University of Notre Dame


1866 Jun. 1
Follot, Father Francis C.: Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He asks for a dispensation for Ernest Marionneaux, son of Norbert Marionneaux and Marcelite Brasset of Iberville, and Emma Orillion, daughter of Theodore Orillion and Victoire Rolland also of Iberville. Two other persons were married by a Protestant minister: Henri Broc(k)hoeft is Protestant and Uranie Cointement is Catholic. They wish to have their marriage blessed. No doubt (Odin) has heard that they lost the lawsuit about the land belonging to the Church. Mr. Désobry, (Michael) Schlatre, and Mr. Hébert have appealed to the Supreme Court. They will send (Odin) the necessary papers and ask him to get a lawyer for the case. Their side of Iberville parish is ruined by the flood. It is useless to think of making collections; they must help the most needy. In five months he has had 4 burials, of which two were paid, five marriages, a few baptisms and that is all. Only half the church pews were rented not exactly because of a lack of money but because of so few people.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 8vo. - {11}

1866 Jun. 1
Rievers, Father H(enry): Muskegon, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

Rievers will leave there the first Sunday in June for Muskegon Dams and an island 14 miles from Muskegon inhabited by Indians and Canadians. Then to Black Creek, and back to Muskegon the 2nd Sunday in June; then to White Lake, Pentwater, Manistee, and Pere Marquette. It will take four weeks to visit these missions. The Muskegon congregation is in the most deplorable condition. A threat to leave scared the Catholics who are now flocking to confession. There has been no First Communion in ten years. He pities the people who seem well disposed. After his retreat he will visit Lefevere. A splendid addition has been put on the church which is not free of debt; the priesthouse is well furnished, but nothing in the church.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {8}

1866 Jun. 1
Odin, J(ohn) M(ary), Bishop of: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to (Pope Pius IX: Rome, Italy)

The Pope's letter concerning Sister St. Ambroise of the Ursulines of Liberty, Texas, reached Odin in the first days of May. Sister St. Ambroise, professed at Auch, was sent in 1852 at Odin's request, to Galveston. Later two other Sisters from Auch were sent to Galveston from Auch. In 1859, Odin learned that during his absence of 7 or 8 months on his pastoral visit, St. Ambroise had been working among the Sisters to get them to separate from the Ursulines at New Orleans and attach themselves to Auch. Odin told the community how grieved he was at this schism. The house at Galveston had been established in great part with money from New Orleans. Odin determined to set up a new foundation for the Sisters from Auch, bought land in Liberty, and built a convent. Four Sisters and two novices were sent there. Odin appointed St. Ambroise, as the oldest, to be Superior. But her only rule was her caprice and he had to reprimand her several times. Odin left Texas in 1861 to come here. The war broke out and communications were cut off. In January, 1864 St. Ambroise arrived in New Orleans. On September 8, 1863 she got the idea of returning to France. She crossed Texas and left from Matamoros for here, a trip of three months. Odin would have liked to have sent her to France to get rid of her but she brought with her a young orphan, 17, who had confided to St. Ambroise her entire fortune consisting of slaves and Confederate bank notes, subject to rapid devaluation. So Odin had to send her back to Texas. It seems that after Odin left Galveston the Sisters suffered greatly from her caprices. One left the convent, three others begged the Administrator of the diocese to permit them to enter the convent at San Antonio. He consented and hence St. Ambroise's hatred for him. The convent at Liberty could give great service but there must be fervent and regular Sisters. If Auch could furnish them they would find a vast field. St. Ambroise should return to the house where she was professed. Odin attaches to this report the replies of Father (Stephen) Buffard and Sister St. Jane de Chantal, (R.U.), present Superior at San Antonio (no enclosures).

VI-2-k - A. Draft S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {6}

1866 Jun. 2
Barnabo, Al(exandro), Cardinal Prefect: Rome, (Italy)
 to Archbishop John Mary Odin of: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

No. 3. A certain widow Jane Bounadrata Mar(es)chal has written to Barnabo stating that she needs aid for herself and her son. Their only hope is from the brother of her deceased husband, Father Auguste Mar(es)chal, a missionary in the diocese of Chicago. The priest would be able to help her if he could obtain a parish in Odin's diocese sufficiently prosperous that he could support her and her son. Barnabo wishes to call this matter to Odin's attention.

VI-2-k - L.S. - (Latin) - 1p. - 4to. - {3}

1866 Jun. 2
(Schorlemer), R.G.S., Sister Marie de Ste. Thérèse: (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She does not understand why (A.) Robert has neither visited them nor let them know the cause of his delay. As Mr. Armas offered his services the other day, perhaps it would be better to apply to him. It is outrageous to see Father (Henry Riordan) Roirdan pushing the action to this point. (Odin) is to tell which lawyer to take.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Jun. 3
Reinbolt, (S.M.), Father J. V.: Dayton, (Ohio)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

On his return from Texas (Odin) asked him if their Society (of Mary) could not send to New Orleans three or four Brothers to begin a school for Negroes. The court of Rome, in approving their society, imposed the rule of not beginning a new establishment until all those already existing were well provided with all the religious necessary. Not speaking of other schools, (St. Mary's College), San Antonio needs at least 6 or 8 more Brothers than they can send. Until Providence sends them a larger number of novices, they must advise (Odin) to have recourse to larger congregations.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {4}

1866 Jun. 5
Bidot, Father J.: Paris, (France)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.): New Orleans, Louisiana

Having spent his first years as a priest with Bishop Charles de Forbin-Janson as secretary and vicar general, Bidot went to Rome for the Pope's approval of his exegetical works on the New Testament. He returned to Paris and had this work published. With one of his friends from the Chamber of Deputies, Bidot founded "La Foi Catholique" which has just been suppressed because it mentioned politics. The printer, manager, and editor were all condemned to prison. To escape the same unjust penalty, Bidot asks (Odin) to receive him into his diocese.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {1}

1866 Jun. 5
Bougère, Achille D.: St. Charles, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

After examining the plan and talking to J. Becnel, he does not believe that the work could be done for less than two thousand piastres, without the bell or the finishing of the interior. Manual labor is very high.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1866 June 5
Sorin, (Father), E(dward) C.S.C.: Notre Dame, (Indiana)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Sorin is happy that he can enclose a draft for $140 which is equal to $100 in gold for Brownson's share of the prize, which Louis Constantine divides with Brownson. Father mailed to Brownson's address a copy of the Times which gave an account of the ceremonies on May 31st. Father Sorin regretted Brownson's absence. The essay which came in contact with Brownson's was good and Father begs, before Brownson sees it, that the latter has full confidence in Notre Dame's impartiality because Father tried to be first.

II-4-c - A.L.S. - 1pg. - 8vo. - {1}

1866 Jun. 5
Thèves, Father A(nthony): Lyons, (France)
 to Archbishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, L(ouisian)a

He asks Odin to send him his pension which falls due July 19. Father (Stephen) Rousselon whom Thèves saw this morning said Odin could send it through his nephews. Rousselon is in pain and ill. Bishop (Claude Marie) Dubuis is well. Last Thursday they learned of the death of the last of Archbishop Blanc's brothers. Thèves' oldest brother is gravely ill. Father Boué's age has made him deaf. Thèves' address is in care of Father Chapuis.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1866 Jun. 6
Dubuis, C(laude) M(arie), Bishop of Galveston: Lyons, (France)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Mrs. Odin and the Misses Josephine and Benoite are well and welcomed him like a brother. Jean Claude (Odin?) dropped everything to take them all to Pradine where they found Miss Cecile taller than her aunts. After dividing his time equally between Lespinasse and Coutouvre Dubuis arrived in Lyons where he found Father (Stephen) Rousselon only this morning. His brother, Father Henry (Rousselon), chaplain at St. Philomena's has had to leave his chapel and hunt obscure lodgings and Dubuis' traveling companion was forced to go to the hotel. Then he went to spend several days at Grigny with his brother who is dying. All this has had a bad effect on Rousselon; Dubuis does not believe that he can ever return to his post. This morning Rousselon, fearing he could not go at the time appointed, asked Dubuis to express his regret at being so far away from (Odin). They send regards to Fathers Perchè, Cambioza and all their friends. Next Monday Dubuis must set out for Rome. The Cardinal and directors of the seminary wish to be remembered to (Odin).

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Jun. 6
Sheldon, Mary A.: Galveston, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Last week she wrote (Odin) that after years of bad treatment she had separated from Mr. Sheldon. She is determined to go to the Sisters of Charity as soon as her children are old enough to be placed at school. Marie is now five and Xavier not quite three. Ought she to get a divorce in order to enable her to become a Sister of Charity. Then she would be free and Mr. Sheldon would go away. At present he has his room in the house which she gave to his children. Mr. Sheldon says a divorce will disgrace them all but she cannot be more disgraced then she is.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {1}

1866 Jun. 7
(Elder), William Henry, Bishop of: Natchez, (Mississippi)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Archbishop (Martin John) Spalding to whom (Elder) mentioned the difference of opinion on clandestinity, asked him to get copies of the documents. Will Odin have them copied? (Elder) is still kept here by the building of the asylum and school. Two young Frenchmen passed here yesterday selling church goods; he lost $30 by them. If Odin sees them and they tell him it was unintentional, they are to leave the $30 with Odin. Odin's book about Peter pence does not mention the sum to be subscribed. In November, 1863, (Elder) sent a package to Father Rousselon who undertook to transmit it to some vessel going to Genoa, Italy. (Elder) has a letter dated last September 4 according to which it had not yet been received. The package was intended for the relatives of Father Basil Elia who died here in 1863. They have a vow here in Natchez to hear Mass on Corpus Christi; there were more than 200 Communions.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1866 June 7
Grenfell, Colonel G. St. Leger: Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas, Florida
 to James Alphonsus McMaster: New York, New York

The writer, through a copy of the April 21st issue of the Journal sent to Dr. (Samuel?) Mudd by one of his friends in Baltimore, was enabled to read and appreciate the Honorable J. S. Black's arguments before the Supreme Court in regard to Milligan and others. He Points out that McMaster had remarked that the decision of the Supreme Court must carry with it the release on Habeas Corpus of Dr. Mudd, Colonel Marmaduke and other prisoners at the Dry Tortugas and other civilians sentenced by Military Commissions. By Colonel Marmaduke the writer supposes McMaster to mean Colonel Grenfell, as Marmaduke was acquited by the Military Commission, as were Judge Morris, Cantrill, Walsh and Semmes. Only the Writer, by especial favor, was sentenced to be hung, which sentence was graciously commuted by the Chief Magistrate of this Republic to life imprisonment at hard labor on this desert island.

Crenfell says he was introduced to McMaster at the trial in the Cincinnati Court House and was impressed with McMaster's manly and fearless testimony before that packed and projudiced Commission. It won his respect, and he feels that he can appeal to McMaster to aid him to legally escape from this den of misery and death. He charges no one with wilfully allowing him to be convicted, but feels that perhaps he did not pick the right lawyer, which fact he did not discover until he was already doomed. He hopes that his present legal advisor, Mr. Robert Hervey of Chicago, is sincere when he says he will leave no stone unturned to obtain the writers release, but he feels that the man is far from having the talent, courage, and influence of McMaster. He begs McMaster's assistance and mentions that though he has powerful friends in England, they cannot help him. He mentions several English connections, and thanks McMaster for any help he will advance.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1866 Jun. 7
Widman, S.J., Father Conrad M.: Grand Coteau, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He asks for a marriage dispensation. The collection for the Pontiff is going well. Marie Lee alone has collected $94. He is preparing for First Communion; there will be a good number. What is the time of (Odin)'s pastoral visit?

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Jun. 8
Buffard, Father E(tienne): San Antonio, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

On leaving for France Bishop (Claude Marie) Dubuis wrote that he left $4000 credit with (Odin) for the convent at San Antonio. Today Buffard wrote to Mr. Lombard to send them some supplies; will (Odin) pay the bill? Materials for the new building are high; they have made a contract with Mr. Huck. (Buffard gives details here of prices and the size of the building). Father (Matthew) Sarry has just given the contract to Frank Schmitt to enclose the cemetery. Sarry, Father (Louis) Chaland, Father (John) Gaillet and Father Emilien (Wendel, O.S.B.) are all busy with a collection for the cemetery. The city is filled with French refugees from Mexico. Business is bad; there are more than 600 stores. Father (Andrew) Farge is content; he has a chapel and a room. Father (Emile) Chapolard is succeeding wonderfully at Grey. Father (Francis) Bouchu is ill. Buffard has had no news from Brownsville. At San Antonio the Sisters have 60 boarders and 160 day students. As Deschavane cannot speak Mexican, Buffard has to give out the work and make the purchases. He will lose what little priestliness he has.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {14}

1866 Jun. 8
Spalding, M(artin) J(ohn) Archbishop of: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

He has received the second installment of (Odin)'s Titulus for the (Council of Baltimore). He asks (Odin) to prepare in Latin the third of the Conciones to be inserted in the Acts. He may take his favorite subject, de zelo animarum. The first Concio, de Concilis, will be given by Spalding, the second, de Sacerdotis, by Archbishop (Joseph S. Alemany) of San Francisco.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Jun. 9
Clark, D(aniel) W.C.: Burlington, V(ermon)t
 to Archbishop (John Mary) Odin, (C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

In looking over his wife's papers, Clark came upon a letter from Odin dated December 9, 1857 and written from Galveston. He has reserved it because he knows how well she loved Odin and prized his friendship. She died on May 23. They had no children. But for the Church he would be miserable indeed. If Odin can reply he is to direct it to Burlington. Congress will adjourn early in July and Clark expects to be here with his mother, who, in her 81st year was baptized into the Church two days ago. (P.S.) Clark will be very grateful to receive a letter in Washington, whither he goes directly. He is to be addressed as Chief Executive Clerk, U.S. Senate.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {1}

1866 Jun. 10
Hanley, W(illia)m B.: Niagara, New York
 to Archbishop John Mary Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, Louisiana

It is nine months since Hanley had the happiness of seeing Odin and being his adopted child in Christ. He left the College to join some religious community and become a lay brother. He is convinced that such is not God's will and he has resolved to become a priest. If Odin is not disposed to receive him again, he is to send a permit to leave the diocese.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Jun. 10
Koopmans, Father P(eter) C.: Marshall, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

From Lefevere's letter of the 20th, he fears Lefevere underestimates his desire of entering a religious order. Koopmans has struggled against the order for 18 years. He changed his intentions 15 years ago to sacrifice himself for the missions. Ever since he has delayed making known his views or carrying out his intentions due to cowardice or to indebtedness of the missions. Now he conscientiously believes it is God's will to enter the religious life. He is willing to wait three or four months until a priest can be assigned as he understands some priests are expected from Europe. He is now 36 years old and does not wish to wait until he is too old to make the change.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Jun. 11
McManus, Father Patrick J.: Buffalo City, (New York)
 to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) Lefevere: Detroit, (Michigan)

McManus was ordained deacon on the 5th and priest on the 6th inst. His superior (Father Pamfilo da Magliano, O.S.F.) wishes the ordinati to remain at the College until after the exhibition which will be held the last of June or the first of July. McManus asks permission to visit a sister in New York, also an aunt in Providence before reporting to Lefevere. He lists expenses for upkeep, etc., which he asks Lefevere to pay since he has no money. P.S. Lefevere should direct his answer to St. Bonaventure's College.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Jun. 11
Wermers, Father B(ernard) J.: Grand Rapids, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

Lefevere's personal appearance some weeks ago in St. Andrew's, Grand Rapids has done great good; the people were pleased and encouraged. The Church Committee has picked a site for the schools, which is too far from the church, to the disadvantage of clergy and children. Before taking any further step, Wermers wants Lefevere's advice. He requests a dispensation for a mixed marriage for Frank Sylvester, non-Catholic and Mary Bohen, Catholic; the promises have been signed. He received a letter from Father (Joseph?) Kindekens. He sends five money-orders.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 June 12
Black, John: Elizabeth City,
 to W. F. Reddick, Esquire:

Black accepts Reddick's reasons for not writing before and admits that as he himself had twice been shot by Cupid's darts, that he can sympathize. He hopes that Reddick's wife will have some money, but hastens to add that such a fact should not influence his choice.

He regrets not seeing Reddick when he was last in the City in December. He has several claims for bounty, arrears of pay, and pensions, but that the claimants are poor and dependent on their neighbors to get to town. He now asks Reddick many questions, on arrears of pay and bounty. He comments on the poor crop outlook, and feels that the freedmen who are not working, but lounging about will eventually turn to crime. He points out that the share-cropping attempts in which half of produce is given to those who work the land, will not work out. He feels that the late coercion was national suicide. The feeling of slaves was a calamity that cannot be averted. He feels that the Federal system was destroyed and can never be restored as long as the Radicals have the ascendency. He points out that the labor system is rained and the country deprived of its greatest source of wealth…with the slave, formerly a self-sustaining, orderly, profitable and happy chap turned loose on the country to become miserable and unhappy. The political situation is dark. The radicals look upon the Consitution as non-existant. They seem bent on making everything yield to their gratification. He fears that the North will be treated by them as has been the South. He fears a bloodier war. In such an event, all the South asks is to be left to work on the remnant of their estates in peace and quiet. He condemns the want of wisdom, statesmanship, and the malice shown by the Radicals in Congress. The small portion of the last report he read of the Committee of fifteen impressed him with the idea that they intended to try and remove Mr. Johnson from office. If they failed to win him over.

(In papers of James Alphonsus McMasters)

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8mo. - {2}

1866 Jun. 12
Hellenbron, Father: Guelma, Algeria
 to Father (Stephen Rousselon: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He asks (Rousselon) to forward the enclosed letter to Father (Victor) Clerouin whom he believes is now in the New Orleans, diocese. (No enclosure).

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 June 13
Cullen, Father Paul: Dublin, (Ireland)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

Since Purcell did not receive the paper Cullen sent before, he encloses an extract from the Freeman's Journal which gives a good idea of what the Fenians have been publishing in Ireland. The document enclosed was drawn up by Mr. John Gray in answer to law proceedings instituted against him for having published a letter Cullen wrote against the Fenian newspaper, The Irish People. When the affidavit was filed, the editor of the People abandoned the law suit. Cullen fears more trouble with the Fenians whose hopes are still kept up by money and letters from America. Cullen sends his respects to (Bishop) Rosecrans. (Material mentioned is not enclosed.)

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Jun. 13
De Neve, Father J(ohn),:
American College of Louvain, (Belgium)
 to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) Lefevere: D(etroit, Michigan)

Lefevere's requests in his letter of May 3 are complied with. Father (John) Reichenbach remained in Germany longer than expected. Father (John Anthony) Herwig writes from Germany that he is getting ready. A priest from Glasgow, Nyt de Willige writes this morning: Please inquire from Father (Cornelius) Moutard what he is, and let De Neve know if Lefevere receives him. He is the old vicar of the parish, Tymaart of Moutard. Father (Edward) Joos is recovering fast, and paid them a visit (at the American College of Louvain).

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {6}

1866 Jun. 13
DeNeve, Father J(ohn), V.G.: Louvain, (Belgium)
 to Bishop (Francis P.) McFarland (of Hardford): Providence, (Rhode Island)

McFarland in his letter of May 25 asked DeNeve what he thought of McFarland's sending a student to the university or college. He will do all in his power for the American missions, especially for those who are patrons, but he could not easily make room for someone to study at the university. He has sent men to the University who were too young for ordination but he thinks he will stop that unless he can make a separate division for that kind of student. He intends to ask the prelates to send them to Rome or to board at the College of Saint Esprit. He thinks the explanation for this would be too long, but he does not have room and priests are needed in America. The expenses at the University are from 1,000 to 12 or 1300 francs; at the (American) College, Louvain 700 to 900 according to the economy of the student. If the person McFarland speaks of is humble and pious, DeNeve could use him to teach and prefect, as young Spalding did at Louvain. He has a priest from Louisville who wishes to go and if McFarland has a good English scholar who would not raise his mind and is willing to do the work he should write immediately. DeNeve will give him free board. Father Van Laar will come about September. Cooney and Mulholland could be ordained next Pentecost. They do not improve in piety as much as DeNeve wishes. He will show them McFarland's letter.

I-1-b - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Jun. 14
Ehrenstrasser, Father J(ohn) G.: Adrian, Mich(igan)
 to Father (Peter) Hennaert: (Detroit, Michigan)

Thinking that Lefevere might be out of town, Ehrenstrasser writes to Hennaert because of the urgency of his case. There is rumor among the Irish that their teacher, a married man, and another teacher an unmarried girl, have broken the Sixth Commandment in the schoolhouse where Mass is said every Sunday. If true, the place is polluted, and Mass may not be said there. He asks what he should do.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Jun. 14
Prendergast, Father J(ohn) J.: San Francisco, (California)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He asks (Odin) to inform him if a Mr. Duffy who kept a bakery 12 or 14 years ago near the gas works is still there or elsewhere in New Orleans. Any effort will be a charity to a good Catholic here.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 June 15
Baraga, Frederic, Bishop of Saut-Sainte Marie: Marquette, Lake Superior, (Michigan)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

At Purcell's request, Baraga will tell him about Father (M.)Orth. He was with him five days at Clifton, in his visitations on Lake Superior. The Catholics there begged Baraga not to take Orth from them. And at Orth's residence in Clifton, or the Cliff Mine, the Irish, French, and Germans there all requested the same thing, saying Orth had brought harmony among the nationalities at Clifton Mission. He preaches every Sunday in French, English, and German, and is impartial in his services to all. He keeps no female servant but only has an old man for his cook and sacristan. The neighboring priest is his only enemy. This is jealousy.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Jun. 15
Follot, Father Francis C.: Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

When Follot wrote on June 1, he hoped for a prompt reply. He just received it this morning. The dispensation for relationship was for Ernest Marionneaux and Emma Orillion. The one for disparity of cult was for Henry Brockhoeft and Uranie Cointement, Catholic, whose marriage was celebrated by a Protestant minister on April 15, 1864. The first marriage was celebrated on the 11th.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French and Latin) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {5}

1866 June 15
McCloskey, Father William: New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio.

McCloskey encloses the receipt for the business he transacted with Shea for Purcell. He was disappointed when he didn't see Purcell at South Bend, because he had to hurry on to New York to make ready for his departure. His trip through the South was very interesting because he met many old friends, among them the Bishops of Mobile and Natchez. On the steamer from Charleston to Savannah he met a man named Duquercon who knew Purcell and the "Mountain". He said he broke up court in New Orleans when he found out Purcell was present. McCloskey called on Father (James J.) Mullon who is feeble. The news from Rome indicates that instead of leaving the city, the French are going to reinforce their army there. Unless the peace Conference is successful, war will begin soon. The Cardinal says McCloskey must remain for the Council and plead the cause of the College or get some bishops, to do it. McCloskey believes the bishops would be too busy to do it. The Archbishop (Peter Richard Kenrick) of St. Louis said he thought McCloskey should remain. He will see the Archbishop of New York today or tomorrow. He would like Purcell's suggestion as to what he should do. He is booked for the steamer on the 27th. He asks if Madame Davidoff has left the Sacre Couer. She was in Rome last summer, on important business. Madame Bontonslinn sends Purcell her regards. (Father George McCloskey's) Health is very broken. The Archbishop has given him a year's leave of absence. In the Consistory of May the Pope spoke of inviting the bishops of the world to Rome next year. McCloskey asks if he will see Purcell before the 27th. The Archbishop of Baltimore goes to the Exhibition at the Mount this year - postponed one day for him. Bishop (Patrick N.) Lynch is in New York collecting. McCloskey sends regard to Father Edward Purcell, and to Fathers Bargess and Halley.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Jun. 15
Manoritta, Father J(oachim) A.: Covington, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

In carrying out (Odin)'s orders regarding marriages at night, on June 12, in Madisonville, the door of the Church was forced by a large crowd of people infuriated at not being permitted to enter. They waited for him later and he escaped by leaping over the church fence. Is the church under interdict and what shall he do in a similar case? P.S. He received (Odin)'s letter about Confirmation.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (Italian) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Jun. 15
St. Vincent, (R.U.), Sister: (Opelousas, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

On the arrival of Sister St. Hyacinth, (R.U.) St. Vincent received a letter from the Superioress of her old convent home in Ohio. St. Vincent thinks she may entertain the hope to return there sooner or later and will abandon for the present the idea of applying to any other convent. If God permits her the same peace she has experienced for the last nine months, she would not wish to change. She asks (Odin) to end the misery they have endured for the last five years. An election would only confirm Mother (St. Pierre Several, R.U.) St. Peter in the office. St. Vincent would prefer Mother Hyacinth; then they would have justice and cleanliness. One great objection is the evident communication of thoughts with regard to the Sisters which will continue as long as they are together. This takes away confidence in Hyacinth; everything would be communicated to St. Peter and through her to Sister Mary. (Odin)'s visit last year did a great deal for them. Some of the young ladies who left school last year say that the house would never obtain the patronage of the people so long as St. Peter was at the head.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {3}

(1866 Jun. 16)
 to Father (Edward Sorin, C.S.C.: Notre Dame, Indiana)

has just received the June number of the Ave Maria and requests (Sorin) not to let his name be known but to write to (Orestes A.) Brownson so that he may explain some passages in his article which may excite much surprise and pain, particularly in Rome. He thinks Brownson would do himself honor by writing for the next number that he did not mean that Mary was conceived in sin, and liberated "in the first instant."

I-3-c - A.L. (Incomplete) - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1866 Jun. 16
Dunne, Father D(ennis): Chicago, (Illinois)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere: Detroit, Michigan

Dunne asks Lefevere to permit Father (Ferdinand) Allgayer to remain in Joliet, (Illinois) until at least the return of Bishop James Duggan, who is now in Europe but will be back for the Baltimore Council. Allgayer is now engaged in building a church and Dunne has no priest to put in his place.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 June 16
Dwenger, Father Jos(eph): St. Mary's (Ohio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell,: of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Father (Seraphim) Kunkler wishes to know whether the two young priests could have the faculties as their services are needed. Father (Joseph) Goebbels wishes Purcell would send him permission to collect for the church in Dinsmore under the address - Dinsmore Shelby Co(unty), Ohio. Dwenger thinks he shall be down to Cincinnati before he, himself, begins to collect.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Jun. 16
St. Ange, (V.I.), Sister: Brownsville, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She thanks (Odin) for the money he gave in their name to Mr. McCann. So far none of their travellers have arrived. These thirteen Sisters (of the Incarnate Word) arrived in Vera Cruz at the end of April. The boat between Vera Cruz and Bagdad was later than usual and they got the yellow fever. On April 13, Mother Ste. Claire, (V.I.) wrote that two Sisters had died, a third was very ill, and that she was sending those who were able to be up. Six left on May 13 but five became ill. At Tampico the doctor did not want them to go on and lodged them with a French family. Father (John Claude) Neraz remained at Tampico. Father (Joseph) Quérat went on with the novice. He had hardly left Tampico when he fell ill; he is now well and about to leave for Galveston. Their Superior, on his return from New Orleans, said that (Odin) had said that they could use the 1000 piastres they still had with (Philip) Rotchfor(d). They would like to take this sum soon as they will have to get a loan to pay for their building. St. Ange will write to Mr. Brown's agent to authorize him to send it to them.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {8}

1866 June 16
Spalding, M(artin) J.,Archbishop of Bal.: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Spalding supposes that his secretary has notified Dr. (Francis) Pabisch of the reception of his second package which came just as Spalding was starting for Notre Dame, He thanks (Bishop Sylvester) Rosecrans and Pabisch for prompt compliance to his request. The authorities are against any Bishop having a vote who does not represent a Diocese, but the Prelates will determine. Spalding asks who would be a suitable Bishop and priest to be appointed as Promoters, and who would be suitable as secretaries and notaries. Spalding is embarrassed to find room for the Bishops in his small Sanctuary. P.S. A man is here who says he is agent for the Papal loan and brings letters from the Nun cio in Paris to the Archbishop. The letters have no sufficient character of authenticity. Spalding has written Archbishop John McCloskey of New York on this subject.

II-5-c - A.L.SL. - 2pp. - 12mo - {2}

1866 Jun. 18
Hendricken, Father Thomas F.: Waterbury, Conn(ecticut)
 to Bishop (Francis P.) McFarland (of Hartford: Providence, Rhode Island)

Although McFarland was in the neighboring parishes lately Hendricken learned of it too late to see him. He wants to consult him about many things, especially about Naugatuck. Tomorrow Fathers Leo and Jerome will open a mission there. He wants to know the number of communicants there before McFarland makes any change. He encloses the list of a collection made there. Father (M.) McCabe is confined to the house with a very sore eye, a few days may bring the inflammation down. If McFarland sees fit Hendricken thinks that Father Leo should have faculties to absolve a few excommunications. Everything goes well. He had a mission during May and the piety of the people was never more evident. Enclosed is a printed list of persons, members of the Church who contributed $1 to pay for the organist of the Church at Naugatuck up to that date, with notations written in by Hendricken.

I-1-b - A.L.S. and Printed Circular - 3pp. - 4to. - {3}

1866 June 18
Lamy, John B. Bishop of Santa Fe: Santa Fe, N(ew)M(exico)
 to Archbishop John B(aptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio

He has just returned from Denver where he found Father (Joseph P.) Machebeuf in good health. He pontificated Mass on Trinity Sunday and gave instructions in the evening after vespers; he administered Confirmation. Father Machebeuf has a very fine bell of nearly 2,000 pounds. Besides the boys' school, there is an academy for girls conducted by the Sisters of Loretto. He blessed the new stone church in Central City, the great mining place, The church is 100x 50 feet and there are enough Catholics to fill it. Father (J. B.) Raverdy is pastor of this congregation. On the Rio de Los Animos, they are preparing the material for a church larger than in Central City, but it will be made of sundried mud bricks. The Sisters of Charity have 12 orphans. They are getting more and more reconciled to the customs of the country. They are doing an immense good. Their duty often calls them in public. He hopes to reach Baltimore in time for the council.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {6}

1866 Jun. 18
Shannon, (R.S C.), Madame A. St. Michaels, (Louisiana):
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

There being no First Communions in the parish this year, she fears (Odin) will not come to visit them. She does not dare to request his coming so far to give Confirmation to only 20. If (Odin) can come before August 15, the day their vacation commences, the children will be prepared. There are a few boys at College who desire to be confirmed.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1866 Jun. 19
Anstaett, Father (Joseph): Galveston, (Texas)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

He has just learned from Father Chambodut the price of the wine sent by Mr. Cavaroc. He is sending the amount by Mr. (Guilbeau?) Giulbaut. P.S. None of the priests on the retreat expressed a desire to pay for the Propagateur. They find it very uninteresting but the Bishop and others have tried to convince everyone that each priest in Texas should subscribe to this official paper. Father Perché has not yet let Anstaett know when the priests should say the Masses for the newspaper. Anstaett has just heard of the arrival of Father (Joseph) Quérat; the yellow fever took part of the religious. Father (Thomas J.) Johnston told Anstaett. Quérat had the fever; he has recovered. The Superior, Sister Ste. Claire, (V.I.) is all right.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {7}

1866 June 19
Dwenger, Father Joseph: St. Mary's Ohio
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio)

Some would wish the deed for the lot where the new church is to be built made out to Purcell for the benefit of the Roman Catholic Congregation of (St. Mary's). As he has never made a deed this way before, he asks Purcell's opinion. The hoop skirt difficulty is growing very serious in St. Joseph's. The people distorted Purcell's words most shamefully. When they told Father (Joseph) Albercht their lies, he took the Blessed Sacrament from St. Joseph's and the next Sunday preached a most shocking sermon against Purcell in the convent at Himmelgarten. Hoops were sins and he would resist. Albrecht is also very angry at Father (Andrew) Kunkler who told Albrecht to recant and go to the convent at Glandorf. Since he refused, all faculties were taken from him. Now he threatens to sue them for $26,000 since he says that Himmelgarten was bought with his money. Father (Bernard) Austermann was placed there as Superior. St. Joseph's will have no priest until they recover from their schismatical spirit.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Jun. 19
Rousselon, Father E(tienne): Lyons, (France)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

It is two months since he left New Orleans, and although he feels better he is still weak. He hopes to recover enough to return to New Orleans with Bishop (Claude Marie) Dubuis who is in Rome. On his return Dubuis is to take Rousselon to Vichy to spend some time with him. In the meantime Rousselon is staying with his brother. The pastor of Ainay (Father Boué) came to see Rousselon; he seemed very feeble. He asked for news of (Odin) but said not one word about Bishop Blanc. Rousselon arrived in Paris the day of Mrs. Ligier's funeral. The next day he learned of the death of one of his cousins. At Lyons he found his brother near death but he is better now. There is much talk here about the war. (Odin) is to tell Mrs. Dagérres(?) that he saw the Faget family. The Battiers are saddened by the sudden death of Mrs. Ligier and the long illness of Mrs. Battier. Miss Moris said that she was a little better. All their young Jesuits come to see Rousselon. They talk of New Orleans. They as well as Rousselon wish to return there. (Odin) is to tell Father Cambiaso and the other priests that they are not forgotten. He is to tell Marie that he hopes to return when he told her he would.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {8}

1866 Jun. 20
Dénecé, Father J(oh)n M(ary) J(osep)h: Petit Caillou, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A week ago Dénecé saw Father (Hyacinth) Gonellaz who said he had seen (Odin). Dénecé's pews are rented on credit, payable in March. Some have not paid for last year. Everyone is poor. He has to pay for the lumber for his chapel and house. Everyone subscribed generously but when it was to be collected, many said they had no money. If (Odin) could lend him $100 he would repay in March. The chapel will be done in two weeks as will the presbytery. He has already spent $250 of his own money. There are charitable people but being poor themselves they cannot help him. P.S. When the materials for his chapel and house are paid for he will have spent more than $600; in all it will amount to $1000.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - folio - {3}

1866 June 20
Whelan, Father David: Lancaster, O(hio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Whelan regrets failing to see Purcell before the latter left the City for the German settlements because on the day preceeding, Whelan received a satisfactory answer from Bishop (George) Carrell on the question of Whelan's removal to Cincinnati. He wanted to talk to Purcell about arrangements if Purcell still wanted him in charge of the school of the Sisters of Mercy. Sister Anthony will give him a room to the hospital but he is afraid this might be inconvenient to everyone. Father (Caspar) Borgess told him that he thought the Jesuits considered themselves installed as managers of affairs on 4th Street. Whelan expects to arrive next week. He has enjoyed his stay in Lancaster and through all his duties he felt very well. He was surprised by the size and beauty of the Church but not the residence. He sends regards to all in the family and to Purcell.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 June 21
Baraga, Frederick, Bishop of Saut Ste. Marie: Marquette, Michigan
 to (Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

Baraga acknowledges the receipt of the letter of May 23, (1866) and of the check for $200.00. It must have been detained somewhere as it reached him only June 20.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1866 Jun. 21
Magliano, O.S.F., Father Pamfilo da: Allegany, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) Lefevere: (Detroit, Michigan)

James Gilleese, a student of theology at St. Bonaventure's College has asked advice about being adopted by some Bishop. Magliano directs him to Lefevere. He recommends him and believes another year of study would make him a good missionary. Magliano has given Lefevere's instructions to Father P(atrick) J. McManus who is well satisfied.


1866 Jun. 21
Gilleese, James:
St. Bonaventure's College, (New York)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

He addresses Lefevere as a candidate for the Detroit Diocese. He has completed his classical studies in St. Mell's Seminary, Ireland, under the guidance of Father James Reynolds, the president. He has his exeat. He has finished the second year of theology. If adopted, he will expect Lefevere to defray all his expenses for the scholastic year. For other particulars write Father Pamfilo, his superior and president of the college.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Jun. 22
Mènard, Father Ch(arle)s M.: Thibodaux, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Enclosed is a letter concerning the sad affair of Father (J.B.) Héran (no enclosure). Mènard gave Mr. Rochereau 100 francs to give to (Odin) to buy the chalice they spoke of. It will thus give more pleasure to Mr. Brousseau to whom the little secret is not to be divulged.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 June 22
(Rappe), A(madeus), Bishop of: Cleveland, (Ohio)
 to (Archbishop John Baptist Purcell): of (Cincinnati, Ohio)

He has grave reasons for refusing an exeat to Father (J.) Monaghan. His character is good but at present he is in a state of excitement. Poor Father (Louis F.) D'Arcy does not seem to be without reproach. Were it not for the accident which destroyed his home, he would be able to pay his debts.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 June 22
Young, Father N(icholas) R.: Kenton, Ohio
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): of (Cincinnati, Ohio)

He is well pleased with what he has seen and heard in Kenton. The Germans hold that there exists a pledge that the priest sent there should speak German and English. At their request he has written to Father Joseph Dwenger to give them his services one Sunday a month. The church is nearly ready for plastering. The debt is small. Young needs a ciborium and a small altar stone. He asks if his mission is confined to Hardin county.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 June 23
McCloskey, Father W(illia)m: New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

He will wait for the Council or return for it. Father George (McCloskey's) Health requires that some one go with him and Father William cannot refure him that favor. Bishop (Patrick N.) Lynch has succeeded pretty well with his collections. Daniel Devilin's daughter was married to a Dr. Kerrigan. They say Father (John) McCaffrey is breaking down. He asks if Purcell is going to Europe next year. Purcell should tell Father (Francis J.) Pabisch to prepare himself well for the approaching Council.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Jun. 23
Roduit, S.J., Father J(oseph): Grand Coteau, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

The couple for whom he asks a dispensation are living together and do not wish to separate.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 June 25
Nordmeyer, Father J(ohn) G.: Coshocton, O(hio)
 to (Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio)

As (Purcell) wished he has visited Coshocton and the people on the vicinity and has found the people desirous of having a priest and willing to do what they can to support one. Since the majority of the people of Coshocton are Irish he hopes to be able to preach in English. He does not worry about hearing confessions. If it pleases Purcell he will take care of the congregations of St. Anna, St. Nicholas, St. Elizabeth of Willscreek and Dredsen. He asks an immediate answer, assuring (Purcell) of his gratitude for past favors.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - (Latin) - 2pp. - 16to. - {4}

1866 June 25
(Odin), J(ohn) M., Abp. New Orleans: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to (Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio)

His occupations have been so pressing that he has not been able to complete the labor Purcell has assigned him. He will try to have it ready for the beginning of July. Confirmations keep him away from home. His ability does not correspond with his will.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Jun. 25
Renaudier, S.M., Father F.:
St. Mary, Jefferson College St. James, Louisiana
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

The distribution of awards closing their school year is set for July 31. They would like (Odin) to make his visit to St. James at that time and preside over this first exercise. The pastor, (Father Eleazar Vignonet) objecting somewhat because of repairs to the church, they will do their best to find (Odin) a suitable apartment at the college. (P.) Tobin, whom (Odin) sent to them to complete his Latin study, has given great satisfaction and they think he can go to the Grand Seminary next year.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 June 25
Spalding, M(artin) J., Archbishop of: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Of those Purcell suggests as first promotor, he would prefer (Bishop James Roosevelt) Bayley. (Bishop John) Timon is rather old. Bishop (Sylvester H.) Rosecrans will attend the sessions. Spalding had thought of appointing Rosecrans, Bishop (James F.) Wood, or Bishop (David W.) Bacon as writers of the Latin letters to the Holy See. He asks Purcell to celebrate the opening grand Mass and to preach. Father (Francis J.) Pabisch will be one of the notories. He intends to write to Bishop (Michael) O'Connor but his modesty may prevent his acceptance.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {6}

1866 Jun. 26
(Scollard, Father John): Jackson, L(ouisian)a
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

An unwillingness to trouble (Odin) has prevented (Scollard) for a long time from informing (Odin) of annoyances he has had to contend with as pastor of St. Helena parish. Bishop (William Henry) Elder, with regard to the garrison in P(ort) Hudson, ignored (Scollard) altogether, got a considerable amount of money from them and then left them without a priest as danger became imminent. For the last two years Elder is sending one of his priests to officiate in St. Helena parish. Elder told (Scollard) that he had authority from (Odin). (Scollard) presented the baptismal registry as proof that he attended St. Helena and Elder said that he would prevent his priest in the future. He has not done so. There resides in Amite City in the parish of St. Helena, a Dutchman who calls himself a Catholic; he is a Freemason and keeps a very low kind of liquor shop. He wished (Scollard) to say Mass in his house. (Scollard) did not think it proper but said Mass in the house of an Irishman equally objectionable. The Dutchman sent for a French priest in Brookhaven and had him say Mass. Mr. Davidson and family moved to Amite; that priest says Mass in his house now and so does (Scollard) when he goes there. This Natchez priest told the Irish that if they made up a certain sum he would say Mass regularly. They answered that they looked on (Scollard) at their pastor. Davidson is a well known politician, an exhorter in the Methodist Church; through deference to the feelings of his daughters who are converts, he does not object to a priest coming there. It would be better to give that priest charge of the entire parish or to leave it as it always has been in charge of the priest of Jackson until a resident priest can be sent there. It is very likely that (Scollard) will have like trouble in B(ayou) Sara. The priest from P(ointe) Coupée has been making arrangements to say Mass there. He asked Mrs. Lebret to ask (Odin's) permission to say Mass in her house. She said she did not wish to interfere. He told Mrs. Zarat he would say Mass in her house and she reported that this French priest was coming in the future. (Scollard) thinks it is better that the priest should not come.

VI-2-k - A.L. Incomplete - 4pp. - 4to. - {9}

1866 Jun. 26
Sumner, Henry: Newberry C(ourt) H(ouse), South Carolina
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Elizabeth, N(ew) J(ersey)

Summer mentions meeting Brownson in 1841 and 1845. In 1844 his brother, A.G. Summer, presented a letter of introduction from Henry Summer to Brownson. Now that the brothers have lost everything in the war, A. G. Summer wants to go to Brazil and he wants letters of introduction to the Roman Catholic Bishops in Rio (de) Janeiro, Montevideo, and Buenos Aires. To obtain these letters Henry Summer wrote to Bishop Lynch but received no answer. Aside from these letters A. G. Summer desires also to have a letter to the head of the Brazilian Department of Agriculture. Henry Summer asks Brownson to get these letters from the Archbishop of New York; his brother could call for them if they were ready the middle of July. He recently read "The American Republic" in a cursory manner. He was in the track of General W(illiam T.) Sherman's army and they burned his house. He would like a copy of Brownson's "Essays" since all his books were burned, but he is too poor to buy. There is nothing to flatter the people there as to future hopes of prosperity; there is more despondency than a year ago. He speaks of the dire prospects; freedmen will not work; the Congress will bring about ruin for the South. He would not restore slavery, nevertheless, and this is the general sentiment of the people.

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1866 June 27
(Longuemare), Emile: Terre Haute, (Indiana)
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York), New York

He congratulates McMaster and his wife on the birth of a son, hoping that the son will be as nearly like his father in all that goes to make up a man, and will inherit some of the virtues of the mother. He has been wardering about, with no object in view. He hopes the Fenians would kick up a respectable row which would have justified his visiting them. He points out that the struggle in Europe has checked his aspirations, but at least he will have the satisfaction of witnessing a war that will shut the Yankee mouth about our "greatest war the world has ever seen." He has not given up his idea of going to Europe, however, Emperor Maximillian and the Cordova Colony (Mexico) are in a bad way. Magruder is asking for help and the colonists are prisoners. Is it not sickening that Max should prove himself such a poor ruler? The writer sees nothing in the future but Yankee intervention in Mexico and annexation before very long. The war in Europe gives Napoleon an excuse to withdraw and by six months every Frenchman will be gone. As to politics, he bothers little, but can see no chance for the conservatives in Illinois, Indians, Ohio, or Iowa. Missouri is thoroughly conservative, as is Kentucky. But in the former states, the Radicals can only be beaten by using guns and pistols. He thought of going East, but changed his mind, and is rusticating here with his whole family for the summer. It is a pretty place, but awfully Yankee. He encloses a slip for McMaster's address book. Hopes that the new residence is all McMaster desires, and that he does not fear the cholera.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Jun. 28
Gaudet, O.M.I., Father A(uguste): Brownsville, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Since his return from New Orleans there have been sad events. The Mexican Liberals have forced the Imperialists to evacuate Matamoros. General (Tomas) Mejia left for Vera Cruz. The Liberals asked the (Oblates of Mary Immaculate) to turn over the church to 5 or 6 of those unfortunates whom (Odin) knows, the former pastor of Tampico at the head. Their priests refused; they were immediately imprisoned with the order to refuse them food until they turned over an inventory of the sacristy. Gaudet sent a letter to the American General by Father (Pierre Fourrier) Parisot, (O.M.I.) asking for their release. General (Bernardino) Carvajal released them. As soon as they were freed they crossed the river without making any inventory. They are now safe at Brownsville. But what will become of all the good souls in that town and the ranches along the Mexican border? Gaudet hopes the Americans will go to the other side; at least with them they will have the liberty to exercise their ministry. All the priests are well and send respects. The Sisters of the I(ncarnate) W(ord) arrived in Brownsville on the 17th leaving a third of their caravan behind. Two died at Vera Cruz and two others at Tampico. All had the yellow fever. All are now well; their new buildings are almost finished.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {6}

1866 Jun. 29
Burlando, C.M., Father F(rancis): Emmittsburg, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He received (Odin's) letter of the 18th concerning the school at Carrol(l)ton. While he is indebted for this new evidence of confidence in the Sisters of Charity it is impossible to undertakes another school owing to the scarcity of subjects able to teach. Experience has proved that asylums and schools do not go well together. It would not be desirable to undertake at Carrolton what they are doing away in other places.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Jun. 29
Gonnard, Father J(ohn): Corpus Christi, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Since he has been here, Gonnard is grateful for the favors God has bestowed on him. They have had First Communion and a few days later he baptized four adults. He has the most devoted congregation in Texas. The schools are flourishing; he has had a dozen boarders. He told his situation to the Brothers (of Mary) at San Antonio. Their director promised to visit them. Gonnard made him an offers of $1000, 5 arpents of land, and everything necessary for a school. The girls' school has been run by Mrs. O'Connor of Lamer and her sister, Mrs. Marsh of New Orleans. Mrs. O'Connor's health will probably not permit her to continue. Would now be the time to establish the Sisters of Charity here? M. Cody has offered a fine farm. There is another good house here for the school. Gonnard has about 50 cows and could offer $1000. He also has under direction persons who wish to become novices. Mrs. Rice is one. It would cost little to live here as the farmers bring provisions, wood, and corn. Only 2 Sisters would be necessary to begin. There have been at least 50 pupils and if they had a boarding school it would almost double. If (Odin) gives him any encouragement Gonnard could probably come to New Orleans during his vacation.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {7}

1866 Jun. 29
(Odin, C.M.), John Mary, Bishop of: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Father John Mary Toohey, S.S.C.: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Letter granting all faculties of the diocese to Father Toohey until revoked. Attached are two pages of instructions concerning confessions.

VI-2-k - Printed D.S. - (Latin) - 4pp. - 4to. - {1}

1866 Jun. 29
Reilly, Father Patrick: Little Rock, Ark(ansas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana

He received (Odin's) letter of June 18 enclosing a check for $200 from P(hilip) Ro(t)chford. When he got the letter he flattered himself that it was a confirmation of a report of the appointment of Father (Edward) Fitzgerald of Columbus, Ohio but he was disappointed. Today he heard that he would be consecrated and be here immediately. Reilly has to complain of the Administrator of Dubuque. Father (P.) Shanahan of this diocese left during the war; some weeks ago he wrote Reilly that he would return by next month. The Administrator offered to get his exeat and keep him in Dubuque. Reilly hopes that at the next plenary Council some strong decrees will be passed to prevent rich dioceses from reaping the fruits of poor ones. Their convents need recruiting. Reilly does not like to do anything; the Bishop might not approve. They need a head.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Jun. 30
Benausse, S.J., Father F(elix): Grand Coteau, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Father (Anthony) Jourdan, (S.J.) has said that (Odin) plans to come for the awarding of the prizes. It will be August 20. (Odin) could be with them for the feast of St. Ignatius, then go to Opelousas and return to Grand Coteau on the 12th for Confirmation. Assumption Day could be for Plaquemine Brulé, the 19th for the junction. The day after the awards he could go to Mr. Aurelien's house to confirm those who could not come to Plaquemine. During the time (Odin) is here he could arrange a time for the Convent. Jourdan will bring the money collected for the Peter's Pence.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Jun. 30
(Martin), Aug(uste) M(ar)ie, Bishop of: Natchitoches, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A young Catholic, Alex(ander) Sompeyrac, became engaged to a fanatical Protestant, Annette Airy. The girl refused to be married by a priest; the young man agreed to be married by the judge. Then she said she would be married by a Protestant minister. The young man refused to do this and the engagement was broken a week ago. Then the young lady tried to renew the negotiations promising to be married by a priest but without promising anything about the children. Someone hinted that such marriages were easily performed in New Orleans. Sompeyrac left to find out. (Martin) feels it his duty to warn (Odin). Everyone is against this marriage because of the fanaticism of the girl. (Martin) will write again about personal affairs.

VI-2-k - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}