University of Notre Dame

Catholic Social Thought on Labor-Management Issues, 1960-1980

Patrick J. Sullivan, CSC


Part 1 - Papal, Conciliar, Synod

Chapter I - Time of John XXIII

1. John XXIII, "The Christian Way for Labor Movements" [In Questa Liminosa], The Pope Speaks, v. 5, no. 4, Autumn, 1959, pp. 415-419.

2. John XXIII, "Greetings to Workers" [Tra Quanti], The Pope Speaks, v. 5, no. 4, Autumn, 1959, pp. 426-430.

3. John XXIII, Ad Petri Cathedram, The Pope Speaks, v. 5, no. 4, Autumn 1959, pp. 359-383.

4. John XXIII, "The Christian Concept of Work," The Pope Speaks, v. 6, no. 1, Winter 1959, pp. 89-90.

5. John XXIII, "Peace on Earth" [Eccoci a Notate], The Pope Speaks, v. 6, no. 2, 1960, pp. 200-207.

6. John XXIII, "Woman's Work" [Nous sommes particuliere vent], The Pope Speaks, v. 6, no. 4, 1960, pp. 329-332.

7. John XXIII, "The Christian Farmer," [Lo spettacolo], The Pope Speaks, v. 6, no. 3, Summer 1960, pp. 302-305.

8. John XXIII, "The Dignity of Work," [Per la seconda], The Pope Speaks, v. 6, no. 3, 1960, pp. 297-300.

9. John XXIII, "The Woman of Today at Home and at Work" [Ci é gradita], The Pope Speaks, v. 7, no. 2, 1961, pp. 169-174.

10. John XXIII, "The Christian Workers' Safeguard," The Pope Speaks, v. 7, no. 2, pp. 113-117.

11. John XXIII, "Electronic Computers and the Men They Same," The Pope Speaks, v. 7, no. 2, 1961, pp. 157-158.

12. John XXIII, "Words of Hope for the Farmer," [Ecco a movamente], The Pope Speaks, v. 7, no. 2 1961, pp. 175-179.

13. John XXIII, "The Church and the Worker," [E'grande] The Pope Speaks, v. 7, no. 2, 1961, pp. 118-120.

14. John XXIII, "Christianity and Social Problems: Preview of a New Encyclical" [La nostra presenza], The Pope Speaks, v. 7, no. 2, 1961, pp. 103-110.

15. John XXIII, "Christianity and Social Progress," [Matea et Magistra], Catholic Mind, v. 59, no. 1157, September - October 1961, pp. 411-479.

16. John XXIII, "Three Vital Aspects of Catholic Action," The Pope Speaks, v. 8, no. 2, 1962, pp. 166-171.

17. John XXIII, "Peace on Earth [Pacem in Terris] Catholic Mind, v. 61, no. 1175, September 1963, pp. 47-62 and no. 1176, pp. 45-63.

Chapter II - Time of Paul VI

1. Paul VI, "The Church's Special Love for Workers," The Pope Speaks, v. 9, no. 2, 1964, pp. 187-188.

2. Paul VI, "An Appeal to the Laity" [Il primo Saluto], The Pope Speaks, v. 9 no. 2, 1964, pp. 175-179.

3. Paul VI, "The Survival of Craftsmanship," The Pope Speaks, v. 9, no. 3, 1964, pp. 255-257.

4. Paul VI, "The Hour of the Layman" [Hemos sahidos], The Pope Speaks, v. 10, no. 1, 1964, pp. 23-30.

5. Paul VI, "Social Evolution and the Workingman" [Accoliamo con grande], The Pope Speaks, v. 9, no. 4, 1964, pp. 384-389.

6. Paul VI, "The Christian Concept of Economics" [Reduci], The Pope Speaks, v. 10, no. 1, 1964, pp. 46-54.

7. Paul VI, "The Priest Among Workingmen," The Pope Speaks, v. 10, no. 1, 1964, pp. 70-71.

8. Paul VI, "Rerum Norarum Today" [A voi Laroratori], The Pope Speaks, v. 11, no. 3, 1966, pp. 324-329.

9. Paul VI, "The Christian Business Executive," The Pope Speaks, v. 12, no. 1, 1967, pp. 63-64.

10. Paul VI, "The Development of Peoples" [Populorum Progressio], The Pope Speaks, v. 12, no. 2, 1967, pp. 144-172.

11. Paul VI, "The Christian Ideal of Work" [Eccoci a celebrari], The Pope Speaks, v. 13, no. 3, 1968, pp. 287-289.

12. Paul VI, "Changing Social Structures: A Time of Crises," The Pope Speaks, v. 13, no. 3, 1968, pp. 237-243.

13. Paul VI, "The Christian Commitment to Poverty," The Pope Speaks, v. 14, no. 2, 1969, pp. 101-106.

14. Paul VI, "The ILO's Fifty Years of Service," The Pope Speaks, v. 14, no. 2, 1969, pp. 137-149.

15. Paul VI, "Work and Human Progress," The Pope Speaks, v. 16, no. 1, 1971, pp. 13-15.

16. Paul VI, "The Eighteenth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum," [Octogesima Adveniens], Catholic Mind, v. 69, no. 1257, November 1971, pp. 37-58.

17. Paul VI, "Proclaiming the Church's Social Teaching," The Pope Speaks, v. 16, no. 2, 1972, pp. 165-168.

18. Synod of Bishops, Second Assembly, "Justice in the World," Catholic Mind.

19. Paul VI, "World Trade and Human Development," The Pope Speaks, v. 17, no. 1, 1972, pp. 76-78.

20. Paul VI, "The Changing World of the Farmer," The Pope Speaks, v. 17, no. 1, 1972, pp. 43-46.

21. Paul VI, "Agricultural Corporations," The Pope Speaks, v. 17, no. 2, 1972, pp. 152-153.

22. Paul VI, "Man's Stewardship of His Environment," The Pope Speaks, v. 17, no. 2, 1975, pp. 100-103.

23. Paul VI, "The Church's Approach to the Worker," The Pope Speaks, v. 17, no. 3, 1972, pp. 220-224.

24. Paul VI, "Migrant Workers and the Local Churches," The Pope Speaks, v. 18, no. 3, 1973, pp. 204-206.

25. Paul VI, "The Problem of Hunger," The Pope Speaks, v. 19, no. 3, 1975, pp. 208-215.

26. Paul VI, "Human Rights and Reconciliation: Statement to Fathers of Synod," The Pope Speaks, v. 19, no. 3, 1975, pp. 216-219.

27. Paul VI, "The Economy in the Service of Man," The Pope Speaks, v. 21, no. 2, 1976.

Chapter III - Time of John Paul II

1. John Paul II, "The Right to Work and Social Justice," Osservatore Romano (English edition), 12/28/78, p. 4.

2. John Paul II, "The Virtue of Justice," The Pope Speaks, v. 24, no. 1, 1979, pp. 30-32.

3. John Paul II, "Importance and Dignity of Farm Workers," The Pope Speaks, v. 24, no. 3, 1979, pp. 205-208.

4. John Paul II, "Dignity and Rights of Workers," The Pope Speaks, v. 24, no. 3, 1979, pp. 196-200.

5. John Paul II, "The Redeemer of the Human Race" (Redemptor Hominis), The Pope Speaks, v. 24, no. 2, 1979, pp. 97-147.

6. John Paul II, "Address to Latin American Hierarchy," Catholic Mind, v. 77, May 1979, pp. 55-64.

7. John Paul II, "Work and Prayer: A Necessary Alliance in the Soul," Origins, 1979, pp. 71-72.

8. John Paul II, "The Right to Land," Catholic Mind, v. 77, no. 1337, November 1979, p. 53.

9. John Paul II, "Work and Man's Dignity in Christian Perspective," Origins, 1979, pp. 76-77.

10. John Paul II, "Address to United Nations General Assembly," Catholic Mind, v. 78, no. 1339, 1/80, pp. 4-16.

11. John Paul II, "Address at Yankee Stadium," National Catholic Reporter, v. 15, no. 44, 10/12/79, p. 18.

12. John Paul II, "God Has Destined the Earth for All Men," The Pope Speaks, v. 24, no. 4, 1979, pp. 339-342.

13. John Paul II, "A Visit With Working-Class People," Origins, v. 70, no. 4, 1980, pp. 54-58.

14. John Paul II, "Collaborators of God: Address to Brazilian Workers," Catholic Mind, v. 78, no. 1348, 12/80, pp. 52-59.

15. John Paul II, "Builders of a Just Society: Address at Salvador da Balica," The Pope Speaks, v. 26, no. 1, pp. 59-74.

16. John Paul II, "The Episcopal Office: Address to the Bishops of Brazil," The Pope Speaks, v. 26, no. 1, pp. 59-74.

17. John Paul II, Rich in Mercy, v. 10, no. 26, 12/11/80, pp. 401-416.

Part II - Vatican Offices & Spokespersons

Chapter IV - Vatican Offices

1. Congregation for Bishops, "Pastoral Care of People Who Migrate," Catholic Mind, v. 67, no. 1238, December 1969, pp. 35-58.

2. Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes, "Religious Profession and Human Development," The Pope Speaks, v. 26, no. 2, 1980, pp. 97-122.

3. Pontifical Council for the Laity, "The Rights of Women," Origins, v. 10, no. 14, 9/18/80, pp. 209, 211-214.

Chapter V - Vatican Spokespersons

1. "Cardinal Address Workers' Meeting," Social Action Notes for Priests, 5/61, pp. 4-5.

2. Cicognani, Anleto Cardinal, "Problems of Automation," Catholic Mind, v. 60, no. , 2/62, pp. 55-59.

3. "Vatican Letter Cites Guidelines for Socialization," Social Action Notes for Priests, 5/64, p. 11.

4. "Pope on Industrial Society," America, v. 111, no. , 7/25/64, p. 83.

5. Lercardo, Giacomo, "To Christianize Labor," Catholic Mind, v. 60, no. 1160, 2/62, pp. 39-44.

6. "Tells Businessmen to Publicize Income Sharing," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/66, p. 16.

7. Tardini, Domenico, "Socialization and the Human Person: A Letter to the Social Week at Grenoble, France," The Pope Speaks, v. 6, no. 4, 1960, pp. 401-404.

8. Tardini, Domenico, "The Flight from the Farm: Letter to Social Week at Rosario, Argentina," The Pope Speaks, v. 7, no. 2, 1961, pp. 180-182.

9. Tardini, Domenico, "Workers, Unions, and Freedom," Catholic Mind, v. 59, no. 1155, May-June, 1961, pp. 269-273.

10. Villot, Jean, "The Humanization of Social Structures: Message to 30th Spanish Social Week," The Pope Speaks, v. 21, no. 4, 1976, pp. 327-331.

Chapter VI - Africa


1. "Labor Federation Demands Austerity Program for Privileged Class," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/62, pp. 9-10.

2. "Congo Workers Say They Are Guided by Christian Teachings," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/61, p. 12.

South Africa

3. South African Hierarchy, "On Human Unity," Catholic Mind, v. 58, no. 1150, 7-8/60, pp. 374-383.

4. "Denies Pastoral Meddled in Politics," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/62, p. 3.

5. Hurley, Denis E., "The Urgency of Change," Catholic Mind, v. 72, no. 1280, 2/74, pp. 25-34.


6. Religious Leaders in Zambia "The Church and Maxism," Catholic Mind, v. 98, no. 1342, 5/80, pp. 9-23.


7. Zimbabwe Hierarchy, "Pastoral Guidelines for Turbulent Times," Catholic Mind, v. 76, no. 1323, 5/78, pp. 54-64.

Chapter VII - Asia


1. "Prelate Attacks Growth of Monopolies," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/62, pp. 7-8.


2. Indian Hierarchy, "Statement to Priests, Religious, and Laity," Catholic Mind, v. 68, no. 1243, 5/70, pp. 58-62.


3. Alberto, Teopisto, "The Church and Social Justice," Catholic Mind, v. 70, no. 1259, 1/72, pp. 44-59.

4. Philippine Hierarchy, "On Evangelization and Development," Catholic Mind, v. 72, no. 1279, 1/74, pp. 46-64.

Chapter VIII - Europe

1. Council of European Bishops' Conference, "The Responsibilities of European Christians, Origins, v. 10, no. 17 10/9/80, pp. 268-272.


2. "Austrian Hierarchy Issues Pastoral," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/62, p. 6.


3. "Don't Resort to Layoffs in Industrial Pinches, French Cardinal Urges," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/60, p. 8.

4. "Archbishop Defends Union Activities," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/62, p. 6.

5. "French Cardinals Archbishops Throw Weight Behind Bishops Supporting Striking Miners," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/63, p. 6.

6. "Says Employers Still Do Not See They Are Not the Only Masters," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/63, p. 4.

7. "Bishop Speaks Out After Firings," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/65, p. 9.

8. "Call for Economic Reform in France," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/66, pp. 5-6.

9. "Bishops Voice Concern Over Strikes," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3-4/67, p. 5.


10. "Catholics, Protestants Unite in Seeking Labor's Betterment," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/60, p. 10.

11. "Germany's Bishops Call on Catholic Workers to Join Catholic Labor Organizations," Social Action Notes for Priests, 12/60, pp. 7-8.

12. "Germany Moves to Halt Sunday Work," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/61, p. 13.

13. "German Catholis Protest Against Blocking Bill on Sunday Work," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/61, p. 10.

14. "German Cardinal Backs State Promoting Land Ownership," Social Action Notes for Priests, 2/61, pp. 9-10.

15. "Labor Groups Denounce German Strike, Lockout," Social Action Notes for Priests, 5/63, p. 7.

16. "German Protestants Take Strong Stand on Property Distribution," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/62, p. 14.

17. "Interfaith Statement in Behalf of German Workers," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/64, p. 11.

18. "Sees Abyss Remaining Between Church and German Socialists," Social Action Notes for Priests, 5/64, pp. 7-8.

19. "Seeks Care for Unemployed Miners," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/66, p. 4.

20. East German Hierarchy, "The Christian in an Atheistic Environment," Catholic Mind, v. 59, no. 1153, 1-2/61, pp. 81-87.

Great Britain

21. "Prelate Says Strike May Throttle Trade," Social Action Notes for Priests, 6/61, p. 4.

22. "Social Encyclical sent to British Lawmakers," Social Action Notes for Priests, 12/61, pp. 11-12.

23. "Cardinal Talks to Plant Stewards," Social Action Notes for Priests, 5/65, p. 5.


24. "Dutch Bishops Urge Single Labor Unions," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/60, p. 3.


25. "Ulster Churchmen Urge All Faiths to Combat Unemployment," Social Action Notes for Priests, 6/61, p. 4.

26. "Irish Bishop Speaks Out on Local Labor Wrangle," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10/62, p. 7.


27. "Management Should Regard Deguity of Man, Cardinal Says," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10/63, pp. 4-5.


28. Goncalves, Manuel Cerejeira, "Message of Social Justice in Y.C.W. Aim," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10-11/60, pp. 4-5.

29. "Bishop Stresses Need for All to be Property Owners," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/63, p. 5.

30. Social Justice in Spain Demanded byArchbisops," Social Justice Notes for Priests, 2/60, p. 7.

31. "Spanish Told to Bring Catholic Social Teaching to Workers," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10-11/60, pp. 5-6.

32. "Spanish Y.C.W. Asks Profit-Sharing Job Security," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10-11/60, pp. 15-16.

33. "Cardinal Warns Against Conflict Between the Government and Catholic Labor," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/61, pp. 7-8.

34. "Bishop Tells Franco Land Reform Needed," Social Action Notes for Priests, 5/61, p. 6.

35. "Bishop Voices for Workers," Social Action Notes for Priests, 6/61, p. 5.

36. "Spanish Bishop Demands Minimum Working Wage," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/61, p. 9.

37. "Spanish Social Week Sees Free Social Institutions," Social Action Notes for Priests, 12/61, pp. 6-7.

38. "Spanish Clergy Meet on Problems of Workers," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/62, pp. 14-15.

39. "Assails Low Wages," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/62, p. 2.

40. "Bishops of Spain Appeal to Labor Management and Government to Work for Social Justice," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/62, p. 8.

41. "Defends Spain's Catholic Worker Group," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10/62, p. 16.

42. "Captialism Reversed Teaching of Christ, Bishop Says," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/63, p. 5.

43. "Catholic Group Caustic on Spanish Labor Policy," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10/64, p. 11.

44. "Workers' Freedom Controversy Continues in Spain," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10/64, pp. 10-11.

45. "Supports Catholic Labor Organizations in Spain," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/65, p. 7.

46. "Prelate Wants Unions of Profit Sharing," Social Action Notes for Priests, 5/65, p. 5.

47. Spanish Hierarchy, "The Church and the Poor," Catholic Mind, v. 68, no. 1247, 11/70, pp. 52-56.

Chapter IX - Latin America


1. "Rural Industry, Social Aid for Farmers Urged by Social Week Delegates," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/61, pp. 12-13.

2. "Seeks to End Labor Troubles," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/66, p. 5.


3. "Bolivian Miners Called Overgrown Children," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/64, pp. 8-9.

4. "Miners Gain Further Church Support," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1-2/68, p. 10.


5. "Catholic Agrarian Front Founded in Brazil," Social Action Notes for Priests, 2/62, p. 6.

6. "Catholic Workers Give Brazil Government `Last Warning'," Social Action Notes for Priests, 11-12/67, p. 12.

7. Brazilian Hierarchy, "Realization of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights," Catholic Mind, v. 71, no. 1276, 10/73, pp. 2-9.

8. "I Have Heard the Cry of My People," Catholic Mind, v. 72, no. 1287, 11/74, pp. 39-64.

9. Kirchner, Donnell L., "Burned in Brasilca: Bishops' Pastoral," America v. 129, no. 21, 12/23/73, pp. 479-481.

10. Brazilian Hierarchy, "Pastoral Message to the People of God," Catholic Mind, n. 75, no. 1312, 4/77, pp. 55-64.


11. Bishops of Chile, "Duties of Our Day," Catholic Mind, v. 63, no. 1191, pp. 60-64.


12. "Practice Church's Social Teaching, Colombian Prelates Urges," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10-11/60, pp. 6-7.


13. Serantes, Enrique Perez, "The Situation in Cuba," Catholic Mind, v. 59, no. 1153, 1-2/61, pp. 89-95.

14. Cubas Hierarchy, "Communist Influence in Cuba," Catholic Mind, v. 59, no. 1155, 5-6/61, pp. 273-76.

15. Serantes, Enrique Perez, "Rome or Moscow?" Catholic Mind, v. 59, no. 1155, 5-6/61, pp. 276-81.

16. "Social Action Institute To Prepare Cuban Leaders," Social Action Notes for Priests, 11/62, p. 4.

Dominican Republic

17. "Bishop Protests Cane Workers' Conditions," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/62, p. 5.

18. "Christian Labor Congress Calls for Free Elections," Social Action Notes for Preists, 11/62, p. 13.

19. "Protest Against Single Trade Union Group in Dominican Republic," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/63, p. 9.

20. "Bishop Urges Boosts for Sugar Workers," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1-2/68, pp. 8-9.

21. "Bishop Defends Farmers Against Landowners," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1-2/86, p. 5.


22. "Landowners Blindness to Poor Condemned by Bishops of Ecuador," Social Action Notes for Priests, 2/61, pp. 5-6.

23. "Ecuador Bishops Urge Social Reform," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/61, pp. 9-10.

El Salvador

24. "San Salvador Prelate Urges Social Reform," Social Action Notes for Priests, 5/61, p. 5.

25. Romero, Oscar R., "A Pastoral Message," Catholic Mind, v. 78, no. 1345, 9/80, pp. 34-43.


26. "Guatemala's Bishops Urge Application fo Social Teachings," Social Action Notes for Priests, 11/62, pp. 6-7.


27. "Mexican Catholics to Contest Red Ideology," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/61, pp. 14-15.


28. "Prelate Urges Catholics Work for Social Justice," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/61, p. 4.

29. "Archbishop Orders Sermond Series on Social Problems," Social Action Notes for Priests, 12/61, p. 5.

30. "Peru Daily Attacks Priest as Leftist," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/64, p. 9.


31. "Cardinal Praises Code of Employers' Duties," Social Action Notes for Priests, 2/61, p. 4.

Chapter X - Canada

1. "Bishop Stresses Communist Menance," Social Action Notes for Priests, 2/60, p. 8.

2. "Cardinal Advocates Action Toward Industrial Peace," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10-11/60, p. 6.

3. "Canadian Bishops Voice Anxiety Over Sunday Work," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10-11/60, pp. 9-10.

4. "Social Action Sunday Has Industrial Relations Theme," Social Action Notes for Priests, 6/61, pp. 7-8.

5. "Christian Social Principles Can Restore Social Order, Bishops Say," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/61, p. 5.

6. "Some Catholics Are Too Timid in Joining Reform Programs," Social Action Notes for Priests, 11/61, pp. 8-9.

7. "Government Rid for Family Farms Urged," Social Action Notes for Priests, 11/61, pp. 15-16.

8. "Archbishop Stresses the Rights of Labor," Social Action Notes for Priests, 2/62, pp. 2-3.

9. "Social Teachings Apply to Hospitals," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/62, pp. 8-9.

10. "Pastoral Encourages Unions, Political Freedom," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/62, pp. 6-7.

11. "Catholic Labor Leaders Meet," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/62, pp. 9-10.

12. "Retreat - Seminar o Industrial - Life," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/62, p. 15.

13. "Community Leadership Urged on Unions," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10/62, pp. 13-14.

14. "Individualism Hinders Acceptance Doctrine," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/63, pp. 5-6.

15. "Institute Studies Hospital Community," Social Action Notes for Priests, 2/63, pp. 12-13.

16. "Union Members on a Special Retreat," Social Action Notes for Priests, 2/63, p. 14.

17. "Trade Unions Born Out of Necessity," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/63, p. 14.

18. "Subsidiarity Not `Hand-Off' Policy," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/63, pp. 13-14.

19. "Man Has Right, Duty to Organize," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/63, p. 13.

20. "Labor School Provokes Questions," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/63, pp. 13-14.

21. "Christ Would Be Unionist, Speaker Says," Social Action Notes for Priests," 3/64, p. 11.

22. "P.E.I. Bishop's Letter Supports Labor Unions," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1-2/67, p. 6.

23. Canadian Catholic Conference, "1970 Laboy Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 68, no. 1247, 11/70, pp. 60-64.

24. Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, "Social Justice in the Church," Catholic Mind, v. 70, no. 1266, 10/72, pp. 57-61.

25. Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, "Inequality Divides: Justice Reconciles: 1973 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 71, no. 1278, 12/73, pp. 52-57.

26. Canadian Catholic Conference, "1974 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 73, no. 1290, 2/75, pp. 58-64.

27. Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, "Strangers in Our Midst: A Pastoral Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 76, no. 1320, 2/78, pp. 2-6.

28. Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, "A Society to be Transformed," Catholic Mind, v. 76, no. 1321, 3/78, pp. 38-45.

29. Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, "Unemployment: The Human Costs," Catholic Mind, v. 78, no. 1344, 6/80, pp. 50-59.

Chapter XI - United States

1. National Catholic Conference of Bishops, "Human Life in Our Day," Catholic Mind, v. 66, no. 1228, 12/68, pp. 1-28.

2. NCCB, "Statement on Farm Labor," Catholic Mind, v. 67, no. 1229, 1/69, pp. 4-6.

3. NCCB, "Farm Labor Resolution," Catholic Mind, v. 74, no. 1303, 5/76, pp. 4-5.

4. NCCB, "Changing Roles of Women and Men," Origins, v. 10, no. /80, pp. 229-301.

5. NCCB, "Pastoral Letter on Marxist Communism," Origins, v. 10, no. 28, 12/25/80, pp. 433, 435-445.

6. Appalachian Bishops, "Letter on Powerlessness in Appalachia: This Land Is Home to Me," Origins, v. 4, no. 34, 2/17/75, pp. 529, 531-542.

7. "Bishops Seek to Mediate Textile Workers Dispute," Origins, v. 7, n. 3, 6/9/77, pp. 33-35.

8. "A Follow-up on the J.P. Stevens Dispute," Origins v. 7, n. 41, 3/30/78, pp. 649-651.

9. Southeastern Bishops, "A Statement in Support of a Boycott," Catholic Mind, v. 78, n. 1346, 10/80, pp. 11-13.

10. "Strangers and Guests: Toward Community in the Heartland," Origins, v. 10, n. 6, 6/26/80,

11. Askin, Steve, "Minnesota Bishop Concede Teachers' Rights to Organize in New Pastoral Letter Draft," National Catholic Reporter, v. 16, n. 38, 8/29/80, pp. 14-15.

12. "Questions Firm's Stand Against Union Strikens," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/60, p. 9.

13. "Industrial Troubles Due to Indifference to Papal Pleas," Social Actions Notes for Preists, 2/60, p. 5.

14. "Cardinal Suggests National Meeting to Improve Collective Bargaining," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/60, pp. 2-3.

15. "Syracuse Bishop Calls for End of Strike," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/60, p. 4.

16. "Moral Approach Prime Need in Labor Problems," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/60, pp. 5-6.

17. "Archbishop Defends Right of Teachers to Join Unions," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/60, pp. 4-5.

18. "Industrialization, Shifting Population Harting Farmers, Rural Life Convention Told," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10-11/60, p. 12.

19. Wright, John, J., "American Labor," Catholic Mind, v. 58, n. 1152, 11-12/60, pp. 561-565.

20. "Awareness of Human Rights Must Accompany Advances in Technology, Bishop Says," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/61, pp. 4-5.

21. "Archbishop Urges Labor Movement's Return to Crusading Spirit," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/61, p. 6.

22. "Archbishop Counsels Care in Distinguishing Principles and Their Application," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/61, p. 6.

23. "Archbishop Backs Public Welfare Legislation," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/61, pp. 8-9.

24. "Labor Movement Urged to Help Emerging Nations," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/62, p. 3.

25. "`Charity in Society', Albert Cardinal Meyer, Archbishop of Chicago," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/62, pp. 3-5.

26. "Over 1000 Attend Miami Labor Day Observance," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10/62, p. 8.

27. "Archbishop Criticizes Bracero Program," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/62, p. 14.

28. "Treatment of Migrants Called National Disgrace," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10/62, p. 5.

29. "Bishop Discusses Moral Aspects of Automation," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10/62, pp. 4-5.

30. "Bishop Urges Adequate Wages for Catholic Press," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/63, pp. 3-4.

31. "Archbishop Emphasizes Laity's Part in Advancing Social Order," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/63, p. 6.

32. "Warns of Automation's Threat to Religion," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/63, p. 4.

33. "Marxism, Automation Compared," Social Action Notes for Priests, 1/64, p. 7.

34. "Bishop Support Job Training Project," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3/64, p. 4.

35. Hallinan, Paul J., "Whatever Became of the Corporal Works of Mercy?", Part I, Ave Maria, v. 100, n. 16, 10/17/64, pp. 5-8.

36. Hallinan, Paul J., "Whatever Became of the Corporal Works of Mercy?", Part II, Ave Maria, v. 100, n. 17, 10/24/64, pp. 24-27.

37. "Unorganized Workers' Poverty Cause, Prelate Says," Social Action Notes for Priests, 2/65, p. 2.

38. "Action Job Equality," Social Action Notes for Priests, 4/65, pp. 6-7.

39. "Prelate's Views on Fair Wages," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/66, p. 10.

40. "Bishop Backs Union of Farm Workers," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/66, p. 13.

41. "Bishop Endorses $1.25 Minimum Farm Wage," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9/66, p. 14.

42. Editors, "Bishop Wright's Proposal for Social Justice," Catholic Mind, v. 64, n. 1208, 12/66, pp. 2-5.

43. "Higher Minimum Wages Urged by Archbishop," Social Action Notes for Priests, 3-4/67, p. 3.

44. "Outlines Challenges to Business, Labor," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9-10/67, pp. 4-5.

45. "Bishop Calls for Union of Labor and Management," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9-10/67, p. 6.

46. "Bishop Orders Lay Wage Hike," Social Action Notes for Priests, 9-10/67, p. 6.

47. Donohoe, Hugh R. "Collective Bargaining for Farm Workers," Catholic Mind, v. 68, n. 1239, 1/70, pp. 24-27.

48. O'Boyle, Patrick, "On Farm Labor Problems," Catholic Mind, v. 70, n. 1268, pp. 7-8.

49. Quinn, John R., "A Pastoral Letter on Family Farms," Catholic Mind, v. 75, n. 1309, 1/77, pp. 57-64.

50. Rausch, James, "Farm Workers and Enlightened Growers: Community of Interests," Origins, v. 7, 9/15/77, pp. 204-206.

51. Sonchez, Robert, "Serving the Migrant Family," Origins, v. 10, n. 20, 10/30/80, pp. 318-320.

52. NCWC, "Labor Management and the National Welfare," Catholic Mind, v. 58, n. 1147, 1-2/60, pp. 91-95.

53. NCWC, "Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 59, n. 1158, 11-12/61, pp. 566-571.

54. "Says Government Should Encourage Its Workers to Oganize," Social Action Notes for Priests, 10/61, pp. 9-10.

55. "See Need for Equal Job Opportunity Legislation," Social Action Notes for Priests, 2/62, pp. 13-14.

56. NCWC, "The Problem of Poverty," Catholic Mind, v. 62, n. 1183, 5/64, pp. 54-63.

57. Higgins, George G., "Organized Labor," Catholic Mind v. 62, n. 1197, 11/64, pp. 47-54.

58. NCWC, "1965 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 63, n. 1197, 11/65, pp. 59-64.

59. NCWC, "1966 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 64, n. 1206, 10/66, pp. 55-60.

60. USCC, Family Life Bureau, "Statement on Social Responsibility," Catholic Mind, v. 68, n. 1239, 1/70, pp. 8-11.

61. McCarthy, John E., "Statement on Mexican Workers," Catholic Mind, v. 68, n. 1240, 2/70, pp. 3-5.

62. Cosgrove, John E., Statement on Farm Labor Rights," Catholic Mind, v. 68,, n. 1243, 5/70, pp. 5-6.

63. USCC, "1970 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 68, n. 1246, 10/70, pp. 48-52.

64. Cosgrove, John E., "Family Assistance Plan," Catholic Mind, v. 68, n. 1247, 11/70, pp. 43-51.

65. USCC, "1971 Labor Day Statement," Division for Urban Life publication, 9/3/71.

66. USCC, "1972 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 70, n. 1267, 11/72, pp. 35-39.

67. USCC, Committee on Social Development, "Lettuce Boycott," Catholic Mind, v. 70, n. 1268, 12/72, pp. 8-10.

68. USCC, "1973 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 71, n. 1278, 12/73, pp. 7-10.

69. USCC, "1974 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 72, n. 1286, 10/74, pp. 2-6.

70. Higgins, George G., "A Statement on Illegal Aliens," Catholic Mind, v. 73, n. 1296, 10/75, pp. 7-10.

71. McNicholas, Joseph A., "A National Commitment to Full Employment," Catholic Mind, v. 74, n. 1300, 2/76, pp. 39-43.

72. USCC, "1975 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 73, n. 1298, 12/75, pp. 9-14.

73. USCC, "Political Responsibility: Reflections on an Election Year," Catholic Mind, v. 74, n. 1306, 10/76, pp. 2-9.

74. USCC, "1976 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 74, n. 1308, 12/76, pp. 32-40.

75. USCC, "1977 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 75, n. 1318, 12/77, pp. 42-51.

76. USCC, "1978 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 76, n. 1328, 12/78, pp. 6-11.

77. USCC, "1979 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 77, n. 1337, 12/79, pp. 4-8.

78. USCC, "Statement on Political Responsibility," Catholic Mind v. 78, n. 1340, 2/80, pp. 45-56.

79. USCC, "Public Policy and the Family," Catholic Mind, v. 78, n. 1343, 5/80, pp. 2-5.

80. USCC, "Testimony Before Two National Platform Committees," Catholic Mind, v. 78, n. 1346, 10/80, pp. 2-11.

81. USCC, "1980 Labor Day Statement," Catholic Mind, v. 79, n. 1349, pp. 2-

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