University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


"Father Superior will see Mr. Fisher and make an agreement with him, if possible to have 3,000 bricks made on our land at $2.50, or even more if he can be induced not to burn our green wood.

"A proposition shall be made to Mr. Ullery to have his 50 acres of wood on the road to Bertrand sold to us by trade." Local Council, Mary. 12, 1849

1861 -- see "Brothers' Novitiate, Sorin's Regular Visit"

"A greater quantity of bricks will be made this year and consequently a new gang of men engaged so as to have 300,000 burnt by August 15 . . . our lime will be published at 22 cents a bushel" Local Council, February 14, 1855

"It was decided the 2 or 3 thousand bricks should be made on our land." Local Council, 1858

"3 or 4 thousand bricks shall be burned this year by us, and provision shall be made for the building of a house at St. Mary's." ibid. 1858

"The council consents to furnish bricks and lime for the erection of a school house in South Bend on the condition that only $200 in cash shall be advanced by the Community. The rest to be raised by way of subscription." Ibid, April 12, 1858

"Brother Lawrence shall burn the bricks." Local Council, Sept. 6, 1858

"Eight men must be hired to burn our bricks." Local Council, July 29, 1861

"Brother Narcissus shall be taught how to burn bricks." Local Council, September 23, 1861

"200,000 bricks only shall be made next year." Local Council, Oct. 20, 1862

"Apropos of new building at St. Mary's Academy:

According to a decision of Father General, anything that we fabricate ourselves does not enter into at cost in the sums we are authorized to expand: the bricks made in our own land and the lime burnt in our own yard forms a sum of $5,000, half of which has scarcely been a real expense to us . . . " Local Council, January 24, 1863

"Father Carroll shall be allowed to pick up 15,000 hard bricks for his house in South Bend." Local Council, July 27, 1863

"A contract shall be made for making 800,000 or a million bricks at $4 a M." Local Council, December 28, 1863

"It was resolved that no more than 500 M bricks be made this year." June 12, 1864

"Council decides that bricks shall be made by ourselves under the supervision of Brother Anastasius." Local Council, Jan. 4, 1864

"Our bricks shall be sold to the Sisters." Local Council, March 21, 1864

"It was resolved to burn immediately all the bricks now struck and to make another kiln this one of some 180 or 200 M bricks if possible." Local Council, August 22, 1864

"It was decided to fill up the marl holes N.W. of St. Mary's . . . It was decided that the steward have Mr. Garst bring up the men to meet the Committees to make arrangements about the contemplated lease to take marl from St. Mary's lake." Local Council, December 22, 1899

"The brick yard and the lime yard are finally rented to Mr. McCabe." December 12, 1868

"On the proposal of the steward it was agreed to make the bricks necessary for the next season, say 800,000." Local Council, October 23, 1865

"In regard to making bricks next spring, the Council allows enough to be made for home consumption." December 17, 1866

"The Council allows the Steward to sell 40,000 bricks." March 26, 1867

"It was resolved that the lime kiln should be rented and that 300,000 bricks should be burned at $6, a M." Local Council, Nov. 30, 1868

"Brick Yard to be rented." Local Council, 1867

"Father Superior informed the Council of a sale of 100,000 bricks at $3 per thousand." Council of Administration, 1846

"200,000 bricks shall be made in Bertrand." ibid., 1846

"The brick yard and the lime yard are finally rented to Mr. McCabe. The lime to bring us a cash profit of $70 a kiln and the brick to us a cost of $6. a thousand." Local Council 1868

"Mr. Kavenagh's proposal to make 500 thousand bricks at $5.75 and furnishing tools and equipment was accepted." Local Council, 1869

"The proposal of Mr. McCabe to make the lime and the brick at a cash profit to us of $70 a kiln and the brick at a cost to us of $6. per thousand, was accepted." Local Council, December 5, 1868

"100,000 first-rate bricks are allowed to be made for the front and one side of the church, at $8 per thousand." Local Council, May 5, 1871

"The question of brick was brought up, because a large quantity will be demanded in Chicago next spring. Next Council a decision will be come to." November 3, 1871

"In reference to the brick making it was decided that a contract should be entered into with McCabe and Kavanagh; to haul the clay this winter, and that 100,000 of those we have on hand should be sold in Chicago." Local Council, November 17, 1871

"Council decided that a million bricks were needed. It was proposed that someone should examine the new machinery used inmaking bricks in Chicago. Also that the bottoms near the river be examined in regard to brick material. The Superior General is of the opinion that we should make brick on our own property." Local Council, December 16, 1872

"The Administration of St. Mary's asks for 200,000 bricks for a Wash house." Local Council, January 17, 1873 SEE ALSO UNDER "LIME" (L) - "MARL" (M)

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