University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


"The boat-house is now entirely completed, thanks to the fine workmanship of Brother Charles and his aides." SCHOLASTIC, May 15, 1870

"Brother Charles is perfecting the plans of the ceiling of the new church. When they will be carried out and completed, the new church will present the handsomest appearance of any church in the west." SCHOLASTIC, January 31, 1874

See "St. Joseph's Church, South Bend, 1873"

"Brother Charles and his force of carpenters are very busy in the new church. They are engaged in the flooring just now." SCHOLASTIC, January 28, 1875

"Brother Charles and Brother Alfred, who have been directing the work on the (Main) building, each in his respective line, (carpentry and masonry), may now breathe more freely. The mental strain consequent on having to erect such a massive structure in so short a time must certainly have been very great, but they were equal to the task, and have kept ahead of the architect and the contractors who furnished the materials." SCHOLASTIC, September 20, 1879

"Brother Charles has finished the plans for the completion of the steeple on the college church. The bell, which is the largest in America, since one in Montreal has to be recast, will have to be taken out and put into a belfry made especially for it. It will be surmounted by a fine gilt cross." SCHOLASTIC, p. 399, 1892

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›