Brother Aidan's Extracts
(Obediences of the forties) "Associated with the primitive bakeshops are the names of Brothers: Vincent, Joseph, Michael, Augustine, John the Evangelist. The first carpenters were Brothers Francis Xavier and Wiliam. Brother Patrick was in charge of the refectory. Brother Cyprian was in charge of the shoe shop; Brother Augustus, was in charge of the tailoir shop; Brother Benoit was the locksmith; Brother Joseph, the printer."
-- Brother Gilbert.
"Brother Gatian was a genius, an incomprehensible Frenchman! He was capable of doing anything and everything. He was at that early day the intellectual soul of the institution. Peace to his ashes!"
-- Golden Jubilee.
- "Bro. Timothy, entered March 19, 1843; teacher at Brooklyn."
- "Bro. Benedict, entered August 21, 1843; teacher at Ft. Wayne."
- "Bro. John Baptist, St. Joseph's school, Chicago, 1859; teacher of 2nd class, Zanesville, Ohio, 1859."
- "Bro. Bernadine, Director of St. Francis de Sales School at Toledo, 1853; Milwaukee, 1855.
- "Bro. William, assistant in limeyard, 1861."
- "The Council ordered Bro. Joseph from Pokagon to Ft. Wayne, Dec. 4, 1843."
- "The Council appointed Bro. Patrick refectorian..." Jan. 2, 1844.
- "Bro. John, laundryman.
- Bro. Emmanual, novice, refectorian.
- Bro. Jerome, wood chopper.
- Bro. Anthony , wood chopper.
- Bro. James, assistant gardener.
- Bro. Matthias, novice at novitiate, regular sacristan.
- Bro. Patrick, refectorian, sweeper under portico.
- Bro. Thomas and Bernard to follow Father Shawe's classes at the Novitiate.
- Bro. William, assistant cooper.
- Bro. Ignatius, cook.
- Bro. Francis de Sales, "He shall have a walk as well as Brother Stephen, who is also a rouser."
- Bro. John, Laundry.
- Bro. Emmanual, novice and refectorian.
- Bros. Jerome and Anthony, wood shoppers.
- Bro. James, assistant gardener.
- Bro. Louis, carpenter.
- Bro. Patrick, refectorian.
- Bros. Thomas and Bernard to follow Father Shawe's classes at the Novitiate.
- Bro. Bernard will attend Mr. Shawe's horse and will be woodcutter with Brother Patrick.
- Bro. Vincent, assistant and Treasurer.
- Bro. Lawrence, 1st farmer, monitor.
- Bro. Marie (F.X.) 1st carpenter, sacristan for the Congregation, questor and rouser.
- "Brother Justin, shoemaker, porter, and rouser at the college.
- Brother Joseph, gardener, infirmarian, Professor of English and German at the Novitiate and rouser.
- Brother Gatian, undersecretary, secretary to all the particular councils, those of the priests excepted; Prefect of Discipline and Director of Studies for the Brothers, and rouser.
- Brother Augustine, tailor.
- Brother Francis, to follow classes at Novitiate and be overseer of the walks.
- Brother Peter, 1st assistant gardener.
- Brother Basil, cooper.
- Brother William, assistant cooper.
- Brother Ignatius, assistant cook."
(Obediences for 1847) "Brother Cyprian will attend the stables; Bro. Mary (Francis Xavier) will be first carpenter and adjutant sacristan; particular sacristan of the Novitiate; Bro. Justin, shoemaker; Bro. Benedict, blacksmith; Bro. Vincent, Master of Studies and overseer (prefect); Bro. Gatian, under secretary and professor, and overseer (prefect) in promenades; Bro. Thomas, professor and 2nd overseer; Bro. Theodulus, cellarer and fruit-keeper; Bro. James, first gardener; Bro. John, assistant gardener; Bro. Dominic, assistant carpenter and attending the slaughter house; Bro. Mary, questor at the Novitiate; at least for awhile; Bro. Bernard, schoolmaster at Madison; Bro. Emmanual, at Fort Wayne; Bro. Joseph, steward and questor and excitator at Indianapolis, and also teacher; Bro. Louis, regulator and questor at the same place; Mr. Staples, refectorian there; Bro. Lewis, sacristan at the same place."
-- Provincial Archives.
"Bro. Augustus will be tailor; Bro. Vincent, assistant and singer; Bro. Michael, laundrymen; Bro. Francis de Sales, schoolmaster at Vincennes; Bro. Basil, director of the school at Ft. Wayne; Bro. Timothy will carry the meals to the workmen; Bro. Justin, to the Sisters; Bro. Theodulus will preside over the Brothers at the College, and Bro. Mary (F.X.) over those at the Novitiate." -- the preceding 'resolutions' were taken
-- Local Council. August 27, 1847.
- "Brother Timothy will wash the dishes, attend the night vessels, carry water to basins.
- "Brother John will make soap, candles, smoke and salt meat, etc.
- "Brother Jerome will care for Father Shawe's horse and be woodcutter with Brother Patrick" July 12, 1847.
- "Brother Vincent appointed Director of Studies; Bro. Theodulus, Steward" 1847.
- "Bro. Edward, Secretary of Notre Dame; Bro. Constantine, Dir ector of the Manual Labor School." August 17, 1867.
- "Brother Eugene, Director of Apprentices.
- Father Gillespie, Master of Novices for Josephites.
- Brother Francis de Sales, Guestmaster.
- Brother Edward, Accountant."August 17, 1868.
- "Brother Eugene, Director of Manual Labor School": Aug. 9, 1869.
- "Father LeTourneau, master of Novices" June 27, 1870.
- "Bro. Benoit, Master of Studies (Prefect of Discipline)" 1855.
- "Bro. Bartholomew, teacher, Louisville," 1855.
- "Bro. Bernard Joseph, Director, Toledo," 1856.
- "Bro. Bernadine, Director, Milwaukee," 1855.
- "Bro. Benjamin, teacher, Toledo," 1855.
- "Bro. Benedict, teacher, Notre Dame," 1848.
"On the 19th of August, 1848, the Minor Chapter, met under the presidency of Reverend Father Superior, and at a majority of the voices, the functions and employments to be discharged by the Brothers were distributed as follows:
- Bro. Vincent to be assistant, and master of studies;
- Bro. Lawrence, farmer, with the care of the slaughter house;
- Bro. Mary (F.X.) was to be president of the recreations of the Brothers at the College, being already a carpenter by trade;
- Bro. Justin, shoemaker, would also take the meals of the Sisters, attend to the dishes, inside of the washroom during the meals, and fix the beds of the apprentices' dormitory, Sundays and festivals;
- Bro. Theodulus was appointed under-procurator, 1st sacristan, having also to sweep one of the study rooms;
- Bro. Bennet (Benoit) locksmith by trade, would at the same time help Bro. Charles on Sundays and f estivals in attending to the soiled linens to be returned to the Sisters at night;
- Bro. Cyprian, laundryman and assistant to Bro. Michael;
- Bro. Placidus would be cowkeeper;
- Bro. Michael, baker and woodcutter;
- Bro. Charles, regulator and excitator, lampist, clothes keeper, groom and waiter on one table;
- Bro. Gatian, secretary, professor and master of study;
- Bro. Ignatius, refectorian and would black the shoes of the priests;
- Bro. Louis, regulator and sacristan at the novitiate;
- Bro. Francis of Sales would discharge in the College the function of chamberlain having also to sweep one of the study rooms;
- Bro. August, tailor, and on Sundays and festivals to sweep corridors and staircases;
- Bro. Patrick and Bro. Jerome, woodcutters;
Bros. Stephen and Theodulus, assistant procurators (stewards) to Father Gouesse"
-- Local Council Minutes, 1848.
Brother Sylvester, shoemaker for St. Mary's; Bro. Stephen, Director of the Brothers at St. Mary's. Bro. Sebastian, assistant at St. Mary's; Bro. Stephen (Moor) assistant steward, secretary, director of apprentices, Treasurer; teacher at Brooklyn, 1848". -- (St. John's Parish, near Crown Point, Indiana. One Brother there in 1855)
"Brother Cornelius, assistant in lime yard; Brother Cyprian, student at Novitiate, 1859; Brother Caesarius, Pokagon College, 1852."
"Bro. Daniel (Noonan), Hamilton, Ohio, 1855."
See also under "Brother Hyacinth."
"Bro. Francis de Sales, Prefect of Discipline at N.D., 1865."
"Bro. De Sales' (Pierre M. Berel) will of April 2, 1849, 880 francs to Notre Dame, due his last St. Jean's rents, left him by his mother."
(Obediences, 1855) "Bro. Amadeus, postmaster; Bro. Bonaventure, bookkeeper; Bro. Benoit, prefect; Bro. Charles, assistant prefect; Bro. Cyprian, assistant prefect; Bro. Anthony, blacksmith; Bro. F. Xavier, carpenter, undertaker; Bro. Lawrence, farmer; Bro. Augustus, sing in the choir; Bro. Agathange, woodcutter; Bro. Paul the Hermit, sweeper of floors for a generation; Bro. Simon, to dig marl; Bro. Eugene, shoemaker; Bro. Timothy, dishwasher (for 20 years)".
(Form of Obedience, 1857; from Basil A. M. Moreau) "Thou shalt eat thy bread in the sweat of thy brow"-- Genesis 2. "Those who instruct others to justice shall shine as stars for all eternity."-- Daniel; E. Sorin, C.S.C.; Provincial. (Printed in Le Mans) "Brother Stephen, treasurer of St. Mary's of the lake, Chicago."
"Bro. Angelus to Columbus, Ohio, enjoining him to apply himself seriously to his studies, etc." Sorin. August 12, 1860.
"Bro. Romuald, student, enjoining him to advance as much as possible."
-- Sorin. August 12, 1860.
- "Bro. Philip Neri, student. Bro. Narcissus, director of lime yard." 1861.
- "Bro. Fabian, an assistant in lime yard." 1861.
- "Bro. Francis of Assisi, assistant refectorian, hair cutter, and to follow the exercises of the novitiate." 1861.
(Provincial Chapter; Obediences, 1865) Sorin elected Provincial. Granger Assistant Provincial; Master of Salvatorist Novices; Bro. Edward, Provincial Steward; Bro. Vincent, Provincial Councillor; Father P. Dillon, Local Superior at Notre Dame; Father Letourneau, Josephite Master of Novices; Bro. Francis de Sales, Prefect of Discipline, N.D.; Bro. Eugene, Director of Manual Labor School; Bro. Paulinus, Director of N.D. Farm. Was an extraordinary Provincial Chapter, (1865) with the Apostolic Delegate presiding in the person of Bishop Luers of Ft. Wayne.
"Brother Marcellinus assumes charge of the Junior Department at Notre Dame.
"An appointment that gives us personally much pleasure is that of Brother Ferdinand, who has been added to the efficient body of workmen in this (Scholastic) office. Brother Ferdinand is in the Stereotyping Department, and will be succeeded in his old employment by Brother Athanasius.
"Brother Alban, Norbert-Joseph, and Paul are appointed Prefects in their respective departments."
-- Scholastic, 7:6 1873.
Brother Aidan's Extracts