University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


Very Rev. and Dear Father Granger,

Will you please send those two Brothers on Friday evening next that they may reach here Saturday morning. We are preparing their dwelling place they and schoolroom, which I hope will be ready by Saturday. I will not arrange seats or their desks till they come. My people were much pleased when they heard the Brothers were coming and I am sure that they will take good care of them. They can board, I might say, in the block in which we live with a good pious couple without family. I will pay them $60 at the beginning or end of each month as they may desire. Will you please ask our Lord and His Holy Mother to give the new school their united Blessings." J.F. Gunn

"It was finally resolved to send Brothers back at the salary previously stated to the Pastor and agreed upon by his successor in the parish."

"Brother Constantine and Killian to go there as teachers." Provincial Council, Oct. 20, 1880

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›