Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1980/1981 School Year
Faculty of the Department of Communication & Theatre
Chairman: Mitchell Lifton
Directing: Reginald Bain, Leonard Powlick, William Francis Boddy
Dance: Debra Sedore Stahl
Speech: Bro. John Doran, CSC
Dramatic Lit/Oral Intrp: Frederic Syburg
Costume Designer: Diana Hawfield, Julie Jensen
Speech: Kathie Turner
Emeritus: Rev. Arthur Harvey, CSC
Scenography: Thomas Leff, Thomas Mwanika
Secretary: Jeannette Vandenberg
Play Title: He Who Gets Slapped
Author: Leonid Andreyev
Dates Performed: September 26, 27, October 2, 3, 4, 1980
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Reginald Bain
Sets and Lights by: Thomas Leff
Costumes by: Diana Hawfield
Choreography by: Debra Stahl
Makeup by: Belinda Goins, Doug Kreitzberg
Cast List
He: John Davenport
Mama Briquet: Adriana Trigiani
Countess Mancini: Susan Groeschel
Jackson: Jeffrey Mousseau
Madame Zinida: Rachael Patterson
Consuelo: Eileen Durkin
Alfred Bezano: Tim Grothaus
Polly: Regina Pratt
Silly: Mary Link
Tilly: Kathleen Maccio
The Baron: Joe O'Brien
The Gentleman: Jack Connolly
Ballerina: Mary Beth Budd
Strongman: Greg D'Alessandro
Clown: Paula Groves
Clown: Greg Hartmann
Trapeze Artist: John Kacergis
Clown: Amy Kerwin
Trapeze Artist: Laura Martin
Acrobat: Eileen Mullaney
Clown: Mark Pizzato
Clown: Betsy Quinn
Dancer: Anne Maureen Slowey
Clown: Monica Smith
The Clown Band: Raul Aportela
Drums: Greg D'Alessandro
Production Staff
Technical Director: Thomas Leff
Stage Manager: Doug Kreitzberg
Assistant Stage Manager: Greg D'Alessandro
Assts. to the Tech. Director: Colleen Quinn, Mary Francell, Greg Hartmann, Kathleen Maccio,
Mickey McGowan, Rachael Patterson, Maureen Ulicny, Brian Wolfe
Stage Crew: Raul Aportela, Bea Bosco, Elizabeth Bottum, Anne Brown, Laura Caffrey,
Marie Canfield, Ann Conley, Joe Dolan, Mary Pat Ellis, Susan Flynn,
Daritia Hawkins, Isabel Keenan, Ed Noreno, Rachael Patterson, Joe Pojman,
Kathy Vanoverberge
Property Mistress: Rachael Patterson
Costumes: Regina Pratt, Anne Letcher, Cathy Mahoney, Erin Mead, Kathleen King
Wardrobe Mistress: Bernie Ryan
Makeup Coordination: Belinda Goins
Hair Dresser: Kathleen Leonard
Sound: Raul Aportela
Circus Posters: Maureen Ulicny
Publicity: Adriana Trigiani, Annie Patterson, Anne Maureen Slowey
House Manager: Mary Francell
Box Office Manager: Mary Borchers
Production poster design: Lewis Glaser
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: A Way Out of No Way
The Early Years of Sojourner Truth
World premiere
Author: Julie Jensen
Dates Performed: November 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 1980
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Julie Jensen
Asst. Director: Bea Bosco
Scenographic Design: Brian Wolfe
Costume Design: Diana Hawfield
Cast List
Isabella: Rachel Patterson
Mama Bett: Joyce Jordan
Betsy, Benson: Adri Trigiani
Tess, Mason Van Dusen: Kathleen Maccio
Bomefree, Auctioneer: Greg D'Alessandro
Rose Pride, Preacher: Regina Pratt
Caesar, Cato: Mark Pizzato
Cleveland, Nathaniel: Joe O'Brien
George, Catlin: Raul Aportela
Dumont: Tim Grothaus
Nealy, Thomas: Scott Thomas
Margaret Nealy, Bradford Morris: Eileen Durkin
Production Staff
Technical Director: Brian Wolfe, Thomas Leff
Master Scene Painter: Maureen Ulicny
Light Crew: Eddie Moreno, Chris Vergara, Susan Barszcz, Amy Kerwin
Stage Crew: Bea Bosco, Raul Aportela, Susan Flynn, Ellen Gorman, Eileen Mullaney,
Elizabeth O'Neil, Dan Osborn
Properties: Rachael Patterson, Anne Brown
Technical Assistants: Ellen Mackl, Mary Francell, Brian Wolfe, Kathleen Maccio, Mickey McGown,
Colleen Quinn, Greg Hartman, Rachael Patterson
Publicity: Adri Trigiani, Ann Patterson, Anne Slowey
Poster Design: Lewis Glaser
Costumes: Anne Letcher, Bernie Ryan, Regina Pratt, Kathleen King, Cathy Mahoney,
Susan Groeschel
Wardrobe: Bernie Ryan
Makeup Coordination: Belinda Goins
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: I Knock at the Door
A Readers' Theatre Production
Author: Sean O'Casey
Adapted by: Paul Shyre
Dates Performed: December 5, 6, 7, 1980
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Frederic Syburg
Lights by: Thomas Leff
Cast List
Reader No. 1: Colleen Quinn
Reader No. 4: Susan Gosdick
Reader No. 2: John Davenport
Reader No. 5: David Barber
Reader No. 3: Anthony Mockus
Reader No. 6: Robin Brown
Musician: Regina Pratt
Production Staff
Technical Director: Thomas Pratt
Stage Manager: Theresa Pasquale
Light Crew: Missy McLean
Technical Assistants: Ellen Hackl, Brian Wolfe, Mary Francell,
Kathleen Maccio, Mickey McGowan, Colleen Quinn, Greg Hartman, Rachael
Patterson, Maureen Ulicny
Wardrobe: John Davenport
Publicity: Adri Trigiani, Ann Patterson, Anne Slowey
House Manager: Aggie Roberts
Box Office Manager: Mary Borchers
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: The Country Wife, A Restoration Comedy
Author: William Wycherley
Dates Performed: February 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium
Artistic Staff
Guest Directed by: Frank Canino
Set and Light Design: Thomas Leff
Costume Design: Diana Hawfield:
Cast List
Harry Horner: John Davenport
Prue: Kathleen Maccio
Mother Bennett: Carol Losi
Sir Jasper Fidget: Raul Aportela
Lady Fidget: Susan Gosdick
Miss Dainty Fidget: Heather Fraser
Frank Harcourt: Joe Dolan
Dorilant: Jeb Cashin
Sparkish: Rick Lechowich
Mr. Pinchwife: Jack Connolly
Lucy: Regina Pratt
Alithea: Eileen Durkin
Margery: Rachael Patterson
Lady Squeamish: Colette St. Hilaire
Parson: David Barber:
Londoners: Amy Kerwin, Kristine Allen, Tina Widerquist, Becky Bringman,
David Barber, William Patt, Mary Feider
Harpsichordist: Darlene Catello
Production Staff
Technical Director: Thomas Leff
Stage Manager: Bea Bosco
Asst. Director: Jeff Mousseau
Assistant Stage Manager: David Barber
Asst. Assistant Director: Amy Kerwin
Technical Assistants: Ellen Hackl, Greg Hartman, Mary Francell, Kathleen Maccio, Mickey McGowan,
Rachael Patterson, Colleen Quinn, Maureen Ulicny, Brian Wolfe
Stage Crew: Elizabeth Bottum, Cassie Boehler, Kelly Cambron, Paul Clay, Mary Feider,
Eileen McCullough, Theresa McGinn, Ed Moreno, Betsy Quinn, Kelly Quinn,
Jennifer Worthy
Costumes: Anne Letcher, Laura Caffrey, Kathleen King, Catherine Mahoney, Regina Pratt,
Tim Grothaus, Lucy Burns
Wardrobe: Bernadette Ryan
Makeup Coordination: Belinda Goins
Hairstyle and Wigs: Kathleen Leonard
Poster Design: Lewis Glaser
House Manager: Aggie Roberts
Box Office: Mary Borchers, Sheila Kelly
Publicity: Adriana Trigiani, Anne Slowey, Annie Patterson
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Notes from the Nile
Author: Adriana Trigiani
Dates Performed: April 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Adriana Trigiani
Scenographic Design: Brian Wolfe
Costumes: Anne Letcher
Musical Direction: Susan Groeschel
Cast List
Cleopatra: Kathleen Maccio
Antony: Gregory D'Alessandro
Julius Caesar: Jay Dunlap
Babs Brisbain: Anne Patterson
Charmin: ANne Slowey
Iris: Angela Wing
Rusty: Chris Groll
Octavia: Mary Francell
Lepidus: Raul Aportela
Octavius Caesar: Jack Connolly
Elizabeth the Tailor: Mary Catherine Ramelow
Irma: Beatrice Bosco
Eddie the Fisherman: Tim Grothaus
Bernie: Matthew Danté; Perruccio
Debbie the Fisherwoman: Katie Willson
Ida: Regina Pratt
George, Keeper of the Castle: Jeff Santicola
Ophelia: Patricia Koch
Maria: Jill DeLa Hunt
Desdemona: Mary Pigott
Imogen: Vivien Sierra
Miranda: Susan Gosdick
Frank: Mike Daly
Gred: Greg Hartmann
Mel: Ed Neuert
Bruce: Kevin Finney
Production Staff
Technical Director: Brian Wolfe
Stage Manager: Ed Moreno
Assistant Stage Manager: Joe Dolan
Technical Assistants: Ellen Hackl, Greg Hartmann, Tom Kronick, Mary Francell, Kathleen Maccio,
Mickey McGowan, Rachael Patterson, Colleen Quinn, Brian Wolfe, Lucy Burns
Technical Advisor: Tom Leff
Stage Crew: Eileen Durkin, Julie Jensen, Betsy Quinn, Pat Koch
Light Crew: Mike DeHaemer, Carl (?)
Follow Spot: Mickey McGowan
Properties: Mary Francell
Costume Advisor: Diana Hawfield
Costumes: Anne Letcher, Laura Caffrey, Anne Patterson, Kathleen King,
Catherine Mahoney, Regina Pratt, Tim Grothaus, Lucy Burns, The Cast
Makeup Coordination: Belinda Goins
Hairstyle/Wigs: Kathleen King
Sound: Antonia Trigiani
Poster/Program Design: Lewis Glser
House Manager: Mary Agnes Roberts, Bill Patt
Box Office Manager: Mary Borchers, Sheila Kelly
Publicity: Adri Trigiani, Anne Slowey, Annie Patterson, Peeve Jackowski, The Cast
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Coppélia
Dates Performed: April 24, 25, 30, May 1, 2, 14, 15, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Aud.
Artistic Staff
Director/Choreographer: Debra Stahl
Set/Light Design: Thomas Leff
Costume Design: Diana Hawfield
Music: Leo Delibes
Asst. Director: Margie Vermeulen
Cast List
Swanhilda: Mary Beth Budd
Franz: Richard Dohring
Dr. Coppélius: Regina Pratt
Coppélia: Martha Hausmann
Friends: Barbara Cosgrove, Nancy Eileen Pajaro, Colleen Marie Quinn
F. Cecilia Regas
Villagers: Lisa Allison, Richard Bullene, John Davenport, Margi Fink, Sonya Jones,
Jeffrey Mousseau, Bill Sepeta, Mary Stoll, Nini Stoll, Michael Valerio
Soloists: Lisa Allison, Jeffrey Mousseau
Duet: Margie Vermeulen, Mary Beth O'Brien
Chinaman: Robin Kelly
Clown: Eileen Durkin
One-Man Band: Gail Willoughby
Soldier: Sofia Tseng
Burgomeister: Matthew Perruccio
Lord of the Manor: Brian Wolfe
Priest: Raul Aportela
Production Staff
Technical Director: Thomas Leff
Stage Manager: David Barber
Costumes: Lucy Burns, Catherine Mahoney, Kathleen King
Wardrobe: Laura Caffrey
Makeup Coordination: Belinda Goins
Technical Assistants: Bea Bosco, Ellen Hackl, Greg Hartmann, Mary Francell, Mickey McGowan,
Rachael Patterson, Betsy Quinn, Colleen Quinn, Maureen Ulicny, Brian Wolfe
Stage Crew: Colleen Dwyer, Ann Pillepich, Thomas Vasatka
Scene Painting: Maureen Ulicny
Publicity: Anne Slowey, Adri Trigiani, Annie Patterson
Box Office Manager: Mary Borchers, Shelia Kelly
Poster/Program Design: Lewis Glaser
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Second Scene
Play Title: Ultimates
An evening of three works
Author: Samuel Beckett
Dates Performed: October 29, 30, 31, November 1, 1980
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Moreau Hall Little Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Len Powlick
Asst. to the Director: Jeff Mousseau
Stage Manager: Jeff Mousseau
Cast List
Come and Go
Flo: Annie Patterson
Ru: Regina Pratt
Vi: Colleen Quinn
M.: Rachael Patterson
V.: Mary Patricia Ellis
Not I
Mouth: Diana Hawfield
Auditor: Mary Patricia Ellis
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Molly's Song
From the book Ulysses: James Joyce
Adapted for the stage by: Doug Kreitzberg
Dates Performed: October 31, November 2, 1980
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Aud.
Artistic Staff
Director: Doug Kreitzberg
Scenographer: Maureen Ulicny
Lighting: Mickey McGowan
Cast List
Molly Bloom: Mary Link
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: The Outcasts
An original women's improvisational comdey
Dates Performed: October 1980
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: LaFortune Ballroom
Source(s) Reference in program insert courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: A Man For All Seasons
Dates Performed: Fall 1980
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Source(s) Reference in program insert courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Vanities
Author: Jack Heifner
Dates Performed: Spring 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Beatrice Bosco
Scenic Design: Mo Ulicny
Light Design: Mickey McGowan
Stage Manager: Mary Francell
Cast List
Joanne: Eileen Durkin
Kathy: Kathleen Maccio
Mary: Rachael Patterson
Notes: Partial fulfillment of Directing II.
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: The Crossroads
Author: Brian Way
Dates Performed: April 11, 12, 1981
Directed by: Colleen Quinn
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Regina Aud., SMC
Notes: Partial fulfillment of Directing II.
Source(s) Reference in Vanities program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Keep Tightly Closed in a Cool Dry Place and Calm Down Mother
Author: Megan Terry
Dates Performed: TBA
Directed by: Rachael Patterson
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Unknown
Notes: Partial fulfillment of Directing II.
Source(s) Reference in Vanities program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Sea Horse
Author: unknown
Dates Performed: TBA
Directed by: Jeff Mousseau
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Unknown
Notes: Partial fulfillment of Directing II.
Source(s) Reference in Vanities program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Oedipus at Collonnus
Author: Sophocles
Translated by: Robert Fitzgerald
Dates Performed: May 2, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Lake Marian Island, SMC
Artistic Staff
Director: Doug Kreitzberg
Costume Design: Regina Pratt
Musical Arranger: Jane Zwernemann
Stage Manager: Stacy Watson
Cast List
Oedipus: Walter Davis
Antigone: Mary Link
Ismene: Carmela Esposito
Polyneices: Thomas Dutoit
Theseus: Thomas Rosshirt
Creon: Michael Kelly
Stranger/Messenger: Thomas Melsheimer
Chorus: Elizabeth Bottum, Keith Caughlin, Laura Curliss, Brenden Dineen,
Paula Groves, Mary Powel Jabaley, John Kacergis, John Malley,
Keith McCafferty, Debra O'Meara
Attendant: Robert Bacic, Kevin Bauer, Patrick Mulligan, Barry Tharp
Musicians: Regina Pratt, Joseph Tamayo
Notes: Partial fulfillment of Directing II.
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Equus
Author: Peter Shaffer
Dates Performed: April 14, 15, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Brian Wolfe
Stage Manager: Thomas Kornick
Set/Light Design: Brian Wolfe
Cast List
Martin Dysart: John Davenport
Alan Strang: T.J. Hostomsky
Hesther Salomon: Amy Kerwin
Jill Mason: Robin Lee Brown
Dora Strang: Mary Duquette
Frank Strang: John Price
Horseman/Nugget: David Dincolo
Harry Dalton: Matthew Danté Perruccio
Nurse: Betsy Quinn
Horses: Tom Vasatka, Betsy Quinn, Matthew Danté Perruccio
Production Crew
Costume Assistance: Lucy Byrnes
Stage Crew: Mike DeHaemer, Nick Kornick, Jeff Santicola, Greg Hartman, David Dincolo,
Kevin Finney, Tom Vasatka, Amy Kerwin, T.J. Hostomsky
Lighting Technician: Eddie Moreno
Makeup: Belinda Goins
Notes: Partial fulfillment of Directing II.
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamas Hung You in the
Closet & I'm Feeling So Bad
Author: Arthur Kopit
Dates Performed: TBA
Directed by: Anne Patterson
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Regina Aud., SMC
Notes: Partial fulfillment of Directing II.
Source(s) Reference in Vanities program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
One Act Play Festival
Directing Students of: Julie Jensen
Dates Performed: May 5, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Play Title: The Twelve Pound Look
Author: Sir James Barrie
Director: Bill Patt
Cast List
Sir Harry: Kevin Allison
Kate: Mary Pat Ellis
Lady Sims: Kris Allen
Tombes: Bob Bennett
This Property is Condemned
Author: Tennesee Williams
Director: J. Justin Dilenschneider
Cast List
Willie: Meghan Ahearn
Tom: Ralph Roberts
Play Title: At the Hawk's Well
Author: W.B. Yeats
Director: Mary Francell
Cast List
First Musician: Paula Carlson
Second Musician: Ola Harstrom
Third Musician: Katherine Ray
Guardian of the Well: Betsy Quinn
An Old Man: Paul Clay
Cuchulain: Sean Faircloth
Play Title: Suki Wap
Author: Adriana Trigiani
Director: Raul Aportela
Cast List
Snar: Joseph Dolan
Veni: Antonia Trigiani
Play Title: The Drifters Still Sing "I've Still Got Some Sand in My Shoes."
Author: Adriana Trigiani
Director: Raul Aportela
Cast List
Carmella: Regina Pratt
Play Title: Ex-Miss Copper Queen on a Set of Pills
Author: Megan Terry
Director: Scott E. Thomas
Cast List
Copper Queen: Margaret Goerner
B.A.: Anne Hardart
Crissie: Christina Smith
Play Title: The Bespoke Overcoat
Author: Wolf Mankowitz
Director: Anne Maureen Slowey
Cast List
Morry: Vivian Sierra
Fender: Charles Wylie
Ranting: Mark Rolfes
Clerk: Kevin Finney
Musician: Miss Judith Ann Jenkins
Play Title: The Indian Wants the Bronx
Author: Israel Horovitz
Director: Edward Neuert
Cast List
Gupta: John Gruesser
Murph: Mike Daly
Joey: Tim Ungs
Play Title: Death Knocks
Author: Woody Allen
Director: Greg D'Alessandro
Cast List
Juan Garcia: Ron Santos
Death: Jeff Santicola
Notes: Partial fulfillment of Directing II.
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
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