University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts

THEODORE, BROTHER (John Costello - Died Feb. 21, 1872)

Brother Theodore, who filled the office of housekeeper at the Manual Labor School, has fallen asleep in the Lord, this 21st day of February, 1872. He died fortified by all the Sacraments. he was a professed member, aged 36."

-- W. Corby, Provincial. 1872

Brother Theodore's death was almost a sudden one; but happily for him, the ten years he had spent in the Congregation had been ten years of faithful preparation. He received the habit, Dec. 25, 1862, and made his profession on March 19, 1865."

-- E. Sorin, Circular Letter. 1872

"Died February 21, 1872. This Brother was housekeeper at the Manual Labor School for several years. Active and devoted, ever cheerful, he did not spare himself and proved all the time a true religious. He had for some time severe attacks of colic and was carried away in one of them almost suddenly, having only the time to receive the last Sacraments. He was 36 years old."

-- Granger Memo. 1872

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›