University of Notre Dame


1855 Jul.?)
Guesdon, (C.S.C.), Father I(sidore): (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Blanc) is not to be surprised that the Rector (Father Basil Anthony Moreau, C.S.C.?) wrote in his letter of June 27 that he did not know anything of (Blanc)'s dispositions toward the administration of Holy Cross. He also wrote that he did not understand that (Blanc) had claimed the 1200 f(rancs) which (Blanc) had advanced for Guesdon's trip and which he had kept, without telling Guesdon so that Guesdon would repay (Blanc). The rector understands very well that (Blanc) had a perfect right in what Guesdon reported to the Rector concerning the employment given to Father (Francis) Gouesse, (C.S.C.) because of du Lac and the vacillation noticeable everywhere in the decisions of the Rector. He understands it very well, but he will never acknowledge it. God forbid that Guesdon should ever throw an unfavorable light on his superior general but (Blanc) knows that the most holy men sometimes have certain little idiocyncracies. The Rector will never admit an error but a few days later he will follow the advice given him. Guesdon told him nothing except what (Blanc) had told him about Gouesse and his relations with du Lac about the employment given him. (Blanc)'s advice would have the greatest weight to prevent the danger of subsisting. What Guesdon said about the administration and what they thought at the Asylum, not at the Archbishopric did not surprise him further; he is the first to deplore the abuses which exist there and which it is not always in his power to prevent. Guesdon has had to tell the Brothers and Sisters of the Council about his request and all voted unanimously that the administration of the members of the Ouvroir and the Asylum should be only one and that all funds should be placed in common to provide for common needs. The opening of the novitiate necessitates this measure for it was not just that the Sisters of the Ouvroir be obliged to provide for the needs of subjects destined equally for two establishments. The change of a superior would have prevented this union as they had made the positive condition that all was to remain in status quo if the superior was changed until they learned of the intentions of the new one. He fears they wrote secretly to prevent a change which Guesdon desires with all his heart, although he will fulfill the duties of his obedience as best he can if the superior imposes it. Enclosed is a letter (no enclosure) from Gouesse; he replied to it that he was waiting for authorization. Arriving in New York on July 15, Gouesse was at St. Laurent, Canada on the 27th, where he was to spend several days, then return to New York where Archbishop (John) Hughes had promised him employment. The rumor here is that he had said he would return shortly to New Orleans. All this does not worry Guesdon much; he does not fear one scandal more.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - folio - {4}

1855 Jul. 1
Chambost, Fathers C(harles) and Aug(ust): Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Chambost asks what to do with the parish of Iberville. Father (Ennemond) Dupuy is absent most of the time; they are called for the sick and for urgent baptisms but the funerals and marriages are embarrassing. The past year, they went for his funerals but he has ordered the doors of his chapels locked and this forces them to hold the services at the door of the church or at the house. Today it is a question of a marriage. They have waited for Dupuy for more than a month. They have asked Chambost to do it several times and he has refused until this morning when the parties declared they would be married by the judge. Chambost has promised to bless the marriage July 3. Now they have accused Dupuy of having dug a ditch 12 feet square and 5 feet deep between the church and the neighboring land. A man fell in and was seriously hurt; his horse was killed. The people are furious; Chambost believes Dupuy could scarcely appear safely at Iberville. If Chambost has been at fault in responding to the request of these people, he will repair it as (Blanc) judges suitable.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {4}

(18)55 Jul. 2
Durbin, Father E(lisha) J. St. Vincent's K(entuck)y:
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Durbin received (the letter) of (June) 11; he was in fault in not learning more of the case before writing. The persons of whom he inquired have left Orleans and she (Ellen O'Mealy) has left Coffey and is in this country. Durbin does not know whether her husband has become reconciled with her. She left Coffey and child in Cincinnati and came here with the two children of her husband. Durbin was in (Blanc)'s house but once and will probably never be again. But he will not forget his kind reception.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {3}

1855 Jul. 2
Gaultier, F.X.: Assumption, L(ouisian)a
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Gaultier asks if the Catholic religion allows a member to marry the sister of his wife. Gaultier does not need to say that he will keep this secret.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {1}

1855 Jul. 2
Guesdon, (C.S.C.), Father I(sidore): (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He apologizes for his error. Here is the right letter for which he had, by mistake, changed the envelope. He is embarrassed by (Blanc)'s goodness in supporting his importunities. Their Sisters (of the Holy Cross) received some alms from people interested in the (St. Mary's Catholic Orphan Boys') Asylum and Guesdon received some 30 piastres, so he can give 100 piastres this month to the Administrators.

- A.L.S. -


1855 Jul. 2
Guesdon, (C.S.C.) Father I(sidore): (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Guesdon apologizes for importuning (Blanc) so frequently; he will take (Blanc)'s advice as often as (Blanc) permits. Guesdon received the enclosed (no enclosure) letter from Father (Edward F.) Sorin, (C.S.C.). Guesdon does not deserve it as he has never told Sorin that he owed him nothing, nor refused to pay him what was due. In accordance with Guesdon's counsel composed of the Brothers (of the Holy Cross) du Lac, Guesdon had said that before paying anything he would like to know on what grounds he owes 600 piastres which Sorin says he does. Guesdon has asked him 3 times for a statement of accounts and had sent him the declarations made by Father (Francis) Gouesse, (C.S.C.) to the Holy Cross Council, according to which the Asylum owed nothing to Le Lac, but Le Lac still owed New Orleans since Sorin had drawn the salary of all the members of this house for 6 months, paid in advance a few days before the order came not to render any account to Le Lac. Gouesse affirmed that all the trips from Le Lac to New Orleans had been paid in advance or immediately after by the administration. In Guesdon's three letters to Sorin on this subject, Guesdon assured Sorin that in the face of Gouesse's obligations, Guesdon would hold to his word(?) and would pay what was due. Guesdon has received no account and he has a note from (Thomas) Layton proving that Sorin received the salary in question. As for Brother Edward, (C.S.C.), Guesdon has not written a word to Sorin without letting him know and he has always said he could not write himself in any other way. He seems decided not to join the establishment and to return to Le Lac. In a pinch, Guesdon can get along as he has, for the small class, a boy capable of teaching it; for the second, the postulant (Blanc) advised him to receive and with whom Guesdon is well satisfied, and for the third class, Brother Ignace, (C.S.C.). Sorin's dispositions being such, would it not be better to make the sacrifice at once?

- A.L.S. -

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {9}

1855 Jul. 3
Chambost, Father C(harles): Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Mr. Gilly who has just arrived in a state of excitation which recalls Chambost's after his illness, deeply concerns Chambost. He showed Chambost a letter from his poor mother's baker. Chambost sends it (no enclosure); there are others (Blanc) can see at the time of his visit. Chambost will examine Gilly and tell (Blanc) what he thinks. (Ricius Newton) Hurley, on his return, asked Chambost to clear up an error he made involuntarily. He told (Blanc) there were about 15 pupils at Plaquemine, he meant boarders. There are in all 96 pupils.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {3}

1855 Jul. 3
Fransoni, Cardinal J(ames) Ph(ilip): Rome, (Italy)
 to Archbishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

On receipt of Blanc's letter of April 24, the petition with respect to the extended faculties was submitted to the Holy Father. The attached rescript (no enclosure) gives his reply. Al(exander) Barnabò signs as secretary.

VI-1-i - L.S. - (Latin) - 1p. - 4to. - {1}

1855 Jul. 3
Lesne, H(yacin)the: New Haven, (?)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He writes to inform (Blanc) about the reply of Father (James) Lesne and to thank him for the step (Blanc) took in his behalf. A letter from his mother obliged him on May 15 to go to New Haven for a procuration which he had to give to one of his brothers who has charge of his affairs. He was without money and it was 32 miles. He counted on staying with some workmen he knew, paying them later. But he found employment with a clock maker, Jerome and Company which brings him $20; it is little but he can live with his wife whom he has had come here. So the reply came to his new residence, returned from Forestville by the post master. The letter sent to Father Lesne was returned unopened, with the notation "La carrote à mon oncle retournant à sa destination." If this is a joke Father Lesne should not mock the misery of any honest man. If he does not wish to believe H(yacin)the's state of affairs he could easily confirm it.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. -

1855 Jul. 3
Macé, C. Clara: (New Orleans, Louisiana?)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Macé does not want to appeal in France, for a chaplain, without some lines of approbation from (Blanc). (Blanc) knows what minute details these men exact for the smallest things. She is almost certain to succeed if (Blanc) will grant her this favor. Macé writes from St. Charles Institute.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - folio - {2}

1855 (Jul. 4)
Flanagan, Father J(ohn D.): (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to (Archbishop Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Receipts and disbursements of (St. Patrick's Church) to June 30, 1855. Father (Cyril) Delacroix sends a note of his acc(ount). Delacroix gave Mr. Trust, organist, $19 which with $16 mentioned above was his month's salary, $35.

- A.D.S. -


1855 Jul. 4
DelaCroix, Father C(yril): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Friday DelaCroix had a bill for $700 to pay and as he lacked $250 he kept what he received from the cemetery during the month. The amount he is to give (Blanc) is $240.

- A.L.S. - (French) -

VI-1-i - A.D.S., A.L.S., - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {4}

1855 Jul. 4
Kenrick, Archbishop Francis Patrick: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Kenrick presumes that the proposal to meet at the vacant see and use the advice of the counsellors will scarcely be adopted without the concurrence of the metropolitans and provincial councils. No action is likely to take place in regard to the (American) College (in Rome) until the councils or bishops express their wishes. The fund is designed for Dr. (Levi Silliman) I(ves) to whom $1200 yearly has been promised during his life. The Bishops of N(ew) Y(ork) pledged $400; the Baltimore province the same at least. Cincinnati says $200, St. Louis has yet given but $100. If N(ew) O(rleans) in the next council, fix the sum, it will ensure the amount. A surplus would be employed for other clerical converts who need help. They formed the plan of a Relief (Society) to retrieve the Bishops from the burden. Bishop (John Mary) Odin(?) improves on his journey. After the consecration of the truly beautiful cathedrals he went with the Archbishop of N(ew) York on the lake. He talks of asking for Father W(illiam) H(enry) Elder as coadjutor. Kenrick did not urge the erection of the see at Washington, fearing that it might be made the pretext of political excitement. Four voted for it; three against it, Kenrick not voting as being in the chair. The proceedings have not yet been sent.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {7}

(18)55 Jul. 4
Martinez, R.S.C.J., Madame V(ictorine): Grand Coteau, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Mother (Louisa) Leveque, (R.S.C.J.) was to leave Donaldson several days ago to be taken to Baltimore. They had hoped God would soon call the one who is the subject of their grief but now they do not even have the hope that her remains will repose in one of their cemeteries. (Blanc) is to pray for them as well as for Mother (Amelie) Jouve, (R.S.C.J.). She has been their consoling angel. Their students have shown an excellent spirit in the changes here. Twenty-three of them made their First Communion in May; they long for Confirmation. Could (Blanc) come before vacation which should be toward the beginning of September?

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1855 July 4
Timon, John Bp. Buffalo, N.Y.: Auburn, New York
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Thanks to God, the affairs of St. Louis Church have terminated in the triumph of ecclesiastical discipline and Church authority. Three of the trustees are for Timon; but they are cowed by two or three others. They want some priest of tact and prudence to place at the head of that congregation. Father (Francis X.) Wenniger thinks Father (William) Deiters would be the man for the office. Timon asks Purcell to give Deiters permission to attach himself to his diocese.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1855 Jul. 4
Thirion, Father (Hubert): Pointe Coupée, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Thirion sent a letter in reply to (Blanc)'s. July 15 is agreeable for Confirmation. Thirion today received (Blanc)'s latest letter of June 26. He asks (Blanc) to attend the examinations of Poydras College as well as the distribution of prizes the 16th and 17th.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1855 Jul. 5
Vanpaemel, (Father) E(d ): Grand Rapids, (Michigan)
 to (Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit Michigan)

Vanpaemel acknowledges Lefevere's letters of June 6 and 27. Last Sunday at a meeting of the best Germans, he read Lefevere's answer and all seemed satisfied. A building committee was appointed—Vanpaemel as disburser. The intended church, dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, will be called St. Mary's Church. The committee bought two lots from Mr. Scribner for $850. Scribner promised $150 as a donation. Vanpaemel asks Lefevere's opinion on the advisability of having the Germans of Alpine Settlement join the German congregation of Grand Rapids while the rest would go to Town-Wright. Is he to tell the Germans that a German priest will be stationed in the city? The generality of the Germans do not like Father (Julian) Maciejewski. Vanpaemel begs for an early reply. P.S. Vanpaemel says that he is forwarding to Lefevere a letter received from New York about some pictures he knows nothing of. They may have been sent to Father (Andrew) Viszoozky.

III-2-i - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {7}

1855 Jul. 6
Lucas, Father P(eter): West Baton Rouge, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

Here is Alfred Mendas, the little orphan of whom Lucas spoke several times. He is 7. His father Theodore Mendas and his mother Amelie Tibivilier died in 1851. The bearer of this letter is the child's uncle, also poor.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {4}

1855 Jul. 6
San Esteban, Duchess of Marquise de la Salud: Seville, (Spain)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

(Blanc) cannot be indifferent to the sad state to which the nuns in Spain are reduced. Dispossessed of their property and lawful possessions, they are reduced to 4 reales a day which is not sufficient. They must rely on Christian charity and the alms are not sufficient because of the great number of nuns in all the cities. The duchess has given much as she can but it would take the riches of Solomon to be sufficient. Some ladies in the city propose to help but cannot continue without the help of people like (Blanc). Contributions can be sent by way of London.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (Spanish) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1855 Jul. 11
Davis, Hugh J.: Warrenton, N(orth) Carolina
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Boston, Massachusetts

Brownson's letter of June 23rd was received and Davis asked Mr. Greene to tell Brownson that he had given Brownson's earlier letter to Mr. (Lawrence O'Bryan) Branch, the Democratic nominee for Congress. Branch and Davis are satisfied that Brownson owed the Pope no civil allegiance. Branch requested a copy for publication and tomorrow Davis will send a copy as published by the (Warrenton) Democratic paper to Brownson. To show Brownson the need of Catholics clarifying their position, he sends an extract from a letter of a Know Nothing candidate for Congress, from the 5th District. The extract is from E(dwin) G(odwin) Reade, Esq., in answer to his opponent, the Hon. Mr. Kerr, dated June 22, 1855, and copied in the Raleigh Register of July 11, 1855. This is but a prelude to the Presidential election.

I-3-l - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {7}

1855 July 11
McCaffrey, Father John:
Mt. St. Mary's College (Emmittsburg, Maryland)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

He had a conversation with Purcell's subject Mr. Barry. It seems that Purcell wants him to enter his seminary and be a teacher there. He is precisely such a man as Purcell wants. But give him more time to mature his knowledge. McCaffrey fears that if he is placed over a class of men while he is yet boyish in mind, Purcell may injure his future usefulness McCaffrey recommends that Purcell give Barry more time to mature his powers. Perhaps he is selfish in wishing to keep Barry another year, but it is hard to find good teachers. Next year that large family of Mountaineers will have a reunion here. They will have their new building and grand refectory to inaugurate. Father David Whelan has just gone to Baltimore. Father P(atrick) Corry so long here died in Philadelphia on the 4th.

II-4-m - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {6}

1855 July 13
Cayley, George: (Scarob(orough) of England)
 to (William) Seton:

He sends the book he named and has added a few of his own essays which as family mottoes may have more interest to Seton than the subjects command. Their country residence is at Brompton near Pickering, but nearer Scarbro. They will be happy to see the party who venture on the northern trip as they return. P.S. He would like to know Seton's christian name and American address. (P.S.) You must excuse a squib as to the American love of the dollar.

II-1-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16vo. - {1}

(18)55 Jul. 14
Praz, R.S.C.J., Mother A(nnette) St. Michael, (Louisiana):
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She has put off writing in hopes of having some news about Mother (Louisa) Léveque, (R.S.C.J.). Not having received any, Praz will say that they took her to Baltimore. A telegram from Louisville said that she was no worse and that the trip had not been as painful as was at first thought. The return of M(adam)e Dugas will give more detailed news. Here things are as usual although they are surrounded by sickness. One hundred thirty pupils remain; they are counting on (Blanc)'s visit. The distribution of prizes will take place on August 17; the children will leave in the afternoon as there are 2 boats that day, the Capitol and the Laurel Hill. Mother Stanislaus, (R.S.C.J.) can no longer come down to the church. Father Noir has the esteem and confidence of the whole house. Noir plans during vacation to take a trip to Iowa. While this is not attractive to Praz, the trip will be good for Noir's health. But she has a slight fear that he will be tempted to stay in the north. However Noir assures her that he will come back.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {5}

1855 Jul. 18
Poirier, C.SS.R., Father J(ames): Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere: Detroit, Michigan)

Lefevere talks of having the Redemptorists return to Monroe, (Michigan). Doubtless if their Superior sends them back, they will go with great pleasure. Lefevere has treated him like a Simonist for something for which he had the full consent of their Superior General in America, something about which he has said nothing more to Father Bernard (T. Hafkenscheid, C.SS.R.) or to any higher authority. Lefevere has allowed them to be called "holy raskels." If Poirier had made his report in Rome, he doubts if Lefevere would have a single (Redemptorist) Father in his diocese. He did not wish to make it, knowing the good the German Fathers could do in his diocese. He made an agreement in bad times to accept the title for 3 months leaving the rest to be collected by his successor. He warned the people of their obligation to pay his successor, but Lefevere knows how ignorant these Canadiens are. Lefevere has misinterpreted his order to have all destroyed except the books of the Church. He was unable to return and do this himself because of his work at the court. Mr. Warlop has acceded to his desire. Those who accuse him of not keeping books properly add calumny to a lie. He annuls the arrangement made with his successor and demands payment. He is ashamed to write this way. But if Lefevere calls them back he will go with pleasure into the Detroit diocese. But neither Lefevere nor Father (Peter) Kindekens have taken good measures to that end. They will return happily because they like Michigan. P.S. Excuse the bad writing, the heat is ninety degrees.

 On the same paper: 

Seelos, C.SS.R. Father F(rancis) X.: (Baltimore, Maryland)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere: Detroit, Michigan)

The complaints of Poirier ought to be regarded by Lefevere. They come from a wounded heart which received blame when kindness was expected. He asks that Lefevere wait until the Provincial has returned. They will obey whatever is decided by the Holy See.

III-2-i - A.L.S. - (First letter French) - 3pp. - 8vo. - {6}

1855 July 19
Pius IX, Pope: Rome, Italy
 to Archbishop John Baptist (Purcell) of Cincinnati,: and BishopsPeter Paul (Lefevere) of Detroit,: Amadeus (Rappe) of Cleveland,: Martin John Spalding of Louisville,: Maurice (De St. Palais) of Vincennes,: George (Carrell) of Covington,: and Frederick (Baraga) of Upper Michigan.:

The Pope acknowledges the letter addressed to him by the Bishops in the First Provincial Council of Cincinnati on May 24, 1855, in which they expressed their piety and love for the Apostolic See. He tells them to guard carefully those sentiments most worthy of Catholic prelates. He does not doubt that they have acted in the council for the welfare of the dioceses and the faithful. He will be very happy to receive the acts of the council which he understands will certainly be submitted to him. The Pope is pleased to learn of the great joy of the faithful in the promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception especially since the province is dedicated to her under that title. He also expresses his sorrow at the attacks which have been made upon the Church because of the growth she is experiencing in America. He tells them not to be downcast but to work with greater zeal for their flocks, promising to the bishops especially the crown to those that persevere. They are to be persuaded that he is ready to do all he can for them and their faithful, and to this end he grants them his apostolic benediction.

II-4-m - L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - (Latin) - {14}

1855 Jul. 19
Crozet, Father: Montbrison, (France)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Blanc) will be surprised to see Crozet's signature. He asks about a businessman who lives in Chartre Street, Mr. Benoit. Is he an honorable man, especially is he a good Christian? Does he have numerous children by his second wife? A son of his first marriage is seeking to marry one of Crozet's parishioners in whom Crozet as much interest. Did (Blanc) have a good crossing? They learned with sorrow of the burning of (Blanc)'s seminary.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

(1855 Jul. 20)
Rouard de Card, O.P., Father Pie Marie: Louvain, Belgium
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Rouard has an unfortunate brother who lives in Blanc's city. He belongs to an honorable family; he could easily occupy a position in France. He preferred, after wasting his fortune, to go to begin over again in America. For ten years Rouard has had no news of him; he has just heard(?) that he has fallen to the last degree of degradation. This information was sent by Mr. Grot(?) Gentes. If it is true, would it not be possible to get his brother out of this unfortunate position? He asks Blanc's help. (P.S.) His brother's name is Victor Rouard de Card; he is 38.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. and envelope - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1855 Jul. 22
Poirier, C.SS.R., Father (James): Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

They have received recently from Rome a letter of Very Rev. George Ruland, C.SS.R., their Provincial, on the subject of remaining or leaving Monroe, (Michigan). Poirier sends a copy of the reasons given to Propaganda by their Vicar General (Rudolph Smetana, C.SS.R.) in opposition to Lefevere's last petition. Since (Lefevere) claims he has never seen the figures on the parish, Poirier lists the receipts and expenses for the church and house. Ruland has the same figures. He is all the more satisfied to be ordered by Rev. (Francis X.) Seelos, their Rector in Baltimore, to send this copy, which Lefevere, on reading, can convince himself that, although Poirier has sometimes made threats and had very strong reasons to do so still he had spared Lefevere from their first Superiors. If Lefevere had omitted to speak of them in writing to Rome, he would have avoided a displeasing disagreement, since it ought to be considered who is accused in Rome: it is the Very Rev. Bernard (Joseph Hafkenscheid), C.SS.R. (former U. S. Provincial). Lefevere can see from all this that the Redemptorists are not ordered to return to Monroe and that it is best during negotiations that the bishop assign a cure lest the parish languish for a very long time.

- A.D.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4vo. -


1854 Oct. 1
(Ruland, C.SS.R., Father George): Rome, (Italy)
 to (The Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation of the Sacred Propaganda): (Rome, Italy)

With permission of his superior, given by letter of September 20, Ruland sets down the following points with regard to the petition of the bishop of Detroit. The Redemptorists in the United States have 11 houses which are at the same time mission-stations, from them many excellent missionaries have perished, and there are not enough men to replace them. The Superior of their American Province is disturbed. A vigorous novitiate in their American Province is not wanting, nevertheless, to be successful at least 6 or 8 years are required. As a suitable remedy he is abandoning those stations in which a few of the Fathers remain alone, and which admit no hope of becoming regular. Their stations in Detroit and Monroe are of this condition so Father George Ruland acting Superior of the American Province having received instructions as of March of this year, proceeded to the suppression of these stations. In Detroit, a new reason was added when the Bishop of Detroit recently bought property to build a new German church although the number of Catholic Germans in this city scarcely exceeds 3,000. The building of a new German church would always deprive their Fathers of the necessary means of support. On June 5, the Provincial wrote Lefevere that they were giving up the aforesaid two missions. Lefevere replied in a most vehement letter which the Redemptorist superiors considered unjust. Lefevere in July came to Baltimore and personally asked that Ruland would defer the execution of the mandate, saying that he would write Ruland later. On July 21, and on August 18, he was prepared for any sacrifice whatsoever, provided that the Bishop on his part agreed to two really just and fair conditions: the first, the suppression of the station in Monroe; the second condition, as to the station in Monroe; the second condition, as to the station in Detroit, that the bishop should agree to such arrangements that are necessary to their physical existence and morale. On July 28, Lefevere asked Propaganda that Rome compel their Congregation to continue and be restrained by an edict from giving up the aforesaid stations. The bishop asked that the Congregation undertake an agreement to administer the stations or parishes in Detroit and Monroe for a period of 500 years. But the bishop attributes the giving of these parishes to them to the entreaties of some of the Fathers. The bishop claims the Redemptorists are opening a new house in California. This Ruland denies. As to Detroit, there exists no document whatever signed by a member of their Congregation but merely a record of the bishop by which he had assigned Father (Peter) Czackert, (C.SS.R.), superior of the Fathers in America, and his legitimate successors for 500 years, the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Detroit. But an obligation of this kind according to the rules of law demand not tacit but expressed and formal consent. But the Superiors of the American Province never indeed had this intention, nor are they able to have it. Ruland mentions certain other documents about accidental revenues, such as the instruction of July 16, 1845 in which the Bishop gave the Church farms to three Fathers of their Congregation for the price of one dollar, required by American Law, and therefore valid, for 300 years under the condition that one or more Fathers should regularly and rightly provide the spiritual needs for the Catholic community in Monroe. This instruction the Provincial at least approved, but by the approval he did not oblige their Congregation to anything else, nor could he. If Ruland cannot any longer fulfill this condition he is certainly held to restore the land. But from this agreement can it be deduced that the Congregation cannot dismiss the aforesaid care of souls for 300 years, and its revenues. Ruland said the bishop did not make these stations or quasiparishes in Detroit and Monroe as canonically incorporated parishes of their Congregation. They will restore to the bishop the above mentioned land of 25 acres, the usufruct of which was granted to them. They will return likewise both churches, not only in their former condition, but improved. Ruland cannot see why the bishop complains. The subject is of the greatest importance to all religious orders so that their houses may form regular communities, in which, under the vigilance of local superiors, regular discipline may be observed, because otherwise, religious will be carried off gradually by zeal and fervor. Another general reason for their action is the success of their missions. But, however, the introduction of this system is rendered impossible if their Congregation could abandon no station which it had at any time accepted. The ministry in North America must be exercised in three languages, English, German, and French and only a few missionaries know perfectly all three languages. They do not ask leisure and pleasant life and scarcely anyone who knows their Congregation in North America will refuse them proof that they are overburdened nor do they ask temporal reward for missions do not suffice for emoluments of that King. They ask and desire only those conditions of their existence by which the discipline and spirit of their Institute should be preserved. Therefore, most humbly and urgently Ruland begs the Sacred Congregation in no way assent to the petition of the Bishop of Detroit.

- L. Copy - (Latin) - 6pp. - 4to. -

III-2-i - A.L.S. - (French) - - L. Copy - (Latin) - 7pp. - 4to. - {9}

1855 July 22
Ferard, S.J., Father F.: (New York, New York)
 to Sister (Catherine Seton): (New York, New York)

He has received her letter and regrets not having come to bid her adieu, but man proposes and God disposes. He leaves tomorrow for the missions north of Lake Huron. He will very likely never see her again in this life but he hopes to be united to her in the next. F(ather) Ouelette who has just come from Montreal is to succeed him and stay in New York. Though nothing official has been yet announced to him, it seems he will be the man in case the Archbishop asks the Jesuits to continue their ministry in the Tombs. F(ather) Thomas Ouellet also desires that it be so. Before he goes to his remote mission he asks the prayers of the Sisters of her community, expecially those who have done prison work. He will not forget the Sisters of Mercy, particularly Sister Mary Catherine. He asks to be recommended in particular to Mary Devereux's prayers.

II-1-a - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {3}

1855 July 23
Monteith, R(obert) J.S.: Lanark, Scotland
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Boston, Massachusetts

(Marked) "Private". Monteith tells Brownson that he has ordered a copy of a book on Blessed Leonard of Port Maurice sent to him. It was translated at the request of the Bishop (Thomas Grant) of Southwark, a man of saintly character. He praises (Brownson's) Review saying that it elevates the tone of both clergy and laity and he asks Brownson to try to elevate the preaching of the Church. They have established Committees of Investigation among the leading well-informed citizens of the great English cities to set up the main outlines of International Law on the subject of peace and war, and to compose "blue books" which they presented to Parliament. In every case the effect is remarkable to one who observes them from a Catholic point of view. Pride in the present dies away - veneration for Rome and her tradition springs up. They see the blindness of modern politics - the insanity of the (European) Revolutions - the extent of Britain's betrayal - the necessity for a code of religion and morals as a substratum for International Law and Diplomacy.

I-3-l - A.L.S. - 8pp. - 16to. - {5}

(18)55 Jul. 24
Montgom(er)y, Father S(tephen) H.: Vicksburg, (Mississippi)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A few days ago Montgom(er)y was called to see Mr. McMinnis of Mil(l)ike(n's) Bend who was supposed to be dying and administered the last rites. Today he was called to see Mr. Fitzwilliams. Father (Michael?) Kelly is absent. As Montgom(er)y has enjoyed faculties that side of the river, he presumes them not ceased.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {4}

1855 July 25
Cretin, Joseph Bishop of St. Paul: St. Paul, Minnesota
 to Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere: of Detroit, Michigan

Cretin asks Lefevere to send him Pierz's antecedents, especially concerning his possessions in Michigan. He is a good and zealous man. But, Cretin believes that Pierz has very improper ideas concerning the possession and administration of the Church property and of the funds he has received from the Association of the Propagation. He began 5 or 6 churchs and all these acquisitions were arranged contrary to the rules of the Council of Baltimore; he placed all them under his own name. Cretin warned Pierz that he would place an interdict on the churchs if he does not deliver the titles to him. Pierz has agreed to Cretin's demands but placed a certain number of conditions and restrictions. He pretends to have the right to dispose of what he has for good works; which would be all right if it came from his own inheritance. Cretin asks Lefevere what is the line of conduct concerning the use of it when it comes from the Association of the Propagation. Pierz has addressed a very disrespectful letter to Lefevere. Cretin is afraid that he will have trouble with Pierz. Already Pierz threatened to leave Cretin, if Cretin does not give him a horse and a cow. Cretin says that he gave him a horse last year that he let die. He understands more and more how difficult it is to preserve harmony with even the better priests.

III-2-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1855 July 25
Fransoni, J(ames) Ph(ilip) Card. Pref.:
Sacra Congregatio de fide Propaganda Rome, Italy
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Purcell's letter and the acts and decrees of the First Provincial Synod of Cincinnati have come to hand. As soon as possible he will submit them to the Sacred Congregation so that he can make known what they think about them. (Signed by) A. Barnabo, Secretary

II-4-m - L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - (Latin) - {3}

1855 Jul. 25
Peyriga: Barrens, (Missouri)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Blanc)'s goodness in admitting him to the seminary makes him write his thanks. Without knowing him, and at the simple request of one of his priests, Blanc admitted him. In the world Periga was forgetful of his Christian duties. He has brought happiness to a father and mother. He has been at the seminary for nine months studying philosophy and English. What strikes him most is not finding open personalities. He regrets their former superior, Father (Anthony) Andrieux, (C.M.) who hid neither praise nor admonitions when merited. Vacation will end September 1; Periga has had a good English professor. The seminarians Blanc sent here join in asking for his blessing.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1855 Jul. 27
Foltier, Father S(tephen) J(ules): Abbeville, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Foltier was awaiting the results of a visit he intended to make to the limits of his parish, but he has had to put it off to October because of the extreme heat. Father (Stephen) Rousselon must have informed (Blanc) that the exterior of the church has been finished since March. The openings are very fine; the body of the church is in proportion. There is a little bell tower 12 feet square which will be the base of the spire. The interior looks poor but Foltier cannot begin the paneling before the date due for payment of 55 or 56 pews; the wood alone will cost at least 500 piastres. The value of the 84 pews rented amounts to 1600 piastres, a little higher than will last, Foltier believes. This is what he received last year and it will be a fine subscription to finish the interior of the church. The feast of the Immaculate Conception was celebrated with pomp, the Communions were more numerous than ever. The mission is going well. The Know Nothings have formed a lodge at Perry's Bridge, refuge of everything hostile to Abbeville and the Catholic religion. Mostly Americans and Protestants have joined, with a few Catholics. Foltier combats them as much as prudence allows. Two weeks ago, there was a great anti-Know Nothing meeting. Omer Mouton of Lafayette and O'Brien, formerly a strong partisan of the Bridge, did their duty nobly. O'Brien especially pleased Foltier. Valsaint Veasey was more than ever the man of conciliation and bias. O'Brien, in crossing the prairie, found the book of the president of the Know Nothing lodge, for the first degree. If Father (Napoleon Joseph) Perché would find it useful, Foltier will send it to him. The seal shows an Indian; the name of Louisiana is changed to Wigwam whose president is a Mr. Benedict who appeared at the last convention in New Orleans. One sees the affiliation of the members of Louisiana with those of the North. They ask whether their religion will oblige them to reveal the secrets of the society, and draw special attention to their age, birth, and religion. The passage which struck Foltier most is the one about the awful crimes of popery. He cites the text. It proves that the Know Nothings hate the priests and the Catholic religion. Foltier believes that Rousselon is holding a grudge against him; he does not know why. He claimed what was due him for the advances made with the sole aim of being useful to Rousselon. He will not meddle any more in inheritances. Today Foltier received the taxes for 1854. He will not pay them; the sheriff can sell Abbeville, if he wishes. Foltier does not know whether (Blanc) has forgotten him. The isolation of Abbeville is killing him; he is too far from his confreres. Now that he has the church up, could he not have another position? Other priests would perhaps be satisfied to come to Abbeville where one breathes good air and the priest is respected.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - folio - {10}

1855 Jul. 27
Amat, C.M., Bishop Thaddeus St. Louis, (Missouri):
 to Archbishop A(nthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Amat was about to leave Cape Girardeau for New Orleans, toward his diocese, when an indisposition he had became worse and he was advised not to go south at all. So he came to St. Louis intending to direct his steps toward New York, stopping to try to collect for his diocese and getting to New York next September to go to Monterey. Any letters Blanc has for Amat he is to direct them to La Salle, Ill(inoi)s in care of Father J(ohn) O'Reily where Amat will be until the middle of next month or to New York. Amat is most thankful to Blanc for all he did for the young students Blanc sent from Spain. Blanc is to let him know the expenses for them and their board at the seminary and he will have it sent. They might yet send some other student or missionary from Spain or France. Amat sends some few letters that had been recommended to him.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1855 Jul. 28
Tholomier, Father (Claude Anthony): St. Michael, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Two marriages have been performed in their parish between 2 Catholic girls and 2 Episcopalian men. In order to have them blessed, Tholomier asks for dispensations for Charles Yancey and Felicie Molarcher and for Francis Ev(er?)ence(?) Wilson, a doctor of St. James, and Adele Parent. Tholomier believes that both are baptized. He foresees also that, having been called to see a sick man who was not married in the Church, Tholomier in order to give the last sacraments, would need to bless his marriage. For this he would need a dispensation. The name of the individuals are Louis Ovide Foché(?) and Antoinette Orseaux(?) married about 7 years ago by a judge. They have three children. Tholomier will soon see (Blanc) here.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {7}

1855 Jul. 29
Chambost, Fathers C(harles) and Aug(ust): Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Chambost has put (Joseph F.?) Gilly out. On Gilly's arrival Chambost believed that the sentiments he expressed in regard to his mother were sincere. Chambost procured 20 piastres for him and urged him to leave. But Gilly put it in his pocket and since then he has not talked of taking a trip. Having eaten too much on Tuesday, Chambost gave Gilly a few drops of laudanum. Thursday morning as soon as Chambost left with (Blanc) Gilly began to cry out that Chambost had poisoned him. He ran after Auguste asking for white wine. After drinking a bottle of it, his language became terrible. He expostulated about the food, the discipline, etc. Auguste told him to pack his trunk and leave. Saturday morning (Ricius Newton) Hurley came to tell Chambost that if Gilly stayed, he could not remain. Chambost tried to talk a little sense into Gilly but got only insults. So he ordered him to leave. During the night Gilly woke him to say that he was going to die within an hour. Chambost gave him a dose of Epsom salts. This morning Gilly left after the first Mass. Chambost has prepared the room next to (Blanc)'s for Father D'Antoine whom he will receive with great pleasure. If it is possible to send Father (Napoleon Joseph) Perché here and then to L'Ile, it will be his cure.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {6}

1855 Jul. 30
Hurley, Ricius Newton: Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Hurley professes himself so indebted to Blanc that he would be most ungrateful if he did not confess his gratitude. When he remembers how generously Blanc sent him to prepare himself for the priesthood, he who was a foreigner in this country, Hurley's heart is overwhelmed. But he finds himself suddenly plunged in woe by a difficulty of a very painful nature. During Father (Charles) Chambost's absence with Blanc, one of the teachers, Mr. Gilley, and Father Aug(us)t Chambost got into an argument in which Gilley insulted Chambost grossly. Hurley could hear the argument in his room upstairs but Hurley does not understand French. On the pastor's return, Gilley told him that Father August was nobody and that Gilley would have all the rules altered, that the dietary was dangerously bad, that the pastor gave him poisonous medicine, that he was going to report all to the Vicar G(eneral) and that he was to be backed up and supported by Hurley. This last is a glaring falsehood. Gilley made none of these assertions in Hurley's presence. Gilley will never again stand as high in Hurley's esteem. Chambost has spoken of the necessity of writing to Blanc, therefore Blanc will see why Hurley writes now. P.S. Hurley has no charges to make against Gilley.

VI-1-i - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {4}

(1855) Jul. 31
Mullon, Father J(ames) I(gnatius): (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Receipts and disbursements of (St. Patrick's Church).

VI-1-i - A.D.S. - 2pp. - folio - {2}