University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame

America - Europe

A Transatlantic Diary 1961 - 1989

Klaus Lanzinger

Innsbruck, [Beginning of June], 1977


The American Indians are a favorite theme of escapism in Europe. Talking about the Indians in North America stimulates the romantic imagination. One can get excited about a faraway exotic topic, which diverts from the real problems at home. In America, on the other hand, it is a favorite theme of escapism, especially on parties, to talk about trips made or about going to Europe.

Innsbruck, June 15, 1977

Elections in Spain

In the first free parliamentary elections in Spain in 41 years, the electorate has shown surprising democratic maturity. The Democratic Centrist Party under Prime Minister Suarez gained 35%, the Socialist Workers Party 26%, while the rightist Phalanx as well as the extreme Left got 8% each. The Iberian Peninsula, which had been cut off for decades, has become present in Europe. Spain now has an open road to the European Community.

Innsbruck, June 20, 1977

Warning About Euro-communism

At a conference in Washington, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger gave a remarkable speech, in which he spoke about the development of Euro-communism. Kissinger warned that Euro-communism was a danger for the Western Alliance. Should the Communist parties, above all in Italy and France, come to power, NATO would be undermined and the presence of American troops in Europe put in question. It would also have far-reaching consequences for America’s relations with its treaty partners. Europe should free itself from the feeling that Communism be unpreventable.

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