University of Notre Dame


A., O.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

As a Catholic and friend of religion, A. offers a remark in regard to the conduct of Father (James Ignatius) Mullon. A. knows nothing of Mullon in the discharge of his duties which is not creditable but his extraneous functions have become political. He mingles too much in the party strifes and openly expresses his mind on subjects of worldly and political concerns. This alienates part of his people and prejudices the minds of Protestants. There are now in this city the Irish and the Native American Associations (Nativists) which array many against many. A. cannot think it expedient for a priest to stand forward as a champion of national predilection, exasperating many. A. is not alone in this view. He appeals to Blanc to correct the evil. P.S. Blanc may not be aware that M(ullon) writes for the political papers.

VI-1-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {4}

Charbonnel, Amand de, Bp. of Toronto:
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

He asks Purcell to form a plan by which he might get something from Cincinnati. He will accept any mite and would be satisifed with the prayers of those who can't give. When the Pope made him bishop, he told of his repugnance for begging and the Pope gave him a brief of recommendation to Bishop to help him. Purcell is the third to whom he has applied. The Catholics of Toronto are scattered over a large area. Protestants have the upper hand in every thing. If saying Mass might be useful, Charbonnel is at Purcell's service.

II-4-l - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

Meneely, Andrew, Sons: West Troy, N(ew) Y(ork)

An advertisement for church bells, transit instruments, etc. (Names and addresses of references and agents are given. In the papers of Archbishop Anthony Blanc).

VI-1-c - Printed Circular - 1p. - folio - {1}

The Truth Teller: New York, (New York)

Prospectus of the new series of the New York Truth Teller. Communications should be addressed to Messrs. Daly and Denman, editors and proprietors. (In the papers of Archbishop Anthony Blanc.)

VI-1-c - Printed L. - 1p. - folio - {3}

Kenrick, Francis Patrick, Abp. Baltimore: Baltimore, Maryland
 to (Archbishop John Baptist Purcell): of Cincinnati, Ohio

Kenrick suggests questions to be discussed and voted upon by the members of the National Council of Baltimore of 1852. They included publication of the decrees of Trent, marriage questions schools, service on American warships, fasts, church property, German societies, parochial limits, conditions for changing pastors, stipends, the erection of new dioceses in New Jersey, Erie, Pennsylvania, in lower Illinois, North Carolina, and Florida, extraordinary faculties, episcopal debts, and support of priests removed from their offices.

II-4-l - L. - 4pp. - 8vo. - (Latin) - {8}