University of Notre Dame


1869 Mar.
(Rappe), A(madeus) Bishop of Cleveland: Cleveland, Ohio
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

He received (Purcell's) letter regarding the candidates proposed for the see of Detroit. Rappe places Father Felix Boff in first place. He is an excellent priest and speaks the three languages necessary for Detroit. Several priests of the diocese of Detroit have written Rappe in favor of Boff. Boff would be an excellent subject for Toledo but it would be better to put him in a diocese where things were already established. The second candidate is Father Joseph Joos of Monroe, Michigan, born in Belgium. He is a learned man and well versed in business affairs. Rappe says nothing of Father Garesche since Purcell does not think he would accept. As for Father (Caspar H.) Borgess, he does not know him well enough to recommend him. Rappe does not know him but accepts Purcell's recommendation. He is sure that the late Bishop (Frederick) Baraga would not approve of his being buried with all his precious insignia.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {7}

1869 Mar. 1
Patrizi, C(onstantine), Cardinal Prefect: Rome, (Papal States)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Patrizi acknowledges (Purcell's) letter of Oct. 13 in which he, in the name of suffragans, also asked that they he relieved of the obligation of blessing the graves of Catholics who are buried in non-Catholic cemeteries, as had been prescribed by the Plenary Council of Baltimore in 1866. Because of the importance of the question he referred the matter to the Sacred Congregation of the Inquisition, which meeting with him as inquisitor general on February 24, decided that the prescriptions of the Council concerning the blessing of the grave should be carried out. Patrizi also calls (Purcell's) attention to the fact that the case applies, outside of other necessity, to a community in which there is no Catholic cemetery, because it is unfitting that bodies of those who die in the embrace of the Lord should be buried like animals. Patrizi also notes that the same prescriptions were made by the previous Council of 1852 concerning the carrying out of the prescriptions of the Roman ritual. Since there seems to be no grave inconveneince attached, the prescriptions should be carried out. If there is any other difficulty concerning the matter they should consult the decrees of the Plenary Council of Baltimore Ti.VIII,Cap. II,nn 420-1. (Purcell) is to convey this information to his suffragans.

II-5-d - L.S. - (Latin) - 3pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1869 Mar. 3
Byrne, Father William: Boston, (Massachusetts)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Byrne grateful for the kind manner in which Purcell received The Young Crusader. Byrne instructed his agent to consider Purcell's order as a club of Twenty subscribers for the whole year. In case he wishes his order filled by the hundred he should write and he can have one hundred of each of the three numbers already issued for his subscription of ten dollars. Byrne rejoices that Purcell transferred patronage from the candy shop to the office of the Young Crusader. Byrne asks permission of publishing Purcell's letter, it would add ten thousand to his subscription list.

II-5-h - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1869 Mar. 3
Kehoe, L(awrence): (New York City, New York)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Kehoe encloses $96.00 for the article on Porter which ends the $3 per page arrangement. He will buy a second-hand copy of Harpers to use in making extracts from articles published in it. He inquires about Brownson's health.

I-4-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1869 Mar. 3
(Perrodin, Father J. C.): Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
 to Ja(me)s A(lphonsus) McMaster: New York, New York

The writer sends one subscription to the Journal, but cannot order more because his congregation is Canadian-French. As McMaster was discussing in the Journal the evil tendencies of the public school and how to improve the status of the quasi-parochi. The writer refers him to his "Conversations" on that subject. In it are the opinions of a missionary of the far West. With regard to the position of quasi pastors, McMaster referred to some specific articles in the Encyclopedie Theologique of Migne and the "Droit Canon" by Andre. One argument not brought forward by "Jus" is that of a priest subjected to persecutions by infidels, and others, and tempted to give up the struggle in the cause of God. Many priests are dishearteded by facing a sudden removal merely to gratify the wishes of some proud upstart, who cannot hear the zeal of a good pastor. (Letter incomplete)

I-1-n - (Part of letter missing) - 2pp. - 13mo. - {2}

1869 Mar. 5
Brownson, O(restes) A.: Elizabeth, (New Jersey)
 to Father (Isaac T.) Hecker: (New York, New York)

Brownson is threatened with an attack of the gout though he hopes to throw it off without any delay. He cannot visit Hecker as planned. The woman, question is becoming a serious one. Brownson believes Hecker favors woman suffrage and that the Catholic World would be unwilling to oppose it. Brownson did not carry out his original intention in the "Old and the New". From some remarks which Hecker made, Brownson saw he could not without crossing some of the views of the Catholic World. Therefore, the conversations were more commonplace than he intended. The truth is, Hecker restricts Brownson's freedom. The thought of restraint prevents him from putting forth his strength. Brownson says this, not by way of complaint, but by apology. Hecker is not getting the best and the strongest of Brownson but only the weakest and dullest. If Hecker accepts the article on the "Woman Question", Brownson suggests putting it in with the Castigation of Harpers and not begin the "Old and New" until the May number. Brownson has the gout in the fingers of his right hand. Brownson does not want to complain or dictate the course of the Catholic World. He wants to help Hecker in his purpose. Brownson goes best with a loose rein.

I-4-g - A.L.S. (Photostat, Paulist Archieves) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1869 Mar. 5
Kehoe, L(awrence): New York (City) (New York)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Kehoe asks Brownson to send Harpers Magazine from which the extracts were made so that he can tell which are the extracts.

I-4-d - Telegram - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1869 Mar. 6
Barnabo, Cardinal A(lexander):
Perfect of the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda Rome, Italy
 to Bishop (John Baptist) Purcell: Cincinnati, (Ohio)

He refers to a draft enclosed in Purcell's letter of February 6 in the name of the bishop of Detroit (Peter Paul Lefevere) which Barnabo presented to his Holiness in an audience of March 4 for which the apostolic Benediction is imparted. Moreover, it is quite agreeable to hasten the consecration of the bishop of Marquette (Ignatius Mrak). He would be assured that he could look to helping the many necessities of that diocese already bereft of its pastor for many months. Father John Simeoni signs as secretary. (In the Detroit papers)

III-2-l - D.S. - (Latin) - 1p. - 8vo. - {3}

1869 Mar. 6
Murray, Father P(atrick) B.: Alpena, (Michigan)
 to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere: Detroit, (Michigan)

Replying to Lefevere's letter of February 15, Murray informs him that he has insured the church and the rectory for $3,000, exclusive of all movables. He should have insured for more, but money seems scarce and the percentage too high. As regards Gelos Potvin's letter to Lefevere. Murray can prove it a missive of lies. Murray read it from the pulpit with other letters which contradict his accusations to Lefevere. The late saintly but too innocent Bishop (Frederic Baraga) bought the church property from him without getting a deed. Murray got the deed only two years ago, with difficulty. Murray does not fault Potvin as much as his father-in-law, O'Neil, from Canada. Murray never said he was stationed there for life; he is at the bishop's disposal.

III-2-l - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {5}

1869 Mar. 7
Perigo, Frank: Toledo, Ohio
 to James F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He acknowledges Edward's letter and relates a few personal incidents.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1869 Mar. 8
Hecker, Father, I(saac) T.: N(ew) Y(ork) (City), (New York)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Elizabeth, New Jersey

Brownson's articles on "The Woman Question", the two on "The Old and the New" and his letter have been received. Father has been trying to think of some way to discuss the Woman Question for the Catholic World. He has read the Revolutionist and has published some extracts of it. Brownson's article on the subject was most welcome. If he wrote under restraint, he never wrote better in his life. Since the articles for April have been chosen, Hecker may hold it over but may insert it because it would attract attention. Hecker has not had time to read the "Old and the New" and is forwarding a book whose subject is "Spiritualism" by Epes Sargeant. Sargeant quotes Hecker and Brownson. The best side of Spiritualism is given and the dark side concealed. A pamphlet "Spiritualism Unveiled" was enclosed with the book. Father would like to have the pamphlet returned when of no further use to Brownson, also he would like to have an article on the subject. Hassard wrote the article on "The Progress of Nations". Sponser will be ordained the coming Saturday, and Hecker wants Brownson to say a "Hail Mary" for him. Hecker is contemplating on starting "Illustrated Boys and Girls Paper" and believes Sarah(Brownson) will be of great service.

I-4-d - A.L.S. - 5pp. - 10mo. - {3}

1869 Mar. 9
B(rownson), O(restes) A.: Eliz(abeth), N(ew) J(ersey)
 to Maj(or) H(enry) F. Brownson: Fort Wayne, Mich(igan)

(Brownson) is writing to (Henry) at the request of his mother and she in turn will write the letter that Brownson was going to write to Fifine. The death of Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere) grieved Brownson, who is afraid that his equal will be hard to secure as a successor. General Schofield will not long remain as Secretary of War and it is believed that Gen(eral) Rawlins will succeed him, although Brownson thinks Rawlins will be the Collector for the port of New York. General Sherman's order on taking command of the army indicates that the Secretary of War has far less to do with the army than before. The Army Bill limits the Brigadiers to eight, stops promotions and new appointments in the army staff and new appointments in the several branches of the service with the exception of the West Point graduates. It authorizes the President to consolidate the several regiments of infantry until reduced to 25 regiments, however this is not compulsory. Promotions in the line are evidently to be continued as usual, although Brownson does not know the precise shape in which the Bill actually passed. He hopes it will not affect (Henry) even though as a matter of prudence he should try living on his pay as a captain. Grant has done well in giving the go-by to the politicians, yet his first appointments are blunders. General Cox and Judge Hoar are excellent appointments but the others cannot be commended. A.J. Stewart is out and so far so good. An old man of 70 who pays 8 or ten millions in duty to the government each year is not a fit man to be the Secretary of the Treasury, however honest he may be. However, he is better than George H. Stewart, the man to whom it was first offered, a miserable fanatic and leader of most of the anti-Catholic movements in the country. (Brownson) thinks little of Grant's ability to judge character and he attributes the appointment of Boue to Grant's nepotism. Boutwell, who has the merit of never having been a Whig, is believed the next Secretary of the Treasury. (Brownson) would choose Cisco, formerly Assistant-Treasurer of New York, Grant will have greater opposition than he fought during the War and it is doubtful whether he will win. If he succumbs to the politicians there is no hope and if he does not, the Executive becomes Supreme and Congress will have nothing to do but register his edicts. (Henry) it to tell Fifine that (Brownson) has the book Gems of Devotion and he is to tell her to give (Brownson's) most respectful regards to her mother. (Brownson) asks to be remembered also to Ernest and extends his sympathy to Fifine's other brother Phil(ip). (Henry's) mother is feeling quite well after having had a slight cold and (Brownson), with the exception of sore feet, feels well. (Mrs. Brownson) joins her husband in sending (Henry) and Fifine their

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1869 Mar. 9
Byrne, (Father) William: Boston, (Massachusetts)
 to (Archbishop) J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Byrne received Purcell's favor of the 6th. He will send him 100 copies January, 100 February, and 100 March, which are already paid for. Thanks for Purcell's kind permission to name him as a friend of the Young Crusader. The frontispiece would indicate the need of friends. It is a poor excuse to throw the blame on the artist, and to say that a good idea was suggested to him to work out. But this is the only excuse that can be offered. Byrne is so little satisfied with the design that Hennassey of New York has been engaged to sketch a frontispiece for next year's Crusader. Hennassey has quite a reputation and Byrne has hope that he will give satisfaction. Purcell's remark about crowded confinement reminds him of the regret felt here the other day during the Forty Hours Devotion in seeing their good people almost filling the basement of their little Cathedral Chapel and not half enough priests available to hear them. Byrne sympathizes with Purcell in the sorrow he must feel at seeing so many of his brethern in the Episcopacy dropping off around him. He thanks Purcell for the kind manner in which he received the Young Crusader in spite of its many imperfections.

II-5-h - A. L. S. (Photostatic copy from the Archives of the College of Mt. St. Joseph, Delhi, Ohio.) - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}

1869 Mar. 9
Kundig, (Father) Martin: Milkaukee, (Wisconsin)
 to (Archbishop) J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: (Cincinnati, Ohio)

They are preparing to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of Bishop John Henni of Milwaukee, Monday, March 19. All the societies will turn out for the occasion; 40 musicians prepared for the Pontifical High Mass and the Cathedral congregation are arranging a grand dinner for the Bishop.

Twenty five years ago Purcell consecrated Bishop Henni for the Milwaukee Diocese Kundig, therefore , extends a cordial invitation to Purcell for the solemn occasion.

II-5-h - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1869 Mar. 9
Mrak, (Ignatius) Bishop of Marquette: Marquette, Michigan
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

He arrived at Marquette the third of this month and found very cold weather. At Detroit he found Bishop (Peter P.) Lefevere in bed ill. Last Sunday Mrak preached for the first time. There are a large number of Catholics, mostly French, with quite a few Irish and Germans. The people have such a veneration for Mrak's predecessor Bishop Frederick Baraga, that Mrak is ashamed to take his place. The cook was even obliged to cut up some of Baraga's garments and distribute them. There is no library, and things are in a great deal of confusion. Baraga made his testament at Saut St. Marie in 1866 and could not appoint any priest, so he chose his cook as executor of his estate. There is only about $1000 worth of debt on the Cathedral. Mrak's health is good in the cold Michigan region.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1869 March 11
Helmpraecht, C.SS.R., Father Joseph: Annapolis, (Maryland)
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

He returns to McMaster sincere thanks for the sympathy and interest he has shown in the writer's sad case. He has written to the editor of the Catholic Telegraph and if necessary, will make use of McMaster's suggestions. He anticipates much harm to the (Catholic)missions from the state of affairs, and feels that only a deep silence can remedy the blunder made by the indeliberate F.F. Wiggel and Co.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1869 Mar. 11
St. Palais, Maurice de Bishop of Vincennes: Vincennes, Indiana
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

The meaning Purcell took from his last letter is due to his poor knowledge of the English language. He said nothing in his letter about Bishop(Simon Gabriel) Brute's grand-nephew that he would not have said if he had written to the nephew direct. With regards to Aurora, (Indiana) he did not say that interference would render diocesan administration impossible, but that if the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda issued orders to the Metropolitan to investigate matters in the diocese, purely upon the word of an obscure and untrustworthy layman, without first notifying that diocese, then diocesan administration would be impossible. Were (Purcell) in St. Palais' position, he would feel the same way. If the priest (Father Ignatius Klein) of Aurora is guilty of the misdemeanors of which he is charged by two or three wicked men in the congregation, then it is St. Palais, and not the priest who should be punished, letting the man exercise his priestly functions when known to be guilty of such misdemeanors. St. Palais did not intend to blame (Purcell), for he profundly respects him.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1869 Mar. 12
Brownson, O(restes) A.: Elizabeth, N(ew) J(ersey)
 to Charles Sumner: Washington, D.C.

Brownson writes to inform Sumner of an article that he published in his Review some time before. When (Daniel) Webster was Secretary of State under Tyler, he asked Brownson to writes an article on the question of removal from office. The power to remove is part of the power to appoint. The action of Congress conceding the power of removal to the president is unconstitutional. A restriction of the executive power of removal is necessary for good government, and to prevent honest men from being thrown out of office whenever there is a change in the policy of the executive. There has recently been a growing tendency to concentrate power in the president's hands. He is already looked upon as an elected monarch, and it is under a popular president that the changes of a "one man power" is greatest.

I-4-h - A.L.S. (Photostat, Havard Library) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1869 Mar. 12
Luers, John H. Bishop of Fort Wayne: Fort Wayne, Indiana
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

Luers asked Purcell if it might not be arranged that he be sent to Detroit, and that Father (Julian) Benoit be named to succeed Luers. If Luers had it to do over, he would act differently. When he came to Fort Wayne, a new cathedral was needed and no funds could be had from the people of Fort Wayne. Father Benoit told Luers that he had friends in the South and that he would be able to collect a fine sum from them. This induced him to retain Benoit and his hands have been tied ever since. He believes that in Detroit he would be able to get along. The lack of German-speaking priests is deplorable and probably results in the loss of many souls. He would suggest that Benoit be given the diocese of Fort Wayne, and if that is not possible, then Father (F.) Boff or anyone else who was not on the list of nominees for this diocese. Then Benoit would not feel that he had been slighted, which he no doubt has been feeling all along. Luers' successor will not have to create, merely hold on to that which already exists. He leaves this to Purcell's judgment. If Purcell does not deem this change proper, Luers asks that this letter be destroyed, for this is the first time that Luers has mentioned the matter to anyone. If need be, Luers can get over the few years of life which he still has in this world. P.S. Under ordinary circumstances, he would not advise such changes, but still they have taken place over the Catholic world, and still do take place.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1869 Mar. 12
Spalding, M(artin) J. Archbishop of Baltimore: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Spalding was pained to see in the paper that (Purcell) while in Detroit to attend the funeral of Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere was unable to attend the services because of illness. He hopes that it was not serious, since with the passing of so many bishops and clergy they could not afford to lose the oldest, expecially with a council coming on. Bishop (James F.) Wood translates the remains of of Bishops (Michael) Egan and (Henry) Conwell to the vaults of the new cathedral but Spalding will be unable to attend. Nothing new. The rumors of war in Europe are more threatening.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 1pg. - 12mo. - {5}

1869 March 16
Brownson, O(restes) A.: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)
 to Father (saac T.) Hecker: (New York, New York)

Since Brownson wrote Hecker last, he has looked over Planchette and there appears to be no difference between their views on spiritism. Having read an incorrect report of Hecker's lecture in a city paper, Brownson was led to the contrary. Brownson would like to know from what point of view should he treat the subject. Brownson suggests two points of view by which the subject can be approached. He asks Hecker to do the selecting. His health is poor. He is affected as he was a year previous.

I-4-g - A.L.S. (Photostat, Paulist Archives) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1869 Mar. 16
Rosecrans, Sylvester H. Bishop of Columbus: Columbus, Ohio
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: Cincinnati, Ohio

Rosecrans would not second Bishop (John H.) Luers motion that he be removed from the place where he has been so successful. Nor does he agree with his opinion of Father(Julian)Benoit; Father (F.P.) Garesche would be Rosecran's choice for Detroit. After him, Father (F.) Boff; and after that Father Caspar Borgess. If Archbishop Peter R. Kenrick has no designs on Father (Patrick J.) Ryan, he would be better still. He wishes that someone be appointed to Covington(Kentucky), as he has a promise of a loan of $5000 from that see. He supposes petitions have been sent to Rome in favor of Father(James M.)Lancaster and Rome wants verifications.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {10}

1869 Mar. 18
Hecker, (Father) Is(aac) T.: N(ew) Y(ork)(City), (New York)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Elizabeth, New Jersey

In regard to Spiritualism there is no difference of opinion between Brownson and Hecker. The thesis, "The order of facts as far as not jugglery or explicable on natural princiles are of Satanic Origin", seemed to be the best. What is real in Spiritualism is satanic and leads either to insanity or immorality. Sargeant knows this but conceals it. Spiritualism is the revenge of neglected Catholic birth. The articles "Woman Question" and "Pope and People" will appear in the May number. Spiritualism does not afford any evidence of the immortality or future existence of the soul. It does not and yet the doctrine is their mainstay. No one could regret more about Brownson's ill health than Hecker does. If Hecker had his way about it, Brownson's health would be restored and his life preserved for the glory of God. Hecker believes the Catholic question is in almost every thinking mind. The school question will be brought before the New York Legislature this winter. A bill will be presented this week. The object of such a bill is to pave the way for denominational schools, and does not demand any exclusive privileges for Catholics. "It may take several years to obtain success." Father(George) Deshon has an article in the April number entitled "Comparative Morality of Catholic and Protestant Countries", —his first.

I-4-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1869 Mar. 18
Van Lauwe, Father E(dward): Port Huron, (Michigan)
 to Father H(enry) Schutjes: (Detroit, Michigan)

Last fall the Bishop visited Port Huron. Seeing the new church so well advanced, he promised to pay for one of the windows. It was put in about three weeks before Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere's death. The window cost $75.00. Van Lauwe asks Schutjes to take into consideration the bishop's promise and his congregation's poverty. Lefevere's name is at the foot of the window, a souvenir from their bishop.

III-2-l - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1869 Mar. 19
McCloskey, W(illia)m, Bishop of Louisville: Loretto, Kentucky
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

He has just received Purcell's letter of Mar. 17. He agrees with Bishop (Sylvester) Rosecrans that Bishop (John Henry) Luers should not go to Detroit. Until he knows about his health, he objects to sending Father (F.) Garesche to Detroit. McCloskey has a high opinion of Father (Caspar) Borgess, and if Purcell thought him fit, he will endorse the choice. Of Father (F.) Boff he knows nothing. Is there no one suitable in Detroit? Since Bishop (Amadeus) Rappe wants to erect a new see in Toledo, and since Luers wants to go to Detroit, McCloskey asks why Purcell does not call a meeting and require all to attend. He feels that every one will be free the Wednesday and Thursday of Easter week. The religious affair at Hull is very damaging and since there is a possibility of American experiences similiar to it, he suggests that religious matters be discussed by the bishops. He just escaped a similiar expose by quietly settling a difficulty between the Abbot of Gethsemani and an ex-religious superior. Likewise the troubles of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd might have proved a counterpart of the English exhibition. The difficulty arises from the getting rid of troublesome subjects and thrusting them on other communities. As regards the diocese he has more questions than one to discuss in such a meeting.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {10}

1869 Mar. 21
Luers, John H., Bishop of Fort Wayne: Fort Wayne, (Indiana)
 to Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Luers has written the Prelates of the Province as requested. When their replies are received, it will then be time enough to learn the mind of the Archbishop of Baltimore. (Martin John Spalding) on the matter of successor to the Diocese of Fort Wayne, or appointee to the Diocese of Detroit. Father (Julian) B(enoit) some time ago made a profit of $12,000 to $14,000 on the sale of property around Ft. Wayne. Benoit is not Luers' choice; he has always held Father (E ) Hannin of Toledo in high esteem. Fathers Hennin and (F ) Boff (of Toledo) would do as first and second place for the Diocese of Ft. Wayne, and second and third for Detroit, and Father (John H.) Bekkers (of Louisville) or someone else as third place for Ft. Wayne. Should the Bishop of Cleveland (Amadeus Rappe) divide his diocese, and select for his See such a one as Purcell intimates, then Luers could divide Detroit, which needs it much more than Cleveland. He favors a separation where it is evident that such a division must eventually take place. Religion gains by an early separation. If such had been the case at Ft. Wayne, the diocese would now have a much better foothold than it does have. The question of who can best provide for the souls that God has confided to his priests and Bishops, is most important. The Church has no nationality, yet care must be taken that possible appointees do not turn out as did Bishop (Thomas A.) Becker (of Wilmington), who once turned down an applicant because he was not native-born. What would become of the thousands of souls in Detroit, if such a man were sent up there. Too, Detroit and rough, laborious work for several years at least, are synonymous. Luers only gives his views, which may be erroneous.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {8}

1869 Mar. 21
Selles, Andrew: Jamestown, Wisconsin
 to Bishop P(eter) P(aul) Lefevere: Detroit, Michigan

Selles wants to know if Lefevere left his business with Father P(eter) Hennaert in his house in a book on the 11th of August, 1865. Hennaert will please inform of these inquiries immediately. (At the bottom of the same page): Father P(eter) Hennaert (writes) "Business all right."

III-2-l - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1869 Mar. 23
Chambige, Father F(rancis): Bardstown, K(entuck)y
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): (of Cincinnati, Ohio)

He has just received word from France that Bishop (Guy Ignatius) Chabrat has died. The sad news took three months in arriving, Chabrat having expired Nov. 21, 1868. Chambige was the first priest Chabrat ordained, and the last that he went over before lapsing into the delirium which preceded his death. Chabrat was past 82 years of age, and had lived his good life, but his loss is still a great one. Chambige asks that Purcell pray for the repose of Chabrat's soul.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1869 Mar. 24
McCloskey, W(illiam) Bishop of Louisville: Louisville, (Kentucky)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: Cincinnati, (Ohio)

In accordance with Purcell's letter he makes the following suggestions (for Detroit): 1. Father (John) DeNeve, rector of the American College at Louvain. 2. Father(Caspar) Borgess, if Purcell thinks so, as he is not sufficiently acquainted with him. 3. Father Richard Gilmour of the seminary. Without giving reasons he opposes the transfer of Bishop (John Henry Luers) to Detroit. As to the erection of a new see at Toledo, he thinks Bishop (Amadeus) Rappe and Purcell should decide. As to the proposed new see in Michigan, McCloskey would agree if Purcell seconded the idea. The Chicago trouble is not yet ended. There is angry feeling in Rome against Bishop (James) Duggan and the impression has been created there that the people are opposed to him. His resignation may be insisted on. At such a time publicity on this would be disagreeable. He cannot help feeling that Purcell's and Archbishop(Martin J. Spalding)'s recognition of Father (John) McMullin hurt Duggan. Purcell is to tell Father Borgess that the express company is not to blame but their little boy. P.S. He understands that Father (F.) Garesche's health is none too good at least mentally and would not approve his name until the point is ascertained.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {13}

1869 Mar. 24,
(Brownson, Orestes A.): Eliz(abeth), (New Jersey)
 to Maj(or) H(enry) F. Brownson: (Fort Wayne, Michigan)

(Brownson) was mistaken in his reading of the new law for the reduction of the army and either the President or Gen(eral) Sherman made the reduction much more rapidly than was expected or necessary. It was (Brownson's) opinion that the officers were to retire to their respective homes and await orders but the Herald claims a much different preparation is intended. He is anxious to know (Henry's) fate and thinks that if Henry does not remain in command then efforts must be made to have him detailed in some detached service if he so desires. (Henry) is told to keep up his courage and feel that there is no cause for despair especially since he has so truehearted a wife and one he loves and who loves him in return. There are more ways than one of living even should Fifine have a half-dozen children and the army fail him altogether. He urges (Henry) to keep his heart whole, and secure as many friends and as much popularity as he honestly can. Fifine can help much in keeping the black look from his face and the sourness from his temper and aid in his cheerfulness, courageousness, and confidence of success. What may seem against him may turn out to be for him. (Brownson) reassures his son of his love and readiness to assist him to the fullest extent of his power. He sends his love to Fifine and begs (Henry) not to distrust her courage if calamity comes.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1869 Mar. 25
Luers, J(ohn) H., Bishop of Fort Wayne: Fort Wayne, (Indiana)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

He sends the letter of Bishop (Sylvester) Rosecrans. The Bishop of Louisville (William McCloskey) thinks that the matter should be decided in a meeting of the Bishops of the Province next week if possible. On Monday, Luers must go to the Orphan Asylum. If his presence is required Luers asks that Purcell telegraph him. It is useless to place Father (Patrick J.) Ryan on the list, for he must go to St. Louis as Coadjutor, at the request of Archbishop of St. Louis (Peter R. Kenrick). Father F Garesche, S.J. is a fine speaker but knows little of pastoral duties, having been in a college all of his life. Also, it is a well known fact that the Jesuits have little success as Bishops. Of all the Bishops none is as well acquainted with Detroit as is Luers. It can be made into a very fine diocese after years of hard and rough work. Not until the past few years has the diocese received its large number of immigrants, so that it is still relatively young. The Germans of the diocese are farmers and well scattered. These small communities must be frequently visited by the Bishop and they must be encouraged to build churches. Pastors must be provided for them without delay. It does not do for the Bishop to say that he has no priests. The young must early receive their Catholic teachings. Railroads are few and wagon trails are of difficult passage. Quite a few of the two congregations must be divided, as was necessary at La Porte, Indiana. When Luers came to this diocese according to Father (Edmund B.) Kilroy, there were said to be about 20 or 25 German families, all or most of which attended Church. Talking with Mr. Rumely, Luers discovered that in reality there were 60 or 80, few of which attended church. The Germans were helped to start their own congregation and a priest supplied them. Now they have their own church, schools for the children and is now a wealthy congregation. It is necessary that priests be secured who can speak their own language, something which is very necessary. These people must be taken as they are and not as they will be if the Church hopes to do her duty towards them and save them. Luers will cheerfully abide by whatever may be agreed upon in the meeting. Fathers (F ) Boff and (E ) Hannin of Toledo, Luers considers capable for either Detroit or Ft. Wayne, as well as Father (J.H.) Bekkers of Lexington, (Kentucky). Father (Julian) Benoit has made from $12,000 to $15,000 in speculation in lots which the diocese would get if he were appointed, but he is rather old and has scarcely the required energy. (No enclosure):

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {13}

1869 Mar. 25
Sadlier, James: New York (City), (New York)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Sadlier acknowledges his firm owes Brownson $10.00, he will pay it when he comes to visit Brownson. He wants to bring a friend of his, Judge Quinn, with him, and also furnish the champagne for their entertainment. The last series of articles Brownson wrote were fine in every respect. Sadlier wants Brownson to write so that the day can be set.

I-4-d - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1869 Mar. 26
Chesebro, J(essie): Niles, Michigan
 to James F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

She has long neglected her duty in not answering Edwards' letter. F. Perigo has not answered her letter.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1869 Mar. 26
McCloskey, W(illiam) Bishop of Louisville: Louisiville, Kentucky
 to Archbishop (John Baptist) Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

He will be in Cincinnati on Wednesday without fail. A Father (Edward) Joos of Monroe, Michigan is highly spoken of by some to succeed Bishop Lefevere. McCloskey does not know him. He regrets to hear the news about Father (James M.) Lancaster's health. The impression is abroad that he is to be bishop. A letter tells McCloskey that Bishop (Bernard) McQuaid is being sued by Father (Thomas) O'Flaherty for libel and that Bishop McQuaid is anxious about the result.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 1pg. - 12mo. - {5}

1869 Mar. 26
Rosecrans, S(ylvester) H. Bishop of Columbus: Columbus, O(hio)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): (Cincinnati, Ohio)

In obedience to Purcell's summons, Rosecrans will go to Cincinnati by train, arriving Tuesday. He has to neglect the opening of a retreat Wednesday, but will return Thursday. He is glad to hear of the encouragement to put (Father) Caspar (Borgess) foremost for Detroit. He is Rosecrans' choice, but as Rosecrans had promised Bishop (John H.) Luers (of Ft. Wayne) not to oppose him, he sent in his list with Father (Patrick J.) Ryan at the head.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {5}

1869 Mar. 27
(St. Palais), Maurice (de) Bishop of Vincennes: Vincennes, (Indiana)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell): Cincinnati, Ohio

He shall be in Cincinnati on the day appointed. He wishes Purcell would write to him so that he will know whether the meeting is to be held Wednesday or Thursday. He is opposed to translations from one diocese to another, and in this particular case (Bishop John H. Luers) there are other reasons for the opposition, which he will give when he sees Purcell next week.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1870 Mar. 29
Molloy, Patrick, R Carroll and M. Healy: Berlin, (Michigan)
 to Father P(eter) P. Hennaert: (Detroit, Michigan)

A short time before (Lefevere's) death, they, at his request, bought a house for a parsonage. Lefevere had promised them a priest at the first opportunity. The house is now vacant and they have an opportunity to rent it. They are about 50 families. (note in Hennaert's hand: Do not rent the house…Priest will be sent as soon as possible.

III-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1869 Mar. 29
Rosecrans, S(ylvester) H. Bishop of Columbus: Columbus, Ohio
 to Archbishop J(ohn) B(aptist) Purcell: Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Since his last letter, Rosecrans has recalled a marriage that he must perform Tuesday evening. Therefore, he shall have to take the night train and will arrive in Cincinnati in time to say Mass Wednesday morning. He writes so as not to put anyone to inconvenience waiting for him.

II-5-d - A.LS. - 1pg. - 12mo. - {1}