Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1973-1974 Academic Year
Acting Chairman: Reginald Bain
Costume Design: Faith Adams
Communication: Cheryl Hughes
Directing: Reginald Bain
Speech: Leonard Sommer
Acting: Charles Ballinger
Speech Correction: Cheryl Stillson
Broadcasting: James Baxter
Dramatic Literature: Frederic Syburg
Tech. Theatre, Scene Design: Richard Bergman
Dept. Secretary: Marjory Mickelson
Play: Richard III
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates Performed: October 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1973
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium, SMC
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Sets and Lights: Richard Bergman
Costumes: Faith Adams
Fencing Scenes: Adolph Soens
Cast List
Richard, Duke of Gloucester: Christopher Ceraso
George: Ralph Bruneau
Sir Robert Brakenbury: Aubrey Payne
Lord Hastings: Dan Dailey
Lady Anne: Lisa Anne Colaluca
Queen Elizabeth: Helen Fricker
Earl Rivers: Mike Cleary
Lord Grey: Scott Enright
Marquis of Dorset: Tom Mules
Duke of Buckingham: Mark Swiney
Lord Stanley: Matthew Regan
Queen Margaret: Kathy Burke
William Catesby: Paul Matwiy
First Murderer: Ted Kerin
Second Murderer: Cliff Fetters
King Edward IV: Richard Remley
Duchess of York: Diana Shaheen
Children of Clarence: Bridget Ragan, Mark Sakaley
Archbishop of York: Steve Pladna
Richard, young Duke of York: Reginald Bain
Edward, Prince of Wales: Dean Norris
Lord Mayor of London: John Dunn
Cardinal Bourchier: Ted Kerin
Sir Christopher Urswick: Dennis Murphy
Sir Thomas Vaughan: Dan Deziel
John Morton: Ed Grey
Sir James Tyrrel: Dan Deziel
Duke of Norfolk: Ed Small
Henry, Earl of Richmond: William McGlinn
Sir James Blunt: Cliff Fetters
Earl of Oxford: Steve Pladna
Ratcliffe: Tim Galloway
Production Staff
Technical Director: Richard Bergman
Assistant Designer: Al Fierro
Stage Manager: Sandra Swartz
Assistant Stage Manager: Tom Fehrenbacher, Margaret Humphries
Costume Supervisor: Faith Adams
Wardrobe Mistress: Jan Bobak
Make-up Coordinator: Debbie Tirsway
Asst. Make-up Coordinator: Mary Walsh
Property Coordinator: Janet Wilson
Master Electrician: Pat Gleason
Shop Foremen: Al Fanjoy, Phil McElroy
Sound Execution: Paul Matwiy
Scenery, Props, Lights: Al Fanjoy, Al Fierro, Pat Gleason, Phil McElroy, Dante Orfei, Kate Ward
Shop Apprentices: Mary Jane Anderson, Diane Bove, Jaye Cassetti, Liz Costello,
Rosie Eslinger, Janet Hanigan, Nancy Kelly, Randy Kreuzer,
Peter Mazzocchi, Joann McDermott, Suzanne McKenna, Coleen Mooney,
Peggy Moore, Colette Morfoot, Bob Murphy, Shevann O'Conner,
Kieran Pillion, Rita Probst, Vincent Ravaschiere, Larry Schlereth,
Patrick Smith, Mark Sorvillo, Patrick Swain, Michael Wullaert
Costumes: Jan Bobak, Danny Chambliss, Becky Kapsa, Carol Johnson, Paul Matwiy,
Rod Shelnutt, Carol Sommer
Make-up: Karen Hucharczuk
Publicity: Helen Fricker
House Manager: Norah Mullee
House Assistants: Ladies of Notre Dame
Box Office Manager: Marjory Mickelsen
Box Office Assistants: Debbie Batt, Margaret Dakoske, Nan Lauer
Source(s): 1974 Dome, pp. 50-61; Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Thieves' Carnival
Author: Jean Anouilh
Dates Performed: December 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1973
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Charles Ballinger
Sets and Lights: Richard Bergman
Costumes: Faith Adams
Cast List
Peterbono: James Boland
Hector: Scott Wahle
Gustave: Ralph Bruneau
Lord Edgard: Ed Gray
Lady Hurf: Kathy Burke
Juliette: Debbie Tirsway
Eva: Christine Sterner
Dupont-Dufort Senior: William McGlinn
Dupont-Dufort Junior: Dick Read
Town Crier: Dan Daily
Policeman: Mike Frommeyer
Policeman: John Mazza
Nursemaid: Margie Hadsell
Little Girl: Kimberly Tucker
Musician: Jamie Massa
Production Staff
Technical Director: Richard Bergman
Assistant Designer: Al Fierro
Stage Manager: Billy Banner
Assistant Stage Manager: Margie Hadsell
Costume Supervisor: Faith Adams
Wardrobe Master: Danny Chambliss
Make-up Coordinator: Debbie Tirsway
Asst. Make-up Coordinator: Danny Chambliss
Property Coordinator: Janet Wilson
Master Electrician: William James Blaetz, Pat Gleason
Master Painter: Al Fierro
Asst. Painter: Danny Chambliss
Shop Foremen: Al Fanjoy, Phil McElroy
Sound Execution: Paul Matwiy
Scenery, Props, Lights: Al Fanjoy, Al Fierro, Pat Gleason, Phil McElroy, Dante Orfei, Kate Ward
Shop Apprentices: Debby Beck, Pat Behan, Kerry Boyle, Gregory Clark, Charles D'Amico,
Patricia Daubner, Mary Ellen Donnelly, Mary Henry, Nan Jenkins,
Cynthia Jones, Paul Martin, Laura McCarthy, Ellen Minter,
Louella Saintville, Debbie Sansone, Kathleen Schomer,
Stephanie Smith, Eileen Tyrrell, Pamela Waldeck
Costumes: Jan Bobak, Danny Chambliss, Becky Kapsa, Carol Johnson,
Rod Shelnutt, Carol Sommer
Publicity: Helen Fricker
House Manager: Norah Mullee
House Assistants: Ladies of Notre Dame
Box Office Manager: Marjory Mickelsen
Box Office Assistants: Debbie Batt, Margaret Dakoske, Nan Lauer
Source(s): 1974 Dome, pp. 50-61; Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: The Homecoming
Author: Harold Pinter
Dates Performed: March 26 - 30, 1974
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Richard Bergman
Set Design: Al Fierro
Light Design: Phil McElroy
Costumes: Danny Chambliss
Cast List
Max: Mark Swiney
Lenny: Peter Korth
Sam: Dan Daily
Joey: Cliff Fetters
Teddy: Christopher Ceraso
Ruth: Diana Shaheen
Production Staff
Technical Director: Phil McElroy
Stage Manager: Kate Ward
Costume Supervisor: Faith Adams
Wardrobe Master: Rod Shelnutt
Make-up Coordinator: Debbie Tirsway
Property Coordinator: Janet Wilson
Master Electrician: Pat Gleason
Sound Execution: Kate Ward
Hair Stylist: Mrs. Annie Chambliss
Shop Apprentices: Mary Black, Anthony Broccoli, Pamela Carzoli, Laura Costanzo,
Janet Gross, Michael Hoots, Mark Kolb, Rita Probst, Marianne Rinella,
Kathleen Schomer, Joan Studer, Megan Wolff
Costumes: Jan Bobak, Becky Kapsa, Carol Johnson, Rod Shelnutt, Carol Sommer
Publicity: Helen Fricker
House Manager: Norah Mullee
House Assistants: Ladies of Notre Dame
Box Office Manager: Marjory Mickelsen
Box Office Assistant: Margaret Dakoske, Nan Lauer
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: The Beggar's Opera
Author: John Gay
Dates Performed: April 26, 27, May 2, 3, 4, 1974
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium, SMC
Artistic Staff
Director: Frederic Syburg
Set Design: Richard Bergman
Lighting: Phil McElroy
Costumes: Faith Adams
Musical Director: Arthur Lawrence
Vocal Director: Susan Stevens
Choreographer: Helen Fricker
Cast List
Manager: Mark Swiney
Player: Matthew Regan
Beggar: Christopher Ceraso
Mr. Peachum: William McGlinn
Filch: Dick Read
Mrs. Peachum: Kathy Burke
Polly Peachum: Alicia Purcell
Captain Macheath: Ralph Bruneau
Matt of the Mint: Phil Courington
Ben Budge: Dan Deziel
Jemmy Twitcher: Cliff Fetters
Crook-fingered Jack: Jay Parks
Wat Dreary: Jon Rakow
Robin of Bagshot: Mike Frommeyer
Nimming Ned: Tom Mules
Harry Padington: Steve Pladna
Drawer: Janet Wilson
Mrs. Coaxer: Helen Fricker
Dolly Trull: Johanna Drew
Betty Doxy: Mary Walsh
Mrs. Vixen: Sharon Carr
Jenny Diver: Lisa Anne Colaluca
Mrs. Slammekin: Kathy Kelly
Suky Tawdry: Bridget Ragan
Molly Brazen: Kathy Rink
Constables: Joseph Doaks, Michael Snow
Lockit: Matthew Regan
Lucy Lockit: Maribeth Fencl
Servant: Deborah Beck
Mrs. Diana Trapes: Debbie Tirsway
Rabble and Riffraff: Deborah Beck, Linda Iaderosa, Mary Sheeran
Musicians: Arthur Lawrence, Harriet Heacock, Marie Talayco, Tomio Anderson,
Nola Douglas, John Fisher, Patricia Bingham, Susan Stevens, John Fisher
Production Staff
Technical Director: Phil McElroy
Stage Manager: Mary Mahalek
Assistant Stage Managers: Terry Kennedy, Mark Swiney
Costume Supervisor: Faith Adams
Wardrobe Mistress: Jan Bobak
Make-up Coordinator: Debbie Tirsway
Property Coordinator: Janet Wilson
Master Electrician: Pat Gleason
Master Carpenter: Al Fanjoy
Scene Painter: Al Fierro
Shop Apprentices: Randy Kreuzer, Laurie McCarthy, Rita Probst, Kate Ward
Costumes: Jan Bobak, Danny Chambliss, Denise Derbes, Karen Hinks, Becky Kapsa,
Regina Kelso, Paulette Lagana, Meg McManus, Jennifer Namtze,
Melody Owens, Patricia Prioletti, Shaun Saer, Rod Shelnutt,
Mary Jo Silvani, Carol Sommer, Mark Trocchi
Make-up: LouAnne Catarinella, Russ Petralc, Chuck Quakenbush, Gail Santorelli,
Mary Walsh
Publicity: Helen Fricker
House Manager: Norah Mullee
House Assistants: Ladies of Notre Dame
Box Office Manager: Marjory Mickelsen
Box Office Assistant: Margaret Dakoske, Nan Lauer
Notes: Musical arrangements for The Begger's Opera by Arthur
Lawrence; vocal arrangements by Susan Stevens; a new prologue written
for this production by Christopher Ceraso
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Poorman's Broadway 1974
Dates Performed: Spring 1974
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Mary Walsh
Musical Director: Marty Kabbes
Choreographer: Helen Fricker
Set and Lights: Dante Orfei
Costumes: Jan Bobak
The Company
Debbie Beck Marty Kabbes
Jan Bobak Jennifer Kellow
Ralph Bruneau Cathy Kowalski
Phil Courington Mary Ann McCarthy
Dan Deziel Richard Minogue
Marty Dineen Sheila O'Brien
Clark Eide Kirk Packo
Helen Fricker Jay Parks
Steve Gallogly Dick Read
Debbie Hale Kathy Rink
Ellen Hanahue Robin Salem
Bill Hillstrom Scott Sandrock
Linda Iaderosa Mary Ellen Stumpf
Beth Jones Sandy Swartz
Musicians: Marty Kabbes, Bill Hillstrom
Production Staff
Technical Director: Dante Orfei
Stage Manager: Maggie Dakoske
Property Coordinator: Lou St. Ville
Technical Assistants: Pat Gleason, Jim McKeegan, Ed Miller
Property Assistants: Jean Dadmun, Jo Deneef
Costume Assistants: Kathy Carrigan, Carol Sommer
House Manager: Norah Mullee
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: The Queen and the Rebels
Author: Ugo Betti
Dates Performed: Spring 1974
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: unknown
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Diana Shaheen
Cast List
Argia: Margaret Hadsell
Amos: Aubrey Payne
Biante: Richard Remley
Elisabetta: Janet Wilson
Raim: Dan Deziel
Maupa: Terence Kennedy
Porter: Eddie Bryan
Engineer: Peter Korth
Travelers, Soldiers, Peasants: Elizabeth Karl, Mary Lu Bilek, Dan Duncheon, M. M. Fahrenbach,
Tom Glave, Dan Flint
Production Staff
Technical Director: Pat Gleason
Stage Manager: Dan Duncheon
Lights: Cris Kurtzman
Sound: Kate Ward
Production Crew: Mary Lu Bilek, Eddie Bryan, Dan Deziel, Dan Duncheon, M. M. Fahrenbach,
Dan Flint, Tom Glave, Margaret Hadsell, Elizabeth Karl, Terence Kennedy,
Peter Korth, Aubrey Payne, Richard Remley, Janet Wilson
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Theatre of the Deaf
Dates Performed: Spring 1974
Stage Manager
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Cast List
Source(s): 1974 Dome, pp. 50-61
Play Title: Marcel Marceau
Dates Performed: Spring 1974
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Source(s) 1974 Dome, pp. 50-61
Summer Theatre
Play: A Man for All Seasons
Author: Robert Bolt
Dates Performed: June 28, 29; July 5, 6, 1974, 8:00 P.M.
Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Little Theatre (Moreau Hall), Saint Mary's College
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Design: Richard Bergman
Lighting: Phil McElroy
Costumes: Danny Chambliss
Cast List
The Common Man: Clifford Fetters
Sir Thomas More: Christopher Ceraso
Master Richard Rich: John Gallogly
The Duke of Norfolk: Kirk Packo
Lady Alice More: Janet Wilson
Lady Margaret More: Cathy Hicks
Cardinal Wolsey: Frederic Syburg
Thomas Cromwell: Dan Deziel
Signor Chapuy: Raymond Berndt
Chapuy's Attendant: Paul Matwiy
William Roper: Alan Vargo
King Henry the Eighth: Charles Ballinger
A Woman: Mary Keith Roe
Thomas Cranmer: Paul Tracey
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Mary Keith Roe
Lighting Crew: Mark Genero (Crew chief), Trisha Falvey, Mary Kay Black
Prop Crew: Janet Wilson, Cathy Hicks
Sound: Paul Matwiy
Wardrobe: Stephanie Smith
Shop Apprentices: Mary Kay Black, Trisha Falvey, Kathryn Walsh, Janet Searcy
Ushers: Billy Banner, Susan Fetters, Kathrene Wales
Notes: "Air Conditioned"
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: The Miser
Author: Moliere
Dates Performed: July 12, 13, 19, 20, 1974 at 8:00 P.M.
Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Little Theatre (Moreau Hall), Saint Mary's College
Artistic Staff
Director: Charles Ballinger
Design: Richard Bergman
Lighting: Phil McElroy
Costumes: Danny Chambliss
Cast List
Valere: Raymond Berndt
Elise: Cathy Hicks
Cleante: Christopher Ceraso
Harpagon: Clifford Fetters
Flash: John Gallogly
Master Simon: Paul Matwiy
Frosine: Susan Fetters
Jacques: Dan Deziel
Mariane: Mary Keith Roe
Justice of the Peace: Kirk Packo
Seigneur Anselm: Paul Tracey
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Janet Wilson
Lighting Crew: Mark Genero (Crew Chief), Mary Kay Black
Prop Crew: Trisha Falvey
Sound: Paul Matwiy (Crew Chief), Trisha Falvey
Wardrobe: Mildred Ballinger, Nancy Genero, Mary Cook, Kirk Packo, Dan Deziel,
Paul Tracey, Janet Searcy
Shop Apprentices: Mary Kay Black, Trisha Falvey, Kathryn Walsh, Janet Searcy
Notes: This year Cathy Hicks was nominated by the department
for the national University Resident Theatre Association's auditions
and, as a result, won a prestigious fellowship to study the next year
in the professional training program at Cornell University.
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad
Author: Arthur Kopit
Dates Performed: July 26, 27, August 2, 3, 1974 at 8:00 P.M.
Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Little Theatre (Moreau Hall), Saint Mary's College
Artistic Staff
Director and Designer: Richard Bergman
Lighting: Phil McElroy
Costumes: Danny Chambliss
Cast List
Madame Rosepettle: Janet Wilson
Jonathan: John Gallogly
Rosalie: Mary Keith Roe
Commodore Roseabove: Kirk Packo
Head Bellboy: Christopher Ceraso
Rosalinda: Herself
Bellboys: Clifford Fetters, Danny Chambliss
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Lorraine Taylor
Lights: Mark Genero
Props: Dan Deziel
Soundtrack: Phil McElroy
Sound Effects: Kirk Packo
Stage Hands: Trisha Falvey, Mary Kay Black
Production Assistants: Mary Kay Black, Trisha Falvey, Kathryn Walsh, Christine Dudley
All Around Help: Janet Searcy
Notes: The season poster had the title of this play slightly wrong: "...And I Feel So Sad."
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Summer Theatre for Young People 1974
Play: Hansel and Gretel
Author: Moses Goldberg
Dates Performed: July 3, 6, 10, 13, 1974, at 2:00 P.M.
Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Little Theatre (Moreau Hall), Saint Mary's College
Artistic Staff
Director: Charles Ballinger
Designer: Richard Bergman
Lighting: Phil McElroy
Costumes: Danny Chambliss
Cast List
Staggio: Kirk Packo
Sabrina: Janet Wilson
Bulbov: Dan Deziel
Trickle: Mary Keith Roe
Bucol: John Gallogly
Kiko: Christopher Ceraso
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Cathy Hicks
Lighting Crew: Clifford Fetters (Crew Chief), Stephanie Smith, Trisha Falvey
Shop Apprentices: Mary Kay Black, Trisha Falvey, Janet Searcy
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: Adventures of Robin Hood
A Story Theatre Presentation
Arranged and Directed by: Reginald Bain
Dates: July 17, 20, 24, 27, 1974 at 2:00 P.M.
Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Little Theatre (Moreau Hall), Saint Mary's College
Artistic Staff
Designer: Richard Bergman
Lighting: Phil McElroy
Costumes: Danny Chambliss
Fencing Master: Adolphe Soens
Cast List
Troubadour: Janet Wilson
Prince John: Christopher Ceraso
Sheriff of Nottingham: Dan Deziel
Maid Marion: Cathy Hicks
Robin Hood: Clifford Fetters
1st Soldier: Kirk Packo
2nd Soldier: Dan Deziel
Widow Scarlet: Mary Keith Roe
Will Scarlet: Danny Chambliss
Friar Tuck: John Gallogly
Little John: Kirk Packo
Lady What-cha-say: Mary Keith Roe
Production Staff
Stage Manager: John Gallogly
Lighting Crew: Kathy Walsh
Sound: George Spelvin
Notes:"Theatre For Children--All Seats .75"
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
last edited by Mark C. Pilkinton, July 1, 2012
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