University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


"Father Superior appointed the following examiners: viz., F. Gouesse, for the First Division of the Latin Class; Father Superior for the Second Division; Brother Gatian for Brother Charles' Class; Brother Charles for Brother Gatian's; Fr. Cointet for Brother Francis de Sales' Class; The Writing Master for the Apprentices, and Father Cointet for the French Class." COUNCIL OF PROFESSORS, Apr. 19, 1845

Council in 1856 decided that 2nd and 3rd English class should be taught twice daily.

"Every two weeks as it would prove beneficial to the students themselves while it would, at the same time, enable the respective professors to have a more thorough knowledge of the capacity and progress of the students." 1857

"A petition from the senior students of the institutions requesting the abolishment of competition was presented by Professor Dowing to the President of the Council, who having read it all and having received the opinions of the Professors in favor of competition returned the petition, a negative reply." Nov. 14, 1857

(February 3, 1876 . . . Faculty . . . President Colovin) "Another cause of progress was the introduction of the monthly exams . . . because the students look forward to them with even more anxiety than to the Grand Exams." See: Egan's Recollection, ELEANORE: KINGS HIGHWAY; AND ALUMNUS -- 1857

Committee on Exams: NOTES of Exams . . . .: marks.

"The number of questions to be asked each pupil during the oral exam shall be ten."

"That all questions be asked by the Board of Examiners exclusive of the Professor of the Class . . . The object is to find out what the pupils know, and not to show off a class.

"For Math: 'The Prefect of Studies shall choose a Professor different from the regular professor of the class, and they conjointly shall either compose or collate a number of problems from authors different from the one used in class, embracing the application only of the principles seen during the session, and the solution of those problems with an explanation of the principles involved shall be written out.

"At the end of the time appointed for such written examinations, the Professor in charge of the class shall collect all papers and hand them to the Prefect of Studies, and they at a time agreed upon shall examine and note (grade) each and every paper handed in."

Time -- It was agreed upon that each class should have two hours. 1869

Board of Examination: "That there shall be five Boards of Examiners: the Classical, Scientific, Commercial, Modern Language and English Branches --" SCHOLASTIC, 2:154, 1869

Science Board: Bro. Joseph, S.S.C. and Brother Claude, S.S.C.

Board of English Branches: Bro. Benjamin, S.S.C., Brother F. de Sales, S.S.C., Brother Celestine, S.S.C. SCHOLASTIC, January 23, 1869

Commercial Course: Brother Theogene, Brother Philip Neri.

Prep. Course: Brothers Leander, Emmanuel, Louis, Alexander, Hugh, Cajetan Alphonsus SCHOLASTIC, 27:651, June 16, 1894


"Second Grammer: A very large and excellent class, taught by Brother Ephrem, S.S.C. The general average of this class was 90. L. Higgins, J. Keena, C.Brown, K.J. Murphy, and J. Shanks deserved the best notes . . . .

"Second Arithmetic: This is also an excellent class, taught by Brother Benjamin, S.S.C." General Archives 75, 1871

Examination Boards, 1872. "English Board (Prep Course) Brother Benjamin, S.S.C., Bro. Emmanuel, Bro. Albert, Bro. Gabriel. Commercial Board: Bro. Camillus. Musical Board: Bro. Basil, Bro. Leopold."

Brothers at Notre Dame: 1872: on Board of Examiners.

Bro. Gabriel -- Scientific; Bro. Maurice -- Languages; Bro. Camillus -- Commerce; Bro. Benjamin, Albert, Marcellinus, Maurice -- English. Bro. Emmanuel, Albert Maurice -- Minims Board." 1872

Examiners: 1873. "Board of Prep. English Studies. Rev. J.M. Toohey, presiding. Members: Mr. D.E. Hudson, Bros. Benjamin, Albert Emmanuel, Leander, Alexander and Mr. J.F. Edwards. Before this Board will be examined the Prep. Class in Grammer, Reading, Orthography, Geography, etc." Scholastic, June 7, 1873

Oral Examination -- 1873 . . . "For the Oral Examination which takes place before the respective faculties, a secretary keeps record of the number of questions proposed, and the number correctly answered, from which he calculates the percentage to which the candidate is entitled in each branch of study" Scholastic, 1873

Brothers at Notre Dame -- 1874-5, Examinations. "Members of Examination Committee: Bros. Marcellinus, Paul of the Cross, Senior Prep. Committee; Bros. Hubert, Alexander, and Leander, Jr. Prep. Committee; Bro. Hubert, Modern Lang. Committee; Bros. Basil, Leopold, and Albert, Fine Arts Committee" Scholastic, 1874-5

Committee on Examination -- 1878. "Modern Language: Rev. F. Frere. Rev. M. Fallize, Rev. P. Hurth, Bro. Philip Neri, Bro. Maximilian.

"Fine Arts: Rev. E. Lilly, Pres., Mr. T. McNamara, Sec'y., Bro. Alban, Bro. Paul of the Cross, Theodore, John Chrysostom, John de Matha." Scholastic, June 15, 1878

Examination Board for Students -- 1880. Commercial Board. Rev. C. Kelly, Pres., Prof. Edwards, Sec'y.; Profs. Lyons, Long, Bro. Marcellinus, Bro. Philip Neri.

Prep. Course: Bros. Alexander, Leander, Theodore, Hugh.

Board of Modern Laugnages: Bro. Philip Neri.

Board of Fine Arts: Bro. Basil, Presiding; Bro. Leopold, Albert.

Examinations of the Brothers, 1888. "I have appointed Rev. T.E. Walsh, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame, and member of our Diocesan School Board to be present at the examination of the Brothers and also of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, and to sign the certificates of the new teachers as ordered by the Provincial Council of Cincinnati, IV, and the Plenary Council of Baltimore III Joseph Dwenger, Bishop, Scholastic, October 13, 1888. (See Ft. Wayne, 1880)

Examinations for Indiana Teachers, 1923. "In 1923 Indiana abolished the examination system entirely and now licenses are granted only on the basis of credentials of training obtained from approved institutions. Furthermore, a new system of teacher training was inaugurated which provides a group of differentiated curricula in place of the former general course for the preparation of all elementary teachers" Rev. Syl. Schmitz, O.S.B., 1923

Examinations, Diocesan:

See under "Studies".

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›