University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


(2 schools; St. Francis de Sales and (??German??) "Brother Benjamin was spoken of as Director, Brother Daniel, assistant, of English- speaking school. Brother Pius for the German School."

-- Minutes of Provincial Chapter, 1860.

See also "Association of St. Joseph, 1860"

"Brothers Stanislaus and Nicholas assigned as teachers." 1857.

"Here also is a double foundation. Three Brothers live in one house and have an English speaking school of the Irish Congregation (St. Francis de Sales), and a German speaking school for the German parish. The former has 150 children, the latter 80. Their salary is $800.00. This is a good institution which may be developed to advantage."

-- Sorin Chronicles. 1860.

"Two free schools; 200 boys. Conducted by the Brothers of the Holy Cross."

-- Catholic Directory, p. 135, 1859.

"150 pupils. Seaport; hard to get children to school. May 1, 1855.

(Brother Bernard to Sorin; August 29, 1855; Provincial Archives) "I am happy to inform you that we are both well and feel quite happy in our new mission. We were all well received by our Reverend Pastors . . . "

1859: Brother Daniel, Director.

1860: Brother Daniel, Director, Bro. Amandus, Bro. Philip Neri"

-- Provincial Archives. 1860

"A parish school was opened for English- speaking children." (St. Francis de Sales parish).

"Father C. Evrard applies to Father Sorin for Brothers" (St. Aloysius, a German parish).

-- Provincial Archives. July 10, 1859.

1860: "Besides two new schools were opened at Toledo and Ft. Wayne. Community has been established in these places, respectively since 1854 and 1844."

-- Sorin Chronicles. 1860

"Two Brothers in the same house have English school for the Irish parish and a German school for the German parish. The first School, 150 boys; 2nd school, 80. salary $800.00. A good institution which can develop advantageously."

-- Sorin Chronicles.

"Brother Bernard with Bro. Benjamin will go to Toledo to open a school there." Minutes of Local Council, May 28, 1855.

"Six hours from Notre Dame on Northern Indiana Road. Population, 15,000. Until now Catholic population almost all Irish. German Church just built. Brothers school founded 1855 (May) by two Irish Brothers. Paid $200 a year each. Already 150 pupils. Children not so regular as among Germans. Parents neglect to send them to school as they feel they are needed at home, most of them are poor. Offers neither the guarantee or the future of Cincinnati and Louisville."

-- Sorin Chronicles, 1855.

1856: St. Francis de Sales School. Two Irish Brothers (of Holy Cross). Boys, 200.

1857: St. Francis de Sales School, taught by Brothers of Holy Cross. Pupils, 175." Catholic Directory, 1857.

(Brother Daniel to Sorin; July 8, 1860; Provincial Archives) "You were told we got permission to use for premiums in our schools the money which we got for tuition from our pupils, but you were not told how much it was. We had only ten or twelve boys who paid more than two shillings a month (50 cents). Father Boff (pastor of St. Francis de Sales parish) gave permission to use the above money to procure ink, chalk, broom, etc., for the school . . . . If you would depend on this to defray the expense of fixing up the old school rooms it would be a poor dependence." 1860

(St. Aloysius School, 1863) "It was asserted by the Director of Cincinnati (Brother Boniface) that the pastor of Toledo (German) School had published an advertisement in a Cincinnati German paper for a secular teacher. Whereupon it was thought proper to discharge themselves of said school and to send the two Brothers or others to Holy Trinity School, Cincinnati, which has been accepted by the Provincial."

-- Minutes of the Provincial Chapter. 1863

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