charity of 1966-1973
65/26 f Saint Vincent de Paul, Bronx, New York 1966-1973
65/27 F Number One-Hundred Eighty-five: Sisters of Saint Mary 1966-1973
65/27 f of the Third Order of Saint Francis, 1966-1973
65/27 f Saint Louis, Missouri 1966-1973
65/28 F Number One-Hundred Eighty-six: Dominican Sisters, 1966-1973
65/28 f Grand Rapids, Michigan 1966-1973
66/01 F Number One-Hundred Eighty-seven: Congregation of Saint 1966-1973
66/01 f Agnes, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 1966-1973
66/02 F Number One-Hundred Eighty-eight: Sisters of the 1966-1973
66/02 f Presentation of Mary, Methuen, Massachusetts 1966-1973
66/03 F Number One-Hundred Eighty-nine: Congregation of Our 1966-1973
66/03 f Lady of the Cenacle, Chicago, Illinois 1966-1973
66/04 F Number One-Hundred Ninety: Sisters of Charity of the 1966-1973
66/04 f Blessed Virgin Mary, Dubuque, Iowa 1966-1973
66/05 F Number One-Hundred Ninety: Sisters of Charity of the 1966-1973
66/05 f Blessed Virgin Mary, Dubuque, Iowa 1966-1973
66/06 F Number One-Hundred Ninety-one: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
66/06 f Francis of Penance and Christian Charity, 1966-1973
66/06 f Redwood City, California 1966-1973
66/07 F Number One-Hundred Ninety-two: Poor Handmaids of Jesus 1966-1973
66/07 f Christ, Donaldson, Indiana 1966-1973
66/08 F Number One-Hundred Ninety-three: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
66/08 f Francis, Hastings-on-the-Hudson, New York 1966-1973
66/09 F Number One-Hundred Ninety-four: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
66/09 f Francis of Assissi, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1966-1973
66/10 F Number One-Hundred Ninety-five: Felician Sisters, 1966-1973
66/10 f Chicago, Illinois 1966-1973
66/11 F Number One-Hundred Ninety-six: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
66/11 f Francis of Penance and Christian Charity, 1966-1973
66/11 f Denver, Colorado 1966-1973
66/12 F Number One-Hundred Ninety-seven: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
66/12 f Joseph, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
66/13 F Number One-Hundred Ninety-eight: Order of Saint Clare, 1966-1973
66/13 f New Orleans, Louisiana 1966-1973
66/14 F Number One-Hundred Ninety-nine: Sisters of the Holy 1966-1973
66/14 f Family of Nazareth, Des Plaines, Illinois 1966-1973
66/15 F Number Two-Hundred: Daughters of Charity of Saint 1966-1973
66/15 f Vincent de Paul, Saint Louis, Missouri 1966-1973
66/16 F Number Two-Hundred One: Sisters of the Presentation of 1966-1973
66/16 f the Blessed Virgin Mary, San Francisco, California 1966-1973
66/17 F Number Two-Hundred Two: Srs. of Saint Mary of Namur, 1966-1973
66/17 f Kenmore, Kentucky 1966-1973
66/18 F Number Two-Hundred Three: Sisters of the Precious 1966-1973
66/18 f Blood, Dayton, Ohio 1966-1973
66/19 F Number Two-Hundred Four: Society of the Sisters of 1966-1973
66/19 f Saint Joseph, Waterton, New York 1966-1973
66/20 F Number Two-Hundred Five: Marianites of Holy Cross, 1966-1973
66/20 f New Orleans, Louisiana 1966-1973
66/21 F Number Two-Hundred Six: Sisters of Mercy, 1966-1973
66/21 f Marion Station, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
66/22 F Number Two-Hundred Seven: Sisters of Charity of 1966-1973
66/22 f Leavenworth, Xavier, Kansas 1966-1973
66/23 F Number Two-Hundred Eight: Ursuline Sisters of the 1966-1973
66/23 f Immaculate Conception, Louisville, Kentucky 1966-1973
66/24 F Number Two-Hundred Nine: Dominican Sisters, 1966-1973
66/24 f Sinsinawa, Wisconsin 1966-1973
66/25 F Number Two-Hundred Nine: Dominican Sisters, 1966-1973
66/25 f Sinsinawa, Wisconsin 1966-1973
66/26 F Number Two-Hundred Ten: Sisters of Providence, 1966-1973
66/26 f Issaquah, Washington 1966-1973
66/27 F Number Two-Hundred Eleven: Sisters of Saint Joseph, 1966-1973
66/27 f Concordia, Kansas 1966-1973
66/28 F Number Two-Hundred Twelve: Sisters of the Holy Family 1966-1973
66/28 f of Nazareth, Wichita Falls, Texas 1966-1973
67/01 F Number Two-Hundred Thirteen: Sisters of Charity of the 1966-1973
67/01 f Incarnate Word, Houston, Texas 1966-1973
67/02 F Number Two-Hundred Fourteen: Franciscan Sisters, 1966-1973
67/02 f Little Falls, Minnesota 1966-1973
67/03 F Number Two-Hundred Fifteen: Benedictine Sisters, 1966-1973
67/03 f Chicago, Illinois 1966-1973
67/04 F Number Two-Hundred Sixteen: Religious of the Sacred 1966-1973
67/04 f Heart of Mary, Tarrytown, New York 1966-1973
67/05 F Number Two-Hundred Seventeen: Sisters of the 1966-1973
67/05 f Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1966-1973
67/05 f Aberdeen, South Dakota 1966-1973
67/06 F Number Two-Hundred Eighteen: Sisters of the Third 1966-1973
67/06 f Order of Saint Dominic, Newburgh, New York 1966-1973
67/07 F Number Two-Hundred Nineteen: Sisters of Saint Dominic, 1966-1973
67/07 f Adrian, Michigan 1966-1973
67/08 F Number Two-Hundred Twenty: Daughters of Holy Ghost, 1966-1973
67/08 f Putnam, Connecticut 1966-1973
67/09 F Number Two-Hundred Twenty-one: Sisters of the Most 1966-1973
67/09 f Holy Sacrament, Lafayette, Louisiana 1966-1973
67/10 F Number Two-Hundred Twenty-two: Sisters of Mercy, 1966-1973
67/10 f Albany, New York 1966-1973
67/11 F Number Two-Hundred Twenty-three: Sisters of the 1966-1973
67/11 f Sorrowful Mother, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1966-1973
67/12 F Number Two-Hundred Twenty-four: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
67/12 f Joseph of Carondelet, Saint Louis, Missouri 1966-1973
67/13 F Number Two-Hundred Twenty-four: Sisters of Saint 1966-1973
67/13 f Joseph of Carondelet, Saint Louis, Missouri 1966-1973
67/14 F Number Two-Hundred Twenty-five: Sisters of Mercy, 1966-1973
67/14 f Baltimore, Maryland 1966-1973
67/15 F Number Two-Hundred Twenty-six: Dominican Congregation 1966-1973
67/15 f of Our Lady of the Rosary, Sparkill, New York 1966-1973
67/16 F Number Two-Hundred Twenty-seven: Felician Sisters, 1966-1973
67/16 f Livonia, Michigan 1966-1973
67/17 F Number Two-Hundred Twenty-eight: Benedictine Sisters, 1966-1973
67/17 f Elizabeth, New Jersey 1966-1973
67/18 F Number Two-Hundred Twenty-nine: Sisters Adorers of the 1966-1973
67/18 f Most Precious Blood, Columbia, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
67/19 F Number Two-Hundred Thirty: Sisters of Charity of Saint 1966-1973
67/19 f Augustine, Richfield, Ohio 1966-1973
67/20 F Number Two-Hundred Thirty-one: Sisters of the Holy 1966-1973
67/20 f Family of Nazareth, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1966-1973
67/21 F Number Two-Hundred Thirty-two: Daughters of Charity 1966-1973
67/21 f of Saint Vincent de Paul, Emmitsburg, Maryland 1966-1973
67-68 X Lists c1970
67/22-25F Congregation Member Lists c1970
68/01-02F Congregation Member Lists c1970
68/03-17X Death Certificates of Congregation Members in Study 1960-1970
69 X Death Notice and Authorization for Medical Information 1960-1970s
69 x Cards for each individual in Study 1960-1970s
70 X Death Notice and Authorization for Medical Information 1960-1970s
70 x Cards for each individual in Study 1960-1970s
73-79 $ Subject Files [addition] 1968-1988
73-75 | Projects [addition] 1976-1980
73-75 X Contemporary Theology Project 1976-1980
73/11 F Final Report 1976-1979
73/12 F Task Force: Minutes, Reports, Notes 1977-1978
73/13-16X Minutes, Memorandums, Mailings, Reports c1976-80
73/17-22X Lists of nuns eligible for Study c1976
73/17 F Random Ripouts, uncircled [1 of 6] c1976
73/18 F Under thirty-five, not used [2 of 6] c1976
73/19 F One hundred fifty under thirty-five [3 of 6] c1976
73/20 F Random sample ripouts, circled [4 of 6] c1976
73/21 F Random sample ripouts, circled [5 of 6] c1976
73/22 F Random sample ripouts, circled [6 of 6] c1976
74/01 F Questionnaires 1977
74/02 F Questionnaires 1977
74/03-04X Fall Regional Meeting Questionnaires 1978
74/05-07X "Growth and Blocking Experiences" Questionnaires 1978
74/08 F Task Force Questionnaires 1978
74/10-15X Questionnaires c1977
75/01-04X Questionnaires c1977
75-76 | Topical Files [addition] 1968-1977
75-76 X Schema of Canon Law Revision for Religious 1968-1977
75/05 F Correspondence and Agendas regarding responses to 1977
75/05 f Schema of Canon for Religious 1977
75/06 F Correspondence and Comments regarding Schema of 1977
75/06 f Canon Law for Religious 1977
75/07 F A Commentary by the CMSM of the USA c1977
75/07 t Schema of Canons on Institutes of Life Consecrated c1977
75/07 t by Profession of the Evangelical Counsels c1977
75/08 F Pontifical Commission for the Revision of the Code of 1977
75/08 f Canon Law - Schema of Canons on Institutes of Life 1977
75/08 f Consecrated by Profession of the Evangelical Counsels, 1977
75/08 f draft 1977
75/09 F Schema of Canons for Institutes of Consecrated Life 1977
75/09 f through Profession of the Evangelical Counsels 1977
75/10 F Proposed Norms for Consideration in the Revision of 1968
75/10 f the Code of Canon Law as submitted by CMRSWI 1968
75/11 F Journeying - LCWR Recommendations: Schema of Canons on 1977
75/11 f Religious Life 1977
75/12 F Notes on the Schema of Canons for Institutes of Life c1977
75/12 f Consecrated by the Profession of the Evangelical c1977
75/12 f Counsels, Canadian Religious Conference c1977
75/13 F A Comparative Study: NCCB - USCC and UISG Translation 1977
75/13 f of Schema of Canons of Institutes of Life Consecrated 1977
75/13 f by Profession of the Evangelical Counsels 1977
75/14 F A Critique of the Draft of February 2nd, 1977 of the 1977
75/14 f Canons on Institutes of Life Consecrated by Profession 1977
75/14 f of the Evangelical Counsels 1977
75/15 F Critique of Schema Canonum de Institutis Vitae 1977
75/15 f Consecratae Per Professionem Consiliorum Evangelicouen 1977
75/15 f by the Task Force of the Canon Law Society of America 1977
75/16 F UISG Content Analysis: Responses of UISG-USA Superiors 1977
75/16 f General regarding Schema of New Law 1977
75/17 F LCWR Response Instrument for Schema of Canons for 1977
75/17 f Institutes of Consecrated Life 1977
75/18 F Response Instrument results and evaluation c1977
75/19 F Scripture selections for reflection prior to survey c1977
75/19 f for the Schema of Canons for Institutes of Consecratedc1977
75/19 f Life c1977
75/20-23F Response Instrument Data, Question 140 1977
75/24 F Response Instrument Data, Question 149. Late, not 1977
75/24 f incorporated into study 1977
76 F Response Instrument computer output 1977
77 | Projects [addition] 1979-1982
77 X Survey of Membership Skills 1979-1982
77 F Survey compiled by Frances Mlocek, IHM 1981,1982
77 f Survey compiled by Frances Mlocek, IHM and Carol 1979
77 f Connor, SNDdeN 1979
78 | Organizations [addition] 1976-1988
78/01 X Women's Spirituality Task Force 1986-1988
78/01 F Correspondence, Planning, Final Report 1986-1988
78/02-06X Women and Ministry Symposium 1980-1981
78/02 F Participants: Lists, Correspondence 1980-1981
78/03 F Speakers 1980-1981
78/04 F Bergamo [location of Symposium] 1981
78/05 F Public Relations, Clippings [Bergamo] 1981
78/06 F Budget and Finances [Bergamo] 1980-1981
78-79 $ Subject Files [addition] 1981-1987
78-79 | Organizations [addition] 1981-1987
78-79 X Peace and Disarmament Task Force 1981-1987
78/12 F Correspondence 1982-1983
78/13 F Correspondence 1984-1985
78/14 F Correspondence 1985-1987
78/15 F Correspondence, Minutes 1987
78/16 F Task Force Members 1981-1987
78/17 F Goals 1981-1985
78/18 F Goals, Members 1985-1987
78/19 F Membership Responses to Goals and Objectives 1986
78/20 F Report to National Board 1987
78/21 F Minutes 1981-1984
78/22 F Minutes 1985
78/23 F Minutes 1986-1987
78/24 F Regional Initiatives 1982-1985
78/25 F Regional Liaisons 1986
78/26 F Meeting with Regional Liaisons in Milwaukee 1986/08
78/27 F Liaison Persons - Regions 1987
78/28 F Background Materials 1986-1987
78/29 F Phone Relay Process 1984-1987
78/30 F ICCR [Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility]: 1986
78/30 f Information and Correspondence 1986
78/31 F Meeting 1987/05
78/32 F Meeting 1986/01
78/33 F Meeting 1986/04
78/34 F Meeting 1987/01
78/35 F American Peace Test - Nevada Test Site 1986-1987
78/36 F National Peace Institute 1985-1986
78/37 F Great Peace March 1986
78/38 F Pro Peace March 1986
78/39 F U.N. Activities: International Year of Peace 1986
78/40 F Mississippi Peace Cruise with Soviets 1986
78/41 F Heartland Peace Pilgrimage 1986
78/42 F Women for a Meaningful Summit 1986
78/43 F Nuclear Test Ban; Ecumenical Delegation 1986
78/44 F "Where We Stand" Conference 1986/1020
78/45 F Nuclear Freeze 1986-1987
78/46 F Nuclear Free Zone nd
78/47 F Sisters of Social Service Shalom Project 1984-1985
78/48 F Elections; Peace Issue nd
78/49 F General Electric Boycott 1986-1987
78/50 F Star Wars Issue 1986
78/51 F Peace Ribbon 1985
78/52 F Women and Peace Dialogue 1983
78/53 F Women Gathered for Peace; LCWR / NCCW 1986-1987
79/01 F Women Peacemakers; Correspondence, Lists, Clippings 1987
79/02 F Women Peacemakers; Correspondence, Lists, Clippings 1987
79/03 F Women Peacemakers; Correspondence, Lists, Clippings 1987
80 $ Subject Files [addition] 1987
80 | Topical Files [addition] 1987
80/14 F Papal Visit - San Francisco 1987
80/15 F Papal Visit - San Francisco 1987
80/16 F Ecumenical Mission Consultation 1987/10
85-158 $ Subject Files [addition] 1965-1990
85-87 | Projects [addition] 1965-1989
85/09 F Religious Life Study - Quinn Commission 1983-1985
85/10 F Religious Life Study - Quinn Commission 1983-1985
85/11 F Religious Life Study - Quinn Commission 1983-1986
85/12 F Religious Life Study - Quinn Commission 1983
85/13 F Fund Development Material 1979-1984
85/14 F Fund Development Material 1979-1984
85/15 F Fund Development 1978-1985
85/16 F Fund Development 1978-1985
86/01 F Sisters' Survey 1979-1984
86/02 F Sisters' Survey Research Committee 1965-1973
86/03 F Sisters' Survey Research Committee 1965-1973
86/04 F Sisters' Survey Research Committee 1965-1973
86/05 F Sisters' Survey Research Committee 1965-1973
86/06 F Archival Survey 1979-1985
86/07 F CMSW Research, Life and Works 1968-1971
86/08 F Papal Visit; Video Planning 1987/09
86/09 F Papal Visit; LCWR President Helan Garvey Talk 1987
86/10 F Corporate Stance Process, Assembly Proposal 1986
86/11 F Contemporary Theology of Religious Life Project 1976-1980
86/12 F Organization and Projects Materials 1982-1986
86/13 F Organization and Projects Materials 1982-1986
86/14 F Organization and Projects Materials 1980-1986
86/15 F Organization and Projects Materials 1983-1986
86/16 F Responses: CRS et al Charity Funds 1970s
86/17 F Responses: CRS et al Charity Funds 1970s
86/18 F Catholic Relief Services 1984-1985
86/19 F Catholic Communications 1983
86/20 F Women: Carriers of a New Vision 1983
87/01 F Consultation / Non-Violence 1987
87/02 F Peace, Disarmament and Justice Issues 1981-1983
87/03 F Nestle 1982-1984
87/04 F Citizens Declaration on Nuclear Disarmament 1987
87/05 F Cancer Research Project 1983-1984
87/06 F Think Tank - Correspondence, Agendas 1986
87/07 F Think Tank - Evaluations 1986
87/08 F Think Tank Writers Seminar - Interviewed, not accepted 1985-1986
87/09 F Think Tank Papers - Second Draft 1986-1987
87/10 F Think Tank Papers - Second Draft 1986-1987
87/11 F Guidelines - inclusion of papers 1986-1987
87/12 F Writers Think Tank - Preliminary Outlines 1986
87/13 F Proposed Papers - Publication 1986
87/14 F COT [Claiming Our Truth] - Flyers, Ads 1988
87/15 F COT - Press Releases 1988
87/16 F COT Consultation, Marketing 1986-1988
87/17 F COT - Copyright 1987-1988
87/18 F COT - Correspondence / Authors - Contracts 1987-1989
87/19 F COT - Book Orders 1987
87/20 F COT - Correspondence; Bookcrafters 1988-1989
87/21 F COT - Correspondence; Bookmasters 1987-1988
87/22 F COT - Correspondence; Nadine Foley 1987-1988
87/23 F COT 1984-1987
87/24 F COT 1984-1987
87/25 F COT 1987
87-88 | Organizations [addition] 1967-1989
87/26 F SSD III Rally, Pat Jelly 1988
87/27 F Correspondence IRTF [Inter-Religious Task Force on 1988-1989
87/27 f Central America] Margaret Dowling, SC 1988-1989
87/28 F National Pastoral Council Study Meeting, Chicago 1970/08
87/29 F International Justice Network 1983-1984
87/30 F International Justice Network 1980-1981
87/31 F NATRI Material 1989
87/32 F Las Hermanas 1971
87/33 F Women Gathered for Peace 1980s
87/34 F Radio Spots - Grant Application; USCC 1985
87/35 F National Conference of Vicars for Religious 1983
87/36 F National Center for Religious Life 1970-1971
88/01 F U.S. Catholic Mission Council 1967-1976
88/02 F U.S. Catholic Mission Council 1967-1983
88/03 F U.S. Catholic Mission Council 1981-1985
88/04 F U.S. Catholic Mission Council 1976-1984
88/05 F U.S. Catholic Mission Council 1974-1976
88/06 F Portfolio Women 1986-1988
88/07 F Portfolio Women 1983-1985
88/08 F Portfolio Women 1983-1985
88/09 F Chile Committee for Human Rights 1983
88/10 F DOTA - Diakonia of the Americas 1984-1986
88/11-19| Topical Files [addition] 1975-1990
88/11 F [Material for Reflection] 1983-1984
88/12 F Strategic Planning 1975-1979
88/13 F LCWR 25th Anniversary 1980
88/14 F South Africa 1985-1986
88/15 F Mission Consultation 1987-1988
88/16 F El Salvador 1981
88/17 F Central America Reading Material 1979-1984
88/18 F Central America Reading Material 1979-1984
88/19 F Theological Reflection Packet 1990
89-158 | Projects [addition] 1967-1991
89-94 X Contemplative Order Survey 1967-1970
89/01 F Final Report on the Survey for Contemplatives 1970
89/02 F A Report of the Survey for Contemplatives 1969
89/03 F Reports of the Survey for Contemplatives for 1969
89/03 f Benedictine and Blessed Sacrament Orders 1969
89/04 F Reports of the Survey for Contemplatives for Carmelite 1969
89/04 f and Dominican Orders 1969
89/05 F Reports of the Survey for Contemplatives for 1969
89/05 f Franciscan and Good Shepherd Orders 1969
89/06 F Reports of the Survey for Contemplatives for Maryknoll 1969
89/06 f and Passionist Orders 1969
89/07 F Reports of the Survey for Contemplatives for 1969
89/07 f Poor Clare and Precious Blood Orders 1969
89/08 F Reports of the Survey for Contemplatives for 1969
89/08 f Redemptorist and Sacramentive Orders 1969
89/09 F Reports of the Survey for Contemplatives for Trappist 1969
89/09 f Women and Trappist Men 1969
89/10 F Report of the Survey for Contemplatives for Visitation 1969
89/10 f Order 1969
89/11 F Survey for Contemplatives; Questionnaire 1968/06
89/12 F Report for Contemplatives; Pre-tests with letters 1968/04
89/13 F Report for Contemplatives; Pre-tests with letters 1968/04
89/14 F House Frequencies: Individual Variables 351 [house]; 1969/05
89/14 f Questions 1-150: Book 1 of 5 1969/05
90/01 F House Frequencies: Individual Variable 352 [house]; 1969/05
90/01 f Questions 151-280: Book 2 of 5 1969/05
90/02 F House Frequencies: Questions 281-410: Book 3 of 5 1969/05
90/03 F House Frequencies: Questions 411-540: Book 4 of 5 1969/05
91/01 F House Frequencies: Questions 541-649: Book 5 of 5 1969/05
91/02 F Data Frequencies: Questions 1-307: Book 1 of 2 1969
91/03 F Data Frequencies: Questions 308-649: Book 2 of 2 1969
91/04 F Contemplative Survey Crosstabs: Questions 120-307: 1969/04
91/04 f Book 1 of 2 1969/04
92/01 F Contemplative Survey Crosstabs: Questions 308-649: 1969/04
92/01 f Book 2 of 2 1969/04
92/02 F Contemplative Survey Crosstabs: [program on cover]: 1969/07
92/02 f Book 1 of 4 1969/07
92/03 F Contemplative Survey Crosstabs: [program on cover]: 1969/07
92/03 f Book 2 of 4 1969/07
92/04 F Contemplative Survey Crosstabs: [program on cover]: 1969/07
92/04 f Book 3 of 4 1969/07
93/01 F Contemplative Survey Crosstabs: [program on cover]: 1969/07
93/01 f Book 4 of 4 1969/07
93/02 F Trappists: Book 1 of 5 1969/11
93/03 F Trappists: Book 2 of 5 1969/11
93/04 F Trappists: Book 3 of 5 1969/11
94/01 F Trappists: Book 4 of 5 1969/11
94/02 F Trappists: Book 5 of 5 1969/11
94/03 F Trappists: Pre-test House Frequencies 1969
94/04 F Contemplative Survey: Multiple Regressions on Prayer 1969
94/04 f and Social Action 1969
94/05 F National Totals: Contemplative Data Frequencies: 1967/02
94/05 f 101-350, 01-100, 357-649 1967/02
94/06 F Contemplative Data Frequencies: 101-350 nd
95-102 X Sisters' Survey [1967] 1967-1968
95/01 F Sisters' Survey Questionnaire 1967/04
95/02-17X Assessment of Life and Works: Original Questionnaires 1968/07
96/01-16X Assessment of Life and Works: Original Questionnaires 1968/07
97/01-02X Assessment of Life and Works: Original Questionnaires 1968/07
97/03-19X Sisters' Survey Graphs 1967-1969
98/01-05X Sisters' Survey Graphs 1967-1972
98/06 F Majors, Beliefs, Background and Selected Items: 1967
98/06 f S.N.D., Mass., Srs. Servants, Heart of Mary, Pennsyl. 1967
98/07 F Majors, Beliefs, Background and Selected Items: 1967
98/07 f I.H.M., Los Angeles, Califo., Holy Humility Mary, Iowa 1967
99/01 F Majors, Beliefs, Background and Selected Items: 1967
99/01 f Ursuline, Missouri, S.N.D., Connect., Srs. of Divine 1967
99/01 f Providence, Texas 1967
99/01 f Daughters of Charity, Missouri 1967
99/02 F Sisters' Survey: Major 247, Program A 1968
100/01 F Sisters' Survey: Major 358, Program A 1968
100/02 F Sisters' Survey: Majors, Beliefs, Background and 1967
100/02 f Selected Items: School Srs. of St. Francis, Srs. of 1967
100/02 f Loretto, Srs. of St. Joseph of Newark 1967
100/03 F Sisters' Survey: LaCon 5000 1967
100/04 F Sisters' Survey: LaCon FsTabs 1-649 1967
101/01 F Chapter Decrees 1967
101/02 F Multiple Regressions: Theology Items [Correl. 1-60] 1967
101/03 F Multiple Regressions: Social Action 1967
101/04 F Book 1: Multiple Regressions 1967
101/05 F Book 2: Frequencies 1967
101/06 F Book 3: Multiple Regressions 1967
101/07 F Book 4: Multiple Regressions 1967
102/01 F Book 4: Multiple Regressions 1967
102-106 X Sisters' Survey [1980] 1980
102/02 F Book 1: Frequencies SS80 1980
102/03 F Book 2: Crosstabs for SSRWS CA II 1980
102/04 F Book 3: Crosstabs 1980
102/05 F Book 4: 28SS Background Variables: Numrod / Crosstabs 1980
103/01 F Book 5: Crosstabs and Regressions SS1980: CA Scales 1980
103/02 F Book 6: Crosstabs 1-274 SS80 1980
103/03 F Book 7: Crosstabs 275-428 1980
103/04 F Book 8: 1980
103/05 F Book 9: 1980
104/01 F Book 10: Sisters of Notre Dame 707 1980
104/02 X Enterprise SS 1980
104/02 F Srs. of Mercy, N.J., Srs. of Mercy, Brooklyn, 1980
104/02 f Srs. of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception, 1980
104/02 f Srs. of Social Service, Los Angeles 1980
104/03 f Srs. of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis, 1980
104/03 f Srs. of Charity, Providence 1980
104/04 F Book 11: Corondolet by Province: 710 Crosstabs 1980
105/01 F Book 12: Corondolet by Province: 710 1980
105/02 F Book 13: St. Joseph of Peace by Province: 714 Crosstabs1980
105/03 F Book 14: St. Joseph of Peace by Province: 714 1980
105/04 F Administrative Style 714 1980
106/01 F Administrative Style 714 1980
106/02 F NBelief / Women / Women: Vol. 3 1980
106/03 F Ordination 1980
107-109 X Congregational Survey 1967
107 X Congregational Survey Completed Questionnaires 1967
108 X Congregational Survey Completed Questionnaires 1967
109 X Congregational Survey Completed Questionnaires 1967
110-113 X Sisters' Survey 1989 1988-1991
110/01 F A Report on the National Profile of the Third Sisters' 1991/07
110/01 f Survey, by Sister Marie Augusta Neal, SNDdeNamur 1991/07
110/02 F Sisters' Survey 1989 - Scales and Variables 1989
110/03-06X Sisters of St. Joseph, Baden, Pennsylvania 1988-1991
110/03 F Documents of the General Chapter and Constitutions 1988
110/04 F Correspondence with and reports to Janet Mock, CSJ 1990-1991
110/04 f Superior General 1990-1991
110/05 F Questionnaire responses 1989
110/06 F Crosstabulations 1991
110 X Sisters of St. Dominic, Tacoma, Washington 1988-1990
110/07 F Constitutions and Newsletter 1988-1990
110/08 F Correspondence with and reports to Sharon Casey, OP, 1990
110/08 f President 1990
110/09 F Questionnaire responses 1989
110/10 F Frequencies 1990
110/11 F Crosstabulations 1990
111 X Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian 1989-1991
111 x Charity, Stella Niagara, New York 1989-1991
111/01 F Correspondence with and reports to Maura Fortkort, OSF 1989-1990
111/02 F Questionnaire responses 1989-1990
111/03 F Frequencies 1990
111/04 F Crosstabulations 1991
111 X Sisters of Mercy of the Union, Baltimore, Maryland 1986-1990
111/05 F Constitutions 1986
111/06 F Correspondence with and rpts. to Barbara Wheeley, RSM 1989-1990
111/06 f Provinicial Councilor 1989-1990
111/07 F Questionnaire responses 1989
111/08 F Multiple regression 1990
111/09 F Frequencies 1990
111/10 F Crosstabulations 1990
111 X Sisters of St. Joseph, Concordia, Kansas 1987-1991
111/11 F Constitution 1987
111/12 F Correspondence with and reports to Marcia Allen, CSJ, 1989-1990
111/12 f President 1989-1990
111/13 F Questionnaire responses 1989
112/01 F Crosstabulations 1991
112/ X Sisters of Charity, Seton Hill, Pennsylvania 1989-1990
112/02 F Correspondence and reports 1989-1990
112/03 F Questionnaire responses 1989
112/04 F Frequencies 1990
112/05 F Crosstabulations 1990
112-113 X Sisters' Survey 1989 1989-1992
112/06 F Selected crosstabulations and original questionnaire 1989
112/06 f Vol. I 1989
112/07 F Selected crosstabulations, Vol. II 1989
112/08 F Selected crosstabulations, Vol. III 1989
112/09 F Frequencies [Items 1 to 363] 1992
113/01 F Crosstabulations, extended set 1992
114-157 | Sisters' Survey 1967 1967-1968
114-133 X Frequency books by cluster number with orders listed 1967
114/01 F Cluster No. 6, Orders 164, 540 1967
114/02 F Cluster No. 7, Orders 352, 165, 166, 324, 544 1967
114/03 F Cluster No. 5, Orders 164, 308, 568, 327, 309 1967
114/04 F Cluster No. 1, Orders 262, 263, 264 1967
114/05 F Cluster No. 9, Orders 542, 318 1967
114/06 F Cluster No. 4, Orders 395, 382, 364, 565, 353 1967
114/07 F Cluster No. 8, Orders 369, 545 1967
115/01 F Cluster No. 2, Orders 581, 582, 583, 512 1967
115/02 F Cluster No. 3, Orders 539, 537, 538 1967
115/03 F Cluster No. 12, Orders 137, 138, 418 1967
115/04 F Cluster No. 17, Orders 179, 413 1967
115/05 F Cluster No. 16, Orders 430, 185, 186 1967
115/06 F Cluster No. 19, Orders 356, 342, 203, 204 1967
115/07 F Cluster No. 18, Orders 231, 423, 321 1967
116/01 F Cluster No. 11, Orders 552, 375 1967
116/02 F Cluster No. 15, Orders 596, 387 1967
116/03 F Cluster No. 13, Orders 405, 415 1967
116/04 F Cluster No. 14, Orders 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 1967
116/04 f 526 1967
116/05 F Cluster No. 10, Orders 550, 551 1967
116/06 F Cluster No. 25, Orders 599, 100, 433 1967
116/07 F Cluster No. 24, Order 126 1967
116/08 F Cluster No. 22, Orders 279, 142 1967
116/09 F Cluster No. 23, Orders 354, 177 1967
117/01 F Cluster No. 27, Orders 360, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152 1967
117/02 F Cluster No. 20, Orders 214, 215, 216, 406, 389 1967
117/03 F Cluster No. 21, Orders 227, 228, 229, 230 1967
117/04 F Cluster No. 26, Orders 282, 283, 284 1967
117/05 F Cluster No. 34, Orders 359, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 1967
117/05 f 123, 124, 392, 407 1967
118/01 F Cluster No. 28, Orders 201, 202 1967
118/02 F Cluster No. 31, Orders 232, 233, 234 1967
118/03 F Cluster No. 33, Orders 241, 242 1967
118/04 F Cluster No. 35, Order 268 1967
118/05 F Cluster No. 36, Orders 269, 270, 271, 272, 273 1967
118/05 f This cluster is Notre Dame 1967
118/06 F Cluster No. 30, Order 276 1967
118/07 F Cluster No. 29, Orders 361, 287, 288, 414 1967
119/01 F Cluster No. 42, Orders 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 1967
119/01 f 136 1967
119/02 F Cluster No. 39, Orders 427, 146, 372, 428, 429 1967
119/03 F Cluster No. 37, Order 206 1967
119/04 F Cluster No. 40, Orders 343, 237 1967
119/05 F Cluster No. 44, Orders 254, 334, 358 1967
119/06 F Cluster No. 41, Orders 312, 587, 588, 589, 590 1967
120/01 F Cluster No. 43, Orders 417, 419, 373, 291 1967
120/02 F Cluster No. 45, Orders 141, 209, 210, 219, 306, 315, 1967
120/02 f 368, 395, 416, 540, 541, 571 1967
120/03 F Cluster No. 46, Orders 226, 316, 365, 371, 381, 570, 1967
120/03 f 519 1967
121/01 F Cluster No. 47, Orders 317, 397, 425, 435, 502, 515 1967
121/02 F Cluster No. 48, Orders 184, 255, 325, 326, 339, 340, 1967
121/02 f 341, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 514, 1967
121/02 f 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 536 1967
121/03 F Cluster No. 49, Orders 348, 351, 548, 549, 563, 566 1967
122/01 F Cluster No. 48 continued, Orders 535, 510, 511, 514, 1967
122/01 f 528, 530, 529, 531, 532, 533, 535, 536 1967
122/02 F Cluster No. 50, Orders 572, 559, 560, 561, 562, 573, 1967
122/02 f 574, 577, 579, 580, 575 1967
123/01 F Cluster No. 51, Orders 128, 172, 211, 213, 261, 400, 1967
123/01 f 517 1967
123/02 F Cluster No. 52, Orders 103 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 1967
123/02 f 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 256, 355 1967
124/01 F Cluster No. 53, Orders 144, 200, 212, 307, 337, 404, 1967
124/01 f 412, 424, 436, 518, 546, 553, 584, 585, 598, 547 1967
124/02 F Cluster No. 50, Orders 319, 330, 376, 383, 384, 385, 1967
124/02 f 396, 402, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 560, 561, 562, 573, 1967
124/02 f 574, 576, 577, 579, 580, 572 1967
125/01 F Cluster No. 55, Orders 189, 193, 197, 198, 320, 438, 1967
125/01 f 595 1967
125/02 F Cluster No. 54, Orders 220, 221, 222, 223 1967
125/03 F Cluster No. 57, Orders 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 1967
125/03 f 253, 347, 348 1967
125/04 F Cluster No. 56 continued, Orders 257, 280, 281, 349, 1967
125/04 f 366 1967
126/01 F Cluster No. 58, Orders 302, 303, 304, 305, 432 1967
126/02 F Cluster No. 67, Orders 101, 102, 126, 145, 208 1967
126/03 F Cluster No. 53 continued, Orders 547, 518, 424, 546, 1967
126/03 f 553, 584, 585, 598 1967
126/04 F Cluster No. 59, Orders 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 1967
126/04 f 298, 299 1967
127/01 F Cluster No. 55, Order 438 1967
127/02 F Cluster No. 56, Orders 156, 157, 158, 159, 165, 162, 1967
127/02 f 168, 257, 280, 281, 349, 366 1967
127/03 F Cluster No. 69, Orders 125, 127, 218, 224, 240, 244, 1967
127/03 f 290, 301, 322, 350, 390, 393, 426 1967
128/01 F Cluster No. 68, Orders 129, 128, 225, 235, 262, 374, 1967
128/01 f 380 1967
128/02 F Cluster No. 66, Orders 147, 236, 238, 239, 258, 259, 1967
128/02 f 260, 266, 300, 567 1967
128/03 F Cluster No. 67 continued, Orders 199, 394, 398, 431, 1967
128/03 f 434, 591, 592, 597 1967
129/01 F Cluster No. 61, Orders 169, 170, 173, 174, 180, 190, 1967
129/01 f 192, 194, 196, 199, 310, 331, 386, 394, 398, 431, 434, 1967
129/01 f 591, 592, 597 1967
129/02 F Cluster No. 60, Orders 171, 176, 178, 181, 183, 187, 1967
129/02 f 185, 195, 370, 586 1967
130/01 F Cluster No. 63, Orders 139, 246, 333, 516, 564 1967
130/02 F Cluster No. 65, Orders 140, 143, 274, 336, 569, 527 1967
130/03 F Cluster No. 70, Orders 399, 408, 409, 411, 420 1967
131/01 F Cluster No. 64, Orders 161, 207, 243, 245, 277, 285, 1967
131/01 f 286, 344, 403, 501 1967
131/02 F Cluster No. 62, Orders 168, 205, 217, 323, 328, 345, 1967
131/02 f 346, 421 1967
132/01 F Cluster No. 71, Orders 377, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 1967
132/01 f 459, 462 1967
132/02 F Cluster No. 73, Orders 443, 444, 445, 446, 448, 449, 1967
132/02 f 450, 451, 452 1967
132/03 F Cluster No. 72, Order 198 1967
133/01 F Cluster No. 72, Orders 470, 471, 472, 473, 475, 476, 1967
133/01 f 477, 478 1967
133-140 X Cross Tabulations by Congregation number, Program A 1967-1968
133/02 F Major 206 1968
134/01 F Major 156 1968
134/02 F Major 269 1968
135/01 F Major 244, parts one and two 1968
135/02 F Major 232, 233, 234 1968
136/01 F Major 270 1968
136/02 F Major 271 1968
136/03 F Major 273 1968
137/01 F Major 353 1968
137/02 F Major 428 1968
138/01 F Major 429 1968
138/02 F Major 323 1968
139/01 F Major 334 1968
139/02 F Major 345 1968
140/01 F Program A Cross Tabs 37,000. Random sample of about 1967
140/01 f one hundred cases for each Congregation 1967
140-149 X Program C 1968
140/02 F Major 428 1968
141/01 F Major 271 1968
141/02 F Major 272 1968
142/01 F Major 429 1968
142/02 F Major 233 1968
143/01 F Major 234 1968
143/02 F Major 169 1968
144/01 F Major 206 1968
144/02 F Major 232 1968
145/01 F Major 269 1968
145/02 F Major 312 1968
146/01 F Major 334 1968
146/02 F Major 273 1968
147/01 F Major 590 1968
147/02 F Major 270 1968
148/01 F Major 154 1968
148/02 F Program C Cross Tabs 37,000 1968
148/03 F Program C National Totals 1968
149/01 F Program A 5,000 1967
149-155 X Survey Part I, Questionnaires to Major Superiors with 1966
149-155 x correspondence and related documents, 1966
149-155 x Box 149: Congregations 100-125, Box 150: 126-200 1966
149-155 x Box 151: 201-275, Box 152: 276-350, Box 153: 351-438 1966
149-155 x Box 154: 501-570, Box 155: 571-599 [572 missing] 1966
155/29 F Part IB Cross Tabs; Independent Variables 66, 67, 68, 1967/0510
155/29 f 69, 70, 72 1967/0510
155/30 F Part IB Cross Tabs; Independent Variables 7, 17, 18, 1967/0510
155/30 f 24, 29 1967/0510
155/31 F Item No. 8; Provinces 1-77, Part IA c1968
156/01 F Congregational Report Part IB pp. 1607-2560 1966
156/02 F Item No. 8; Provinces 78-157, Part IA c1967
156/03 F Item No. 8; Provinces 222-427, Part IA c1967
156/04 F Item No. 8; Provinces 158-221, Part IA c1967
156/05 F Sisters' Survey National Totals 1967
156/06 F Item Nos. 14, 10, 13A, 13B, Part IA c1967
156/07 F Item Nos. 6, 12, 40, 20, 21, Part IA c1967
157/01 F Congregational Report Part IB pp. 1-1606 1966
157/02 F Item Nos. 49, 131, Part IA c1967
157/03 F Item Nos. 50, 130, 52, Part IA c1967
157/04 F Item Nos. 54, 7, 95, 90, Part IA c1967
157/05 F Item No. 9 c1967
157/06 F Item Nos. 41, 55, Part IA c1967
157/07 F Corrections of Variables, Part IA c1967
158/1-1 X Development Education Program 1984-1989
158/01 F Development Education Program 1988
158/02 F Lilly Endowment Inc., Annual Reports 1987,1988
158/03 F The Fund Raising School, Study Guide 1984
158/04 F Evaluation Seminar 1989/09
158/05 F Correspondence [re: Development] 1989
158/06 F Correspondence [re: Development] 1988
158/07 F Correspondence [re: Development] 1987
158/08 F Development Education Program [Questionnaire for 1987
158/08 f Religious Congregations to Determine Institutional 1987
158/08 f Readiness for a Development Program, 1 of 2] 1987
158/09 F Development Education Program [Questionnaire for 1987
158/09 f Religious Congregations to Determine Institutional 1987
158/09 f Readiness for a Development Program, 2 of 2] 1987
158/10 F Community Reports [Grant Number 780606, Development 1989
158/10 f Education Program for Leaders of Women's Religious 1989
158/10 f Congregations] 1989
158/11 F Community Reports 1989
158/12 F Grant Reports 1987-1989
160-161 $ Subject Files [addition] 1980-1990
160-161 | Projects [addition] 1980-1990
160/18 F Southern California Peace and Justice Center 1980-1987
160/19 F CARA 1981-1983
160/20 F Catholics Speak Out 1986-1990
161/01 F Statement Authorization Survey: Tally and Originals 1987
161/02 F AIDS Conference 1988
161/03 F Survey for Networking 1987
161/04 F NARW Middle East Project 1991
161/07-19$ Subject Files [addition] 1985-1990
161/07-19| Projects [addition] 1985-1990
161/07 F Pluralism Task Force 1987-1988
161/08-19X Constitution Task Force 1985-1990
161/08 F Constitution Task Force 1986-1990
161/09 F Constitution Questionnaire 1985-1987
161/10 F Constitution Questionnaire Nos. 01-20 1989
161/11 F Constitution Questionnaire Nos. 21-40 1989
161/12 F Constitution Questionnaire Nos. 41-60 1989
161/13 F Constitution Questionnaire Nos. 61-80 1989
161/14 F Constitution Questionnaire Nos. 81-100 1989
161/15 F Constitution Questionnaire Nos. 101-120 1989
161/16 F Constitution Questionnaire Nos. 121-140 1989
161/17 F Constitution Questionnaire Nos. 141-160 1989
161/18 F Constitution Questionnaire Nos. 161-180 1989
161/19 F Constitution Questionnaire Nos. 181-193 1989
162/26-33$ Subject Files [addition] 1985-1990
162/26-33| Topical Files [addition] 1985-1990
162/26 F Correspondence with Congress 1985-1990
162/27 F Correspondence with A.V. companies 1985-1989
162/28 F National Peace Day 1986-1990
162/29 F Coke Boycott 1989
162/30 F AGAPE - Nonviolence Center, MA. Peace and Disarmament 1985-1988
162/30 f Task Force Work 1985-1988
162/31 F GE Boycott, Correspondence 1986-1988
162/32 F GE Boycott - National Advisory Committee 1988-1989
162/33 F INFACT, Catherine Brady Correspondence 1988-1989
162/38-44$ Subject Files [addition] 1988-1990
162/38-44| Projects [addition] 1988-1990
162/38-44X Religious Task Force on Central America 1988-1990
162/38 F Steering Committee 1988
162/39 F Steering Committee 1989
162/40 F Steering Committee 1990
162/41 F Tenth Anniversary 1990/0313
162/42 F Theological Reflection Weekend 1990/12
162/43 F [Correspondence, Action Alerts] 1990
162/44 F LCWR / CMSM Press Conference on Central America 1990/0213
164/19 $ Subject Files [addition] 1988
164/19 | Topical Files [addition] 1988
164/19 F NCDD: Involvement in Just Wages Project 1988
165-177 $ Subject Files [addition] c1967
165-177 X Sisters' Survey 1967 c1967
165-177 X Index of Orders, Chapter Decrees c1967
165 X Chapter Decree Orders 100-124 c1967
166 X Chapter Decree Orders 128-154 c1967
167 X Chapter Decree Orders 155-188 c1967
168 X Chapter Decree Orders 189-223 c1967
169 X Chapter Decree Orders 224-253 c1967
170 X Chapter Decree Orders 254-293 c1967
171 X Chapter Decree Orders 294-348 c1967
172 X Chapter Decree Orders 349-400 c1967
173 X Chapter Decree Orders 401-516 c1967
174 X Chapter Decree Orders 517-573 c1967
175 X Chapter Decree Orders 574-587 c1967
176 X Chapter Decree Orders 588-598. Kenndey Numbers 4-237.c1967
176 x Additional folders for Religious Communities without c1967
176 x numbers. c1967
177 X Additional folders for Religious Communities without c1967
177 x numbers and unidentified Communities. c1967