University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


Brother Urban, Director 1884 -- Brother Gregory, Director 1888 -- Brother Hilary, Director 1885 -- Brother Justin, Director

No date -- Brother Justin: "I have 42 pupils and Brother Daniel 45. The Bishop paid us a visit and expressed himself as being very much pleased with our work. We have the intention of doing our best, and therefore we hope for assistance from our Master, who never fails." 1882

"1885 -- House of the Brothers of Holy Cross, Brother Urban, superior and two Brothers.

1888 -- Brother Justin, two Brothers

1888 -- Two Brothers of Holy Cross, Brother Hilary, Superior

1895 -- Two Brothers of Holy Cross, ten Sisters of Mercy.


Brother Hilary (Superior), Camden, New Jersey -- "We have a good school. The number of pupils attending our school is 110. I am now reviewing for an examination which will soon take place in our school. The examiners will be the members of the School Board, appointed by the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Trenton."

1884 -- Brother Urban, Brother Tobias PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES, 1888

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›