Bagby Negatives > Graphics (GBBY)

GBBY 45G/111: B/W Glass Plate Negative ~ Football Game Scene - Dedication of Notre Dame Stadium, Notre Dame vs. Navy - Notre Dame Mascot? Irish Setter Dog - 1930/1011
. . . GBBY 45G/110 . . Football Game Scene - Dedication of Notre Dame Stadium, Notre Dame vs. Navy - Navy Team Goat Mascot . . 1930/1011 . . .. . . GBBY 45G/111 . . Football Game Scene - Dedication of Notre Dame Stadium, Notre Dame vs. Navy - Notre Dame Mascot? Irish Setter Dog . . 1930/1011 . . .
. . . GBBY 45G/112 . . Football Game Scene (Unidentified Game) . . 1931 . . .