Notre Dame Archives


1844 Apr.
Sautois, S.J., Father F(lorian): Grand Coteau, (Louisiana)
to (Bishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A report on the temporal condition of St. Charles parish. The pastor, Sautois, was born October 20, 1809, ordained at Malines May 25, 1834, and has served St. Charles since May, 1842. (Details of the population, church, furnishings, cemetery, etc. are given). They have a school, directed by John Smith.

V-5-a - A.D.S. - (French) 2pp. - folio - {3}

1844 Apr. 3
Dorsey, Jane: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Dorsey is a widow with one child, a girl. All the funds she had at the death of her husband are now exhausted. He husband was a carpenter and was employed at the building of St. Patrick's Church where he fell from the building and lost his life. It is her wish that Blanc will use his influence to have her child placed in the nunnery so she may not have a chance to see the vice of the world. Dorsey is expecting to have to leave the little cabin she is now living in for want of money to pay her rent. She has had several offers but if Dorsey was to starve her daughter will never be bribed to deny her faith. (P.S.) Since writing the above Dorsey has been dangerously sick. The pastor of Rampart Street Church has been to see her.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - folio - {2}

1844 Apr. 3
Stuart, Robert: Detroit, (Michigan)
to Father Frederick Baraga: (L')An(s)e, (Michigan)

(This is a circular letter mailed to Father Baraga by the Acting Superintendent of Indian Affairs at Detroit.) It having been represented to the office of Indian Affairs at Washington, that difficulties have arisen and are likely to continue between the missionaries and teachers of different denominations within the Indian country, the Department has instructed the Superintendent of Indian affairs to give notice to all ministers and teachers that any interference on the part of one sect with the school or mission of another, cannot be tolerated. Whenever a mission or school has been established, the department cannot permit the interference of another sect, and especially among the same band of Indians. Any attempt therefore at interfering with the school or mission of one sect, by another, will be met by withdrawing that particular portion of the school fund which have heretofore been paid, as well as all aid from the mechanics and farmers employed by the government. (At the close of the letter is a note written and signed by Father Baraga: "Received by mail on board the Schooner Algonquin, Capt. Smithwick, on the 18th of May 1844")

III-2-h - L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1844 Apr. 8
Clinton(?), R.: Mobile Co(unty), Ala(bama)
to Bishop Ant(hony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

Clinton received Blanc's letter of March 3. He does not understand what Blanc means by saying that the object of Clinton's letter is unaccountable to him. Blanc was told that Clinton left the place of his own accord; the superintendent told Clinton that it was the will of the Executive Committee that he should leave. Clinton is happy to learn that he was mistaken in thinking that neither Blanc nor Father (Constantine) Maenhaut would see him. Clinton was instructed to go into town every Saturday and Sunday to perform certain duties. Then he was reproached for it. He believes that no person had a better opportunity of seeing the injury the orphans (of the Catholic Male Orphan Asylum) sustained by the bad management of the place than Clinton had.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - folio - {3}

1844 Apr. 4
(Hecker,) Isaac: Concord, (New Hampshire)
to O(restes) A. Brownson: Chelsea, Mass(achusetts)

He is now back in what he calls his home, studying the languages a little, reading a little, and thinking and contemplating most of the time. He does not know what this will-less life will lead to but knows that certain culture and information are required in some offices in life and wishes to prepare himself. He has no objective at which to aim but has never felt more filled with life, love and wisdom than he does at the present time. Young men start in life from either of two points of view: he aspires to an end and sacrifices everything in his path to secure that end, or he submits his will to the will of God and his purposes. If he is laboring under a delusion as to his manner of living and preparing for life, he wishes that some one would strip it away.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1844 Apr. 5
King, J(ohn) W.: West Feliciana, L(ouisian)a
to (Orestes A. Brownson): Boston, M(assachusetts)

He will not again bother Brownson to discourse on the philosphy of money, but would call his attention to the true issue in the controversy between the National Government and the states, and the true issue in the case of McCullough vs. The Bank of the U. S. He requests him to demonstrate whether the first does not necessarily involve the question of exclusive power or not power in Congress oveR the national measure of value through the mint and by law, and the second, the legal and constitutional impossibility of the courts deciding forever that a U. S. bank is necessary and proper as a political or private institution. The interesting question, he writes, is what could the Court decide and settle constitutionally? The question of the constitutionality of the National Bank is one purely of legilative discretion; this leaves the field wide open to Brownson to expose the usurpation of states' rights on the part of Congress in their attempt to set up a varying measure of value. P.S. He had intended to offer an article to the Review on an amendment to the U. S. Constitution for the election of President and vice-President but the thought was forecluded by the original articles and reviews of Brownson.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1844 Apr. 5
Robin, E.: Bordeaux, (France)
to Bishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Father Ravoux has commissioned Robin to send a box containing pictures and religious articles destined for his missionary brother (Father Augustin Ravoux). Robin is sending it on board the Ten Brothers Crawford. He asks (Blanc) to send it on according to the instructions in the enclosed letter and the captain's bill of lading enclosed in Robin's letter (no enclosure). Robin takes this opportunity to offer his services to (Blanc); he often fulfills commissions for priests such as buying Mass wine. He encloses a sample of a work of his learned friend (no enclosure).

- A.L.S. - (French)


1844 Mar. 24
Ravoux, Father: Les Billaux, (France)
to Bishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Ravoux's brother, a missionary to the Sioux Indians, has asked him to have delivered to New Orleans a box containing articles for the chapel of Little Prairie, (Wisconsin?). Ravoux asks (Blanc) to see that it reaches Bishop (Mathias) Loras of Dubuque together with the enclosed letter.

- A.L.S. - (French)

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 5pp. - 4to. - {5}

1844 Apr. 5
Stuart, Robert: Detroit, (Michigan)
to Father Frederick Baraga: (L'Anse, Michigan)

Baraga's letters of Dec. 26 and Feb. 6 were received. Stuart perceives that Father Baraga has a number of scholars out regrets, as he left La Pointe, that he did not select a station or band where there was no other mission or school. According to his experience it is exceedingly injurious to have two institutions of different denominations stationed among the same band; discord and jealousies will inevitably arise. Mr. (Placidus?) Ord will forward to him a circular issued by order of the War Department on the subject. He hopes that Father Baraga will select some destitute band, so as to become entitled to a share of the education fund which cannot be granted to two schools in the same band. (P.S.) Mr. Ord will forward a circular issued by order of the War Department, the spirit of which he has no doubt Baraga will take pleasure in promoting. (Stuart signs as Acting Superintendent of Indian Affairs)

III-2-h - L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1844 Apr. 6,
Hecker, Isaac: New York, (New York)
to O(restes) A. Brownson: Chelsea, Massachusetts

He was at the Fourier Convention twice and it was substantially the same as the one held in Boston. The basis of their words was that evil in the world is not due to individual depravity, but the result of the outward arrangement of things. This was affirmed by (George) Ripley downwards. Their unity and diversity of action in the industrial world is the same as Catholicity in the industrial world. If their view has rid these men of their Transcendentalism, of their Protestantism and their Feminism, he has greater hopes for Ripley than he ever had. He feels the speculations of Fourier will open their eyes to those Catholic principles developed in the history of the Church. This is Ripley's apprenticeship for the priesthood. These men seem to be ready to enter society and the Church as efficient members. He has done nothing further about his education, except to write to Mr. Bradford about being taught the languages. He has concerned himself about the questions between the Anglicans and The Catholic Church. He thinks the organization of the Church has been indefinite and incomplete and asks Brownson about the Pope and his powers. He will send Brownson the Convention reports in the "Herald". More and more, his faith in Christ and the Church and the redemption of mankind, grows upon him. He has read Brownson's article on Philosophy and found it interesting and enlightening. He has been reading philosophy lately.

I-3-g - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1844 April 7
Hecker, Isaac: (New York City, New York)
to Orestes A. Brownson: Chelsea, Mass(achusetts)

Since his last letter Hecker has spoken to (George) Ripley touching the social movement now in progress. "Our friend" gave Hecker to understand that his religious views had been modified since Hecker had last seen him. He now sees the place for the church and the necessities of ministers. They recognize Christ as the life and light of men but they do not perceive the mediatorial office of the visible church. Repeatedly they believe and speak of sound Catholic principles but mix them with the most contradictory and irreconcilable statements. William H. Channing in his preaching does this. He has no unity, one time he is a Catholic and in the next breath he is an ultra protestant. Dr. Seabury read Brownson's last review but believed he looked too strongly toward Rome. He does not like the idea of allegiance of bishops to the Pope, nor his infallibility, nor the assumption of power by the Popes. He could not accept the Church of Rome as she now is. Seabury accepts all the Catholic councils but since the great schism there could not be a Catholic Council. He would accept the Council of Trent but in the interpretation given to it by the Church of Rome the Anglican Church might in some minor points differ. His views struck Hecker as being liberal, broad, and without much sectional feeling. Hecker is going to spend a few days with Mr. Morris and on return if no letter or news from Brownson, he is coming to Boston to see him. In the Regenerator is an address by Smolenski? who is a man of remarkable genius and, like many others, the church is to him only the views of its members. "He says he has the spirit of Christ and is sent by the messenger of Peace and all who do not aid him are excommunicated.

P.S.--The native Americans have made an inroad upon both parties and it is probable that "we" may lose the city in the election.

I-3-g - A.L.S - 4pp. - 8vo. - {4}

1844 Apr. 7
Lesne, Adelaide née David: Lyons, (France)
to Bishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She writes to (Blanc) in order to get a letter to her brother-in-law (Father James Lesne?). She has written him several times without having a reply.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 1p. - 4to. - {2}

(1844 Apr. 7)
Moreno, Manuel: Baton Rouge, (Louisiana)
to Bishop Ant(hony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Moreno has been directed to notify Blanc of the resolutions adopted at a meeting of the trustees of St. Joseph's Church: 1. They highly approve of the abilities of Father (Joseph Nicolas) Brogard, parochial curate. 2. The resolution of November 3, 1843, stopping Brogard's salary until he conformed to the requisition of preaching in French is hereby repealed and he is entitled to be paid fully for the whole period of his functioning. 3. They recommend an immediate recurrence it preaching in English and French on alternate Sundays.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 3pp. - folio - {3}

1844 Apr. 8
Armengol, (C.M.), Father B(onaventure): Assumption, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Armengol received (Blanc)'s letter of March 25. In reply he must say that it is impossible for him to bring more than one of their priests to the Synod as they are so few. He plans to arrive with Father (Thaddeus) Amat, (C.M.) and Father (John O'Reilly, C.M.), O'Reiley the 20th. Armengol would not find it inconvenient to have (Adrian) Rouquette and F(elix) Dichar(r)y ordained; he would add that (Hyacinthe) Tumoine has given great satisfaction and is ready for tonsure and other minor orders. Would it be better for the seminarians to come with Armengol or have them leave a little later so that they would arrive onr or two days before ordination. Armengol is afraid they will hear some stories.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 1p. - 4to. - {6}

1844 Apr. 8
Fitzpatrick, John B. Coad. of Boston: Boston, Massachusetts
to Bishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

He explains his failure to write sooner by his lateness in receiving the letter and his extreme business about the Cathedral during the previous days. Purcell has learned from the newspapers that the bulls had arrived and that the consecration had taken place. On his return home he met Bishop Ignatius A. Reynolds on his way to Charleston, S.C., and he looked worried about the condition of his diocese. Bishop Andrew Byrne assisted at the consecration of Bishop William Tyler of Hartford, and is edifying as he goes forth to his wild mission at Little Rock, Ark. Concerning the person about whom Purcell has inquired, Fitzpatrick says he left the diocese two years ago after a serious charge had been made against him. The only evidence seemed to be the allegation and the denial. Bishop Benedict Fenwick sent the evidence to Bishop Richard P. Miles of Nashville. There is nothing new in Boston. He sends his regards to Father DeBoesbriand and John Larkin.

II-4-i - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {10}

1844 Apr. 9
Miles, Bishop Richard Pius: Nashville, (Tennessee)
to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Miles introduces his friend, Dr. S. Pollak who has selected Point(e) Coupée for his residence. A letter from Blanc to some of the clergy in those parts would confer a great favor on Pollak. Miles can recommend him as worthy of the greatest confidence in his calling.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1844 Apr. 9
Byrne, D.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
to Bishop Ant(hony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

At a meeting of the trustees of St. Patrick's Church held on the 8th, on motion of J.W. Zacharie, it was resolved that it is the wish of the board that a Mass be celebrated on every Sunday and festivals of obligation at 8:30 at which a sermon shall be delivered in French. They earnestly recommend as preacher Father N(apoleon Joseph) Perché whose piety and eloquence would be eminently beneficial to the Creoles.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {4}

(1844) (Apr. 10?)
Brownson, O(restes) A.:
to (Father Isaac T. Hecker): (New York, New York)

Brownson would have written sooner but for his being unwell, very busy, and very negligent. He likes Hecker's plan of going to study with Bradford and can think of nothing better. Brownson wants to see that Scotus Erigina which Hecker has been reading.

I-4-g - A.L.S. (Photostat, Paulist Archives) - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1844 Apr. 10
Kelly, P.:
St. Mary's Seminary Baltimore, (Maryland)
to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

"The End of Religious Controversy" by Father John Milner to be published by subscription at 25 cents by the single copy. Subscriptions to be directed to Kelly, agent for the Metropolitan Press.

V-5-a - Printed Circular - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1844 Apr. 11
(Flaget), Bishop B(enedict) J(oseph): Lousiville, (Kentucky)
to Bishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana

He is becoming so feeble and his memory so weak that he cannot remember whether he told Blanc that he had carried out the commission Blanc gave him. Convinced that the pope would pay no attention to his plea without consulting their Archbishop, (Flaget) wrote directly to the latter who knows Blanc's difficulties and (Flaget)'s. If it were possible to have the charter of incorporation annulled Blanc should neglect no legitimate means to do so. (Flaget)'s coadjutor's eye is not better. Blanc and his priests and Sisters are to pray that Bishop (Guy Ignatius) Chabrat may save at least one eye.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 4pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1844 Apr. 12
Weld, T.M., Company: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Receipted bill signed by F. Gandolfo for $18.03 for groceries.

V-5-a - Receipt - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}

1844 Apr. 12
Wood, Father James Frederick: Rome, Italy
to Bishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

He acknowledges Purcell's of Feb. 19 and speaks of his retreat and the reception of the three major orders - priesthood from Cardinal Franzoni on Mar. 25th. He said Mass on the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Father (Clement) Hammer has called twice to see him. He was sorry to hear of the schismatical movements among the Germans and feels that he must hurry back. Also Father (James J.) Mullon, who complained of pains in the abdomen, visited him. Both expect to leave soon. Mr. Herron of Norfolk and his sister visited him. He speaks of certain books that he is endeavoring to get for Purcell. He has received the money left with Abbe Brassac through the nuntio at Paris. He has heard nothing as yet from Lyons. He has heard that Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Connelly have separated. Mr. Connelly has put on ecclesiastical dress and is staying at the College of Nobles and Mrs. Connelly at the Convent of the Sacred Heart at Monte Pincio. He congratulates Purcell on warning the faithful against the teachings of a Mr. Perkins. He does not know when he will be home. He insists on a letter from Father Edward Purcell.

II-4-i - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {5}

1844 Apr. 13
Boué, Father (Louis): Lyons, (France)
to Bishop Ant(hony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Blanc's letter of January 7 brought by two of his priests reached Boué the last days of March. It was brought to him, not by Father (Angelo) Mascaroni who was ill in Paris, nor by Father (James Ignatius Mullon?) Mollon who was tired out by his trip and did not have the courage to come up to St. Just. He stopped midway at Father Rousselon's(?); he was to take the steamboat the next day. Blanc had told him about the lawsuit brought by the Cathedral trustees; yesterday Boué read about the happy outcome in a Charleston newspaper at the office of the Propagation of the Faith. The day after receiving Blanc's letter Boué hurried down to the Propagation office and gave the letter to the Secretary who promised to do all he could in Blanc's favor. Boué wrote Blanc's nephew that it was Blanc's intention that he take a course in mathematics; he was delighted. The Superior of Alix, Father Delphin, gave Boué a very good report on him. Boué still owes a thousand francs and did not need Blanc's balance. So Blanc could draw it from Mr. Choiselat. Boué is convinced that Blanc's balance would not have been turned over even if Boué had needed it very badly. (Dominique) Meynis said that it was an invariable rule that each sum was paid only on the return of their draft. Blanc spoke of Father Mattoir(?); this young and pious priest had some thought of going to New Orleans but the offers from Marseilles got the preference. He has been there over a year. The young Irishmen will no doubt have arrived in New Orleans before now. Father Metton, appointed as pastor of St. Chamon, will not leave Sury until near Easter. Boué does not know who his successor will be but it will not be Father Mongiouloux whom different petitions have recalled. Boué prefers(?) Father Faure who has just been appointed to St. Genevieve near St. Etienne; his successor has not been named. Boué hopes Father Blanc will stay with him for some years. Boué regrets that he could not be with Blanc in the difficult time he has had. Nothing new at Sury; the family is well and sends respects as well as old friends. P.S. Blanc will find enclosed (no enclosure) a letter from Mr. Acher(?), president of their Royal Court(?) for his godson, Sure(?) who grieves his family by not writing them.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 4pp. - 4to. - {9}

1844 Apr. 14
Armelin, A.:
St. Mary (Immaculate Charenton, Louisiana)
to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The undersigned ask for a priest for L'Anseaux Sauvages. They are without the consolations of religion, their sick die without the Sacraments, their children without baptism. A priest who is a little strict like Father (Stephen Theodore) Badin or Father (Joseph) Billon would suit them. (In the margin): Badin does not please everyone, while Billon enjoys the esteem of the public. They will gladly accept anyone Blanc sends, (64 signatures are added at the end of the letter).

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 4pp. - 4to. - {5}

1844 Apr. 14
Beaulieux, Charlote: Metarie, (Louisiana)

Permission for the negress Poline to go to have her child baptized, born July 12, 1843.

V-5-a - A. Note S. - (French) 2pp. - 16mo. - {0}

1844 Apr. 14
Durrive, Edw(ard): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Permission for his negress Sarah to have her child baptized.

V-5-a - A. Note S. - (French) 2pp. - 32mo. - {0}

1844 Apr. 14
Molaison, Jules: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Permission for the servant Eulalie to go to have her child baptized.

V-5-a - A. Note S. - (French) 2pp. - 32mo. - {0}

1844 Apr. 14
McCaffrey, Father James: Marietta, Ohio
to Bishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

The German priest Father (Michael) Heiss has again failed to visit the German Catholics in and about Marietta. When McCaffrey was in Cincinnati at the consecration of the bishops he saw Father Heiss, who promised to come on Low Sunday unless he wrote otherwise before Easter. As he did not write, McCaffrey advertized his coming and many Germans came from 10 to 15 miles fasting to be disappointed. He asks Purcell to send a German priest to visit them. He also asks for the holy oils.

II-4-i - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {4}

1844 Apr. 15
Brunner, C.PP.S., Father Francis DeSales: Norwalk, Ohio
to Bishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Bishop Henni has written that Purcell will accept anyone who is unable to continue in the community with the Precious Blood Fathers. Consequently Father Martin Bobst will soon come to Purcell. He is sufficiently learned, knows German and has heard confessions in French but is singular and as such not suitable for live in their community. Father Brunner is very anxious for Purcell's visit, and his pupils are asking when he will come. He has been sick but is now better and is able to do some teaching. His labors have been the cause of his illness. Another Father has also been ill at Tiffin. To send a priest to Tiffin and another to Sandusky would be easy for them but to send priests to all the German missions would be impossible. They expect the bishop to make up a schedule for them and arrange how they will collect their expenses. They have visited Tomson, Tiffin, Wolfs Creek, Attica, Richland, Lower Sandusky, Sandusky and Evand, near Cleveland. All is well at St. Alphonsus' in Norwalk. They have moved Father Tschenhenss' cook from the church property.

P.S. They have not received the chalice from Massillon.

II-4-i - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {10}

1844 Apr. 15
(Czackert) Chakert, C.SS.R., Father Peter: Baltimore, (Maryland)
to Bishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

As it is almost certain that Chakert may set out next Monday he writes to Blanc beseeching him to receive him with that same kindness wherewith he was favored during his last stay. Father Alexander (Czvitkovicz, (C.SS.R.) was waiting for an answer from Europe and the rest of the priests were not well disposed to let Chakert off. Chakert goes with some apprehension as he is firmly resolved to govern the congregation without any trustees. If there must be trustees they may be nominal. He sees in Baltimore and Pittsburg the happy results of these congregations after having abolished this kind of government.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {2}

1844 Apr. 15
Mégret, Father A(ntoine Jacques) D(èsiré): Vermilionville, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Mégret sends the answers to the questions asked in Blanc's circular of March 20. (The pastor of) St. John Evangelist Church of Lafayette is Mégret, (born) May 23, 1797, (ordained) September 22, 1822, (serving at Lafayette) since February 28, 1842. (Details of the population, church, furnishings, etc. are given). St. Mary Magdeleine of Abbeville (is also served).

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1844 Apr. 15
(Reynolds), Bishop Ignatius Al(oysius): Charleston, S(outh) C(arolina)
to Bishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Blanc has already learned through the Catholic papers that (Reynolds) has been consecrated and has taken possession of his see. The clergy and people have received him with respect and kindness. The former are well disposed and among the latter he finds a true Catholic spirit. He begs (Blanc)'s prayers and advice.

V-5-a - L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1844 Apr. 16
(Chanche), Bishop John Joseph: Natchez, (Mississippi)
to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

(Chanche) encloses a letter to Father (Augustin) de Angelis and asks Blanc to forward it. De Angelis has written to Rome to say that he would give a house and support two priests who would dedicate themselves to the missions of Mississippi for one year. Cardinal (James Philip) Fransoni has written to (Chanche) that a French and Italian priest are willing to come. Two priests ignorant of English could be of little service in (Chanche)'s diocese. If one or both could be of service to Blanc in case (Chanche) could not employ them (Chanche) would ask the Prefect to send them on. (Chanche) starts Thursday to visit some of the northern parts of the diocese. He is glad the parishes are sending in their refusal to cooperate with Blanc's trustees. This will prevent the legislature from acting as the trustees have wished. The good cause is certainly gaining ground.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1844 Apr. 17
O'Cavanagh, Father Bernard: Rome, (Italy)
to Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere,: Detroit, Michigan

O'Cavanagh asks Bishop Lefevere for his dimissory papers. He has complied with all that had been required of him and Pope (Gregory XVI) has reinstated him on February 3, a month before the time marked in Lefevere's paper of 1842. Authorities in Rome regard him as a subject of the Diocese of Detroit. For verification Lefevere may write to Father (John) Grassi, S.J., Assistant General of the Jesuits, to Cardinal (Charles) Acton and to Father (Paul) Cullen, Rector of the Irish College, Rome. All will testify that his affairs are arranged. He encloses a testimonial (not in the letter) from Father Grassi, well known in America as he spent 7 years at Georgetown (Washington, D.C.). O'Cavanagh received the Catholic Almanac from America and had noted the increase of bishops and the changes of priests. All but two of the new bishops are fellow students and one from the same part of Ireland. Father Cullen had a petition drawn up and presented by the Secretary of the Propaganda to His Holiness, who, after a few days' consideration "assented" to the prayer of this petition. O'Cavanagh would be glad if Lefevere would say what he could "approbatory for" him as the paper will go through many hands. P.S. He asks the bishop to write as conveniently as possible to him, in care of Cullen, or to Grassi.

III-2-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {4}

1844 Apr. 18
Smith, Persifor F. Judge: Jefferson Parish, Louisiana

License granted to celebrate the marriage of Charles Oscar Enoul Dugué Livaudais to Augustine Elodie Enoul Dugué Livaudais.

V-5-a - A.D.S. - 1p. - folio - {2}

1844 Apr. 19
Cutts, S.C.J., Madame M(aria): Grand Coteau, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Madame Cutts received Blanc's little note. She was about to write Blanc that Father (Florian Joseph) Sautois, (S.J.) would not suit as extraordinary confessor. Her resignation was easy to make as far as change of Superior but it is not the same with the new charge just given her. Mother General has appointed her to visit their houses (Religious of the Sacred Heart) in the West: St. Michael, St. Louis, St. Charles, Florissant, and Sugar Creek. She finds the burden heavy and asks Blanc's blessing. Madame (J.) Galwey is named Superior of St. Michael; Mother Louisa (Léveque) will be her assistant. Madames Gauthreaux, Short, O'Donnald, and Dumont are to go to Canada, the latter as assistant to replace Mother Bathilde. Cutts has just sent this order to Mother Lévèque, persuaded that Blanc will find no objection. The affair is urgent as Cutts must wait for Mother Bathilde who is to accompany her on her trips. Mother (A.) Praz will replace Cutts here with the title of assistant. Cutts has not yet talked to Mother Lévèque about her change; no one knows it here. The house at Grand Coteau is fine.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 3pp. - 4to. - {11}

1844 April 19
Skolla, O.S.F., Father Otto (Charles): Mackinac, (Michigan)
to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

Skolla acknowledges Lefevere's letter of Feb. 13, which reached him April 18, containing the certificate concerning the rent of the house and territory contiguous to the presbytery in St. Ignace. Skolla intends to fulfil all the Bishop's orders gladly. Regarding the money which Lefevere intends to send for the support of Skolla and the schoolteacher at St. Ignace, Skolla thinks it can best be done by giving it to a very reliable Indian, called Francois, who will go to Detroit in 2 weeks and stay there about 3 days. Skolla is sending back the note here included with his subscription. As he is very busy just now, he will write a long and detailed answer in about 2 weeks.

III-2-h - A.L.S. - (French) 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1844 Apr. 20
Badin, Father S(tephen) T(heodore): Vermillionville, (Louisiana)
to Bishop Ant(h)ony Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Although Badin does not belong to Blanc's diocese he has written some reflexions of which Father (Julian Priour) of New Iberville will be the bearer, after having been his secretary. From information gleaned the past three months, the Catholic population in these western parts of Blanc's diocese is fully equal to that of all K(entuck)y where they have as many priests as are employed in Blanc's diocese and want more. Badin suggested that a respectable V(icar) G(eneral) in these parts might do much good and measurably exonerate Blanc's conscience. P.S. Badin intends to make his retreat at Grand Coteau and visit Blanc before he returns to Kentucky. (On the address side of the letter): The workmen are hurrying with the moving in order to get their money sooner; one of them said he could have had it built for 5000 piastres less. The pulpit has been moved into the new building; the ladies protested; the trustees meet tomorrow. Badin read his letter Friday after Mass; there were only 30 or 40 people as he had forbidden the bell to be rung.

- A.L.S. -

On the same paper:

1844 Apr. 19
Badin, Father S(tephen) T(heodore): St. Martinville, Louisiana
to The Trustees of St. Martinville: (St. Martinville, Louisiana)

It is a real pleasure for Badin to compliment them and thank them for having opposed the public sacrilege of transporting the Holy of Holies from the sanctuary and placing it by profane hands in a new unblessed place. It would have been a scandal of which there were many examples in revolutionary France but which has never happened in the United States. Their pastor could only follow the rules of canon law by publishing last Sunday that they would leave the Blessed Sacrament in the sanctuary during his absence so they could offer their homage. One may recall here the punishments of which Holy Scripture gives an example in the punishment of Ozee, the Bethsamites, the Philistines and the king who dared to put a hand on the censer. Badin's age, experience, place in the American Church, and his services to Attakapas in general and this parish in particular make him hope that this letter, of which he is sending a letter to their Bishop, will not have been written in vain.

- L.S. - (French)

V-5-a - A.L.S., L.S. - (French & English) 4pp. - 4to. - {4}

1844 Apr. 21
Bouligny, U., Jr.(?): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Permission for his negress Celeste to have her child baptized.

V-5-a - A. Note S. - (French) 2pp. - 32mo. - {0}

1844 Apr. 22
Doherty, Father John: Massillon, Ohio
to Bishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

The bearer (a Precious Blood Father) came on the 18th while Doherty and Father Louis DeGoesbriand were away on missions. He came to Mr. Lanigans to get vestments and to say Mass. Doherty had the key to the chalice with him and when they sent for it, being unable to return he sent the key to the visitor. He said nothing about confessions but when he returned he found that the priest had heard confessions but could show no faculties. He claimed that their Superior had been empowered by Purcell to give them faculties. Doherty trusts that all this is well because the priest has done much good. It would be well if a German priest were permanently in the neighborhood because the English families are moving away and the communities at Massillon, Bethlehem, and Bolivar are nearly all German. He does not wish a German priest to take his place because there is work for both. He mentions the Canton pastor as being fond of his ease. He asks Purcell to visit them and see the conditions for himself.

II-4-i - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {7}

1844 Apr. 23
Machebeuf, Father Joseph P.: Sandusky City, Ohio
to Bishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

He writes to tell Purcell about his own affairs. He thought there would be no difficulty in settling his family affairs and that he would not go to Europe. However, since his father died before he had time to make his will the rents must be made to his step-mother and to his sister. Because his sister is a nun of the Visitation and because of the peculiar laws of France it is necessary that he be there to attend to these matters in person. Presuming upon Purcell's permission he desires to make arrangements for another clergyman to visit his missions. He expects to be away four or five months. There will be a German priest of Norwalk who says Mass once a month at Lower Sandusky. His other friends can visit his other missions occasionally. He asks if it is possible to get a young priest for his place during this time. With regard to the time of his departure, the Superior of the Precious Blood Fathers at Norwalk told him that Purcell intended to visit there in the spring. He would like to be in France the last of June or the beginning of July but he would delay for Purcell's visit. He has mentioned his departure to his congregation.

P.S. He speaks of certain converts he expects to have before his departure.

II-4-i - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1844 Apr. 24
Kennedy, Patrick, Bishop of Killaloe: Deer Park, (Ireland)

A dimissory letter for John Flanagan, a graduate of Killaloe seminary, permitting him to join any diocese in union with Rome.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (Latin) 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1844 Apr. 24
Leonard, J.(?) Judge: Plaquemines, (Louisiana)

Father (Constantine) Maenhaut or any priest in the Parish of Orleans is authorized to celebrate the marriage of Emmanuel Daunoy of this parish and Eulalie Estelle Dalcour of Jefferson parish. (On the back): Emmanuel, son of Barthelemy Favre and Philomia(?) Olivier; Estelle, daughter of Pierre Dalcour and Eulalie Allain, deceased.

V-5-a - D.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {7}

1844 April 25
McM(aster), Benj(amin) B.J.: Chelsea, (New York, New York)
to Rev. Edgar P. Wadhams: of Ticonderoga, New York

(Arthur) Carey died in sight of Cuba, on Thursday in Holy Week, the 12th day from New York. The immediate death was a hemorage from the lungs, which suffocated him. The letter referring to it came this afternoon--April (2)6. This loss leaves McMaster's life very empty. He is without hope of doing anything in his church. He wishes Wadham and he were together. Bishop Onderdonk has declined ordaining him next summer, and it is probable that he will never do it; but Dr. McVickar, his warm friend of the past summer, is about to write to Bishop (Levi Silliman) Ives and it is probable that he will go there in about a month. It is thought that Bishop Ives will ordain him in six months or a year. He will take orders wherever he can obtain them. He has no desire to go to North Carolina alone but he submits to the guidance of others. He has pity on Wadhams for the grief the word of their mutual friend's death will cause him. Their lives will soon be passed and he hopes they shall be ready. He is unable to write on any other topic this morning because his grief is too great.

I-1-m - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1844 Apr. 25
Murphy, S.J., Father W(illiam) S.: St. Mary's, (Kentucky)
to Bishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Murphy received Blanc's letter. For more than four years the Superiors of their Company (Jesuits) in France have urged the Superiors of the province of Missouri to restore to their mission in Kentucky, the subjects who comprised the community of G(rand) Coteau when this house was attached to the province. Up to now circumstances have not permitted this so that St. Mary's is never able to get ahead. However the superiors made new requests in the case of Father (Peter) Verhaegen, (S.J.). At last his successor was arranged so that Father (Joseph) Soller, (S.J.) was restored. The school at Louisville is suffering for want of subjects to conduct it. Of the two salaried professors, one had to be dismissed recently and the other has just died. Even in a less difficult situation, Murphy would hardly dare to slow up Soller's return. However Murphy sent Blanc's letter to Father (John) Larkin, (S.J.), superior of the house at Louisville asking him to take all measures to do without Soller until August but he doubts it is practicable. Murphy expresses his affliction over Blanc's persecutions.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 3pp. - 4to. - {6}

1844 Apr. 27
Badin, Father S(tephen) T(heodore): Lafayette, (Louisiana)
to Bishop Ant(h)ony Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

Badin wrote Blanc a week ago about the attempts of the trustees at St. Martinville. He learned this morning that they decided last Sunday to wait only 2 weeks to carry out their plan. They seem to want to force the clergy to officiate in the new building without episcopal authorization; one supposes they are following the spirit of the trustees of the Cathedral. Badin hastens to write these lines which should leave tomorrow from New Iberia hoping they will be received before his clergy leaves. When Father (Anthony Désiré Mégret) Meigret returns, Badin will leave for G(ran)d Coteau. He read Blanc's report with great satisfaction; if it were printed in pamphlet form in French and English the results would be more far reaching. P.S. Badin has more to say, but face to face.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1844 Apr. 28
(Czvitkovicz), C.SS.R., Father Alexander: Baltimore, (Maryland)
to Bishop Ant(hony) Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana

To Blanc's recent letter, received during Holy Week, he answered that Father (Peter Czackert, C.SS.R.) Tsackert would be sent immediately after Easter. He wrote because he feared that Tsackert would neglect to write because of his many duties. When Tsackert was ready and willing to go, his departure was held up because of a letter from Father (Simon) S(a)enderl, (C.SS.R.) offering an opinion unfavorable to the decision. But he can send Tsackert because besides him, there are Fathers Senderl and (John Nepomucene) Neumann, (C.SS.R.) who can handle English. He can send one to Pittsburg and Tsackert to Blanc. This is the cause of the delay. He hopes to do better in the future and is sending Father (Benedict) Bayer, (C.SS.R.) to Europe in the hope that he will bring back other Fathers so that he will be able to help Blanc in the fall.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (Latin) 3pp. - 4to. - {5}

1844 Apr. 28
McLaughlin, Father Peter: Cleveland, Ohio
to Bishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

He has fallen into a dilemma. At Avon a town 17 Miles from Cleveland some 30 German families have been disputing about the site for a church. He has not taken sides but had insisted that they agree among themselves first. Finally after much discussion he went himself and picked a site. One side of the dissension refused to come there and obtained one of the (Precious Blood Fathers) from Norwalk to come and conduct their services. McLaughlin write a letter against this but the priest from Norwalk maintained that he had Purcell's permission to celebrate where he wishes. McLaughlin asks Purcell to decide the question for them. He feels that the methods of the German priests are wholly incompatible with his plans. Bishop (John Martin) Henni and his companion visited him and was delighted with the church and his living quarters. The pastor from Tiffin visited him and those of Sandusky, Mt. Vernon, Chippewa and Massillon will be here in May or June.

P.S. He will try to correct his scrawl. Bishop Henni suggested that he write to Purcell about buying a lot for a church.

II-4-i - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {6}

1844 Apr. 28
(Odin), Bishop John Mary: Galveston, (Texas)
to Bishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

A trip into the interior and the duties of Easter time kept (Odin) from writing. Easter Communions were considerably more than last year. Father (John) Timon, (C.M.) promised (Odin) a priest and not only has he not sent anyone but he has not replied to numerous letters (Odin) has written. If Blanc writes he is to remind Timon that (Odin) cannot carry the burdens of this mission alone. His health is affected and the impossibility of going to the different places he should visit overwhelms him more than the work. (Odin) spoke to Blanc about the good that a religious community could do here and of his wish to obtain for Galveston, some of the Ursulines from New Orleans. Does Blanc think they could undertake a new foundation, and would Blanc permit it? All the rich people express a desire for an establishment of this kind and a preference for Galveston. The efforts of the Protestants to control education makes (Odin) tremble for the future. Population is growing.

Blanc is to tell Father (Stephen) Rousselon that (Odin) has drawn on him for two orders of $100 each to Mr. Burger. Mr. Cassiano left last Friday; he will probably arrive at New Orleans before (Odin)'s letter. He believes he will be able to leave a large part of the sum which is in Blanc's hands, at least for another year.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 3pp. - 4to. - {7}

1844 Apr. 29
(Czackert) Chakert, C.SS.R., Father Peter: Baltimore, (Maryland)
to Bishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

Chakert is very sorry to disappoint Blanc and to be obliged to send a letter contradicting what he stated about his departure for New Orleans. All was settled except to go to the Archbishop to beg leave of him. The Archbishop showed so great a discontentment that Chakert did not venture to cause any greater disturbance as since Father (Simon) Saenderl, (C.SS.R.)'s affair they have had enough trouble. Some time ago Father (Joseph) Kundeck wrote to Father Alexander (Czvitkovicz, C.SS.R.) insinuating that it was not prudent to send Chakert to New Orleans as a part of the congregation had shown unfavorable feeling against him. This seemed to Alexander and Chakert sufficient reason to make at least some delay and leave it to Blanc's discretion. Chakert desires very much to come; he yielded to circumstances with great reluctance.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {4}

1844 Apr. 30
Choiselat Gallien, J.: Paris, (France)
to Bishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Choiselat Gallien received, through Father (Angelo) Mascaroni, Blanc's letter of January 11. Complying with the instructions in it, Choiselat Gallien intended not to send the things Blanc requested until the time of Mascaroni's return to the United States. But Mascaroni has got different things on his own and strongly insisted that Choiselat Gallien send everything without delay so that if his own purchases or Blanc's need completion, Mascaroni may be written to during the 4 or 5 months of his stay in France. Choiselat Gallien has just sent a box containing, with the chalices, other things which Mascaroni acquired. Choiselat Gallien encloses an invoice for the things Blanc ordered and for the customs, a general invoice for the things in the box (no enclosures).

V-5-a - L.S. - (French) 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1844 Apr. 30
Daquin, Tho(ma)s: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Receipt for $18.75 from Father (Stephen) Rousselon for milk for the archbishop's house.

V-5-a - A. Receipt S. - (French) 1p. - 32mo. - {1}

1844 Apr. 30
Léveque, R.S.C., Madame Louisa: St. Michael, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Mother (Maria) Cutts, (R.S.C.), appointed to replace Mother (Elizabeth) de Galitzine, wrote to have Mother Dumont, Madames Shortt, Gauthreaux and O'Donnel leave for Canada at once. They are writing to Mr. Elder to apply to the first good boat leaving for Cincinnati. Everyone is delighted with Father (John) Lefranc; he seems to have everything necessary for them and for the parish. Mother Cutts wants Mother (J.) Gallwey to make her vows immediately; she will be alone as Mother General said nothing about Mother Landry and Sister Roman(?). It would have been difficult to do without 3 teachers at the same time. Definitely Mother du Com remains; they have written Mother General that (Blanc) does not approve of her making this trip because of her age and infirmities. They did well not to yield to Mother Bathilde who urged them to have her go. Mr. Gallier who will bring this letter has just brought them his niece as a boarder; can (Blanc) give them some information about this family? Their little family (Religious of the Sacred Heart) is well.

V-5-a - A.L.S. - (French) 3pp. - 4to. - {16}

1844 Apr. 30
(Power), Michael, Bishop of: Toronto, (Ontario), C(anada)
to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) (Lefevere) Lefebvre: Detroit, (Michigan)

Power received Lefevere's letter some time ago; he did not know just what to decide in regard to Father (Michael) McDonnell of Maidstone, (Ontario, Canada), who came into the diocese in a very irregular manner during the illness of Bishop (Remigius) Gaulin. Power had almost decided to dismiss him last year since he seems not to have the qualities of a good priest and missionary. He wrote a letter to his Bishop (John Ryan) of Limerick, (Ireland) last October but he has not yet received an answer. Lefevere's (opinion) confirms his own about this priest. He wants to replace him at Maidstone but has no one to send. McDonnell is more interested in his farm than in his ministry. Father (Pierre) Chazelle, (S.J.) is to go up to Sandwich (Ontario, Canada) soon.

Power will ask him to visit this place. Between now and July Power will decide one way or the other. He thanks God for the great good done by the Jesuits. They were to begin their mission among the savages of L'ile du Sud in Lake St. Clair, (Ontario, Canada). Power hopes to establish another mission during the summer; he even proposes a third which presents almost insurmountable difficulties. In the center of the diocese of Toronto there are about 2,200 savages, part infidels, part Protestants, and he really does not see how the faith can be brought to them with any hope of success. They are the remainder of the famous Iroquios nation. Father Boue of Amherstburgh, (Ontario, Canada) is a very zealous man. Power does not doubt that he will do great good in this mission so long neglected. He asks Lefevere to keep an eye on this distant part of his diocese. Bishop Gaulin is in Lower Canada; his health does not improve. The Bishop of Juliopolis (Joseph Norbert) Provencher is to leave Saturday with four Sisters of Charity (Grey Nuns) for the Red River; he will take with him two missionaries. On his trip in France he succeeded in procuring aid for the new Vicar Apostolic of the Columbia, (Francis Norbert) Blanchet, Bishop-elect of Philadelphia. Father McDonnell, formerly of Sandwich is actually of Kingston; he desired to secure the place of chaplain at the penitentiary. Power does not know if he will succeed in his project; he lives with Bishop (Patrick) Phelan, Bishop of Carrhae and Coadjutor of Kingston.

III-2-h - A.L.S. - (French) 3pp. - 8vo. - {9}

1844 Apr. 30
Vial, L.: N(ew) O(rleans, Louisiana)

A bill for $14.29 made out to Miss Marie for groceries, of which $9 is marked paid.

V-5-a - Bill - (French) 1p. - 12mo. - {0}