University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


"Helpful events of the year 1873 were the establishment by the MCRR of a station and ticket office supposedly at Notre Dame but really on what are now our grounds, and the putting through of a bus line to connect regularly with all trains arriving of the LSMS and the Chicago and Lake Huron Railroads at South Bend."

-- On the King's Highway, p 302

"The money for our land used by the Railroad will be demanded at once."

-- Local Council May 29, 1870

"It seemed best to wait for the obtaining of the Joliet stone for the church till the new Railroad between South Bend and Niles is completed."

-- Local Council May 1, 1870

"The Railroad survey between South Bend and Niles was the object of the Council's consideration. It was decided to grant the Company the right of way all along our fields on the east side of the Niles road. It was also decided not to ask any indemnification from them." Local Council April 3, 1870

"In reference to the station house of the new Railroad of South Bend to Niles, the council is against its being allowed."

-- Local Council March 31, 1871

"The probability of having a Railroad track from the Michigan Central to the college was discussed but no conclusion was come to."

-- Local Council February 6, 1874

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›