University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


See under "Brother Alban" (Mooney) and Brother Stanislaus (Clark)

1884-85: "Phonography and typewriters have of late come into general use in legal and commercial work -- in the courts, the law office, the counting-room, in business houses, banks and insurance and railroad offices, etc. -- and for all first class stenographers especially the demand exceeds the supply. A knowledge of these useful arts will therefore prove a strong recommendation for confidential and lucrative positions. Catalogue 1884-5.

"Phonography Class has 29 members, speed of students, 126-130 words a minute. Method of instruction is personal."

-- Scholastic, 17:17, 270 (1883).

"Typewriting: "Those desiring to take courses in typewriting could do so."

-- Scholastic, 34:11, 187 November, 1900.

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›