University of Notre Dame


1869 Oct. 1
Wilbin, S. B.: Wilminton, Ohio
 to James F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He hopes the surprise of this letter will be so agreeable that Edwards will answer it. He would like some news of the school and his old friends. He asks if Edwards is as devilish to the ladies as of old.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16to. - {1}

1869 Oct. 2
(Rappe), A(madeus) Bishop of Cleveland: Edgerton, (Ohio)
 to (Archbishop John Baptist Purcell): of (Cincinnati, Ohio)

(Rappe) thanks Purcell for the letter which he received through the kindness of Father Sidley, and for the interest Purcell has shown in his affairs. Forced by the differences between the Germans and the Irish on the manner of supporting his seminary, he decided to raise the money by levying a sum proportioned on the number of families a parish at the rate of 60 cents a family, on condition that the amount raised be sufficient. But to render it effective a penalty must be attached. The plan has been tried for one year, and found suitable although some missionary pastors objected on the grounds that they could not furnish their part. These good priests have cleared their conscience by appealing to the circular of Cardinal (Alexander) Barnabo. Nevertheless three or four priests have refused. (Rappe) is faced with the problem of tolerating their disobedience and by their example that of all the clergy. Thus it would be impossible to support his seminary. He regards the law as just to all congregations and as not imposing too heavy a burden. It is approved by Cardinal Barnabo. He asks Purcell's opinion whether he should encourage this evil spirit and renounce the measure. He does not think Purcell would encourage such action. He sails on the steamer Lafayette on the Oct. 16.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1869 Oct. 8
Connolly, Martin:
St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, (Wisconsin)
 to James F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He cannot understand Edwards' coolness in not writing. He was glad to see his name in the Scholastic as among those returned. He sees that Edwards' perseverence is great in supporting the library of the Archcongraternity of the Blessed Virgin which must number 300 volumes by this time. Connolly had intended to write long before but had heard that Edwards had entered the Novitiate and later that his father had taken him home lest he should enter. Professor J(oseph) A. Lyons promised to send him "The Almanic of Notre Dame" but has evidently forgotten all about it. J. R. Dinnen has been ordained.

There are several from Notre Dame here. P.S. He asks Edwards to send him his picture.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1869 Oct. 8
Jacobs, Father Ja(me)s M.: Limerick, Ireland
 to Ja(me)s (Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Jacobs states that he sent about a fortnight ago, a book entitled "In Spirit and in Truth", to McMaster, but had not the time to write McMaster, and he must have been at a loss what to think of it. The book was recently published in England by the very Rev. Fr. Bridgett. C.SS.R., Rector of this house (Mount St. Alphonsus), and a convert from England. Jacobs also sent copies to the Archbishops of Baltimore and St. Louis; to the American Provincial (of Redemptorists) and the editors of the Catholic Mirror with the view of making the work known in the United States, and if thought advisable, or having it republished there. He feels that it will be more enthusiastically received in America, because the non-Catholics there are more liberal-minded. The English, Scotch, and Irish bishops and clergy, especially Dr. Manning, speak highly of the book, as have leading Protestant papers. The name of the author and the "Imprimatur" were omitted in order to render the work less unacceptable to prejudiced minds. The names could be added in an American edition. The limited number printed is the cause of the high price, and the price of a larger second edition would be considerably reduced. McMaster may publish any remarks he feels suitable, and Jacobs would appreciate learning what McMaster and others think of a republication in the States.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1869 Oct. 10
McGuire, Michael: Clinton, Michigan
 to Father (Peter) Hennaert: Detroit, (Michigan)

He contributed $35 toward the erection of the Catholic Church in Clinton, which he understands will not be built now. He asks the return of his donation, which Father (Ferdinand) Al(l)gaier sent to Hennaert. If in some future time the church is erected, he will contribute a like sum. McGuire's address is Tecumseh, Lenawee Co., Michigan.

III-2-l - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}

1869 Oct. 15
Reed, William H.: Toledo, Ohio
 to James F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He will not send his photo until Edwards sends him the name of the smartest and handsomest girl in the seminary. He had a tedious time at the state fair.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 2p. - 8vo. - {1}

1869 Oct. 16
Brownson, Henry F.:

The Supreme Court of the State of Michigan has admitted Brownson as an Attorney, Solicitor, and Counselor in all the courts of the state. Signed by Thomas M. Cooley, Chief Justice, Oct. 16, 1869.

III-3-h - Printed D.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1869 Oct. 17
Perigo, Frank: Toledo, Ohio
 to James. F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He is still in the Treasurer's Office of the Wabash Road; he is now counting all the money that comes into the office and keeping the books.

XI-1-a - A.LS. - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1869 Oct. 18
Hecker, Father I(saac) T.: N(ew) Y(ork) (City), (New York)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

His train from Baltimore was late so he was unable to visit Brownson. He leaves again on the 20th. Whenever he thinks of a subject for Brownson to write on, or a book to review, he will communicate with him.

I-4-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1869 Oct. 18
Wile, David: LaPorte, Indiana
 to James F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He was hurried from Notre Dame by unforseen difficulties. He would like to carry on a regular correspondence with Edwards' sister, Mary, if he has no objections.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1869 Oct. 21
Carroll, Richard, D. Ohearn and Patrick Malloy: Berlin, (Michigan)
 to Father (Peter) Hennaert: (Detroit, Michigan)

They expected Hennaert on the 20th for the blessing of the new church at Wright Settlement. At the time of the death of Bishop (Peter Paul Lefevere) they were promised a priest as soon as a house was purchased for him. They have already paid $1000. There would be no trouble if they had a priest. They ask advice on what to do and what to tell the people.

III-2-l - L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {4}

1869 Oct. 21
(Brownson, Sarah H.): Elizabeth, New Jersey
 to Henry (F. Brownson): (Chicago, Illinois)

(Mrs. Brownson) is not surprised that Henry is uneasy about his parents if he has not heard from them since he has been in Chicago. Both his mother and father have written to him, however, since he arrived there, and have also received mail from him. All are well at the (Brownson) home and Henry's father has gone to N(ew) York. He went to see Mr. Sadlier about publishing a book and expects to return on Monday. He means to have Dennis (Sadlier) pay him more for his articles in The Tablet. (Orestes A. Brownson) thought well of Henry's partnership with Mr. Bellows but he must look well into it. Chicago is better for business, but Detroit has the better society and he wishes to have Henry near Fifine's friends. His right hand has been somewhat swollen of late but he promises to write Henry when it is better. (Mrs. Brownson) sends her love to Fifine and hopes that both she and the baby are well. Mrs. Brownson is glad of his visit to Aunt Betsy's and wishes to know how he liked her and Mr. Alexander. Orestes Brownson Jr. wrote his parents informing them that they are all pretty well. Ellen Louisa is just 4 months younger than Philip James. Orestes still continues to have trouble respecting Catholic schools and (Brownson) has written him two long letters on the subject. (Mrs. Brownson) asks Henry to write to him and to pray that he may live and die an obedient child of the Church.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

(1869) (Oct. 23)
Kajsiewicz, C.R., Father Jerome: (Rome, Italy)
 to (Father Peter Hennaert) Administrator: (Detroit, Michigan)

Kajsiewicz writes on a very disagreeable subject. He recalls that the parish of Paris, (Michigan) was founded by Polish immigrants who sought a Polish priest. A Resurrectionist priest came to them from the house in Canada twice a year. Bishop (Peter Paul) Lefevere and he discussed the question in Rome and he promised them Father Simon Wieczorek, (C.R.), then a novice who had studied under the Sulpicians in Paris. As a companion he gave Father Jean Wollowski, (C.R.), who had worked in Poland. Father (Eugene) Funcken, (C.R.), presented him to Lefevere with the understanding that he was under the bishop in what concerned the care of souls but under his religious superior in what pertained to his religious life. Unfortunately, the two priests disagreed and Father Simon left the diocese without permission. Kajsiewicz says Simon meant no disrespect to (Hennaert). Father John was in charge of the finances of the parish. Simon was dissatisfied with the rule of Funcken and had calumniated him to (Hennaert) as indicated by (Hennaert)'s letter of June 28 and July 7 to Funcken. Funcken however wrote that he had recalled the Resurrectionists form Michigan and regarded Father Simon as out of the community. But Simon did not receive Funcken's letter and has returned to the community. At this distance, he asks Funcken to call in Father Edward Glowalski, (C.R.) and Father Francis Breitkopf, (C.R.), and with Father Louis Funcken, (C.R.), and Father (Louis) El(l)ena, (C.R.) to examine Father Simon. Kajsiewicz proposed three measures: 1. After Simon has submitted, to leave him at his post with a companion; 2. If Simon is judged incapable he is to be transferred elsewhere and replaced; 3. If Simon leaves the community he will be free and (Hennaert) can adopt him. He submits the matter to (Hennaert) and hopes to see him if he goes to Rome for the council.

III-2-l - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 8vo. - {10}

1869 Oct. 29
Kindekens, Father J(oseph): Monroe, (Michigan)
 to Father P(eter) Hennaert: Detroit, (Michigan)

After mature consideration and upon the advice of other priests, Kindekens has applied to another diocese. From the enclosed letter Hennaert will see that he has been admitted to the Chicago diocese, and requests his exeat.

- A.L.S. -


(1869) Oct. 27
Damen, S.J., Father A(rnold): Chicago, Illinois

Damen has seen the administrator of the diocese and he is willing to give the addressee a parish.

- A.L.S. -

III-2-l - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1869 Oct. 29
Moffitt, J. N.: Wilmington, (North Carolina)
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

Moffitt announces that he sent two barrels of sweet potatoes, one to McMaster and one to Mr. (Howell). Moffitt fears that Howell is either sick, or out of the city, as he has not heard from him for 20 days. Moffitt asks that McMaster consider both barrels his own, if he has not heard from Howell. Moffitt, who has received no answer to letters, feels that Howell must have left for the South unexpectedly, upon the arrival of Mr. Davis, his brother in law, P.S. Moffitt signs a slip turning over both barrels of potatoes to McMaster.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}