University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


" . . . I can then visit the establishments in Wisconsin before I go south or east . . . I am now examining the Brothers school . . . " Fr. Cooney, Sorin, November 23, 1881, Provincial

"Schools are not now what they were many years ago. There are improvements in the art of teaching as there are in other arts and sciences, and the teacher who wishes to excel in his profession must know them. We see the great teachers of the country well supplied with professional books and periodicals to post them. Inferior teachers have no such boks and would not read them. We find all the leading physicians, lawyers, and men of all the arts and sciences with their professional literature. Why should teachers be without it?" Brother Daniel- Sorin, Provincial, St. James School, 1881

"The schools conducted by the Brothers of Holy Cross are reported to be in a highly satisfactory condition." Visitor's Report- Father Raften is pastor, 1879

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›