University of Notre Dame


1866 (Mar.)
Bouchet, Father J(ules): (La Fourche, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Having obtained a dispensation from Father Rousselon for the second degree of relationship, in order to ratify the civil marriage of Francois Ruis and Marie Sanchez, the marriage was celebrated on March 19, 1866. He asks (Odin) for a dispensation of disparity of cult for two colored persons, married by a judge and wishing to be married in the Church.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Mar. 1
Bellanger, S.M., Father F.: St. James, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He wrote (Odin) last week for a dispensation for Francois Tacone who wishes to marry Sidonie Thiery, widow of his brother. He also asks a dispensation for a prohibited time. They are all still stunned by the blow of the appointment of Father (Eleazar) Vignonet who has begun his visits to their parish. (Odin)'s council has treated them very harshly.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Mar. 1
Durel, Henry Treasurer of: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) Mary Odin, (C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A tax receipt for $37.50 for the 1865 taxes on the properties at St. Bernard evaluated at $2500. (The name of the controller is indecipherable).

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {1}

(18)66 Mar. 1
Early, Ellen T.: Grand Rapids, (Michigan)
 to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) Lefev(e)re: (Detroit, Michigan)

She was received as a candidate into the Order (Sisters) of St. Bridget 4 years ago with Lefevere's permission. This is her choice and she trusts he will sanction it. In writing to him, she is only obeying her confessor, Father (Bernard J.) Wermers. If Lefevere approves, she asks the time and terms of her profession.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Mar. 1
Kilroy, Father L(awrence): (Port Huron, Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

In his last letter Kilroy sent an account of pew rent and subscriptions received in Port Huron, Columbus, Kenokee—formerly Emmet, and Burchville. Now he sends an account by subscriptions from Kenokee-Emmet, Wales and the Township of Reilly, all 4 together. The 3 leading politicians, Patrick Kennedy, Patrick Dahony, Patrick Cogley, paid nothing during 1865. He lists 46 Irish who paid $119. He also lists 10 persons who have paid pew rent. Catholics at Emmet-Kenokee are bound to have the pews free. They claimed that they themselves built the church and pews, but it is well known that money was collected from Port Huron, Columbus, Memphis, Brockway, and St. Clair City. They want the graveyard free, and to give as much as they want to support the priest. Also they want Lefevere to give them the Jubilee money to help pay the debt on the church. The priest of Port Sarnia counselled them on this matter, and also that they should have a priest. He has joined old Patrick Kennedy against Kilroy. At Mass, February 11, Kilroy announced that the pews would be rented at the end of the service; due to the old politicians and self-selected loading demagogues, only ten rented pews. Following his warning, Kilroy locked up the church and has held services in a schoolhouse in Emmet, where Kilroy has a deed for 2 acres from Patrick Woodlock for a church, and where for 4 years he has attended the faithful. He asks Lefevere to look at the insurance policy to see how Dahony got it in his name. When Kilroy found this out, he forced Dahony to transfer his title or claim to Lefevere. Kilroy lists several subscribers and their donation for the building of the church.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {16}

1866 Mar. 1
(Schorlemer), R.G.S., Sister Marie de Ste. Thérèse: (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

They have engaged an old German workman to spade their garden. As he is very poor and has no family, he has agreed to sleep in the little stable. Enclosure is not yet established and since their gardener lives so far away, in case of accident or sickness this could be very useful.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Mar. 2
Donahoe, Patrick: Boston, Mass(achusetts)
 to Bishop (Francis P.) McFarland (of Hartford: Providence, Rhode Island)

Donahoe learns that McFarland is to preach the consecration sermon on the 11th. He asks for the minutes beforehand as this will enable the Pilot reporters to give a correct report of the sermon. This is merely a suggestion as the sermon will be reported and this thing of giving the sermon in advance is done frequently. If McFarland decides to give the manuscript he may do so at his convenience.

I-1-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo - {2}

1866 Mar. 2
Gaudet, O.M.I., Father A(ugustin): Brownsville, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

On February 27, Gaudet received (Odin's) letter of the 15th. By now (Odin) knows the reason which forced him to delay his trip to New (Orleans). He plans to come the week after Easter, going by way of Galveston. He thanks (Odin) for saving the money he has for him. The war and its consequences have almost stunned Gaudet. He must tell (Odin) things he cannot write. The Sisters of the I(ncarnate) W(ord) were to set out for Brownsville; lately he received a letter from Sister Ste. Claire, (V.I.) in which she said she was setting out with a dozen companions the last of February or first of March. Since they will arrive about May 15, how will they stand the heat? Their border is still precarious. If the Mexican Empire is in the interior as it is here, it is a misery. A decree of Maximilian's has just appeared establishing civil marriages with a fine of 500 to 1000 piastres for all priests who go against it. The prefect in Matamoros who had a daughter to marry thought it would be all right to delay carrying out of this order until the girl was married like a good Christian in the Church. But in two weeks the same prefect will be a hypocritical strict observer of the law. Their priests have sent a messenger to Monterey to find out what line of conduct to follow. By the same messenger, Gaudet wrote to the Bishop at Galveston to ask him to send a replacement during Gaudet's absence.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Mar. 4
Spalding, M(artin) J(ohn), Archbishop of: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Letters from Cardinal (Alexander) Barnabo dated January 31 authorize Spalding, as Apostolic Delegate, to convene the Plenary Council either for the fourth Sunday after Easter, or for Autumn. He will be compelled to adopt the latter period but would like (Odin)'s advice as to the time and to matters therewith connected. He had thought of making the council contain a succinct exposition of doctrine with a condemnation of the current heresies. He finds this feature in all the councils held in Europe from 1850 to 1860. He thought also of making the council a complete repertory of their Canon Law, a sort of Corpus Juris for the American churches. P.S. (in Spalding's hand) They will especially want the benefit of (Odin)'s experience in devising the most effectual means for saving the emancipated Negroes, one of the objects to which the Holy See calls attention in the instructions sent for their guidance. Spalding sends regards to (Odin)'s vicar general, Father Chalon.

VI-2-k - L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 March 4
Spalding, M(artin) J. Archbishop of Balt.: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

He received a letter from Cardinal (Alexander) Barnabo authorizing him as Apostolic Delegate to call the Plenary Council for the 4th Sunday after Easter or later in the Autumn, and he asks Purcell for advice as to when is the most opportune time and the possibilities of making the council similar to those of Cologne and Prague if active cooperation is given by the Metropolitans. P.S. He received Purcell's Statuta Diocesana and feels that Purcell's experience, being the oldest of the Prelates, will be very beneficial in the approaching Council, particularly in matters of legislation. He asks for Purcell's council in the matters to be discussed.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 5
Chambodut, Father L(ouis) C.M.: Galveston, (Texas
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Last night he received Odin's letter of February 27 asking for ordos for 1866. He has only three which he sends. Bishop (Claude Marie) Dubuis is much better. Yesterday Paul Kraus received minor orders and Sunday he will receive the diaconate. Dibuis' trip to San Antonio which almost proved fatal was taken to stop unjust procedures of the corporation against properties of the Alamo. In the two days he was there he upset their plans. Dubuis is getting ready for his trip and will be in New Orleans the first days of April. Father C(harles) Padey is no longer chaplain at the convent; he says Mass at the College and visits the hospital. Father Th(omas J.) Johnston, Chambodut's assistant, has the convent so that Chambodut is almost alone at the Cathedral whose congregation is growing. They have just heard of the death of Mother Ste. Marie, former Superior of the convent at San Antonio. J(ames) P. Nash continues to visit them and sends his respects. N(athan) Smith is a real invalid now. Three weeks ago Dubuis was awakened by a noise at his window; the Bishop got up and the intruders fled. Often there are thefts and murders. Chambodut sends greetings to Father Rousselon.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {8}

1866 Mar. 5
(Elder), William Henry, Bishop of: Natchez, (Mississippi)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

He asks pardon for not writing before; he was called out into the country soon after his arrival at home. At Pass Christian, Mr. Mercier gave him two legs of venison, one for Odin. He was detained so many days at Bay St. Louis that he was afraid they would spoil and gave them both to Father (Henry) Leduc. (Elder) will write soon the little he has to say about spirit rappings. Odin is to send word to whom he ought to make the deed of the property at Bay St. Louis. He brought fifteen copies of the Acts of the Provincial Council with him from those he found in his room at Odin's house. He should have asked Father Rousselon about the cost. He has not yet received any answer from the Cardinal about the matrimony case he sent last October. If they live till next year, they must celebrate Odin's quarter of a century.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Mar. 5
Marion, Father F.M.: New Iberia, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

The parishioners at Patout Chapel are waiting impatiently to have Sunday Mass. Marion has great need of a helper; he has to refuse to say Mass for distant families because he must hear confessions every morning. He will start catechism classes next Sunday. He will have four instructions a week during Lent and added to this the painters and carpenters must be supervised a little. (Odin) is to hasten if he can, the ordination of the subject about whom he spoke so that Marion can have a priest for the last two weeks of Lent. P.S. The Patout Chapel belongs to the diocese.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 5
Reilly, Father Patrick: Little Rock, Ark(ansas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He has been on the lookout to hear of authentic information of the appointment of a bishop for his diocese. They hear frequently from northern sources that there will be no appointment. During the war a bishop was not so necessary as now when missions are to be attended, churches to be built and schools established. Reilly endeavored to impress on (Odin) his inability for the proper discharge of these duties. He is worn out in body and mind. The (Sisters (of Mercy) enjoy good health; their schools are well attended.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Mar. 7
Follot, Father Francis C.: Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

It is painful to send (Odin) this discouraging news but he must ask his advice. Michael Schlatre has just sent him a letter; he asks Follot to write to (Odin) and explain his idea. Follot gives an extract from his letter: "Schlatre spoke with Belfort Marionneaux March 4 concerning the church and his future course after the termination of the suit. Schlatre told him that it was necessary to know before the sale of the pews. Marionneaux said in substance that he intends to exhaust the Church property here first and if there be not enough to satisfy his claims he will look for church property elsewhere; that as Archbishop Blanc signed the contract so is his successor bound too." The subscriptions, collections, and other means have not brought in 400 piastres. The parish has been cheated of the greatest part of its workers and the flood threatens the same destruction as last year. As an individual, Follot offered Marionneaux 6000 piastres cash if he would let the rest go. But this seemed only to make him more demanding. (Odin) is to advise them what line of conduct to follow. Since Follot has been at Plaquemine, he has had his good share of trials.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1866 Mar. 7
Supervièle, A.: San Antonio, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, (C.M.): N(ew) Orleans, (Louisiana)

It is a pleasure to recall himself to Odin. On June 13, 1859, Gilbert Monterras died at Lyons.Charles Barthelemy Matton, his nephew, was to collect a part of the inheritance. Matton, himself, died at New Orleans in June, 1860 leaving his wife Josephine Bihl and two children, baptized at San Antonio as Louis and Josephine Caroline. Before he died Matton made a holographic will leaving to his wife all the law allowed at his disposition. Now that communications are established they request of the widow the death certificate of her husband and proof that he really made the will. Mrs Matton says that one of Odin's Vicars General directed Matton in his last will and buried him. She believes he would see to these two documents. Supervièle will attend to the other matters. The lady, while not rich, can afford to pay the necessary charges. Has Odin forsaken them forever? Can he not visit his old Texas? Supervièle may go through New Orleans as he is thinking of returning to France.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {4}

1866 Mar. 7
Willis, Julia: Port Byon, (New York)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She is very anxious to hear (Odin) and all the priests at home and Louisa. She has been sick all winter with an abcess on the chest. She is still living with Mrs. Adams. When they lived in Auburn she and the girl used to go to see Bishop Timon and heard from (Odin). (Odin) is to send by Mr. Adams, the balance of the money he has kept for her. The girls send their love. Mrs. Adams has a little boy nearly four and little Carrie, the baby when they left Galveston, has grown to be a large girl for her age.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 8
Darragh, J.L.: Galveston, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.): New Orleans, Louisiana

This note will be handed to (Odin) by Darragh's son John. He is the little child that Father (Richard Hennesy, C.M.?) Hennesey baptized 20 years ago. Darragh sends John to New Orleans hoping to improve his health and at the same time attend the commercial school. He would like to get him board in some good Catholic family. John will leave his money with (Odin). Darragh will call on (Odin) next May on his way to Europe. Bishop (Claude Marie Dubuis),H(yacinthe) De St. Cyr,and Darragh hope to go together. Galveston is now very prosperous. A very large stock company has been started there, called the H(o)uston and Galveston Wharf and Cotton Press Company. Its capital stock is now $1,200,000. St. Cyr is the owner of $39, 700 worth of its stock; James P. Nash holds $3,000. Darragh is also a stock holder. (Dubuis) has been sick but is now getting well. The priest at Houston is expected to live. (P.S.) John wants to study book keeping.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {6}

1866 Mar. 8
Kehoe, L(awrence): New York (City)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Kehoe asks if Brownson received the check for forty dollars last week. It was for the translation.

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 1pg. - 8vo. - {1}

1866 Mar. 8
Quinlan, John, Bishop of: Mobile, (Alabama)
 to Archbishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

On his return from a very successful missionary tour he found Odin's letter of February 5. As to spiritrapping, in the South and particularly in the Diocese of Mobile, not a single Catholic has had even his curiosity excited by it. As to the doctrine of spirits (Spiritism) he has heard of none. Quinlan is told that many of the Bishops, including the Archbishop of Cincinnati, prefer that their Plenary Council be held in Rome. Quinlan does not think Rome a very secure place if the French troops evacuate it. Odin is to let Father (Gabriel) Chalon know that the copy of the Mass he spoke about is being made by the Brothers here.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Mar. 8
Seton, Elizabeth: Cragdon, (New York)
 to (Father Robert Seton: Rome, Italy)

Will(iam Seton 4) has been so indefatigable in his correspondence that Elizabeth had no chance of making a letter from her agreeable. The day (Robert) left, October 7, their father (William Seton 3) and she planted a Boston creeper and some periwinkles and will watch them with care until (Robert) returns. Will has gone to Washington to see what he can do towards getting Harry (Seton) in the Regular Army; they all hope for his success. Harry is now in Charleston. He was sent to a plantation to quell a disturbance of freedmen but on returning alone, the negroes burst upon him and one man threw an axe. He had the ringleaders arrested. Father William (McCloskey) spent a day with them. (Robert)'s last of February 5 spoke of visiting some Catacombs with the Chevalier (John Baptist) Rossi. Elizabeth is writing in (Robert)'s room. Behind her are piled up box upon box of old letters. She keeps the very old letters as a bonne-bouche and so far has put some order in those of this generation. She has appropriated the little gold relic of the Blessed Virgin which (Robert) left at Cragdon, but will render it up when he is there again. She regrets she did not find one of his sermons; she has the first as Nell (Helen Seton) and Isabel (Seton) laid claim to the other two. Their little church has been greatly enlarged and they have an assistant pastor. Little Johnny Brett often speaks of (Robert). Many of the congregation ask after (Robert) particularly a Mrs. Johnson, wife of some dissenting minister; in her innocence she thinks (Robert) would be placed in charge of the Mount Vernon, (New York) parish. (Robert) would smile to see Brian Ennis, the pedlar, walk up the aisle in (Robert)'s coat. On Ash Wednesday, Will, Nell, and Elizabeth attended the funeral of Mrs. Secord. She died at Norman's place. She would go as far as Mrs. Kane's cottage to ask news of the family. They called on Miss Phoebe Reid; with the exception of Miss Rutherford her visitors are few. Lillian Griffin Charlie sends his love. (P.S.) Will left on Monday morning; he might come tonight.

II-1-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {17}

1866 Mar. 8
Simon, Father J.N.: Lake Charles, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.): N(ew) Orleans, (Louisiana)

The pews were rented and brought in 70 piastres. Catholics are very few and too indifferent. Fees are nil. Most of the marriages are by judges or preachers. The majority of the population are Protestant and speak English. The Catholics are very poor and scattered. It is hard to get 50 people together. Simon started a school but he cannot continue it. The church is in debt 300 piatres. It would be a shame if the land bought by Father (Gilbert) Raymond was lost to the church; it is necessary. The church is a poor building, not finished. Raymond maintains that Simon should pay this debt, but how can he? In Simon's opinion these people do not deserve a resident priest. It would be sufficient for the priests at Grand Coteau to visit here twice a year. He does not wish to go back with Raymond; he thinks he is ready to do what Odin commands.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1866 Mar. 12
Elder, William Henry, Bishop of: Natchez, Mississippi
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

With regard to the enquiries made by the Sacred Congregation concerning Spiritism: In the diocese of Natchez, Elder has no knowledge of its being much exercised. Several years ago there had been some of it. He suspects it is somewhat practised by non-Catholics but rather privately. A convert from the Episcopal denomination related that she had been using it after the death of her first husband and in getting information about her sons in the army. As for their doctrines, Elder thinks there is great diversity. (He cites examples of which he has heard). He has heard of a man named Davis who wrote a large volume under the movement of spirits. Two years ago he found in a Catholic house, a small manual of the spiritists written by a Mr. Ballou of New England. Ten years ago he saw numbers of a periodical published in Cincinnati by a Dr. Buchanan. Elder finds that Odin's letter was received July 12, 1864, the day before he handed in to the Commander his long letter about the prayer for the President. He was continually engrossed with that correspondence until he was sent to Vidalia. He neglected to attend to his Eminence's request; he forgot it.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 5pp. - 4to. - {2}

1866 Mar. 12
(Rappe), A(madeus), Bp. of Cleveland: Cleveland, (Ohio)
 to (Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio)

Father (Louis F.) D'Arcy who left Purcell's diocese for reasons of health has asked for a mission in the diocese of Cleveland. Before he accepts him, Rappe would like a letter of recommendation from Purcell.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - (FRench) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 12
Brownson, O(restes) A.: Elizabeth, (New Jersey)
 to (Henry) F. (Brownson): 3rd U.S. Artillery

Brownson has for some time been expecting to receive the papers from (Henry) which will enable the latter to sell the horses and he hopes it is not too late. He is disappointed that his son did not come home. The senate has returned the brevets to the Secretary of war to be submitted to a Board for examination but (Henry should have no apprehension because of his distinguished and meritorious services in the field. Brownson is displeased over the turn of events in Washington. Both parties seem to him about equally wrong and he has lost all sympathy with (Charles) Sumner. To give Congress the power to determine the question of suffrage would change radically the Constitution and make the government one of the people consolidated, not one of the people as States. The soveroignty rests in the states not in the people outside of State organizations and in the states collectively not severally as (John C.) Calhoun contended. The leading radicals in Congress if successful would entirely eliminate the federation element and make the government a centralized democracy. (Andrew) Johnson is violent, hotheaded and arbitrery but is right in defending States' rights although his defense is not placed on correct grounds. He committed a fatal error in repudiating the agreement between Sherman and Johnston. The governments which he organized in the seceding states are not legitimate and neither his nor Congress' recognition can make them legitimate however and Congress would have to admit their representatives, provided they took an oath to uphold the Constitution. In Brownson's opinion that President has already too much power and it will be increased in the present conflict with Congress, since the socialistic democracy can no more triumph than the egoistical. Brownson is interested in finding out (Henry's) reaction to his book. He is writing another called The Problem of the Age, designed to show the principle which reconciles Faith and Reason, Revelation and Science, Theology and Philosophy, Authority and Liberty, the Church and Society, Stability and Progress. He wishes to do for his age what St. Augustine did in De Civitate Dei and St. Thomas in his Contra Gentiles. Brownson considers his ambition greater than his ability but claims that all he has written and published in the last twenty-five years had a bearing on this ambition. (Henry) is asked to help in whatever way he can and to come and see his father as soon as he can. He is reminded to take the regrets crosses and disappointments of life with a light heart and cheerful confidence in God.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Mar. 13
Lambert, Father A(loysius) J.: Marine City, (Michigan)
Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

Lambert supplicates Lefevere to authorize David Cotterel to collect rent, overdue for 3 years, from Mr. Horton to be applied to the church debt. There is but a single copy of a contract with Horton, and it is in Lefevere's possession. Cotterel is highly honored to be Lefevere's agent. Until now the authorities have not urged the opening of streets on the incorporated Point. Lambert thinks the church would prosper by opening the property between the brewery and the mill, on the bank of the St. Clair River, to the public.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 14
Anstaett, Father J(oseph): Galveston, (Texas)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): N(ew) O(rleans, Louisiana)

Father (Peter) Letilly left before Anstaett could do what Odin asked. Bishop (Claude Marie) Dubuis has been convalescing for some time and Letilly took him for walks. He also was very useful not only on Sundays for Mass but, also during the week. He was also very nice to Father (Louis C.M.) Chambodut in dressing and bathing his dear friend Fly and letting himself be beaten at chess. One of Father (F.) Lutte's parishioners sent them, for the 20 piastres sent by Mr. Jackusch(?), a fine mantle of red silk for the Madonna at St. Joseph's. Father (Charles) Padey was to give the last Sacraments on March 13 to Father Augustin D'Asti, O.S.F. who died between 2 and 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Today Ch(ambodut) went to Houston for the funeral. Odin made such a good impression on Father (J.V.) Reinbolt, (S.M.) that he completely changed his plans before coming to Texas. He had heard such evil rumors about Texas that he had resolved to recall the Brothers (of Mary). Now he wishes to augment their number and give them a "bonus". Austaett was looking for someone to deliver the letters of Mr. Fléchet and Company. A friend of this family who is the agent of the Express Company, will take them. (James P.) Nash almost swears he will see Odin before he leaves for Europe. P.S. He finishes his letter without giving his principal message. Bishop Dubuis is too weary to write. There is no way to find in the orphans a girl for Mrs. Stephen Nagle. Dr. Nagle is a good Catholic. His wife is not a Catholic but the children are and they need a Catholic to guide them.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 6pp. - 12mo. - {14}

1866 Mar. 14
Gutton, Father Ph(ilibert): Fausse Rivière, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Gutton has just learned that Mr. Provosty has presented a charter and that the three churches are to be incorporated. Gutton sends (Odin) these two petitions in order to oppose it. Father (Victor) Gavard will tell (Odin) what Gutton cannot write. The resources Gutton put aside to help form a congregation at Fausse Rivière, are used up. Burials continue to be made at Pointe Coupée. The church needs repair, the cemetery settled and land to be paid for. D. Lejeune who sold the land offers a note at 10%. If (Odin) would like to retire it, it would be a gain for him.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Mar. 14
Lavialle, Peter Jos(eph), Bishop of: Louisville, (Kentucky)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: Cinci(nnati, Ohio)

Lavialle is again disappointed in the expectation of visiting Purcell and must give it up till the week after Easter. He requests Purcell's opinion on the sad case stated in the enclosed paper (no enclosure). It is said to have occurred about 11 months ago. If it must be dealt with as a "casus sollicitationis" Lavialle considers the suspension incurred to be only "ferendo sententia" and requiring the declaration of the Bishop, but after this the case to be one reserved to the Holy See. Purcell is to tell him if there is a general authorization from the Holy See to introduce into the 40 Hours such modifications as circumstances may require.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1866 Mar. 14
Ménard, Father Ch(arle)s M.: Thibodaux, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He applies again for a dispensation for Joseph Deutin and the widow Marie Bourgeois, his sister-in-law. Dautin offers an alms of $20. Ménard also would like to know whether there is any change in the Confirmation date set for April 8. The services during Lent seem to repair a part of the evil the war brought about.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Mar. 14
St. Martin, P.A. President of the Churchwardens: (Bonnet Carre, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

In a special meeting yesterday the churchwardens of St. John Baptist gave St. Martin the agreeable task of thanking Odin for the letter of introduction dated March 6 brought by Father (H.) Gouvenot De la Rivière, recommending him as pastor to replace Father (Eleazar) Vignonet. They believe this priest will bring harmony to their congregation.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - folio - {4}

1866 Mar. 15
Duncan, Father W(illia)m: Mobile, Ala(bama)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A. Robert wrote to Bishop (John Quinlan) stating that he was the agent of the heirs of Father (James) Lesne and requesting payment of the amount due on account of the annuity granted by Bishop (Michael) Portier. (Quinlan) not knowing Robert, required of him the papers showing his authority. These he did not produce saying that it would cost too much. He referred the Bishop to (Odin) as (Odin) knew Robert well. Duncan sends $405 the full amount due. According to receipts filed in Court, Lesne was paid up to July 1, 1861 and he died March 3, 1862. If (Odin) is satisfied that Robert is authorized, he is to pay him. He made a mistake in saying $600 were due. The annuity was to cease immediately upon Lesne's death. Duncan sends respects to Father Chalon and (Odin)'s household.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1866 Mar. 15
Hecker, Father I(saac) T(homas): New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop John Mary Odin, (C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

The enclosed prospectus (no enclosure) speaks for itself. The design of the Catholic Publications Society is to be as broad as the country. It would be a most important influence to have Odin's cooperation.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 15
Hecker, Father I(saac) T.: New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Heckerd encloses a prospectus. The aim of the "Catholic Publication Society" is to be as broad as the country and as extensive as the interests of our holy faith. Purcell's suggestions would be gladly received. His influence would add greatly to the sucess of the work.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo - {2}

1866 Mar. 16
Grace, Bishop Thomas L.: St. Paul, (Minnesota)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere: Detroit, (Michigan)

He asks for a character recommendation for Father J. T. Stephens, recently of Detroit Diocese, who is staying now in the bishop's residence and wishes to be admitted into the St. Paul Diocese.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 16
Léveque, Z(oraide): (Donaldsonville, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She thanks (Odin) for his charity to a poor old woman who was ill and to whom the druggists here did not give their remedies. (P.S.) Will (Odin) address the letter in this envelope to Madame Evélina Leveque and see that she receives it.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 16
Morin, Lachaize: Auvergne, France
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

For a long time the Catholic religion has been predominant in New Orleans. Morin intends to go there to set up a stained glass business. Several bishops of France have offered letters of recommendation as well as persons from the town where their family has always been esteemed. He asks (Odin)'s protection. A family man cannot take a risk without a certainty of success. He asks (Odin)'s advice and assurance.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {1}

(1866) Mar. 16
Thompson, J.S.(?): Galveston, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She could not let slip the arrival of Mary (Thompson) to avail herself of the opportunity of writing to assure (Odin) that he will never be forgotten. After six years of trial and suffering she is once more in her own home. Her husband left this morning for Houston on business. She was pained yesterday to hear of the death of Father Augustine (d'Asti, O.S.F.) in Houston. This has been a very trying winter to consumptives. Bishop (Claude Marie Dubuis) has been quite ill with pneumonia but is now well; Father C. and Father A. are also well.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Mar. 16
Timon, Bishop John: Buffalo, (New York)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefev(e)re: (Detroit, Michigan)

Timon sends the subscribed oath of Mr. (James?) McManus. He will ordain him tomorrow. On the 17th, he writes, "I have just ordained him and think he will be a good priest". The Archbishop of Baltimore (Martin John Spalding) writes Timon that the Holy See has appointed Spalding delegate to hold the National Council to be held on the last Sunday of September.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {3}

1866 Mar. 16
Bouchet, Father M.: Louisville, K(entuck)y
 to Archbishop J(ohn Mary) Odin, (C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He asks Odin to request one of his clergymen to inquire from the clerk of the St. Charles Hotel about a Captain John Reed who used to run a vessel from New Orleans to Galveston and in the last war was a blockade runner. He married in Halifax and left his wife there to go to New Orleans; he has not been heard of since. She went after him and has now arrived here. Letters addressed to her in Bouchet's care or Bishop Lavialle's will be remitted to her. Reed has some property in New Orleans.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 March 17
Chatard, (Father) M.: Rome
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

He thanks Purcell for his letter of Feb. 21st. Mr. Cusack and the others from Cincinnati are in good health. He is glad to hear of Bishop (Sylvester) Rosecrans recovery, and many asked about him at Propaganda. He gave Purcell's questions to Card. Barnabo who said (1) The time of the council is set for the 4th Sunday after Easter, and the Brief of presidency has been sent to Archbishop (Martin J. Spalding) of Baltimore. (2) The length of the beard must be adopted in a future council. (3) An answer concerning the formula of Baptism has been sent. Barnabo told Chatard that permission is granted for 10 years rather than for 7 years. He noticed that Barnabo and His Holiness both dislike seeing the priests come to Rome wearing a beard. Many missions are going on in Rome in preparation for coming events, especially for the choleras. Today a number of gentlemen, among whom some were American, addressed the Pope and gave him their good-will and sympathy. He does not know what the Pope answered them. Things are rather peaceful in Rome. At a dinner given during the Carnival by the Princes, they drank to the health of V(ictor) Emmanuel. Rome is filling with strangers because of the approaching Holy Week, and about 1,000 Americans are expected by Easter. Father (William) McCloskey said he would visit Purcell while in America and he hopes he will arrange with the Bishops and Archbishops to do the things for the College. He sends his regards to Father (J.H.) Richter.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo - {3}

1866 Mar. 17
Lavialle, Peter Jos(eph), Bishop of: Louisville, (Kentucky)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: Cincinnati, (Ohio)

In the case on which Lavialle requested Purcell's opinion, he did not raise the question of the existence of the solicitation but his question was whether it be a case of the "crime" of solicitation with the penalty of suspension, and whether the priest himself was bound to report the sin to the proper authority and whether the confessor should inflict the penalty. Lavialle finds that in 1857 Archbishop (Francis Patrick) Kenrick of Baltimore obtained from the Holy See as a special authorization to have the 40 Hours with the Blessed Sacrament exposed only during the day. Lavialle judged there existed at that time no general authorization for the modification stated and desired to know whether such privilege had been granted in general. Lavialle will be thankful for the instructions concerning religious vows.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 17
Shannon, (R.S.C.), Madame A.: St. Michaels, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She arrived today from Natchitoches and her first duty is to answer (Odin)'s letter of March 7. Mrs. Boete resides in Natchitoches and according to Father (Gilbert) Roumond's advice, she sent him the power of attorney to settle her father's affairs. Should there be any money left, he will remit it to her or to Mother (Victoria) Martinez, (R.S.C.), Superior of G(rand) Coteau Convent. (Odin) can have the lot he mentions purchased for a graveyard. If Shannon were not afraid some of Mr. Boete's relatives in France may have claims on his estate, she would make (Odin) a present of it. She is grateful to (Odin) for giving them news of their Mother General's reception by the Holy Father. Mother (Adèle) Cahier, (R.S.C.) promises them a long letter on the subject. Their house in Natchitoches is doing well; there are 87 boarders. Here they have 130. (P.S.) (Odin) is to read the enclosed letter and send her the certificate this Brother needs. She will forward it to him.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {6}

1866 Mar. 18
Odin, J(ohn) M(ary), Archbishop of: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Odin asks a dispensation from a censure incurred by a man who was married before a civil magistrate in the state of Mississippi where the woman lived. In an audience of the Holy Father on the above date the dispensation was given to the Archbishop to be applied by him to the penitent so long as he is really penitent. The archbishop is to impose a fitting penance. Signed by H. Capalti as secretary.

VI-2-k - D.S. - (French & Latin) - 1p. - 4to. - {0}

1866 Mar. 19
Beerhorst, Father H(enry): Grand Rapids, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

The school house is too small for the large number of children; in spring and summer the number will be 150 to 170, too many for one teacher. Beerhorst suggests that Sisters (Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary) from Monroe be hired. $1500 to $1700 will have to be raised. Shall he first clear the schoolhouse lot of debt before enlarging the school house? A house for the Sisters must be rented and furnished. Parents, although ignorant themselves, are anxious to have their children well educated; they send them to school and to Mass every morning.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 March 19
Oakes Smith, E.: The Willows, ( )
 to (Orestes A.) Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Oakes Smith is in a depressed mood, and his health is bad. He is willing to do something in behalf of his son. Appleton is ill. Oakes Smith's family troubles have driven him to his "wit's ends". He will go to Washington to see the President. He would like a note from Brownson to give to Johnson. Oakes Smith needs aid. He gives his address as the Bible House, Station D, New York.

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 March 19
Young (Father) N(icholas) R.: Dayton, O(hio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): (Cincinnati, Ohio)

He would have answered Purcell's fatherly letter immediately but was busy preparing a lecture for St. Patricks day. He thanks Purcell for his prayers and advice. He wrote Bishop (William Henry) Elder of (Natchez, Mississippi) and will inform Purcell of his answer. He asks Purcell's blessing.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 20

American College Rome, (Italy)
 to Bishop F(rancis) P. McFarland (of Hartford: Providence, Rhode Island)

Statement from the American College (Rome) for Hughes and Sheridan. (Notes added to the above): January 30, 1866 paid Father W(illiam) McCloskey, $700; April 11, 1866, Father (Francis Silas) Chatard 2300 francs, $460 which was divided between Hughes and Sheridan.

I-1-b - A. Bill - 1p. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Mar. 20
Sorin, C.S.C. Father Edward: Notre Dame, Indiana
 to Bishop Francis P. McFarland: of Hartford, Connecticut.

(Withdrawn to Provincial Archives).


1866 Mar. 21
Pius IX, Pope: Rome, (Italy)
 to Archbishop John Mary (Odin, C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The Pope has received the enclosed letters from the (Ursulines) nuns containing complaints which have arisen from their severe anxieties. The difficulties are so severe that they creat doubts. The superiors have consulted their moderators in vain and also other prudent men. No one wants to give a decision. Consequently the Holy Father asks that (Odin) examine the matter since he was responsible for the Community coming from France and has ruled them as episcopal guide, and who, when their leader sought to return to France, was able to send her back and through Father J(ohn) C(laude) Neraz has been informed about them. The Pope asks that (Odin) study the matter and tell him what is to be done. (No enclosure).

VI-2-k - D.S. - (Latin) - 3pp. - folio - {3}

1866 Mar. 21
(Raymond, Father Gilbert): Opelousas, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

When (Raymond) was in the city he wished to talk to (Odin) about a school for the free persons of collor in the parish. They are numerous; many are well-off. They want a good school. As many are in the country the school must take boarders. (Raymond) has thought of the coloured Sisters (Oblate Sisters of Providence) founded in Baltimore by Father (James H.) Joubert. The people of color would build a suitable convent. If only three could come they would do much good and also would have vocations. One Sister could have a school for the (Negroes) freed slaves. (Raymond) has a great need to do something for the former slaves; they choose the Baptist sect by preference. Father (J.N.) Simon wrote from Calcassieu; he complains of everything in regard to the temporal. (Raymond) knows that beginnings are difficult but is convinced that Simon's complaints are exaggerated and that he should remain there for a time. (Raymond) thought the best time to give (Odin)'s letter to his brother, Father (J. Francis Raymond) and to give him advice was when he came to Confession. He took it very well; he did not deny that he had committed the fault. It is the second time he has done it. He said he thought it did demand denunciation. In case it is necessary to ask permission to absolve him, (Raymond) asks the dispensation he would need. He is truly contrite but so weak. (Raymond) has received the power of attorney; he will say Mass at the Bertrand home the Tuesday of Holy Week.

VI-2-k - A.L. - (French) - - Incomplete - 4pp. - 12mo. - {6}

1866 Mar. 21
Timon, Bishop John: Buffalo, (New York)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere: Detroit, (Michigan)

Timon thinks the question Lefevere proposes would advantageously be offered to the next Council. It surely should be answered that if they have means, the Bishop has no obligations. Archbishop (Martin John) Spalding's letter states he will soon write to the other archbishops and call the Council. Then these archbishops will write to the suffragans.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 22
Ravoire, Father J.M.: St. James, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He has done what (Odin) advised regarding the chapel at the bottom of St. James parish. But he has met only opposition from the trustees and inhabitants who see in the building of the chapel an inevitable division. Father (Eleazar) Vignonet would see the chapel erected with dissatisfaction which would lead to conflicts. The time is not propitious. On the 20th Ravoire was at Vacherie. He went across the lake to Bayou Boeuf where he found some houses. From there he went along Coteau Malaquai about 7 miles. He found several persons living there. All would like to have a priest visit them from time to time. He also saw Mr. Laforait who offered a piece of land to build a chapel. This chapel would be in the center of three settlements, Coteau Malaquai, Coteau Pilon and Bayou Eron and could be reached by boat or horse. He will take charge, as (Odin) has proposed, if (Odin) wishes to join it to Vacherie and if he were not dependent on the pastor of Tibodeauville. The nearest of these places to Tibodeauville is 16 miles with bad roads; the farthest is 27 miles. They bury their dead without a priest. Ravoire prefers this mission to the one along the river. He could get there in an hour and a half of two hours.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

(18)66 Mar. 23
Brownson, O(restes) A.: Elizabeth, N(ew) J(ersey)
 to W(illia)m H. Seward: Washington, D.C.

This will be handed to Seward by Mrs. Elizabeth Oakes Smith. She wishes to see the President and she believes she has documents which completely exonerate her son, Appleton Oakes Smith, from the charge of which he was convicted, attempting to fit out a ship for the slave trade. Brownson knows her son and her family intimately and does not believe he was a man likely to engage in the slave trade. Even at worst, as they are daily pardoning worse criminals than he, there is no necessity of enforcing the extreme rigor of the law against him.

I-4-h - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

 (Xerox copy, courtesy of the New York Historical Society, New York City) 

1866 Mar. 23
Huber, Casper: Detroit, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

Huber asks Lefevere to do something to prevent his daughter, Rose Huber, 15 years old, from embracing the religious life. He thinks she is unduly influenced by the Sisters (Servants of the Immaculate Hoart of Mary) and Father J(ohn Frederick) Friedland, the chaplain, and Mother Gertrude of Monroe. Rose, he fears, has become a fanatic. He depends on Lefevere's good will to uphold a father's will and authority.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1866 Mar. 24
Baraga, (Frederick), Bishop of Saut Ste. Marie: Saut Ste. Marie, Michigan
 to Bishop (Peter paul) Lefevere: Detroit, (Michigan)

Baraga informs Lefevere that with the permission of the Holy See he will transfer his episcopal see to Marquette, as soon as navigation opens on Lake Superior. This will cause him considerable expense Therefore he requests Lefevere to send him the $200.00 for 1866 early in May and direct it to Marquette, Lake Superior. (Note of Lefevere:) Answered on May 23,1866.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 24
Norwalk, Father Joseph: Teplitz, Bohemia
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

Joseph Norwalk a priest in the diocese of Lietmeriz in Bohemia, a Roman doctor of theology, assistant in the parish of Teplitz, asks that he be received into the diocese of Cincinnati. Born in 1832, he was ordained in 1855, and in 1863 he went to Rome where he received the doctorate the following year. He has nourished a desire to go to America for a long time and has had a firm determination since he heard of the death of Father ( )Hammer whom he had heard in Rome. Before he can get permission to emigrate he must be able to show his bishop papers showing his reception in another diocese. These papers he asks of Purcell at the same time sending with this letter his own testimonials. He has sent letters of the same kind to the Vicar-General of Cincinnati.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - (Latin) - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1866 Mar. 24
(St. Palais,) Maurice (de), Bishop of: Vincennes, (Indiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He was surprised to learn from (Odin)'s last letter that he had not received his reply to (Odin)'s letter of October 12, 1864. The reason for this is explainable only by the negligence of the postal officials. Last week (St. Palais) had to go to Evansville to see about business discussed in two letters addressed to the German priest and which were never received. It was about the building of a second German church which is indispensable in this town which has grown to 25,000. Father (Hippolite) Dupontavice did not understand if he thought that (St. Palais) did not look with favor on his going to France. (St. Palais) said only that if his aim was to collect money to pay the debt of his congregation, he could do more in one day in Madison than he could in a month in Europe. Several ladies held a fair and the pastor received the net income of $1650. In Vincennes on January 31, a supper for the orphans brought $1549. They have received nothing for the damaged vestments. Father (August) Bessonies put in a claim in (St. Palais)'s name and that of Father (E.) Audran but it was refused because they were not passengers. Since the end of the war they are enjoying a calm which cannot last long if harmony is not established soon between the President and Congress. The radicals do not wish to unite. In recent years several fine churches have been built in the diocese. They are about to begin a new one a Lawrenceburg and another at Indianapolis. The Germans have built one at Terre Haute. Nearly everywhere the log churches have been replaced by (Odin) sent him to Dupontavice. The other he will use for the organ they are now building at the Cathedral and which will cost $2000. He would like to find for Leopold, the only mission not making progress, a zealous and active priest. Father (John P.) Dion has the peculiar talent of discouraging people when they are disposed to do something and all with the best intentions in the world.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {11}

1866 March 26
E(lder), W(illiam) H., Bishop of: Natchez, Mississippi
 to Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Father N(icholas) R. Young wrote on Purcell's recommendation to apply for mission. He mentions some scandal but does not give the nature of it. Elder will accept Young if Purcell recommends him. Yazoo City needs a priest. It has one advantage of being secluded. He will be thankful for any suggestions or information in regard to Young.

P.S.—Young's letter says that Purcell would willingly retain him except that the Holy see requires or recommends a change of place. He could put Young in Vicksburg if he needs to be with another priest.

1866 April 10
(Purcell), J(ohn) B(aptist): Cin(cinnati, Ohio)
 to (Father Nicholas R. Young):

The letter of Elder which he encloses is not decisive. Elder does not authorize Purcell to tell Young to go, but he thinks he may go and that all will be well.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1866 Mar. 27
Timon, John, Bishop of Buffalo: Buffalo, (New York)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Timon says Father H. Bachman wrote him asking if he could come to this diocese. Timon does not need him but he could place him. Timon asks if Purcell is willing to let him go and if he is to be trusted.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1866 March 28
Fitzgerald (Father) Edward: Columbus, (Ohio)
 to (Archbishop) J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: (Cincinnati, Ohio)

A preliminary meeting concerning the building of a new church was held on Tuesday, and a committee was appointed for the procurement of a lot. Without the use of a general subscription, $8,200 has already been raised, and Fitzgerald hopes in a few days to be able to pay for the stonework and make a deposit on the lot which the committee approve of. The lot is about two blocks from the Capital and is on Broad Street. He asks for Purcell's approval before they contract to buy, and that he answer soon as this offer is open for only ten days.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16to. -

1866 Mar. 28
(Lynch, O.S.U., Madame M. Baptiste): Columbia, S(outh) C(arolina)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

On Feb. 17 (1865) in the general conflagration of Columbia by the Northern Army, their convent was accidently burned. Being assured of their safety and promised special protection from General (William T.) Sherman, no precautionary measures to save anything were taken; as consequence all that had been accumulated in their convent and academy was lost. For six months the Sisters and a few pupils took refuge in the Mithodist Female College. They are now three miles from Columbia at Valle Crucis, a small holding of the Church, with no conveniences and only charitable contributions to support them. They are anxious to resume work and reestablish their convent. They appeal to Lefevere for help from his clergy and faithful. Although their convent had been established about seven years, it was one of the largest Catholic educational institutes in the South. Two thirds of the pupils were Protestant; some of them, with the consent of parents or guardians, were baptized.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 28
Walker, Hattie M.: Lincolnton, N(orth) C(arolina)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Just when she felt like yielding to despondency she met a family with whom she was acquainted while in Florida a few years since. At that time they were wealthy; now they are like herself, penniless. They desire to know if persons speaking only English could procure employment in Mexico as teachers or otherwise. Mr. Brevard is a graduate of one of their most popular colleges; the lady though advanced in years is an accomplished pianist. Walker would accompany them if the expense would not be too great. It has been almost three years since she attended church and no prospect that she can do so soon. She is surrounded by Protestants who almost daily break all the commandments.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Mar. 29
Rousselon, Marie: Neuilly, (France)
 to (Father Stephen Rousselon: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(She addresses Rousselon as) her uncle. She will give news of the family as Paul (Rousselon) always writes in a hurry. They were sorry his trip was delayed but hope to see him before the summer is over. Her father-in-law did not do badly this winter. Paul has just spent two weeks with them. But the big reunion is during vacation. Marie spends six weeks with all her children then. Her oldest daughter Marguerite will make her First Communion on April 30. Their oldest son is already at boarding school and they hope he will follow in the footsteps of their uncles of whom he bears nearly all the names. They now have 5 boys, the youngest 2 months, Regis, Pierre, Maurice, Etienne, and Camille. She does not count Paul's brother, Réné, who lives with them and is her oldest son. In wicked Paris it is a great responsibility to have a young man. Their being at Neuilly keeps them away a little from the tumult of the capital. Paul has a great desire to retire to the country but he is still young and they have 6 children to raise. Tonin's life is full of trouble; they wish he would remarry. His mother-in-law keeps his two little boys who are soon to go to the Marists at St. Chamond where Henri Rousselon will soon place his son also.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Mar. 31
Claisse, Marie Joseph née Toussaint: Leopold, Indiana
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

When (Odin) was in Paris her sister, Catherine Toussaint, through Father Gouyon, gave him a small package of religious articles for Claisse. If they have not been sent, he is to send them on receipt of this letter. If he no longer has them, he is to let her know. P.S. Her address is at Cannelton in care of V. Marchal.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {3}

1866 Mar. 31
Duvillars, Thivel(?): Tarare, (France)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She writes for a poor family to get information about one of their children who is said to be in New Orleans since 1859, a young daughter who was in Third Order of Mount Carmel. Her family name is Eugénie Giraud, her name in religion, Sister Alexis. Bishop Dubuis(?) saw her in New Orleans in September, 1859. Bishop Dupuis(?) at that time brought the mother good news of her daughter but nothing has been heard since.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}