Bagby Negatives > Graphics (GBBY)

GBBY 57G/439: B/W Glass Plate Negative ~ Cross Country: Edward William (Bill) Brown, George Dolmage, Martin (Marty) Ryan, and Unidentified - 1925
. . . GBBY 57G/438 . . Track: James Stack, Bernie Coughlin, William Barr . . 1925 . . .. . . GBBY 57G/439 . . Cross Country: Edward William (Bill) Brown, George Dolmage, Martin (Marty) Ryan, and Unidentified . . 1925 . . .
. . . GBBY 57G/440 . . Track: Vincent Goulet, Frank Masterson, Charles Riley, William Barr, and Unidentified . . 1925 . . .