University of Notre Dame


(1866) (Nov. ?)
Brownson, Orestes A.: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)
 to (Horace Greeley) Editor of N(ew) Y(ork) Tribune: (New York City, New York)

Brownson did not like the reply made to his letter of the 13th (on Reconstruction). He had objected that an act by Congress which would establish impartial suffrage would be unconstitutional. The editor did not take the slightest notice of the objection. To amend the constitution would have the same effect of consolidating the general government and the state government. What Brownson objected to was the conferring of authority on Congress for the suffrage question. Under the constitution the question of suffrage is to be left to the states. To say that the objection came too late is an insufficient answer.

I-4-c - A.L.(3 Partial drafts) - 3pp. - 4to. - {4}

(1866? Nov. ?)
(Brownson, Orestes A.: Elizabeth, New Jersey)
 to the Editor of the N(ew) Y(ork) Times: (New York, New York)

(Entitled): "Southern Guaranties." It seems to (Brownson) that Congress, in regard to Reconstruction, has overlooked a point of no little importance. Congress in its action has been more intent on carrying out certain theories which should never control practical legislation and to secure the power for a certain party in the Union than on restoring the Union. It sounds very well to talk of guaranties from those states, but he wonders what guaranties Congress can exact or they give. Unless they are incorporated into the Constitution, they are of no obligation when the state is once restored, for all the states in the Union have, and must have, equal rights and powers.

I-4-c - A. Draft - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1866 Nov. 2
Berthet, Father Peter: Houston, (Texas)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He apologizes for leaving New Orleans before seeing (Odin). It is due to (Odin)'s care while in New Orleans that Berthet owes his complete cure after he left the hospital. He was much surprised when the Superioress of the hospital would not accept any payment. Berthet will not forget the good talks he had with Father Raymond and Father (Adrien) Rouquette, nor the good advice of the vicar-general. P.S. Berthet presents Mrs. Massé of his parish who wishes to get two children from the orphanage.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Nov. 3
Sorin, (Father) E(dward) (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Elizabeth, N(ew) J(ersey)

Since his return home Father Sorin has received no contribution from Brownson and begs the latter not to forget to pray to the Holy Mother and further asks Brownson to let him know if he is indebted to him because he has had no time to examine the account yet.

II-4-c - A.L.S. - 1pg. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 7
Sacré Coeur de Marie, R.G.S., Sister: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: N(ew) Or(leans, Louisiana)

Having learned that (Odin) has returned, Sister hopes to come to see him. Since she cannot leave the cloister without his permission she asks him to visit them.

VI-2-1 - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}

1866 Nov. 8
McCloskey, Father W(illia)m: New York, (New York)
 to Bishop (Francis P.) McFarland of Hartford: (Providence, Rhode Island)

If McFarland is persisting in his intention of sending three young men to Rome, McCloskey will take them with him. He will not leave for two or three weeks as he hopes to secure two or three burses before he goes. Archbishop (Peter Richard Kenrick) has put himself down for one and so has Bishop (John) Quinlan. He would be happy to visit McFarland but is not sure he will find time. He hopes that he will find the young men to send. Also if the suggestion were made to Father (Matthew) Hart and other pastors they would raise a burse, $4000, they would do so. If McFarland thinks it would work he would go to New Haven himself.

I-1-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. {4}

1866 Nov. 8
McCloskey, Father William G(eorge): New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop John (Mary) Odin, (C.M.: New Orleans, (Louisiana)

During his visit to New Orleans in spring Odin assured him that if he could secure six students for the archdiocese either in New York or France, Odin would pay their expenses at the American College. Is McCloskey to understand that Odin continues in the same way of thinking? The Archbishop of St. Louis has requested him to put him down for a burse and so has the Bishop of Mobile. P.S. McCloskey will not leave New York for two weeks or more.

VI-2-1 - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 8
Young (Father) N(icholas) R.: Kenton, Ohio
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell) of: Cincinnati, Ohio

He received Purcell's letters and thanks him for the solicitude he shows his parish. He hopes nothing will prevent Purcell from coming on Dec. 9th. He will have some baptisms of a few converts and a small Conformation Class, but will write in more detail about this later. He is going to New Reigle to aid the Germans. He used Dispensation for mixed religion again in the marriage of Jeremiah Deady, nephew of Mrs. Crowley, and Ann Rinehart. His sister's health is improving and she begs Purcell's blessing. He saw in an old family record that his elder sister received her First Communion in Washington City from Purcell. He asks for Purcell's blessing.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 9
Brownson, H.F.: Fort Warren, Massachusetts
 to Orestes A. Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Henry informs his father of the possible result of the late election in regard to next Congress. The "Radicals" gained enough to beat his policy. Has not left the Fort much, but when he has, he met wild radicals. He tells Brownson what a good joke the Colonel and he had on Major Gibson. New York Times was taken, Major wanted the World and compromised on the Herald. The Major did not like it, the council met and chose the New York Tribune and the only New York paper. The son has more work to do as Quartermaster than he would have had if he were with his own company, no unpleasant kind of work, however. Reason he did not keep Edward was because he has a soldier at present who obeys orders. He informs his father, those who are in command at Independence, and at Portland. Major Gibson has gone to New York as a witness before the Court Martial in Fuller's Case. "My love to Mother."

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 9
Elder, William Henry, Bishop of Natchez: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Bishop F(rancis) P. McFarland of Hartford: (Providence, Rhode Island)

In the summer McFarland wrote that one or any of Elder's priests could solicit in the diocese. When he saw McFarland at the Council he did not expect to do it personally but now he may be obliged to do so. He is undecided but wishes to know if that would be agreeable to McFarland. Bishop (John Baptist) Lamy starts for New York and sails for Europe on the 17th. He carries the documents of the Second Plenary Council. The theologian, Father (Joseph M.) Coudert accompanies him. Elder will probably make his visit to Emmitsburg next week. Archbishop (John Martin) Spalding starts that day for Kentucky for the dedication of the Trappist convent on the 15th. He is in better health than at the end of the Council but he needs rest.

I-1-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {6}

1866 Nov. 9,
John Martin: Pittsfield, Illinois
 to (Orestes A.) Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Brownson is asked for legal information pertaining to a problem which arose in his state. Martin recently came into possession of certain tracts of land, one being in Burlington County and commonly known as the "Mine Survey" and entered in the name of William Curlin, Samuel Sykes and others. Their claim was good since 1829. Martin wishes to learn how long the title remains good in New Jersey. If laws are the same Martin's claim is good provided no one has set up adverse claims. There is quite a large amount of property and if Brownson cannot handle it he is asked to suggest a lawyer who can. Brownson is asked to answer immediately so that Martin may know whether his claim is good or not. The tract mentioned, according to Martin, has not been divided among the numerous entrees. It was entered under the impression that gold was there, but since then iron has been found in abundance.

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 9
McCloskey (Father William: New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell of: Cincinnati, Ohio

He thanks Purcell for the interest he took in the success of the American College. He sails in two weeks and hopes to have some students with him. Archbishop (Peter R.) Kenrick of (St. Louis) and Bishop (John) Quinlan promised some burses before he sailed. He asks about (Father F.) Pabisch and mentions the time he told him his thought that the bishops would not give him a chance to come out on Canon Law. (Father) George (McCloskey) is greatly improved and is now in Munich. Bishop John Hennessy is in New York. He sees that the prison life of Mr. (Jefferson) Davis has been relaxed and it is rumored this is the result of Purcell's intercession with the president. He asks what Purcell thinks of the new archbishopric of Milwaukee. He feels that it should have been established in Chicago because in twenty years it will be as large as Philadelphia. He wants to know Purcell's opinion so that he may tell them in Rome. He asks Purcell to remember him to the Ursuline's in Brown County, particularly to the Mother and the French Nun who escaped from France in the famous bonnet. He sends his regards to (Father Edward Purcell) and all his friends.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {6}

1866 Nov. 9
(Martin), Aug(uste) M(ar)ie, Bishop of: Natchitoches, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He does not know whether (Odin) sent him a copy of his Concio Synodalis. He cannot find it and wants it. He has been advised from N(ew) Y(ork) that 12 copies of the work of Father (Francis X.) Weninger, (S.J.) have been sent to (Odin) for him. (Odin) is to send them to Mr. Poursine's; he will send them on; the same for the pastoral letter of the council. He expects Father (F.?) Martin to arrive around November 20.

VI-2-1 - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Nov. 9
Spalding, Father B(enjamin) J.: Louisville, K(entuck)y
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell) of: (Cincinnati, Ohio)

The solemn dedication of the Church and the solemn blessing of the new monastery at Gethsemani, (Kentucky) will take place on Nov. 15. To be on time the prelates will have to go up the day before.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 9
Wimmer, (O.S.B.), Abbot Bonif(ace): St. Vincent's Abbey, Penn(sylvani)a
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Odin)'s favor of October 28 came to hand at the moment when Wimmer had called in two Fathers to send them to Texas. They will arrive in New Orleans in a few days as they leave next Monday. Wimmer would like better to send them to New Orleans, but he promised Bishop (Dubuis) Dupuis to give him assistance. The German Catholics in Galveston Diocese are in greater need than those in New Orleans. Could he spare more priests he would most willingly oblige (Odin).

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 10
Cullen, Paul Cardinal: Dublin, (Ireland)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell of: (Cincinnati, Ohio)

He thanks Purcell for his good wishes on his promotion to the Roman purple. He would have wished that the dignity had been conferred on a prelate more worthy of it. He congratulates Purcell on the happy termination of the great synod. The Pope appears to be still in a very unsatisfactory state; he will probably be driven out of Rome by the Sardinians. A lady from Cincinnati, Mrs. Hoeckle, has written for information about her family whose name is Daly, but she does not give enough information to furnish a clue for investigation. The Fenians are still working underhand.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 10
Edwards, J(ames): Notre Dame, Indiana
 to Conlish, John: Chicago, Illinois

The day on which he received Conlish's letter will be remembered with joy as it was on that day that the Father Provincial (Edward Sorin, C.S.C.) arrived from Europe. Edwards describes in detail the celebration given in honor of the Provincial. He lists the number of clubs and societies to show how well advanced the university is.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 10
Mignot, Father (Hyacinthe Claude): New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Father (Stephen) Rousselon asks Mignot to inform (Odin) about his accident October 31. The sea was very rough and Rousselon fell, bruising his leg. The doctor assured them there was nothing broken. The doctor at St. Vincent Hospital thinks the same. They hope to leave for New Orleans in a few weeks.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 11
Purcell, Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist): Cin(cinnati, Ohio)
 to (Mary Lucy) Pearly Lincoln: (Paris, France)

She will not be greatly surprised to receive a letter from her archbishop who is bound to pray for her and to wish that the child of parents whom he so highly esteems and one of whom he received into the Church, should be one of Heaven's greatest favorites. Her education at Sacred Heart is destined to prepare her for it and the example of her mother and her cousin, Father (Frank Dutton) and others will develop and perfect her training. Her father and mother (Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Danielson Lincoln) arrived home. Dr. Bonner's son is studying for the priesthood at St. Sulpice, Paris. Purcell charges him to send her this letter. If the Holy Father is in Rome next summer and invites the bishops, Purcell will call to see her. Her little brother (John Ledyard Lincoln) danced the Highland Fling for Purcell last week and her sisters are right well at St. Martin's. They have had a council of 47 bishops in Baltimore lasting two weeks and attended by 150 clergymen. The cholera has nearly disappeared.

II-5-h - A.L.S. (Photostat - Courtesy Father Deye) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {5}

 (Photostat - Courtesy Father Deye) 

1866 Nov. 12
Footte, James G.: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop John M(ary) Odin, (C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Father (Joseph Paul) Dubreul has probably informed Odin that Footte has been unwell for the past two weeks and the priests at St. Charles thought it best to place him in the care of the Sisters of Charity. He will shortly be able to return and resume his studies. Nothing could equal the attention at the College and especially that of his professor, Father (G.E.) Viger. Footte has not yet obtained the winter clothes which he wants very badly. He feels delicate in asking Father Jenkins as he has no written authority from Odin. Footte hopes that Odin arrived safe in New Orleans, with no fatigue from his onerous duties during his stay in Baltimore.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Nov. 12
Kehoe, L(awrence): New York (City)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Father (Isaac) Hecker would like the "Correspondant" of September, 1857, or the one containing Lacordaire's oration on Madame Swetchine. If it is good, he will return it to Brownson for translation. Upon receipt of the "proof" Kehoe will send Brownson the money for it and the last article as well as for the article "Philanthropy and Charity". The latter will be the leader in January number.

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 1pg. - 8vo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 12
Scollard, Father J(ohn): Jackson, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He forwards the letter (below). He leaves tomorrow for St. Helena to carry out the good intentions of the Catholics of that parish. Durnin is a very good and reliable man; Scollard stays at his house when he visits there. Durnin is in a store at Amite City. The Clemens he speaks of is the Dutchman who is a friend of Bishop (William Henry) Elder and his priests; if it could be called friendship. Only one thing necessary is that Elder or any of his priests do not interfere. Only a few months ago Elder sent a Jew with a subscription list among these people. Unless the mission is given altogether to Elder, Scollard is afraid the congregation will be divided. Scollard has remonstrated and yet Elder officiates there. If one asks Father (Peter Holton) Houlton or any of his priests they will say that love of money is Elder's leading characteristic. He has shown this in P(ort) Hudson, (Louisiana). Elder has a cousin in Clinton who is an apostate from the Catholic Church yet he gets money from him. One could scarcely believe that a Bishop so exemplary in other respects would do such things.

- A.L.S. -

 On the same paper: 

1866 Nov. 6
Durnin, Henry: Amite City, (Louisiana)
 to Father J(ohn) Scollard: (Jackson, Louisiana)

There is a very earnest movement here to build a Catholic church. S.B. Smith who is not a Catholic but whose family is, is the principal mover. Smith heads the list with $100. Mr. Sharkey also begins with $100, also D. Clementz and Mrs. Keller. Also Mr. Bach, Mr. Davis and T.G. Davidson. They wish to do little without Scollard's advice. Some wish to make a $2000 job of it.

- A.L.S. -

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {14}

1866 Nov. 13
Brownson, O(restes) A.: Elizabeth, N(ew) J(ersey)
 to (Horace Greeley), Editor of the N(ew) Y(ork) Tribune: (New York, New York)

(Labeled:) Dr. O.A. Brownson on the Suffrage Question and Reconstruction. (Greeley) proposes universal amnesty in exchange for impartial suffrage. Brownson has no objection to either for the people guilty only of rebellion, but he wonders if it is proposed to establish impartial suffrage by an act of Congress, by a Constitutional Amendment or by the act of the several States, and secondly, if it is proposed to give up all Constitutional guarantees against the assumption by Congress of the Confederate debt and the repudiation of the National debt. The question of suffrage belongs to the States severally and Congress has no authority to legislate on the subject. Amending the Constitution to give the authority to Congress would completely revolutionize the Constitution. To leave the establishment of impartial suffrage to the several States is no sufficient guarantee. The negroes should be recognized as free and equal citizens of the United States, and the several States left free to enfranchise them in their own way. In regard to the debt, (Greeley) doubtless believes that he would have this guarantee in impartial suffrage, and it is probably the same belief that induces the Democratic journals to accept his platform. As a rule, the colored people will vote according to the advice of their former masters, or the socially dominant class in their respective States. The adoption of (Greeley's) platform is the practical adoption under another from of (Andrew) Johnson's policy. They should grant universal suffrage if they will - Brownson would have in June, 1865 - but they should secure the needed guarantees first. The ten ex-States that engaged in the rebellion lost their status and rights, but, for their sake and the sake of the Union, it is desirable that they be restored on a footing of equality as soon as possible. The Constitutional Amendment proposed by Congress is the best Congress could devise. The ex-States should be allowed to reconstruct themselves under an enabling act of Congress and come back; then universal amnesty may be safely granted. Impartial suffrage will soon follow.

I-3-d - Printed Letter S. (Magnaprint of letter in the New York Times, Nov. 25, 1866, p. 1, cols. 5-6) - 2pp. - 4to. - {6}

1866 Nov. 13
Cronin, Daniel: Detroit, (Michigan)
 to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) Lefev(e)re: (Detroit, Michigan)

Cronin wrote Lefevere before Lefevere's departure for Baltimore, stating that he was willing to make either of three churches his parish. Cronin will not attend Trinity as long as Father (F.J.) Peters is pastor or his house-keeper, who has not lived with her husband for 18 years, its chief manager. Father P(eter) Hennaert told Cronin he could do nothing in the matter. Cronin's mother was very sick at the time, and his wife, in his absence, had Father F. Bleyenbergh to attend to his mother's spiritual welfare. Cronin thinks him a pious, charitable, honest priest and gentleman, which is more than he can say for some more of his profession. Cronin signs himself as an Irish Catholic.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Nov. 14
Babad, Henry: New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Babad received (Odin)'s reply written on the eve of his departure from Baltimore. He and his wife regret that (Odin) was unable to visit New York. He would like to have talked to (Odin) about his son and family. From what his son wrote, Babad believes that (Odin) knows that last year the son came unexpectedly to New York after an absence of 23 years and a silence of 10, asking pardon for his conduct. He gave them details of his large family, told them of a legacy from Babad's brother, that his school brought him $250 a month. He left and they soon received letters. The two oldest sons got positions as cotton brokers in New Orleans, earning $25 to $30 a month. Suddenly the son stopped writing and they have not heard from him for 7 months. Babad asks (Odin) to give them news. Babad's address is care of L. Lorut.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 7pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 14
B(rownson) O(restes) A.: Eliz(abeth), (New Jersey)
 to B(attery) (Major) H.F. Brownson: Fort Warren (Massachusetts)

Edward gave no reason to Brownson for leaving except that he did not like the place however it is said that he gave his family another reason. which Brownson will not repeat because of his refusal to believe it. (Henry) is asked to write and explain the reason. The Radicals have made a clean sweep, and will be even stronger in the next Congress but Brownson does not believe that Butler will carry through his programme. The Constitutional Amendment will probably be insisted on and although Brownson does not like Andrew Johnson, he sees no ground for impeachment and the President asks no more of Congress than Congress yielded to Lincoln. The Virginia members of Congress were admitted because Mr. Pierrepoint's establishment at Wheeling was recognized by the Executive as the State of Virginia on the advice of Attorney-General Bates. Johnson claims to do no more than Lincoln. Bates maintained that it belongs to the Executive to determine whether a state is or is not a state of the Union while Congress judges of the election and qualification of members. In this case, Congress acquiesced with scarcely a disputing voice. In Brownson's opinion the Executive is wrong but Congress cannot now reclaim its decision without condemning itself. Lincoln was not censured and neither should be Johnson for following in his footsteps, and Brownson considers Johnson much less dangerous than Lincoln. If the papers are to be credited then Brownson's predictions in regard to Maximilian are already falsified but if he has abdicated there is yet no official proof. It seems that the government is proposing to buy off the French by paying them their demands on Mexico and then annexing Mexico. Congress' actions are very uncertain since the North still has nigger on the brain. The whole matter is a muddle and Gen(eral) Sherman with Mr. Minister Campbell may easily make it worse. Brownson's prediction was based on a letter from Mexico in the Tribune which showed good sense. Since the Herald came out for the constitutional amendment it has been a very good paper, and with a tremendous influence. (Horace) Greeley stands a good chance of succeeding Judge Harris in the Senate, and Brownson doesn't know whether the Herald is against Greeley or merely enjoying a laugh by ridiculing him. A war of Russia against Austria and an alliance of Prussia and Russia which the papers claim as certain are considered improbably by Brownson. Prussia aims to consolidate Germany under the Hohenzollerns and become a great maritime power in the North and Baltic Seas which will make her Russia's rival. Russia can fight Austria only on the Eastern Question, a problem which the other European powers will not allow opened. It will not be opened in the interest of Russia and hardly in the interest of the Eastern Christians themselves France wants Syria, Egypt, Tripoli and Tunis. Spain wants the Empire of Morocco which Great Britain will strongly resist. Greece wants Candia and all the other Greek Islands, Thessaly, Macedonia, Albania and Constantinople and is opposed by Britain, Italy and Austria but might be favored by France and Russia. Russia wants to drive the Turks out of Europe and Asia Minor and liberate the Christians and is opposed by other powers on the grounds that Russia would become too powerful. Great Britain wishes to protect her Indian population against Russia's advance from the northwest and France from the Southwest through Egypt and to the monopoly of trade of the whole Turkish Empire and all Upper or Central Asia as well as all Northern or Eastern Africa which has as rivals Greece, Spain, France, Austria, Italy and Russia. Prussia will probably exchange the Danubian principalities for the German portion of Austria; and Austria, the least dangerous power to her interests, will be allowed by Great Britain to extend eastward and absorb all the Slavonic provinces of Turkey. This will not be opposed by France and perhaps Prussia but will be opposed by Russia and Italy. Will Austria succeed and will Greece expand into a great power and absorb all the Christian populations of the East? None of the powers are prepared to broach these questions at present. Prussia is busy with her internal affairs, Great Britain with the Reform Question which is growing serious, Austria has to repair losses, Russia has not yet completed her railroads and France for the moment is without effective allies. Russia is best prepared but the whole diplomatic influence of Europe is against her moving. Brownson does not expect Russia to move immediately but when the question does come up, he expects the whole world, United States included, will take part. (Henry) is questioned concerning the pain in his side. Brownson is sorry that the exchange could not be effected with Rip but considers (Henry) as well off with M.G. as he would be with H. or De N. even though he is so far from Church. Brownson will not visit (Henry) before Spring because he has no decent clothes and can as yet get none. He expects a visit from Count Chabrae from France, a friend of Montalambert and anticipates learning something about the Emperor. Brownson hopes to get an engagement as American correspondent for Sir John Acton's new paper, destined to replace the late H & F Revue. It is a weekly publication. Mrs. Brownson is in good health as well as Brownson's except he cannot get a shoe on either foot. (Henry) is told to keep up his courage and to visit home at Christmas if he can.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 14
Fitzgerald (Father) Joseph: Columbus, O(hio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): Cincinnati, Ohio

His brother Bishop Edward Fitzgerald is making him provide a place for his father and sister while (Edward) is making arragements with the priests, which will enable him to attend to the affairs of St. Patrick's Congregation. He intends to seek a suitable place in New York immediately and requests an exeat from Purcell, and asks if Purcell would give him a letter of recomendation to A chbishop (John McCloskey) of New York. P.S. His address will be 13 Rutger St. New York.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 14
(Martin, Aug(uste) M(ar)ie, Bishop of: Natchitoches, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

The mail has just brought (Martin)'s quota of copies of the pastoral letter of the Council, in English. As soon as there is a French translation, (Odin) is to send him 100 copies through Mr. Poursine. Next Sunday (Martin) will begin to give the colored Catholics (Negroes) a special exercise at the Cathedral. On All Saints the number of communicants of this class was remarkably greater. (Martin) has had no word from Father (F.) Martin; he is beginning to be uneasy.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Nov. 14
Renauld, I.H.M., Sister M. Celestine and Sister M. Theresa (Maxis, I.H.M.): Susquehanna Depot, Penn(sylvani)a
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

Having more than once before this made known their sentiments in regard to past proceedings, they again address Lefevere on the occasion of the approaching anniversary of his consecration, begging once more to be received among his faithful children (The Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate of Mary). Only a few days ago Bishop (James F.) Wood, said he is willing that they return if Lefevere permits. They ask an early reply in order to be in Detroit for the coming renewal of vows.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Nov. 15
Follot, Father Francis C.: Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Odin)'s letter of the 11th came yesterday and he hastens to answer the questions. Most of the Sisters (Marianites) of Holy Cross and even Father P(atrick) Sheil, (C.S.C.) will attest that Follot has always acted for their good. He has never refused to hear their confessions. He removed the Blessed Sacrament from their chapel only when there were only two Sisters left, and one of them sick in bed. He asked for $300 but when he saw they did not wish to give it, he asked nothing. Follot thanks (Odin) for not believing the rumors about him. M(ichael) Schlatre, Jr. has just told Follot that he wrote (Odin) last Sunday and sent a letter by Mr. Marionneaux. These men write without telling Follot.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {5}

1866 Nov. 15
Young, Father N(icholas) R.: Kenton, Ohio
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell of: Cincinnati, Ohio)

He asks for the necessary dispensation for Simon Delong and Harriet Quinn who are living as man and wife under the impediment of disparitus cultus. The Fathers at New Riegel tell him that the most they can do is to come to Kenton once in eight weeks. Young does not think the Germans will be satisfied with his offer. With Purcell's permission he will apply to Father (G. A.) Spierings of Upper Sandusky. The enclosed $10 is for the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. The church will be ready when Purcell comes on the 9th of Dec. He expects his uncle in Kenton this week.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 16
DeBreuil, R.S.C., Mother Louise F.: St. Michael, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Odin's) letter to their Mother Superior arrived several days after her departure for Natchitoches. They will send her his letter by the first occasion.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}

1866 Nov. 16
McCloskey, Father William: New York, (New York)
 to Bishop (Francis P.) McFarland of Hartford: (Providence, Rhode Island)

McCloskey received McFarland's letter of the 15th and the draft for $100 and he sends a draft for the same amount drawn by his brother. As he cannot leave New York before the 28th it is likely that he will go in the French steamer of December 1. By so doing he will reach Paris as soon as if he sailed by Cunard and will escape the channel. He has had enough sailing and will be glad to be in his old quarters, a wiser if not a better man. He hopes the friends in New Haven will be able to make up the burse. It is the only way outside of a foundation. He will make a similar effort in New York. Bishop (Clement Smyth) of Dubuque was in New York last week and Bishop (John Baptist) Lamy sails by the French steamer Saturday. McCloskey forgot to say in his other letter that Chorlton had written to him asking a recommendation for ordination. McCloskey would be most reluctant to do this for one who had been so long out of the college. The August testimonial speaks for itself. He would have been ordained in the present year had he remained. He thinks it prudent to abstain from recommending him.

I-1-b - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Nov. 16
Pulcher, James C.: Louvain, (Belgium)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

Pulcher requests Lefevere's dispensation as to age to be ordained priest during the coming Christmas season. From correspondence with Father (John) De Neve, (American College of Louvain), Lefevere must know of Pulcher's ordination to deaconship. He was born March 21, 1834.

III- 2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Nov. 18
De la Croix, Father C(yril): Baton Rouge, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Since the close of the mission by the Redemptorists, De la Croix's occupations and health have kept him from visiting. He sends this with Mr. Garnier. More than 900 received Communion, there were 150 First Communions. 15 Protestants were received into the Church. De la Croix established a conference of St. Vincent de Paul. But his health is not equal to it and he must have at least one assistant.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1866 Nov. 18
Mount Carmel, Sisters of the Third Order of: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

On receiving confirmation of the misfortune which has struck them, their first cry was "We no longer have a father!" But (Odin)'s kindness toward them recalls to them that he remains and that the affection he had for the one they, as well as he, weep for, will be a powerful reason for counting on his protection.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 19
Dahlgren, (Mrs.) M(adeleine) V(inton): (Washington, D.C.)
 to (Orestes A.) Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Mrs. Dahlgren and her husband rejoice over the telegram they have received announcing that Brownson has decided upon going to the South Pacific. She hopes Brownson's health will improve by it. She will be unable to accompany her husband across the Atlantic. As she has previously mentioned, her husband would be at the Astor-House after the twenty-second. The Admiral has promised her a Thanksgiving dinner at home. He will be in New York by Saturday morning, November 24. He sails December 1. She cannot see Brownson. The Admiral is sensitive about her boy Eric's education. He wishes his son to be a Protestant, and to direct his education. Mrs. Dahlgren tells her husband that she hopes he will become a Catholic. Mrs. Dahlgren suggests that Brownson get blue clothes for his wardrobe. She asks who is to remain with Mrs. Brownson.

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 19
(Rappe), A(madeus), Bishop of: Cleveland, (Ohio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell of: (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Several respectable Americans of the diocese of Cleveland are of the opinion that a petition of the Catholics of the Ohio would obtain from the Legislature a portion of the funds destined for the public schools. An influential senator of Toledo promised to aid them in the petition. Since Purcell knows the spirit of the public regarding things Catholic, Rappe asks if he would do all he can to push the measure.

II-5-c - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 19
St. Bernard, (M.S.C.), Sister Mary: Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary) Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She thanks Odin for the happy change in the difficulties between the Sisters (Marianites) of Holy Cross and Father F(rancis) Follot. She is sure that Odin exacted of Follot to restore the Blessed Sacrament to them. Father (J.B.) Jobert said Mass in their chapel. The following day Follot sent word that he was coming himself. They all made the effort to go to Confession, an effort, as they were not at ease with him since he treated them so unkindly. He expressed the desire of accepting the portion of their house as granted to him. They readily accorded it to him. They were feeling discouraged in this isolated place but Odin has made life more supportable.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1866 Nov. 19
Scollard, Father J(ohn): Amite City, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Scollard has been in this parish since last Tuesday. He finds the people very willing to erect a church. About $1000 can be collected and if (Odin) would give permission Scollard hopes he could collect the balance in the city. The church is to be 50 by 30 feet with a room in the vestry where he could stay. (Odin) will be pleased with the virtue and Catholic it here.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1866 Nov. 20
Dahlgren, Madeleine Vinton: Washington, D. C.
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Mrs. Dahlgren filled a whiskey barrel full of bed clothes for her husband. Brownson will find a change of bed linen which will be ample on his voyage across the Atlantic. At Panama, summer clothes will be required. Mrs. Dahlgren has tried to give all the hints that she can. Pictures were taken of her god-children and when ready, a photograph will be sent to Mrs. Brownson (Sarah Healy)

I-4-c - A.L.S. (incomplete) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 20
Fitzgerald, M.: Brooklyn, (New York)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Fitzgerald states that a Mrs. Spooner has written to Brownson intently thinking that Brownson lived in New York. Due to the difficulty to reach Brownson, and the uncertainty of seeing him, Fitzgerald asks Brownson the safest way to send the manuscripts. Mrs. Spooner is believed to value these highly. Fitzgerald relates that since Mrs. Spooner's conversion to Catholicism twenty years ago, she has been ostracized by friends and family. She taught school to support herself and daughter until she went blind. Her daughter is her only support now. Fitzgerald requests an early reply.

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 22
Lamy, Father Th(eodore): Abbeville, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He was happy to hear of (Odin's) good health on his return from Baltimore. He received a letter from Father (Hyacinthe) LeCozic announcing his appointment as Lamy's assistant. (Odin) promised when he was in Abbeville to send Lamy authorization to buy land to enlarge the cemetery and to renew the lease for the land rented to David Frank. P.S. Although his house is not yet finished (Odin) can send LeCozic anyway.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1866 Nov. 22
D(ennis) and J(ames) and Company New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The priest who has charge of the parish at present repudiates the debt. Father G(eorge) Lamy got school books frequently. As late as May 1865 he paid $300 on account and said the rest would soon be paid. It is only just that the parishioners pay for them. A few months ago Bishop Bayley removed one of his priests who owed them $500 and the pastor assumed payment of the debt. They enclose a statement of the account (which shows) a balance of $502.08 for merchandise sold to Lamy, Algiers, L(ouisian)a.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. & 8vo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 23
Chambodut, Father L(ouis) C.M.: Galveston, (Texas)
 to Father J(oseph) Quérat: (Refugio, Texas)

The Bishop requests Chambodut to announce Quérat's appointment to Houston and to come to Galveston as soon as possible. (A note on the letter signed by Quérat): Chambodut was V(icar) G(eneral) from 1850 to 1879.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 23
Dénecé, Father J(ohn) M(ary) J(osep)h: Petit-Caillou, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana

Dénecé's house not being finished, it will be impossible to see (Odin) before the end of December or beginning of January. He has just finished the subscription for Terrebonne which will amount to about $300. It is little if they want to carry out Mr. Viguerie's plan for which $1200 of lumber would hardly be sufficient. The dimensions are 80 by 15 by 32 feet. If (Odin) would give something, the trustees might do more. On the bayou Terrebonne up to Canal there are 700 whites and counting Pointe aux Chiens and the islands, there are 900 persons. One of his parishioners has refused to pay for his pew. (Odin) is to write saying that he will be deprived of the right to buy one in the future and that if they wish to keep a priest they must contribute to his support. Dénecé has not yet received the stipends for the 20 Masses (Odin) asked him to say before he went to the Council. Dénecé's confrere at Houma tells him not to do without wine. But Dénecé can scarcely buy the most necessary things.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {4}

1866 Nov. 23
Forrest, Jos(eph) K.C.: Chicago, (Illinois)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: New York (City)

Forrest encloses some material for Brownson's perusal and opinion. He has been with the press for nearly twenty-five years. Formerly he was an old Whig, but in 1848 he became a FreeSoiler. He read Brownson in the Review and in the Catholic World. For references about himself he lists: Governor Oglesby (of Illinois), Governor Yates, Senator Trumbull, Rev. Dr. Deume, Rev. Dr. Butler, both clergymen of Chicago, and the Honorable J. S. Scannon.

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 24
Walsh, Martin and others: Mill Point, (Michigan)
 to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) Lefever(e): (Detroit, Michigan)

Efforts to build or finish the church at Ferrysburg have failed. At a meeting presided over by Father (Henry) Rievers, it was unanimously agreed to build a church at Mill Point and to ascertain what disposition could be made of the church property at Ferrysburg. They consider Ferry's offer to buy it a liberal one. There are no Catholic families in Ferrysburg. A bridge about to be constructed to connect Grand Haven with Mill Point will serve to accomodate Catholics in Grand Haven, Crockery and Polkton. Father Rievers heads the subscriptions with $50 and in less than a week it totaled $500. Lumber and other material are expected to be donated by non-Catholics. Signed by Walsh, Charles Allen, and James Trainer, Committee.


1866 Nov.
Ferry, Jr., W(illia)m M.: Ferrysburg, Mich(igan)
 to Charles Allen, Martin Walsh, and James Treaner: (Detroit, Michigan)

He acknowledges receipt of their letter about the church property at Ferrysburg. If the project of building a church is given up, Ferry requests that the lots revert to him, as he gave them solely for church purposes. His claim is $152.59 paid by him to mechanics and for lumber, dating from July 1858. If Lefevere wishes to sell the building, Ferry will give $300, since it is but a shell. If Lefevere refuses this offer, Ferry wants his claim paid at once.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 5pp. - 8vo. - {9}

1866 Nov. 25
Burlando, C.M., Father F(rancis): Natchez, (Mississippi)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

Burlando sends Lefevere a copy of the formula (of vows) dealing with the canonical possessions of the Sisters of Charity and similar communities, which includes all property, so that even their clothes belong to the bishop. The author of this act disclaims such conclusion but wording admits such consequences.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 26
Follot, Father Francis C.: Plaquemine, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

A letter from (Henry) Groebel informs Follot that he is to come to the city to begin collections for the church at Plaquemine. He will leave at the end of the week. He will ask Father (Theophile) Blancgarin to take his place if there is need.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {4}

1866 Nov. 27
(Harrison, R.U.), Sister St. Pierre: Galveston, (Texas)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

She cannot let their Bishop leave without a few words of condolence for the loss of Odin's vicar general, Father Rousselon. Odin is daily remembered in the prayers of the Community he founded in Galveston.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1866 Nov. 28
Brownson, O(restes) A.: Elizabeth, New Jersey
 to Jos(eph) K.C. Forrest: (Chicago, Illinois)

Brownson has read Forrest's essay in the "Chicago Times" which Forrest sent him. Brownson refers him to his book, "The American Republic, its Constitution, Tendencies and Destiny," where Forrest will find his opinions. Brownson believes Forrest's essay to be good, but it tends to advocate centralization, which Brownson thinks is the greatest political danger. Brownson has always been a States' Rights man, that is he holds that sovereignty rests in the States united, not, as (John C.) Ca(l) houn maintained, in the States severally. He is in favor of confiding, as the Constitution does, all matters of a general nature to the general government and all that are particular to the several governments. Brownson believes Forrest's views would efface this distinction. He objects to the law Forrest would propose to Congress declaring suffrage the birthright of every citizen of the United States. He disagrees with the proposal to have Congress control the railroads because it would be as dangerous as was the slavery interest and such congressional action would interfere with private rights and interests. He likewise opposes several of Forrest's other proposals and he will fight against consolidation as he did against secession. His reasons are in his book. He neither advocated nor opposed universal suffrage. He does not believe the negro vote will amount to much. He does not question Forrest's skill or intentions, but he does oppose his views because they would destroy our political institutions, and our civil and religious liberties, if adopted.

I-4-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {6}

1866 Nov. 28
Deare, H. W.: Detroit, Mich(igan)
 to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) Lefev(e)re: (Detroit, Michigan)

A few days before Lefevere left for the national Council at Baltimore, Deare and Oliver Belaire were chosen by the congregation of St. Ann's Parish (Detroit) to be members of a corporation to take charge of the St. Anthony's Male Orphan Asylum, (Detroit) which, on Lefevere's return, would be organized. Not having heard from any of the other members who he presumes have been appointed from other congregations, Deare asks for information. He is ready to obey Lefevere's orders or instructions if he is rightly informed as to the bishop's intentions, in order to aid the poor helpless orphans.

III-2-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1866 Nov. 28
Dubreul, Father J(osep)h Paul: Balt(imor)e, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He received (Odin)'s letter of the 14th enclosing a check for $150. He heard of the accident which proved fatal to Father Rousselon. Another piece of bad news is that (James G.) Foot(te) has had violent nervous attacks. He had the same thing in Ireland, it seems. The doctor regards his recovery as doubtful, at least as to the continuation of his studies. Two weeks ago they took him to St. Agnes Hospital. His sister came from New York to see him and wanted to take him to an aunt's home. But the boy fears that would prevent him from returning to St. Charles. Foot(te) promised well.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 16mo. - {2}

1866 Nov. 28
Letilly, Father P(eter) M.F.: Lockport, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary) Odin, C.M.: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Did Father (Adrien) Rouquette bring (Odin) in October, a letter from the trustees of St. Andrew's asking a decision about the Limits of St. Andrew's and St. Mary's and approval for the subscription for their church? A reply will let them begin immediately.

VI-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}