University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


"Central Normal School proposed at Cincinnati Provincial Synod, 1858"

"To render the schools efficient, the Holy Father was petitioned to commend to the superior of the Congregation of Christian Schools (sic) the establishment of a normal school within the province of Cincinnati." HISTORY OF THE ARCHIVES OF CINCINNATI, Lamott, p.216

"Among the many educational institutions conducted by the Congregation of Holy Cross, we think St. Joseph Academy of this city (Cincinnati) bids fair to rank among the foremost. This, you will admit, is no idle boast, when you bear in mind that it has not completed its first year and yet it numbers 150 pupils; and this number could be increased to at least 200, were there sufficient accomodations.

"The Academy consists of a large three story stone-front mansion, situated in one of the finest parts of the city, within a square of the cathedral . . . seven teachers are employed daily for six hours.

"Academy visited October 3, by Archbishop Purcell, who "Expressed himself highly pleased" with the management of the institution, and predicted its future success. He paid the Fathers and Brothers of Holy Cross a high compliment for their zealous labors in the great field of education." SCHOLASTIC, October 12, 1872

See under "Rev. J. Benoit to Granger" 1858

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