University of Notre Dame


1868 Aug.
Chatard, Father S(ilas) M.: Rome, (Italy)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell) of: (Cincinnati, Ohio)

In accordance with Purcell's wishes, he furnished money to Mr. Byrne and he left Rome on the 12th. He was sorry to part with Byrne. Chatard had difficulty about the draft on the bank. He has seen about the letter of 1866; it was not an oversight but as it was of a private nature, the answer was delayed. All the Cincinnati students are well. Word was received of the death of the administrator of Louisville. Mr. Ullrich will soon reach Cincinnati.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1868 Aug. 2
Becker, Father Antonius: New York, (New York)
 to (Archbishop John Baptist Purcell of: Cincinnati, Ohio)

His mother neither lives nor died in an insane asylum although for some time she has been mentally disturbed. His brothers all died a natural death. Whether he is insane or not he lets others decide. He cannot point out the house referred to as he is bound to silence.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1868 Aug. 2
Maynes, Ferdinand and others: Athlone, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere): (Detroit, Michigan)

The undersigned councilmen think it their duty to inform Lefevere how matters stand in their parish. A few men have caused a great deal of disturbance, have oppressed the pastor, Father (Desiderius) Callaert, and tried to stir up the people against him to prevent a small raise in pew-rent. Both Councilmen and pastor had agreed that the raise was necessary for support of the school; the majority of the parish paid. A few unchristian agitators refused to pay; after six months, their pews were shut up; without any respect for the house of God, they shamefully broke them open; they call their bishop and priests tyrants. The Councilmen humbly ask Lefevere's help. If not soon attended to, their beautiful parish can not exist much longer, obliging them to send their children to the District Schools, after exerting themselves so much to build a school house where their children can receive a Christian education. Signed by Maynes, John Gorman, William Ronald, and Jakob Schell.

III-2-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1868 Aug. 3
(Bayley), J(ames Roosevelt), Bishop of: Newark, (New Jersey)
 to Bishop (Francis P. McFarland) of: Hartford, (Connecticut)

He thinks it right to inform him that the Franciscan Sisters of Winstead have been collecting in the diocese without permission and that he caught them telling lies. Although he knew they had collected in Paterson they denied it. He does not wish to make a formal complaint but McFarland will have to keep an eye on them and their superiors. These friars have a bad morality about begging and set at naught diocesan and parochial regulations. The Sisters have given scandal by begging on railroads and in all sorts of houses. (Bayley) has issued a strong circular against them and he thinks they will have to take measures against them and their superiors. He hopes that McFarland has survived the not cycle.

I-1-c - A.L.S. - 3pp - 8vo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 3
Brann, Father H(enry) A.: N(ew) York, (New York)
 to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of: Hartford, (Connecticut)

A year ago he received an exeat from Bishop (James Roosevelt) Bayley to enter the Paulist novitiate to see if he had a vocation to the Paulists. He finds he does not. His superiors think he should not remain near New Jersey, and asks if he can work in McFarland's diocese. He was in Rome with McFarland. Bishop Bayley, Archbishop (John McCloskey) and Father (Isaac) Hecker have promised assistance.

I-1-c - A.L.S. - 2pp - 12mo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 3
Nazarius, (C. S. C.), Brother: Notre Dame, Indiana
 to James F. Edwards: Toledo, Ohio

He cannot sufficiently express his thanks for the kind sentiments Edwards manifested towards him. He prays that he may be faithful to his vocation in life and to secure a reward of everlasting bliss. Yesterday was the day for gaining the great indulgence in their Chapel of the Holy Angels. The long hot vacation will soon be over.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1868 Aug. 5
Dubreul, S. S., Father J(osep)h Paul: Bedford Springs, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He did not write sooner because he did not know if (Odin) would be in New Orleans. When he returns to Baltimore he will send a complete report on what students are ready to leave the seminary. He thinks (Odin's) ideas of acclimating them before the unhealthy season and of ordaining them in New Orleans are both excellent suggestions. There has been no further trouble about changes to Bishop (Joseph Projectus) Macheboeuf since Dubreul frankly told him to stop, and since Macheboeuf said he would only consider people after they had been released by their bishops. All of the seminarians seem to have a pretty good grasp of English.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 6
Lemonnier, C.S.C., Father A(ugustus): Shiulle, France
 to James F. Edwards: (Toledo, Ohio)

He has been in Paris two weeks and bought many things. He is so tired of the visits that he fears that he will be little improved by his trip. He is strongly urged to remain in France, but is deeply rooted in America. Rev. Father Provincial (Edward Sorin, C.S.C.) has been elected General, and is on his way to America to remain six months. Lemonnier sends his respects to Edward's parents, and hopes that he has travelled a great deal these vacations.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 7
Brann, Father H(enry) A.: N(ew) York, (New York)
 to Bishop F(rancis) P. McFarland of: Hartford, (Connecticut)

He would be wanting in gratitude if he did not thank McFarland for his kind letter even if he is not to work for him. He hopes that McFarland's hopes will be justified and he will be saved from this imprudence of the past.

I-1-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1868 Aug. 7
Vagnier, C.S.C., Father Thomas: Notre Dame, Indiana
 to James F. Edwards: (Toledo, Ohio)

Vagnier is enjoying a quiet vacation. They have great sport rowing in the river. The retreat will begin Monday and will be given by Bishop William Henry Elder of (Natchez, Mississippi).

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16to. - {2}

1868 Aug. 8
Chambige, Father F(rancis): Louisville, (Kentucky)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell of: Cincinnati, Ohio)

He regrets to inform Purcell that the appointment he made in regard to the administration of the diocese of Louisville has created many conflicting opinions. All are of the opinion that since a bishop for Louisville was appointed and consecrated, Purcell has no jurisdiction in the case. Some think that jurisdiction rests with Chambige as the vicar-general. They have decided to consult Rome by telegraph. They hope Purcell will not be offended by the action they have taken. No doubt Rome will leave the matter in Purcell's hands and thus all conflicting opinions will be settled. If they have done wrong, they are sure that Purcell will apply the correction with the heart of a father.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 8
Fink, Father Lewis M. O.S.B.:
St. Benedict's College Atchison, Kansas
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Fink thanks McMaster for his letter and the check for $200. Mrs. McMaster's name has been entered in the Album of Benefactors. He recalls to McMaster that Father Augustine Wirth, O.S.B. had resigned his Office into the hands of Rt. Rev. Boniface Wimmer, O.S.B., Abbot of St. Vincents Penn(sylvani)a and that the writer had to be his successor, and he had requested McMaster to set his name under the advertisement of the foundation of the Mass. He asks that McMaster make some mention of the foundation, He would like to get personally acquainted with McMaster, though he has read the Freeman for many years. He was for many years superior of the House in Chicago where they had built a schoolhouse and Sister's Convent and the new Church of St. Josephs (German). P.S. He will send the receipt, asking McMaster to direct it to the respective parties.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1868 Aug. 8
Voorhies, A., nee Gradenigo: (New Orleans, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

(Odin) had asked whether her children saw the Pope. In a letter just received her daughter Celestine (Voorhies) says they were granted a papal audience and received the papal benediction. She cannot thank (Odin) enough for his help in this matter.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1868 Aug. 9
Sacred Heart, Religious of the: Grand Coteau, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

They ask that (Odin) stop and visit them during his visit to Grand Coteau.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1868 Aug. 10
Grogan, John: Gaines
 to James F. Edwards: (Toledo, Ohio)

He acknowledges Edwards' kind letter. In a short time students will be hurrying back to Notre Dame. Grogan considers it one of the best educational institutions in the country. It has more good points than bad ones.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16to. - {1}

1868 Aug. 10
Ryan, C.M. Father S(tephen Michael) V.: Germantown, P(ennsylvani)a
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He has had to recall Father (Anthony) Verrina, C.M. to Cape Girardeau. Father (Alexius H.) Mandine, (C.M.), will remain in charge at Bouligny with the other Vincentians, and they will send Father (J.) Duncan, (C.M.), from St. Joseph's as the labor there is too severe for his delicate health. As soon as the season permits he will send a new priest to assist Father (T.J.) Smith, (C.M.) at St. Joseph.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {6}

1868 Aug. 11,
(Brownson, Sarah H.): Eliz(abeth), (New Jersey)
 to Henry (F. Brownson): (Atlanta, Georgia)

On the night that (Mrs. Brownson) wrote a letter to (Henry) for her husband she was taken ill with a sickness that lasted four days. For about ten days after she was very weak but now feels much better. During this time she did not see Brownson at all and Sarah took good care of her. (Brownson) is gaining slowly and has-been out for a ride twice in a carriage which was brought to his door in order that he might be placed in it. He has very little pain anymore but his knees and ankles swell when he attempts to walk. (Brownson) is not writing for the Catholic World, first, because he does not feel well, and secondly, because he does not feel just right toward it. Mrs. Brownson has written six or seven articles to the Tablet through her husband's dictation. Rheumatism in his hand has prevented him from writing but he is of the opinion that he will be able to write in the following week. Brownson's spirits and appetite fell about a week previous, due to his extreme discouragement, but after going out twice he feels much better. Dr. Hewit now comes once a week. Mrs. Brownson is very glad to hear that Henry health is much better and that Josephine is feeling fine. When Josephine's brother was in N(ew) Y(ork) the Brownson's expected a visit from him but he did not come. Henry sent his father a letter containing a check. (Mrs. Brownson) is anxious to know how Henry and Fifine are reacting to the South and is of the opinion that it will take a long time to settle matters there. She would like to have Henry continue with his exercises for his own good health, having seen his father suffer much from inactivity during the past summer. Orestes has written his mother to the effect that he now weighs 199 pounds and has just returned from Missouri. An enclosed envelope is to be given to Fifine and Henry is to tell her that Sarah had more than she wanted. Sarah sent a little present to Fifine and she is to wear it under her breastpin.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 11
Mènard, Father Ch(arle)s M.: Thibodaux, (Louisiana)
 to Father (Napoleon Joseph Perché: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Mènard was visited yesterday by Dr. Cantrelle with (Perché)'s letter of introduction. Mènard would like Cantrelle to establish himself here. Mènard is happy that (Perché) is doing all he can to come here to rest. P.S. The subscribers to the Propagateur have seen, some with astonishment, some with laughter, the famous communiqué signed Audissons. In this case the mouse brought forth the mountain. The 14 to 1500 viewers are reduced by 350 to 400. What Mènard finds best are the remarks about the Societies of Mary and St. Louis Gonzaga. These societies are composed of 2 Children of Mary from Thibodaux and one of Mènard's choir boys whom curiosity led to the festival. Father Faure presents his respects.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 16mo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 11
Paracciani Clarelli, Cardinal: (Rome, Italy)
 to Father Patrick (W.) Condon, C.S.C.: (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Because of Condon's devotion to the passion and death of Our Lord as also to Our Lady and to the increase of such devotions among the faithful, he is given the faculties for blessing and attaching plenary indulgences to crosses, medals, and rosaries, on the usual conditions, for five years, provided that he has the authority of the local ordinary. Archbishop John Mary Odin, (C.M.) approved December 14, 1868 (in his own handwriting.

VI-2-n - D.S. - (Latin) - 4to. - 2pp. - {2}

1868 Aug. 11
St. Rose, (R.G.S.), Sister Mary of: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

She informs (Odin) of a house which may be the perfect answer to the needs (of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd). The main building is a two-story brick house with 10 large rooms; the second building has a kitchen and 6 smaller rooms. There is also a modern stable. The cost is $35,000, plus $10,000 for an additional plot of land containing an orchard and a two-story house, if desired. Father (Francis de Salles Gautrelet, S.J.) Gatrillit has deemed it suitable. (Thomas) Elder thinks it is a great bargain. Mr. Mitchel is of the same opinion.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {5}

1868 Aug. 11
Young, Father N(icholas) R.: Kenton, (Ohio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell of: Cincinnati, Ohio)

He had a talk with his people resulting much more favorably than the previous efforts to the school-prospects. He finds that he will promote the interest of religion by disposing of the house in which he lives. This will enable him to secure a pastoral residence and lot for the school, both adjoining the church. He will act if Purcell approves. He was shocked at hearing of the death of Father B(enjamin) J Spalding.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 12
Kenrick, Archbishop Peter: St. Louis, (Missouri)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Kenrick thanks Purcell for the book sent to him through Mister Bachman. Kenrick says he has just heard that Bishop (Henry D.) Juncker is seriously ill. Kenrick proposes to go to Alton that afternoon to see him.

II-5-h - A. L. S. (Photostatic copy from the Archives of the College of Mt. St. Joseph, Delhi, Ohio.) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 12
(St. Palais), Maurice de Bp. of Vincennes: St. Mary's (of the Woods, Indiana)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell of: Cincinnati, Ohio)

Purcell's letter reached him at St. Mary's where he has come for the retreat of the Sisters of Providence. He will do his best to be in Cincinnati on the 16th. He would leave St. Mary's earlier but his presence is necessary for the election of the Superioress-General.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 13
Nickels, (S.M., Brother) Nicholas: Nazareth, (Dayton, Ohio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell) of: Cincinnati, Ohio

Nickels comes to Purcell for a decision concerning his vocation. He was born April 5, 1830 and confirmed July 12, 1846 in Fraimt in the diocese of Trier, and from his youth has concerned himself with the priestly life and ministery. He came to this region under the direction of Father J(ohn) Albrinck, who sent him to Nazareth. He was received by Father (Leo) Meyer on Nov. 1, 1853 and assigned to study Latin. Later, since 1864 to the present time he has studied philosophy and theology under the direction of his superiors. The decision concerning his vocation to the priesthood now must be made by Purcell. Purcell's will will be accepted.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - (Latin) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 13
Spalding, M(artin) J. Archbp. of Baltimore: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell) of: Cincinnati, Ohio)

The death of his brother (Father Benjamin J. Spalding) will embarrass the new bishop of Louisville (William McCloskey) as he alone could give him an account of the financial condition of the diocese. Had McCloskey come to his see promptly as he should have done, he would have been spared this trouble. Spalding left the diocese free of debt but Bishop (Peter J.) Lavialle involved it to the amount of $60,000. Spalding fears the new bishop may not be a business man. Father (Silas) M. Chatard writes a deplorable account of the financial condition of the American College. They will have to take some action. Spalding thinks Purcell has authority over Louisville during this emergency. He suggests Father (M.) Bouchet as the man to have temporary powers.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {6}

1868 Aug. 16
Mrak, Father Ign(atius): Omena, Mich(igan)
 to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere: Detroit, (Michigan)

Mrak was at Cross Village again and found Father (N. L.) Sifferath as proud as ever with no sign of repentance, saying he would say Mass in his room for the whites.

III-2-l - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}

1868 Aug. 17
Pendleton, Mrs. (George A.): Cincinnati, (Ohio)
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

Mrs. Pendleton sends her compliments and asks that McMaster send her a prospectus of the Convent of the Sacred Heart at Manhattanville, New York, giving the course of study, arrangements and terms of the institution. She asks pardon for the trouble she puts McMaster to in this matter.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1868 Aug. 17
Perché, Father N(apoleon) J(oseph): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.): Royville, L(ouisiana)

He received (Odin's) letter of August 10. He will give the retreat for the Ursulines at Opelousas from September 1 to 8. He will go to Royville on September 9 to bless the church, thus fulfilling for Father (Hyacinthe) Lecozic the promise he made to Father (Joseph) Viau last year. He has seen Father (Jean Baptist) De Saichenre, who is in need of a long rest, but there is no one to replace him. Father (Jules) Bouchet is himself ill, and thus could not take care of two parishes. Perché has written to Father (Cyril) Delacroix asking him to send one of his assistants to help out. The Triduum which he preached at Bruly Landing was hampered by poor weather. Father (Theophile) Blanegarin seems to be doing well. Father (Victor) Gavard preached at Baton Rouge where he appears to be content. Perché thinks that he is gradually overcoming his timidity. Perche is going to spend a day at Plaquemine where everything is going well. He has seen Father (Jean Honore) Duberhard as well as Father (Réné) Vallée who is installed at Bayou Goula. Father (Peter M.) Lacour spent a few days at Mandeville, and then came into the city. He definitely has hydropsy, and has been given specific orders and directives by Doctor (Charles) Faget. He had a visit last week from Father (Henry) Georget of Pass Christian to ask for Mass privileges for Father (Amédée) Beccard. Perché told him that (Odin) would contact him regarding the matter.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 16mo. - {19}

1868 Aug. 18
(Elder), William Henry, Bishop of Natchez: Chicago, Illinois
 to Archbishop J(ohn) M(ary) Odin, (C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

He asks Odin whether he would be justified in applying the legacy of (James H.) Behan to his pressing debts, rather than using the interest as Behan had requested in his will. The money would do much more good if applied immediately. Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere has returned home from a mission with a sprained ankle. Bishop (James) Duggan of Chicago has been ill, but not confined to bed. (Elder) preached a retreat at Notre Dame, Indiana to a few priests and about 100 brothers. Father (Edward) Sorin, (C.S.C.), returned while he was there and he learned that Sorin had been named Superior General of the (Congregation of Holy Cross) as well as temporary head of the Sisters (of the Holy Cross) at St. Mary's. He hopes (Odin's) country tour will benefit him.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {8}

1868 Aug. 18
Raymond, Father G(ilbert): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M. of New Orleans: Lafayette, Louisiana)

He will send a check for 500 francs to the father of Father (Constant) Orhant tomorrow. Yesterday he received a letter from his brother, (Father J. Francis Raymond) at Vichy. He has been to Rome and had a papal audience. Raymond sends (Odin) a request for marriage dispensation by Father (Leon F.) Denis, (S.M.). P.S. The copies of the Acts of the Baltimore Council of 1866 have just arrived.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {5}

1868 Aug. 20
Perrin, Father: Cours, (France)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He and Father (J.M.) Bertail enjoyed a very smooth crossing. During the crossing he learned the basics of Spanish from a group of Spanish students, and hopes to prefect his knowledge in the future. He saw the niece of Miss Labattu at Nantes. The parish priest there offered his hospitality to (Odin) during (Odin)'s trip next year. Perrin and his entire family send their best wishes to (Odin).

VI-2-n - A.D.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

(1868 Aug. 20?)
Reculon, S.M., Father P.: (Paris, France)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

After having spoken to Father ( Dulphy S.M.), Reculon is certain that he is the man for (Odin's) diocese. He seems to have the best dispositions and talents toward such work. Today Reculon is going to see (Father J. Favre, S.M.) and attempt to plead the cause of the New Orleans diocese. Reculon is convinced that the diocese is one of the most interesting he has ever worked in. P.S. Father Perrin has arrived and leaves soon for Lyons in search of a social position.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1868 Aug. 22
Dubernard, Father (Jean Honoré): (Iberville, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

He apologizes for the delay in answering (Odin)'s proposal to return to Breaux Bridge. Although he would like to be near his parents again, a return is prohibited by the fact that his brother has opened a store in the town. Although Dubernard would not be prejudiced in favor of his brother, the other merchants might feel that he was drawing clients from them in favor of his brother. Thus, he hopes (Odin) will find another replacement for Father (Aristide) Plotin. He can, however, help (Odin) concerning the question of a fund-raising campaign, on the conditions that there be first an improvement in the fortunes of the inhabitants and that a zealous priest who would second his efforts be stationed there. It is also necessary that (Odin)'s regulations be conscientiously enforced. If an elected board of laymen is allowed to handle the money and to see that it goes for their own church, not only will the debt be paid, but improvements will be made.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1868 Aug. 22
Dubernard, Father (Jean Honoré): (Iberville, Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Orleans, Louisiana)

Immediately after receiving (Odin's) letter of July 13 communicating the decision of the archiepscopal council, he turned over the administration of St. Raphael's Parish to Father (Réné) Vallée, and he remained simply the pastor of St. Gabriel. Last week while he was at Paincourt, the agents of the creditors of the church at Breaux Bridge came to St. Gabriel to speak with him about the means of achieving payment. They wanted him to go with them to see (Odin) but, not finding him, they asked that he write them fixing a date. Upon his return he learned from Vallée that (Odin) had left for Attakapas, he thought it best to send them this letter to serve as an introduction. It is impossible for Dubernard to pay even the interest on this debt. If he has been correctly informed the archiepiscopal council decided that the pastor of Breaux Bridge should pay it. He wonders how it is that (Father Aristide Plotin) told the creditors that he would never pay it. If (Plotin) had granted Dubernard's request that he cede the funds of his church for the extinction of the debt, the creditors would have been content to receive a little each year. They have been advised by a lawyer that Dubernard is not responsible for the debt, but that the building itself is charged with it. Anyone from his old parish will testify in favor of Dubernard's good faith.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {6}

1868 Aug. 24
Barnabo, Al(exander) Cardinal Prefect: Rome, (Papal States)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

Barnabo acknowledges the receipt of the bank draft and the volume of German newspapers which Purcell sent with his letter of July 20. He presented them to the Holy Father without delay and the Pope sends to Purcell, the editors of the newspapers, and the donors of the money, his apostolic blessing. John Simeoni signs as secretary.

II-5-d - L.S. - 1pg. - 8vo. - {1}

1868 Aug. 24
Raymond, Father G(ilbert): New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.: New Iberia, Louisiana)

The colored Sisters from Baltimore (the Oblate Sisters of Providence) wish to purchase a more spacious property. They feel it will be easier to attract boarders and day students if they have a good property. They could sell their present property and use the proceeds for the purchase. They have found a property for $10,000 and would like to buy it. Raymond tried to throw cold water on their enthusiasm by mentioning that (Odin) was never poorer than at present. He awaits a definite reply from (Odin). Father (Gioacchino) Manoritta, (O.P.) has brought a petition which Raymond forwards. He said he signed so as not to contradict the others, and that he personally prefers the old site. Raymond has sent (Odin), via Father (L.) Hoste, the copies of the convocation of the council. Raymond will send (Odin) the tobacco at Thibodaux.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1868 Aug. 26
DeNeve, Father John:
American College Louvain, (Belgium)
 to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) Lefevere: Detroit, (Michigan)

He has complied with Father (Bernard) Soffers' letter. Father Anciauz (?) left Louvain this morning. He encloses the bill of present indebtedness. Father Rickert's board was charged for in Bill No. 7; DeNeve now deducts it because of Rickert's absence during the year. The students for Detroit for the next year are Maes, Rafter, Lewis, Kroemer, Sweeny, Elvert, Schaeken, Willemsen, Wheeler. He has two Bohemians who know Polish but will take 3½ years Theology, which will be charged to the diocese that receives them. He hopes the collections made through the diocese will enable Lefevere to receive an additional number of students. Enclosed is Bill No. 8.

III-2-l - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 1mo. - {3}

1868 Aug. 26
Zorn, Father S(eraphim): Little Traverse, Mich(igan)
 to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) Lefev(e)re: (Detroit, Michigan)

The Indians with the chiefs of the surrounding villages met to arrange priest-support. They agreed to collect about four times as much sugar as he got last spring which was 400 pounds or $45 from here and $5 from Bear River. Each family should give one bushel of corn and one dollar or a little more. He has unpaid debts with Benziger Brothers; had Bishop (Frederic) Baraga been alive, Zorn would have received $100 for January to July. He was with Father (John B.) Weikamp for five months before Zorn was ordained and served under him for about 5½ years. Weikamp, having gone to Chicago, asked Zorn to say Mass in Cross Village instead of Duncan, although Father (N. L.) Sifferath is present. Mr.Beauchamp here said the congregation might be nearly ruined in 2 years as there were many who disliked to go to church in the convent, who dislike Weikamp and like Sifferath. Thus far it seems that an earnest penance does no good to the latter. If Father (Ignatius) Mrak would become bishop, Sifferath might have a congregation again. Zorn intends to stay two or three days in Cross Village and will give Lefevere information about it. Zorn is informed that a priest came from Lake Superior and resides in Point St. Ignace from where Father (Andrew) Piret was going home.

III-2-l - A.L.S. - 6pp. - 12mo. - {8}

1868 Aug. 29
St. Rose, (R.G.S.), Sister Mary of: New Orleans, (Louisiana)
 to Archbishop (John Mary Odin, C.M.): New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Something must be done about purchasing the new property. (The Sisters of the Good Shepherd) simply will not be able to live on the old property through the winter. They have had Thomas Elder continue looking for a suitable location, but he has come up with nothing better. Their Provincial said it pleased her very well if (Odin) approves it. For financing they would need the script and notes which (Odin) holds to use as collateral until the old property was sold.

VI-2-n - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1868 Aug. 31
(Dupanloup), Archbishop F(elix): Orleans, (France)
 to (Baron? de Corcelle:

(Dupanloup) compliments Corcelle on the very fine speech at the distribution of prizes at St. Barbara College. Another very close to Corcelle has also made herself heard, he means the book on Mrs. Seton by (Helen Bailly) de Barberey, Corcelle's niece. (Dupanloup) wishes to write her; she may not accept his comments but he is convinced that a new edition of this book would lead to 20 other editions and surpass "Les Recits d'une Soeur" in interest sublimity.

II-1-a - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1868 Aug. 31
Kenrick, Peter Richard Archbp. of St. Louis: St. Louis, (Missouri)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell of: Cincinnati, (Ohio)

He has deemed it advisable to ask for a coadjutor with right of succession. He submits the following names: Father Patrick J. Ryan and Father Charles Tiegler, both secular priests of the diocese; and Father Edward M. Hennessy, C.M. He asks Purcell to write on the subject to the Cardinal Secretary.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {4}

1868 Aug. 31
Barnabo, Al(exander) Cardinal Prefect: Rome, (Papal States)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

Barnabo acknowledges Purcell's letter of August 3 in which he learned that the trouble in Aurora, (Indiana) between Father (Ignatius) Klein and the faithful incited by the perverse bankers is nearly settled. As to the Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere of Detroit, Barnabo knows that the bishop's relative, Father (Amandus) Van Den Driessche reports that the fault lies not with the bishop but with his councillors, but the bitterness of the matter remains, and whatever be the cause, the inconvenience still exists. Purcell should not let pass the opportunity to urge the Bishop to remove these councillors, and Barnabo hopes that Purcell will also send an accurate report by which he will know the business of the diocese proceeds. John Simeoni signs as secretary. No. 10

II-5-d - L.S. - (Latin) - 1pg. - 8vo. - {5}

1868 Aug. 31
Spalding, M(artin) J. Archbp. of Baltimore: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell of: Cincinnati, Ohio)

He too is in retreat, with a synod to hold at its close. There is no doubt they all have that faculty but only between Catholics; so she must first become a Catholic. The Metropolitan can supply temporarily all deficiencies of faculties, but the new bishop should write to Rome immediately after his arrival. He has heard the names proposed for Covington but great objections will be made to some of them. The new bishop of Louisville (William McCloskey) seems to be in no hurry.

II-5-d- - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16to. - {3}