University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame

America - Europe

A Transatlantic Diary 1961 - 1989

Klaus Lanzinger

South Bend, April 14, 1988


The Soviet Union, the United States, Pakistan, and Afghanistan signed an agreement in Geneva, which provides the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Therewith, the conflict over Afghanistan is coming to a close. The withdrawal of the Soviet troops has been scheduled for May 15 and it should be completed in nine months. During the eight years of occupation, Afghanistan’s population of 14 million lost one million lives, while five million fled over the border to Pakistan. The repatriation of the refugees poses a special problem. What will be the destiny of this war-ravaged country? Will the Communist regime fall after the withdrawal of the Soviet troops, or will it remain in power in a coalition with the mujaheddin? or, will there be civil war between the rivaling groups?

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